Celebrity Prostitution


May 12, 2023
It all started with Grace Kelly and Prince Ranier. When the UAE was formed in the early 1970’s, apparently everyone in power wanted their own Grace Kelly. They didn’t necessarily want to marry the woman but they wanted their friends and associates to know they had been with someone like Grace Kelly and that it would also be good business.


At the time, the Emirates in particular were trying to draw companies to the region and employees for those companies. Even Qatar, who is way more conservative got into this little game, but is just much better at hiding it. At least at home. See, that was one of the original problems. As liberal as the UAE might seem in the Arab world, it is still the Arab world and certain things don’t need to happen at home. Where could they go that they could make things happen? Why not right by where Grace Kelly lived at the time.

Back before they had the internet, the brokers would head to Cannes and also Paris Fashion Week and take Polaroid photos of all the models and actresses that were looking for hostess work. That is what they called it then. Now they call it promotional work. You would be a hostess at a hotel party or on a yacht, but there would be 20 hostesses and most of them would end up naked and having sex by the end of the night. All for money of course. The Polaroid photos would be taken and then copied into a black and white book. Beneath each photo it had her nationality, movies or television shows. Kind of like a mini version of IMDb. Payment in the 1970's were typically around six figures.

You would think that with the proliferation of television, especially reality television and the sheer volume of people on television that prices would be lower. That is not the case. Prices have gone through the roof. Although there is a glut of people on television, there has been a competition among the regulars to always have the newest or best or most well-known celebrity.

Enough of that for now, let’s talk about who and how these women are paid. The easiest and most common way for the women to get paid is to make it look like a legitimate business deal. One of these businessmen opens a business in Los Angeles. It can be anything from an ice cream store that never really expands to an energy drink company that never seems to sell any drinks. Look who owns them. Generally it will be a man from the Middle East. Someone you would not expect to get an endorsement deal is suddenly being paid a ton of money to endorse the ice cream store or the energy drink and get their photo in the tabloids.

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The bigger the name, the higher the price. On a side note, this is one of the reasons some female celebrities make sure they are in the tabloids or get their photos taken on a daily basis. They are trying to get noticed. They want to be seen. They want to be a big "get" for these men so they can charge premium rates. If you see a woman in the tabloids every single day, there is a very good chance she is paying a pap because it is a good investment for her. There are some other interesting behaviors or tells about the celebrities that participate. If you see a woman flying alone in First Class on one of the UAE or Qatar airlines, she is most likely getting paid by a man to fly to see them.

If a celebrity is frequently in Miami or goes to Miami for modeling shoots the chances are good she is selling herself. Several photographers in Miami make their living shooting photos for the private websites used by the men to select the celebrities. If you see a female celebrity in Cannes or in the Mediterranean for most of the summer or for weeks at a time in the summer she is working the circuit. There are several magazines that exist solely to advertise celebrities to these men. They have little to no advertising and generally waver between the line of art and porn.
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Oct 20, 2021
Celebrities are prostitutes by default. But in the past they were like high class call girls now they are just common everyday street whores. The sea change began about the time the Kardashians appeared on the scene although to be honest it was always lurking around.


May 12, 2023
It is that time of the year. Bani is in town. For those of you new to the site, you can read about Bani, the world's largest celebrity sex broker here. Last week Bani was in Miami and this week, as is his custom, he is in town for the Golden Globes. Since the posts last year, Bani has been swamped with requests from agents/managers/people of celebrities who want to get in on the action. Even though I never shared any information, it didn't take long for people to find who they needed to find. His meetings last week in Miami were extensive and this week here in LA he has been busy for 15-16 hours a day meeting and speaking with reps of celebrities hoping to cash in on the celebrity sex trade.

One thing he has noticed over the past year is that many celebrities, especially the higher profile ones no longer want to go to Dubai for these meetings. They want them to either be in Mykonos or in the Med this spring and summer or some new destination. Only the higher profile celebrities really have this option. They know that if it is reported they are in Dubai, that everyone immediately knows what they are doing there, no matter how good the cover story. Other destinations at least give some wiggle room.

Another change since last year is that, much like Hollywood, superheroes, or at least the women who star on shows with superheroes or are superheroes themselves are big business. Not such big business is reality television. He blames the UK reality market for that. Too much saturation as they swarm all over Dubai and have really lowered the demand and prices. there were two notable exceptions to the reality doldrums. They will be listed below. Another change Bani has noticed since last year is his ability to reach out to an agent or manager directly and discuss "business opportunities" in Dubai and have the agent/manager/rep know exactly what it is about and give a yes or no fairly quickly. This has allowed Bani to go through the "shopping list" quickly and to focus on deals that can get done.

Yacht season in the Med is still the number one requested time of the year. He thinks it is two fold. One, the filming season for shows is over and also the stars add some vacation time to the end or can arrange for some day long visit to the various film festivals/conventions going on in the region during that time period so they can also get the studio/festival organizer give them some money/cover.



May 12, 2023
I already saw the Hanni post....but Blind Item #8.....is deeply disturbing me. Thats fucked up (especially since the youngest was like 14 when she debuted...heck this could have taken place in 2021 when she was 13)
The youngest was already a child star. And childrens shows are notorious for the that sort of thing. Not matter what country. You'll find the parents are behind it.


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May 12, 2023
The fun had to be either during Cannes or during the summer in France or every so often back in LA, but times were different then, and it rarely happened. In the late 70’s this former A list mostly movie actress who got her start in television and has offspring galore in the business, had her movie career crash. She was always a free spirit and judging by what I saw, she got paid almost as much for one night as she did on most of her movies in the 70’s.

Mia Farrow

If you were ever going to think of an actress back then who would be into this type of thing it would be this A lister at the time from a huge franchise who never had any other luck. For a few years she was someone everyone wanted and apparently many enjoyed.

Carrie Fisher

Someone from a season of The Real World might not be getting paid much although there are at least five names I recognized from various seasons of the show including one who finances her gambling career with regular cash infusions from sex.

Trishelle Cannatella

The sister of a Duchess manages to finance her life by frequent weekend visits to the Middle East

Pippa Middleton

Spanish – Celebrity – Jaw dropper. Occurred while she was still working a regular job

Queen Letizia of Spain
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Mar 26, 2022
From various gossip blogs and forums, the most common visitors to Dubai are former Disney Channel or Nickelodeon girls or CW actresses. Victoria Justice, Selena Gomez, Nina Dobrev, Vanessa Hudgens and her sister are the few names. Famous pop stars also do this.

Gossip blogger Scandalous.Media mentions these celebrities earn more money for a night in Dubai than their actual careers.