Traηsgender agenda in Kpop


Jun 26, 2022
I've never been so sure until now lol. This is aftersk00l k@hi and I just decided to look up what she looks like bc some people were discussing her. They were saying how her group was created around her and that she had a say in everything, how she had power in the company, if im not mistaken shes a shareholder. This was unheard of. I was so skeptical when I heard a woman had this much influence there.
Nah but im shocked seeing these pics like how can someone not see it. This makes me feel like the gender that we see of everyone else posted here is their true one lol bc why are some transitions smooth and some brutal, like this one? Or is it bc this person debuted old and that the true signs come out the more you age?
Yes i suspected her too..


Dec 16, 2019
I've never been so sure until now lol. This is aftersk00l k@hi and I just decided to look up what she looks like bc some people were discussing her. They were saying how her group was created around her and that she had a say in everything, how she had power in the company, if im not mistaken shes a shareholder. This was unheard of. I was so skeptical when I heard a woman had this much influence there.
Nah but im shocked seeing these pics like how can someone not see it. This makes me feel like the gender that we see of everyone else posted here is their true one lol bc why are some transitions smooth and some brutal, like this one? Or is it bc this person debuted old and that the true signs come out the more you age?
Your explanation is why I have always thought there are more waaaay more mtf than ftm in kpop and hollywood. You see a woman who was treated like a man (with respect). So many theories about these celebrities wanting to be like Baphomet "half man/half woman" when its really just a male with gynecomastia. I dont know if K@hi is mtf or not, but Ill never believe a bunch of ftms were allowed as much power as some people claim these male world leaders are actually female. Nobody respects women.
Jun 26, 2021
Your explanation is why I have always thought there are more waaaay more mtf than ftm in kpop and hollywood. You see a woman who was treated like a man (with respect). So many theories about these celebrities wanting to be like Baphomet "half man/half woman" when its really just a male with gynecomastia. I dont know if K@hi is mtf or not, but Ill never believe a bunch of ftms were allowed as much power as some people claim these male world leaders are actually female. Nobody respects women.
Your observation's interesting. I never noticed that bc I in my head the only ones who get genderswapped are the performers, entertainers. The ceo, directors, decision makers who work bts are just men. As for presidents, im ngl I have yet to see one who looks like an ftm, only their spouses look painfully mtf.


Jul 26, 2023
This is a comment from a man (he lives in Thailand) ( i dont remember where i saw it).
As I live in Thailand and know people who knew this person before they were famous, I can tell you w/out a shadow of doubt that Lisa is a trans person. As previously pointed out, homosexuality of both men and women along with trans-gendering is extremely popular in Thailand. It is THE #1 popular destination for cosmetic surgery and “that” operation. It’s precisely why the Obama’s another trans outfit are so beloved by the Thai’s here. Leave us not forget, everything with the devil is by plan and design. Lisa’s White step-daddy (because the Thai’s worship white so much) is a famous chef and freemason leading me to believe the mom was most likely an eastern-star. The female leg of the society. Probably was promised fortune and fame and herein enters the transformation at infancy into Lisa. It is not uncommon at all for single parent households (mothers) and absent parent households (fathers) while living together with their children and partners to raise boys as gays. It’s more popular here than people who don’t live here probably think. That said, there are a lot of bio-women here that have what I’ve dubbed dude build but are biologically born women. Lisa is not and that apple says it all!!


Jun 26, 2022
This is a comment from a man (he lives in Thailand) ( i dont remember where i saw it).
As I live in Thailand and know people who knew this person before they were famous, I can tell you w/out a shadow of doubt that Lisa is a trans person. As previously pointed out, homosexuality of both men and women along with trans-gendering is extremely popular in Thailand. It is THE #1 popular destination for cosmetic surgery and “that” operation. It’s precisely why the Obama’s another trans outfit are so beloved by the Thai’s here. Leave us not forget, everything with the devil is by plan and design. Lisa’s White step-daddy (because the Thai’s worship white so much) is a famous chef and freemason leading me to believe the mom was most likely an eastern-star. The female leg of the society. Probably was promised fortune and fame and herein enters the transformation at infancy into Lisa. It is not uncommon at all for single parent households (mothers) and absent parent households (fathers) while living together with their children and partners to raise boys as gays. It’s more popular here than people who don’t live here probably think. That said, there are a lot of bio-women here that have what I’ve dubbed dude build but are biologically born women. Lisa is not and that apple says it all!!
What about her biological father?what happened to him?


Dec 14, 2018
This is a comment from a man (he lives in Thailand) ( i dont remember where i saw it).
As I live in Thailand and know people who knew this person before they were famous, I can tell you w/out a shadow of doubt that Lisa is a trans person. As previously pointed out, homosexuality of both men and women along with trans-gendering is extremely popular in Thailand. It is THE #1 popular destination for cosmetic surgery and “that” operation. It’s precisely why the Obama’s another trans outfit are so beloved by the Thai’s here. Leave us not forget, everything with the devil is by plan and design. Lisa’s White step-daddy (because the Thai’s worship white so much) is a famous chef and freemason leading me to believe the mom was most likely an eastern-star. The female leg of the society. Probably was promised fortune and fame and herein enters the transformation at infancy into Lisa. It is not uncommon at all for single parent households (mothers) and absent parent households (fathers) while living together with their children and partners to raise boys as gays. It’s more popular here than people who don’t live here probably think. That said, there are a lot of bio-women here that have what I’ve dubbed dude build but are biologically born women. Lisa is not and that apple says it all!!
I think it must be common knowleddge in Thailand that Lisa was born a boy. Just look at the flower they named after her

This flower looks like gender reassignment surgery when they turn a male ***** to a female *****.


Apr 28, 2024
K-pop surely promote blurring the genders but not in this way ...

Like this thread is astonishing, if you don't have super dumper feminine face or body
You're probably a trans

Some woman has long face, some has hooded eyes, some has large shoulders (V or H shaped bodies), some has a big nose and about shoulders, idols do dance practice a lot so they get muscles gains, because it's not femine they have injections to reduces their muscles

They're plenty of sports addicts girls on YT and you will see that their body are very muscular

And for the hips and curves, most of the idols are underweight and second they're Asian who aren't really reputed to be curvy girls

Just saying that by your standards, I have a face of a men

They're probably some trans in the industry, but I don't think it's the majority


Apr 28, 2024
This whole thread has been just an excuse for many here to bash and slander these fellow human beings.
Tranvestigating these people is always disrespectful no matter if they are trans or not.

Some reminders for you guys:

1 - You're invading the privacy of individuals who clearly haven't disclosed the very private information of which sex they were assignted at birth
2 - You might be slandering the reputation and self-esteem of men and women who were simply born with different characteristics from what you expect
3 - You might be being racist against natural physical features of asians
4 - You might be being xenophobic against the south korean entertainment sub-culture dress code and customs
5 - You might be judging innocent people of being traps when they have no intention of confusing people about their gender whatsoever
6 - Most of these examples present gender conforming clothing and styling
7 - Androgynous, and gender non-conforming examples are an exception not the rule. And these are usually met with criticism, backlash and loss of sales
8 - You're mostly judging out of context still pictures without taking into account their behavior, voice and mannerisms which are more often than not, gender conforming, heteronormative and not confusing at all when seen in context and in motion.
You gotta work really hard and focus to see the opposite gender in these people
9 - You're consuming their content by your own volition thus you're pushing any possible agenda on yourself
10 - You're forgetting that the entertainment industry doesn't represent the whole SK country thoughts and opinions which are still quite conservative
11 - This is still just a theory with evidence available to support it but also evidence that contradicts it
Just this, like they never met a girl/boy who were having an androgynous body or face in real life ?