Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Mar 15, 2017
I posted a lengthy interview of David Miller a few pages back. He was a sociology lecturer at Bristol University, but dismissed for making (allegedly) anti semitic statements. He maintains he made anti Zionist statements and doesn’t support or believe in the ideology of Zionism which has infiltrated higher education across the world. (I’m reminded of Harvard’s issues with pro Zionism…)

In the interview, Miller explained he has decided to take legal action against the decision to terminate his position at Bristol. He believes being anti Zionist should come under and be protected under the equal equalities act. If he wins this case, it’ll be a turning point for institutions in the UK as people can freely support the state of Palestine and openly oppose the advocacy for Zionism without fear of reprimand.



Mar 15, 2017


Jun 28, 2020
Sky News have reported on this and to my absolute shock and horror, they’ve accused Israel of providing no proof of UNRWA being involved or complicit in the alleged involvements of its staff.

Maybe they are trying to not put all their eggs into one basket? They're clearly in Israels court.



Seeing only 1 in every 600 people liked this, it's clear why they turned off the comments.

As the saying goes, Truth does not fear investigation.



Mar 15, 2017
Maybe they are trying to not put all their eggs into one basket? They're clearly in Israels court.

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Seeing only 1 in every 600 people liked this, it's clear why they turned off the comments.

As the saying goes, Truth does not fear investigation.

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Oh they’re definitely in Israel’s court; MM outlets are forever peddling Zionist rubbish. What’s interesting is that they’re admitting to not seeing any evidence incriminating UNRWA from The IDF. So while they keep reposting unverified and mostly false testimonies of alleged Oct 7th atrocities, for them to say there’s no real evidence of UNRWA doing any wrong doing is surprisingly, honest…

They’re probably trying to play the impartiality card as UNRWA is of course a charitable organisation and they’re saving face.


Mar 15, 2017
‼ Warning : Scenes of a distressing nature (people holding wounded Palestinian civilians)

This is an absolutely pathetic and pedantic attempt by The BBC, at trying to humanise Palestinian civilians, in an effort to appear impartial to their audience. The low voice, the enunciation of words to appear sensitive and empathetic. It’s one big joke. The reporter describes the horror Palestinian children have lived through during this genocide (she incorrectly describes it as a war) whilst quoting UN facts such as ‘19,000 children have been orphaned or left without caregivers/family’. She goes on to say they’re entirely reliant on aid and support from overseas (indirectly commending Israel as they control everything that goes in and out of Gaza) but fails to mention or question:

1) Why are the Palestinians so reliant on aid? (Israel is and has been cutting off access basic necessities and blocking off most of the aid that they need. There are plenty of videos where they’re making bread with animal feed or eating mouldy scraps)

2) Why over 11,000 children (could be more I don’t have the recent figures) have been killed by the IDF?

3) How a bomb can just land in a mother’s lap??! A child in the report describes how a bomb tore his mother to pieces and they had to recover her body parts all over as they’d scattered upon impact.

No mention or condemnation of those responsible for all these atrocities. I don’t expect nothing less of course, The BBC is a well known Zionist propaganda machine, just highlighting these points for those still deluded by the morose reports we see every now and again.



Mar 15, 2017
Looks like utility bills are going to increase for Europe.

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It's hard to know what's going on. I heard UK is calling for a 2-state solution in Palestine. But it seems Qatar want's to punish them.
They’ve found yet another baloney reason to push people further into destitution and poverty. It’s an attempt to demoralise us to the brink of total and utter compliance.

You know since the start of the Ukraine war, we’ve had ridiculously high energy prices. A typical household, let’s say with a nuclear family set up, is paying up to £300 per month for both gas and electric. This is in the winter months; it’s a little less in the summer. However, given the stagnant wages in The UK, it is quite a dent on the average earner (pre tax £33,000 per year average in England). What’s even more frustrating are the colossal profits energy companies have been making and are continuing to make. So they say the increase in price is due to the Ukraine war or due to the issues in the Red Sea, yet the premium isn’t offsetting the cost, it’s going directly to shareholders. Here’s one company that I was once a customer of:

Cameron did call for it but what that looks like and means is entirely up for speculation. He also got a lot of flack from his peers and the opposition party; they reckon giving the Palestinians their own state would be ‘rewarding Hamas’.


Jun 28, 2020
Cameron did call for it but what that looks like and means is entirely up for speculation. He also got a lot of flack from his peers and the opposition party; they reckon giving the Palestinians their own state would be ‘rewarding Hamas’.
It's probably too late anyway. If the war ended today, there's not much to return to. Schools decimated, medical system destroyed. Least half would be homeless. Israel decimated Gaza.

If Palestinians stayed, who's going to pay to rebuild? UAE? KSA? Puppets of the west. Maybe they will go to Egypt and Israel will annex and rebuild? Israel is clearly pushing them south, in that direction.

I saw a video with Nick Fuentes a little while ago, he explained this situation. It seems rational. But an Egyptian in the comments said it would lead to war if Israel tried to force Palestinians into Egypt.

I'd prefer to screenshot such things, but it'd take a long time to find the tweets.


Jan 29, 2018
Thanks for your comment as it puts the thread back on top of the main forum page. I like that from you lovers of genocide. Unfortunately though i can't like your actual comment as its nothing but fake moral outrage sandwiched between two thick slices of whataboutery...I'd call it a shit sandwich but i fear if i did so i'd be doing a disservice to shit sandwiches everywhere.

Thanks for contributing though.
Hey and thanks to you for continuing to cuss in public/post lies and exposing EXACTLY what you putrid, inbred subhuman fake-Muslims are all about :)


Jun 28, 2020
Probably the worst thing, is there are people who support this.

How can you cheer satan on when he stands plainly before you? Naked as the day he was born.
Israel is not hiding their evil, they commit war crimes by the hour.
Then they brag about it on social media because they know they are above the law.

May God bring all of them torment in this life and in the next.



May 17, 2020
Hey and thanks to you for continuing to cuss in public/post lies and exposing EXACTLY what you putrid, inbred subhuman fake-Muslims are all about :)
Taking morality lessons from you is like taking lessons from Quasimodo on how to sit straight.

Btw I'm not Muslim and have never claimed to be Muslim. Also, your calling people putrid, inbred and subhuman kinda exposes YOU. Can ya see it?

Do you need a tissue to wipe that egg off your face?


May 17, 2020