Are medicines permitted by God (according the REAL bible)


Mar 15, 2017
Excerpt below from: -

5331. pharmakeia

Strong's Concordance
pharmakeia: the use of medicine, drugs or spells
Original Word: φαρμακεία, ας, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: pharmakeia
Phonetic Spelling: (far-mak-i'-ah)
Definition: the use of medicine, drugs or spells
Usage: magic, sorcery, enchantment.

HELPS Word-studies
pharmakeía (from pharmakeuō, "administer drugs") – properly, drug-related sorcery, like the practice of magical-arts, etc. (A. T. Robertson).

NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
from pharmakeuó (to administer drugs)
the use of medicine, drugs or spells
NASB Translation
sorceries (1), sorcery (2).

Thayer's Greek Lexicon
STRONGS NT 5331: φαρμακεία

φαρμακεία (WH κια, so T (except in Galatians 5:20; cf. the Proleg., p. 88); see Iota), φαρμακείας, ἡ (φαρμακεύω);
a. the use or the administering of drugs (Xenophon, mem. 4, 2, 17).
b. poisoning (Plato, Polybius, others): Revelation 9:21 (here WH text Tr marginal reading φαρμακῶν; many interpretations refer the passage to the next entry).
c. sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it: Galatians 5:20 (where see Lightfoot) (Wis. 12:4 Wis. 18:13; for כְּשָׁפִים, Isaiah 47:9; for לָטִים, Exodus 7:22; Exodus 8:18; for לְהָטִים, Exodus 7:11); tropically, of the deceptions and seductions of idolatry, Revelation 18:23.
STRONGS NT 5331: φάρμακον [φάρμακον, φαρμάκου, τό, from Homer down, a drug; an enchantment: Tr marginal reading WH text in Revelation 9:21 (R. V. sorceries), for φαρμακεία, which see (in b.).]

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
sorcery, witchcraft.
From pharmakeus; medication ("pharmacy"), i.e. (by extension) magic (literally or figuratively) -- sorcery, witchcraft.
see GREEK pharmakeus

Forms and Transliterations
φαρμακεία φαρμακείᾳ φαρμακείαις φαρμακειων φαρμακια φαρμακία φαρμακίᾳ pharmakeia pharmakeía pharmakeíāi
Interlinear GreekInterlinear HebrewStrong's NumbersEnglishman's Greek ConcordanceEnglishman's Hebrew ConcordanceParallel Texts

Englishman's Concordance

Galatians 5:20 N-NFS

GRK: εἰδωλολατρία φαρμακεία ἔχθραι ἔρις
NAS: idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife,
KJV: Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred,
INT:idolatry sorcery enmities strife

Revelation 18:23 N-DFS
GRK: ἐν τῇ φαρμακείᾳ σου ἐπλανήθησαν
NAS: were deceived by your sorcery.
KJV: by thy sorceries were all
INT: by the sorcery of you were misled

pharmakeia = pharmacy = witchcraft = sorcery = a form of idolatry (placing doctors, etc. above God, our Healer)
In this thread we have already been through how the word pharmacy no longer has the meaning witchcraft in the English language.
English words sometimes gain additional meanings/ change meanings over time.

e.g. Imagine this situation A Freeman:
For some reason you go to a pub. Maybe there is a good meal deal mid-week.
You see a man who has had a pint or two, and he is already very happy.
Today, does the word "happy" only mean in a good mood?

You strike up a conversation and decide to say to him:
"You seem very gay tonight".
Would you get a nod of the head or a punch in the mouth?

Does the word "gay" mean cheerful, happy, glad any more?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Arrogance and ignorance belong to Satan. They always go hand-in-hand, with the arrogance blinding one to their own ignorance, including the ignorance of their own arrogance.

Humility and Wisdom belong to Father (God). True Wisdom does not exist without humility and a healthy fear of God, our heavenly Father (Ps. 111:10; Prov. 22:4; Matt. 10:28).

Humans often attempt to change the meaning of their words to deceive others and to try to hide their sins/crimes. Every religion and every courtroom has been doing this for so long that this deceitful process has a name: LEGALESE.

One such example of humans changing a word meaning to hide their deceitful intentions is the word "gay" which, until recent times, was a synonym for "happy". Today, it is used to describe sodomites, queers and sexual deviants, who are anything but happy, as they do nothing but fight against God and nature. Their abominable, satanic behavior actually sickens and saddens everyone, just as the chemical-pharmaceutical-medical industrial complex does with the poisonous drugs they call "medicines". As with everything that is satanically-driven, it is always the exact opposite.


It is very sad that the world is again FILLED with arrogant/ignorant people -- just like the times of Noah and the days of Lot (Matt. 24:37-39; Luke 17:26-30) -- who have no love for God (John 5:42-47) and judge everything and everyone by their own faulty standards instead of God's Perfect Standard (Matt. 7:1-4), found in His Law.

Only someone who is completely blinded by their own arrogance could be so ignorant as to believe that God allegedly didn't mean PHARMACY when He specifically said PHARMACY (in Greek "pharmakeia"). Pharmacists/witches unnaturally mix up ingredients in a pot to form a potion, aka a witch's brew, which they then sell to others as a supposed magic cure for their ills, that actually make and keep people sick, so the pharmacists/witches can sell the sick people more of their supposedly magic pills, potions, snake-oil, etc.

Referring to this process as sorcery/witchcraft, and that during the end-times it will be big-business controlled by the wealthiest and most powerful merchants on Earth (Rev. 18:23) is very accurate, exactly as one who knows Father (God) would expect.


And yet most of this world is BLIND to the fact they are under Satan's SPELL, believing that the poisons they are being sold are somehow good for them, when God has warned us that those who use and promote these poisons will NOT inherit His Kingdom under any circumstances (Gal. 5:19-21).
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Matthew 24:37-39
24:37 But as the days of Noah [were], so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.
24:38 For as in the days that were before The Flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark,
24:39 And knew not until The Flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.

Luke 17:26-30
17:26 And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man.
17:27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.
17:28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
17:29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed [them] all.
17:30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.
Jun 26, 2022
I already addressed this in a previous post or two, quoted below.

While i'm aware you don't refer to yourself as a "Christian", the point i was making is that midwives ARE mentioned in the Bible, but what passes these days (at least in the US) for "holistic", out of hospital birth midwife (not a medically-trained nurse midwife who will assist with medications if needed and works in collaboration with doctors, referred to derogatorily by the alternative crowd as a "medwife") is far, far removed from anything the Bible mentions.

In fact, they push certain practices which are undoubtedly against the Law, such as postpartum cannibalism/consumption of blood, or lack of hygiene (delivering a newborn into filthy water filled with blood and human feces). They are very insistent that these acts be done, regardless of the birthing woman's personal preference (they try to rationalize it as alternatives to medication for hemorrhage or pain). There are also instances of unconsensual same s*x behavior during labor that have been reported, and endorsed in midwife books (supposedly to "relax" the brithing woman), as well.

In my posts quoted below i also mentioned some of the other occult or pagan practices that this woman was promoting. And there's more. It's a whole rabbit hole, which as a man probably does not interest you, but women who speak out against this are shamed and ridiculed, or accused of being pro big pharma.

Anyway, like I've also mentioned previously, some women make the choice that this, and all it entails, is preferable to allopathic medicine. It would be a conscience issue, but to me THIS is witchcraft, not using medical help.

Our views on this topic will probably never agree, and that is fine.

(I know Christians tend to defend midwives as a whole because they are mentioned in the Bible, but is withcraft, tarot cards and praying to strange gods and goddesses, s*x magic rituals, something the Bible would endorse? I think not)
QUOTE="ToxicFemininitySucks, post: 547837, member: 18423"]
I've had a feeling about this, since a couple years ago when out of fear of avoiding allopath doctors, i hired a "holistic" (her description, which i didn't know at the time meant "witchcraft") midwife as an alternative to ob/gyn. The "treatments" she offered were bizarre, seemed occult (so i refused to partake) and deviant. At some point she mentioned praying to a "birth goddess" , using some kind of tarot cards, meditation (as opposed to prayer to God), engaging in s*x magic, stuff like that.

I can't believe i forgot to mention it in this last post, also cannibalism. This woman expected me to engage in cannibalism by ingesting raw bleeding placenta as a "treatment" agaisnt post partum hemorrhage!

Why anyone who follows the scriptures, which condemn the eating of blood in the new testament as well as old testament both before and after the law was given, would choose to resort to cannibalism instead of using the modern and effective medications we have to treat that is beyond me. Well, i guess there's another alternative: death.


Mar 23, 2021

While i'm aware you don't refer to yourself as a "Christian", the point i was making is that midwives ARE mentioned in the Bible, but what passes these days (at least in the US) for "holistic", out of hospital birth midwife (not a medically-trained nurse midwife who will assist with medications if needed and works in collaboration with doctors, referred to derogatorily by the alternative crowd as a "medwife") is far, far removed from anything the Bible mentions.

your statement can be summarized with this: He is not a follower of CHRIST JESUS period end of sentence. He is a follower of an anti christ simple end of sentence. Read this statement he posted:

Arrogance and ignorance belong to Satan. They always go hand-in-hand, with the arrogance blinding one to their own ignorance, including the ignorance of their own arrogance.

So when ever it doesn't line up with what ever he espouses that's default for your a satanic shill shut up i'm right because AJH says so. You will never win an argument with a fanatic scales on the eyes cult member. All you can do is pray for them. BTW still never answered if he can use metal objects since that falls into the pharmakia definition. Chemistry, metallurgy, science, & dying of clothes all come from that word descript base so again do you use metal objects such as a car or a fork?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
I already addressed this in a previous post or two, quoted below.

While i'm aware you don't refer to yourself as a "Christian", the point i was making is that midwives ARE mentioned in the Bible, but what passes these days (at least in the US) for "holistic", out of hospital birth midwife (not a medically-trained nurse midwife who will assist with medications if needed and works in collaboration with doctors, referred to derogatorily by the alternative crowd as a "medwife") is far, far removed from anything the Bible mentions.

In fact, they push certain practices which are undoubtedly against the Law, such as postpartum cannibalism/consumption of blood, or lack of hygiene (delivering a newborn into filthy water filled with blood and human feces). They are very insistent that these acts be done, regardless of the birthing woman's personal preference (they try to rationalize it as alternatives to medication for hemorrhage or pain). There are also instances of unconsensual same s*x behavior during labor that have been reported, and endorsed in midwife books (supposedly to "relax" the brithing woman), as well.

In my posts quoted below i also mentioned some of the other occult or pagan practices that this woman was promoting. And there's more. It's a whole rabbit hole, which as a man probably does not interest you, but women who speak out against this are shamed and ridiculed, or accused of being pro big pharma.

Anyway, like I've also mentioned previously, some women make the choice that this, and all it entails, is preferable to allopathic medicine. It would be a conscience issue, but to me THIS is witchcraft, not using medical help.

Our views on this topic will probably never agree, and that is fine.

QUOTE="ToxicFemininitySucks, post: 547837, member: 18423"]
I've had a feeling about this, since a couple years ago when out of fear of avoiding allopath doctors, i hired a "holistic" (her description, which i didn't know at the time meant "witchcraft") midwife as an alternative to ob/gyn. The "treatments" she offered were bizarre, seemed occult (so i refused to partake) and deviant. At some point she mentioned praying to a "birth goddess" , using some kind of tarot cards, meditation (as opposed to prayer to God), engaging in s*x magic, stuff like that.
It's difficult to understand how the link provided wound up on this tangent.

A midwife in the Bible is a friend or relative that has already been through labor themselves, and thus has a reasonable idea about what should be expected. They want to help out because it's the right, loving thing to do, not for money.

The delivery process shouldn't require pharmacy, or surgery, or alternative medical staff, etc., and it sure as this is hell doesn't require people to eat the placenta (yes, that would be unlawful), or any other sick, twisted traditions. The goal should be very simple and direct: assist the woman in labor so the delivery of the child is safe for both mother and child, with Father's Guidance and Help.


Mar 15, 2017
Arrogance and ignorance belong to Satan. They always go hand-in-hand, with the arrogance blinding one to their own ignorance, including the ignorance of their own arrogance.

Humility and Wisdom belong to Father (God). True Wisdom does not exist without humility and a healthy fear of God, our heavenly Father (Ps. 111:10; Prov. 22:4; Matt. 10:28).
You are using thought-stopping tactics on yourself again. AJH has told you anyone who disagrees with him is from Satan.
Not one of us has lied to you.
God is Truth. Satan is the Father of Lies.
AJH has told you anyone who disagrees with him is ignorant.

Humans often attempt to change the meaning of their words to deceive others and to try to hide their sins/crimes. Every religion and every courtroom has been doing this for so long that this deceitful process has a name: LEGALESE.
FINALLY something you and I almost agree 100% on! Christianity does not lie however.

One such example of humans changing a word meaning to hide their deceitful intentions is the word "gay" which, until recent times, was a synonym for "happy". Today, it is used to describe sodomites, queers and sexual deviants, who are anything but happy, as they do nothing but fight against God and nature.
So you also agree with me that words sometimes change meaning over time?


And yet most of this world is BLIND to the fact they are under Satan's SPELL, believing that the poisons they are being sold are somehow good for them, when God has warned us that those who use and promote these poisons will NOT inherit His Kingdom under any circumstances (Gal. 5:19-21).
Christians are OK with some drugs being called sorcery - if they are actually used as PART of witchcraft. We have said that multiple times already. :rolleyes:

Yet more examples of how words have changed meaning: 20 words that once meant something very different

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
You are using thought-stopping tactics on yourself again. AJH has told you anyone who disagrees with him is from Satan.
Not one of us has lied to you.
God is Truth. Satan is the Father of Lies.
AJH has told you anyone who disagrees with him is ignorant.

FINALLY something you and I almost agree 100% on! Christianity does not lie however.

So you also agree with me that words sometimes change meaning over time?

Christians are OK with some drugs being called sorcery - if they are actually used as PART of witchcraft. We have said that multiple times already. :rolleyes:

Yet more examples of how words have changed meaning: 20 words that once meant something very different
An angle I’m struggling to comprehend is how AJH manages to live in the modern world without the benefit of anything that has at least an element of “pharmacy” about it.

The most rudimentary form of pharmacy seems to go back to products like Asprin, where certain leaves which might have been no use for cooking were found to take the edge of a headache.

There are so many other products which people use with no sin in their hearts that contain “active ingredients”, from toothpaste to face creams and deodorants.

To take this fatwa against the use of products containing active ingredients to its logical conclusion, you would look and smell like you came out of a cave.

So, to @A Freeman - do you truly live within the constraints you would wish to impose on others?

Galatians 5 1. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.


Mar 15, 2017
An angle I’m struggling to comprehend is how AJH manages to live in the modern world without the benefit of anything that has at least an element of “pharmacy” about it.

The most rudimentary form of pharmacy seems to go back to products like Asprin, where certain leaves which might have been no use for cooking were found to take the edge of a headache.

There are so many other products which people use with no sin in their hearts that contain “active ingredients”, from toothpaste to face creams and deodorants.

To take this fatwa against the use of products containing active ingredients to its logical conclusion, you would look and smell like you came out of a cave.

So, to @A Freeman - do you truly live within the constraints you would wish to impose on others?

Galatians 5 1. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
People like @A Freeman obviously have never seen the results of people not receiving necessary medications for preventable diseases in time, in critical injuries etc.
I am more than skeptical that he would turn down painkillers if he was hit by a car, or anesthetics if he was going to have an operation!

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
An angle I’m struggling to comprehend is how AJH manages to live in the modern world without the benefit of anything that has at least an element of “pharmacy” about it.

The most rudimentary form of pharmacy seems to go back to products like Asprin, where certain leaves which might have been no use for cooking were found to take the edge of a headache.

There are so many other products which people use with no sin in their hearts that contain “active ingredients”, from toothpaste to face creams and deodorants.

To take this fatwa against the use of products containing active ingredients to its logical conclusion, you would look and smell like you came out of a cave.

So, to @A Freeman - do you truly live within the constraints you would wish to impose on others?

Galatians 5 1. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
Why do you need to deceitfully call what God has condemned a "fatwa"? This is the kind of dishonest guilt by association nonsense you seem to routinely rely upon to sell your satanic beliefs. A "fatwa" is a legal ruling by an "Islamic" scholar, attorney or de facto judge, ALL of which is strictly prohibited by The Law that God gave us (Deut. 4:2; 12:8; 12:32) under pain of death (Deut. 17:11-13). The same Biblical Law that the Koran/Quran repeatedly tells us it was sent to CONFIRM.

You NEED to repent of/stop using such deceitful tactics. Or are you so blind you don't even realize when or how often you use them? Isn't that why you struggle differentiating the truth from the lies even with the simplest of concepts?

John 15:18-20
15:18 If the world hate you, ye know that it HATED me before [it hated] you.
15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world HATETH you.
15:20 Remember the Truth that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they WILL also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.

1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things [that are] in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

Do you even know what aspirin is? IT IS A POISON. Don't believe it?

Excerpt from:

Salicylic acid is an organic compound with the formula HOC6H4COOH. A colorless, bitter-tasting solid, it is a precursor to and a metabolite of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). It is a plant hormone,[9] and has been listed by the EPA Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Substance Inventory as an experimental teratogen.[10] The name is from Latin salix for willow tree. It is an ingredient in some anti-acne products. Salts and esters of salicylic acid are known as salicylates.

Salicylic acid is used as a food preservative, a bactericide, and an antiseptic.[16][17]

Salicylic acid is used in the production of other pharmaceuticals, including 4-aminosalicylic acid, sandulpiride, and landetimide (via salethamide).[18]

Salicylic acid has long been a key starting material for making acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).[9] Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid or ASA) is prepared by the esterification of the phenolic hydroxyl group of salicylic acid with the acetyl group from acetic anhydride or acetyl chloride.[19]


Do you know what a "teratogen" is? It is a poison, like aspirin, that is known to cause non-hereditary birth defects.

Wikipedia links have been provided above not as some sort of endorsement, but because you are more likely to believe them and, in this case, they accurately summarize mainstream medical information that would likely involve lengthier descriptions from medical sources.

The question that you really should be asking, instead of automatically reaching for a bottle of aspirin, acetaminophen/paracetamol or ibuprofen, etc., is why did Father ALLOW you to have a headache and what is He striving to teach YOU. The root cause of the headache is the concern; NOT the symptoms of the headache (the pain, which is sent as a warning).

It should be self-evident that using poisons to temporary "take the edge off" only worsens the situation, as it masks the pain that was sent to let us know that something is wrong and needs our attention. The root cause might be something as simple as a lack of water, or being subjected to microwave radiation, EMF, etc., or simply as a punishment for thinking evil about/against another (from the British Coat of Arms: honi soit qui mal y pense - evil be to him who thinks it).

The answer to your question is yes. Absolutely no aspirin, tylenol or ibuprofen has been personally ingested over the past 18 years, nor has any other type of pain-killer or pharmaceutical drug.

The reason that you are unable to see this is because you are under a SPELL, choosing to believe poisons (aka "medicines") can somehow heal, which you should know is impossible.

You also said:
There are so many other products which people use with no sin in their hearts that contain “active ingredients”, from toothpaste to face creams and deodorants.
Most toothpastes contain FLUORIDE, which is another known poison that has historically been used to poison and pacify people, as it was in Nazi Germany. Many public water sources also contain fluoride.

Many shampoos and deodorants, which are applied to some of the most sensitive areas of the body (scalp, armpits), contain aluminum/aluminium, which is known to cause Alzheimer's disease among other problems.

Face creams?

Note: Anyone who has it in their stony heart to try to "debunk" the truth -- that these poisons are harming people -- will simply go and find whatever deceitful propaganda the merchants who sell these poisons put out there, to protect their lucrative investments. Not being swayed by the truth, they will go right back to the ways of the world because that is what they love, and wish to be a part of, regardless of the consequences.

Jeremiah 17:9-10
17:9 The heart [is] deceitful above all [things], and desperately wicked: who can know it?
17:10 I the "I AM" search the heart, try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, [and] according to the fruit of his doings.

So while you are thinking evil of me, and of JAH/Christ, as evidenced by your deceitful attacks, I continue to bring you the truth about these poisons. It is the truth which could free you of these poisons and heal you, which is why the truth is being shared, out of genuine love and concern for your well-being and for everyone else who may read these posts.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Why do you need to deceitfully call what God has condemned a "fatwa"? This is the kind of dishonest guilt by association nonsense you seem to routinely rely upon to sell your satanic beliefs. A "fatwa" is a legal ruling by an "Islamic" scholar, attorney or de facto judge, ALL of which is strictly prohibited by The Law that God gave us (Deut. 4:2; 12:8; 12:32) under pain of death (Deut. 17:11-13). The same Biblical Law that the Koran/Quran repeatedly tells us it was sent to CONFIRM.

You NEED to repent of/stop using such deceitful tactics. Or are you so blind you don't even realize when or how often you use them? Isn't that why you struggle differentiating the truth from the lies even with the simplest of concepts?

John 15:18-20
15:18 If the world hate you, ye know that it HATED me before [it hated] you.
15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world HATETH you.
15:20 Remember the Truth that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they WILL also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.

1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things [that are] in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

Do you even know what aspirin is? IT IS A POISON. Don't believe it?

Excerpt from:

Salicylic acid is an organic compound with the formula HOC6H4COOH. A colorless, bitter-tasting solid, it is a precursor to and a metabolite of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). It is a plant hormone,[9] and has been listed by the EPA Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Substance Inventory as an experimental teratogen.[10] The name is from Latin salix for willow tree. It is an ingredient in some anti-acne products. Salts and esters of salicylic acid are known as salicylates.

Salicylic acid is used as a food preservative, a bactericide, and an antiseptic.[16][17]

Salicylic acid is used in the production of other pharmaceuticals, including 4-aminosalicylic acid, sandulpiride, and landetimide (via salethamide).[18]

Salicylic acid has long been a key starting material for making acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).[9] Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid or ASA) is prepared by the esterification of the phenolic hydroxyl group of salicylic acid with the acetyl group from acetic anhydride or acetyl chloride.[19]


Do you know what a "teratogen" is? It is a poison, like aspirin, that is known to cause non-hereditary birth defects.

Wikipedia links have been provided above not as some sort of endorsement, but because you are more likely to believe them and, in this case, they accurately summarize mainstream medical information that would likely involve lengthier descriptions from medical sources.

The question that you really should be asking, instead of automatically reaching for a bottle of aspirin, acetaminophen/paracetamol or ibuprofen, etc., is why did Father ALLOW you to have a headache and what is He striving to teach YOU. The root cause of the headache is the concern; NOT the symptoms of the headache (the pain, which is sent as a warning).

It should be self-evident that using poisons to temporary "take the edge off" only worsens the situation, as it masks the pain that was sent to let us know that something is wrong and needs our attention. The root cause might be something as simple as a lack of water, or being subjected to microwave radiation, EMF, etc., or simply as a punishment for thinking evil about/against another (from the British Coat of Arms: honi soit qui mal y pense - evil be to him who thinks it).

The answer to your question is yes. Absolutely no aspirin, tylenol or ibuprofen has been personally ingested over the past 18 years, nor has any other type of pain-killer or pharmaceutical drug.

The reason that you are unable to see this is because you are under a SPELL, choosing to believe poisons (aka "medicines") can somehow heal, which you should know is impossible.

You also said:

Most toothpastes contain FLUORIDE, which is another known poison that has historically been used to poison and pacify people, as it was in Nazi Germany. Many public water sources also contain fluoride.

Many shampoos and deodorants, which are applied to some of the most sensitive areas of the body (scalp, armpits), contain aluminum/aluminium, which is known to cause Alzheimer's disease among other problems.

Face creams?

Note: Anyone who has it in their stony heart to try to "debunk" the truth -- that these poisons are harming people -- will simply go and find whatever deceitful propaganda the merchants who sell these poisons put out there, to protect their lucrative investments. Not being swayed by the truth, they will go right back to the ways of the world because that is what they love, and wish to be a part of, regardless of the consequences.

Jeremiah 17:9-10
17:9 The heart [is] deceitful above all [things], and desperately wicked: who can know it?
17:10 I the "I AM" search the heart, try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, [and] according to the fruit of his doings.

So while you are thinking evil of me, and of JAH/Christ, as evidenced by your deceitful attacks, I continue to bring you the truth about these poisons. It is the truth which could free you of these poisons and heal you, which is why the truth is being shared, out of genuine love and concern for your well-being and for everyone else who may read these posts.
So I take it you don’t brush your teeth, use toiletries or take a paracetamol if you get a headache?


Btw - I used the word “fatwa” deliberately as you repeatedly insist that Islam and Christianity are compatible and harmonious.

Edit - also I note with interest that when there is a question you feel uncomfortable addressing directly, you switch to attack mode. I am simply asking if you truly live within the constraints you wish to impose on others.
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Mar 23, 2021
An angle I’m struggling to comprehend is how AJH manages to live in the modern world without the benefit of anything that has at least an element of “pharmacy” about it.

The most rudimentary form of pharmacy seems to go back to products like Asprin, where certain leaves which might have been no use for cooking were found to take the edge of a headache.

There are so many other products which people use with no sin in their hearts that contain “active ingredients”, from toothpaste to face creams and deodorants.

To take this fatwa against the use of products containing active ingredients to its logical conclusion, you would look and smell like you came out of a cave.

So, to @A Freeman - do you truly live within the constraints you would wish to impose on others?

Galatians 5 1. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
Exactly what i was saying - if you go with pharmakia its the whole aspect of metallurgy chemistry science are all part of that root word so again no metal forks no cars so shouldn't be worrying about traffic ticket fines to begin with (that ajh can fix for you) so idk how this guy lives honestly (no pun intended)
Jun 26, 2022
It's difficult to understand how the link provided wound up on this tangent.
Not a tangent.

You brought up midwives when i mentioned that they are the alternative to allopathic care or freebirthing. I pointed out that you had just sugested an alternative, even though earlier you had said that by condemning allopathic medicine you were NOT endorsing alternatives. You then provided the link and i responded, giving relevant information that the modern equivalent of a midwife in the country i live in is not what is mentioned in the Bible, by far.

A midwife in the Bible is a friend or relative that has already been through labor themselves, and thus has a reasonable idea about what should be expected. They want to help out because it's the right, loving thing to do, not for money.
The issue is not solely money. The issue is that biblical midwives (a friend or relative that has a reasonable idea of what to expect, according to you) are in short supply. And that if things don't go as "should be expected", there is nothing that can effectively be done outside of allopathic medicine.

The Bible does not explicitly say that they were friends or relatives, nor that they were not compensated, also.

The modern "holistic" midwives i have mentioned try to market their services as "i'm not a medical professional, i'm a friend", by the way. It's a good marketing strategy as it tends to build trust in women and make it easier to convince them to go along with their methods.

The delivery process shouldn't require pharmacy, or surgery, or alternative medical staff, etc., and it sure as this is hell doesn't require people to eat the placenta (yes, that would be unlawful), or any other sick, twisted traditions. The goal should be very simple and direct: assist the woman in labor so the delivery of the child is safe for both mother and child, with Father's Guidance and Help.
Well maybe it shouldn't, but for some of us it did. I'm not going to repent of myself or my children being alive.

Genuine question: have you ever successfully convinced someone to repent of themselves or their children being alive?

Im glad to see you agree it shouldn't include any sick, twisted traditions as well.
Jun 26, 2022
Do you even know what aspirin is? IT IS A POISON. Don't believe it?

Excerpt from:

Salicylic acid is an organic compound with the formula HOC6H4COOH. A colorless, bitter-tasting solid, it is a precursor to and a metabolite of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). It is a plant hormone,[9] and has been listed by the EPA Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Substance Inventory as an experimental teratogen.[10] The name is from Latin salix for willow tree. It is an ingredient in some anti-acne products. Salts and esters of salicylic acid are known as salicylates.

Salicylic acid is used as a food preservative, a bactericide, and an antiseptic.[16][17]

Salicylic acid is used in the production of other pharmaceuticals, including 4-aminosalicylic acid, sandulpiride, and landetimide (via salethamide).[18]

Salicylic acid has long been a key starting material for making acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).[9] Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid or ASA) is prepared by the esterification of the phenolic hydroxyl group of salicylic acid with the acetyl group from acetic anhydride or acetyl chloride.[19]


Do you know what a "teratogen" is? It is a poison, like aspirin, that is known to cause non-hereditary birth defects.

Wikipedia links have been provided above not as some sort of endorsement, but because you are more likely to believe them and, in this case, they accurately summarize mainstream medical information that would likely involve lengthier descriptions from medical sources.

The question that you really should be asking, instead of automatically reaching for a bottle of aspirin, acetaminophen/paracetamol or ibuprofen, etc., is why did Father ALLOW you to have a headache and what is He striving to teach YOU. The root cause of the headache is the concern; NOT the symptoms of the headache (the pain, which is sent as a warning).

It should be self-evident that using poisons to temporary "take the edge off" only worsens the situation, as it masks the pain that was sent to let us know that something is wrong and needs our attention. The root cause might be something as simple as a lack of water, or being subjected to microwave radiation, EMF, etc., or simply as a punishment for thinking evil about/against another (from the British Coat of Arms: honi soit qui mal y pense - evil be to him who thinks it).

The answer to your question is yes. Absolutely no aspirin, tylenol or ibuprofen has been personally ingested over the past 18 years, nor has any other type of pain-killer or pharmaceutical drug.

The reason that you are unable to see this is because you are under a SPELL, choosing to believe poisons (aka "medicines") can somehow heal, which you should know is impossible.

You also said:

Most toothpastes contain FLUORIDE, which is another known poison that has historically been used to poison and pacify people, as it was in Nazi Germany. Many public water sources also contain fluoride.

Many shampoos and deodorants, which are applied to some of the most sensitive areas of the body (scalp, armpits), contain aluminum/aluminium, which is known to cause Alzheimer's disease among other problems.

Face creams?

A freeman, i actually agree with you that the substances you mentioned are harmful to the body. But where our view differ is that choosing to use these substances is not a sin.

If the grounds for ingestion of these substances being a sin is that they harm our temple, it has to be acknowledged that in these current times we are surrounded by things that cause harm to our bodies. It is unavoidable.

You said yourself:
The root cause might be something as simple as a lack of water, or being subjected to microwave radiation, EMF, etc.
How would someone being subjected to emf or microwave radiation (something not under their control) be comitting some kind of sin?

If you say something like "in an ideal world we would ALL live by the Law and then all the problems would just go away", that is a nonanswer. I'm talking under these present conditions, how is being subjected to emf or microwave radiation something an individual can control?

Now we're going from avoiding medicin to avoiding technology, phones, computers, wifi office lights, etc. It is not possible (unless we go live in a cave) and leads to excess preoccupation with worldly matters, ironically.

Also, just pointing out that avoiding these substances does not make a person more "godly" than a person who doesn't. I found out much of the type of information youve posted regarding these substances back when i didn't even believe in God. At my husband's job the only person besides him who is not v@xxed is a literal satanist.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
So I take it you don’t brush your teeth, use toiletries or take a paracetamol if you get a headache?

View attachment 85824

Btw - I used the word “fatwa” deliberately as you repeatedly insist that Islam and Christianity are compatible and harmonious.
At no time have I ever posted on this forum (or anywhere else) that the organized religion that deceitfully calls itself "Islam" is somehow compatible with its rival organized religion, which deceitfully calls itself "Christianity".

Either you haven't been paying attention to what's been posted, or you are deliberately and dishonestly misrepresenting what has been shared.

"Islam" has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Koran/Quran, other than to use and abuse the information contained in it.

Similarly, "Christianity" has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Old Covenant, New Covenant or with Christ's True Teachings, other than to use and abuse the information contained in both Covenants and Christ's Name.

The corporate fictional organized religions that call themselves "Islam" and "Christianity" will, according to prophecy, both be destroyed SOON, along with ALL of the other organized religions on Earth.

The MESSAGE OF TRUTH contained in the Old Covenant, New Covenant and in the Koran/Quran, which are in perfect agreement when correctly translated and properly understood, will NEVER pass away.

Edit - also I note with interest that when there is a question you feel uncomfortable addressing directly, you switch to attack mode.
I don't have an "attack mode", as most of the "Christians" and "Muslims" do when faced with the inconvenient truth that they are hypocrites. If you view someone sharing the Truth with you for your benefit and edification as an attack, it should be self-evident whose eyes you are seeing it through (human eyes rather than spiritual).

And what you may wish to further note is that when people ask the same questions over and over (aka badgering, as you do), their questions are usually ignored, particularly if they have already been answered previously.

I am simply asking if you truly live within the constraints you wish to impose on others.
And you already had that question answered, in the previous post, didn't you?

What about you please @Red Sky at Morning? Did you take the jab? Do you routinely take aspirin, paracetamol and/r ibuprofen? Do you feel any or all prescription or over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs are okay? Which do you use, and how often please? Do you brush your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste?

These questions are being asked because you and others here seem to be advocating the use of these pharmaceutical drugs, and refuse to acknowledge that they are poisons that have a history of detrimental effects on people, so it seems as if you have a strong belief that pharmaceuticals are actually good for you, or that they have magical healing powers. Or is that misrepresenting your viewpoint please?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
A freeman, i actually agree with you that the substances you mentioned are harmful to the body.
Glad you agree.

But where our view differ is that choosing to use these substances is not a sin.
So you believe that God wants us to harm ourselves or others with toxic substances? You do realize that sin is doing harm, either to others or to their property, which steals from them their health, livelihood, future earnings or possibly even their life, don't you?

If the grounds for ingestion of these substances being a sin is that they harm our temple, it has to be acknowledged that in these current times we are surrounded by things that cause harm to our bodies. It is unavoidable.
And we are also surrounded by many things that can cause harm to our bodies or to the bodies of others which are avoidable, including everything that Father (God) has defined as unlawful/sinful in His Law.

You said yourself:

How would someone being subjected to emf or microwave radiation (something not under their control) be comitting some kind of sin?
Who said it was a sin? It wouldn't be a sin not to drink enough water, either, but people sometimes do that, without thinking. Just like roughly 2 billion "Muslims" are currently doing to honor their pagan tradition of moon-worship they call "Ramadan", where people needlessly die every year while making a mockery of God and His Holy Feasts found only in His Law.

In the latter case, it's the celebration of the pagan tradition that is the sin, not the fact they ignorantly choose not to drink water. The same as every so-called Christian who still celebrates their pagan tradition of Ishtar/Easter is committing a sin (and, if they are having an "Easter ham" is sinning by doing that too). These pagan traditions are sinful/unlawful because they are harmful to everyone's physical and spiritual health and, if not stopped, are spiritually fatal (and in some cases, can be physically fatal too).

If you say something like "in an ideal world we would ALL live by the Law and then all the problems would just go away", that is a nonanswer.
Who is telling you that living by God's Law is a "nonanswer"?

I'm talking under these present conditions, how is being subjected to emf or microwave radiation something an individual can control?
As above please. God can and does warn us, or explain to us why something has happened, IF we allow Him to do so. The only reason you're even asking this silly question (not once but twice now within the same message) is because you didn't take the time to read what was actually written, but instead tried to read into it something that wasn't said (this is an actual strawman argument).

Now we're going from avoiding medicin to avoiding technology, phones, computers, wifi office lights, etc. It is not possible (unless we go live in a cave) and leads to excess preoccupation with worldly matters, ironically.
And here we go, with yet another strawman argument, building on the previous strawman argument. All based upon things that were never said, to draw one irrational conclusion after another that have no basis in reality. Why?

Also, just pointing out that avoiding these substances does not make a person more "godly" than a person who doesn't. I found out much of the type of information youve posted regarding these substances back when i didn't even believe in God. At my husband's job the only person besides him who is not v@xxed is a literal satanist.
Learning to listen and obey Father and His Law, knowing that Father is perfect and knows best, is what teaches an individual Godliness.

If it escaped you, the reason for sharing the information about fluoride, aspirin, tylenol and advil, etc. being toxic, is to illustrate exactly why Father warned us against chemicals/pharmacy/"medicines" through His Word: the Bible.


Mar 15, 2017
Why do you need to deceitfully call what God has condemned a "fatwa"? This is the kind of dishonest guilt by association nonsense you seem to routinely rely upon to sell your satanic beliefs. A "fatwa" is a legal ruling by an "Islamic" scholar, attorney or de facto judge, ALL of which is strictly prohibited by The Law that God gave us (Deut. 4:2; 12:8; 12:32) under pain of death (Deut. 17:11-13). The same Biblical Law that the Koran/Quran repeatedly tells us it was sent to CONFIRM.

You NEED to repent of/stop using such deceitful tactics. Or are you so blind you don't even realize when or how often you use them? Isn't that why you struggle differentiating the truth from the lies even with the simplest of concepts?

John 15:18-20
15:18 If the world hate you, ye know that it HATED me before [it hated] you.
15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world HATETH you.
15:20 Remember the Truth that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they WILL also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.

1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things [that are] in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

Do you even know what aspirin is? IT IS A POISON. Don't believe it?

Excerpt from:

Salicylic acid is an organic compound with the formula HOC6H4COOH. A colorless, bitter-tasting solid, it is a precursor to and a metabolite of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). It is a plant hormone,[9] and has been listed by the EPA Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Substance Inventory as an experimental teratogen.[10] The name is from Latin salix for willow tree. It is an ingredient in some anti-acne products. Salts and esters of salicylic acid are known as salicylates.

Salicylic acid is used as a food preservative, a bactericide, and an antiseptic.[16][17]

Salicylic acid is used in the production of other pharmaceuticals, including 4-aminosalicylic acid, sandulpiride, and landetimide (via salethamide).[18]

Salicylic acid has long been a key starting material for making acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).[9] Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid or ASA) is prepared by the esterification of the phenolic hydroxyl group of salicylic acid with the acetyl group from acetic anhydride or acetyl chloride.[19]


Do you know what a "teratogen" is? It is a poison, like aspirin, that is known to cause non-hereditary birth defects.

Wikipedia links have been provided above not as some sort of endorsement, but because you are more likely to believe them and, in this case, they accurately summarize mainstream medical information that would likely involve lengthier descriptions from medical sources.

The question that you really should be asking, instead of automatically reaching for a bottle of aspirin, acetaminophen/paracetamol or ibuprofen, etc., is why did Father ALLOW you to have a headache and what is He striving to teach YOU. The root cause of the headache is the concern; NOT the symptoms of the headache (the pain, which is sent as a warning).

It should be self-evident that using poisons to temporary "take the edge off" only worsens the situation, as it masks the pain that was sent to let us know that something is wrong and needs our attention. The root cause might be something as simple as a lack of water, or being subjected to microwave radiation, EMF, etc., or simply as a punishment for thinking evil about/against another (from the British Coat of Arms: honi soit qui mal y pense - evil be to him who thinks it).

The answer to your question is yes. Absolutely no aspirin, tylenol or ibuprofen has been personally ingested over the past 18 years, nor has any other type of pain-killer or pharmaceutical drug.

The reason that you are unable to see this is because you are under a SPELL, choosing to believe poisons (aka "medicines") can somehow heal, which you should know is impossible.

You also said:

Most toothpastes contain FLUORIDE, which is another known poison that has historically been used to poison and pacify people, as it was in Nazi Germany. Many public water sources also contain fluoride.

Many shampoos and deodorants, which are applied to some of the most sensitive areas of the body (scalp, armpits), contain aluminum/aluminium, which is known to cause Alzheimer's disease among other problems.

Face creams?

Note: Anyone who has it in their stony heart to try to "debunk" the truth -- that these poisons are harming people -- will simply go and find whatever deceitful propaganda the merchants who sell these poisons put out there, to protect their lucrative investments. Not being swayed by the truth, they will go right back to the ways of the world because that is what they love, and wish to be a part of, regardless of the consequences.

Jeremiah 17:9-10
17:9 The heart [is] deceitful above all [things], and desperately wicked: who can know it?
17:10 I the "I AM" search the heart, try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, [and] according to the fruit of his doings.

So while you are thinking evil of me, and of JAH/Christ, as evidenced by your deceitful attacks, I continue to bring you the truth about these poisons. It is the truth which could free you of these poisons and heal you, which is why the truth is being shared, out of genuine love and concern for your well-being and for everyone else who may read these posts.
Medicines sometimes have side-effects: YES.
Medicines sometimes have serious side effects that require medicines to counteract the side effects: YES.
Medicines sometimes cause birth-defects: YES.
Medicines sometimes are overprescribed/ patients kept on them too long: DEFINITELY YES.
Medicines sometimes have been misused to poison people/ overdose: YES.

That does not therefore mean medicines are SORCERY.


  1. Use of supernatural power over others through the assistance of spirits; witchcraft.
  2. Originally, divination from the casting of lots; hence, the use of supernatural knowledge or power gained in any manner, especially through the connivance of evil spirits; magic art; enchantment; witchcraft; spells; charms.
  3. Divination by the assistance, or supposed assistance, of evil spirits, or the power of commanding evil spirits; magic; necromancy; witchcraft; enchantment.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
More at Wordnik

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
At no time have I ever posted on this forum (or anywhere else) that the organized religion that deceitfully calls itself "Islam" is somehow compatible with its rival organized religion, which deceitfully calls itself "Christianity".

Either you haven't been paying attention to what's been posted, or you are deliberately and dishonestly misrepresenting what has been shared.

"Islam" has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Koran/Quran, other than to use and abuse the information contained in it.

Similarly, "Christianity" has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Old Covenant, New Covenant or with Christ's True Teachings, other than to use and abuse the information contained in both Covenants and Christ's Name.

The corporate fictional organized religions that call themselves "Islam" and "Christianity" will, according to prophecy, both be destroyed SOON, along with ALL of the other organized religions on Earth.

The MESSAGE OF TRUTH contained in the Old Covenant, New Covenant and in the Koran/Quran, which are in perfect agreement when correctly translated and properly understood, will NEVER pass away.

I don't have an "attack mode", as most of the "Christians" and "Muslims" do when faced with the inconvenient truth that they are hypocrites. If you view someone sharing the Truth with you for your benefit and edification as an attack, it should be self-evident whose eyes you are seeing it through (human eyes rather than spiritual).

And what you may wish to further note is that when people ask the same questions over and over (aka badgering, as you do), their questions are usually ignored, particularly if they have already been answered previously.

And you already had that question answered, in the previous post, didn't you?

What about you please @Red Sky at Morning? Did you take the jab? Do you routinely take aspirin, paracetamol and/r ibuprofen? Do you feel any or all prescription or over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs are okay? Which do you use, and how often please? Do you brush your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste?

These questions are being asked because you and others here seem to be advocating the use of these pharmaceutical drugs, and refuse to acknowledge that they are poisons that have a history of detrimental effects on people, so it seems as if you have a strong belief that pharmaceuticals are actually good for you, or that they have magical healing powers. Or is that misrepresenting your viewpoint please?
…but do you use toothpaste?

If you have answered my question please remind me, but I’m still in the dark here?

On the pharmaceutical side, I suffer from pretty accuse allergies from time to time and use a fourth generation antihistamine with very few side-effects that completely stop the symptoms and greatly improves my concentration and quality of life. I don’t take it in rebellion and have no liking for sorcery!