Without Tawheed, all your deeds are useless and worthless.

Jan 9, 2018
If this was true Claire, then why do we have Christians who reject the divinity of Jesus? To my knowledge at least 3 on VC say Jesus is not God. One in this very thread which you chose to ignore.

The verse is speaking about Jesus asking God to save him right before he is allegedly crucified.

But lets remove all context from it. Jesus literally asks God why he has forsaken him. Isn't this one entity?

Have you ever screamed out "Claire, why have you forsaken me"...?.. I'd think the men in white suits would be on there way if you did.

Well, I've seen her use it, I doubt I'm the only one.

View attachment 89751

In all honestly Claire i know many fake ex-Muslims. They are more common then fleas on a dog because its insanely easy to make money by pandering to Christians.

Such as Ergun Caner who got up on stage pretending to know Arabic making himself look like a fool. Christians ate it up while Muslims literally laughed at him.

These people are insanely common.

Looking at the track record of the alleged ex-Muslims, many who don't even know how many rakats are in a wudu.
It doesn't look good if you know what i mean. Because when questioned basic everyday knowledge is zilch.

Do i need to know him? Theres this tweeter i follow on Twitter. Believe it or not there are many atheists in Saudi Arabia. Ones homeland does not lend credibility.

My mother and father have died as Christians. To this day i have 2 Christian sisters, 2 Christian brothers and many, many Christian aunts, uncles, cousins.
No true Christian rejects the Godhead, period.

You obviously are not familiar with the crucifixion.

Jesus cried out why have you forsaken me—NOT before He was crucified—but while He was already on the cross as He was suffering & in that moment , receiving the full wrath of God for YOUR sins, MY sins and the sins of the whole world—past, present & future..

It was not a plea to save Him but a cry uttered from intense agony right before He gave up the ghost.

If you have so many Christians in your family it is interesting that you are not aware of this.

All your other comments are so prejudiced and grounded in YOUR own bias, that I won’t dignify them by answering them.


Mar 23, 2021
No true Christian rejects the Godhead, period.

You obviously are not familiar with the crucifixion.

Jesus cried out why have you forsaken me—NOT before He was crucified—but while He was already on the cross as He was suffering & in that moment , receiving the full wrath of God for YOUR sins, MY sins and the sins of the whole world—past, present & future..

It was not a plea to save Him but a cry uttered from intense agony right before He gave up the ghost.

If you have so many Christians in your family it is interesting that you are not aware of this.

All your other comments are so prejudiced and grounded in YOUR own bias, that I won’t dignify them by answering them.
I wonder what they would have cried out if tortured and abused like CHRIST probably not "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."


Mar 23, 2021
You're very welcome.
We need more people to see
this truth, it's merciful to want to
try to help them. That takes a lot of
patience and kindness.
They also like to pass around this
"trinny" word alot.
Is it short for Christian?
Doesn't seem very clever.
the insult is xtian wait for that one to come out. Trinny doesn't mean anything they think they are clever is all.


Mar 23, 2021
JAHTruth.net is a Website, created by Christ, and dedicated to all those seeking the truth during these end-times.

It is routinely attacked by unbelievers, who have decided to call it a new "religion" because it cuts through all of the nonsense (lies) that surround ALL organized religion, like a sharp, two-edged sword.
umm no


Jun 28, 2020
No true Christian rejects the Godhead, period.
Yes, i am well aware of the 40,000 sects in Christianity and how you believe 39,999 are going to hell.

Christians are 2 billion strong, but with the exception of @SnowFall everyone else here says Catholics are not Christian. Even though they account for one billion. Literally 1 in 2.

List of Christian denominations by number of members -.png

If we keep taking out the "non-Christians" really what we are left with is a bunch of tiny sects. Every single one believing they have the 1 and only truth.

You obviously are not familiar with the crucifixion.

Jesus cried out why have you forsaken me—NOT before He was crucified—but while He was already on the cross as He was suffering & in that moment , receiving the full wrath of God for YOUR sins, MY sins and the sins of the whole world—past, present & future..

It was not a plea to save Him but a cry uttered from intense agony right before He gave up the ghost.

If you have so many Christians in your family it is interesting that you are not aware of this.

All your other comments are so prejudiced and grounded in YOUR own bias, that I won’t dignify them by answering them.
You forget, as a Muslim i believe Jesus was never on the cross. God replaced him with a lookalike.

Still, your book clearly shows Jesus says "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me."

Impossible that Jesus is god.

90 Biblical verses reject the divinity of Jesus and we've been over this many times Claire. How am i biased by trying to save you from the fire? How is it gonna be when you finally see Jesus and he denounces you?

Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’

Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you.
Away from me, you evildoers!’ (Matthew 7:22-23)

This reality is coming for you Claire. Feel free to deny it until you see it.

O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion1 or say about Allāh except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allāh and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allāh and His messengers. And
do not say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allāh is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allāh as Disposer of affairs. (4:171 Quran)

As i often say, truth awaits us both at the end.



Mar 23, 2021
Yes, i am well aware of the 40,000 sects in Christianity and how you believe 39,999 are going to hell.

Christians are 2 billion strong, but with the exception of @SnowFall everyone else here says Catholics are not Christian. Even though they account for one billion. Literally 1 in 2.

View attachment 89770

If we keep taking out the "non-Christians" really what we are left with is a bunch of tiny sects. Every single one believing they have the 1 and only truth.

You forget, as a Muslim i believe Jesus was never on the cross. God replaced him with a lookalike.

Still, your book clearly shows Jesus says "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me."

Impossible that Jesus is god.

90 Biblical verses reject the divinity of Jesus and we've been over this many times Claire. How am i biased by trying to save you from the fire? How is it gonna be when you finally see Jesus and he denounces you?

Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’

Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you.
Away from me, you evildoers!’ (Matthew 7:22-23)

This reality is coming for you Claire. Feel free to deny it until you see it.

O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion1 or say about Allāh except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allāh and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allāh and His messengers. And do not say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allāh is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allāh as Disposer of affairs. (4:171 Quran)

As i often say, truth awaits us both at the end.

And how is it biased if i tell you your full of yourself and wrong?


Jul 10, 2023
the insult is xtian wait for that one to come out. Trinny doesn't mean anything they think they are clever is all.
Ah, it definitely sounds
like a made up term. XD.
just another label to put
on people.
Oh yes! Funny enough
I have seen someone use
that term.


Jun 28, 2020
And how is it biased if i tell you your full of yourself and wrong?
Surely you know I've had you on ignore for like 2 years now? Ever since you took our private convo and made it public i put you on ignore. Because it was a real scumbag move.

Had Darn not quoted you i would have missed this one.

Interesting, how you've probably been talking to me for 2 years straight and with me never replying, you probably figured every post was a "win".

No intentions to take you off ignore either Mal, because only a real scumbag takes a private convo and makes it public.
Talk about a knife in the back. Normal conduct from a man worshiper, isn't it? Just like DarntheTroll. Self awareness is at 0%.

By all means, take the last word, take the next 50 posts. I'll never see them. But you keep on "winning".

We'll find out whose wrong on the last day.


Mar 23, 2021
Surely you know I've had you on ignore for like 2 years now? Ever since you took our private convo and made it public i put you on ignore. Because it was a real scumbag move.

Had Darn not quoted you i would have missed this one.

Interesting, how you've probably been talking to me for 2 years straight and with me never replying, you probably figured every post was a "win".

No intentions to take you off ignore either Mal, because only a real scumbag takes a private convo and makes it public.
Talk about a knife in the back. Normal conduct from a man worshiper, isn't it? Just like DarntheTroll. Self awareness is at 0%.

By all means, take the last word, take the next 50 posts. I'll never see them. But you keep on "winning".

We'll find out whose wrong on the last day.
Oh we will and no please put me on block i dont care your an actual bully scumbag bro pure pure scum no debate your self righteousness would make the jews of JESUS's day proud.

So lets put out the full private msg and why would you try to hide it hmm....Because i laughed at a comment hmm not like you or your ilk haven't laughed at Christians but nope @Daze butt got hurt and he's got to come at you kicking and screaming so here it is should have done this last year.



JoinedMar 23, 2021Messages1,739
Apr 20, 2022
glad i made you laugh. laughter is in short supply now days.

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[IMG alt="Daze"]https://vigilantcitizenforums.com/data/avatars/m/7/7533.jpg?1599604742[/IMG]

JoinedJun 28, 2020Messages3,160
Apr 20, 2022
I agree.

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[IMG alt="Daze"]https://vigilantcitizenforums.com/data/avatars/m/7/7533.jpg?1599604742[/IMG]

JoinedJun 28, 2020Messages3,160
Jun 10, 2022
Laughing at my post in the Islamic video thread is petty, even for you. Isn't it?

All the same thanks. Nice to know you read the Islamic content on here. Personally i never read the Bible thread, but its interesting to see who reads threads that are strictly Islamic content. Like the soul is looking for truth. Isn't it?

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JoinedMar 23, 2021Messages1,739
Jun 13, 2022
I read all content. So you don't read the bible threads would explain why when you coment on them you don't have a clue. Really does explain alot. Thanks now i know where your BS comes from and how accurate it is being zero. My soul tells me to call out BS when i see it. Your as fake as your "religion" is.I laughed even though i don't owe you an explaination is because you i find you funny what you posted was funny obviously it bothered you even though you don't know if i found it funny good or funny bad. I am in your head renting a big space. LOL


[IMG alt="Daze"]https://vigilantcitizenforums.com/data/avatars/m/7/7533.jpg?1599604742[/IMG]

JoinedJun 28, 2020Messages3,160
Jun 13, 2022
So friendly!

Guess you forgot i didn't convert to Islam till around Dec. 2010. Yet i was born in 79 to two Christain parents in a small town that was 100% Christian. But it doesn't matter if you believe me or not. I mean what would it change?

Maybe one day God will show you the truth as he did for me .

Like I've said before, come judgment day you'll see i always spoke the truth.


Btw. If you were in my head I'd simply ignore you. :). So easy to remove trolls here, but i don't think you are one.

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JoinedMar 23, 2021Messages1,739
Jun 13, 2022
Why be friendly? You attack all time when commenting just not going to let you get away with being a bully anymore plan and simple don't like oh well. I don't care if you where a christian supposedly for 50 years. you rejected CHRIST & the way GOD wanted things to be done... So not going to matter what i say to you either. Since i was 4 yrs old i knew the truth. Just was to stubborn to want to submit to the way GOD wants it done. BTW your you will see i spoke the truth at judgement well you won't get to speak your the one referenced in the LORD LORD did i not that you like to throw at believers.

You will see at judgement that I speak the truth of the Gospel of CHRIST no more no less.

God bless


[IMG alt="Daze"]https://vigilantcitizenforums.com/data/avatars/m/7/7533.jpg?1599604742[/IMG]

JoinedJun 28, 2020Messages3,160
Jun 13, 2022
A bully? You seen i was arguing with Tempo for several days. Then you come in and laugh at my post when I'm already aggravated? Seriously, what do you expect?

I pointed out my Christian history because you mentioned the Bible thread. I had 30 years with the Bible. Why do i need to read it now to understand it? I am no longer Christian. Sides, you know me, if i did post there I'd quote verses most here don't like. Such as pork being forbidden in 32 separate verses no less, any of the 90 that deny Jesus's divinity. Ect, ect.

While they maybe hateful to many here it is the Bible. Also some people here would actually agree with some of it. Such at Phips and pork or David and any Unitarian verse.

I didn't reject Christ, i actually have him. As a Muslim i await his return just like you. The difference is i know the PROPHET Jesus is not God. But when a man shows up, (ie the anti-christ) and does claim to be a prophet, and then god... well good luck to you. Because you already believe this is possible.

Things are lost in text because I've never tried to "bully" you. I've tried to call you to the truth by pointing out the obvious. But some people won't find it until judgement day so what can i do? Indeed it is God who guides. Had he willed we'd all be upon the religion of Adam.

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JoinedMar 23, 2021Messages1,739
Jun 13, 2022
Daze said:
A bully? You seen i was arguing with Tempo for several days. Then you come in and laugh at my post when I'm already aggravated? Seriously, what do you expect?

I pointed out my Christian history because you mentioned the Bible thread. I had 30 years with the Bible. Why do i need to read it now to understand it? I am no longer Christian. Sides, you know me, if i did post there I'd quote verses most here don't like. Such as pork being forbidden in 32 separate verses no less, any of the 90 that deny Jesus's divinity. Ect, ect.

While they maybe hateful to many here it is the Bible. Also some people here would actually agree with some of it. Such at Phips and pork or David and any Unitarian verse.

I didn't reject Christ, i actually have him. As a Muslim i await his return just like you. The difference is i know the PROPHET Jesus is not God. But when a man shows up, (ie the anti-christ) and does claim to be a prophet, and then god... well good luck to you. Because you already believe this is possible.

Things are lost in text because I've never tried to "bully" you. I've tried to call you to the truth by pointing out the obvious. But some people won't find it until judgement day so what can i do? Indeed it is God who guides. Had he willed we'd all be upon the religion of Adam.
Click to expand...
Unfortunately you don't know CHRIST you are decieved. You don't understand reason for CHRIST on the cross reason for death resurrection its all in genesis btw. Also you do understand legal case law etc right? Thats what its all about.


[IMG alt="Daze"]https://vigilantcitizenforums.com/data/avatars/m/7/7533.jpg?1599604742[/IMG]

JoinedJun 28, 2020Messages3,160
Jun 13, 2022
No, what this is about is an eternal hereafter. One where we will find eternal bliss or eternal torment. While you worship one who literally says he is a man, the father is greater then him, who says by himself he can do nothing, who is literally depicted worshiping another. The one who everyone around him calls Prophet. The one who literally Cried TO God to save him.

I can go on but with all the beatings there is nothing left of this proverbial horse. As i said, God guides whom he wills.

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JoinedMar 23, 2021Messages1,739
Jun 14, 2022
Daze said:
No, what this is about is an eternal hereafter. One where we will find eternal bliss or eternal torment. While you worship one who literally says he is a man, the father is greater then him, who says by himself he can do nothing, who is literally depicted worshiping another. The one who everyone around him calls Prophet. The one who literally Cried TO God to save him.

I can go on but with all the beatings there is nothing left of this proverbial horse. As i said, God guides whom he wills.
Like i said you don't understand why GOD did it the way HE did its about dominion & legal precedent the eternal comes now that that was resolved through CHRIST. Don't worry you think your decision is the right one then go with it. Freewill and all. See i have no doubt doesn't really matter what you say to me & CHRIST warned about the likes of you.


[IMG alt="Daze"]https://vigilantcitizenforums.com/data/avatars/m/7/7533.jpg?1599604742[/IMG]

JoinedJun 28, 2020Messages3,160
Jun 14, 2022
This back and forth is pointless.

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JoinedMar 23, 2021Messages1,739
Jun 14, 2022
Daze said:
This back and forth is pointless.
No really! Took you awhile to figure that out. Read the posts again i even say such. Your under a delusion you renounced GOD & HIS plan thats on you i'm not here to appease your conscious. The scripture that you throw at all the christians actually applies to you. Read the whole chapter see the context just like i laid out before. The thing you throw at others is what is actually coming back on you.


[IMG alt="Daze"]https://vigilantcitizenforums.com/data/avatars/m/7/7533.jpg?1599604742[/IMG]

JoinedJun 28, 2020Messages3,160
Jun 14, 2022
Maldarker said:
No really! Took you awhile to figure that out. Read the posts again i even say such. Your under a delusion you renounced GOD & HIS plan thats on you i'm not here to appease your conscious. The scripture that you throw at all the christians actually applies to you. Read the whole chapter see the context just like i laid out before. The thing you throw at others is what is actually coming back on you.
Mal,truth is i don't even bother to read what you say in public. Your last 2 posts where we had our back and forth. I didn't bother to read the last ones because i know this is never ending. You're not reading what i am saying, your not contemplating at all, you're questioning absolutely nothing. The truth is your beliefs contradict your book. Read that again!


Yet you reflect on absolutely nothing. I might as well be talking to a wall. Yes, its absolute indoctrination with you, fingers into the ears and I'm talking to a rock.

I left your version of Jesus because there is not a prophet in the creation that is worthy of my worship.

Total waste of time, back and forth and we'd both benefit more if we just watched the grass grow, so what is the point?

The Truth awaits us both, of this there is no doubt.

"Warn those who say God has a son, they have no knowledge of this, all they do is lie" (18 : 4-5 Quran)

What you have is an altered Book Mal, one that also calls David and Solomon the son of God, as well as Israel. Interesting how its only literal for Jesus.

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JoinedMar 23, 2021Messages1,739
Jun 14, 2022
Daze said:
Mal,truth is i don't even bother to read what you say in public. Your last 2 posts where we had our back and forth. I didn't bother to read the last ones because i know this is never ending. You're not reading what i am saying, your not contemplating at all, you're questioning absolutely nothing. The truth is your beliefs contradict your book. Read that again!


Yet you reflect on absolutely nothing. I might as well be talking to a wall. Yes, its absolute indoctrination with you, fingers into the ears and I'm talking to a rock.

I left your version of Jesus because there is not a prophet in the creation that is worthy of my worship.

Total waste of time, back and forth and we'd both benefit more if we just watched the grass grow, so what is the point?

The Truth awaits us both, of this there is no doubt.

"Warn those who say God has a son, they have no knowledge of this, all they do is lie" (18 : 4-5 Quran)

What you have is an altered Book Mal, one that also calls David and Solomon the son of God, as well as Israel. Interesting how its only literal for Jesus.
Click to expand...
Boy for some who keeps saying they are done you got to keep going at it. I read the scriptures you post most if not all are out of context. You think you understand the bible then you should see GODs plan for redemeption. The problem is that don't fit your view of how it is suppose to go. You call me a trinny which i am not THere is only one GOD. Sorry but you rejected CHRIST not me its you who this verse fits. Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. You have denoucnced CHRIST its ok that free will and all i won't guess i would be one of the early martyrs.

Like i said i had an encounter with GOD as a child & HE kept his promise to me. Later in life i gave my life over to him when i came to the last of my rope that was hanging me. No one else was there to give me a hand but GOD did where where you? Where was your allah sure wasn't him it was CHRIST you came in my time sorrow & despair just like he came to david. If you had that & explained that you have worth you where worth the cost to save you then maybe you would understand. But i guess you don't need saving.


[IMG alt="Daze"]https://vigilantcitizenforums.com/data/avatars/m/7/7533.jpg?1599604742[/IMG]

JoinedJun 28, 2020Messages3,160
Jun 14, 2022
Didn't say i was done. Said this is pointless, but we all hear what we want to. Don't we?

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JoinedMar 23, 2021Messages1,739
Jun 14, 2022
Daze said:
Didn't say i was done. Said this is pointless, but we all hear what we want to. Don't we?
Actually ok not exact word of DONE but beating a dead horse or other analogies statements implied it.



JoinedMar 23, 2021Messages1,739
Jun 14, 2022
Daze said:
Didn't say i was done. Said this is pointless, but we all hear what we want to. Don't we?
Besides don't think you read what i had just posted explaining my position & why i believe what i do but ok bro.


[IMG alt="Daze"]https://vigilantcitizenforums.com/data/avatars/m/7/7533.jpg?1599604742[/IMG]

JoinedJun 28, 2020Messages3,160
Jun 20, 2022
Is it common amongst Christians to put knives into the backs of others?

Make sure you make this public as well. It really highlights what man worship leads to, complete negation of character and morals.

Judas is very fitting for you.


May 20, 2017

The quote below is from the article called Tawheed vs. Trinity. (Parts 1 and 2)
There is a link provided:


Tawheed is the concept of monotheism in Islam. Linguistically the word means unification.
It comes from the Arabic root word wa-ha-da which means making something one (‘waahid’).
Waahid is the opposite of plurality (two, three, etc.).
So waahid is something that will continue to be singular and never become a partner of something else. Islamically, Tawheed means to single out God in all acts of worship and to abandon the worship of anything else.

From these points of view Tawheed is incompatible with the Trinity because Trinitarians worship three persons, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
It must be noted that whilst Islamic concept of God is incompatible with the Trinity, Islamic Tawheed is in fact like the Jewish concept of God.
We find that one of the greatest Torah scholars in history, Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, permitted Jewish and Muslim co-worship.
In fact there is virtually a consensus among Rabbis that if a Jew cannot find a synagogue to worship in, then it is permissible (and even encouraged) for them to pray in a mosque.
This is only possible because they recognise that mosques are places of pure monotheism and that Muslims have absolutely no error in their views of the Oneness of the Divine.
By comparison, not only are Jews not allowed to pray in Churches, they are forbidden from even setting foot in them!"

Last edited:


Mar 23, 2021
He wanted it posted read the last part
@Maldarker IMO you really should remove the personal info you shared from your entry or even delete it.
No good will come from posting that.
He wanted it posted read last part. This is the same tact he is using on claire. Thats why i posted it. When he debates he leads to personel attacks then cries victim so no its ok i dont give two red cents anymore it will stay.(BTW I tried to be nice but again he has to bring it back up it was over a year and the way he makes it sound it was like nuclear codes got told to everyone thats not what the private msg was it never was meant to be private i even told him that i have nothing to hid but here we are and i'm tired of him bullying others for their beliefs you see it i see it everyone sees it no one will say or do anything well wrong guy buddy wrong guy)


Mar 15, 2017
He wanted it posted read the last part

He wanted it posted read last part. This is the same tact he is using on claire. Thats why i posted it. When he debates he leads to personel attacks then cries victim so no its ok i dont give two red cents anymore it will stay.(BTW I tried to be nice but again he has to bring it back up it was over a year and the way he makes it sound it was like nuclear codes got told to everyone thats not what the private msg was it never was meant to be private i even told him that i have nothing to hid but here we are and i'm tired of him bullying others for their beliefs you see it i see it everyone sees it no one will say or do anything well wrong guy buddy wrong guy)
Fair enough. I just dislike seeing conflict that can be avoided if at all possible. The online world is complicated enough.
Jan 9, 2018
I wonder what they would have cried out if tortured and abused like CHRIST probably not "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."
And if they were in His place and knew what they were about to endure, and the incomprehensible amount of brutal violence at the hands of mocking, ignorant men & then the full, unbridled wrath of God the Father poured out on them, that was so fierce it made the earth shake & the tombs split open….would they have gone so dutifully to save us?

It blows my mind how cold, apathetic, ungrateful and hardened peoples hearts can be—until I reflect that their Allah did NOT love the world enough to do that for them, and their “prophet” didn’t lay down his life for anyone.

Their god showed them no love. It is sad really.
40,000 sects in Christianity
This number was made up. Can you name 200 of them? You cannot.


May 20, 2017
“And verily, I am indeed forgiving to him who repents, believes (in My Oneness, and associates none in worship with Me) and does righteous good deeds, and then remains constant in doing them (till his death)”

[Ta-Ha 20:82]

“Seek the forgiveness of your Lord, and turn to Him in repentance, that He may grant you good enjoyment, for a term appointed, and bestow His abounding Grace to every owner of grace (i.e. the one who helps and serves the needy and deserving, physically and with his wealth, and even with good words)”

[Hood 11:3]

Repentance is essential from every sin, even if it is something between a person and Allah and has nothing to do with the rights of another person. There are three conditions of repentance:

1-You should give up the sin

2-You should regret having done it

3-You should resolve never to go back to it.

If one of these three is missing, then your repentance is not sincere. If the sin has to do with the rights of another person, then there are four conditions: the three mentioned above and restoring the rights of that person.


Jun 28, 2020
This number was made up. Can you name 200 of them? You cannot.
I'm sure i could copy / paste a list of at least a 1000.

All i know is 40,000 Christian sects is all over the internet. Apparently just like مكر meaning "deceiver".
Interesting how what favors you is absolute truth and what opposes you is absolute lies, isn't it?

My God CANNOT lie.
Seeing there is literally only 1 Creator, then deducing that we have the same God, .. i have to agree.

Why would God lie? Why would he need to? Does the one with control over every atom need to lie?
Had he willed tomorrow you'd be a Buddhist. Literally, you and i both do what he has decreed.

I wonder if this man thinks God is a deceiver? Why don't you ask him? More then likely you can find him on twitter.

Palistinian priest.jpg
Jan 9, 2018
Had he willed tomorrow you'd be a Buddhist. Literally, you and i both do what he has decreed.
You sound like a Calvinist.
God has given us all freewill to choose what we believe.

We are not puppets being controlled by Him, that’s just not how this all works.

He does not choose our outcome, it is forged by our own choices.


Mar 23, 2021
Fair enough. I just dislike seeing conflict that can be avoided if at all possible. The online world is complicated enough.
Agreed!!! However sometimes conflict is neccesary to show how someones motives are and how they try to bully others with the same tact....Very same as ajh cult members really very similar styles. They attack your sources first so what ever bible you read is wrong (wink wink nod nod) stop me if you have seen heard this before... so then your coming from a point of weakness already according to them etc etc.