
Mar 16, 2017
This is a thread about CERN where I thought we would discuss things about the hadron collider or things in general about CERN that comes up or we find an interest in.

I'll start with that notifications are accompanied by Queen songs because the programmer was into Queen so now it plays queen songs whenever there's a notificaton. For instance after a successful startup it plays "It's a kind of magic". Interesting.."Magic"? Maybe it really is since the rumour has it that they are doing pretty strange things up there considering the black mass they had and the rumours about them trying to bring in entities into our realm.

The queen songs I saw on the documentary "Inside CERN a BBC documentary"


Mar 21, 2017
I don't trust or listen to Queen because of Bohemian Rhapsody. There is a line that say "Beelzebub has a devil set aside for me...for me...for me" and everybody just sings it like it's no big deal.


Mar 16, 2017
Wo, thats actually true as to what I've been tought about hell. Your own demon makes sense. I feel kinda bad for these people, they are SO mislead. What in the world could be worth spending eternity in hell for? 24/7 torture of a kind unknown to our minds on earth and for what? Big expensive houses and cars? I don't see the point. WHo can relax knowing they're going to such a place for eternity? That's like getting a Happy Meal for giving up your peace of mind:


Mar 18, 2017
This is a thread about CERN where I thought we would discuss things about the hadron collider or things in general about CERN that comes up or we find an interest in.

I'll start with that notifications are accompanied by Queen songs because the programmer was into Queen so now it plays queen songs whenever there's a notificaton. For instance after a successful startup it plays "It's a kind of magic". Interesting.."Magic"? Maybe it really is since the rumour has it that they are doing pretty strange things up there considering the black mass they had and the rumours about them trying to bring in entities into our realm.

The queen songs I saw on the documentary "Inside CERN a BBC documentary"
It's funny that you should mention a connection to Queen because the Queen song "We are the Champions," is on the list of Mandela effects that people think this hadron collider is responsible for.

Apparently, there are some versions that don't include the famous "of the world" part. I actually find a version that doesn't include this lyric in lyric sites and the video I found online is a live show. I read somewhere that they used "of the world," in live shows.

So my theory is that Queen is in on the experiment and the two versions are inentional in the same way that some people think that Grateful Dead were CIA. There part of some kind of social memory experiments that have been taking place because of the potential something like this Hadron Collider has to create a Mandela effect.


Mar 13, 2017
So my theory is that Queen is in on the experiment and the two versions are inentional in the same way that some people think that Grateful Dead were CIA. There part of some kind of social memory experiments that have been taking place because of the potential something like this Hadron Collider has to create a Mandela effect.
Actually it's just that the album version of the song doesn't say "of the world" and live versions do cause it was an addition.


Mar 18, 2017
From what I can tell, funding for CERN is achieved through membership almost like it is a science club. A country can sign up to be a member and membership comes with responsibility including funding. The way they describe the process of gaining funds makes the project sound like a beast. I often wonder whether something will come out of the wood work and surprise us conspiracy folk when a new world order enters the stage. CERN is like a sleeper agent waiting to be triggered.

The list of member states is really long. They only need a few more and to have more control of their hadron collider thing and they could send us to the universe right next to us where the hadron collider is God and there is peace on earth because we are so afraid of the scary, fancy sewing needle for the universe.

That thing sees the ether as a sheet with a really high thread count and the collider is the sewing needle that can poke a hole between the warp and weft. Super crazy.

Anyways, here is the list from the CERN website.

"The CERN convention was signed in 1953 by the 12 founding states Belgium, Denmark, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Yugoslavia, and entered into force on 29 September 1954. The organization was subsequently joined by Austria (1959), Spain (1961-1969, re-joined 1983), Portugal (1985), Finland (1991), Poland (1991), Czechoslovak Republic (1992), Hungary (1992), Bulgaria (1999), Israel (2014) and Romania (2016). The Czech Republic and Slovak Republic re-joined CERN after their mutual independence in 1993. Yugoslavia left CERN in 1961.

Today CERN has 22 member states. Serbia, Cyprus and Slovenia are associate members in the pre-stage to membership, and Turkey, Pakistan, Ukraine and India are associate members.

Member states have special duties and privileges. They make a contribution to the capital and operating costs of CERN’s programmes, and are represented in the council, responsible for all important decisions about the organization and its activities.

Observer states and organizations currently involved in CERN programmes include the European Commission, Japan, the Russian Federation, UNESCO and the USA.

Non-member states with co-operation agreements with CERN include Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Georgia, Iceland, Iran, Jordan, Korea, Lithuania, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, New Zealand, Peru, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates and Vietnam.

CERN also has scientific contacts with Cuba, Ghana, Ireland, Latvia, Lebanon, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mozambique, Palestinian Authority, Philippines, Qatar, Rwanda, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Uzbekistan."


May 15, 2017
sorry I Know it's a older thread being revived but since
it's a main thread I'm posting here

this doesn't sound like a bad idea eh
this couldn't be for any nefarious deeds,nope course not
Ya would have to be a crazy ctheorist to think they want
to do anything but "help"Us

why does the acronym for this so close to the whef
maybe it should be changed to world forum power as I
would bet they're connected in some way to whef and
that's all these places seem to want and strive for
it's never to actually make the World a better place for
everyone because they only care about themselves

it's so frustrating Knowing that with all the technologies
and Knowledge available to Us,We could make Our World
a beautiful place for all Peoples in it a real actual utopia but
with those few evils that hold the power(for now)it will always
be what it is now only so much worse,a living hell it is for majority
of Peoples

We really do need to stop allowing the propaganda of their
agendas to trigger the system thinking they've programmed
Us with,to divide Us anymore

We need to unite more now than ever before in Our lifetimes
more than the lifetimes of those who came before Us
for the generations who'll come after Us before it's too late

Last edited:


Nov 7, 2023
One day when I became very bored, I went to the CERN web site to see if they post hiring notices. I applied to be a janitor.

Still have not heard from them. I think I'll juice up the resume and apply for a circular physicist banger upper job.


May 15, 2017
that they're referring to it as a "4d ghost" makes me think
its actually one of them entities they've been trying to open
the door for



May 15, 2017
April 8th is the day of the eclipse, isn't it ?
yep and this is the strangest reaction for an eclipse I've
ever Seen
theres already alot of weird strange things going on in Our
World and i got a feeling that We're gonna See alot stranger


Nov 7, 2023
We'll be in totality about 1300 local time. I'm getting out the old Voodoo rags and preparing a Moon dance for the occasion.

Also, the neighbor's cat was acting strange this evening. Was lounging on the porch instead of begging for more din-din; must have a tummy ache.


Jun 17, 2023
yep and this is the strangest reaction for an eclipse I've
ever Seen
theres already alot of weird strange things going on in Our
World and i got a feeling that We're gonna See alot stranger
Yeah, I read a lot of strange things about this certain eclipse and I also have watched some videos, but I suspect distraction in most of them. The weirdest fact is that it is going to cover seven cities which all bear the name Nineveh. Is that true ?


May 15, 2017
exactly what i'm saying
any other time this would be used as a lesson for Children in
being its a once in a lifetime event Ya would think it would be a
bigger deal about using it as a free school lesson
instead they're closing down the schools and talking some weird
crap that no ones ever Heard or Seen being done before for an eclipse