Without Tawheed, all your deeds are useless and worthless.

Oct 20, 2021
The Holy Quran 6:66 is posted under someone's profile on main page and it is not possible to comment on it which I have never seen before. Is satanic forces literally attacking forum under the guise of Islamic disguise?
Mar 14, 2017
The crux of the matter, whether it is hinduism, sufism, sikhism or sikhism, is the Immanence of God.

I've talked about this and broken it down, made it easy for people to understand. Who am i? no one, just some guy who used to dwell on these topics a lot in my teens and 20s, less so in my 30s (that is, the theorerical aspect of religion was done by 30 and then i just needed the core experiences).

There's a metaphysical descent of conciousness and the ascent. Passive and active..and they correspond to the Trancendence and Immanence of God.
The left brain corresponds to the passive path, to logical truth, to submitting to the higher order, to systems, governments and above all, God.
The right brain corresponds to the active path, to mystical truth.

Jesus preached a lot of the mystical, only because the jews were already heavily on logical truth. Strict monothiests at that time, who couldnt understand who Jesus was because they were closed to the God's Immanence.

The problem is this, the LOGOS is not only limited to Jesus. It incarnated in Jesus, but it is something John 1:1 says is ETERNAL.
look at it from this perspective, is there anything in your past, present or future that God hasn't known eternally? hence from that pov, your Essence, the origin of 'you' is eternally with God. That is, the LOGOS. The Logos is ALL THINGS, everything ihn creation in it's eternal state. Just as all numbers are merely manifestations of inifinity.
The Logos is the medium through which the Trancendent God becomes Immanent.

in hinduism, the logos is considered God, which is why they are panthiest(monist, panentheist etc) and they conside people like krishna, the incarnations, also God.

The hindus are theologically more consistent and honest. The christians dont even know their theology. They're self taught collectively and sort of just make it up as they go along.

St Augustine is the founder of christian trinitarianism, but he was heavily influenced by Plotinus. Plotinus was heavily influenced by aryan (persian, hindu) philosophy.

another dumb thing christians do is that they say 'oh no hu is dis plotinus and augustine? bollocks, dat is not da bible' and they just dismiss it. how could they ever attempt to understand the trinitarian doctrine without knowing who augustine was?

Oct 20, 2021
The crux of the matter, whether it is hinduism, sufism, sikhism or sikhism, is the Immanence of God.

I've talked about this and broken it down, made it easy for people to understand. Who am i? no one, just some guy who used to dwell on these topics a lot in my teens and 20s, less so in my 30s (that is, the theorerical aspect of religion was done by 30 and then i just needed the core experiences).

There's a metaphysical descent of conciousness and the ascent. Passive and active..and they correspond to the Trancendence and Immanence of God.
The left brain corresponds to the passive path, to logical truth, to submitting to the higher order, to systems, governments and above all, God.
The right brain corresponds to the active path, to mystical truth.

Jesus preached a lot of the mystical, only because the jews were already heavily on logical truth. Strict monothiests at that time, who couldnt understand who Jesus was because they were closed to the God's Immanence.

The problem is this, the LOGOS is not only limited to Jesus. It incarnated in Jesus, but it is something John 1:1 says is ETERNAL.
look at it from this perspective, is there anything in your past, present or future that God hasn't known eternally? hence from that pov, your Essence, the origin of 'you' is eternally with God. That is, the LOGOS. The Logos is ALL THINGS, everything ihn creation in it's eternal state. Just as all numbers are merely manifestations of inifinity.
The Logos is the medium through which the Trancendent God becomes Immanent.

in hinduism, the logos is considered God, which is why they are panthiest(monist, panentheist etc) and they conside people like krishna, the incarnations, also God.

The hindus are theologically more consistent and honest. The christians dont even know their theology. They're self taught collectively and sort of just make it up as they go along.

St Augustine is the founder of christian trinitarianism, but he was heavily influenced by Plotinus. Plotinus was heavily influenced by aryan (persian, hindu) philosophy.

another dumb thing christians do is that they say 'oh no hu is dis plotinus and augustine? bollocks, dat is not da bible' and they just dismiss it. how could they ever attempt to understand the trinitarian doctrine without knowing who augustine was?

Nevermind the bollocks.


Aug 8, 2023
The crux of the matter, whether it is hinduism, sufism, sikhism or sikhism, is the Immanence of God.

I've talked about this and broken it down, made it easy for people to understand. Who am i? no one, just some guy who used to dwell on these topics a lot in my teens and 20s, less so in my 30s (that is, the theorerical aspect of religion was done by 30 and then i just needed the core experiences).

There's a metaphysical descent of conciousness and the ascent. Passive and active..and they correspond to the Trancendence and Immanence of God.
The left brain corresponds to the passive path, to logical truth, to submitting to the higher order, to systems, governments and above all, God.
The right brain corresponds to the active path, to mystical truth.

Jesus preached a lot of the mystical, only because the jews were already heavily on logical truth. Strict monothiests at that time, who couldnt understand who Jesus was because they were closed to the God's Immanence.

The problem is this, the LOGOS is not only limited to Jesus. It incarnated in Jesus, but it is something John 1:1 says is ETERNAL.
look at it from this perspective, is there anything in your past, present or future that God hasn't known eternally? hence from that pov, your Essence, the origin of 'you' is eternally with God. That is, the LOGOS. The Logos is ALL THINGS, everything ihn creation in it's eternal state. Just as all numbers are merely manifestations of inifinity.
The Logos is the medium through which the Trancendent God becomes Immanent.

in hinduism, the logos is considered God, which is why they are panthiest(monist, panentheist etc) and they conside people like krishna, the incarnations, also God.

The hindus are theologically more consistent and honest. The christians dont even know their theology. They're self taught collectively and sort of just make it up as they go along.

St Augustine is the founder of christian trinitarianism, but he was heavily influenced by Plotinus. Plotinus was heavily influenced by aryan (persian, hindu) philosophy.

another dumb thing christians do is that they say 'oh no hu is dis plotinus and augustine? bollocks, dat is not da bible' and they just dismiss it. how could they ever attempt to understand the trinitarian doctrine without knowing who augustine was?

1- what is immanence of God? are you talking about wahdatul wajood as in what Ibn Arabi was teaching?

2- are Sufism and Hinduism similar in your opinion?

3- How do the sikhs manage to be so violent and nobody ever talks about this. we have way more Muslims than sikhs where I live and the Muslims are perfectly peaceful people. meanwhile the sikhs apparently did some violent stuff towards the indian embassy and meanwhile it's Muslims who get wrongly stereotyped as the violent ones.

also- most importantly- basis of Islam is Tawheed. all the prophets called to tawheed. Quran is all about tawheed. la ilaha illAllah. tawheed.
Jan 9, 2018
So now it's multiplying instead of adding? Lol! Man, I have to say, I do find the rationales amusing, but please continue and apologies for interrupting.
Orwell, this is not that difficult because we are living examples of tri-unity.

No, that is not possible because the Quran is the kalaam of Allah. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ didn't author the Quran. The sayings of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ are in the hadith.
What makes you even think he was a prophet?
He didn’t do anything miraculous (or even supernatural) like other prophets did.
Mar 14, 2017
1- what is immanence of God? are you talking about wahdatul wajood as in what Ibn Arabi was teaching?

2- are Sufism and Hinduism similar in your opinion?

3- How do the sikhs manage to be so violent and nobody ever talks about this. we have way more Muslims than sikhs where I live and the Muslims are perfectly peaceful people. meanwhile the sikhs apparently did some violent stuff towards the indian embassy and meanwhile it's Muslims who get wrongly stereotyped as the violent ones.

also- most importantly- basis of Islam is Tawheed. all the prophets called to tawheed. Quran is all about tawheed. la ilaha illAllah. tawheed.
1) Allah's Immanence are Attributes which are shared within creation on the macrocosmic and microcosmic levels. Rahma being the primary one.
Bismillah IrRahman IrRaheem
literally the 'trinity' in it's true form.

However the Logos itself, or what ibn arabi referred to, was not a literal 'unity' because the Spirit of Allah (Allah breathed HIS SPIRIT into man) is not strictly speaking, from a logical pov, Allah's Immanence, but rather the medium through which Allah Immanrntly reveals His qualities.
The whole point about wahdat al wujud is that it surpasses 'self consciousness' and hence there i no 'i' in that experience, the only thing in the experience is a pure experience of Allah's Immanence.

everything the new testament says about the LOGOS (the symbolic 'Son') is basically just that same truth.
There's a hadith of the prophet, where he said 'when you sleep your spirit returns to Allah'. in hinduism they call it 'turiya consciousness' and the unity is with Brahman. It's the same idea, Brahman is the Trancenent Essence beyond 'attributes'. it is that which cannot be described.

ibn arabi was condemned by other sufis. Ahmed Sirhindi said that the correct term is 'unity of perception' as opposed to actual unity of 'being'.

2) the way i see it, there is one cosmological and metaphysical truth..and all humans share in it. everything else is an interpretation.
hinduism is an open source philosophy which means all the abrahimic religions can be considered branches of hinduism. although i say 'hinduism', it is actually called DHARMA..and dharma, shariah, torah..have the same meaning. the lack of theological truth within hindu/vedic philosophy is because whilst they did plant the seeds towards that greater truth, they didnt receive it, it went outside of india. ive read stuff by advaita vedanta hindus and they actually praise islam and consider it to be a lesson from above, for mainstream hindus. like 'this is what we were trying to tell you, but we couldnt do it like they did, if only you were more like them'.
i also believe sikhism is the aftermath of advaita vedanta, like a compromise..because by that stage hindus hated muslims for their mass murdering tendencies..and i dont blame em.
no matter how righteous and pious we've been told that islamic historical figures were, most of em were despotic bastards. those persian and turkic type warlords would murder their own family. so i kind of look at hinduism and india as a whole, as a story that shadows the failures of the muslim world. the trajectory india was on, it could have been won over.
i used to chat to a hindu guy, most of his group online were haters. this guy got heavil into dealing with sorcery that was attacking him. he dissed islsm to me, talking about how islam doesnt touch on this topic the way hinduism does.
i broke down hindu metaphysics for him, the chakras, explained how they match the 7 heavens in islam and their corresponding prophets. i went in more depth about how it relates to the astral plane and all entities within it. i shared sufi stuff with him inc things azis nasafi (a 13th century sufi) was saying. this guy converted to islam the next day. i didnt ask him to. he told me he was blown away by my understanding of hinduism and that my confidence and ability to navigate through various metaphysical systems whilst remaining true to islam, meant that islam had to be the glue to the hold it all together.

im critical of sufism because ive seen so much pretense and self angrandising bs by so many sufis. in sufi islam, the crux of the matter is that a murshid has to be a man so close to Allah, that there is direct welfare evidence from him. it doesnt mean that person is God. it means that a person like that can transform a sinner to a true muslim very fast.
if you're thinking 'but many prophets failed to change their people', the argument there is that we're talking about fellow muslims who are already on haqq in terms of their tawhid.
look at it from another pov...faith is like planting a seed..and belief/iman is like the light. there is a deeper process that takes place, a tilling of the soil which itself is an extremely difficult experience that no one else can do for you..
however if a person is starving and in need of 'fruit', the most abundant tree will lower itself for others to enjoy its fruits. it isnt the same as just being given things for free. a person still has to tend to his own garden.
if you extend this to Jesus, Jesus was 'the true vine' and the believers (in him) were like branches, united in him. in a Tariqah/order, you become bigger than yourself. in islam a leader/ruler of a town, is considered responsible for the entire town inc their sins. However again this is only applicable in a context where everyone is already muslim and hence they accept his authority over them.
extend this to sufi islam, the murshids, pirs, sheikhs etc. they are openly tolerant of sin because they themselves are deeply sinful but they do love to pretend they are practicing muslims.
we're all sinners, but us guys arent trying to be leaders.

3) we're all products of post colonial post modern revivalist religious and nationalist movements.
the khalistan movement fanaticised a lot of sikhs. a lot of sikhs were brainwashed to hate muslims.
i know a pakistani girl who went to Wolverhampton (in england), as she was parking up, an old sikh guy saw she had Allah's name displayed in her car..he came at her with a sword literally.
they've taken advantage of western propaganda already attacking us. however i know good sikhs who have defended islam aswell.


Aug 8, 2023
1) Allah's Immanence are Attributes which are shared within creation on the macrocosmic and microcosmic levels. Rahma being the primary one.
Bismillah IrRahman IrRaheem
literally the 'trinity' in it's true form.

However the Logos itself, or what ibn arabi referred to, was not a literal 'unity' because the Spirit of Allah (Allah breathed HIS SPIRIT into man) is not strictly speaking, from a logical pov, Allah's Immanence, but rather the medium through which Allah Immanrntly reveals His qualities.
The whole point about wahdat al wujud is that it surpasses 'self consciousness' and hence there i no 'i' in that experience, the only thing in the experience is a pure experience of Allah's Immanence.

everything the new testament says about the LOGOS (the symbolic 'Son') is basically just that same truth.
There's a hadith of the prophet, where he said 'when you sleep your spirit returns to Allah'. in hinduism they call it 'turiya consciousness' and the unity is with Brahman. It's the same idea, Brahman is the Trancenent Essence beyond 'attributes'. it is that which cannot be described.

ibn arabi was condemned by other sufis. Ahmed Sirhindi said that the correct term is 'unity of perception' as opposed to actual unity of 'being'.

2) the way i see it, there is one cosmological and metaphysical truth..and all humans share in it. everything else is an interpretation.
hinduism is an open source philosophy which means all the abrahimic religions can be considered branches of hinduism. although i say 'hinduism', it is actually called DHARMA..and dharma, shariah, torah..have the same meaning. the lack of theological truth within hindu/vedic philosophy is because whilst they did plant the seeds towards that greater truth, they didnt receive it, it went outside of india. ive read stuff by advaita vedanta hindus and they actually praise islam and consider it to be a lesson from above, for mainstream hindus. like 'this is what we were trying to tell you, but we couldnt do it like they did, if only you were more like them'.
i also believe sikhism is the aftermath of advaita vedanta, like a compromise..because by that stage hindus hated muslims for their mass murdering tendencies..and i dont blame em.
no matter how righteous and pious we've been told that islamic historical figures were, most of em were despotic bastards. those persian and turkic type warlords would murder their own family. so i kind of look at hinduism and india as a whole, as a story that shadows the failures of the muslim world. the trajectory india was on, it could have been won over.
i used to chat to a hindu guy, most of his group online were haters. this guy got heavil into dealing with sorcery that was attacking him. he dissed islsm to me, talking about how islam doesnt touch on this topic the way hinduism does.
i broke down hindu metaphysics for him, the chakras, explained how they match the 7 heavens in islam and their corresponding prophets. i went in more depth about how it relates to the astral plane and all entities within it. i shared sufi stuff with him inc things azis nasafi (a 13th century sufi) was saying. this guy converted to islam the next day. i didnt ask him to. he told me he was blown away by my understanding of hinduism and that my confidence and ability to navigate through various metaphysical systems whilst remaining true to islam, meant that islam had to be the glue to the hold it all together.

im critical of sufism because ive seen so much pretense and self angrandising bs by so many sufis. in sufi islam, the crux of the matter is that a murshid has to be a man so close to Allah, that there is direct welfare evidence from him. it doesnt mean that person is God. it means that a person like that can transform a sinner to a true muslim very fast.
if you're thinking 'but many prophets failed to change their people', the argument there is that we're talking about fellow muslims who are already on haqq in terms of their tawhid.
look at it from another pov...faith is like planting a seed..and belief/iman is like the light. there is a deeper process that takes place, a tilling of the soil which itself is an extremely difficult experience that no one else can do for you..
however if a person is starving and in need of 'fruit', the most abundant tree will lower itself for others to enjoy its fruits. it isnt the same as just being given things for free. a person still has to tend to his own garden.
if you extend this to Jesus, Jesus was 'the true vine' and the believers (in him) were like branches, united in him. in a Tariqah/order, you become bigger than yourself. in islam a leader/ruler of a town, is considered responsible for the entire town inc their sins. However again this is only applicable in a context where everyone is already muslim and hence they accept his authority over them.
extend this to sufi islam, the murshids, pirs, sheikhs etc. they are openly tolerant of sin because they themselves are deeply sinful but they do love to pretend they are practicing muslims.
we're all sinners, but us guys arent trying to be leaders.

3) we're all products of post colonial post modern revivalist religious and nationalist movements.
the khalistan movement fanaticised a lot of sikhs. a lot of sikhs were brainwashed to hate muslims.
i know a pakistani girl who went to Wolverhampton (in england), as she was parking up, an old sikh guy saw she had Allah's name displayed in her car..he came at her with a sword literally.
they've taken advantage of western propaganda already attacking us. however i know good sikhs who have defended islam aswell.
Ok but do you believe in wahdatul wajood? Are we all part of God and everything is part of God? And is that what immanence refers to?
Jan 9, 2018
Since you are a relative of French philosopher you of all people should know that Paris is under attack internally by foreign elements who had the audacity to burn down the Notre Dame. Bearded people wearing pajamas were seen leaving the crime and this is only the tip of the iceberg.

What next…you’re going to tell me that Muslims wielding box cutters hijacked planes and flew them into the Twin Towers & the Pentagon?
Mar 14, 2017
Ok but do you believe in wahdatul wajood? Are we all part of God and everything is part of God? And is that what immanence refers to?
if you bothered reading what i said, i disagreed with ibn arabi and explained why he was wrong.
we are not 'part of God', we arent becoming/joining God.
the LOGOS which is the origin point of this 'unity', is not God, it is a medium/expression throuh which God Immanently reveals His Qualities. YET you can think of it as a transparent prism, therefore to get to that level of the Logos, nothing 'else' really exists except God. there is no 'I AM PART OF GOD', it is more like 'GOD, THE END' and the 'self' ceases to exist in the experience. Ibn arabi's only error was in not understanding or not explaining this in detail.
i read some of his books, he did chat some waffle too tbh so im not sure what to think of him.

the whole issue with christianity is that Jesus is the LOGOS incarnated..and if the LOGOS IS GOD then it means Jesus is God.
yet in hinduism the logos/vishnu is universal consciousness..so they become pantiesm whilst christians half bake it into jesus worship.
my view which is superior, directly connects with NT statements explaining that the Logos is a medium that only shows us the Immanence of God ie Love, Mercy, Peace etc and hence 'unity of consciousness'. If you consider the Trancendence of Allah/God then you're looking at attributes of Allah such as THE CREATOR, that only belong to God and are not shared within creation...and hence from that pov it is a dualistic relationhip related to the descent of consciousness. There is no UNITY with the Trancendence of Allah.

Even in christianity, the Son and Holy Spirit are aspects of His Immanence only. so the whole 'fully God' thing is absurd and stupid, but that is xtianity, the donkey brain version of christianity.


Aug 8, 2023
if you bothered reading what i said, i disagreed with ibn arabi and explained why he was wrong.
we are not 'part of God', we arent becoming/joining God.
the LOGOS which is the origin point of this 'unity', is not God, it is a medium/expression throuh which God Immanently reveals His Qualities. YET you can think of it as a transparent prism, therefore to get to that level of the Logos, nothing 'else' really exists except God. there is no 'I AM PART OF GOD', it is more like 'GOD, THE END' and the 'self' ceases to exist in the experience. Ibn arabi's only error was in not understanding or not explaining this in detail.
i read some of his books, he did chat some waffle too tbh so im not sure what to think of him.

the whole issue with christianity is that Jesus is the LOGOS incarnated..and if the LOGOS IS GOD then it means Jesus is God.
yet in hinduism the logos/vishnu is universal consciousness..so they become pantiesm whilst christians half bake it into jesus worship.
my view which is superior, directly connects with NT statements explaining that the Logos is a medium that only shows us the Immanence of God ie Love, Mercy, Peace etc and hence 'unity of consciousness'. If you consider the Trancendence of Allah/God then you're looking at attributes of Allah such as THE CREATOR, that only belong to God and are not shared within creation...and hence from that pov it is a dualistic relationhip related to the descent of consciousness. There is no UNITY with the Trancendence of Allah.

Even in christianity, the Son and Holy Spirit are aspects of His Immanence only. so the whole 'fully God' thing is absurd and stupid, but that is xtianity, the donkey brain version of christianity.
I mean... I am not into Hinduism or Vishnu or whatever or looking to go super deep into Hindu philosophy... ana Muslim...

I would like if you just clearly say whether you believe in wahdat ul wajood and whether this is what you mean with immanence.... I'm not looking to go deep into Plotinus or Hinduism or Sikhism or whatever, ana Muslim


May 20, 2017
The Holy Quran 6:66 is posted under someone's profile on main page and it is not possible to comment on it which I have never seen before. Is satanic forces literally attacking forum under the guise of Islamic disguise?
Have you ever read the Quran or even checked that chapter?

Are you so misguided that you can not tell the antidote from the poison?
Or are you from the ranks of those that misguide? Either way, it is to your detriment.

O believers! Protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, overseen by formidable and severe angels, who never disobey whatever Allah orders—always doing as commanded.

The deniers will then be told,˺ “O disbelievers! Make no excuses this Day! You are only rewarded for what you used to do.”

O believers! Turn to Allah in sincere repentance, so your Lord may absolve you of your sins and admit you into Gardens, under which rivers flow, on the Day Allah will not disgrace the Prophet or the believers with him. Their light will shine ahead of them and on their right. They will say, “Our Lord! Perfect our light for us, and forgive us. ˹For˺ You are truly Most Capable of everything.”

O Prophet! Struggle against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be firm with them. Hell will be their home. What an evil destination!

Allah sets forth an example for the disbelievers: the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot. Each was married to one of Our righteous servants, yet betrayed them. So their husbands were of no benefit to them against Allah whatsoever. Both were told, “Enter the Fire, along with the others!”

And Allah sets forth an example for the believers: the wife of Pharaoh, who prayed, “My Lord! Build me a house in Paradise near You, deliver me from Pharaoh and his ˹evil˺ doing, and save me from the wrongdoing people.”

There is˺ also ˹the example of˺ Mary, the daughter of ’Imrân, who guarded her chastity, so We breathed into her ˹womb˺ through Our angel ˹Gabriel˺.She testified to the words of her Lord and His Scriptures, and was one of the ˹sincerely˺ devout.

Quran 66:6 -66:12
Last edited:


May 20, 2017
According to Islam, our purpose on earth is to worship the One God.
Truth is One.
Below is a part of an essay on Islam, the One and Only religion:

"First of all, we must comprehend the fact that logically speaking “the truth” can only be one and not more than one. Contemplate the following list of points:

1. Every individual has their own perception of good and evil, whether this perception is based upon religion, law, culture, or individual contemplation. If human beings were to be left to believe and practice what they perceive as correct, we would have a society based upon chaos, where no laws could be legislated nor executed. For this reason, humans cannot be left on their own to legislate what is correct and incorrect. The only One who has the right to legislate right and wrong is the One who created us and knows what is best for us, and that is Allah. It is He who created the world and set the scales of justice, and it is He who is perfect with no faults whatsoever.

2. Once that has been made clear, we can easily say that Allah sent only one form of legislation for all of mankind to follow, otherwise if we were to say that there is more than one then that would entail that Allah is unjust because He left us to wander about on earth without showing us the right way to do things, and this is impossible because Allah is Just. Therefore the only logical conclusion is that there is only one true religion, which contains guidance in all spheres of life, and that all other religions are false.

3. To prove this further, we all know that 2+2=4, and not 5 or 6, there is only one correct answer. Similarly when it comes to religions there can only be one which is correct, and all the others to be false. And from there it can be said that it is impossible to mix truth with falsehood, rather they are two separate entities, the truth being one and falsehood being many.Now at this point someone can say, “I agree that the truth can only be one, and that there can only be one religion which is correct and all the others to be false, but how can you prove that Islam is that correct one?”

So we say that this can be proven by the following:

1. Islam is the only religion which preaches true Monotheism, many religions claim that they call to the worship of the One God, however if you were to examine their beliefs and practices closely you would easily find that they set up partners in worship with Him.

2. Islam is the only religion which has been preached by all prophets since the dawn of man, and preaches the same message brought by all those prophets.

3. Islam is the only religion which has been preserved throughout time, unlike other religions which became altered and tampered with, and what is left today of those religions is a mix of truth and falsehood.

4. The miracle of the Qur’an is one of the greatest proofs that Islam is the correct religion, for it has proven since the time of its revelation to this day that it is one hundred percent from Allah, and since its revelation to this day not a single individual has been able to refute this claim. (DR: The Quran is a memorized recitation from the time of the Prophet. (Peace be upon him)They can not alter it.)

5. The perfection of Islam is also another great proof of it being the correct religion, for there exists no other religion more perfect, complete, comprehensive, and precise in its rulings than Islam.

There are many other things that can be mentioned to prove Islam is the one and only true religion, however we will suffice with what has been said.

From the above, we can easily come to the conclusion that there is only one truth, and that is Islam. If we accept this ruling, then let us examine what Islam has to say about the statement of some Muslims in our times that, “God can be worshipped through any means and through any religion, and that there is no difference between the religions because they all call to the worship of God, and therefore instead of warning against other religions we must come together and unite all the religions.”

Consider the following:

1. One of the basic principles of belief in Islam, something on which there is consensus (Ijmaa’) among the Muslims, is that there is no true religion on the face of the earth other than Islam. It is the final religion which abrogates all religions and laws that came before it. There is no religion on earth which Allah is to be worshipped through other than Islam. Allah says:


“Truly, the religion with Allah is Islam.” [Aal ‘Imran 3:19]

b) “Do they seek other than the religion of Allah (Islam), while to Him submitted all creatures in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and to Him shall they all be returned.” [Aal ‘Imran 3:83]

c) “And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.” [Aal ‘Imran 3:85]

d) “This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” [Al-Ma’idah 5:3]

2. One of the basic principles of belief in Islam is that the Book of Allah, the Holy Qur’an, is the last of the Books to be revealed from the Lord of the Worlds. It abrogates all the Books that came before it, the Tawrat, Zaboor, Injeel, and others. So there is no longer any revealed Book which Allah may be worshipped by other than the Qur’an. Allah says:

“And We have sent down to you (O Muhammad) the Book (this Qur’an) in truth, confirming the Scripture that came before it and a Muhaymin (trustworthy in highness and a witness) over them (old Scriptures). So judge among them by what Allah has revealed, and follow not their vain desires, diverging away from the truth that has come to you.” [Al-Ma’idah 5:48]

3. One of the basic principles of belief in Islam is that our Prophet and Messenger Muhammad (SAW) is the Seal of the Prophets and Messengers. So there is no longer any Messenger whom it is obligatory to follow other than Muhammad (SAW). Allah says:

“Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the last of the Prophets.” [Al-Ahzab 33:40]

4. One of the basic principles of belief in Islam is that the Message of Muhammad (SAW) is addressed to all of mankind. Allah says:

a) “And We have not sent you (O Muhammad) except as a giver of glad tidings and a warner to all mankind, but most of men know not.” [Saba’ 34:28]

b) “Say (O Muhammad): O mankind! Verily, I am sent to you all as the Messenger of Allah.” [Al-A’raf 7:158]

5. One of the basic principles of belief in Islam is that we must believe that every Jew, Christian, or anyone else who does not enter Islam is a Kafir (disbeliever), and that those who do not enter Islam after the proof is established against them must be named as Kafirs and regarded as enemies of Allah, His Messenger, and the believers, and that they are the people of the Hell Fire, as Allah says:

a) “Those who disbelieve from among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) and Al-Mushrikun, were not going to leave (their disbelief) until there came to them clear evidence.” [Al-Bayyinah 98:1]

b) “Verily, those who disbelieve from among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) and Al-Mushrikoon will abide in the fire of Hell. They are the worst of creatures.” [Al-Bayyinah 98:6]

c) “Surely, they have disbelieved who say: Allah is the Messiah (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary).” [Al-Ma’idah 5:17,72]

d) “This (Qur’an) is a Message for mankind (and a clear proof against them), in order that they may be warned thereby.” [Ibrahim 14:52]

It was reported in Saheeh Muslim that the Prophet (SAW) said: “By the One in Whose hand is my soul, no one among this nation, Jew or Christian, hears of me, then dies without having believed in that with which I was sent, except that he will be one of the people of the Fire.”"

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