For some people it isn't enough that their beloved Israel is erasing a population. It isn't enough that many are rejoicing and supporting the murderers, like American celebrities do. Their party is winning but somehow they are not happy. If they were satisfied of the success of Israel's act of self defense, as the media call it, they would leave alone those who are mourning the people of Gaza. If they were so sure about the infinite morality of Israel, they would not concern themselves with those who condemn the bombs on Palestinian children. Or question the incredible breach in Israeli defenses (already a forgotten topic). They want more. They want to bully the mourners and the naysayers. They are probably relieved that there is a magic word they can wave. Hamas. They think they win any argument just by typing a 5 letters word. No one is even mentioning Hamas, they pull it in so they can preach and patronize. Preaching, accusing, posing as morally superior individuals. That's what satisfies them. But just a little bit. Because they are very unhappy people.