The Mother of All Causes: the Father of Lies

Apr 13, 2017
(PS: if you come upon any hyperlinks in the text, odds are the link does no longer work, so please ignore them.)

1. Introduction

The Father of Lies

These writings aim to expose the parallel between a mysticism unveiled by Christian Gnosis - mysticism in the sense of divine mystery - and the events leading to the establishment of a New World Order (NWO). As the advent of this NWO approaches, a struggle becomes increasingly visible between:
  • 1. on one hand, this strange global project with tribal pretensions (!), where a small minority seeks to dominate everyone else through the reversal of all values, justified by Talmudic sophistry. A dominion that imposes blending of race to achieve complete disappearance of the cultural diversity of people and their roots, except for one;
    2. and on the other hand, a popular resistance to the NWO. A people’s resistance carried by a genuine universalism, a true brotherhood and an objective defense of the Truth, which will lead to the victory of the Greco-Christian Logos against Talmudic sophism.
We will attempt to demonstrate that this confrontation is rooted in a struggle between two opposing mysticisms, with on one side, a spirituality that connects humanity to its divine and eternal dimension; and on the other side, a cult worshipping an entity that separates man from his divine origins, venerating a usurpatory god with whom pacts are made, for whom temples are built and blood sacrifices performed in exchange for wealth and power; a cult that reached its culminating worship in the Temple of Jerusalem, temple of blood sacrifice, but also, and always, temple of finance, destroyed after the coming of Christ.

The Wicked One now requires that It be given Its temple and Its blood sacrifices, that which is strived for by the Kabbalist, Masonic and other global elites. The reconstruction of the temple is the pinnacle of the NWO, the temple where both ambitions of the Wicked One will materialize: to rule over the temporal world through a global fiat currency and rule the spiritual world by pretending to be God.

Understanding current events, knowing the real stakes of international politics and resisting the NWO does not come from an encyclopedic knowledge or expert analyses of all kinds. The resistance to the NWO, or the “awakening”, comes simply from the fact that we are in an age where the masks come off. The true nature of this globalist project and the true face of the bankers behind it are being unveiled. Know that it is from this simple unmasking that the Truth will arise. It is understanding the meaning of the word Apocalypse (from the Greek apo: remove, and kalyptein: hide, cover = unveil, uncover).

One could wonder, is it really a coincidence that at the dawn of the final phase of the establishment of the NWO, internet emerges, one of the principal sources of our awakening?

Is it really a coincidence that the creation of the state of Israel coincided with the discovery of the Gnostic writings of Nag Hammadi, which had been buried by monks seventeen centuries before? A discovery that initiated what will become the true Apocalypse:

Unveiling the Father of Lies.


This short notice is addressed to those who have already approached more recent and much more publicized forms of “Gnosticism”, which are in fact recent versions / inversions of the actual, ancient, Gnostic teachings. Our site is devoted to historical Gnosis dating from Early Christianity and has therefore nothing to do with so-called fashionable New Age Gnostic movements, obsessively anti-Catholic, or plainly anti-Christian, originating from a recovery/inversion of Gnostic themes by an emerging Jewish mysticism during the 13th century; a pseudo-gnosis promoted by the esoteric works of Freemasons Albert Pike and charlatan Aleister Crowley, teaching a degenerated Kabbalah for Gentiles. It’s shocking to see people submit their spiritual search to a “Talmudic, Kabbalistic” teaching that basically grants them no spiritual prospects whatsoever. Kabbalah grants spiritual dimensions to no one but the “chosen people”! It’s a common mistake, a mediatized distortion that misleads in particular beginners, to confuse historical Gnosis with New Age and other Kabbalistic anti-Christian propaganda found in Hollywood. Genuine Christian Gnosis will never be accepted by any media, and definitely not by Hollywood. Perhaps all those halfwit experts who denounce the support of Hollywood to Marcionite or Valentinian Gnosticism should measure the weight of the Marcionite lobby in cinema against the weight of a lobby we no longer dare utter by name. Are these “experts” even able to understand why for instance, the CIA supports the development of Evangelical Christianity and Zionism in the Middle-East, yet never supports the Coptic or Orthodox Christians?

This presentation is based solely on the oldest sacred texts and defends its views by drawing mainly from recognized encyclopedias and academic controversies concerning exegesis. This isn’t vainglorious boasting rather than a clear opposition to those countless esoteric authors who rely on … other esoteric authors.

2. Unmasking the Wicked One

The Knowledge of Evil

We defend the Gnostic viewpoint with regard to the knowledge of Evil. A good understanding of Christian Gnosis will teach that a spiritual journey feeding only on the knowledge of Good will remain a journey cripple and infantile. The knowledge of Good alone would amply suffice if we were all in paradise where any knowledge of evil would be futile. But in a world where evil exists, where evil has ramifications for future generations, where lies pervert almost everything, even the meaning of simple words: the bricks constructing the languages that define us, … a spiritual search ignoring this evil is like driving at night without the headlights turned on. This is one of the main criticisms laid upon Gnostics: they teach the Knowledge of Good and Evil, knowledge identified with the forbidden fruit of Eden in the biblical narrative. But the Gnostics situated the notorious biblical story of Paradise in a context completely opposed to the one of the Old Testament, which the Gnostics called corrupt and concealing of the truth. (For further examination of the corruption of the biblical tale of Genesis, and an overview of the perversion of the meaning of words, see Understanding the Story of Paradise)


Knowledge of Good and Evil according to Gnostics is coherent but complex and will be developed in another article to avoid cluttering this one up. However, the term “gnosis”, meaning “knowledge”, does not mean an intellectual knowledge rather than a knowledge through contact. Between these two forms of knowledge lies a difference similar to knowing, for example, Victor Hugo through his books and knowing him personally, through contact, e.g. being his neighbor. At the risk of appearing rather simplistic, we can say that in order to establish such a knowledge through contact, Christian Gnosis encourages the seeker to reconnect with his intuition and stimulate it. Gnosis incites to an inner journey until that which reveals itself deep within through direct intuition, a contact, a link, blurry and indistinct, but with an infinite dimension, awakens the seeker to his own infinite dimension, his belonging to all from which the All (*) separates him. This knowledge through contact is “Gnosis”, the connection of the seeker with his “inner Christ”. This connection makes the Gnostic grasp that his true identity is strange to this world and he develops in him the feeling that his worldly surroundings don’t make sense, that they don’t add up.

At this moment, the Gnostic revelation responds in depth and without compromise that: to realize his divine dimension, the individual must overcome or abandon his entire mental structure, a highly complex and mechanical structure that disables the mind to overcome that for which it was programmed. Gnostics viewed that without this “contact”, without gnosis, the individual remained a prisoner of anxiety due to the remoteness and oblivion of the Father, as well as a prisoner of fatality due to the mechanical limits of the Universe in which we’ve been created; a fatality and institutionalized anxiety that existed in times of Jesus Christ, where both Jewish and Greek beliefs taught nothing but fatality and the fear of God, Yahweh or Zeus, and it isn’t for naught that converts to Judaism were called “God-fearing” instead of “God-loving”.

According to Gnostics, the world was in need of the same upheaval as with the personal awakening, since it was ruled by a treacherous entity that structured the dimension in which we exist, an evil force that manifested his presence on Earth through the establishment of power, royal or religious, with as “epicenter”: the Temple of Jerusalem. A treacherous entity that, dethroned by Christian revelation, followed with the destruction of Its Temple, now requires that Its throne and temple are restored to It, which is precisely what the global elite with their New World Order, Freemasonry and even, to our greatest regret, Evangelical Christians, are striving to build.

And it’s to keep us in a state of oblivion and enclose us in our physical and material dimension (a dimension which is very real, make no mistake) that the occult powers offer mediatized freeways to atheistic materialism, or the introduction of “Noahide Law” which promises, among other things, to cut off the head of the Catholics and Orthodox (see here). Noahide Law accepts only two positions: fear Yahweh or be atheist, which may seem paradoxical, but isn’t. It mainly serves to sever all ties between man and his divine origins. To understand this better, one must know that there has never been a mysticism, a possible link between man and Yahweh in ancient Jewish writings. Jewish mysticism is but a late development that only concerns the “chosen people”, something which is clearly and sincerely illustrated by Gershom Scholem, the main authority in the field.

Increasingly greater in numbers are those who at present comprehend or sense that a dark mystique lies behind the mechanisms or forces that weave the coming of the New World Order. But who or what exactly is this dark entity identified by Gnostics, and also, as we shall see, already clearly identified in ancient mythologies, up to the oldest Sumerian texts?

Many have already uncovered a cult of the Fallen Angel, Lucifer, in the so-called secret societies that nestle and recruit in the highest echelons of world power. The Lucis Trust even has a place at the UN in the form of a Non-Governmental Organization, and a consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. The organization was initially called the Lucifer Publishing Company. According to the Lucis Trust, the name was chosen because the founder, Alice Bailey, saw Lucifer, the Fallen Angel, as a positive principle.

But in view of the oldest sacred texts, mythologies and even religions of the world, Lucifer doesn’t carry much weight, and its acceptance as an evil principle is quite recent: it wasn’t until 408 AD when St. Jerome, author of the Vulgate, chose the name Lucifer to translate the Hebrew “HYLL” of Isaiah 14:12 which addressed a Babylonian King identified with Nimrod in Genesis 10. The decision by St. Jerome of introducing a new referral to designate Evil was unlikely an innocent move and has certainly helped exonerate the truly accused of Early Christianity.

Luciferianism is very much alive today, but the Luciferians are just puppets of a caste much older, venerating an evil entity with which they have made a pact since the dawn of time, a pact they call “Covenant”. This exiled entity is described in all ancient mythologies and religious texts as the entity hiding behind the famous biblical Nimrod. This entity exists in all ancient religions - religions of the past that were renamed "mythology" in order to hide from us that they are the roots, the founding texts of the religions of today.

Knowing the true identity of the “god of this world”, as it was called by St. Paul, is understanding the pursuit of the NWO. It’s understanding why the Catholic and Orthodox churches are the first ones to go, destroyed by the numbers during the French, Mexican and Russian revolutions; or targets of aggressive media orchestrated by that same caste. Exposing this entity is also understanding why in the highest spheres of the “Old Testamentary” world, secret Luciferian or other “Skull and Bones”-like societies have made their nest.

(*) The All does not mean all of God's creation as most interpreters believe, but everything that separates us from the Divine Fullnes, ie. the material universe created by the Demiurge.

3. The Demiurge

The Demiurge

The first concept in need of clarification for those readers unfamiliar with the Gnostic themes, is the notion of the “Demiurge”. The idea of the Demiurge often diverts those who approach Christian Gnosis and even horrifies the most sincere believers, and for good reason too: this Demiurge, this secondary and imperfect god, regarded by Gnostics as a barrier between man and the true Father, is none other than the Creator of the Universe himself! At first, to consider the Creator of the Universe as secondary or inferior to another seems paradoxical, contradictory. We must therefore specify that the Demiurge means the creator of the material universe and understand that this demiurgic concept is consistent in Gnostic thought, where the creation of the material universe happens from a tear, a separation from the true creation of the Father: the Divine Fullness.

Gnostic revelation teaches that evil, darkness and lies all have a mystical origin. According to Gnosis, the road to evil began with this primordial separation from our divine dimension where the male and female principle were as “one”. According to ancient Gnosis, a primordial tear was produced in the most distant feminine aspect of the Father, followed by the complex establishment of the material, cosmic dimension in which we now exist. Our existence here below outside of the Fullness, an existence reduced to this material dimension, means to be spiritually dead. The simple etymology of the word “exist” already explains what the Gnostics told us: existence, exist: from the Latin existere, composed of ex and sistere = “to remain outside”.
  • [Modern cosmology tells a similar story when explaining baryogenesis, where our Universe was created through the separation of matter from anti-matter. According to recent scientific discoveries, this process is due to CP-symmetry violation. In cosmology, baryogenesis is the process during which an asymmetry between ordinary matter and anti-matter is produced until there remains a minimal excess (one particle in a billion) of ordinary matter over anti-matter. Matter and anti-matter then self-destruct in strictly equal quantities, leaving only residual material created by the baryogenesis. This residual matter constitutes our entire visible universe!]
It’s because of this tear, of this distance with the Father, that we are “lost” to Him. That’s why gnosis, the inner contact, signifies not only that we found the Father, but also that the Father has found us, that He sees us once again: it is the resurrection.

Remark: A common mistake is to confuse the Demiurge and Satan, even in works devoted to Christian Gnosis. This separation from our place of origins, the Fullness (called “Pleroma” in Gnosticism), is the work of the Demiurge, but the maintenance of our “existence” in this physical universe of flesh and blood is the work of Evil, which a thorough reading of the Gnostic texts reveals.

The Primordial Waters, the Cosmic Egg or the Divine Fullness

before the Separation of Heaven and Earth


A very important point to understand the significance of the Gnostic revelation is that this teaching of the forgotten Fullness and the role of the Demiurge was not a Gnostic invention, but an unveiling of what was concealed by both Jewish and Greek cults alike, by the priests of the Temple of Solomon and the Temple of Apollo.

What remained veiled, and remains veiled today, was that the creator-god, nor the god for whom people built temples and performed sacrificial worship (we shall see that the creator-god and the god people sacrificed to are also different), was not God himself, but that these gods and the creation of the material universe actually separate us from God. We know for a fact, thanks to archeology and recent biblical exegesis, that almost all the founding texts of all ancient religions – including Genesis of the Old Testament, as we shall see – explain that a separation with our divine dimension is the founding act of the creation of the material universe.

This disjunction of the primordial union is symbolically described in the sacred texts as “the separation of Heaven and Earth”(attention: this separation repeats itself in lower realms!). This topic of the Tear in the primordial Fullness, the separation of Heaven and Earth, will be developed in another article, but to summarize, we conclude that this theme presents itself in all parts of the world. Describing them all would demand several pages, but here are some examples:

  • - In the Rigveda, creation occurs from the separation of Hiranyagarbha (= Brahman), the primordial egg, which consists of Heaven/the Sky (Dyaus) and Earth (Prithvi). The Hiranyagarbha is called Brahman: the infinite Absolute overlooking all dualities. Brahma (not to be confused with Brahman!) is the demiurgic creator-god of Hinduism who created the universe by splitting the Cosmic Egg, of which both parts formed Heaven and Earth.
    - In Chinese mythology, Pangu creates the universe by separating the Cosmic Egg and it’s he who keeps Heaven (yang) and Earth (yin) apart.
    - In Greek mythology, Uranus (Heaven/Sky) and Gaia (Earth) were to be separated for the creation of the cosmos to take place.
    - In Māori mythology, the universe is created through the separation of the first couple, Rangi (Heaven/Sky) and Papa (Earth).
    - In the Finnish epic of Kalevala, the Cosmic Egg is split, the upper half forming the Sky, the lower half forming the Earth.
    - In Mongolia, it’s the Demiurge Utan who creates the universe by separating Heaven and Earth.
    - In Egypt, all creation myths have one thing in common: the Nun/Nu, which is the birthplace of the creator-god (Atum). In Egyptian mythology, Nun, the male principle and Naunet, the female principle, form the primordial union. It’s but in later traditions that Nun was demonized and identified with Chaos. Shu, the god of storms, kept Nut (Heaven/Sky) and Geb (Earth) apart.

The same thing is true for Oceania, Africa and their oral traditions, and especially for the subject that interests us most, the ancient religions of the Middle East. These religions of the Middle East are rooted in Sumerian mythologies where the primordial Fullness is represented by the union of Nammu (feminine) and Apsu (masculine). Nammu is probably the oldest Sumerian deity (see: “History Begins at Sumer” by Samuel Noah Kramer) and therefore the world. Nammu gives birth to An and Ki (Heaven and Earth) and it is their son, the Demiurge Enlil, who creates the cosmos by disjoining the “inseparable” couple An-Ki.

Throughout the ancient Near East, the Demiurge created the world by splitting the primordial union, dividing Heaven and Earth. All the creation myths of the Near East tell the story of this primordial separation, from the Epic of Gilgamesh to the Sumerian myth of the great god Utu, through Babylonian religion and Marduk who divides Tiamat and Apsu to form Heaven and Earth, etc … All of them, but one?! The biblical god didn’t separate heaven and earth, but created them?! …

Actually … the translators of the Holy Bible have lied to us from the very first words in the Old Testament:

Even in the Bible, God (Elohim – who is Enlil in the Sumerian counterparts), like every other demiurge of various mythologies in the Middle East, did not create but separate Heaven and Earth. “Official” translations of Genesis 1.1 read: “In the beginning God (Elohim) created the heavens and the earth.” The word that is translated into “created” is ba-ra (בָּרָ֣א ); but ba-ra means both “create” and “separate”. Translating ba-ra with separate concurs way better with the Sumerian context and is also linguistically more accurate (see e.g. the work of Ellen Van Wolde, professor Theology and Exegesis of the Old Testament at the University of Tilburg, who proposes a more accurate translation of Genesis 1.1 as follows: “In the beginning in which/when God separated the heavens and the earth …”). The courageous demonstration of Ellen Van Wolde provoked an outcry among some exegetes who demonstrated nothing in return but their bad faith.

For cults and religions that worship the Demiurge and ascend him to the rank of Supreme God, this very separation of Heaven and Earth has, according to them, exited us from Chaos. This is how the primordial union mother/father, Nammu/Apsu in Sumer, Tiamat/Apsu in Babylon, became Chaos, called Tohu wa-Bohu in the Old Testament. Theologians that have raised their shields against Ellen Van Wolde may now do the same against Robert Graves and Raphael Patai who both prove that Tohu wa-Bohu symbolized the Fullness, and not Chaos: Tohu = Tiamat and Bohu = Abzu).

For Gnostics however, this separation ends the era or age of the Fullness before the cosmic creation. We will see that the mythologies and the emergence of large religious reformations were made precisely around these two alternatives:

1. The choice between, on one side, a spirituality binding each and every human being to the primordial Fullness, each having a share of Eternity within and the prospect of returning to that Fullness, escaping the material world which involves (and makes sense to boot) a fraternal morality and the exceeding of one's ego. These spiritualities consider the cosmological creation as the work of the Demiurge.

2. Secondly, a cult raising the Demiurge to the rank of Supreme Divinity while relegating the primordial Fullness to the rank of primordial Chaos, like the Old Testament or Greek cults of Zeus have done. These cults impose their authority through the fear inspired by their God, which man can curry favour with rituals and blood sacrifices, including human sacrifice. These cults grant no divinity whatsoever to man who can only be punished or materially rewarded by these gods, fortune and power being the greatest favours granted, as was the case in original Judaism.

4. The Good, the Bad & the Just

Readers accustomed to Gnostic themes may have suspected that the Demiurge will be singled out in this essay. However, the most common mistake, committed even by experts, is that no distinction is made between the Demiurge and the “Wicked One”, something we will set straight immediately.

Before being destroyed and banned for centuries, the Gnostic teachings and the Nag Hammadi texts were not meant to be read without instruction. It is at times difficult to clearly situate or distinguish the Demiurge, the Elohim, Cain, Yahweh, etc … especially because in the Gnostic system, that which “emanates” isn’t always distinct from that which is “emanated”. For example: Christ and the Primordial Man are at times distinct but are actually identical; Barbelo is also the Primordial Man, but in its feminin aspect; Epinoia/Eve is an emanation of Sophia as one of her aspects; Yahweh engenders Cain, but Cain is just the carnal aspect of Yahweh (this will be specified in later chapters). Therefore it is often difficult to decipher the difference Gnostics make between the Demiurge and the “Wicked One”.

We shall see that this confusion also stems from the fact that the Old Testament has muddied the waters by merging two gods into one, El and Yahweh, who originally were two distinct entities. Hence the common mistake made by all twopenny esotericists of believing that according to Christian Gnosis “the Demiurge is Yahweh who is the Wicked One”. This is wrong, and a careful reading of the Gnostic writings clearly shows that:
  • 1. the Demiurge is not the Wicked One;
    2. Yahweh is the Wicked One, an emanation, a “son”, the Fallen Angel of the Demiurge.

The Demiurge is not the Wicked One

This Gnostic distinction between the Demiurge and the Wicked One was made perfectly clear by Irenaeus of Lyons:

  • They further teach that the spirits of wickedness derived their origin from grief. Hence the devil, whom they also call Cosmocrator (the ruler of the world), and the demons, and the angels, and every wicked spiritual being that exists, found the source of their existence. They represent the Demiurge as being the son of that mother of theirs (Achamoth), and Cosmocrator as the creature of the Demiurge. Cosmocrator has knowledge of what is above himself, because he is a spirit of wickedness; but the Demiurge is ignorant of such things, inasmuch as he is merely animal. Their mother dwells in that place which is above the heavens, that is, in the intermediate abode; the Demiurge in the heavenly place, that is, in the hebdomad; but the Cosmocrator in this our world.

    - Irenaeus of Lyons, Against Heresies, Book I, Chapter V. 4

    They also declare the “adversary” is one of those angels who are in the world, whom they call the Devil, maintaining that he was formed for this purpose, that he might lead those souls which have perished from the world to the Supreme Ruler. They describe him also as being chief among the makers of the world, …

    - Irenaeus of Lyons, Against Heresies, Book I, Chapter XXV. 4

Adolphe-Félix Gatien-Arnoult stated in his book “l’Histoire Comparée de la Philosophie” (Comparative History of Philosophy), pg. 319, that On God, Satan and the Demiurge Marcion himself acknowledged:
  • 1) as first principle a being of infinite Light, Bythos.

    2) a creature of shadow and darkness: Satan, matter.

    3) a being, ignorant rather than wise, where Justice is degenerated to a ruthless rigidity, the Demiurge. But the precise relationships Marcion established between these are not well known.
Al-Maturidi (853-944), Arab theologian, said that the Marcionites distinguished the Good Father, the upright Demiurge and the malevolent darkness. Furthermore, “Gnostic Islam” of the great Fatimid Caliphate (969-1171), the Ismailis, born from the encounter between Islam and the Gnostic world, similarly designated Satan as the Rebellious Angel of the Demiurge.

An Ismaili version of the Fallen Angel for those interested:
The Ismaili version of the Fall is quite different from that which most Christians are familiar with (and which derives ultimately from St Augustine). Before time began, the Ismailis say, the First Intelligence issued a Proclamation or Summons to all the Forms of Light that occupied the various levels of the hierarchy. The word used for this Summons (davat) is important, because it is also applied to the Ismaili preaching on earth, which is thus regarded as a reflection or copy of the archetypal Summons in heaven. (The word is still in common use in modern Persian to mean simply "invitation".) The Universal Soul - the First Emanation - obeyed the Divine Invitation, but the Chief Archangel of the Second Level (the Third Intelligence) became confused in some way and refused. The exact reason for his refusal is unclear, but according to H. Corbin it was a failure to recognize the "boundary" constituted by the Universal Soul above him; this failure led him to try to reach God directly, which amounted to thinking that he himself was divine. His "sin" seems in fact to have been an error in theology. As a result of his mistake he was relegated from the second rank to the lowest of all, the tenth, while all the others moved one step up. (Notice that the interval from the Third Intelligence to the Tenth Intelligence is seven, the Ismaili mystic number.)

The erring archangel did not fall alone. With him at the second rank had been a number of other beings, and they fell into the same trap as he, misled by his bad example, so they had to accompany him to the tenth level. Realizing his mistake too late, the fallen archangel told his companions that the only way they could regain their former station was by following his orders and obeying the Intelligences whom they now found above them. Perhaps not unreasonably, most of them refused to listen to him, and the most recalcitrant of all went so far as to incite rebellion. This was the future Satan. "The archangel," he said, "has brought all this trouble on us; we merely did what he did himself. Now that he has landed us in this mess he wants to drag us into something even worse." Most of the other Beings agreed with him, but some rejected his arguments and others were uncertain what to do. The brilliance of those who rejected the archangel's authority became darkened and they were plunged into ignorance.

Realizing that if they remained as purely spiritual beings they would never be able to extricate themselves from their confusion, the archangel determined on a plan to liberate them. He made himself the Demiurge (a kind of minor creating deity) and created the material world to serve as the means by which these beings could regain their former status and enlightenment.

Yahweh is the Rebellious Son of the Demiurge

And Saklas commanded that seven kings should rule over the heavens and five over the chaos of Hell. The names of the glories who are over the seven heavens are these: The first is Iaoth, the lion-faced. The second is Eloaios, the donkey-faced. The third is Astaphaios, the hyena-faced. The fourth is Iao [Yahweh], the snake-faced with seven heads. The fifth is Adonaios, the serpent-faced. The sixth is Adoni the monkey-faced. The seventh is Sabbataios, whose face is a flame of fire that shines. This is the hebdomad of the week. These are those who rule the world.

- Secret Book of John​

Bernard Barc, Professor at the University of Lyon III, internationally recognized expert on Jewish hermeneutics and Gnostic literature, says here: “Saklas, the Demiurge, gives Yao the central position [4th out of 7] in this system with three authorities on his left and three on his right side to indicate that he is the unifying name of this 'hebdomad of the week', which is confirmed by his appearance of a seven-headed snake.”

Thomas Römer, Professor of the Hebrew and Ugaritic Bible at the University of Geneva, Professor of the Old Testament at the University of Lausanne and Chairman at Collège de France, points out that the Gnostics called the god of the Jews “Yao” and explains in his “introduction of the Old Testament” that originally, the name of the Jewish god wasn’t pronounced Yave rather than Yao.

Next, the ruler had a thought - consistent with his nature - and by means of verbal expression he created an androgyne. He opened his mouth and cooed to him. When his eyes had been opened, he looked at his father, and he said to him, "Eee!" Then his father called him Eee-a-o ('Yao').

- On the Origin of the World​

The Gnostic teaching that Yao/Yahweh was an emanation of the Demiurge is also confirmed by Irenaeus of Lyons, who said: They have also given names to [the several persons] in their system of falsehood, such as the following: he who was the first descendant of the mother is called Ialdabaoth; he, again, descended from him, is named Iao, ... - Against Heresies, Book I, Chapter XXX. 5

Having realized that according to Christian Gnosis Yahweh is not the Demiurge (Yaldabaoth/Saklas), it is also very important to understand the significance of the Revelation of Christian Gnosis, as is the case with the revelation of the forgotten Fullness, namely that this isn’t an invention rather than an unveiling of that which is veiled by rabbis and priests of cults that venerate the cursed Son of the Demiurge, whether it’s Apollo, Yahweh or another “Ba’al”: these gods have always designated, under different names, the Evil Son of the Demiurge. Numerous archeological and even biblical evidence has recently supported the Gnostic tradition that describes Yahweh as the Son of the Demiurge, and associate Him with Cain and the serpent from Eden.

We shall see that by describing Yahweh as the Son of the Demiurge, the Gnostic texts return Him to his original place (both names El and Yahweh designate God in the Bible, but originally designated the Demiurge El and his Son Yahweh). We will also see that ascribing to the Son of the Demiurge the role of the Wicked One corresponds to what is communicated in the oldest founding texts of all religions, from the earliest Sumerian texts onward.

On the other hand, Gnostic traditions, of which the most widespread was that of Valentinius, did not consider the Demiurge as evil rather than merely ignorant and incapable of achieving perfection. Valentinius was the most important Gnostic teacher. He taught in Rome between 135 and 160 AD. According to Tertullian, he was a candidate to become Bishop of Rome (the Pope) in 143, but failed in doing so, coming short but a few votes. Valentinius’ life wasn’t outside the Church until his eviction from the political apparatus of the Church of Rome. It was primarily due to opposition against his theses and those of Marcion that Orthodox Christianity was formed. Furthermore, the mere fact that “Orthodox Christianity was formed due to subsequent opposition against Gnostic theology”, as noted by the Encyclopedia Universalis, makes it absurd to speak of Gnostic “heresy”.

Valentinian Gnosis describes the Demiurge as the Just Dimension, “just” in the moral sense, but also for His mathematically precise construction of the universe (cf. the idea of the Great Watchmaker). Ptolemaeus Gnosticus, disciple of Valentinius, situates the Demiurge (the Just) between the Father (the Good) and the Wicked One (the Unjust).
  • And if the perfect God is good by nature, in fact he is, for our Savior declared that there is only a single good God, his Father whom he manifested; and if the one who is the opposite nature is evil and wicked, characterized by injustice; then the one situated between the two is neither good nor evil or unjust, but can properly be called just, since he is the arbitrator of the justice which is his. – Ptolemy’s Letter to Flora
Valentinian Gnosis teaches that a mystical struggle exists between the Demiurge and the Wicked One and that man must escape both to return to the Father. This struggle takes place in three dimensions interpenetrating one another:
  • 1) The mystical or metaphysical dimension between the Father, the Demiurge and the Wicked One.

    2) The inner or psychological dimension: at some point our mind is limited by the notion of what is just or unjust. Gnosis teaches that this limit is a true prison, a blindness that prevents us from discovering our divine dimension which is above that of the just and the unjust.

    3) The material or terrestrial dimension: Gnosis teaches that this struggle is reflected here below by the tripartite division of humanity into following categories:
    • - The ‘spirituals’ or ‘pneumatics’ (pneumatikos = “breath”), animated by the breath of the Fullness, oriented towards Good and Forgiveness.
      - The ‘psychics’, torn between their divine origins and the material, mechanical dimension, limited by the just and unjust, seeking reward and fearing punishment.
      - The ‘hylics’ or ‘materials’, those that are but matter, seeking only material wealth, guided by neither the just or the good.
To summarize, Gnosis distinguishes:
  • 1) The Good God: the one who loves and forgives, our absent Father revealed by Isu Chrestos (Greek for “Good”).

    2) The Just God: the Demiurge who justly punishes and rewards.

    3) The Unjust God: Yahweh-Cain, who sows war, death and disease.
Considering Yahweh as the Unjust, the Angel of Death, has earned the ‘Christians’ the establishment of the first pyres, fiery stakes introduced to maintain Yahweh in reverence and to burn “Gnostic heretics” or the Cathars for saying that Yahweh was actually Satan.

We have seen that the Gnostic texts reveal that the official cults with their temples of Zeus, Apollo and Yahweh, hide from us that the Demiurge created our cosmos by dividing the primordial Fullness, by “separating Heaven and Earth”. We have seen that mythologies worldwide know of the separatist role of this Demiurge of which traces are left behind in even the Bible itself. Equally, we will establish that a careful reading of these mythologies and the Bible confirms the Gnostic Revelation concerning Yahweh, namely that:
  • 1) he is an emanation of the Demiurge, his most important Son, Son who dethrones (or tries to dethrone) his Father.

    2) he is the Unjust, the Harmful, the Angel of Death, who reigns over this world.

    3) he is represented on Earth by the descendants of Cain and the Pharisees.

    4) his city is the “earthly Jerusalem”.

5. The Fallen Angel


Son of the Demiurge
in the oldest mythologies: from Ninurta to Yahweh​

To highlight the parallel between the Gnostic description of the Wicked One and the oldest mythologies recently discovered, we must first establish the identity of the Wicked One according to Sumerian scripture.

The Demiurge Enlil / El

Originally, in the oldest Sumerian texts, the Demiurge Enlil was kept away from human affairs. He was peaceful and remote. This Sumerian Demiurge Enlil becomes Ellil in Akkadian and eventually El in the pantheons of the Near East, that is to say, the Canaanite and Ugaritic religions, and the Old Testament.

El or Elohim is a name of God in the Old Testament. The dominant theological position, which says that El and Yahweh have always referred to the same god, is increasingly challenged by academic biblical exegesis and archeology. We will see why.

Son of the Demiurge: Ninurta

In the Sumerian texts, Enlil’s first son was an evil god, god of death, war and plagues. He was Ninurta (Nergal in Babylon). We will demonstrate that following the track of Ninurta leads us straight to Yahweh. The Sumerian texts tell the story of his birth, a result of the r*pe of Ninhursag (Ninlil) by Enlil, conform with Gnostic cosmogony where Yahweh-Cain was born from the r*pe of Eve / Epinoia by the Chief Archon (the Demiurge).

With Ninhursag being the feminine aspect (Ki) of the detachment of An-Ki (the couple symbolizing the primordial Fullnes: An = Heaven and Ki = Earth), and, for the Gnostics, Epinoia / Eve being an emanation of Sophia, who symbolizes the feminine aspect of the primordial Fullness (Pleroma), the parallel between the Gnostic cosmogony and Sumerian scripture (2000 to 300 BC) is undeniable!

Different Names of the “Rebellious Son”

As we have seen, the name of the Demiurge El / Enlil is constant in Sumerian and Near Eastern religions. Only the name of his Son, the “Lord”, changed according to the place or time he was revered.

The oldest known names for the Rebellious Son are Ningirsu and Ninib, which became Ninurta, which we will find later in Babylon in his best-known and already somewhat corrupted version as God of plagues and war, Nergal, son of Enlil and Ninlil. The cult of Ninurta / Nergal is also found in other cults dedicated to the gods associated with Ninurta, throughout antiquity. For example:

Resheph: god of plagues and war, identified with Nergal in the list of Ugaritic-Akkadian deities (Ugaritica, 5 (1965), 45:26), in inscriptions found at Tel Amarna (EA 35:13) and also identified with Apollo in translations found on Greco-Phoenician bilingual tablets. Resheph is mentioned as the god of Shechem in the “Ebla tablets” (-2500 BC), Shechem being the first capital of the Kingdom of Israel.

Apollo: god of plagues, son of the Demiurge Zeus. Apollo was identified with Helios during the Hellenistic period. The name Apollo derives from Aplu Enlil, Hittite and Akkadian god, Aplu meaning “son” (Aplu-Enlil = son of Enlil). See also the city of Archof (aRShOoPh = Resheph), renamed Apollonia in the Hellenistic period as the Greeks equated Resheph with Apollo.

Shulman or Shalem: son of El, also known as Resheph-Shulman, god of Ur-Shalem (Jerusalem) with the famous Temple of Solomon (Solomon = Shulman, explained in the final chapters).

And lastly the Ugaritic Yahweh: Akkadian god Adad, son of Enlil, becomes Baal-Hadad and is the son of El in Ugarit.

The Evil Son of El becomes Ba’al (Lord)

Since he was the most important son of Enlil, Ninurta, god of war, plagues and diseases (also of fortune, since he is the god of those who work in metals, those who made weapons and jewelry), it was to Him people turned to in favour of blessings and protection. Ninurta and his priests, terrorizing first, then rising to power offering protection, thus initiated a mechanism which became the prototype of the means to take power, a means to impose a rule of law, constitute states or establish a mafia.

Which God did kings and chiefs call upon for blessing? A just god? A god of festivities or rain? Or a god that could grant victory, sow calamities and diseases on their enemies? This is why, in the religions of the Middle-East, the most important son of Enlil/El (Ninurta) became Ba’al, a title meaning “Lord”, though he carried different names depending on the city and era: the god Hadad, eldest son of El in Ugarit becomes Ba’al-Hadad; the god Melqart, eldest son of El in Phoenicia, becomes Ba’al-Melqart, etc. (We shall also see that the various Baalim (plural of Ba’al) occupy in Semitic pantheons, the same place Ninurta has in Sumerian pantheons.)

People sacrificed to Ba’al in order to win wars, ward off diseases and curses, and it was thus mainly to Him that people devoted a cult, for Him that temples were built, sacrifices committed and the utmost horrible sacrifice of them all, the sacrifice of the firstborn.

Consider for example how Ninurta became Ba’al-Haddad at Ugarit, a city located in modern Syria, whose discovery in 1928 by French archeologists has allowed for a better understanding of the context in which the Old Testament was written, where Jews lived alongside the Ugaritic coasts where many cultural exchanges took place and whose language was hence very similar.

With regard to the origins of Judaism, one could consider the texts discovered in Ugarit as being closer to historical reality than biblical scripture. They have two major advantages. Firstly, they have been dated to 1500-1200 BC and are thus contemporaries of the time when people worshipped Yahweh, while the biblical texts concerning this period have been written during the Babylonian exile between 622-500 BC, nearly a millennium after the events they describe. Secondly, they lack ideological distortion. Indeed, analyses of biblical writings show that they have been extensively altered and redacted over the centuries to defend the dogmas of a nascent Jewish religion. It was about scribes wanting to show that the god Yahweh Almighty imposed himself in one fell swoop upon the Israelites as being the only God in the time of Moses, +/- 1300 BC.

As put by the archeologist Jean-Baptiste Humbert in 1997 (translated from French): “the discovery in Ugarit of another Canaanite literature [we knew only one: the Bible!] threw a vivid light on a religion close to that of ancient Israel. Many ideas adopted were shaken up. The celebrated Jerusalem was just a big block of houses, and the temples of the almighty Yahweh were no larger than sacristies. Israel proved to be but a remote province under the influence of its powerful neighbors, whose inhabitants were only trying to imitate the arts and manners.”

That the Sumerian Ninurta equates with the Semitic Ba’al-Hadad can be clearly and simply confirmed by the denominations and translations of the name Ninurta in the different languages of the Middle East: Ninurta is called Ningirsu or Ishkur in Sumerian; Ishkur is called Adad in Akkadian, Hadad in Aramaic, and becomes Ba’al-Hadad (Lord Hadad), son of El (Enlil), at Ugarit.

Ba’al-Hadad in turn simply becomes Ba’al (Lord) in Ugarit and every other north-western Semitic religious system. The cults dedicated to Ba’al, Ba’al-Hadad, Ba’al-Melqart, et al. become dominant throughout the Middle East.

Why do we consider that all these different names designate the same god? Simply because these gods share the same characteristics and play the same role in the same myths. However, it is of vital importance, for these common characteristics to be discerned, to keep in mind that the more sacred texts and cults examined are recent, a fortiori the Son of the Demiurge gains in significance and the more syncretism becomes important (in history of religions, syncretism is a mixture of influences), as with the case of the supreme god of Babylon, Marduk, who gradually absorbed the features of rival gods as Babylon gained in importance. Marduk, originally a minor agrarian god, ended up replacing Enlil (and absorbed his attributes) as the supreme god of the pantheon. In Sumerian, “Marduk” is written “AMAR.UTU” (son of Utu. Utu is the one that separates Heaven and Earth – Uruk tablet STPU 3.67). Archaeology tells us that when an inferior deity takes the place of a superior one, he also consumes his titles and his exploits, which is obviously the case when the cult of Ninurta supplanted that of his father Enlil.

In addition to being considered identical since antiquity, the characteristics of above mentioned gods leave no doubt about their parentage. Look at the following characteristics:

1. They are the Son of the Demiurge: Enlil (El in the OT) is the father of Nergal, Resheph, Ninurta, Shulman, etc. Demiurge Zeus is the father of Apollo.

2. They are the Gods of thunder and lightning (Stormgods). This is one of the categories by which the Son of the Demiurge is catalogued in specialized literature. Ninurta, Apollo, Nergal, Ba’al-Hadad, Yahweh, ... all fall into this category.

3. They are Gods of War, of Plagues, of Death and Disease.

4. One of the most important characteristics: they are the gods that confront the primordial Serpent/Dragon. This theme of the Son of the Demiurge slaying the serpent/dragon is present in all mythologies of the Near East and practically all mythologies of the world:

  • Teshub, Stormgod, rebellious Son of the Demiurge Kumarbi in the Hurrian pantheon, kills Illuyanka, the primordial serpent;
    Apollo, rebellious Son of the Demiurge Zeus, kills the primordial serpent Python;
    Hadad, rebellious Son of the Demiurge El, kills the primordial serpent Yam;
    Ninurta, rebellious Son of the Demiurge Enlil, kills the primordial dragon … etc;
    Yahweh, rebellious Son of the Demiurge El, kills the primordial serpent Leviathan.

Even Thor, son of the Demiurge Odin, slayed the primordial serpent Jörmungandr. This logic with which we examine and compare the old myths and ancient gods is easily accepted by all, as long as we assume that these myths are completely alien to our beliefs. But the faces tense up and frown when the same logic is applied to our beliefs, especially when approaching the god of the Old Testament.

However, if we put these mythologies and ancient beliefs of the Near East through a sieve using the four criteria described above, we find in this sieve, side by side, Ninurta, Ba’al-Hadad, Teshub, Resheph, Nergal, Shulman, … and Yahweh.

Before using our sieve, we must remember that it’s important to take into account, on one hand, the mechanisms of syncretism in religious texts, including the Old Testament, and on the other hand, also consider the possibility of any form of “make-up” of texts written by clergymen, who have a natural tendency towards “monolatry” or even “monotheisation” of their god, also with regard to the Old Testament. Remember the words of Jesus: “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!” (Matthew 23).

[all biblical verses in this essay will be taken from the KJV unless noted otherwise]

6. The Wrath of "God"

Ninurta, Hadad, Yahweh: Stormgods and Riders of the Clouds

Biblical scholars have long demonstrated the similarities between the titles and attributes of Ba’al and Yahweh, similarities that have become obvious especially since the discovery of the Ugaritic texts.

“Stormgod” and “Rider of Clouds” are the most common descriptions of Ninurta and Ba’al-Hadad. The classification “Stormgod” includes, in comparative mythology: Ninurta, Ba’al-Hadad, Resheph, Shulman, et al. An abundance of literature classifies Yahweh in this category, despite many pitiful commotions that have arisen. This aspect of Yahweh is already very accessible on the internet, but here are some examples anyway:
  • And the LORD said unto Moses, Lo, I come unto thee in a thick cloud, … - Exodus 19:9

    When he uttereth his voice, there is a multitude of waters in the heavens, and he causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth; he maketh lightnings with rain, and bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures. – Jeremiah 10:13

    Behold, the whirlwind of the LORD goeth forth with fury, a continuing whirlwind: it shall fall with pain upon the head of the wicked. – Jeremiah 30:23

    And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire. - Ezekial 1:4

    The burden of Egypt. Behold, the LORD rideth upon a swift cloud, and shall come into Egypt: … – Isaiah 19:1

    And Moses stretched forth his rod toward heaven: and the LORD sent thunder and hail, and the fire ran along upon the ground; and the LORD rained hail upon the land of Egypt. – Exodus 9:23

Yahweh: God of War, Death and Plagues

I will make mine arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh; and that with the blood of the slain and of the captives, from the beginning of revenges upon the enemy. – Deuteronomy 32:42

I will heap mischiefs upon them; I will spend mine arrows upon them. They shall be burnt with hunger, and devoured with burning heat, and with bitter destruction: I will also send the teeth of beasts upon them, with the poison of serpents of the dust. The sword without, and terror within, shall destroy both the young man and the virgin, the suckling also with the man of gray hairs.

– Deuteronomy 32:23-25​

In order to believe in the great mercy of God in the Old Testament, in God’s love for all men, it’s better not to read it. The rabbinical system of thought doesn’t care and is perfectly consistent with the so-called universal goodness of Yahweh. Historically, Jewish monolatry consisted of being terrorized by none other than Yahweh himself. If we look closely enough, we can understand why the ultra-orthodox are called “Haredim” (= the “Terrorized”) and non-Jews that converted to, or were influenced by, Judaism are called “God-fearing”: the number of men, women, children killed with the approval, out of vengeance, or even a simple vexation, of the Lord Yahweh rises to several millions. (Indeed! See Dwindling In Unbelief)

And Yahweh didn’t just attack warriors threatening Israel, but killed tens of thousands of babies with disease:

And it came to pass, when Pharaoh would hardly let us go, that the LORD slew all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both the firstborn of man, and the firstborn of beast: therefore I sacrifice to the LORD all that openeth the matrix, being males; but all the firstborn of my children I redeem. – Exodus 13:15

Yahweh participates in the education of children:

And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head. And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them. – 2 Kings 2:23-24


Yahweh encourages them not to complain too much:

And when the people complained, it displeased the LORD: and the LORD heard it; and his anger was kindled; and the fire of the LORD burnt among them, and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp. – Numbers 11:1

Adequate obedience to Yahweh, is not only killing men and warriors, but killing everyone, women and children included:

And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Avenge the children of Israel of the Midianites: … - Numbers 31:1-2

And Moses was wroth with the officers of the host, with the captains over thousands, and captains over hundreds, which came from the battle. And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the LORD. Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. – Numbers 31:14-17

Numbers 16:

12-13 And Moses sent to call Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab: which said, We will not come up: Is it a small thing that thou hast brought us up out of a land that floweth with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness, except thou make thyself altogether a prince over us?

27 … and Dathan and Abiram came out, and stood in the door of their tents, and their wives, and their sons, and their little children …

31-33 And it came to pass, as he had made an end of speaking all these words, that the ground clave asunder that was under them: And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their goods. They, and all that appertained to them, went down alive into the pit, and the earth closed upon them: and they perished from among the congregation.

41 But on the morrow all the congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron, saying, Ye have killed the people of the LORD.

44-45 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Get you up from among this congregation, that I may consume them as in a moment. And they fell upon their faces.

47-49 … and, behold, the plague was begun among the people: and he put on incense, and made an atonement for the people. And he stood between the dead and the living; and the plague was stayed. Now they that died in the plague were fourteen thousand and seven hundred, beside them that died about the matter of Korah.


Yahweh assists people in choosing sides:

Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the LORD'S side? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him. And he said unto them, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbour. And the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses: and there fell of the people that day about three thousand men. – Exodus 32:26-28


Yahweh kills men, women, elderly and children alike, not because he is God and he “works in mysterious ways”, but because Yahweh is but one name of many of the Demiurge’s Rebellious Son, an evil demon who has usurped the place of his demiurgic father.

Continued below ...
Last edited:
Apr 13, 2017
Part 2:

7. Ba'al, Son of El

Yahweh is Ba’al, Conqueror of the Primordial Dragon

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That Yahweh is the son of El is only absurd to those who do not reckon with the contributions of archeology, nor the fact that translations of the Bible can change the meaning of troublesome passages.

For starters, it is necessary to return to the Ugaritic religion because it is the origin of the gods mentioned in the Bible. Archeologists have found in Ugarit the Cycle of Ba’al (or Ba’al Cycle), which tells the story of how Hadad dethrones his father El and becomes Ba’al-Hadad. The Cycle of Ba’al is the Ugaritic version of Return of Ninurta to Nippur, one of the biggest myths about the exploits of Ninurta.

Before the 13th century BC, the patron deity of Ugarit was El, the god of creation. The court of El, consisting of his 70 sons and daughters, was named Elohim (literally: “the divine assembly”).

Another site at Ugarit mentions Yahweh as a son of El. We know this from a tablet, KTU 1.1 IV 14, on which is written: “The name of the son of El, Yahweh.”

The Old Testament has clearly retained the traces of this embarassing past, where Yahweh was the most important son of El, and was thus Ba’al: And it shall be at that day, saith the LORD, that thou shalt call me Ishi; and shalt call me no more Baali. – Hosea 2:16

Or the presence in the Bible of the theophoric name Bealiah (1 Chronicles 12:5) meaning “Yahweh is Ba’al” (Jewish Encyclopedia).

That biblical writers disguise these familiarities of the Hebrews toward Ba’al is evident, as for example, when the sons of Saul and Jonathan, respectively called Eshbaal and Meribbaal (1 Chronicles 8:33-34) are renamed Ishbosheth (2 Samuel 2:8) and Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 9:6), Boshet meaning “shame”.

To hide this embarassing past further, the Masoretes changed, whenever necessary, the meaning of an entire verse. For example the Hebrew version of Deuteronomy 32:8-9 that reads:

When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel. For the LORD'S portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance.

While in the LXX (the Septuagint), a Greek version of the Hebrew Bible, made around 270 BC, hence approx. 900 years prior to the Masoretic texts, reads:

When the most High divided to the nations, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the nations according to the number of the angels of God. And his people Jacob became the portion of the Lord, Israel was the line of his inheritance.

That the latter reading was the original version and the Masoretic text a fraud is definitively confirmed by the Qumran manuscripts written between the 3rd century BC and 1st century AD (manuscript 4QDEUT), manuscripts that contain the same version of Deuteronomy 32:8-9 as the Greek Septuagint.

The Rebel Son Ba’al-Hadad / Yahweh replaces El in the Divine Council


The identification of Yahweh with Ba’al-Hadad becomes blatant when comparing the Cycle of Ba’al with the biblical psalms. In the Cycle of Ba’al, El presides (at first) at the Divine Council. We can locate this supremacy of El in the Psalms of the OT:

God (El) standeth in the congregation of the mighty (Elohim); he judgeth among the gods. How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah. Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked. They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course. I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes. Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations. - Psalms 82

In a second time, the Cycle of Ba’al describes the ascension of Ba’al-Hadad in the Kingdom of Gods, after his victory against the dragon Yam, who symbolizes the ‘primordial ocean’. Ba’al-Hadad will thenceforth reign over a divine assembly impressed by his “terrific” victory, dethroning his father El. In an identical manner do the Sumerian texts describe how Ninurta dethrones his father Enlil at the divine council, following his victory against (among others) the primordial dragon (see eg. Return of Ninurta to Nippur).

In parallel with Ba’al-Hadad and Ninurta, the rest of the biblical psalms no longer represent a peaceful, regnant El in the divine council, but Yahweh ruling the assembly which is at awe for the conqueror of the primordial dragon, the son of El:

And the heavens shall praise thy wonders, O LORD: thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints. For who in the heaven can be compared unto the LORD? who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the LORD? God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about him. O LORD God of hosts, who is a strong LORD like unto thee? or to thy faithfulness round about thee? Thou rulest the raging of the sea: when the waves thereof arise, thou stillest them. Thou hast broken Rahab in pieces, as one that is slain; thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy strong arm.

– Psalms 89:6-10

(Rahab originally means “the primordial ocean” or “primordial dragon” as clarified by the Jewish Encyclopedia, which wonders why Jewish exegetes deprived this name of his mythological character by explaining it as equivalent to “noise” or “tumult”.)

And isn’t the same hero addressed in the following stories?

For God is my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth. Thou didst divide the sea [Yam in the Hebrew texts] by thy strength: thou brakest the heads of the dragons [Tanninim in the Hebrew texts] in the waters. Thou brakest the heads of leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness. Thou didst cleave the fountain and the flood: thou driedst up mighty rivers [nahăr-ōwṯ in the Hebrew texts].

- Psalms 74, 12-15

What foe does rise against Ba´al, enemy against the Rider on the Clouds? Did I not demolish the darling of El, Yam the Sea? Did I not finish off Nahar the River the great god divine Rabim? Did I not snare the Dragon [tannanu], vanquish him? I did demolish the Wriggling Serpent, the Tyrant with Seven Heads;

- Baal Cycle (KTU 1.3 V 35)

8. The Synagogue of Satan

Ambitions of the Wicked One, Its Temple and Its Clergy

After having unmasked Yahweh, who is actually the latest avatar of Ninurta / Nergal, “the god of this world” behind which the Wicked One lurks today, we can, thanks to Christian writings (Gnostic or canonical), archeological discoveries and the latest developments in biblical exegesis, identify the actual temple and clergy of the Wicked One and thereby make the mystical connection between the ambitions of the Wicked One and the New World Order.

The Representatives of the Wicked One on Earth

First Murderer and Liar: Cain, the Offspring of Yahweh/Satan

First, adultery came into being, afterward murder. And he was begotten in adultery, for he was the child of the Serpent. So he became a murderer, just like his father, and he killed his brother.

- Gospel of Philip

For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. Not as Cain, who was of that evil one, and slew his brother.

- 1 John 3:11-12​


Cain is considered by the Gnostics, as well as by Judeo-Christian and Islamic traditions, as the origin of evil on this earth, Cain being the first murderer and liar of the biblical narrative. Many know the episode of the first murder in the Old Testament, committed by Cain against Abel: And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him (Genesis 4:8) – followed by the first lie: And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother’s keeper? (Genesis 4:9)

In Judeo-Christian tradition, Cain is designated as the firstborn son of Adam while the Gnostics were often ridiculed or scoffed at for saying that Seth was the only descendant of Adam and that Cain was the illegitimate son of the biblical serpent, the snake actually being Yahweh/ Satan. The Gnostics designated the descent of Cain as the embodiment of the Wicked One on Earth, and accused the Pharisees, who are at the origin of Rabbinic Judaism today, to be the clergy, the representatives of Cain/Yahweh here below.

That Cain was the illegitimate son of the Serpent seems to be an old tradition and traces of that tradition are found in apocryphal texts that are not Gnostic.

In the Gospel of James (145 AD), Joseph, surprised to find Mary pregnant, says: Who hath done this evil in mine house and hath defiled the virgin ? Is not the story of Adam repeated in me ? for as at the hour of his giving thanks the serpent came and found Eve alone and deceived her, so hath it befallen me also.

The Kebra Nagast, written about the year 1300, a book esteemed by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the Rastafarian movement, describes the sadness of Adam who notes the devilish appearance of Cain at birth, following a conspiracy of the serpent/demon.

The Apocalypse of Moses, believed to have been written in a Semitic language and environment about the year 100 AD, says that Satan disguised as an angel of light seduced Eve, who gave birth to Cain, who was shining and running from the moment he was born.

Moreover, the Talmud and the Zohar, in fact the entire Jewish tradition itself confirms that Cain is the son of the serpent. Rabbi Louis Ginzberg summarizes the Jewish traditions in his book The Legends of the Jews where we can read about Cain:
  • “But after the fall of Eve, Satan, in the guise of the serpent, approached her, and the fruit of their union was Cain, the ancestor of all the impious generations that were rebellious toward God, and rose up against Him. Cain's descent from Satan, who is the angel Samael, was revealed in his seraphic appearance. At his birth, the exclamation was wrung from Eve, "I have gotten a man through an angel of the Lord."
Many readers will probably be thinking that all these Gnostic writings, apocryphal texts, Jewish traditions, are worthless because in our good old Bible it says in Genesis 4:1: Adam lay with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said, "With the help of the LORD I have brought forth a man." (NIV)

Ah … For a moment we set off reassured, except … one may only read the NIV in order to continue to believe that Cain is Adam’s firstborn, because the “Darby Bible” gives us a translation which is more than suspicious: And Man knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bore Cain, and said, I have acquired a man with Jehovah.

… With Jehovah??

The English translation (KJV) of the Hebrew text is at least equally disturbing: And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bore Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD. I have gotten a man from the LORD? We can still hope that these Englishmen have mistaken, but that hope evaporates once we read the Hebrew Bible: קָנִ֥יתִי אִ֖ישׁ אֶת־ יְהוָֽה׃ ... Translation : « I have gotten a man (a son) from Yahweh. » (See here, go to Hebrew)

The Targum Onkelos gives exactly the same translation as the Hebrew Bible : I have gotten a man from Yahweh. (See here): And Adam knew Havah his wife, and she conceived and gave birth to Qayin, and she said, “I have acquired the man from before YeYa.”

* 'from before' (מִן קָדָם) is regularly used in the Targums to render simple “from” in divine context.

The Targum of Jerusalem, Aramaic version of the Bible, the language of Jesus’ time, is also intriguing: And Adam knew that Eve was conceived by Samael, the angel of Yahweh. (Onkelos on the Torah: Understanding the Bible text, p.408)

Guy Stroumsa, Professor of Comparative Religion at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, gives another version of the Targum: And Adam knew that Eve his wife had conceived from Sammael, the angel of the Lord, and she became pregnant and bore Cain, and he was like those on high, not like those below; and she said: " I have acquired the angel of the Lord as a man." - Another seed: Studies in Gnostic Mythology , Guy Stroumsa (Nag Hammadi Studies 24; Leiden: Brill, 1984.)

We see that the translators end up losing control …


The theologians are confronted with a problem they would like to pass undetected: some translations have Yahweh as the progenitor of Cain. Others have Samael, the angel of death. Proponents of the theory of two “seeds” or “bloodlines” never exactly know how to interpret Genesis 4:1: I have gotten a man from Yahweh [or Samael/Angel of Death]. But the first to make this revelation 2000 years ago, the Gnostics, understood why such a confusion existed between these two fatherly beings. Also, the editors of the Old Testament have forgotten to cloak the parallel in the story of the numbering of Israel, once attributed to Yahweh, another time to Satan:

2 Samuel 24:1

And again the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah.

Whereas …

1 Chronicles 21:1

And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel.

Thus, Cain was born of the Union of Eve with Samael, the angel of death, of Eve with Yahweh.

And that Cain is the carnal aspect of Yahweh is understood in the Secret Book of John:

And the chief archon saw the virgin who stood by Adam... And Yaltabaoth was full of ignorance...

And the chief archon seduced her and he begot in her two sons; the first and the second (are) Eloim and Yave. Eloim has a bear-face and Yave has a cat-face. The one is righteous but the other is unrighteous. (Eloim is righteous but Yave is unrighteous.) Yave he set over the fire and the wind, and Eloim he set over the water and the earth. And these he called with the names Cain and Abel with a view to deceive.

That the Gnostics considered Yao/Yahweh, the Rebellious Son of the Demiurge, the Fallen Angel and the serpent of Eden as the same entity, becomes obvious when comparing the following texts of Irenaeus and the Secret Book of John:

1) The Demiurge inducts the Serpent Yao/Yahweh over the Heavens:

And Saklas commanded that seven kings should rule over the heavens and five over the chaos of Hell. The names of the glories who are over the seven heavens are these: The first is Iaoth, the lion-faced. The second is Eloaios, the donkey-faced. The third is Astaphaios, the hyena-faced. The fourth is Iao [Yahweh], the snake-faced with seven heads. The fifth is Adonaios, the serpent-faced. The sixth is Adoni the monkey-faced. The seventh is Sabbataios, whose face is a flame of fire that shines. This is the hebdomad of the week. These are those who rule the world.

- Secret Book of John

Reminder: Bernard Barc, Professor at the University of Lyon III, internationally recognized expert on Jewish hermeneutics and Gnostic literature, says here: “Saklas, the Demiurge, gives Yao/Yahweh the central position [4th out of 7] in this system with three authorities on his left and three on his right side to indicate that he is the unifying name of this “hebdomad of the week, which is confirmed by his appearance of a seven-headed snake.”

2) The Serpent/Yahweh is cast from Heaven and fallen onto Earth:

Ialdabaoth, however, through that oblivion in which he was involved, and not paying any regard to these things, cast Adam and Eve out of Paradise, because they had transgressed his commandment. For he had a desire to beget sons by Eve, but did not accomplish his wish, because his mother opposed him in every point, and secretly emptied Adam and Eve of the light with which they had been sprinkled, in order that that spirit which proceeded from the supreme power might participate neither in the curse nor opprobrium [caused by transgression]. They also teach that, thus being emptied of the divine substance, they were cursed by him, and cast down from heaven to this world. But the serpent also, who was acting against the father, was cast down by him into this lower world; he reduced, however, under his power the angels here, and begat six sons, he himself forming the seventh person, after the example of that Hebdomad which surrounds the father. They further declare that these are the seven mundane demons, who always oppose and resist the human race, because it was on their account that their father was cast down to this lower world.

- Irenaeus of Lyons, Against Heresies, Book I, Chapter XXX. 8

We are hence not surprised when we read the different accounts of the biblical translations and fail to find Cain (or even Abel) in the genealogy of Adam:

This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. And Adam lived a hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth: And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters: …

- Genesis 5:1-4

Theologians of all religions understand and explain the heterodox currents from their own “theological corpus”. Here, the Old Testament, the Torah, would be the trunk of the tree, and all other traditions would be its branches. While the passages used by the Gnostics to remind us that the Torah didn’t hide the true tradition very well, passages used to convert the Judaizers, the “God-fearing”, … theologians skillfully responded that Gnosticism was precisely formed from poorly interpreting those incoherent passages of the Torah. Beautiful rhetorical acrobatics if you ask me, by these worthy descendants of the Father of Lies.

It must be said that there are beliefs in which a book has ultimate authority. But what makes a book ultimately authoritative? One that is inspired by God himself? … Nah … there’s better than that. One that God himself would have written? … Pfff … still not good enough: up until now, God transcends the book. But there is a book that has existed before the creation of the world, a book that even God himself consulted to create it (he doesn’t know all too well what’s inside …). A book none other than the Torah! (Midrash, Gen. R. 1:1)

Rabbi Louis Ginzberg, in The Legends of the Jews (I. The Creation of the World) specifies about the first counsel given by the Torah to Lord Yahweh:

When God resolved upon the creation of the world, He took counsel with the Torah. Her advice was this: "O Lord, a king without an army and without courtiers and attendants hardly deserves the name of king, for none is nigh to express the homage due to him."

The Torah’s first counsel to God: to build an army.

9. Good vs Evil


The struggle between the descent of Seth and the descent of Cain

According to the Gnostics, the true descendant of Adam, down to his likeness, his image, is Seth. The Gnostics taught that Gnosis, the Knowledge, the distinction between Good and Evil, would be spread, sown in this world by the descendants of Seth.

The Targum of Jerusalem already informs us that from Seth descend those who have the wisdom to distinguish Good from Evil: Behold, Adam whom I have created is sole in my world, as I am sole in the heavens above. It is to be that a great people are to arise from him; from him will arise a people who will know how to discern between good and evil.

The Jerusalem Targum repeatedly points out that it’s about the wisdom to distinguish Good from Evil, as for example, in the narrative of Eden: … of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden the Lord hath said, You shall not eat of it,… for it is manifest before the Lord, that in the day that you eat of it, you will be as the great angels, who are wise to know between good and evil.

The Gnostics believed that this primordial discord between these two principles can be transposed here on Earth through a struggle between the descendants of Cain, representing the Wicked One, and the descendants of Seth, bearers of knowledge of Good and Evil. And this is the great weakness of religions, of not knowing and teaching that “Evil is incarnate”, organised, “represented” on Earth. It is the loss of the Church to have forgotten that the Wicked One has ambitions in this world that are real and material.

This Gnostic teaching of the two antagonistic bloodlines was recently rediscovered and brought back into fashion. Misunderstood, this theory can serve the worst of ideologies, like those of “white supremacists” contending to be the sole descendants of Seth; or Kabbalah, borrowing, yet inversing its principal themes from Gnosticism (see Gershom Scholem) and turning the “chosen people” into the sole descendants of Seth and the only human beings.

Valentinian Gnosis taught a tripartite division of mankind, composed of:

  • - The spirituals or pneumatics, few in number, descendants of Seth, therefore the Father.
    - The psychics, the vast majority of mankind, descendants of Abel, therefore the Demiurge.
    - The hylics, few in number, descendants of Cain, therefore Yahweh.
Never was a “human race” in its entirety designated by Valentinian’s classification of mankind: both Jews and Greeks consisted of spirituals, psychics and hylics. It is through actions, works and fruits that the belonging to one of these categories is manifested.

But those who are from the seed of Adam are manifest by their deeds, which are their work

- The Testimony of Truth

Mankind came to be in three essential types, the spiritual, the psychic, and the material, conforming to the triple disposition of the Logos, from which were brought forth the material ones and the psychic ones and the spiritual ones. Each of the three essential types is known by its fruit.

- The Tripartite Tractate​

A struggle between Good and Evil, the seed of Cain against the seed of Seth, has left traces in Scripture:

And I will put enmity between thee [the serpent] and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. - Genesis 3:15

In the first translation of the Bible in common language, Wycliffe’s Bible, John Wycliffe explains in his comments that this verse announces a struggle between the descendants of the seed of the serpent, representing the kingdom of evil, and the seed of the woman (Eve). Attentive readers will notice that the serpent’s seed should also be the offspring of Eve. In fact, the Gnostic texts agree with this Bible verse, saying that the serpent has “obtained” a shadow of Eve’s carnal aspect. It is this aspect of Eve that Kabbalah calls Lilith, Adam’s first wife.


Jesus spoke in parables, and a parable about the three categories of mankind and the seed of evil is revealed by Jesus in the Gospels.

Parable of the Sower:

And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow; And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up: Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth: And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away. And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them:
But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

- Matthew 13:3-11

Jesus reveals the three categories of hearers:

Hear ye therefore the parable of the sower. When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side. But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth it; Yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for a while: for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended. He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful. But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.

- Matthew 13:18-23

Jesus reveals the seed of the Wicked One to those who were given the ability to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven:

Then Jesus sent the multitude away, and went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field. He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.

- Matthew 13:36-39

When it becomes clear that Jesus never referred to a race when talking about the son of the Devil in the Gospel of John, He clearly indicates what priesthood and which church represents Cain here on Earth. Jesus, taken to task by the Pharisees after the episode of the adulterous woman, made revelations that coincide perfectly with the Gnostic revelation of the Heavenly Father of the original Fullness (from which Christ originates) and the descendants of Cain.

John 8:

12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. 13 The Pharisees therefore said unto him, Thou bearest record of thyself; thy record is not true. 14 Jesus answered and said unto them, Though I bear record of myself, yet my record is true: for I know whence I came, and whither I go; but ye cannot tell whence I come, and whither I go. 15 Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man.

19 Then said they unto him, Where is thy Father? Jesus answered, Ye neither know me, nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also.

21 Then said Jesus again unto them, I go my way, and ye shall seek me, and shall die in your sins: whither I go, ye cannot come. 22 Then said the Jews, Will he kill himself? because he saith, Whither I go, ye cannot come. 23 And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world.

31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. 43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. 44 Ye [the Pharisees] are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer [Cain] from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar [Cain], and the father of it.

Small reminder: For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. - 1 John 3:11-12

If the role of Cain’s descendants, the seed of the Serpent, and their relationship with the Pharisees was well known by the Gnostics, it’s because Jesus taught it to “those upon whom it was given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven”. Reread these passages in the gospels Matthew 13 and John 8 and you will see that the Gnostic revelations are not contradictory, but complementary to the canonical Gospels.

But what else do we know about the descendants of Cain? Would there be traces of his descent outside Christian revelation? Where or who were they before Jesus unmasked the Pharisees?


10. The Kenite Hypothesis

The most difficult part to swallow about the thesis of the Serpent seed, even for proponents of the theory, is the relationship between Yahweh and Cain. Nonetheless, an increasingly prevalent hypothesis in academic biblical exegesis, and supported by archeology, sweeps away all remaining doubts about the link between Cain and Yahweh: the (Midianite-)Kenite Hypothesis.

It first appeared in the 19th century in a writing by F.W. Ghillany under the pseudonym Richard von der Alm, published in Theologische Briefe an die Gebildeten der deutschen Nation, I (1862). Written under a pseudonym, probably a prudent and necessary judgement on behalf of the author, he argues that prior to being the God of the Jews, Yahweh was the God of the Kenites, the descendants of Cain.

The hypothesis caused quite a stir and was heavily opposed before becoming somewhat forgotten. But recent developments in archeology and exegesis support this theory. It circulates adequately in anglophone countries and the vacancy of this topic in French has recently been filled by the lectures of Thomas Römer at Collège de France.

Thomas Römer, Professor of Biblical and Ugaritic Hebrew at the University of Geneva, Professor of the Old Testament at the University of Lausanne, confirms the validity of the Kenite hypothesis in his lectures at Collège de France, which can be accessed on the internet on audio/video files or PDF (in French). You can hear his thoughts concerning the Midianite-Kenite theory in his three-hour long lecture from February 17 to March 3, 2011. That said, all his lectures are interesting and enjoyable.

Also validating the Midianite-Kenite theory, is the Jewish Encyclopedia.

Summarized in short, the hypothesis consists of following points:

1. In the Bible, a tribe exists by the name of “Kenites”. The name “Kenite” signifies the eponymous ancestor of that tribe: Cain.

2. The Kenites are identical to the Midianites, and the land of Midianites, “Midian”, can be found in the region of Edom, south of Judea. The Midianites/Kenites worked the copper mines. Excavations at Khirbat en-Nahas show an intensive production of metals and copper mines on Edomite territory (Ninurta is the god of copper, the descendants of Cain worked metals) and commercialized art objects from the 10th and 9th centuries BC onward. The Jewish Encyclopedia says that they were more advanced in the arts than the Hebrews and that the latter developed their art through contact with the Kenites. Several documents dating from the 17th and 19th dynasties mention the Shasu (= nomads) of YHW of the region of Edom.

3. Biblical exegesis reveals that YHVH comes from the desert, the region of Edom. Although the Old Testament contains very negative passages concerning the Edomites, there are also positive ones that are very telling. For example:

Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy salvation cometh; behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him. And they shall call them, The holy people, The redeemed of the LORD: and thou shalt be called, Sought out, A city not forsaken. – Isaiah 62:11-12

Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? this that is glorious in his apparel, travelling in the greatness of his strength? I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. – Isaiah 63:1

4. The Midianites/Kenites had a priest and sacrificer: Jethro the Kenite.

5. Moses was married to Zipporah, Jethro's daughter. It was Zipporah who saved Moses’ life with an initiation ritual when Yahweh tried to kill him:

And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the LORD met him, and sought to kill him. Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his feet [read: “touched Moses’ member”], and said, Surely a bloody husband art thou to me. So he let him go: then she said, A bloody husband thou art, because of the circumcision. – Exodus 4:24-25

6. Jethro, sacrificial priest of the tribe of Cain, was thus Moses’ stepfather: Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian. – Exodus 3:1

Or: Now Heber the Kenite, which was of the children of Hobab [different name of Jethro] the father in law of Moses, had severed himself from the Kenites, and pitched his tent unto the plain of Zaanaim, which is by Kedesh. – Judges 4:11

Moses lived for 40 years in Jethro’s presence and learned of Yahweh during his stay with the Midianites/Kenites. (Ex. 2-4)

Statue of Moses at Champmol, France​

7. As explained by Thomas Römer and the Jewish Encyclopedia, a critical exegesis demonstrates that Exodus 18 reflects an ancient tradition which tells how Jethro introduced Moses into the worship of Yahweh:

And Moses went out to meet his father in law, and did obeisance, and kissed him; and they asked each other of their welfare; and they came into the tent. And Moses told his father in law all that the LORD had done unto Pharaoh and to the Egyptians for Israel's sake, and all the travail that had come upon them by the way, and how the LORD delivered them. And Jethro rejoiced for all the goodness which the LORD had done to Israel, … - Exodus 18:7-9

And Jethro declares the installation of Judges of Israel:

Hearken now unto my voice, I will give thee counsel, and God shall be with thee: Be thou for the people to Godward, that thou mayest bring the causes unto God: And thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws, and shalt shew them the way wherein they must walk, and the work that they must do. Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens: And let them judge the people at all seasons, … - Exodus 18:19-22

8. Thomas Römer explains the most prevailing theory since the 90s: the Israelites worshipped El first before being converted to Yahwism by the Midianites/Kenites. It were therefore the descendants of Cain who were behind the Yahwist cult. Another example of such a cult are the Rechabites, a nomadic and strictly Yahwist tribe of Kenite origin (1 Chronicles 2:55).

9. It was Jethro who initiated the sacrifices to Yahweh even before the sacrificial laws were established in Leviticus 1-8.

And Jethro, Moses' father in law, took a burnt offering and sacrifices for God: and Aaron came, and all the elders of Israel, to eat bread with Moses' father in law before God. – Exodus 18:12

10. The Kenites were incorporated into the tribe of Judah during their journey to Palestine:

And the children of the Kenite, Moses' father in law, went up out of the city of palm trees with the children of Judah into the wilderness of Judah, which lieth in the south of Arad; and they went and dwelt among the people. – Judges 1:16

The presence of the gold-headed, copper snakes in this Midianite/Kenite sanctuary irresistably reminds us of the Gnostic revelation denouncing the connection between Yahweh, the serpent and Cain.

The Gnostic teaching about Cain: “First, adultery came into being, afterward murder. And he was begotten in adultery, for he was the child of the Serpent. So he became a murderer, just like his father, and he killed his brother.” – Gospel of Philip

The Gnostic teachings on the relationship between the descent of Cain and the Pharisees are not just some Gnostic fantasy as some try to make us believe, but constitute the unveiling of the deeper meaning behind Jesus’ words when He called the Pharisees and Sadducees “an evil and adulterous generation” (from Greek γενιά πονηρα, genea ponera = “progeny of evil ”) – Matthew 16:4, or: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you build the tombs of the prophets and adorn the monuments of the righteous” [Matthew 23:29] “You serpents, you brood of vipers [ὄφεις γεννήματα ἐχιδνῶν : serpents, evil brood of vipers], how will you escape the sentence of hell? [Matthew 23:33]

Even if it’s the Gnostic texts that reveal the link between Yahweh, the serpent and Cain by the unveiling Jesus reserved for “those to whom it was given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven”, the canonical gospels also designate the Pharisees as the serpent’s descent, progeny of the Wicked One. In addition, we have seen that contemporary biblical exegesis and archeology take the Kenite hypothesis very seriously, if not validate it, and state that the tribe of Cain was incorporated into the tribe of Judah. Which reminds us of the following mysterious passage from the Apocalypse of John: I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. – Revelation 2:9

Remark: historian of antiquity, Flavius Josephus, whose work is a major source for events and conflicts between Rome and Jerusalem dating from his time, provides an astonishing precision in “The Jewish War” about the Essenes: For there are three philosophical sects among the Jews. The followers of the first of which are the Pharisees; of the second, the Sadducees; and the third sect, which pretends to a severer discipline, are called Essens. These last are Jews by birth, and seem to have a greater affection for one another than the other sects have. – “The Jewish War”, Book II

So, the latter are Jews by birth, but the first two are not? The Sadducees nor the Pharisees? To be verified …

11. Satan's City & Temple

The Devil demands that his City and Temple are Restored

Others have demons dwelling with them, as did David the king. He is the one who laid the foundation of Jerusalem; and his son Solomon, whom he begat in adultery, is the one who built Jerusalem by means of the demons, because he received power.

- Testimony of Truth

But leave Jerusalem. For it is she who always gives the cup of bitterness to the sons of light. She is a dwelling place of a great number of archons.

- The (First) Apocalypse of James​

The Gnostics considered the earthly Jerusalem and its Temple as the Devil’s lair, a reversal of the Heavenly Jerusalem. Jerusalem, the city that is more than holy to Judaism and later on Judeo-Christianity, would be the City of Demons? We understand better now why the Gnostics didn’t release all their teachings at once to just anyone.

We have seen that it’s important not to settle for the simplistic explanation that Christian Gnosis was developed by reversing the teachings of established religion, motivated by some perverse pleasure, at risk of taking some heavy backfire after analysis.

For a long time courageous men have denounced the goal of secret societies, particularly Freemasonry: the disappearance of religion, the rise and dissolution of nations and the creation of a New World Order. Those familiar with the subordination of these secret societies to international bankers and Kabbalists and who understand that Catholic and Orthodox Christians have the most to fear, know that this New World Order will have Jerusalem as its capital and that the apotheosis of this project will become the restoration of the Temple of Solomon.

Why do Freemasons who define themselves as the descent of Cain have the ambition to rebuild the Temple of Solomon? Why do the descendants of the Pharisees, unmasked as the descent of Cain by Jesus Christ, have as their omegapoint, the reconstruction of the Temple?

The antagonism of views between the Gnostics and Judaism regarding Jerusalem and the Temple of Solomon, Lair of the Devil for one, Holy City and Temple for the other, does indeed spring from an inversion. But who has inversed the Truth? What was Jerusalem’s original status? To whom was the Temple initially dedicated?

Temple of Shulman/Ninurta at Ur-Shalim/Jerusalem


The Gudea cylinders, dating from the early third millennium BC, exhibited at the Louvre, Paris, describe the temple of Ninurta. Professor Victor Avigdor Hurowitz (dept. of Bible, Archeology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) remarks a striking resemblance between the temple of Ninurta and that of Solomon. Another article will focus on the parallels between them, but is their resemblance really a surprise? Not quite:

In the Amarna letters, tablets of a diplomatic character, dating from -1350 BC, found at the site of Amarna which is the modern name of Akhenaten, no. 74 and 290 are a cry for help of the King of Jerusalem to the Egyptian Pharaoh. After complaining that his country was invaded by the Habirus (the Hebrews) the King says: “the capital of Jerusalem, the city of the Temple of Ninurta [Ninurta = Ninib] has already fallen.” (In the Amarna letters, Jerusalem is more like a country or district rather than a city). Paul Haupt (Orientalistische Literaturzeitung XVIII, 1915, cols. 71-72) translates the letter EA 290: “Die Landeshauptstadt Namens Jerusalem, die Stadt des Ninib-Tempels, die Königsstadt.” (="The capital of Jerusalem, city of the tempels of Ninib, the king's city.")

In an article entitled “The Sulman Temple of Jerusalem” which appeared in The Journal of Biblical Literature 59 (1940), pg. 519 ff, Professor Julius Lewy, a prominent Assyriologist, specified that the cuneiform script denotes that the god Ninib/Ninurta is known in Jerusalem under the name Shulman. The correct translation is thus: “… the capital of Jerusalem, the city of the Temple of Shulman.” It is therefore to Shulman/Ninurta, god of death and hell, that the Temple of Solomon, to whom the god Shulman gave his name, was dedicated to.

The etymological root of the names of Solomon and Jerusalem:

‘s’l’m : Shulman, Shalman, Salem or Shelam/Shalim, once thought to mean “peace” or “peaceful foundation” is today widely accepted as a reference to the god Shalim, Shulman (see Jewish Encyclopedia – Jerusalem - ; or ‘Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible’ pg. 757 – Shalman - ; or ‘The Interpreter’s dictionary of the Bible' Vol. II pg. 844 – Jerusalem -). Jerusalem is Yerushalem in Chaldean, Yerushalaim in Hebrew: both names mean “founded by Shalem”.

Shalem, the Canaanite Shulman (s’l’m), founding god of Jerusalem, son of the Demiurge El, avatar of Ninurta, - s’l’m meaning death, corpse, dusk (Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, Volume 15 pg. 23) – god of death, war and plagues, invoked to escape death, disease and war and so became the god of victory and healing.

Mondher Sfar, Tunisian in exile in Paris, Doctor of Philosophy at the Sorbonne and researcher in Anthropology and History of Thought, beautifully summarizes the link between the demon Ninurta and Jerusalem (translated from French):

“The bloody rite practiced in the valley of Hinnom seems to trace back to the origins of Jerusalem, which takes its name Shalem, god of the Underworld as well. The root sh-l-m means in Canaan: finish, death, corpse, dusk … It has the same connotation in Ras Shamra/Ugarit in the pair shhr/shlm. In a Lihyanite inscription, Shulman appears as a god of death and hells associated with Abû-Îlaf. It is believed that Shalem is an Arab deity of the desert that had spread throughout Canaan and Syria as well as Mesopotamia prior to the time of exile. The Assyrians have known the goddess of Jerusalem, Ishtar of Urusilimma, whose name is Sulmanîtu, known in an Assyrian inscription of the thirteenth century BC. She has a temple at Assur. Her consort and patron of Jerusalem is Salmânu, epithet of Ninurta, “nergalian” god of war, meaning “the Peaceful” … This warlike characteros Shalem is clearly stated in the Psalms where the expression: cîr Yahweh sebâcôt = the city of Yahweh of hosts, refers to Shalem. The concept of peace in the ancient Middle East is synonymous with war and submission. Shalem/Nergal is presented as the Peacemaker par excellence because he is the Warrior par excellence. Jerusalem is one of the cities patronized by Nergal/Ninurta, where he is broken down into Shalmânu and Yahweh.”
Should we still regard the Gnostic verse of the Testimony of Truth as a reversal of Jerusalem’s status?

Others have demons dwelling with them, as did David the king. He is the one who laid the foundation of Jerusalem; and his son Solomon, whom he begat in adultery, is the one who built Jerusalem by means of the demons, because he received power.

Honesty compels us to admit that we’re still dealing with a revelation of Gnostic Jesus.

12. Moloch & Child Sacrifice

Cult of Horror

The similarities between Ninurta and Yahweh and between the Temple of Ninurta and the Temple of Solomon are such that it is no longer possible to doubt that we’re dealing with the same god, and still, all these similarities continue to cause endless controversies. One of the most controversial points is the Sabbath of Ninurta: the sacred day of Ninurta was considered a bad day, a day of calamity during which many activities were prohibited. The number of Ninurta/Ninib, being synonymous with Saturn, was Seven, his day of prohibitions was the seventh day. On that day in Babylon (Saturday = Day of Saturn) dedicated to Nergal/Ninurta, it was forbidden to make vows, to dress in white, to heal the sick, … That day in Babylon was called the sabbatu (Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, Vol 20 – sabbath -), but countless “experts” maintain that the Jewish sabbath has nothing to do with it …

This general outcry is hence not surprising when provoked by the evidence of child sacrifice in the cult of Yahweh. Another article will be devoted to this gruesome subject, but we cannot leave it out of our main thesis. And the Gudea cylinders may serve as an introduction to this abominable aspect of the cult dedicated to Ninurta, Ba’al, the so-called Moloch, or Yahweh.

One of the most central rituals in Judaism is the washing of hands, Netilat Yadayim, during which a blessing is recited with raised hands: “Blessed are you, Hashem, our God, King of the universe, who sanctifies us with his commandments, and commanded us regarding washing the hands.”

The Gudea cylinders evoke rites of purification practiced by the priest of the Temple of Solomon/Ninurta. The ritual washing of hands is omnipresent and the words of the Gudea priest have a peculiar resemblance to those of the Judaic cult: “I lay the ritual table and perform correctly the hand-washing rites. My outstretched hands wake holy An from sleep.”

Another similarity with the evocation in the Gudea cylinders is the sacrifice of the perfect cow, which is in many ways analogous to the Judaic blood sacrifice of the Red Heifer, a flawless cow (two black hairs are enough to disqualify):

The cow must be perfect in the rite dedicated to the Demon Ninurta.

The Red Heifer in Judaism must be perfect.

The ritual involves taking a ritual bath by the priest who performs the sacrifice to Ninurta.

The sacrifice of the Red Heifer obliges the priest to take a ritual bath (Mikveh).

Cedarwood is essential to burn the sacrificed cow in honour of the Demon Ninurta.

Cedarwood is essential for burning the Red Heifer after sacrifice.

Flawless children, ritually pure, are involved in the bloody cult dedicated to Ninurta.

The Judaic sacrificial ritual of the Red Heifer equally included flawless children, children completely isolated from the world since birth to ensure their complete state of purity on the day of sacrifice. A Mishnah concerning said sacrifices explains this point:

There were courtyards in Jerusalem built over [the virgin] rock and below them a hollow [was made] lest there might be a grave in the depths, and pregnant women were brought and bore their children there, and there they reared them. And oxen were brought, and on their backs were laid doors on top of which sat the children with cups of stone in their hands. When they arrived in Shiloah [the children] alighted, and filled [the cups with water], and mounted, and again sat on the doors. - Mishnah Parah 3:2

What purpose did these flawless children have on the day of sacrifice in the cult of Ninurta? They were sacrificed as well, together with the flawless cows.

What purpose did these flawless children have in the sacrifice of the Red Heifer? “None”, a rabbi answers, “They only carried the water”. Another one replies: “It is probable that children, because of their young age, had no part to play in these sacrificial ceremonies." (Actual answers found on the internet ...)

There’s absolutely no reason to believe them … The scribes of the Old Testament have poorly disguised child sacrifice ordained by Yahweh. This is ratified by the Jewish Encyclopedia, by the Encyclopaedia Biblica, by many scholars including Thomas Römer who in his lectures at the Collège de France confirms that Moloch is actually “Melek”, a title designated to Yahweh.


This subject, like many others, is too long to be developed here, but the sacrifice of the firstborn was required by Ba’al, the Son of the Demiurge, and certain passages in the Bible have clearly kept the traces of the sacrifice of the firstborn, ordained by Yahweh:

That thou shalt set apart [Hebrew: Kadesh] unto the LORD all that openeth the matrix, and every firstling that cometh of a beast which thou hast; the males shall be the LORD’s. – Exodus 13:12


For all the firstborn of the children of Israel are mine, both man and beast: on the day that I smote every firstborn in the land of Egypt I sanctified them for myself. – Numbers 8:17

That the god of death Ninurta was loved by the Mesopotamians who sacrificed children for him, burned them alive, is easily recognized by atheists and rationalists as by believers of all stripes. But the notion that this same Ninurta is revered today under the name of Yahweh seems unthinkable to the majority of believers, especially the most sincere, while leaving indifference or an occasional good reception among atheists and rationalists.

The idea that the banking elite, dominated by the descent of Cain, has subordinated international politics to the establishment of their New World Order and the recovery of the Temple of the Angel of Death, the demon Ninurta, can only seem like a total delusion in the eyes of rationalists, which is quite normal. But they are wrong anyway.

Among those now most amused are probably, and ironically, the followers of Marx’s historical materialism, to whom it was “forgotten” to clarify that the master of Marx' and Engels' Communism was in fact Moses Hess (Encyclopedia Universalis).

Moses Hess, the first true theorist of Zionism (prior to Herzl), believed that the mystical sense of history is played out in a race war that would lead to the victory and reign of Jerusalem and specifies with regard to the Third Temple of Solomon that the issue of reintroducing blood sacrifices should be settled later: The cult [sacrificial or not] that we are going to introduce in the New Jerusalem can and must, for the present, remain an open question. Rome was not built in a day, and the New Jerusalem must, needs take time for its Construction. (Rome and Jerusalem, pg. 145).

It is from him that originates the phrase “religion [of others] is the opium of the people.” The religions of others, of which Moses Hess believed that the most effective way was to use Freemasonry to merge them into a new world religion: More reasonable are the attempts of those fusionists who, like my friend Hirsch, of Luxemburg, are utilizing freemasonry as a means to amalgamate all the historical cults into one. (ibid pg. 114).

The followers do not always know the ambitions of the master. But that’s another topic.

“Al cap dels sèt cent ans, verdejera lo laurel.“

After seven hundred years, the laurel will be green again.

Prediction from the year 1309 of Guilhèm Belibasta, last of the Cathars who burnt at the stake of the Château of Villerouge-Termenès.​
The End
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I know @Artful Revealer has not read this recent book, but if the topics above are of interest to you, I suspect this book will also hit on similar topics, though I think the conclusions are somewhat different...

The Great Inception by Derek Gilbert...

"You stand on a battlefield, surrounded by an enemy that you've been told doesn't exist.This is a classic example of a PSYOP--a psychological operation, a mission to change what you believe by feeding you information that is inaccurate, incomplete, or an outright lie.This PSYOP is one of many by entities who've been at war with God since the Garden of Eden. The Bible calls them gods. God Himself calls them gods. But we've been taught that they're imaginary, so we stumble around the battlefield completely unprepared to defend ourselves and the ones we love.In The Great Inception, you will learn:* War between God and the gods is real* Importance of mountains--and the holy mountain where the final battle will be fought* The Tower of Babel was not in Babylon and the real reason God stopped it* Where God led His heavenly army to battle the chief god of the Canaanites* True identities of Satan and Apollyon, king of the demons in the abyss* Mystery behind what God meant when He told Abraham about "the sin of the Amorites"* The Red Sea crossing was a literal battle between God and Ba`al (and why a Canaanite god was in Egypt in the first place)* The startling connections between the Titans of Greek mythology, the Nephilim of Genesis 6, and the people who fought Israel from the time of Moses to the present day* Where Jesus did battle with the rebel gods* How the moon-god of ancient Babylon is still influencing world events today* Where Armageddon will be fought (it's not where you think)* A possible end-times scenario that includes the most diabolical double-cross in history. Combining research from scholars of ancient history, languages, archaeology, and Bible prophecy, Derek P. Gilbert shows that the Bible is anything but a boring list of thou-shalt-nots; it's an epic tale of a war between God and the rebel gods who want to usurp His throne--before He can restore humanity to His holy mountain and the place we once had in the divine council."

Ps I am not Derek ;-)


Mar 18, 2017
Given the fact that many find my beliefs confusing, or others have decided to explain my beliefs for me, or that my beliefs are reduced to whatever gnostic spin-offs new age esotericism and occultism have produced, I deemed it not a bad idea to post an article that somewhat summarises my view of the Bible. I find the Bible to be a remarkable book, not because it's the Word of God, but because it contains the Word of God and Satan, it contains the Knowledge of both Good and Evil. To get acquainted with how I filtered one from the other I present this article that is freely yours to assess, comment upon and refute. Any inquiries will also be dealt with to the best of my abilities which are, however, not stamped with the approval of any academy or license. I'm a voluntary student like most people here.

So go easy on me :p

(PS: if you come upon any hyperlinks in the text, odds are the link does no longer work, so please ignore them.)

1. Introduction

The Father of Lies

These writings aim to expose the parallel between a mysticism unveiled by Christian Gnosis - mysticism in the sense of divine mystery - and the events leading to the establishment of a New World Order (NWO). As the advent of this NWO approaches, a struggle becomes increasingly visible between:
  • 1. on one hand, this strange global project with tribal pretensions (!), where a small minority seeks to dominate everyone else through the reversal of all values, justified by Talmudic sophistry. A dominion that imposes blending of race to achieve complete disappearance of the cultural diversity of people and their roots, except for one;
    2. and on the other hand, a popular resistance to the NWO. A people’s resistance carried by a genuine universalism, a true brotherhood and an objective defense of the Truth, which will lead to the victory of the Greco-Christian Logos against Talmudic sophism.
We will attempt to demonstrate that this confrontation is rooted in a struggle between two opposing mysticisms, with on one side, a spirituality that connects humanity to its divine and eternal dimension; and on the other side, a cult worshipping an entity that separates man from his divine origins, venerating a usurpatory god with whom pacts are made, for whom temples are built and blood sacrifices performed in exchange for wealth and power; a cult that reached its culminating worship in the Temple of Jerusalem, temple of blood sacrifice, but also, and always, temple of finance, destroyed after the coming of Christ.

The Wicked One now requires that It be given Its temple and Its blood sacrifices, that which is strived for by the Kabbalist, Masonic and other global elites. The reconstruction of the temple is the pinnacle of the NWO, the temple where both ambitions of the Wicked One will materialize: to rule over the temporal world through a global fiat currency and rule the spiritual world by pretending to be God.

Understanding current events, knowing the real stakes of international politics and resisting the NWO does not come from an encyclopedic knowledge or expert analyses of all kinds. The resistance to the NWO, or the “awakening”, comes simply from the fact that we are in an age where the masks come off. The true nature of this globalist project and the true face of the bankers behind it are being unveiled. Know that it is from this simple unmasking that the Truth will arise. It is understanding the meaning of the word Apocalypse (from the Greek apo: remove, and kalyptein: hide, cover = unveil, uncover).

One could wonder, is it really a coincidence that at the dawn of the final phase of the establishment of the NWO, internet emerges, one of the principal sources of our awakening?

Is it really a coincidence that the creation of the state of Israel coincided with the discovery of the Gnostic writings of Nag Hammadi, which had been buried by monks seventeen centuries before? A discovery that initiated what will become the true Apocalypse:

Unveiling the Father of Lies.


This short notice is addressed to those who have already approached more recent and much more publicized forms of “Gnosticism”, which are in fact recent versions / inversions of the actual, ancient, Gnostic teachings. Our site is devoted to historical Gnosis dating from Early Christianity and has therefore nothing to do with so-called fashionable New Age Gnostic movements, obsessively anti-Catholic, or plainly anti-Christian, originating from a recovery/inversion of Gnostic themes by an emerging Jewish mysticism during the 13th century; a pseudo-gnosis promoted by the esoteric works of Freemasons Albert Pike and charlatan Aleister Crowley, teaching a degenerated Kabbalah for Gentiles. It’s shocking to see people submit their spiritual search to a “Talmudic, Kabbalistic” teaching that basically grants them no spiritual prospects whatsoever. Kabbalah grants spiritual dimensions to no one but the “chosen people”! It’s a common mistake, a mediatized distortion that misleads in particular beginners, to confuse historical Gnosis with New Age and other Kabbalistic anti-Christian propaganda found in Hollywood. Genuine Christian Gnosis will never be accepted by any media, and definitely not by Hollywood. Perhaps all those halfwit experts who denounce the support of Hollywood to Marcionite or Valentinian Gnosticism should measure the weight of the Marcionite lobby in cinema against the weight of a lobby we no longer dare utter by name. Are these “experts” even able to understand why for instance, the CIA supports the development of Evangelical Christianity and Zionism in the Middle-East, yet never supports the Coptic or Orthodox Christians?

This presentation is based solely on the oldest sacred texts and defends its views by drawing mainly from recognized encyclopedias and academic controversies concerning exegesis. This isn’t vainglorious boasting rather than a clear opposition to those countless esoteric authors who rely on … other esoteric authors.

2. Unmasking the Wicked One

The Knowledge of Evil

We defend the Gnostic viewpoint with regard to the knowledge of Evil. A good understanding of Christian Gnosis will teach that a spiritual journey feeding only on the knowledge of Good will remain a journey cripple and infantile. The knowledge of Good alone would amply suffice if we were all in paradise where any knowledge of evil would be futile. But in a world where evil exists, where evil has ramifications for future generations, where lies pervert almost everything, even the meaning of simple words: the bricks constructing the languages that define us, … a spiritual search ignoring this evil is like driving at night without the headlights turned on. This is one of the main criticisms laid upon Gnostics: they teach the Knowledge of Good and Evil, knowledge identified with the forbidden fruit of Eden in the biblical narrative. But the Gnostics situated the notorious biblical story of Paradise in a context completely opposed to the one of the Old Testament, which the Gnostics called corrupt and concealing of the truth. (For further examination of the corruption of the biblical tale of Genesis, and an overview of the perversion of the meaning of words, see Understanding the Story of Paradise)

Knowledge of Good and Evil according to Gnostics is coherent but complex and will be developed in another article to avoid cluttering this one up. However, the term “gnosis”, meaning “knowledge”, does not mean an intellectual knowledge rather than a knowledge through contact. Between these two forms of knowledge lies a difference similar to knowing, for example, Victor Hugo through his books and knowing him personally, through contact, e.g. being his neighbor. At the risk of appearing rather simplistic, we can say that in order to establish such a knowledge through contact, Christian Gnosis encourages the seeker to reconnect with his intuition and stimulate it. Gnosis incites to an inner journey until that which reveals itself deep within through direct intuition, a contact, a link, blurry and indistinct, but with an infinite dimension, awakens the seeker to his own infinite dimension, his belonging to all from which the All (*) separates him. This knowledge through contact is “Gnosis”, the connection of the seeker with his “inner Christ”. This connection makes the Gnostic grasp that his true identity is strange to this world and he develops in him the feeling that his worldly surroundings don’t make sense, that they don’t add up.

At this moment, the Gnostic revelation responds in depth and without compromise that: to realize his divine dimension, the individual must overcome or abandon his entire mental structure, a highly complex and mechanical structure that disables the mind to overcome that for which it was programmed. Gnostics viewed that without this “contact”, without gnosis, the individual remained a prisoner of anxiety due to the remoteness and oblivion of the Father, as well as a prisoner of fatality due to the mechanical limits of the Universe in which we’ve been created; a fatality and institutionalized anxiety that existed in times of Jesus Christ, where both Jewish and Greek beliefs taught nothing but fatality and the fear of God, Yahweh or Zeus, and it isn’t for naught that converts to Judaism were called “God-fearing” instead of “God-loving”.

According to Gnostics, the world was in need of the same upheaval as with the personal awakening, since it was ruled by a treacherous entity that structured the dimension in which we exist, an evil force that manifested his presence on Earth through the establishment of power, royal or religious, with as “epicenter”: the Temple of Jerusalem. A treacherous entity that, dethroned by Christian revelation, followed with the destruction of Its Temple, now requires that Its throne and temple are restored to It, which is precisely what the global elite with their New World Order, Freemasonry and even, to our greatest regret, Evangelical Christians, are striving to build.

And it’s to keep us in a state of oblivion and enclose us in our physical and material dimension (a dimension which is very real, make no mistake) that the occult powers offer mediatized freeways to atheistic materialism, or the introduction of “Noahide Law” which promises, among other things, to cut off the head of the Catholics and Orthodox (see here). Noahide Law accepts only two positions: fear Yahweh or be atheist, which may seem paradoxical, but isn’t. It mainly serves to sever all ties between man and his divine origins. To understand this better, one must know that there has never been a mysticism, a possible link between man and Yahweh in ancient Jewish writings. Jewish mysticism is but a late development that only concerns the “chosen people”, something which is clearly and sincerely illustrated by Gershom Scholem, the main authority in the field.

Increasingly greater in numbers are those who at present comprehend or sense that a dark mystique lies behind the mechanisms or forces that weave the coming of the New World Order. But who or what exactly is this dark entity identified by Gnostics, and also, as we shall see, already clearly identified in ancient mythologies, up to the oldest Sumerian texts?

Many have already uncovered a cult of the Fallen Angel, Lucifer, in the so-called secret societies that nestle and recruit in the highest echelons of world power. The Lucis Trust even has a place at the UN in the form of a Non-Governmental Organization, and a consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. The organization was initially called the Lucifer Publishing Company. According to the Lucis Trust, the name was chosen because the founder, Alice Bailey, saw Lucifer, the Fallen Angel, as a positive principle.

But in view of the oldest sacred texts, mythologies and even religions of the world, Lucifer doesn’t carry much weight, and its acceptance as an evil principle is quite recent: it wasn’t until 408 AD when St. Jerome, author of the Vulgate, chose the name Lucifer to translate the Hebrew “HYLL” of Isaiah 14:12 which addressed a Babylonian King identified with Nimrod in Genesis 10. The decision by St. Jerome of introducing a new referral to designate Evil was unlikely an innocent move and has certainly helped exonerate the truly accused of Early Christianity.

Luciferianism is very much alive today, but the Luciferians are just puppets of a caste much older, venerating an evil entity with which they have made a pact since the dawn of time, a pact they call “Covenant”. This exiled entity is described in all ancient mythologies and religious texts as the entity hiding behind the famous biblical Nimrod. This entity exists in all ancient religions - religions of the past that were renamed "mythology" in order to hide from us that they are the roots, the founding texts of the religions of today.

Knowing the true identity of the “god of this world”, as it was called by St. Paul, is understanding the pursuit of the NWO. It’s understanding why the Catholic and Orthodox churches are the first ones to go, destroyed by the numbers during the French, Mexican and Russian revolutions; or targets of aggressive media orchestrated by that same caste. Exposing this entity is also understanding why in the highest spheres of the “Old Testamentary” world, secret Luciferian or other “Skull and Bones”-like societies have made their nest.

(*) The All does not mean all of God's creation as most interpreters believe, but everything that separates us from the Divine Fullnes, ie. the material universe created by the Demiurge.

3. The Demiurge

The Demiurge

The first concept in need of clarification for those readers unfamiliar with the Gnostic themes, is the notion of the “Demiurge”. The idea of the Demiurge often diverts those who approach Christian Gnosis and even horrifies the most sincere believers, and for good reason too: this Demiurge, this secondary and imperfect god, regarded by Gnostics as a barrier between man and the true Father, is none other than the Creator of the Universe himself! At first, to consider the Creator of the Universe as secondary or inferior to another seems paradoxical, contradictory. We must therefore specify that the Demiurge means the creator of the material universe and understand that this demiurgic concept is consistent in Gnostic thought, where the creation of the material universe happens from a tear, a separation from the true creation of the Father: the Divine Fullness.

Gnostic revelation teaches that evil, darkness and lies all have a mystical origin. According to Gnosis, the road to evil began with this primordial separation from our divine dimension where the male and female principle were as “one”. According to ancient Gnosis, a primordial tear was produced in the most distant feminin aspect of the Father, followed by the complex establishment of the material, cosmic dimension in which we now exist. Our existence here below outside of the Fullness, an existence reduced to this material dimension, means to be spiritually dead. The simple etymology of the word “exist” already explains what the Gnostics told us: existence, exist: from the Latin existere, composed of ex and sistere = “to remain outside”.
  • [Modern cosmology tells a similar story when explaining baryogenesis, where our Universe was created through the separation of matter from anti-matter. According to recent scientific discoveries, this process is due to CP-symmetry violation. In cosmology, baryogenesis is the process during which an asymmetry between ordinary matter and anti-matter is produced until there remains a minimal excess (one particle in a billion) of ordinary matter over anti-matter. Matter and anti-matter then self-destruct in strictly equal quantities, leaving only residual material created by the baryogenesis. This residual matter constitutes our entire visible universe!]
It’s because of this tear, of this distance with the Father, that we are “lost” to Him. That’s why gnosis, the inner contact, signifies not only that we found the Father, but also that the Father has found us, that He sees us once again: it is the resurrection.

Remark: A common mistake is to confuse the Demiurge and Satan, even in works devoted to Christian Gnosis. This separation from our place of origins, the Fullness (called “Pleroma” in Gnosticism), is the work of the Demiurge, but the maintenance of our “existence” in this physical universe of flesh and blood is the work of Evil, which a thorough reading of the Gnostic texts reveals.

The Primordial Waters, the Cosmic Egg or the Divine Fullness

before the Separation of Heaven and Earth

A very important point to understand the significance of the Gnostic revelation is that this teaching of the forgotten Fullness and the role of the Demiurge was not a Gnostic invention, but an unveiling of what was concealed by both Jewish and Greek cults alike, by the priests of the Temple of Solomon and the Temple of Apollo.

What remained veiled, and remains veiled today, was that the creator-god, nor the god for whom people built temples and performed sacrificial worship (we shall see that the creator-god and the god people sacrificed to are also different), was not God himself, but that these gods and the creation of the material universe actually separate us from God. We know for a fact, thanks to archeology and recent biblical exegesis, that almost all the founding texts of all ancient religions – including Genesis of the Old Testament, as we shall see – explain that a separation with our divine dimension is the founding act of the creation of the material universe.

This disjunction of the primordial union is symbolically described in the sacred texts as “the separation of Heaven and Earth”(attention: this separation repeats itself in lower realms!). This topic of the Tear in the primordial Fullness, the separation of Heaven and Earth, will be developed in another article, but to summarize, we conclude that this theme presents itself in all parts of the world. Describing them all would demand several pages, but here are some examples:

  • - In the Rigveda, creation occurs from the separation of Hiranyagarbha (= Brahman), the primordial egg, which consists of Heaven/the Sky (Dyaus) and Earth (Prithvi). The Hiranyagarbha is called Brahman: the infinite Absolute overlooking all dualities. Brahma (not to be confused with Brahman!) is the demiurgic creator-god of Hinduism who created the universe by splitting the Cosmic Egg, of which both parts formed Heaven and Earth.
    - In Chinese mythology, Pangu creates the universe by separating the Cosmic Egg and it’s he who keeps Heaven (yang) and Earth (yin) apart.
    - In Greek mythology, Uranus (Heaven/Sky) and Gaia (Earth) were to be separated for the creation of the cosmos to take place.
    - In Māori mythology, the universe is created through the separation of the first couple, Rangi (Heaven/Sky) and Papa (Earth).
    - In the Finnish epic of Kalevala, the Cosmic Egg is split, the upper half forming the Sky, the lower half forming the Earth.
    - In Mongolia, it’s the Demiurge Utan who creates the universe by separating Heaven and Earth.
    - In Egypt, all creation myths have one thing in common: the Nun/Nu, which is the birthplace of the creator-god (Atum). In Egyptian mythology, Nun, the male principle and Naunet, the female principle, form the primordial union. It’s but in later traditions that Nun was demonized and identified with Chaos. Shu, the god of storms, kept Nut (Heaven/Sky) and Geb (Earth) apart.

The same thing is true for Oceania, Africa and their oral traditions, and especially for the subject that interests us most, the ancient religions of the Middle East. These religions of the Middle East are rooted in Sumerian mythologies where the primordial Fullness is represented by the union of Nammu (feminine) and Apsu (masculine). Nammu is probably the oldest Sumerian deity (see: “History Begins at Sumer” by Samuel Noah Kramer) and therefore the world. Nammu gives birth to An and Ki (Heaven and Earth) and it is their son, the Demiurge Enlil, who creates the cosmos by disjoining the “inseparable” couple An-Ki.

Throughout the ancient Near East, the Demiurge created the world by splitting the primordial union, dividing Heaven and Earth. All the creation myths of the Near East tell the story of this primordial separation, from the Epic of Gilgamesh to the Sumerian myth of the great god Utu, through Babylonian religion and Marduk who divides Tiamat and Apsu to form Heaven and Earth, etc … All of them, but one?! The biblical god didn’t separate heaven and earth, but created them?! …

Actually … the translators of the Holy Bible have lied to us from the very first words in the Old Testament:

Even in the Bible, God (Elohim – who is Enlil in the Sumerian counterparts), like every other demiurge of various mythologies in the Middle East, did not create but separate Heaven and Earth. “Official” translations of Genesis 1.1 read: “In the beginning God (Elohim) created the heavens and the earth.” The word that is translated into “created” is ba-ra (בָּרָ֣א ); but ba-ra means both “create” and “separate”. Translating ba-ra with separate concurs way better with the Sumerian context and is also linguistically more accurate (see e.g. the work of Ellen Van Wolde, professor Theology and Exegesis of the Old Testament at the University of Tilburg, who proposes a more accurate translation of Genesis 1.1 as follows: “In the beginning in which/when God separated the heavens and the earth …”). The courageous demonstration of Ellen Van Wolde provoked an outcry among some exegetes who demonstrated nothing in return but their bad faith.

For cults and religions that worship the Demiurge and ascend him to the rank of Supreme God, this very separation of Heaven and Earth has, according to them, exited us from Chaos. This is how the primordial union mother/father, Nammu/Apsu in Sumer, Tiamat/Apsu in Babylon, became Chaos, called Tohu wa-Bohu in the Old Testament. Theologians that have raised their shields against Ellen Van Wolde may now do the same against Robert Graves and Raphael Patai who both prove that Tohu wa-Bohu symbolized the Fullness, and not Chaos: Tohu = Tiamat and Bohu = Abzu).

For Gnostics however, this separation ends the era or age of the Fullness before the cosmic creation. We will see that the mythologies and the emergence of large religious reformations were made precisely around these two alternatives:

1. The choice between, on one side, a spirituality binding each and every human being to the primordial Fullness, each having a share of Eternity within and the prospect of returning to that Fullness, escaping the material world which involves (and makes sense to boot) a fraternal morality and the exceeding of one's ego. These spiritualities consider the cosmological creation as the work of the Demiurge.

2. Secondly, a cult raising the Demiurge to the rank of Supreme Divinity while relegating the primordial Fullness to the rank of primordial Chaos, like the Old Testament or Greek cults of Zeus have done. These cults impose their authority through the fear inspired by their God, which man can curry favour with rituals and blood sacrifices, including human sacrifice. These cults grant no divinity whatsoever to man who can only be punished or materially rewarded by these gods, fortune and power being the greatest favours granted, as was the case in original Judaism.

4. The Good, the Bad & the Just

Readers accustomed to Gnostic themes may have suspected that the Demiurge will be singled out in this essay. However, the most common mistake, committed even by experts, is that no distinction is made between the Demiurge and the “Wicked One”, something we will set straight immediately.

Before being destroyed and banned for centuries, the Gnostic teachings and the Nag Hammadi texts were not meant to be read without instruction. It is at times difficult to clearly situate or distinguish the Demiurge, the Elohim, Cain, Yahweh, etc … especially because in the Gnostic system, that which “emanates” isn’t always distinct from that which is “emanated”. For example: Christ and the Primordial Man are at times distinct but are actually identical; Barbelo is also the Primordial Man, but in its feminin aspect; Epinoia/Eve is an emanation of Sophia as one of her aspects; Yahweh engenders Cain, but Cain is just the carnal aspect of Yahweh (this will be specified in later chapters). Therefore it is often difficult to decipher the difference Gnostics make between the Demiurge and the “Wicked One”.

We shall see that this confusion also stems from the fact that the Old Testament has muddied the waters by merging two gods into one, El and Yahweh, who originally were two distinct entities. Hence the common mistake made by all twopenny esotericists of believing that according to Christian Gnosis “the Demiurge is Yahweh who is the Wicked One”. This is wrong, and a careful reading of the Gnostic writings clearly shows that:
  • 1. the Demiurge is not the Wicked One;
    2. Yahweh is the Wicked One, an emanation, a “son”, the Fallen Angel of the Demiurge.

The Demiurge is not the Wicked One

This Gnostic distinction between the Demiurge and the Wicked One was made perfectly clear by Irenaeus of Lyons:

  • They further teach that the spirits of wickedness derived their origin from grief. Hence the devil, whom they also call Cosmocrator (the ruler of the world), and the demons, and the angels, and every wicked spiritual being that exists, found the source of their existence. They represent the Demiurge as being the son of that mother of theirs (Achamoth), and Cosmocrator as the creature of the Demiurge. Cosmocrator has knowledge of what is above himself, because he is a spirit of wickedness; but the Demiurge is ignorant of such things, inasmuch as he is merely animal. Their mother dwells in that place which is above the heavens, that is, in the intermediate abode; the Demiurge in the heavenly place, that is, in the hebdomad; but the Cosmocrator in this our world.

    - Irenaeus of Lyons, Against Heresies, Book I, Chapter V. 4

    They also declare the “adversary” is one of those angels who are in the world, whom they call the Devil, maintaining that he was formed for this purpose, that he might lead those souls which have perished from the world to the Supreme Ruler. They describe him also as being chief among the makers of the world, …

    - Irenaeus of Lyons, Against Heresies, Book I, Chapter XXV. 4

Adolphe-Félix Gatien-Arnoult stated in his book “l’Histoire Comparée de la Philosophie” (Comparative History of Philosophy), pg. 319, that On God, Satan and the Demiurge Marcion himself acknowledged:
  • 1) as first principle a being of infinite Light, Bythos.

    2) a creature of shadow and darkness: Satan, matter.

    3) a being, ignorant rather than wise, where Justice is degenerated to a ruthless rigidity, the Demiurge. But the precise relationships Marcion established between these are not well known.
Al-Maturidi (853-944), Arab theologian, said that the Marcionites distinguished the Good Father, the upright Demiurge and the malevolent darkness. Furthermore, “Gnostic Islam” of the great Fatimid Caliphate (969-1171), the Ismailis, born from the encounter between Islam and the Gnostic world, similarly designated Satan as the Rebellious Angel of the Demiurge.

An Ismaili version of the Fallen Angel for those interested:
The Ismaili version of the Fall is quite different from that which most Christians are familiar with (and which derives ultimately from St Augustine). Before time began, the Ismailis say, the First Intelligence issued a Proclamation or Summons to all the Forms of Light that occupied the various levels of the hierarchy. The word used for this Summons (davat) is important, because it is also applied to the Ismaili preaching on earth, which is thus regarded as a reflection or copy of the archetypal Summons in heaven. (The word is still in common use in modern Persian to mean simply "invitation".) The Universal Soul - the First Emanation - obeyed the Divine Invitation, but the Chief Archangel of the Second Level (the Third Intelligence) became confused in some way and refused. The exact reason for his refusal is unclear, but according to H. Corbin it was a failure to recognize the "boundary" constituted by the Universal Soul above him; this failure led him to try to reach God directly, which amounted to thinking that he himself was divine. His "sin" seems in fact to have been an error in theology. As a result of his mistake he was relegated from the second rank to the lowest of all, the tenth, while all the others moved one step up. (Notice that the interval from the Third Intelligence to the Tenth Intelligence is seven, the Ismaili mystic number.)

The erring archangel did not fall alone. With him at the second rank had been a number of other beings, and they fell into the same trap as he, misled by his bad example, so they had to accompany him to the tenth level. Realizing his mistake too late, the fallen archangel told his companions that the only way they could regain their former station was by following his orders and obeying the Intelligences whom they now found above them. Perhaps not unreasonably, most of them refused to listen to him, and the most recalcitrant of all went so far as to incite rebellion. This was the future Satan. "The archangel," he said, "has brought all this trouble on us; we merely did what he did himself. Now that he has landed us in this mess he wants to drag us into something even worse." Most of the other Beings agreed with him, but some rejected his arguments and others were uncertain what to do. The brilliance of those who rejected the archangel's authority became darkened and they were plunged into ignorance.

Realizing that if they remained as purely spiritual beings they would never be able to extricate themselves from their confusion, the archangel determined on a plan to liberate them. He made himself the Demiurge (a kind of minor creating deity) and created the material world to serve as the means by which these beings could regain their former status and enlightenment.

Yahweh is the Rebellious Son of the Demiurge

And Saklas commanded that seven kings should rule over the heavens and five over the chaos of Hell. The names of the glories who are over the seven heavens are these: The first is Iaoth, the lion-faced. The second is Eloaios, the donkey-faced. The third is Astaphaios, the hyena-faced. The fourth is Iao [Yahweh], the snake-faced with seven heads. The fifth is Adonaios, the serpent-faced. The sixth is Adoni the monkey-faced. The seventh is Sabbataios, whose face is a flame of fire that shines. This is the hebdomad of the week. These are those who rule the world.

- Secret Book of John​

Bernard Barc, Professor at the University of Lyon III, internationally recognized expert on Jewish hermeneutics and Gnostic literature, says here: “Saklas, the Demiurge, gives Yao the central position [4th out of 7] in this system with three authorities on his left and three on his right side to indicate that he is the unifying name of this 'hebdomad of the week', which is confirmed by his appearance of a seven-headed snake.”

Thomas Römer, Professor of the Hebrew and Ugaritic Bible at the University of Geneva, Professor of the Old Testament at the University of Lausanne and Chairman at Collège de France, points out that the Gnostics called the god of the Jews “Yao” and explains in his “introduction of the Old Testament” that originally, the name of the Jewish god wasn’t pronounced Yave rather than Yao.

Next, the ruler had a thought - consistent with his nature - and by means of verbal expression he created an androgyne. He opened his mouth and cooed to him. When his eyes had been opened, he looked at his father, and he said to him, "Eee!" Then his father called him Eee-a-o ('Yao').

- On the Origin of the World​

The Gnostic teaching that Yao/Yahweh was an emanation of the Demiurge is also confirmed by Irenaeus of Lyons, who said: They have also given names to [the several persons] in their system of falsehood, such as the following: he who was the first descendant of the mother is called Ialdabaoth; he, again, descended from him, is named Iao, ... - Against Heresies, Book I, Chapter XXX. 5

Having realized that according to Christian Gnosis Yahweh is not the Demiurge (Yaldabaoth/Saklas), it is also very important to understand the significance of the Revelation of Christian Gnosis, as is the case with the revelation of the forgotten Fullness, namely that this isn’t an invention rather than an unveiling of that which is veiled by rabbis and priests of cults that venerate the cursed Son of the Demiurge, whether it’s Apollo, Yahweh or another “Ba’al”: these gods have always designated, under different names, the Evil Son of the Demiurge. Numerous archeological and even biblical evidence has recently supported the Gnostic tradition that describes Yahweh as the Son of the Demiurge, and associate Him with Cain and the serpent from Eden.

We shall see that by describing Yahweh as the Son of the Demiurge, the Gnostic texts return Him to his original place (both names El and Yahweh designate God in the Bible, but originally designated the Demiurge El and his Son Yahweh). We will also see that ascribing to the Son of the Demiurge the role of the Wicked One corresponds to what is communicated in the oldest founding texts of all religions, from the earliest Sumerian texts onward.

On the other hand, Gnostic traditions, of which the most widespread was that of Valentinius, did not consider the Demiurge as evil rather than merely ignorant and incapable of achieving perfection. Valentinius was the most important Gnostic teacher. He taught in Rome between 135 and 160 AD. According to Tertullian, he was a candidate to become Bishop of Rome (the Pope) in 143, but failed in doing so, coming short but a few votes. Valentinius’ life wasn’t outside the Church until his eviction from the political apparatus of the Church of Rome. It was primarily due to opposition against his theses and those of Marcion that Orthodox Christianity was formed. Furthermore, the mere fact that “Orthodox Christianity was formed due to subsequent opposition against Gnostic theology”, as noted by the Encyclopedia Universalis, makes it absurd to speak of Gnostic “heresy”.

Valentinian Gnosis describes the Demiurge as the Just Dimension, “just” in the moral sense, but also for His mathematically precise construction of the universe (cf. the idea of the Great Watchmaker). Ptolemaeus Gnosticus, disciple of Valentinius, situates the Demiurge (the Just) between the Father (the Good) and the Wicked One (the Unjust).
  • And if the perfect God is good by nature, in fact he is, for our Savior declared that there is only a single good God, his Father whom he manifested; and if the one who is the opposite nature is evil and wicked, characterized by injustice; then the one situated between the two is neither good nor evil or unjust, but can properly be called just, since he is the arbitrator of the justice which is his. – Ptolemy’s Letter to Flora
Valentinian Gnosis teaches that a mystical struggle exists between the Demiurge and the Wicked One and that man must escape both to return to the Father. This struggle takes place in three dimensions interpenetrating one another:
  • 1) The mystical or metaphysical dimension between the Father, the Demiurge and the Wicked One.

    2) The inner or psychological dimension: at some point our mind is limited by the notion of what is just or unjust. Gnosis teaches that this limit is a true prison, a blindness that prevents us from discovering our divine dimension which is above that of the just and the unjust.

    3) The material or terrestrial dimension: Gnosis teaches that this struggle is reflected here below by the tripartite division of humanity into following categories:
    • - The ‘spirituals’ or ‘pneumatics’ (pneumatikos = “breath”), animated by the breath of the Fullness, oriented towards Good and Forgiveness.
      - The ‘psychics’, torn between their divine origins and the material, mechanical dimension, limited by the just and unjust, seeking reward and fearing punishment.
      - The ‘hylics’ or ‘materials’, those that are but matter, seeking only material wealth, guided by neither the just or the good.
To summarize, Gnosis distinguishes:
  • 1) The Good God: the one who loves and forgives, our absent Father revealed by Isu Chrestos (Greek for “Good”).

    2) The Just God: the Demiurge who justly punishes and rewards.

    3) The Unjust God: Yahweh-Cain, who sows war, death and disease.
Considering Yahweh as the Unjust, the Angel of Death, has earned the ‘Christians’ the establishment of the first pyres, fiery stakes introduced to maintain Yahweh in reverence and to burn “Gnostic heretics” or the Cathars for saying that Yahweh was actually Satan.

We have seen that the Gnostic texts reveal that the official cults with their temples of Zeus, Apollo and Yahweh, hide from us that the Demiurge created our cosmos by dividing the primordial Fullness, by “separating Heaven and Earth”. We have seen that mythologies worldwide know of the separatist role of this Demiurge of which traces are left behind in even the Bible itself. Equally, we will establish that a careful reading of these mythologies and the Bible confirms the Gnostic Revelation concerning Yahweh, namely that:
  • 1) he is an emanation of the Demiurge, his most important Son, Son who dethrones (or tries to dethrone) his Father.

    2) he is the Unjust, the Harmful, the Angel of Death, who reigns over this world.

    3) he is represented on Earth by the descendants of Cain and the Pharisees.

    4) his city is the “earthly Jerusalem”.

5. The Fallen Angel

Son of the Demiurge
in the oldest mythologies: from Ninurta to Yahweh​

To highlight the parallel between the Gnostic description of the Wicked One and the oldest mythologies recently discovered, we must first establish the identity of the Wicked One according to Sumerian scripture.

The Demiurge Enlil / El

Originally, in the oldest Sumerian texts, the Demiurge Enlil was kept away from human affairs. He was peaceful and remote. This Sumerian Demiurge Enlil becomes Ellil in Akkadian and eventually El in the pantheons of the Near East, that is to say, the Canaanite and Ugaritic religions, and the Old Testament.

El or Elohim is a name of God in the Old Testament. The dominant theological position, which says that El and Yahweh have always referred to the same god, is increasingly challenged by academic biblical exegesis and archeology. We will see why.

Son of the Demiurge: Ninurta

In the Sumerian texts, Enlil’s first son was an evil god, god of death, war and plagues. He was Ninurta (Nergal in Babylon). We will demonstrate that following the track of Ninurta leads us straight to Yahweh. The Sumerian texts tell the story of his birth, a result of the r*pe of Ninhursag (Ninlil) by Enlil, conform with Gnostic cosmogony where Yahweh-Cain was born from the r*pe of Eve / Epinoia by the Chief Archon (the Demiurge).

With Ninhursag being the feminine aspect (Ki) of the detachment of An-Ki (the couple symbolizing the primordial Fullnes: An = Heaven and Ki = Earth), and, for the Gnostics, Epinoia / Eve being an emanation of Sophia, who symbolizes the feminine aspect of the primordial Fullness (Pleroma), the parallel between the Gnostic cosmogony and Sumerian scripture (2000 to 300 BC) is undeniable!

Different Names of the “Rebellious Son”

As we have seen, the name of the Demiurge El / Enlil is constant in Sumerian and Near Eastern religions. Only the name of his Son, the “Lord”, changed according to the place or time he was revered.

The oldest known names for the Rebellious Son are Ningirsu and Ninib, which became Ninurta, which we will find later in Babylon in his best-known and already somewhat corrupted version as God of plagues and war, Nergal, son of Enlil and Ninlil. The cult of Ninurta / Nergal is also found in other cults dedicated to the gods associated with Ninurta, throughout antiquity. For example:

Resheph: god of plagues and war, identified with Nergal in the list of Ugaritic-Akkadian deities (Ugaritica, 5 (1965), 45:26), in inscriptions found at Tel Amarna (EA 35:13) and also identified with Apollo in translations found on Greco-Phoenician bilingual tablets. Resheph is mentioned as the god of Shechem in the “Ebla tablets” (-2500 BC), Shechem being the first capital of the Kingdom of Israel.

Apollo: god of plagues, son of the Demiurge Zeus. Apollo was identified with Helios during the Hellenistic period. The name Apollo derives from Aplu Enlil, Hittite and Akkadian god, Aplu meaning “son” (Aplu-Enlil = son of Enlil). See also the city of Archof (aRShOoPh = Resheph), renamed Apollonia in the Hellenistic period as the Greeks equated Resheph with Apollo.

Shulman or Shalem: son of El, also known as Resheph-Shulman, god of Ur-Shalem (Jerusalem) with the famous Temple of Solomon (Solomon = Shulman, explained in the final chapters).

And lastly the Ugaritic Yahweh: Akkadian god Adad, son of Enlil, becomes Baal-Hadad and is the son of El in Ugarit.

The Evil Son of El becomes Ba’al (Lord)

Since he was the most important son of Enlil, Ninurta, god of war, plagues and diseases (also of fortune, since he is the god of those who work in metals, those who made weapons and jewelry), it was to Him people turned to in favour of blessings and protection. Ninurta and his priests, terrorizing first, then rising to power offering protection, thus initiated a mechanism which became the prototype of the means to take power, a means to impose a rule of law, constitute states or establish a mafia.

Which God did kings and chiefs call upon for blessing? A just god? A god of festivities or rain? Or a god that could grant victory, sow calamities and diseases on their enemies? This is why, in the religions of the Middle-East, the most important son of Enlil/El (Ninurta) became Ba’al, a title meaning “Lord”, though he carried different names depending on the city and era: the god Hadad, eldest son of El in Ugarit becomes Ba’al-Hadad; the god Melqart, eldest son of El in Phoenicia, becomes Ba’al-Melqart, etc. (We shall also see that the various Baalim (plural of Ba’al) occupy in Semitic pantheons, the same place Ninurta has in Sumerian pantheons.)

People sacrificed to Ba’al in order to win wars, ward off diseases and curses, and it was thus mainly to Him that people devoted a cult, for Him that temples were built, sacrifices committed and the utmost horrible sacrifice of them all, the sacrifice of the firstborn.

Consider for example how Ninurta became Ba’al-Haddad at Ugarit, a city located in modern Syria, whose discovery in 1928 by French archeologists has allowed for a better understanding of the context in which the Old Testament was written, where Jews lived alongside the Ugaritic coasts where many cultural exchanges took place and whose language was hence very similar.

With regard to the origins of Judaism, one could consider the texts discovered in Ugarit as being closer to historical reality than biblical scripture. They have two major advantages. Firstly, they have been dated to 1500-1200 BC and are thus contemporaries of the time when people worshipped Yahweh, while the biblical texts concerning this period have been written during the Babylonian exile between 622-500 BC, nearly a millennium after the events they describe. Secondly, they lack ideological distortion. Indeed, analyses of biblical writings show that they have been extensively altered and redacted over the centuries to defend the dogmas of a nascent Jewish religion. It was about scribes wanting to show that the god Yahweh Almighty imposed himself in one fell swoop upon the Israelites as being the only God in the time of Moses, +/- 1300 BC.

As put by the archeologist Jean-Baptiste Humbert in 1997 (translated from French): “the discovery in Ugarit of another Canaanite literature [we knew only one: the Bible!] threw a vivid light on a religion close to that of ancient Israel. Many ideas adopted were shaken up. The celebrated Jerusalem was just a big block of houses, and the temples of the almighty Yahweh were no larger than sacristies. Israel proved to be but a remote province under the influence of its powerful neighbors, whose inhabitants were only trying to imitate the arts and manners.”

That the Sumerian Ninurta equates with the Semitic Ba’al-Hadad can be clearly and simply confirmed by the denominations and translations of the name Ninurta in the different languages of the Middle East: Ninurta is called Ningirsu or Ishkur in Sumerian; Ishkur is called Adad in Akkadian, Hadad in Aramaic, and becomes Ba’al-Hadad (Lord Hadad), son of El (Enlil), at Ugarit.

Ba’al-Hadad in turn simply becomes Ba’al (Lord) in Ugarit and every other north-western Semitic religious system. The cults dedicated to Ba’al, Ba’al-Hadad, Ba’al-Melqart, et al. become dominant throughout the Middle East.

Why do we consider that all these different names designate the same god? Simply because these gods share the same characteristics and play the same role in the same myths. However, it is of vital importance, for these common characteristics to be discerned, to keep in mind that the more sacred texts and cults examined are recent, a fortiori the Son of the Demiurge gains in significance and the more syncretism becomes important (in history of religions, syncretism is a mixture of influences), as with the case of the supreme god of Babylon, Marduk, who gradually absorbed the features of rival gods as Babylon gained in importance. Marduk, originally a minor agrarian god, ended up replacing Enlil (and absorbed his attributes) as the supreme god of the pantheon. In Sumerian, “Marduk” is written “AMAR.UTU” (son of Utu. Utu is the one that separates Heaven and Earth – Uruk tablet STPU 3.67). Archaeology tells us that when an inferior deity takes the place of a superior one, he also consumes his titles and his exploits, which is obviously the case when the cult of Ninurta supplanted that of his father Enlil.

In addition to being considered identical since antiquity, the characteristics of above mentioned gods leave no doubt about their parentage. Look at the following characteristics:

1. They are the Son of the Demiurge: Enlil (El in the OT) is the father of Nergal, Resheph, Ninurta, Shulman, etc. Demiurge Zeus is the father of Apollo.

2. They are the Gods of thunder and lightning (Stormgods). This is one of the categories by which the Son of the Demiurge is catalogued in specialized literature. Ninurta, Apollo, Nergal, Ba’al-Hadad, Yahweh, ... all fall into this category.

3. They are Gods of War, of Plagues, of Death and Disease.

4. One of the most important characteristics: they are the gods that confront the primordial Serpent/Dragon. This theme of the Son of the Demiurge slaying the serpent/dragon is present in all mythologies of the Near East and practically all mythologies of the world:

  • Teshub, Stormgod, rebellious Son of the Demiurge Kumarbi in the Hurrian pantheon, kills Illuyanka, the primordial serpent;
    Apollo, rebellious Son of the Demiurge Zeus, kills the primordial serpent Python;
    Hadad, rebellious Son of the Demiurge El, kills the primordial serpent Yam;
    Ninurta, rebellious Son of the Demiurge Enlil, kills the primordial dragon … etc;
    Yahweh, rebellious Son of the Demiurge El, kills the primordial serpent Leviathan.

Even Thor, son of the Demiurge Odin, slayed the primordial serpent Jörmungandr. This logic with which we examine and compare the old myths and ancient gods is easily accepted by all, as long as we assume that these myths are completely alien to our beliefs. But the faces tense up and frown when the same logic is applied to our beliefs, especially when approaching the god of the Old Testament.

However, if we put these mythologies and ancient beliefs of the Near East through a sieve using the four criteria described above, we find in this sieve, side by side, Ninurta, Ba’al-Hadad, Teshub, Resheph, Nergal, Shulman, … and Yahweh.

Before using our sieve, we must remember that it’s important to take into account, on one hand, the mechanisms of syncretism in religious texts, including the Old Testament, and on the other hand, also consider the possibility of any form of “make-up” of texts written by clergymen, who have a natural tendency towards “monolatry” or even “monotheisation” of their god, also with regard to the Old Testament. Remember the words of Jesus: “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!” (Matthew 23).

[all biblical verses in this essay will be taken from the KJV unless noted otherwise]

6. The Wrath of "God"

Ninurta, Hadad, Yahweh: Stormgods and Riders of the Clouds

Biblical scholars have long demonstrated the similarities between the titles and attributes of Ba’al and Yahweh, similarities that have become obvious especially since the discovery of the Ugaritic texts.

“Stormgod” and “Rider of Clouds” are the most common descriptions of Ninurta and Ba’al-Hadad. The classification “Stormgod” includes, in comparative mythology: Ninurta, Ba’al-Hadad, Resheph, Shulman, et al. An abundance of literature classifies Yahweh in this category, despite many pitiful commotions that have arisen. This aspect of Yahweh is already very accessible on the internet, but here are some examples anyway:
  • And the LORD said unto Moses, Lo, I come unto thee in a thick cloud, … - Exodus 19:9

    When he uttereth his voice, there is a multitude of waters in the heavens, and he causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth; he maketh lightnings with rain, and bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures. – Jeremiah 10:13

    Behold, the whirlwind of the LORD goeth forth with fury, a continuing whirlwind: it shall fall with pain upon the head of the wicked. – Jeremiah 30:23

    And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire. - Ezekial 1:4

    The burden of Egypt. Behold, the LORD rideth upon a swift cloud, and shall come into Egypt: … – Isaiah 19:1

    And Moses stretched forth his rod toward heaven: and the LORD sent thunder and hail, and the fire ran along upon the ground; and the LORD rained hail upon the land of Egypt. – Exodus 9:23

Yahweh: God of War, Death and Plagues

I will make mine arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh; and that with the blood of the slain and of the captives, from the beginning of revenges upon the enemy. – Deuteronomy 32:42

I will heap mischiefs upon them; I will spend mine arrows upon them. They shall be burnt with hunger, and devoured with burning heat, and with bitter destruction: I will also send the teeth of beasts upon them, with the poison of serpents of the dust. The sword without, and terror within, shall destroy both the young man and the virgin, the suckling also with the man of gray hairs.

– Deuteronomy 32:23-25​

In order to believe in the great mercy of God in the Old Testament, in God’s love for all men, it’s better not to read it. The rabbinical system of thought doesn’t care and is perfectly consistent with the so-called universal goodness of Yahweh. Historically, Jewish monolatry consisted of being terrorized by none other than Yahweh himself. If we look closely enough, we can understand why the ultra-orthodox are called “Haredim” (= the “Terrorized”) and non-Jews that converted to, or were influenced by, Judaism are called “God-fearing”: the number of men, women, children killed with the approval, out of vengeance, or even a simple vexation, of the Lord Yahweh rises to several millions. (Indeed! See Dwindling In Unbelief)

And Yahweh didn’t just attack warriors threatening Israel, but killed tens of thousands of babies with disease:

And it came to pass, when Pharaoh would hardly let us go, that the LORD slew all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both the firstborn of man, and the firstborn of beast: therefore I sacrifice to the LORD all that openeth the matrix, being males; but all the firstborn of my children I redeem. – Exodus 13:15

Yahweh participates in the education of children:

And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head. And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them. – 2 Kings 2:23-24

Yahweh encourages them not to complain too much:

And when the people complained, it displeased the LORD: and the LORD heard it; and his anger was kindled; and the fire of the LORD burnt among them, and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp. – Numbers 11:1

Adequate obedience to Yahweh, is not only killing men and warriors, but killing everyone, women and children included:

And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Avenge the children of Israel of the Midianites: … - Numbers 31:1-2

And Moses was wroth with the officers of the host, with the captains over thousands, and captains over hundreds, which came from the battle. And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the LORD. Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. – Numbers 31:14-17

Numbers 16:

12-13 And Moses sent to call Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab: which said, We will not come up: Is it a small thing that thou hast brought us up out of a land that floweth with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness, except thou make thyself altogether a prince over us?

27 … and Dathan and Abiram came out, and stood in the door of their tents, and their wives, and their sons, and their little children …

31-33 And it came to pass, as he had made an end of speaking all these words, that the ground clave asunder that was under them: And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their goods. They, and all that appertained to them, went down alive into the pit, and the earth closed upon them: and they perished from among the congregation.

41 But on the morrow all the congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron, saying, Ye have killed the people of the LORD.

44-45 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Get you up from among this congregation, that I may consume them as in a moment. And they fell upon their faces.

47-49 … and, behold, the plague was begun among the people: and he put on incense, and made an atonement for the people. And he stood between the dead and the living; and the plague was stayed. Now they that died in the plague were fourteen thousand and seven hundred, beside them that died about the matter of Korah.

Yahweh assists people in choosing sides:

Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the LORD'S side? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him. And he said unto them, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbour. And the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses: and there fell of the people that day about three thousand men. – Exodus 32:26-28

Yahweh kills men, women, elderly and children alike, not because he is God and he “works in mysterious ways”, but because Yahweh is but one name of many of the Demiurge’s Rebellious Son, an evil demon who has usurped the place of his demiurgic father.

Continued below ...
I am very impressed with your description of Kabbalah.


Sep 18, 2017
Part 2:

7. Ba'al, Son of El

Yahweh is Ba’al, Conqueror of the Primordial Dragon

That Yahweh is the son of El is only absurd to those who do not reckon with the contributions of archeology, nor the fact that translations of the Bible can change the meaning of troublesome passages.

For starters, it is necessary to return to the Ugaritic religion because it is the origin of the gods mentioned in the Bible. Archeologists have found in Ugarit the Cycle of Ba’al (or Ba’al Cycle), which tells the story of how Hadad dethrones his father El and becomes Ba’al-Hadad. The Cycle of Ba’al is the Ugaritic version of Return of Ninurta to Nippur, one of the biggest myths about the exploits of Ninurta.

Before the 13th century BC, the patron deity of Ugarit was El, the god of creation. The court of El, consisting of his 70 sons and daughters, was named Elohim (literally: “the divine assembly”).

Another site at Ugarit mentions Yahweh as a son of El. We know this from a tablet, KTU 1.1 IV 14, on which is written: “The name of the son of El, Yahweh.”

The Old Testament has clearly retained the traces of this embarassing past, where Yahweh was the most important son of El, and was thus Ba’al: And it shall be at that day, saith the LORD, that thou shalt call me Ishi; and shalt call me no more Baali. – Hosea 2:16

Or the presence in the Bible of the theophoric name Bealiah (1 Chronicles 12:5) meaning “Yahweh is Ba’al” (Jewish Encyclopedia).

That biblical writers disguise these familiarities of the Hebrews toward Ba’al is evident, as for example, when the sons of Saul and Jonathan, respectively called Eshbaal and Meribbaal (1 Chronicles 8:33-34) are renamed Ishbosheth (2 Samuel 2:8) and Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 9:6), Boshet meaning “shame”.

To hide this embarassing past further, the Masoretes changed, whenever necessary, the meaning of an entire verse. For example the Hebrew version of Deuteronomy 32:8-9 that reads:

When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel. For the LORD'S portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance.

While in the LXX (the Septuagint), a Greek version of the Hebrew Bible, made around 270 BC, hence approx. 900 years prior to the Masoretic texts, reads:

When the most High divided to the nations, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the nations according to the number of the angels of God. And his people Jacob became the portion of the Lord, Israel was the line of his inheritance.

That the latter reading was the original version and the Masoretic text a fraud is definitively confirmed by the Qumran manuscripts written between the 3rd century BC and 1st century AD (manuscript 4QDEUT), manuscripts that contain the same version of Deuteronomy 32:8-9 as the Greek Septuagint.

The Rebel Son Ba’al-Hadad / Yahweh replaces El in the Divine Council

The identification of Yahweh with Ba’al-Hadad becomes blatant when comparing the Cycle of Ba’al with the biblical psalms. In the Cycle of Ba’al, El presides (at first) at the Divine Council. We can locate this supremacy of El in the Psalms of the OT:

God (El) standeth in the congregation of the mighty (Elohim); he judgeth among the gods. How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah. Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked. They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course. I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes. Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations. - Psalms 82

In a second time, the Cycle of Ba’al describes the ascension of Ba’al-Hadad in the Kingdom of Gods, after his victory against the dragon Yam, who symbolizes the ‘primordial ocean’. Ba’al-Hadad will thenceforth reign over a divine assembly impressed by his “terrific” victory, dethroning his father El. In an identical manner do the Sumerian texts describe how Ninurta dethrones his father Enlil at the divine council, following his victory against (among others) the primordial dragon (see eg. Return of Ninurta to Nippur).

In parallel with Ba’al-Hadad and Ninurta, the rest of the biblical psalms no longer represent a peaceful, regnant El in the divine council, but Yahweh ruling the assembly which is at awe for the conqueror of the primordial dragon, the son of El:

And the heavens shall praise thy wonders, O LORD: thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints. For who in the heaven can be compared unto the LORD? who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the LORD? God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about him. O LORD God of hosts, who is a strong LORD like unto thee? or to thy faithfulness round about thee? Thou rulest the raging of the sea: when the waves thereof arise, thou stillest them. Thou hast broken Rahab in pieces, as one that is slain; thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy strong arm.

– Psalms 89:6-10

(Rahab originally means “the primordial ocean” or “primordial dragon” as clarified by the Jewish Encyclopedia, which wonders why Jewish exegetes deprived this name of his mythological character by explaining it as equivalent to “noise” or “tumult”.)

And isn’t the same hero addressed in the following stories?

For God is my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth. Thou didst divide the sea [Yam in the Hebrew texts] by thy strength: thou brakest the heads of the dragons [Tanninim in the Hebrew texts] in the waters. Thou brakest the heads of leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness. Thou didst cleave the fountain and the flood: thou driedst up mighty rivers [nahăr-ōwṯ in the Hebrew texts].

- Psalms 74, 12-15

What foe does rise against Ba´al, enemy against the Rider on the Clouds? Did I not demolish the darling of El, Yam the Sea? Did I not finish off Nahar the River the great god divine Rabim? Did I not snare the Dragon [tannanu], vanquish him? I did demolish the Wriggling Serpent, the Tyrant with Seven Heads;

- Baal Cycle (KTU 1.3 V 35)

8. The Synagogue of Satan

Ambitions of the Wicked One, Its Temple and Its Clergy

After having unmasked Yahweh, who is actually the latest avatar of Ninurta / Nergal, “the god of this world” behind which the Wicked One lurks today, we can, thanks to Christian writings (Gnostic or canonical), archeological discoveries and the latest developments in biblical exegesis, identify the actual temple and clergy of the Wicked One and thereby make the mystical connection between the ambitions of the Wicked One and the New World Order.

The Representatives of the Wicked One on Earth

First Murderer and Liar: Cain, the Offspring of Yahweh/Satan

First, adultery came into being, afterward murder. And he was begotten in adultery, for he was the child of the Serpent. So he became a murderer, just like his father, and he killed his brother.

- Gospel of Philip

For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. Not as Cain, who was of that evil one, and slew his brother.

- 1 John 3:11-12​

Cain is considered by the Gnostics, as well as by Judeo-Christian and Muslim traditions, as the origin of evil on this earth, Cain being the first murderer and liar of the biblical narrative. Many know the episode of the first murder in the Old Testament, committed by Cain against Abel: And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him (Genesis 4:8) – followed by the first lie: And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother’s keeper? (Genesis 4:9)

In Judeo-Christian tradition, Cain is designated as the firstborn son of Adam while the Gnostics were often ridiculed or scoffed at for saying that Seth was the only descendant of Adam and that Cain was the illegitimate son of the biblical serpent, the snake actually being Yahweh/ Satan. The Gnostics designated the descent of Cain as the embodiment of the Wicked One on Earth, and accused the Pharisees, who are at the origin of Rabbinic Judaism today, to be the clergy, the representatives of Cain/Yahweh here below.

That Cain was the illegitimate son of the Serpent seems to be an old tradition and traces of that tradition are found in apocryphal texts that are not Gnostic.

In the Gospel of James (145 AD), Joseph, surprised to find Mary pregnant, says: Who hath done this evil in mine house and hath defiled the virgin ? Is not the story of Adam repeated in me ? for as at the hour of his giving thanks the serpent came and found Eve alone and deceived her, so hath it befallen me also.

The Kebra Nagast, written about the year 1300, a book esteemed by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the Rastafarian movement, describes the sadness of Adam who notes the devilish appearance of Cain at birth, following a conspiracy of the serpent/demon.

The Apocalypse of Moses, believed to have been written in a Semitic language and environment about the year 100 AD, says that Satan disguised as an angel of light seduced Eve, who gave birth to Cain, who was shining and running from the moment he was born.

Moreover, the Talmud and the Zohar, in fact the entire Jewish tradition itself confirms that Cain is the son of the serpent. Rabbi Louis Ginzberg summarizes the Jewish traditions in his book The Legends of the Jews where we can read about Cain:
  • “But after the fall of Eve, Satan, in the guise of the serpent, approached her, and the fruit of their union was Cain, the ancestor of all the impious generations that were rebellious toward God, and rose up against Him. Cain's descent from Satan, who is the angel Samael, was revealed in his seraphic appearance. At his birth, the exclamation was wrung from Eve, "I have gotten a man through an angel of the Lord."
Many readers will probably be thinking that all these Gnostic writings, apocryphal texts, Jewish traditions, are worthless because in our good old Bible it says in Genesis 4:1: Adam lay with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said, "With the help of the LORD I have brought forth a man." (NIV)

Ah … For a moment we set off reassured, except … one may only read the NIV in order to continue to believe that Cain is Adam’s firstborn, because the “Darby Bible” gives us a translation which is more than suspicious: And Man knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bore Cain, and said, I have acquired a man with Jehovah.

… With Jehovah??

The English translation (KJV) of the Hebrew text is at least equally disturbing: And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bore Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD. I have gotten a man from the LORD? We can still hope that these Englishmen have mistaken, but that hope evaporates once we read the Hebrew Bible: קָנִ֥יתִי אִ֖ישׁ אֶת־ יְהוָֽה׃ ... Translation : « I have gotten a man (a son) from Yahweh. » (See here)

The Targum Onkelos gives exactly the same translation as the Hebrew Bible : I have gotten a man from Yahweh. (See here): And Adam knew Havah his wife, and she conceived and gave birth to Qayin, and she said, “I have acquired the man from before YeYa.”

* 'from before' (מִן קָדָם) is regularly used in the Targums to render simple “from” in divine context.

The Targum of Jerusalem, Aramaic version of the Bible, the language of Jesus’ time, is also intriguing: And Adam knew that Eve was conceived by Samael, the angel of Yahweh. (Onkelos on the Torah: Understanding the Bible text, p.408)

Guy Stroumsa, Professor of Comparative Religion at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, gives another version of the Targum: And Adam knew that Eve his wife had conceived from Sammael, the angel of the Lord, and she became pregnant and bore Cain, and he was like those on high, not like those below; and she said: " I have acquired the angel of the Lord as a man." - Another seed: Studies in Gnostic Mythology , Guy Stroumsa (Nag Hammadi Studies 24; Leiden: Brill, 1984.)

We see that the translators end up losing control …

The theologians are confronted with a problem they would like to pass undetected: some translations have Yahweh as the progenitor of Cain. Others have Samael, the angel of death. Proponents of the theory of two “seeds” or “bloodlines” never exactly know how to interpret Genesis 4:1: I have gotten a man from Yahweh [or Samael/Angel of Death]. But the first to make this revelation 2000 years ago, the Gnostics, understood why such a confusion existed between these two fatherly beings. Also, the editors of the Old Testament have forgotten to cloak the parallel in the story of the numbering of Israel, once attributed to Yahweh, another time to Satan:

2 Samuel 24:1

And again the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah.

Whereas …

1 Chronicles 21:1

And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel.

Thus, Cain was born of the Union of Eve with Samael, the angel of death, of Eve with Yahweh.

And that Cain is the carnal aspect of Yahweh is understood in the Secret Book of John:

And the chief archon saw the virgin who stood by Adam... And Yaltabaoth was full of ignorance...

And the chief archon seduced her and he begot in her two sons; the first and the second (are) Eloim and Yave. Eloim has a bear-face and Yave has a cat-face. The one is righteous but the other is unrighteous. (Eloim is righteous but Yave is unrighteous.) Yave he set over the fire and the wind, and Eloim he set over the water and the earth. And these he called with the names Cain and Abel with a view to deceive.

That the Gnostics considered Yao/Yahweh, the Rebellious Son of the Demiurge, the Fallen Angel and the serpent of Eden as the same entity, becomes obvious when comparing the following texts of Irenaeus and the Secret Book of John:

1) The Demiurge inducts the Serpent Yao/Yahweh over the Heavens:

And Saklas commanded that seven kings should rule over the heavens and five over the chaos of Hell. The names of the glories who are over the seven heavens are these: The first is Iaoth, the lion-faced. The second is Eloaios, the donkey-faced. The third is Astaphaios, the hyena-faced. The fourth is Iao [Yahweh], the snake-faced with seven heads. The fifth is Adonaios, the serpent-faced. The sixth is Adoni the monkey-faced. The seventh is Sabbataios, whose face is a flame of fire that shines. This is the hebdomad of the week. These are those who rule the world.

- Secret Book of John

Reminder: Bernard Barc, Professor at the University of Lyon III, internationally recognized expert on Jewish hermeneutics and Gnostic literature, says here: “Saklas, the Demiurge, gives Yao/Yahweh the central position [4th out of 7] in this system with three authorities on his left and three on his right side to indicate that he is the unifying name of this “hebdomad of the week, which is confirmed by his appearance of a seven-headed snake.”

2) The Serpent/Yahweh is cast from Heaven and fallen onto Earth:

Ialdabaoth, however, through that oblivion in which he was involved, and not paying any regard to these things, cast Adam and Eve out of Paradise, because they had transgressed his commandment. For he had a desire to beget sons by Eve, but did not accomplish his wish, because his mother opposed him in every point, and secretly emptied Adam and Eve of the light with which they had been sprinkled, in order that that spirit which proceeded from the supreme power might participate neither in the curse nor opprobrium [caused by transgression]. They also teach that, thus being emptied of the divine substance, they were cursed by him, and cast down from heaven to this world. But the serpent also, who was acting against the father, was cast down by him into this lower world; he reduced, however, under his power the angels here, and begat six sons, he himself forming the seventh person, after the example of that Hebdomad which surrounds the father. They further declare that these are the seven mundane demons, who always oppose and resist the human race, because it was on their account that their father was cast down to this lower world.

- Irenaeus of Lyons, Against Heresies, Book I, Chapter XXX. 8

We are hence not surprised when we read the different accounts of the biblical translations and fail to find Cain (or even Abel) in the genealogy of Adam:

This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. And Adam lived a hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth: And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters: …

- Genesis 5:1-4

Theologians of all religions understand and explain the heterodox currents from their own “theological corpus”. Here, the Old Testament, the Torah, would be the trunk of the tree, and all other traditions would be its branches. While the passages used by the Gnostics to remind us that the Torah didn’t hide the true tradition very well, passages used to convert the Judaizers, the “God-fearing”, … theologians skillfully responded that Gnosticism was precisely formed from poorly interpreting those incoherent passages of the Torah. Beautiful rhetorical acrobatics if you ask me, by these worthy descendants of the Father of Lies.

It must be said that there are beliefs in which a book has ultimate authority. But what makes a book ultimately authoritative? One that is inspired by God himself? … Nah … there’s better than that. One that God himself would have written? … Pfff … still not good enough: up until now, God transcends the book. But there is a book that has existed before the creation of the world, a book that even God himself consulted to create it (he doesn’t know all too well what’s inside …). A book none other than the Torah! (Midrash, Gen. R. 1:1)

Rabbi Louis Ginzberg, in The Legends of the Jews (I. The Creation of the World) specifies about the first counsel given by the Torah to Lord Yahweh:

When God resolved upon the creation of the world, He took counsel with the Torah. Her advice was this: "O Lord, a king without an army and without courtiers and attendants hardly deserves the name of king, for none is nigh to express the homage due to him."

The Torah’s first counsel to God: to build an army.

9. Good vs Evil

The struggle between the descent of Seth and the descent of Cain

According to the Gnostics, the true descendant of Adam, down to his likeness, his image, is Seth. The Gnostics taught that Gnosis, the Knowledge, the distinction between Good and Evil, would be spread, sown in this world by the descendants of Seth.

The Targum of Jerusalem already informs us that from Seth descend those who have the wisdom to distinguish Good from Evil: Behold, Adam whom I have created is sole in my world, as I am sole in the heavens above. It is to be that a great people are to arise from him; from him will arise a people who will know how to discern between good and evil.

The Jerusalem Targum repeatedly points out that it’s about the wisdom to distinguish Good from Evil, as for example, in the narrative of Eden: … of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden the Lord hath said, You shall not eat of it,… for it is manifest before the Lord, that in the day that you eat of it, you will be as the great angels, who are wise to know between good and evil.

The Gnostics believed that this primordial discord between these two principles can be transposed here on Earth through a struggle between the descendants of Cain, representing the Wicked One, and the descendants of Seth, bearers of knowledge of Good and Evil. And this is the great weakness of religions, of not knowing and teaching that “Evil is incarnate”, organised, “represented” on Earth. It is the loss of the Church to have forgotten that the Wicked One has ambitions in this world that are real and material.

This Gnostic teaching of the two antagonistic bloodlines was recently rediscovered and brought back into fashion. Misunderstood, this theory can serve the worst of ideologies, like those of “white supremacists” contending to be the sole descendants of Seth; or Kabbalah, borrowing, yet inversing its principal themes from Gnosticism (see Gershom Scholem) and turning the “chosen people” into the sole descendants of Seth and the only human beings.

Valentinian Gnosis taught a tripartite division of mankind, composed of:

  • - The spirituals or pneumatics, few in number, descendants of Seth, therefore the Father.
    - The psychics, the vast majority of mankind, descendants of Abel, therefore the Demiurge.
    - The hylics, few in number, descendants of Cain, therefore Yahweh.
Never was a “human race” in its entirety designated by Valentinian’s classification of mankind: both Jews and Greeks consisted of spirituals, psychics and hylics. It is through actions, works and fruits that the belonging to one of these categories is manifested.

But those who are from the seed of Adam are manifest by their deeds, which are their work

- The Testimony of Truth

Mankind came to be in three essential types, the spiritual, the psychic, and the material, conforming to the triple disposition of the Logos, from which were brought forth the material ones and the psychic ones and the spiritual ones. Each of the three essential types is known by its fruit.

- The Tripartite Tractate​

A struggle between Good and Evil, the seed of Cain against the seed of Seth, has left traces in Scripture:

And I will put enmity between thee [the serpent] and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. - Genesis 3:15

In the first translation of the Bible in common language, Wycliffe’s Bible, John Wycliffe explains in his comments that this verse announces a struggle between the descendants of the seed of the serpent, representing the kingdom of evil, and the seed of the woman (Eve). Attentive readers will notice that the serpent’s seed should also be the offspring of Eve. In fact, the Gnostic texts agree with this Bible verse, saying that the serpent has “obtained” a shadow of Eve’s carnal aspect. It is this aspect of Eve that Kabbalah calls Lilith, Adam’s first wife.

Jesus spoke in parables, and a parable about the three categories of mankind and the seed of evil is revealed by Jesus in the Gospels.

Parable of the Sower:

And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow; And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up: Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth: And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away. And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them:
But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

- Matthew 13:3-11

Jesus reveals the three categories of hearers:

Hear ye therefore the parable of the sower. When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side. But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth it; Yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for a while: for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended. He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful. But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.

- Matthew 13:18-23

Jesus reveals the seed of the Wicked One to those who were given the ability to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven:

Then Jesus sent the multitude away, and went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field. He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.

- Matthew 13:36-39

When it becomes clear that Jesus never referred to a race when talking about the son of the Devil in the Gospel of John, He clearly indicates what priesthood and which church represents Cain here on Earth. Jesus, taken to task by the Pharisees after the episode of the adulterous woman, made revelations that coincide perfectly with the Gnostic revelation of the Heavenly Father of the original Fullness (from which Christ originates) and the descendants of Cain.

John 8:

12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. 13 The Pharisees therefore said unto him, Thou bearest record of thyself; thy record is not true. 14 Jesus answered and said unto them, Though I bear record of myself, yet my record is true: for I know whence I came, and whither I go; but ye cannot tell whence I come, and whither I go. 15 Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man.

19 Then said they unto him, Where is thy Father? Jesus answered, Ye neither know me, nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also.

21 Then said Jesus again unto them, I go my way, and ye shall seek me, and shall die in your sins: whither I go, ye cannot come. 22 Then said the Jews, Will he kill himself? because he saith, Whither I go, ye cannot come. 23 And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world.

31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. 43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. 44 Ye [the Pharisees] are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer [Cain] from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar [Cain], and the father of it.

Small reminder: For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. - 1 John 3:11-12

If the role of Cain’s descendants, the seed of the Serpent, and their relationship with the Pharisees was well known by the Gnostics, it’s because Jesus taught it to “those upon whom it was given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven”. Reread these passages in the gospels Matthew 13 and John 8 and you will see that the Gnostic revelations are not contradictory, but complementary to the canonical Gospels.

But what else do we know about the descendants of Cain? Would there be traces of his descent outside Christian revelation? Where or who were they before Jesus unmasked the Pharisees?

10. The Kenite Hypothesis

The most difficult part to swallow about the thesis of the Serpent seed, even for proponents of the theory, is the relationship between Yahweh and Cain. Nonetheless, an increasingly prevalent hypothesis in academic biblical exegesis, and supported by archeology, sweeps away all remaining doubts about the link between Cain and Yahweh: the (Midianite-)Kenite Hypothesis.

It first appeared in the 19th century in a writing by F.W. Ghillany under the pseudonym Richard von der Alm, published in Theologische Briefe an die Gebildeten der deutschen Nation, I (1862). Written under a pseudonym, probably a prudent and necessary judgement on behalf of the author, he argues that prior to being the God of the Jews, Yahweh was the God of the Kenites, the descendants of Cain.

The hypothesis caused quite a stir and was heavily opposed before becoming somewhat forgotten. But recent developments in archeology and exegesis support this theory. It circulates adequately in anglophone countries and the vacancy of this topic in French has recently been filled by the lectures of Thomas Römer at Collège de France.

Thomas Römer, Professor of Biblical and Ugaritic Hebrew at the University of Geneva, Professor of the Old Testament at the University of Lausanne, confirms the validity of the Kenite hypothesis in his lectures at Collège de France, which can be accessed on the internet on audio/video files or PDF (in French). You can hear his thoughts concerning the Midianite-Kenite theory in his three-hour long lecture from February 17 to March 3, 2011. That said, all his lectures are interesting and enjoyable.

Also validating the Midianite-Kenite theory, is the Jewish Encyclopedia.

Summarized in short, the hypothesis consists of following points:

1. In the Bible, a tribe exists by the name of “Kenites”. The name “Kenite” signifies the eponymous ancestor of that tribe: Cain.

2. The Kenites are identical to the Midianites, and the land of Midianites, “Midian”, can be found in the region of Edom, south of Judea. The Midianites/Kenites worked the copper mines. Excavations at Khirbat en-Nahas show an intensive production of metals and copper mines on Edomite territory (Ninurta is the god of copper, the descendants of Cain worked metals) and commercialized art objects from the 10th and 9th centuries BC onward. The Jewish Encyclopedia says that they were more advanced in the arts than the Hebrews and that the latter developed their art through contact with the Kenites. Several documents dating from the 17th and 19th dynasties mention the Shasu (= nomads) of YHW of the region of Edom.

3. Biblical exegesis reveals that YHVH comes from the desert, the region of Edom. Although the Old Testament contains very negative passages concerning the Edomites, there are also positive ones that are very telling. For example:

Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy salvation cometh; behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him. And they shall call them, The holy people, The redeemed of the LORD: and thou shalt be called, Sought out, A city not forsaken. – Isaiah 62:11-12

Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? this that is glorious in his apparel, travelling in the greatness of his strength? I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. – Isaiah 63:1

4. The Midianites/Kenites had a priest and sacrificer: Jethro the Kenite.

5. Moses was married to Zipporah, Jethro's daughter. It was Zipporah who saved Moses’ life with an initiation ritual when Yahweh tried to kill him:

And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the LORD met him, and sought to kill him. Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his feet [read: “touched Moses’ member”], and said, Surely a bloody husband art thou to me. So he let him go: then she said, A bloody husband thou art, because of the circumcision. – Exodus 4:24-25

6. Jethro, sacrificial priest of the tribe of Cain, was thus Moses’ stepfather: Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian. – Exodus 3:1

Or: Now Heber the Kenite, which was of the children of Hobab [different name of Jethro] the father in law of Moses, had severed himself from the Kenites, and pitched his tent unto the plain of Zaanaim, which is by Kedesh. – Judges 4:11

Moses lived for 40 years in Jethro’s presence and learned of Yahweh during his stay with the Midianites/Kenites. (Ex. 2-4)

Statue of Moses at Champmol, France​

7. As explained by Thomas Römer and the Jewish Encyclopedia, a critical exegesis demonstrates that Exodus 18 reflects an ancient tradition which tells how Jethro introduced Moses into the worship of Yahweh:

And Moses went out to meet his father in law, and did obeisance, and kissed him; and they asked each other of their welfare; and they came into the tent. And Moses told his father in law all that the LORD had done unto Pharaoh and to the Egyptians for Israel's sake, and all the travail that had come upon them by the way, and how the LORD delivered them. And Jethro rejoiced for all the goodness which the LORD had done to Israel, … - Exodus 18:7-9

And Jethro declares the installation of Judges of Israel:

Hearken now unto my voice, I will give thee counsel, and God shall be with thee: Be thou for the people to Godward, that thou mayest bring the causes unto God: And thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws, and shalt shew them the way wherein they must walk, and the work that they must do. Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens: And let them judge the people at all seasons, … - Exodus 18:19-22

8. Thomas Römer explains the most prevailing theory since the 90s: the Israelites worshipped El first before being converted to Yahwism by the Midianites/Kenites. It were therefore the descendants of Cain who were behind the Yahwist cult. Another example of such a cult are the Rechabites, a nomadic and strictly Yahwist tribe of Kenite origin (1 Chronicles 2:55).

9. It was Jethro who initiated the sacrifices to Yahweh even before the sacrificial laws were established in Leviticus 1-8.

And Jethro, Moses' father in law, took a burnt offering and sacrifices for God: and Aaron came, and all the elders of Israel, to eat bread with Moses' father in law before God. – Exodus 18:12

10. The Kenites were incorporated into the tribe of Judah during their journey to Palestine:

And the children of the Kenite, Moses' father in law, went up out of the city of palm trees with the children of Judah into the wilderness of Judah, which lieth in the south of Arad; and they went and dwelt among the people. – Judges 1:16

Midianite sanctuary with copper snakes as votive offerings​

The presence of the gold-headed, copper snakes in this Midianite/Kenite sanctuary irresistably reminds us of the Gnostic revelation denouncing the connection between Yahweh, the serpent and Cain.

The Gnostic teaching about Cain: “First, adultery came into being, afterward murder. And he was begotten in adultery, for he was the child of the Serpent. So he became a murderer, just like his father, and he killed his brother.” – Gospel of Philip

The Gnostic teachings on the relationship between the descent of Cain and the Pharisees are not just some Gnostic fantasy as some try to make us believe, but constitute the unveiling of the deeper meaning behind Jesus’ words when He called the Pharisees and Sadducees “an evil and adulterous generation” (from Greek γενιά πονηρα, genea ponera = “progeny of evil ”) – Matthew 16:4, or: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you build the tombs of the prophets and adorn the monuments of the righteous” [Matthew 23:29] “You serpents, you brood of vipers [ὄφεις γεννήματα ἐχιδνῶν : serpents, evil brood of vipers], how will you escape the sentence of hell? [Matthew 23:33]

Even if it’s the Gnostic texts that reveal the link between Yahweh, the serpent and Cain by the unveiling Jesus reserved for “those to whom it was given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven”, the canonical gospels also designate the Pharisees as the serpent’s descent, progeny of the Wicked One. In addition, we have seen that contemporary biblical exegesis and archeology take the Kenite hypothesis very seriously, if not validate it, and state that the tribe of Cain was incorporated into the tribe of Judah. Which reminds us of the following mysterious passage from the Apocalypse of John: I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. – Revelation 2:9

Remark: historian of antiquity, Flavius Josephus, whose work is a major source for events and conflicts between Rome and Jerusalem dating from his time, provides an astonishing precision in “The Jewish War” about the Essenes: For there are three philosophical sects among the Jews. The followers of the first of which are the Pharisees; of the second, the Sadducees; and the third sect, which pretends to a severer discipline, are called Essens. These last are Jews by birth, and seem to have a greater affection for one another than the other sects have. – “The Jewish War”, Book II

So, the latter are Jews by birth, but the first two are not? The Sadducees nor the Pharisees? To be verified …

11. Satan's City & Temple

The Devil demands that his City and Temple are Restored

Others have demons dwelling with them, as did David the king. He is the one who laid the foundation of Jerusalem; and his son Solomon, whom he begat in adultery, is the one who built Jerusalem by means of the demons, because he received power.

- Testimony of Truth

But leave Jerusalem. For it is she who always gives the cup of bitterness to the sons of light. She is a dwelling place of a great number of archons.

- The (First) Apocalypse of James​

The Gnostics considered the earthly Jerusalem and its Temple as the Devil’s lair, a reversal of the Heavenly Jerusalem. Jerusalem, the city that is more than holy to Judaism and later on Judeo-Christianity, would be the City of Demons? We understand better now why the Gnostics didn’t release all their teachings at once to just anyone.

We have seen that it’s important not to settle for the simplistic explanation that Christian Gnosis was developed by reversing the teachings of established religion, motivated by some perverse pleasure, at risk of taking some heavy backfire after analysis.

For a long time courageous men have denounced the goal of secret societies, particularly Freemasonry: the disappearance of religion, the rise and dissolution of nations and the creation of a New World Order. Those familiar with the subordination of these secret societies to international bankers and Kabbalists and who understand that Catholic and Orthodox Christians have the most to fear, know that this New World Order will have Jerusalem as its capital and that the apotheosis of this project will become the restoration of the Temple of Solomon.

Why do Freemasons who define themselves as the descent of Cain have the ambition to rebuild the Temple of Solomon? Why do the descendants of the Pharisees, unmasked as the descent of Cain by Jesus Christ, have as their omegapoint, the reconstruction of the Temple?

The antagonism of views between the Gnostics and Judaism regarding Jerusalem and the Temple of Solomon, Lair of the Devil for one, Holy City and Temple for the other, does indeed spring from an inversion. But who has inversed the Truth? What was Jerusalem’s original status? To whom was the Temple initially dedicated?

Temple of Shulman/Ninurta at Ur-Shalim/Jerusalem

The Gudea cylinders, dating from the early third millennium BC, exhibited at the Louvre, Paris, describe the temple of Ninurta. Professor Victor Avigdor Hurowitz (dept. of Bible, Archeology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) remarks a striking resemblance between the temple of Ninurta and that of Solomon. Another article will focus on the parallels between them, but is their resemblance really a surprise? Not quite:

In the Amarna letters, tablets of a diplomatic character, dating from -1350 BC, found at the site of Amarna which is the modern name of Akhenaten, no. 74 and 290 are a cry for help of the King of Jerusalem to the Egyptian Pharaoh. After complaining that his country was invaded by the Habirus (the Hebrews) the King says: “the capital of Jerusalem, the city of the Temple of Ninurta [Ninurta = Ninib] has already fallen.” (In the Amarna letters, Jerusalem is more like a country or district rather than a city). Paul Haupt (Orientalistische Literaturzeitung XVIII, 1915, cols. 71-72) translates the letter EA 290: “Die Landeshauptstadt Namens Jerusalem, die Stadt des Ninib-Tempels, die Königsstadt.” (="The capital of Jerusalem, city of the tempels of Ninib, the king's city.")

In an article entitled “The Sulman Temple of Jerusalem” which appeared in The Journal of Biblical Literature 59 (1940), pg. 519 ff, Professor Julius Lewy, a prominent Assyriologist, specified that the cuneiform script denotes that the god Ninib/Ninurta is known in Jerusalem under the name Shulman. The correct translation is thus: “… the capital of Jerusalem, the city of the Temple of Shulman.” It is therefore to Shulman/Ninurta, god of death and hell, that the Temple of Solomon, to whom the god Shulman gave his name, was dedicated to.

The etymological root of the names of Solomon and Jerusalem:

‘s’l’m : Shulman, Shalman, Salem or Shelam/Shalim, once thought to mean “peace” or “peaceful foundation” is today widely accepted as a reference to the god Shalim, Shulman (see Jewish Encyclopedia – Jerusalem - ; or ‘Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible’ pg. 757 – Shalman - ; or ‘The Interpreter’s dictionary of the Bible' Vol. II pg. 844 – Jerusalem -). Jerusalem is Yerushalem in Chaldean, Yerushalaim in Hebrew: both names mean “founded by Shalem”.

Shalem, the Canaanite Shulman (s’l’m), founding god of Jerusalem, son of the Demiurge El, avatar of Ninurta, - s’l’m meaning death, corpse, dusk (Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, Volume 15 pg. 23) – god of death, war and plagues, invoked to escape death, disease and war and so became the god of victory and healing.

Mondher Sfar, Tunisian in exile in Paris, Doctor of Philosophy at the Sorbonne and researcher in Anthropology and History of Thought, beautifully summarizes the link between the demon Ninurta and Jerusalem (translated from French):

“The bloody rite practiced in the valley of Hinnom seems to trace back to the origins of Jerusalem, which takes its name Shalem, god of the Underworld as well. The root sh-l-m means in Canaan: finish, death, corpse, dusk … It has the same connotation in Ras Shamra/Ugarit in the pair shhr/shlm. In a Lihyanite inscription, Shulman appears as a god of death and hells associated with Abû-Îlaf. It is believed that Shalem is an Arab deity of the desert that had spread throughout Canaan and Syria as well as Mesopotamia prior to the time of exile. The Assyrians have known the goddess of Jerusalem, Ishtar of Urusilimma, whose name is Sulmanîtu, known in an Assyrian inscription of the thirteenth century BC. She has a temple at Assur. Her consort and patron of Jerusalem is Salmânu, epithet of Ninurta, “nergalian” god of war, meaning “the Peaceful” … This warlike characteros Shalem is clearly stated in the Psalms where the expression: cîr Yahweh sebâcôt = the city of Yahweh of hosts, refers to Shalem. The concept of peace in the ancient Middle East is synonymous with war and submission. Shalem/Nergal is presented as the Peacemaker par excellence because he is the Warrior par excellence. Jerusalem is one of the cities patronized by Nergal/Ninurta, where he is broken down into Shalmânu and Yahweh.”
Should we still regard the Gnostic verse of the Testimony of Truth as a reversal of Jerusalem’s status?

Others have demons dwelling with them, as did David the king. He is the one who laid the foundation of Jerusalem; and his son Solomon, whom he begat in adultery, is the one who built Jerusalem by means of the demons, because he received power.

Honesty compels us to admit that we’re still dealing with a revelation of Gnostic Jesus.

12. Moloch & Child Sacrifice

Cult of Horror

The similarities between Ninurta and Yahweh and between the Temple of Ninurta and the Temple of Solomon are such that it is no longer possible to doubt that we’re dealing with the same god, and still, all these similarities continue to cause endless controversies. One of the most controversial points is the Sabbath of Ninurta: the sacred day of Ninurta was considered a bad day, a day of calamity during which many activities were prohibited. The number of Ninurta/Ninib, being synonymous with Saturn, was Seven, his day of prohibitions was the seventh day. On that day in Babylon (Saturday = Day of Saturn) dedicated to Nergal/Ninurta, it was forbidden to make vows, to dress in white, to heal the sick, … That day in Babylon was called the sabbatu (Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, Vol 20 – sabbath -), but countless “experts” maintain that the Jewish sabbath has nothing to do with it …

This general outcry is hence not surprising when provoked by the evidence of child sacrifice in the cult of Yahweh. Another article will be devoted to this gruesome subject, but we cannot leave it out of our main thesis. And the Gudea cylinders may serve as an introduction to this abominable aspect of the cult dedicated to Ninurta, Ba’al, the so-called Moloch, or Yahweh.

One of the most central rituals in Judaism is the washing of hands, Netilat Yadayim, during which a blessing is recited with raised hands: “Blessed are you, Hashem, our God, King of the universe, who sanctifies us with his commandments, and commanded us regarding washing the hands.”

The Gudea cylinders evoke rites of purification practiced by the priest of the Temple of Solomon/Ninurta. The ritual washing of hands is omnipresent and the words of the Gudea priest have a peculiar resemblance to those of the Judaic cult: “I lay the ritual table and perform correctly the hand-washing rites. My outstretched hands wake holy An from sleep.”

Another similarity with the evocation in the Gudea cylinders is the sacrifice of the perfect cow, which is in many ways analogous to the Judaic blood sacrifice of the Red Heifer, a flawless cow (two black hairs are enough to disqualify):

The cow must be perfect in the rite dedicated to the Demon Ninurta.

The Red Heifer in Judaism must be perfect.

The ritual involves taking a ritual bath by the priest who performs the sacrifice to Ninurta.

The sacrifice of the Red Heifer obliges the priest to take a ritual bath (Mikveh).

Cedarwood is essential to burn the sacrificed cow in honour of the Demon Ninurta.

Cedarwood is essential for burning the Red Heifer after sacrifice.

Flawless children, ritually pure, are involved in the bloody cult dedicated to Ninurta.

The Judaic sacrificial ritual of the Red Heifer equally included flawless children, children completely isolated from the world since birth to ensure their complete state of purity on the day of sacrifice. A Mishnah concerning said sacrifices explains this point:

There were courtyards in Jerusalem built over [the virgin] rock and below them a hollow [was made] lest there might be a grave in the depths, and pregnant women were brought and bore their children there, and there they reared them. And oxen were brought, and on their backs were laid doors on top of which sat the children with cups of stone in their hands. When they arrived in Shiloah [the children] alighted, and filled [the cups with water], and mounted, and again sat on the doors. - Mishnah Parah 3:2

What purpose did these flawless children have on the day of sacrifice in the cult of Ninurta? They were sacrificed as well, together with the flawless cows.

What purpose did these flawless children have in the sacrifice of the Red Heifer? “None”, a rabbi answers, “They only carried the water”. Another one replies: “It is probable that children, because of their young age, had no part to play in these sacrificial ceremonies." (Actual answers found on the internet ...)

There’s absolutely no reason to believe them … The scribes of the Old Testament have poorly disguised child sacrifice ordained by Yahweh. This is ratified by the Jewish Encyclopedia, by the Encyclopaedia Biblica, by many scholars including Thomas Römer who in his lectures at the Collège de France confirms that Moloch is actually “Melek”, a title designated to Yahweh.

This subject, like many others, is too long to be developed here, but the sacrifice of the firstborn was required by Ba’al, the Son of the Demiurge, and certain passages in the Bible have clearly kept the traces of the sacrifice of the firstborn, ordained by Yahweh:

That thou shalt set apart [Hebrew: Kadesh] unto the LORD all that openeth the matrix, and every firstling that cometh of a beast which thou hast; the males shall be the LORD’s. – Exodus 13:12


For all the firstborn of the children of Israel are mine, both man and beast: on the day that I smote every firstborn in the land of Egypt I sanctified them for myself. – Numbers 8:17

That the god of death Ninurta was loved by the Mesopotamians who sacrificed children for him, burned them alive, is easily recognized by atheists and rationalists as by believers of all stripes. But the notion that this same Ninurta is revered today under the name of Yahweh seems unthinkable to the majority of believers, especially the most sincere, while leaving indifference or an occasional good reception among atheists and rationalists.

The idea that the banking elite, dominated by the descent of Cain, has subordinated international politics to the establishment of their New World Order and the recovery of the Temple of the Angel of Death, the demon Ninurta, can only seem like a total delusion in the eyes of rationalists, which is quite normal. But they are wrong anyway.

Among those now most amused are probably, and ironically, the followers of Marx’s historical materialism, to whom it was “forgotten” to clarify that the master of Marx' and Engels' Communism was in fact Moses Hess (Encyclopedia Universalis).

Moses Hess, the first true theorist of Zionism (prior to Herzl), believed that the mystical sense of history is played out in a race war that would lead to the victory and reign of Jerusalem and specifies with regard to the Third Temple of Solomon that the issue of reintroducing blood sacrifices should be settled later: The cult [sacrificial or not] that we are going to introduce in the New Jerusalem can and must, for the present, remain an open question. Rome was not built in a day, and the New Jerusalem must, needs take time for its Construction. (Rome and Jerusalem, pg. 145).

It is from him that originates the phrase “religion [of others] is the opium of the people.” The religions of others, of which Moses Hess believed that the most effective way was to use Freemasonry to merge them into a new world religion: More reasonable are the attempts of those fusionists who, like my friend Hirsch, of Luxemburg, are utilizing freemasonry as a means to amalgamate all the historical cults into one. (ibid pg. 114).

The followers do not always know the ambitions of the master. But that’s another topic.

“Al cap dels sèt cent ans, verdejera lo laurel.“

After seven hundred years, the laurel will be green again.

Prediction from the year 1309 of Guilhèm Belibasta, last of the Cathars who burnt at the stake of the Château of Villerouge-Termenès.​
The End
Verry good article, i enjoyed it


Mar 15, 2017
If you have a respect for the bible, why do you rely so much on other pagan religions' antibiblical doctrines to support your conclusions?I have seen many atheists and non-Christians pull bible verses out of context to support their current belief system.

One positive comment I will give - You have done it better than most I have seen online. You have put some serious thought into it.

Edit: I don't like sounding critical but writings that claim to have respect for the bible then contradict it thoroughly in favour of anti-biblical writings bug me big time.

You cannot support two opposing teams simultaneously. You will show by happiness or disappointment when the final whistle is blown which team deep down you really favoured.
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Apr 13, 2017
Thanks for the compliment, both.


What are the contradictions? I'm not saying this thesis doesn't cause coherence issues from a biblical perspective, but the reasons therefore are mentioned in the article (monolatry, religious syncretism, etc). Not to mention that there already are contradictions in the Bible, some of which have also been illustrated in the article. Be specific and I will try to be specific as well.


Mar 15, 2017
OK - specific example.

In the Book of Exodus, the background of the passage is that the Israelites have recently come out of Egypt after much persecution. From the time of Joseph' second in command position in Egypt ( to the Israelites in slavery is thought to have been approximately 4 centuries.

Obviously 4 centuries in a foreign nation with foreign gods is more than enough time for the Israelites to have learned about the Egyptian gods and customs, plus some starting to worship them etc.

Exodus goes into great detail about God calling Moses and later his brother Aaron to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. God has sent plagues and disasters on the Egyptians. He has parted the Red Sea for the entire Israelite population then kills the Pharaoh and Egyptians trying to bring them back into captivity.

Despite all the miracles, signs and wonders, perhaps hearing God Himself speaking the 10 commandments to Moses, despite keeping personal distance out of fear.....

.... when Moses is away too long for their liking they pressure Aaron into making a golden calf to worship, then do immoral acts and so on. They are already breaking God's command not to worship any graven image. See,

Because they have blatantly disobeyed God, He sends a plague on them.

Now after all that:
In New Testament - a direct reference showing the God of the OT is the same as the God of the NT.

Jude 4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

5 I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not.

Who is Lord? Jesus is Lord. Examples:,-Lord

Revelation 1:8 [Jesus said] I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

By ascribing actions made by God in the Old Testament to demiurges, demons, Satan, Lucifer and any other term or being Gnostics like to use to back up their many different viewpoints....

you are claiming that Jesus - who is God made Flesh - -

are those very things. That is incredible blasphemy which you will be greatly punished for if you do not repent.

P.S. See I did not have to use any other faith's perspective or writings to support the Christian position. If you seriously believe you believe in Jesus Christ then use God's Word and/or mainstream Christian writers to defend your faith.


Mar 13, 2017
"I am not your master. Because you have drunk, you have become drunk from the bubbling stream which I have measured out. ... He who will drink from the bubbling stream which I have measured out.... He who will drink from my mouth will become as I am: I myself shall become he, and the things that are hidden will be revealed to him." -Gnostic Jesus
Apr 12, 2017
@JoChris I hope you can at least grasp the irony in what you wrote there.

@Aero yeah that's a good one. It's unfortunate that hardly anyone had any clue what he meant, let alone the layers of meaning. People are so sure that we're the ones waiting for Jesus while he is really waiting for us.


Mar 15, 2017
"I am not your master. Because you have drunk, you have become drunk from the bubbling stream which I have measured out. ... He who will drink from the bubbling stream which I have measured out.... He who will drink from my mouth will become as I am: I myself shall become he, and the things that are hidden will be revealed to him." -Gnostic Jesus
The Gospel of Thomas is not in the bible for obvious reasons.

Compare the highlighted section to this verse:
Genesis 3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

See to learn who was saying that very similar thing.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
"I am not your master. Because you have drunk, you have become drunk from the bubbling stream which I have measured out. ... He who will drink from the bubbling stream which I have measured out.... He who will drink from my mouth will become as I am: I myself shall become he, and the things that are hidden will be revealed to him." -Gnostic Jesus
"8And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them." - Real Jesus