Are medicines permitted by God (according the REAL bible)

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
And what about chemtrails? Those can't be avoided. Are we sinning because we are breathing that air in everyday and we can't do anything about it? That just goes too far.
This is how sin is defined, according to God:

1 John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also The Law: for sin is the transgression of The Law.

Sin is therefore a CRIME, as crime is defined in The Law that God gave us; namely in Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

A transgression of The Law (sin/crime) is something that causes harm/injury or death to another individual, or damages or destroys the property belonging to another, including the destruction of our natural surroundings (which steals those natural resources and beauty from future generations - see Rev. 11:18).

So why do we have chemtrails? Do we not, as a people, bear any responsibility for what those we allegedly vote into public office do?

IF we kept The Law, there would be no politicians making up their own rules to make the rich richer, the poor poorer, and the sick sicker. There would be no international banking cartel pulling the strings of their puppet politicians, making them do whatever they want. And there would be no chemtrails turning a clear blue sky into a giant lattice of chemical trails, poisoning the air and raining down aluminum, barium, strontium, etc. on the soil, water, plants, animals and people, in the name of "science".

So whose fault is it that we are forced to breathe in all of these chemicals? Of course those in positions of authority publicly or privately who are directly responsible for this global project will be held accountable for their actions, but truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty party, you need only look into a mirror. We are all guilty.

This is further proof of our insanity, in that we have placed our trust in the false idol of "science" [1 Tim. 5:20 (6:20 KJV)] and the unnatural/synthesized chemicals that are poisoning and destroying all life on this planet. We are literally breathing, drinking and eating these chemical poisons, along with people voluntarily allowing themselves to be injected with them.

Anyone who truly wants God's Help to fix this mess that WE have created, needs to get down on their knees and repent of all of this evil immediately and make every effort from this day forward to do EVERYTHING according to His Will, beginning with keeping His Law ONLY.

For those who do that, God has promised to bless and fight these wars for us, but we MUST do our part. We can and must learn to control the part of this world we can control: our "selves".

Serenity Prayer

God, please grant me the serenity, to accept the things that I can not change; the courage, to change the things that I can change; and the Wisdom, to always know the difference between the two.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
P.S., on the subject of chemtrails, having the good fortune to live in an area with very clean air, something that's been observed after a storm (e.g. with rain and gale force winds), are these very thin, fibrous strands hanging on to whatever they can. This is literally within hours after the chem-trails commence again in the immediate wake of a storm.

These fibers are so thin that they aren't visible unless the sunlight happens to hit them at the correct angle. But once they're spotted, you can see them everywhere.

There's absolutely no doubt that they are the result of what is being sprayed, because they're not there beforehand, nor could they survive the storms that blow through the area. And this has been observed for years, in a variety of different locations.

But more recently, i.e. over the past few months, what seemed interesting about this, is the close resemblance of these fibers to the unprecedented lengthy clots that are being pulled out of the blood vessels of those having died from the Covid-19 injections by the embalmers. For anyone unfamiliar with this subject, please visit the following link, and watch the film.

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Mar 15, 2017
And what about chemtrails? Those can't be avoided. Are we sinning because we are breathing that air in everyday and we can't do anything about it? That just goes too far.
From A Freeman's next responses, it sounds like society should also be condemned for using petrol, gas, coal or any other fuel that unfortunately results in pollution.
Even he can't avoid using that - how else would he be able to spam forums (with some form of electrical device) without indirectly using the above fuels via electricity from power stations?!
Even mobile phones need to be charged after all.
Jun 26, 2022
So you believe that God wants us to harm ourselves or others with toxic substances? You do realize that sin is doing harm, either to others or to their property, which steals from them their health, livelihood, future earnings or possibly even their life, don't you?
No, i don't believe God wants us to harm ourselves. Don't believe God said to let ourselves die from preventable causes either.

I believe some of us are being harmed with toxic substances through no fault of our own, as with chemtrails as was mentioned, or with pesticides or other substances that are sprayed indiscriminately at us without our consent, or allowed into our water supply. Are the people who controlled the planet who ordered these things sinning? Perhaps, unless done out of ignorance.

But if someone takes medication to alleviate the symptoms of the above actions, no, i don't believe that's a sin.

If someone dies, and it could have been preventable with something as simple as an antibiotic or fever reducer, then they do lose their "health, livelihood, future earnings or possibly even their life".

Who said it was a sin? It wouldn't be a sin not to drink enough water, either, but people sometimes do that, without thinking. Just like roughly 2 billion "Muslims" are currently doing to honor their pagan tradition of moon-worship they call "Ramadan", where people needlessly die every year while making a mockery of God and His Holy Feasts found only in His Law.

In the latter case, it's the celebration of the pagan tradition that is the sin, not the fact they ignorantly choose not to drink water. The same as every so-called Christian who still celebrates their pagan tradition of Ishtar/Easter is committing a sin (and, if they are having an "Easter ham" is sinning by doing that too). These pagan traditions are sinful/unlawful because they are harmful to everyone's physical and spiritual health and, if not stopped, are spiritually fatal (and in some cases, can be physically fatal too).
I'm not a muslim, this is not a muslim thread, and i've never advocated for muslim feasts or traditions, so i don't see how any of this is relevant to the question. (Nor do i call Resurrection Day "Easter", nor eat ham, so maybe stop with the sterotyping of Christians).

You said:

It should be self-evident that using poisons to temporary "take the edge off" only worsens the situation, as it masks the pain that was sent to let us know that something is wrong and needs our attention. The root cause might be something as simple as a lack of water, or being subjected to microwave radiation, EMF, etc., or simply as a punishment for thinking evil about/against another
And i asked "How would someone being subjected to emf or microwave radiation (something not under their control) be comitting some kind of sin?"

The reason i asked this is because you said that rather than reaching for a pharmaceutical, if a person is experiencing physical symptoms they should explore WHY they are happening, as it could be a punishment from God, or lack of water, or being subjected to emf or microwave radiation.

If a person lives near cell phone towers and can't afford to move (true story) then how is it their fault that they experience headaches from the radiation?

And here we go, with yet another strawman argument, building on the previous strawman argument. All based upon things that were never said, to draw one irrational conclusion after another that have no basis in reality.
Because the things i mentioned could all be seen as harmful because of the radiation. Yet you want to arbitrarily single out medications while continuing to enjoy modern comforts and conveniences. Unless you DO actually live somewhere with no electricity and power lines, wifi internet, cell phone, etc. and you comunicate with this forum using telepathy...

You can continue calling it a strawman all you'd like, it just means you don't have an answer as to why modern technology is not taken to be "sorcery" but medicine is.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Solar and wind-power are two great sources for generating electricity off-grid.

If someone is determined to do Father's Will, Father can and does provide ways to minimize the footprint.

Similarly, if some is determined to look for evil in others, that's all they will ever see. Christ told us to be perfect, like Father is. Shouldn't we be striving to do exactly that, as if our lives depend upon it (which they of course do)?
Jun 26, 2022
So why do we have chemtrails? Do we not, as a people, bear any responsibility for what those we allegedly vote into public office do?
No, we dont.

Some of us are in our 30s or younger and chemtrails have been around since before we were born, amd definitely beforw we were old enough to vote.

Everyone who's done research into the matter knows that any higher than local elections our politicians are installed into office, not voted on by the people.

A reference to how your bible takes out a whole chapter from the Bible!

I guess adding to or removing from the word is not a sin in your belief system, huh?

on the subject of chemtrails, having the good fortune to live in an area with very clean air,
Your belief system allows for the concept of "good fortune"?

I am surprised this wasn't said as "God is rewarding me, just as He punishes those who are doomed to live under unhealthful conditions, while not being allowex to treat their symptoms" or something.
Jun 26, 2022
Solar and wind-power are two great sources for generating electricity off-grid.

If someone is determined to do Father's Will, Father can and does provide ways to minimize the footprint.

Similarly, if some is determined to look for evil in others, that's all they will ever see. Christ told us to be perfect, like Father is. Shouldn't we be striving to do exactly that, as if our lives depend upon it (which they of course do)?
Where in the Bible does it say we are required to use solar or wind power?

"Minimize the footprint", once again i am struck by the similarities between the things you say and the wef agenda...

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
But if someone takes medication to alleviate the symptoms of the above actions, no, i don't believe that's a sin.
And that belief is obvious error, as we have been repeatedly warned for thousands of years. And again in this thread. No one who does such things will inherit the Kingdom of God, regardless of what they choose to believe.

Yet you want to arbitrarily single out medications
You have direct control over what you put in your body's mouth don't you? Or what you choose to have injected into your body?

But you don't have direct control over the other forms of technology, do you? And pharmakeia/pharmacy is directly prohibited in Scripture...again whether or not that fact is accepted.

Are you really unable to see the difference?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Where in the Bible does it say we are required to use solar or wind power?

"Minimize the footprint", once again i am struck by the similarities between the things you say and the wef agenda...
Revelation 11:18 And the nations were angry, and Thy wrath is come, and the Time of the "Dead" (Matt. 8:22), that they should be Judged, and that Thou shouldest give reward unto Thy Servants the Prophets, and to the holy people, and them that fear Thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the Earth.

Christ had His Disciples gather up the crumbs after the feeding of the 4000 and 5000, to minimize waste. If you aren't following His Example in your own daily life, then you probably ought to read the verse cited above until it finally sinks in.

Peace be upon you.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Christ had His Disciples gather up the crumbs after the feeding of the 4000 and 5000, to minimize waste.
Fact plus conjecture creates narrative.

I doubt the remains would have been used as biofuel, so it seems more likely the number of baskets gathered relate to the prophetic significance of the miracle.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Fact plus conjecture creates narrative.

I doubt the remains would have been used as biofuel,
It certainly would not have gone to waste. So why do you feel the need to add your worthless conjecture to the fact that Christ had His Disciples gather the crumbs to minimize waste? So you can continue to pretend that it isn't you creating the false narrative?

so it seems more likely the number of baskets gathered relate to the prophetic significance of the miracle.
And what would you think that prophetic significance might be please, along with the fact that it didn't allow the wasting of the fragments left over from the feeding of the 4000 and the 5000? And what was the spiritual significance of Him feeding the two groups in the first place? Please enlighten us.

Please note well that Jesus didn't feed them pharmacy/drugs/medicines/poisons to heal them.
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Mar 15, 2017
Solar and wind-power are two great sources for generating electricity off-grid.

If someone is determined to do Father's Will, Father can and does provide ways to minimize the footprint.

Similarly, if some is determined to look for evil in others, that's all they will ever see. Christ told us to be perfect, like Father is. Shouldn't we be striving to do exactly that, as if our lives depend upon it (which they of course do)?
There is nothing wrong with seeking to go natural within reason. We actually had solar power panels put on our house, partly for environment but mostly for cheaper electricity bills.

Parts have to be constructed. Manufacturers have to put it all together. Transport companies have to deliver it and then people have to install it on the roof. That inevitably causes pollution along the way.
We live in a fallen world and so we have to do the best we can with what we have available at the time.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
And what would you think that prophetic significance might be please, along with the fact that it didn't allow the wasting of the fragments left over from the feeding of the 4000 and the 5000? And what was the spiritual significance of Him feeding the two groups in the first place? Please enlighten us.

Just for discussion…
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Jul 12, 2022
From A Freeman's next responses, it sounds like society should also be condemned for using petrol, gas, coal or any other fuel that unfortunately results in pollution.
Even he can't avoid using that - how else would he be able to spam forums (with some form of electrical device) without indirectly using the above fuels via electricity from power stations?!
Even mobile phones need to be charged after all.
That's the thing, how could he believe that using these things is a sin if we don't always have another choice? I have to say and admit,I do admire how people try to live like back in the day if it's part of their belief system/ way of life they go by, but it's so hard to do! So many of us grew up with what most people are subjected to, so it would be difficult to adjust to a life of living in the dark ages. Obviously, if we were born back in the day before electricity and indoor plumbing, we would be used to it.. sadly this isn't the case. He shouldn't punish us and say we are sinning because of something so out of our control. And that's the thing, he's being a hypocrite for using an online device to type his so called "ideologies". He just wants to have a power trip over others and convert them to his cult. It's awful.
Jun 26, 2022
That's the thing, how could he believe that using these things is a sin if we don't always have another choice? I have to say and admit,I do admire how people try to live like back in the day if it's part of their belief system/ way of life they go by, but it's so hard to do! So many of us grew up with what most people are subjected to, so it would be difficult to adjust to a life of living in the dark ages. Obviously, if we were born back in the day before electricity and indoor plumbing, we would be used to it.. sadly this isn't the case. He shouldn't punish us and say we are sinning because of something so out of our control. And that's the thing, he's being a hypocrite for using an online device to type his so called "ideologies". He just wants to have a power trip over others and convert them to his cult. It's awful.
Yeah exactly, it's admirable when people are able to do it, but not everyone can. We (in general, as a people) have lost so much knowledge that our ancestors had about surviving completely off the grid, back before there was a grid.

I agree about the hypocrisy. And even if his electricity is sourced through "clean" off the grid power, how would he have access to the internet without some kind of satellite or internet tower. Perhaps he's still on dial up with a modem using a power line? But given his excessively lengthy response, i doubt that.
Jul 12, 2022
Yeah exactly, it's admirable when people are able to do it, but not everyone can. We (in general, as a people) have lost so much knowledge that our ancestors had about surviving completely off the grid, back before there was a grid.

I agree about the hypocrisy. And even if his electricity is sourced through "clean" off the grid power, how would he have access to the internet without some kind of satellite or internet tower. Perhaps he's still on dial up with a modem using a power line? But given his excessively lengthy response, i doubt that.
That is very true. It is sad how we just don't have the knowledge that they used to have with this. We can't be considered sinners for this very reason, if we don't know how to live this way, anymore. It's cruel to assume that from AFreeman.

It's hard to say what he is using, and I agree, even if it is a clean version he's using to type his responses, he still comes out as hypocritical. I wish he practised more of what he preached, but because most of his ideologies are near impossible to go by, and some are just utterly ridiculous, that won't happen anytime soon.


Mar 23, 2021
…but do you use toothpaste?

If you have answered my question please remind me, but I’m still in the dark here?

On the pharmaceutical side, I suffer from pretty accuse allergies from time to time and use a fourth generation antihistamine with very few side-effects that completely stop the symptoms and greatly improves my concentration and quality of life. I don’t take it in rebellion and have no liking for sorcery!
So your saying you didn't get the coven together and do the rituals to some idol? Shame on you sir! Your not doing pharmakia right they are going to revoke your witchcraft card


Mar 23, 2021
Solar and wind-power are two great sources for generating electricity off-grid.

If someone is determined to do Father's Will, Father can and does provide ways to minimize the footprint.

Similarly, if some is determined to look for evil in others, that's all they will ever see. Christ told us to be perfect, like Father is. Shouldn't we be striving to do exactly that, as if our lives depend upon it (which they of course do)?
IF thats the case you need to get off your PC right now i am going to drop something....your Operating system uses Daemons yup Daemons ..... The internet is a www world wide web aka spiders web which in turn use items named charon styx inferno to just name a few these are old pbx phone sys if you used a phone in the last 40 decades you have used these you should probably leave your computer and walk away from it according to your definition