Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


May 17, 2020

News outlets citing Al-Araby Al-Jadeed say that the U.S have agreed to Israel's military assault on Rafah in exchange for a limited response on Iran.

So it appears the Palestinians are being offered as a sacrifice to the mad dog in order to appease its lust for what could be WW3.
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Mar 18, 2017

News outlets citing Al-Araby Al-Jadeed say that the U.S have agreed to Israel's military assault on Rafah in exchange for a limited response on Iran.

So it appears the Palestinians are being offered as a sacrifice to the mad dog in order to appease its lust for what could be WW3.

A perfect example of how the Establishment and the press mess with our minds. A recognized Palestinian State full of $5 billion settlements that Netanyahu just sanctioned.


Mar 18, 2017
I don't think the west wants war. Of course, the war hawks like Graham and Haley do. But with elections coming up, I think the Biden administration would prefer to avoid it because the people have never wanted war.

It's possible the west is afraid of Iran. We've had recruitment problems for a while, and it's only getting worse. We've proven how mighty we are by being absolutely ineffective against Yemen, a country that has been dealing with famine for years. ِAll we have done on that front is disrupt trade for ourselves, making our own products cost more at home because Yemen is now targeting US and UK ships. Has been for months. Our army is like a dinosaur. Our billion dollar battleships can get eaten alive with $10 - 20,000 worth of suicide drones.

There are more issues, but I digress. We are not the superpower we once were. Add to this that the dollar is on life support. Constantly sending billions to Ukraine and Israel requires printing more, only making it weaker. The more dollars in the system, the less valuable it is.

The problem with Iran being a good guy is prophecy says this is where the antichrist will emerge from.

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Isfahan is modern day Iran.

Iran is no savior. In fact, they could be working with Israel and all of it is theater. US does whatever Israel says like a dog on a leash, so count them out. This is what I'm saying, whose telling the truth? Israels not. But does this make everyone else credible?

No, everyone has their own agenda.
Biden's handlers/Deep State don't care about the 2024 election. The country isn't meant to survive politically or economically because the agenda of a world government is being rushed along. The CFR put this out recently. Personally, i believe that should the war get underway, America will not survive it and i think that TPTB are banking on that. It's a question i asked at the bottom of this post. Yes, people are war weary. We haven't even considered the prospect of a mutiny. Amazingly, in May of 2019, the NYT published this:

At a meeting of President Trump’s top national security aides last Thursday, Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan presented an updated military plan that envisions sending as many as 120,000 troops to the Middle East should Iran attack American forces or accelerate work on nuclear weapons, administration officials said
The revisions were ordered by hard-liners led by John R. Bolton, Mr. Trump’s national security adviser. They do not call for a land invasion of Iran, which would require vastly more troops, officials said.

This was a couple months before the covid psyop was launched and ofcourse vaccines would be made mandatory for the military. Even though these things are war-gamed or stress-tested before hand, iam interested to see some of the unintended consequences as fallout from all this, especially alliances formed.
But this is tied to a treasure in the Euphrates.
What did you mean by that?


Jun 28, 2020
Biden's handlers/Deep State don't care about the 2024 election. The country isn't meant to survive politically or economically because the agenda of a world government is being rushed along. The CFR put this out recently. Personally, i believe that should the war get underway, America will not survive it and i think that TPTB are banking on that. It's a question i asked at the bottom of this post. Yes, people are war weary. We haven't even considered the prospect of a mutiny. Amazingly, in May of 2019, the NYT published this:

At a meeting of President Trump’s top national security aides last Thursday, Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan presented an updated military plan that envisions sending as many as 120,000 troops to the Middle East should Iran attack American forces or accelerate work on nuclear weapons, administration officials said
The revisions were ordered by hard-liners led by John R. Bolton, Mr. Trump’s national security adviser. They do not call for a land invasion of Iran, which would require vastly more troops, officials said.

This was a couple months before the covid psyop was launched and ofcourse vaccines would be made mandatory for the military. Even though these things are war-gamed or stress-tested before hand, iam interested to see some of the unintended consequences as fallout from all this, especially alliances formed.

What did you mean by that?
For sure there are people who want war. Obama and H. Clinton have been frequent in the White House lately according to a new expose by James O Keefe. Life means nothing to the drone king and the woman with a 50+ "suicided" body count in her closet.

But I think the potato's administration at least cares about their jobs and God knows best.

What did you mean by that?
It is said a treasure will reveal itself in the Euphrates. A mountain of gold and Muslims are told not to go near it as 99 in every 100 will die. Each one thinking he will be the one to be safe.

Some have said this treasure is oil, but I don't agree with this position. Let me see if I can find the hadith on it.


As I've posted in my signs of the hour thread, the river is literally drying up.




May 17, 2020
From MEE,

The UN Security Council will vote on Thursday at 9pm GMT on a Palestinian bid for full UN membership, diplomats told Reuters.

The US, Israel's biggest ally, is expected to block the move which would effectively recognise a Palestinian state.

From AJ,

‘We are not pressuring other countries’, says US to Security Council

Here’s what Robert Wood, US deputy ambassador to the UN, said in response to reports that the US was attempting to delay today’s vote on Palestine’s full UN membership and pressure Security Council members to vote against the resolution:
“We’re not pressuring other countries. Other countries have made clear where they stand on this issue. We have explained to them our concerns about it.
“It’s not about pressuring anybody … it’s about what do you think is the best way to get toward a two-state solution? And our view is that having this vote right now doesn’t do that,” Wood said.


May 17, 2020
A couple from AJ live updates,

New mass grave discovered in front of al-Shifa Hospital: Gaza media office

Health workers have recovered at least 30 bodies buried in front of al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, said Salama Maarouf, head of the Strip’s Government Media Office.
Maarouf accused the Israeli army of deliberately hiding the bodies by burying them under waste and sand.
The official said 12 of the bodies were identified and those buried included women and wounded people.
“Some were handcuffed and stripped of their clothes, indicating that they had been executed in cold blood,” Maarouf charged.
This is the second mass grave discovered this week in front of the hospital. The facility turned into a graveyard during a two-week siege by the Israeli army.

IRGC chief warns Israel against hitting nuclear facilities: Report

The commander-in-chief of a division of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps tasked with protecting Iranian nuclear facilities has threatened Israel with tit-for-tat if it goes after nuclear sites.
“The nuclear facilities of the Zionist enemy have been identified and all the necessary information from all targets is at our disposal,” Brigadier General Ahmad Haghtalab was quoted as saying by the semiofficial Tasnim news website.
“Our fingers are on the trigger of firing strong missiles to destroy the designated targets in response to a potential attack by them.”
The IRGC Nuclear Command was first publicly mentioned in March 2022 after multiple sabotage attacks blamed on Israel targeted Iranian nuclear facilities. Haghtalab also suggested Tehran may reconsider its stated policy of refraining from acquiring a nuclear bomb.
“If the fake Zionist regime wants to use the threat of attacking the nuclear centres of our country as a tool, reconsidering the doctrine and policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and deviating from previously stated considerations would be likely and imaginable.”


May 17, 2020



May 17, 2020
Are these really the imbeciles who "run America"?

In fairness to them though, they taught me a new word... 'infitada'. Thanks for that, Ms McClain.

The New McCarthyism: Congress Grills Columbia Univ. President Amid Crackdown on Pro-Palestine Speech



Jan 29, 2018
View attachment 103875

A perfect example of how the Establishment and the press mess with our minds. A recognized Palestinian State full of $5 billion settlements that Netanyahu just sanctioned.
Biden's handlers/Deep State don't care about the 2024 election. The country isn't meant to survive politically or economically because the agenda of a world government is being rushed along. The CFR put this out recently. Personally, i believe that should the war get underway, America will not survive it and i think that TPTB are banking on that. It's a question i asked at the bottom of this post. Yes, people are war weary. We haven't even considered the prospect of a mutiny. Amazingly, in May of 2019, the NYT published this:

At a meeting of President Trump’s top national security aides last Thursday, Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan presented an updated military plan that envisions sending as many as 120,000 troops to the Middle East should Iran attack American forces or accelerate work on nuclear weapons, administration officials said
The revisions were ordered by hard-liners led by John R. Bolton, Mr. Trump’s national security adviser. They do not call for a land invasion of Iran, which would require vastly more troops, officials said.

This was a couple months before the covid psyop was launched and ofcourse vaccines would be made mandatory for the military. Even though these things are war-gamed or stress-tested before hand, iam interested to see some of the unintended consequences as fallout from all this, especially alliances formed.

What did you mean by that?
You are absolutely correct. The ultimate outcome of this Presidential election cycle means little as the once seemingly disparate agendas of both "sides" are now set to dovetail. I wouldnt be surprised if Biden/Trump share some of the same handlers. At this point, why not just establish a general "Presidential" handlers office/branch? Why not consolidate control as such?


Jun 28, 2020
It begins.


This probably will lead to ww3 because Israel will drag everyone into it. They have zero chance of taking on Iran alone. While the US has said they are on their own, expect American boots over there on the ground. Because we are Israels lap dog.