US (s)election thread, 2024

George Clinton

Aug 6, 2024
the pic reeks of a paid crowd, especially when she barely had a dozen people at a rally right after biden dropped out. from the many FF hoax events, the crisis actors report to people who usually wear red-- these are easily sighted in the photo in post 158. however, you did post it, so you get that credit.
more importantly, she went from people not liking her at all (her laugh, her know-nothingness, etc) to great enthusiasm very quick... and you dont question that? not a peep was made about how great and popular she was when biden was the candidate. its almost as if the MSM created it out of thin air. further, if the enthusiasm is real, where are all the lawn signs? you dont need to be a cult member to have a lawn sign (or a t shirt, which ive never seen for kamala).

im actually in agreement with you on this. anarchists arent too far from libertarians. its just the capitalist/socialist disagreement we have.
it must be nice to be a conspiracy theorist as you can discard whatever happens at will and construct an alternative reality must be very handy wish I had that skill

I know it doesn’t suit your narrative but people are excited about Harris and she has the momentum now, will that translate into a win? I don’t know. Like I said Trump may very well be something unnatural. One of the reasons I ever posted here was because of the visions I had in 2015 after watching coverage of then candidate Trump. It left an impression on me and forced me to face my views and outlook as I was much more of a standard NAP libertarian who believed in a lot of CT’s

yeah I’m surprised by how quickly Harris rallied the party and gained enthusiasm and sure the media did help create this and I think some of it was to push aside Joseph R Biden as Harris is to the right of him economically and is much more corporate friendly.

I think Joe realized he was old and was trying to do the right thing and was doing a surprisingly good job. I’m a little salty that the best president in my life ( admittedly a low bar ) was hounded from office for someone who I think is more right wing.

That said she’s fine, I’d rather her in office than the nightmare that Trump is. That’s all I can say man. Life Will marginally be better and easier with the democrats. If she wins I can go back to criticizing her and the dems.

Libertarians stole from anarchists, the word libertarian historically meant libertarian socialism and left wing anarchism ( see Nestor Makhno for example ) until Murray Rothbard stole it for right wing uses

fwiw left wing market anarchism and the individualist anarchists are my favorite ones historically speaking, I think food housing shelter and healthcare should be accessible by anyone but I do believe markets are useful and that people have a right to material prosperity as long as it’s not coming at the expense ofnothers

clearly markets are the foundation of civilization ( in some sense at least ) and I don’t think having the state manage the economy is any better than having billionaires do it

capitalism is essentially state sponsored protection for certain interests in the market it is not a free market economy

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May 15, 2017
was finally able to find the video I was looking for
this is another piece of the immigration happening,the Peoples coming
from these other places will vote which ever way they are told too from
the side they feel obligated to that are giving them everything on a silver
platter when they get where ever


Jun 17, 2017


Aug 11, 2024
American voters put the traitor Obama in the white house for two terms, then they came to their senses and put Trump in there, but sadly they then had a relapse and put wacko Biden in.
Hey Norm what if they vote for Kamala next time?



Mar 18, 2017


Mar 18, 2017

since i think they WANT trump in office, i think the NWO does not push either the monkeypox or the avian flu until after the elections.
He hasn't taken into account the possibility of a terror attack in these 3 weeks (between now and 6th of Sept)...Pearl Harbor style event that forces western countries to get involved in a Middle East conflict since the Israeli FM just a day ago said he expects a "coalition of the willing". He was saying that to UK & French ministers. I also hazard they want a new pandemic to coincide with the financial reset. When peoples' bank accounts have been wiped out, they'll be desperate enough to get the shots inorder to access their UBI.

I didn't want to share the CFR article until there were significant developments but it is possible there might be an October Surprise because there is a narrative gaining traction that Trump might not be the candidate come November and he is switched out with Vance. Why would they write this?

"If the Republican ticket wins in November, Vance will become the third-youngest vice president, trailing John Breckenridge, who was thirty-six when he took office in 1857, and Richard Nixon, who was forty-years-and-eleven-days old when he did in 1953. Assuming that Vance keeps his beard, he will be the first president or vice president to sport facial hair since Charles Curtis was Herbert Hoover’s vice president in 1933 and the first to sport a full beard since Charles Fairbanks was Teddy Roosevelt’s vice president in 1909. Vance would also be the first graduate of a Big Ten School to become vice president since Gerald R. Ford in 1974. "

I couldn't find any news reports about this leaked phone call


George Clinton

Aug 6, 2024
it only makes sense since your boy tried to steal it last time and will again if he loses so why not be prepared?


Jun 17, 2017
I didn't want to share the CFR article until there were significant developments but it is possible there might be an October Surprise because there is a narrative gaining traction that Trump might not be the candidate come November and he is switched out with Vance. Why would they write this?
thats crazy. but im intrigued!!

scaramucci is still butthurt about trump booting him out during his term, so i would put zero stock in anything he says.

regarding the new pandemic (covid 2, monkeypox, or avian flu)... are people going to be as complacent as they were? i think thats lost its novelty, unless they start marburg and the jabbed people start dropping dead in the streets. no one will take monkeypox seriously.