Are medicines permitted by God (according the REAL bible)


Mar 23, 2021
Again, nothing but your worthless opinions. Not one piece of evidence, passage, etc. to back up any of your false claims.
Same...reason i don't put evidence because when i do you ignore it spam the thread with pages of copy paste so decided not worth posting anything worth anything for you . Pearls to swine etc. Just going to bust your BS the whole i will be the siren screaming false messiah right here! So again your a cult follower can't even be a leader geez what a waste. BTW the words you think are not what you think look at the occultic behind it thats what is being warned against. Better know your enemy and your weapon before you cut the wrong person or yourself.
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Jun 26, 2022
Why do you assume that it isn't YOU who espouse contradictory beliefs? Why shouldn't we all be looking for the GOOD (God IS Good) everywhere God dwells, in everyone and everything?
If God dwells in everyone and everything, then that means God dwells also in medical professionals (them being part of "everyone") and western medicine (being part of "everything")...

How much money do the witch-doctors that you idolize charge for their so-called cures? Have any of those skin treatment facilities you're so fond of ever cured anyone of any skin ailment? Or did they merely suppress the symptoms temporarily with chemical poisons. How much money do you think those clinics would make if all they did was advise their clients over the phone to bathe themselves? And how many of those doctors or clinic staff are referred to as "the man of God"?

And you wonder why your endless barrage of deceitful, hypothetical questions aren't answered. My faith is in Father (God) NOT in (witch) doctors and the lucrative pharmaceutical industry.
A very relevant to the topic pet peeve: when people who bash on western medicine use the excuse of "theyre only in it for the money".

Newsflash: "alternative" medicine practicioners don't work for free as a general rule (i'm aware there's some exceptions, just as sometimes allopathic doctors take charity trips to third world countries to provide free care). I found this out the hard way when i needed some medical assistance over a decade ago and unless you have several hundred in cash upfront the "alternative" practicioner won't even talk to you. My appointment w an allopath and prescription for antibiotics were completely free. (Spare me the lecture on antibiotics)

Also, if you were to comdemn actual witchcraft and not just western medicine, i would have backed off a long time ago. The inconsistency makes my head spin.

That is what humans are reading into the truth that's being shared, and having an emotional reaction to it.
Nothing emotional about disagreeing with your perspective that some of our loved ones, or ourselves even, were not meant to live and should not be here.

But i know the rebuttal: something something reincarnation, try again with a bettter body
The med-complex performs numerous abortions every year, which are not only unnecessary, but criminal.
Unless i'm mistaken, all the active participants on this thread are pro-life/anti abortion.

Also fyi, some "alternative " practicioners do provide abortion assistance through the form of abortifacent teas and such. The issue is not the allopaths, it's that these mother's hearts have grown cold (and i'm sure crippling poverty or abuse doesn't help the matter either).
The med-complex at the very same time attempts to deliver babies surgically, prematurely and frequently for extremely questionable reasons, knowing that the premature babies are very likely to have lifelong medical problems, needless pain and suffering and frequently early deaths.
It was already explained to you that actually premature babies (before 37 weeks) are not delivered on purpose unless the mother has a life threatening complication like uncontrollably high blood pressure (and that you would oppose the blood pressure medication too).

In your book you claim that prematurity is nature's way of weeding out unfit babies, but now you allege that allopaths are purposely making babies be born prematurely, which one is it?

As for surgical births, they save lives, both the mothers and babies. Simply looking at statistics from the past or from third world countries in modern times of maternal and perinatal mortality rates shows us this. Not all babies are able to be born non surgically for a variety of reasons. And the vast majority are full term so stop with the premature strawman.

We then fill up nursing homes with the elderly and sickly so that we can feed them often times dozens of pills every day for the last few months or years of their lives, again to maximize profits and human suffering at the same time.
What is your suggestion, putting these people to death unless they have a relative with a large enough home to have the elderly person live with them? Leaving them somewhere to die?

Why is it that your doctrines have SO MUCH in common with the elites' agenda? Purely coincidental im sure...


Mar 15, 2017
Why is it that your doctrines have SO MUCH in common with the elites' agenda? Purely coincidental im sure...

I want to know this also...

Waiting @A Freeman for a response for this oh never mind think i got it! Don't like it here? Just wait!!! & REINCARNATE!
He is working over-time on the Gibraltar propaganda forum. If he gets paid per word he certainly doesn't need a full time job!
I expect there will be way more links than interaction in the next 3 weeks.... (prove me wrong @A Freeman on my new thread RE hearing from God).
Oct 20, 2021
He is working over-time on the Gibraltar propaganda forum. If he gets paid per word he certainly doesn't need a full time job!
I expect there will be way more links than interaction in the next 3 weeks.... (prove me wrong @A Freeman on my new thread RE hearing from God).
It's possible he decided to rewatch the original Star Wars movies and is too busy discussing the matters of the universe with Yoda and hasn't the time yet to formulate new theories. I am wondering now if the movie Spaceballs needs to be rewatched to unravel more unsolved mysteries of the Force?


Mar 15, 2017
It's possible he decided to rewatch the original Star Wars movies and is too busy discussing the matters of the universe with Yoda and hasn't the time yet to formulate new theories. I am wondering now if the movie Spaceballs needs to be rewatched to unravel more unsolved mysteries of the Force?
I have an assignment for everyone, if you are up to the challenge. Consider it "a mission from God" (quoting the Blue Brothers). I don't mind even if you don't call yourself a Christian. It is to blow up the propaganda manual into smithereens.
I need light hearted wisecracks from people like you especially. If you don't laugh you'll cry!

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
If God dwells in everyone and everything, then that means God dwells also in medical professionals (them being part of "everyone") and western medicine (being part of "everything")...
Everyone has God (The Voice of Reason) to Guide them. Unfortunately, very few choose to listen to and obey His Voice (free-will).

A very relevant to the topic pet peeve: when people who bash on western medicine use the excuse of "theyre only in it for the money".

Newsflash: "alternative" medicine practicioners don't work for free as a general rule (i'm aware there's some exceptions, just as sometimes allopathic doctors take charity trips to third world countries to provide free care). I found this out the hard way when i needed some medical assistance over a decade ago and unless you have several hundred in cash upfront the "alternative" practicioner won't even talk to you. My appointment w an allopath and prescription for antibiotics were completely free. (Spare me the lecture on antibiotics)
Many choose to go into the medical profession with the best of intentions, without realizing what it really is.

It can be said, with absolute certainty, that ALL pharmacy is sorcery/witchcraft. If you wish to be spared that lecture, then you are choosing to remain blind to the Truth (free-will).

Also, if you were to comdemn actual witchcraft and not just western medicine, i would have backed off a long time ago. The inconsistency makes my head spin.
ALL pharmacy/sorcery/witchcraft is condemned in Scripture, just as ALL organized religion (cults/sects/denominations, etc.) is, including eastern religions, wicca, etc. The fact that you don't consider pharmacy (the mixing up of concoctions/potions/witches' brew) to be "actual witchcraft" is without merit, but that is your choice (free-will).

Nothing emotional about disagreeing with your perspective that some of our loved ones, or ourselves even, were not meant to live and should not be here.
That is what you are choosing to read into what's been explained in The Way home or face The Fire by JAH (again, free-will), because you refuse to look at what's been shared from a SPIRITUAL perspective.

ALL Souls (spirit-Beings) belong to God in that we all owe Him everything, including our REAL (spiritual, eternal) Lives. Everyone on this planet should therefore be our loved ones, NOT just those under the same roof or within the same human family (Lev. 19:18; Mark 12:31).

Anyone who genuinely loves and cares for others would want the very best for them. And who can provide them with the very best other than God? Can you? Can I? Of course not!

What we are doing by poisoning the planet and each other is we are creating a toxic environment for our children and their children. And that destructive manipulation has led us to the height of insanity, where we now try to reprogram plants, animals and even humans at the genetic level, as if we know better than God. Similarly, we have built machines and now have the "technology" to deliver premature babies that we KNOW either won't survive infancy, or that will be crippled or unable to function. And on the other end of human existence, we herd the elderly into prisons we call nursing homes, so that we can drug them into a stupor for the remaining moments of their time here on Earth in those particular human bodies.

Does any of that sound loving to you? Is it not selfish and evil, and yes, are there not tremendous profits being made from all of this human suffering?

It should be up to God to provide us and all of our loved ones (every Soul/spiritual-Being on Earth) with a healthy human body from the outset, or with one that has specific deficiencies to teach us exactly what we need to learn. Instead, our insane meddling with things we know nothing about (even though we arrogantly believe we do) has caused untold amounts of suffering.

Causing NEEDLESS suffering by going against God's Will is NOT loving in any way, regardless of what people may have been conned into believing of their own free-will.

But i know the rebuttal: something something reincarnation, try again with a bettter body
Reincarnation isn't a rebuttal; it's an irrefutable fact taught throughout the Old Covenant, New Covenant and the Koran/Quran. People can, of their own free-will, choose to accept or reject that very obvious Truth.

Anyone who suggests reincarnation isn't real, must believe that God is unjust and unfair, as we are placed into bodies with drastically different circumstances and living conditions, so that some are poor while others are rich (materialistically); some are uneducated while others are well-schooled; some are strong while others are weak; some are male while others female; some are born into seemingly more privileged parts of society while some are not; some are born into races with this skin color or that skin color; some are born into relatively loving families while others are born into abusive families, etc.

Believing that Father (God) could ever be unjust and unfair is the direct result of not knowing Him, i.e. living in ignorance, just as believing that we know better than God how to fix the human bodies that He created for us is the height of arrogance. Arrogance and ignorance always go hand-in-hand, and are satanic trademarks, whether one wishes to accept that fact or not (free-will).

Unless i'm mistaken, all the active participants on this thread are pro-life/anti abortion.
Then why do so many choose to defend child murderers? Any woman who has had an abortion is a child murderer, whether they wish to believe that or not. And any physician/doctor, nurse, or medical staff performing or assisting in abortions, and the pharmaceutical companies making poisonous pills for chemical abortions, are likewise murderers.

Do you think that abortion is somehow not a part of "western medicine" or that it can conveniently be separated out from the rest of the medical-chemical-pharmaceutical industrial complex somehow?

Also fyi, some "alternative " practicioners do provide abortion assistance through the form of abortifacent teas and such. The issue is not the allopaths, it's that these mother's hearts have grown cold (and i'm sure crippling poverty or abuse doesn't help the matter either).
Then they too would be murderers, wouldn't they?

Further, you may be choosing to read into the Truth about pharmacy/sorcery/witchcraft that has been personally shared that it is somehow directing people toward visiting those in the "alternative medicine" business, even though that has NEVER been said nor suggested in any of the posts personally made.

Instead, what has been shared is that we NEED to seek Father's Guidance with every illness and every decision we make about anything and everything. That way He can guide us to the correct assessment and remedy, IF we choose to listen and obey Him. It could be He is striving to correct our errant, destructive behavior or it could be that He is making us aware of some toxic element in our environment that needs to be dealt with, or can be dealt with in natural ways. And that should never require we seek some medium/worldly healer (physician/doctor, etc., regardless of what letters they place after their names). Father is our Healer (Exod. 15:26), and doing His Will is our only cure.

As with all things, common-sense (God's Small, Still Voice of Reason) MUST be sought and followed IF we are to choose the right (correct) path (free-will).

It was already explained to you that actually premature babies (before 37 weeks) are not delivered on purpose unless the mother has a life threatening complication like uncontrollably high blood pressure (and that you would oppose the blood pressure medication too).
But that isn't true, is it? Who is it decides if the complication is "life-threatening" other than the doctor? And how many of these "life-threatening" situations are caused by free-will choices made by the mothers, which unnecessarily put the unborn child's life at risk?

Again, where does faith play a role in the decision-making process in this faithless world (Luke 18:8)?

In your book you claim
It's not my book. I'm not the author of The Way home or face The Fire by JAH. As it says in Scripture, the only one capable of writing that book is Christ (e.g. Rev. 5:1-5; Rev. 10:6-10).

However, as a student/follower/disciple of Christ, the contents of the little book (TWHOFTF) ring true to me, and are in perfect agreement with the rest of Scripture, which is why they are being shared/passed-on to others, so that they too may benefit from their Enlightenment.

that prematurity is nature's way of weeding out unfit babies, but now you allege that allopaths are purposely making babies be born prematurely, which one is it?
You are trying to create a false dichotomy, and it will never work. IF women would allow their pregnancies to go to full term -- i.e. to either end in miscarriage if that is God's Will or to end in the birth of a child if that is God's Will, and to then allow that child to naturally develop -- we would be taking human intervention out of the equation, and leaving the entire process up to Father (God) instead.

As someone who now knows a little about Father and who has observed how thoughtless, stupid and selfish mankind can be, I would MUCH prefer for Father to be in charge of the birthing process throughout than a bunch of witch-doctors who don't know what they doing and are only pretending to act in God's stead (as if anyone can do that).

As for surgical births, they save lives, both the mothers and babies.
You don't know that; you only (mistakenly) believe you know that, because you haven't considered the alternative, which is no longer possible.

How many of those lives that were supposedly saved would God have been able to save if He was allowed to do so (free-will)?

Simply looking at statistics from the past or from third world countries in modern times of maternal and perinatal mortality rates shows us this. Not all babies are able to be born non surgically for a variety of reasons. And the vast majority are full term so stop with the premature strawman.
It's not a strawman argument, as nothing you've said has been taken out of context or misquoted. You are advocating that these unnatural processes save lives and are somehow God's Will, instead of considering what may have happened if the natural process was instead chosen. And then you are guessing at what may or may not have happened, IF the birthing process was allowed to proceed naturally, as God intended (His Will, which we are supposed to be learning, so that we can serve Him, rather than our own, selfish will).

What is your suggestion, putting these people to death unless they have a relative with a large enough home to have the elderly person live with them? Leaving them somewhere to die?
Return to The Law that God gave us to protect us from all of this evil, which PREVENTS poverty (Deut. 15:4) and the need to be part of an evil, materialistic system that profits from human suffering and the destruction of our natural environment.

The evil, beast system has stolen the land and material wealth from the people, and moved them into cities, so they can spend their entire lives in slave labor, to pay for the roof over their head, the food on the table and, most importantly the "pound of flesh" owed to the corporate fictional governments in the form of taxes, licenses and fees, etc.

IF people returned to The Law, the land would be apportioned so that everyone would have more than enough to grow their own crops, raise their own livestock, and work together as a family living spiritually-enriched lives led by our Creator. Then the elderly would be loved and cared for in the best possible environment they could be in, exactly as Father (God) intended, instead of the awful way they are presently treated.

It is very, very sad that we have all been so selfish and stupid, and allowed all of these things to happen, instead of simply living by and enforcing God's Law ONLY (Acts 5:29-32). IF we had been doing that, then the population would naturally be decreasing, as more and more of us would have learned our lessons -- to trust in God and His Messenger/Christ ONLY -- and gone home, to heaven.

Why is it that your doctrines have SO MUCH in common with the elites' agenda? Purely coincidental im sure...
The agenda of the parasitic criminal class that is temporarily ruling this planet for their master Satan, is against God's Law. That is why they have replaced it with MILLIONS of pieces of man-made legislation, rules, policies, "codes", statutes, traditions, etc., to "legalize" theft in the form of taxes (to impoverish and enslave us), and murder in the form of war and the chemical-pharmaceutical-medical industrial complex.

We cannot do God's Will while remaining in open defiance of Him and His Law, by choosing of our own free-will to place our trust in corporate fictional governments, corporate fictional chemical companies, corporate fictional pharmaceutical companies, corporate fictional medical facilities, corporate fictional nursing facilities for the elderly, corporate fictional court systems, etc.

God's Law -- which requires that we LOVE and work WITH God and WITH each other and WITH the natural surroundings that He has created for His Purposes -- therefore has absolutely NOTHING in common with the ARTIFICIAL world of corporate fictions with their ARTIFICIAL "intelligence" (insanity really) that constantly works AGAINST God and AGAINST us and AGAINST nature.

Learn the difference between the two while you still have time, and learn to stop attacking God and His Message, which is what you are doing by promoting the evil beast system (and very hypocritically accuse me of doing what YOU are actually doing).

As Christ said through the mouth of Jesus:-

John 7:16-17
7:16 Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but His that sent me.
7:17 If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or [whether] I speak of myself.

Peace be upon you.
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
BTW @ a freeman might want to quite using a computer that can be considered witchcraft/sorcery by YOUR definition
So the Greek word "pharmakeia" in your (twisted) mind means using a computer, but can't possibly mean PHARMACY?


Mar 23, 2021
So the Greek word "pharmakeia" in your (twisted) mind means using a computer, but can't possibly mean PHARMACY?
Can you not read? did i say pharmakia??? See, i put simple a sentence and you can't read that how much more do you think we like reading your wall of copy paste?
Jun 26, 2022
ALL pharmacy/sorcery/witchcraft is condemned in Scripture, just as ALL organized religion (cults/sects/denominations, etc.) is, including eastern religions, wicca, etc.
THANK YOU for the response and clarification of this.

Many choose to go into the medical profession with the best of intentions, without realizing what it really is
Unfortunately this is true.

But that doesnt address my point that under our current economic system people exchange money for goods and services, both allopathic or not. And that for the poor the only option is often state subsided allopathic treatments.

The fact that you don't consider pharmacy (the mixing up of concoctions/potions/witches' brew) to be "actual witchcraft" is without merit, but that is your choice (free-will).
I don't consider it actual witchcraft because it doesn't require an explicit faith in it. That some people place faith in it is besides the point.

How does surgery play into "mixing up of concoctions/potions/witches' brew" anyway? Are you saying surgery is fine if there were no anesthesia involved?

What we are doing by poisoning the planet and each other is we are creating a toxic environment for our children and their children. And that destructive manipulation has led us to the height of insanity, where we now try to reprogram plants, animals and even humans at the genetic level, as if we know better than God
I agree with this completely. And genetic matnipulation of organisms is so obviously evil that i've been opposed to it for much longer than i've been a believer in God.

But other than doing our own part to the best of our ability, i don't see how as individuals we should take on the blame of the elites' actions.

Nor do i see how this is a salvation issue. After all, the book of Revelation tells us that the earth will be destroyed after the second coming of Christ and recreated.

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea

Similarly, we have built machines and now have the "technology" to deliver premature babies that we KNOW either won't survive infancy, or that will be crippled or unable to function. And on the other end of human existence, we herd the elderly into prisons we call nursing homes, so that we can drug them into a stupor for the remaining moments of their time here on Earth in those particular human bodies.

Does any of that sound loving to you? Is it not selfish and evil, and yes, are there not tremendous profits being made from all of this human suffering?

It should be up to God to provide us and all of our loved ones (every Soul/spiritual-Being on Earth) with a healthy human body from the outset, or with one that has specific deficiencies to teach us exactly what we need to learn. Instead, our insane meddling with things we know nothing about (even though we arrogantly believe we do) has caused untold amounts of suffering.

Causing NEEDLESS suffering by going against God's Will is NOT loving in any way, regardless of what people may have been conned into believing of their own free-will.
How can you presume that it's not part of God's plan if you will allow for "specific deficiencies to teach us exactly what we need to learn "?

For example, if a now-elderly person mistreated their relatives and now lives alone in a nursing home, how would that not be a lesson for them?

How is this hypothetical crippled premature baby not possibly being given "specific deficiences to teach them what they want to learn "?

God gives life, not man, despite now many technological innovations are used. If God is allowing it it is for a reason, which our limited human minds cannot possibly comprehend.

Reincarnation isn't a rebuttal; it's an irrefutable fact taught throughout the Old Covenant, New Covenant and the Koran/Quran. People can, of their own free-will, choose to accept or reject that very obvious Truth.

Anyone who suggests reincarnation isn't real, must believe that God is unjust and unfair, as we are placed into bodies with drastically different circumstances and living conditions, so that some are poor while others are rich (materialistically); some are uneducated while others are well-schooled; some are strong while others are weak; some are male while others female; some are born into seemingly more privileged parts of society while some are not; some are born into races with this skin color or that skin color; some are born into relatively loving families while others are born into abusive families, etc.

Believing that Father (God) could ever be unjust and unfair is the direct result of not knowing Him, i.e. living in ignorance, just as believing that we know better than God how to fix the human bodies that He created for us is the height of arrogance. Arrogance and ignorance always go hand-in-hand, and are satanic trademarks, whether one wishes to accept that fact or not (free-will).
In other threads you have provided a list of Bible verses which you claim prove reincarnation. I will admit i have not checked ALL of them. Mostly because the ones that i have checked have had nothing to do with reicarnation.

For example, you give Gen2:7

“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”

That says nothing about reincarnation.

Or Gen5:23-24

23And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: 24And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him

Or verses about the flood, or what would befall the nation of Israel in later days.

Once again, nothing to do with reincarnation. After going through a dozen or so verses i realized if there was such compelling evidence you would have presented it first, not diluted it with verses which have nothing to do with the topic.

Also, i have never said God is unjust or unfair. We ARE placed into different circustances, and i have to believe in His all-knowing wisdom God places us under the circumstances which are most conductive to us seeking Him out. If i had been born in the best of circumstances, what reason would i have had to humble myself and seek God? And i always give thanks that i was not born into worse circumstances (such as an illiterate starving peasant or slave centuries ago) because from what i know about how i operate that would not have been conductive to me seeking God with true faith.

God is in control, but we have free will. A seeming paradox, but if God in His all-knowing wisdom knows all the possibilities then He knows where and when to put us, and under what limitations.

Then why do so many choose to defend child murderers? Any woman who has had an abortion is a child murderer, whether they wish to believe that or not. And any physician/doctor, nurse, or medical staff performing or assisting in abortions, and the pharmaceutical companies making poisonous pills for chemical abortions, are likewise murderers.

Do you think that abortion is somehow not a part of "western medicine" or that it can conveniently be separated out from the rest of the medical-chemical-pharmaceutical industrial complex somehow?
I can't speak for everyone else but i for one do not defend them. And i have told allopaths to their face that abortion is murder and i am not interested in hearing about diagnostic genetic testing of my unborn children and things like that, since the only "treatment" is abortion.

Also, i found out recently there is actually an organization of pro-life ob/gyns. Not everything is black or white.

Then they too would be murderers, wouldn't they?

Further, you may be choosing to read into the Truth about pharmacy/sorcery/witchcraft that has been personally shared that it is somehow directing people toward visiting those in the "alternative medicine" business, even though that has NEVER been said nor suggested in any of the posts personally made.

Instead, what has been shared is that we NEED to seek Father's Guidance with every illness and every decision we make about anything and everything. That way He can guide us to the correct assessment and remedy, IF we choose to listen and obey Him. It could be He is striving to correct our errant, destructive behavior or it could be that He is making us aware of some toxic element in our environment that needs to be dealt with, or can be dealt with in natural ways. And that should never require we seek some medium/worldly healer (physician/doctor, etc., regardless of what letters they place after their names). Father is our Healer (Exod. 15:26), and doing His Will is our only cure.

As with all things, common-sense (God's Small, Still Voice of Reason) MUST be sought and followed IF we are to choose the right (correct) path (free-will).
Yes, they would.

Well, i apologize if i put words in your mouth, but the vast majority of online interactions i have had with people who distrust/dislike/fear/hate etc allopathic medicine involves them pushing the "alternative" approach, regardless whatever occult undertones may be present (and i will give them the benefit of the doubt that they are unaware, not malicious, especially if they are Christians).

Your refusal, until this post, to condemn eastern religions as well also led to me drawing that conclusion.

I absolutely believe that we need to seeks God's guidance in all decisions. However, i disagree that it will never involve a doctor as a last resort, when natural methods have failed.

But that isn't true, is it? Who is it decides if the complication is "life-threatening" other than the doctor? And how many of these "life-threatening" situations are caused by free-will choices made by the mothers, which unnecessarily put the unborn child's life at risk?

Again, where does faith play a role in the decision-making process in this faithless world (Luke 18:8)?
There is some truth, perhaps, that in some cases free will choices made by the mother may put the child at risk. And it is a great learning oportunity for the mother for the future. However, in that moment the child's (and possibly the mother's as well) life is in danger and emergency allopathic medicine can help. And as i've already mentioned earlier in this post, God is in control.

You are trying to create a false dichotomy, and it will never work. IF women would allow their pregnancies to go to full term -- i.e. to either end in miscarriage if that is God's Will or to end in the birth of a child if that is God's Will, and to then allow that child to naturally develop -- we would be taking human intervention out of the equation, and leaving the entire process up to Father (God) instead.

As someone who now knows a little about Father and who has observed how thoughtless, stupid and selfish mankind can be, I would MUCH prefer for Father to be in charge of the birthing process throughout than a bunch of witch-doctors who don't know what they doing and are only pretending to act in God's stead (as if anyone can do that).
What you are advocating for is called "freebirthing" and, to keep it consistent, includes not only not having "witch-doctors" present but also not having any alternative "birth professional" present as well. Even the anti-allopath alternative crowd admits freebirthing is incredibly risky (whether there's any financial motivation in it for them involved in this judgment is the question...).

"Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God" seems fitting for this situation.

It's not a strawman argument, as nothing you've said has been taken out of context or misquoted. You are advocating that these unnatural processes save lives and are somehow God's Will, instead of considering what may have happened if the natural process was instead chosen. And then you are guessing at what may or may not have happened, IF the birthing process was allowed to proceed naturally, as God intended (His Will, which we are supposed to be learning, so that we can serve Him, rather than our own, selfish will).
I'm referring to the premature strawman because you keep mentioning premature babies when i'm talking about full term babies that are either positioned feet first or shoulder first instead of head first, or who have grown too large or have disproportionately large shoulders to head. Or women who are not able to go into labor without artificial hormonal help.

In all of these cases it is possible for the child, or mother, to die regardless, so no one is taking God's will out of it.

Return to The Law that God gave us to protect us from all of this evil, which PREVENTS poverty (Deut. 15:4) and the need to be part of an evil, materialistic system that profits from human suffering and the destruction of our natural environment.

The evil, beast system has stolen the land and material wealth from the people, and moved them into cities, so they can spend their entire lives in slave labor, to pay for the roof over their head, the food on the table and, most importantly the "pound of flesh" owed to the corporate fictional governments in the form of taxes, licenses and fees, etc.

IF people returned to The Law, the land would be apportioned so that everyone would have more than enough to grow their own crops, raise their own livestock, and work together as a family living spiritually-enriched lives led by our Creator. Then the elderly would be loved and cared for in the best possible environment they could be in, exactly as Father (God) intended, instead of the awful way they are presently treated.
Yes, poverty is bad (although Jesus did say we will always have the poor, Mt26:11, Mk14:7, Jn12:8), and the law did provide a way to care for the poor, but what do we do about the poor presently? Nursing homes are surely a better alternative than state sponsored euthanasia.

IF we had been doing that, then the population would naturally be decreasing, as more and more of us would have learned our lessons -- to trust in God and His Messenger/Christ ONLY -- and gone home, to heaven.
Statements like these are why i made the observation that these doctrines line up with elite agendas...

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
THANK YOU for the response and clarification of this.
You're welcome.

Unfortunately this is true.

But that doesnt address my point that under our current economic system people exchange money for goods and services, both allopathic or not. And that for the poor the only option is often state subsided allopathic treatments.
Why is that the only option?

I don't consider it actual witchcraft because it doesn't require an explicit faith in it. That some people place faith in it is besides the point.
Can you tell us then please what the specific list of ingredients are in any pill or injection you may feel is "safe and effective" or is "saving lives"? This isn't meant to put you on the spot (it's more of a rhetorical question, knowing you cannot answer it); it's only to illustrate that taking ANY pharmaceutical "medicines" requires one to place their trust in others and in organizations that profit from sick people, that the ingredients are allegedly not harmful.

Any honest research into the litigation that has transpired over "side-effects" up to and including death, should cure anyone who mistakenly believes that pharmacy is somehow helping people, when it is the historical leading cause of death.

How does surgery play into "mixing up of concoctions/potions/witches' brew" anyway? Are you saying surgery is fine if there were no anesthesia involved?

I agree with this completely. And genetic matnipulation of organisms is so obviously evil that i've been opposed to it for much longer than i've been a believer in God.
Glad we agree.

But other than doing our own part to the best of our ability, i don't see how as individuals we should take on the blame of the elites' actions.
A nation gets the leaders they deserve. If we kept and enforced God's Law, there would be no politicians, nor any banksters, nor any witch-doctors, nor any lawyers, nor any filthy rich oligarchs running this planet into the ground for more money and control/power.

Part of God's Perfect Law of Liberty is His Perfect economic policy, which has built in debt relief to prevent anyone from becoming poor and destitute, while at the same time preventing anyone from becoming filthy rich either.

Nor do i see how this is a salvation issue. After all, the book of Revelation tells us that the earth will be destroyed after the second coming of Christ and recreated.
It does specifically tell us that Father will destroy them that destroy the Earth (Rev. 11:18) and that it's impossible for a rich person to gain entrance into the Kingdom of God (Matt. 19:24).
Another fresh start (just like the times of Noah), this time with 144,000.

How can you presume that it's not part of God's plan if you will allow for "specific deficiencies to teach us exactly what we need to learn "?
Nothing is being presumed. IF a child reaches full term and is born deaf or blind, then that is God's Will, to teach the Soul/spirit-Being that He places inside of that body the humility it wouldn't learn any other way.

IF, on the other hand, the pregnancy ends in a miscarriage, then that is likewise God's Plan, as there was something about that particular fetus that made it not suitable for a spirit-Being to inhabit/incarnate. So when humans rush in to try to save that which is God is naturally trying to expel for His (GOOD) reasons, we make the situation worse rather than better, even though humans consider it "saving lives". All part of the inverted vision (seeing things through human eyes rather than spiritual ones) that we are all suffering from in varying degrees.

For example, if a now-elderly person mistreated their relatives and now lives alone in a nursing home, how would that not be a lesson for them?
It could very well be. Father (God) can take the evil that we do and turn it into something good (to accomplish His Purpose).

How is this hypothetical crippled premature baby not possibly being given "specific deficiences to teach them what they want to learn "?
As above please. Would the baby survive without human intervention in the form of pharmacy, surgery, incubators, etc.? If not, then why would we think we are doing God's Will by working against Him?

God gives life, not man, despite now many technological innovations are used. If God is allowing it it is for a reason, which our limited human minds cannot possibly comprehend.
Free-will. We do MANY evil things on this planet that are presently being allowed to teach us that doing evil has negative consequences. Unfortunately we seem to be very slow learners, if we learn at all. Our free-will decisions to do evil doesn't mean it's okay or that it is God's Will.

Please for a moment, consider that someone could say the same thing about all of the queers, the gender fluidity nonsense, the PC pronoun garbage, etc., i.e. that God is allowing it for a reason beyond our human limitations to comprehend it.

Any careful examination of Scripture should yield how God actually feels about all of these things, as well as why He has COMMANDED us not to do these evil things, but instead do as He teaches (e.g. male and female created He and woman to become one flesh, etc.). And the same goes for pharmacy (which is condemned as a capital crime, the same as homosexuality).

In other threads you have provided a list of Bible verses which you claim prove reincarnation. I will admit i have not checked ALL of them. Mostly because the ones that i have checked have had nothing to do with reicarnation.

For example, you give Gen2:7

“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”

That says nothing about reincarnation.
It is literally talking about God placing a soul (spirit-Being) inside of a human to create a human+Being, so that people can understand the difference between the two (and which is more important).

John 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; THE FLESH PROFITETH NOTHING: the Words (Truth) that I speak unto you, [they] are spirit, and [they] are Life.

Or Gen5:23-24

23And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: 24And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him
See also Hebrews 11:5. Enoch was "translated". What do you think that term means please?

Or verses about the flood, or what would befall the nation of Israel in later days.
The goal of "life" here on planet Earth is for each of us to learn self-control, i.e. be the spiritual-Being in control of the human-body. It is through the human body that ALL temptation occurs, e.g. drinking, smoking, taking drugs (illicit, store-bought or "prescribed"), fornication, adultery, murder, etc.

Galatians 5:19-21
5:19 NOW THE WORKS OF THE FLESH ARE MANIFEST, which are [these]; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
5:20 Idolatry, pharmacy, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
5:21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told [you] in time past, that they which do such things shall NOT inherit The Kingdom of God.

The flood wiped out all HUMAN life on Earth with the exception of Noah and his immediate family, because Noah listened to God (spiritually) and BELIEVED he should be doing God's Will rather than his own selfish will. Everyone else bought into having a "wonderful" human life on Earth, filling it with greed, envy, immorality, hatred, violence, etc., and they (the humans other than Noah and his family) ALL died.

That way, the world could have a fresh start, with God sending back Souls/spirit-Beings into new bodies descended from Noah's sons, instead of descended from evil families that had no concept of right and wrong, thereby dooming their children to grow up and repeat the cycle of evil.

Anyone who believes that Father (God) permanently wiped out the entire Earth (except for Noah and his family) because He was fed up with them, doesn't know Father. Father is kind, loving, merciful, patient and long-suffering, to give each of us every possible opportunity to come to our senses and learn to listen and trust in Him.

And with regard to Israel, it was Israel's sons who Israel sat down to tell what would befall them personally in the latter days. How could the sons of Israel, who lived almost 4000 years ago, experience anything during the latter days unless they were reincarnated (God placing them into a human body) many times?

Once again, nothing to do with reincarnation. After going through a dozen or so verses i realized if there was such compelling evidence you would have presented it first, not diluted it with verses which have nothing to do with the topic.
The verses were presented in the order of their appearance, going through Scripture from cover-to-cover. An article was written about this years ago, which contains such compelling evidence it simply cannot be refuted. Please find it at the following link:-

Also, i have never said God is unjust or unfair.
Denying that we are spiritual-Beings who have been reincarnated inside human bodies numerous times (except for Enoch) is claiming God is unjust/unfair, whether it's realized as such or not. That was the whole reason for pointing it out.

We ARE placed into different circustances, and i have to believe in His all-knowing wisdom God places us under the circumstances which are most conductive to us seeking Him out. If i had been born in the best of circumstances, what reason would i have had to humble myself and seek God? And i always give thanks that i was not born into worse circumstances (such as an illiterate starving peasant or slave centuries ago) because from what i know about how i operate that would not have been conductive to me seeking God with true faith.
How do you know that Father didn't put you in exactly that position at some point (centuries ago), to teach you what you needed to learn, to bring you to your present position? We are all in the exact place we have earned a right to be in eternal time BECAUSE God is just and fair in ALL things (perfect karma/just desserts - Gal. 6:7).

God is in control, but we have free will. A seeming paradox, but if God in His all-knowing wisdom knows all the possibilities then He knows where and when to put us, and under what limitations.
Today, humans have video games, designed and built by computer programmers. While the programmer knows every level, every hidden treasure, how every facet of the game works, the user only knows what they learn as they go through the game by making free-will choices and paying attention to the results. And these games keep becoming more and more realistic.

How much better then could Father -- The Creator and Programmer of everything -- do with the game of life on Earth, where we make choices every day between good and evil in the most sophisticated learning environment ever constructed?

I can't speak for everyone else but i for one do not defend them. And i have told allopaths to their face that abortion is murder and i am not interested in hearing about diagnostic genetic testing of my unborn children and things like that, since the only "treatment" is abortion.

Also, i found out recently there is actually an organization of pro-life ob/gyns. Not everything is black or white.

All that matters is abortion is murder. It is Father Who opens and closes the womb. It's up to us though (free-will) to decide whether we do things naturally (God saw what He had made and it was GOOD), or unnaturally (I saw the imagination of men, and it was EVIL continually). This is a very clear, black and white issue under The Law that Father gave us.

Yes, they would.

Well, i apologize if i put words in your mouth, but the vast majority of online interactions i have had with people who distrust/dislike/fear/hate etc allopathic medicine involves them pushing the "alternative" approach, regardless whatever occult undertones may be present (and i will give them the benefit of the doubt that they are unaware, not malicious, especially if they are Christians).
All we need to do to heal ourselves from within is to focus on the spiritual first (Matt. 6:33). IF people did that, they would be drawing closer to Father (Our Healer) and be getting healthier spiritually, which would then manifest itself in the physical.

Your refusal, until this post, to condemn eastern religions as well also led to me drawing that conclusion.
Understood, although many, many times it has been posted on this forum that ALL organized religion is to be avoided, even listing Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism, etc. All means all, without any exceptions, even if something isn't specifically listed.

I absolutely believe that we need to seeks God's guidance in all decisions.

However, i disagree that it will never involve a doctor as a last resort, when natural methods have failed.
How would you read 2 Chronicles 16:12-13 then please?

There is some truth, perhaps, that in some cases free will choices made by the mother may put the child at risk. And it is a great learning oportunity for the mother for the future. However, in that moment the child's (and possibly the mother's as well) life is in danger and emergency allopathic medicine can help. And as i've already mentioned earlier in this post, God is in control.
What people seem to be confused by is that they expect to have Father's Protection while doing Satan's will instead of Father's Will. It simply doesn't work that way, because that is tempting Father, which none of us should be doing.

With a little faith, if people were genuinely striving to do Father's Will at all times, do they really believe Father would place them in a situation like the one you've described above IF they already passed that test (by trusting in Father instead of in men)? The fact that it isn't seen as either a lesson or a test is why we aren't learning and have to repeat the lessons and tests, until we do learn from and pass them or until we run out of time.

What you are advocating for is called "freebirthing" and, to keep it consistent, includes not only not having "witch-doctors" present but also not having any alternative "birth professional" present as well. Even the anti-allopath alternative crowd admits freebirthing is incredibly risky (whether there's any financial motivation in it for them involved in this judgment is the question...).
Not sure about "freebirthing", but natural could involve having someone with experience there to assist, just not with pharmacy or surgery in mind.

"Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God" seems fitting for this situation.
"Seems" being the operative word. It is when we refuse to obey God and yet expect His Protection that we are tempting Him.

I'm referring to the premature strawman because you keep mentioning premature babies when i'm talking about full term babies that are either positioned feet first or shoulder first instead of head first, or who have grown too large or have disproportionately large shoulders to head. Or women who are not able to go into labor without artificial hormonal help.
And who decides which women cannot go through labor without artificial hormone help? Can you really not see how God would reward someone in any of those situations for placing their trust in Him instead of in others? God can and does send people to help us, at just the right moment, but Satan also sends people too, and they come not to help, but to do evil and/or to destroy.

In all of these cases it is possible for the child, or mother, to die regardless, so no one is taking God's will out of it.
That may be your opinion, but when we decide to exercise our free-will to choose to do something against God's Commands, then we are taking God's Will out of it so that we can continue to have our own selfish will, mistakenly believing that we know better than God what is best for all concerned.

Yes, poverty is bad (although Jesus did say we will always have the poor, Mt26:11, Mk14:7, Jn12:8), and the law did provide a way to care for the poor, but what do we do about the poor presently? Nursing homes are surely a better alternative than state sponsored euthanasia.
Nursing homes ARE state-sponsored euthanasia.

If people want to do something about the poor presently, then they need to start keeping The Law that God gave us, and enforce it against the treasonous politicians who make up all of these unlawful rules, legislation, etc. to impoverish and enslave.

Statements like these are why i made the observation that these doctrines line up with elite agendas...
You can read it however you wish, but all it's really saying is that it should be preferable for us to go home, to heaven, rather than to live in a world where everyone is out to get you, steal from you, poison you, and take advantage of you, etc. Father is in heaven, and so are all of our real family and friends, who genuinely love and care for everyone. Wouldn't YOU rather be there? I certainly would.

Satan has a mimic for everything that Father does, only Satan's (beast) system is based on evil and selfishness, where Father's Perfect system is based on Goodness and Love. A few examples:

Father sees all, to Love and Protect us. Satan sets up a surveillance state, where the state monitors people for nefarious purposes.

Father's Kingdom will eventually fill the Earth, bringing with it freedom, justice, peace, prosperity, safety and security for all. Satan sets up a one-world government to ensure a handful of his most devoted followers can continue to enslave, impoverish and oppress everyone else, who live under the constant threat of war or of the police state raiding their home (which they will soon no longer own, and "be happy" about it).

Father would like for each of us to come to our senses, listen to and obey Him, because He knows and wants what is best for all of us, and would like for us to come home, to be with Him. Satan cons his minions into murderous war profiteering and a lethal injection program designed to murder upward of 90% of the global population, which itself is actually a lie.

Satan's depopulation program is to destroy 100% of the population (see Matt. 24:21-22 for proof of this) because that way, in his twisted mind, he can "win" his continued war against Father. In other words, if Satan could destroy the entire population, then there wouldn't be 144,000 to be redeemed from the Earth, and the prophecies would then fail (which is impossible), so that he (Lucifer/Satan) could claim to be the truth-teller, and Father would somehow be the liar (Isa. 5:20-21). THAT is how sick and insane Satan really is, and should explain why we have just experienced 3 years of the magic virus scam and are on the verge of the final phase of WW3.
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Mar 15, 2017
Galatians 5:19-21
5:19 NOW THE WORKS OF THE FLESH ARE MANIFEST, which are [these]; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
5:20 Idolatry, pharmacy, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
5:21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told [you] in time past, that they which do such things shall NOT inherit The Kingdom of God.
The real King James bible:
Galatians 5:19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
From: -

1495 [e]εἰδωλολατρία,
5331 [e]φαρμακεία,
2189 [e]ἔχθραι,
2054 [e]ἔρις,
2205 [e]ζῆλος,
2372 [e]θυμοί,
outbursts of anger,N-NMP
2052 [e]ἐριθεῖαι,
1370 [e]διχοστασίαι,
139 [e]αἱρέσεις,
The original Greek word PHARMAKEIA (φαρμακεία), where the modern English word PHARMACY originates, has been translated in the KJV as WITCHCRAFT and in other versions as SORCERY.



Those who are among the spiritually dead (Matt. 8:22) can and do (unsuccessfully) try to argue against this TRUTH, for their master Satan, because they've been deluded into believing that ingesting poisons or injecting them into people's bodies can somehow cure them, which is utterly ridiculous.

There are no magic pills nor any magic cures from man-made concoctions; pharmacy/drugs/"medicines" are POISONS. They are UNNATURAL, man-made potions (witches' brew) that attack the human body, thereby invoking the body's natural defensive response to expel the foreign substance, for as long as it can withstand the poison.

There is no simpler way to murder people than through pharmacy, and specifically through vaccines, where poisons are injected directly into the bloodstream, thereby circumventing all of the body's primary defensive systems (the skin, digestive system and filtering organs).

Those who place their trust in the chemical-pharmaceutical-medical industrial complex and its witch doctors and government-controlled propaganda machine (the mainstream media) will fall for anything they are told, as evidenced by the magic virus scam commonly known as "Covid-19" and "coronavirus". Those who refuse to study and learn from HIStory are doomed to repeat it (smallpox, 1918 "Spanish flu", polio, Hong Kong flu, etc., etc.).

The insanity of mankind to continue to fall for this satanic nonsense, even after millions have died from the jab, is breathtaking. Soon enough BILLIONS more will be dead from the Covid-19 injections (jabs), which will of course have convenient scapegoats soon enough in the next chapter of this medical tyranny/viral scam and in WW3.


Mar 15, 2017
From: -

1495 [e]εἰδωλολατρία,
5331 [e]φαρμακεία,
2189 [e]ἔχθραι,
2054 [e]ἔρις,
2205 [e]ζῆλος,
2372 [e]θυμοί,
outbursts of anger,N-NMP
2052 [e]ἐριθεῖαι,
1370 [e]διχοστασίαι,
139 [e]αἱρέσεις,
The original Greek word PHARMAKEIA (φαρμακεία), where the modern English word PHARMACY originates, has been translated in the KJV as WITCHCRAFT and in other versions as SORCERY.



Those who are among the spiritually dead (Matt. 8:22) can and do (unsuccessfully) try to argue against this TRUTH, for their master Satan, because they've been deluded into believing that ingesting poisons or injecting them into people's bodies can somehow cure them, which is utterly ridiculous.

There are no magic pills nor any magic cures from man-made concoctions; pharmacy/drugs/"medicines" are POISONS. They are UNNATURAL, man-made potions (witches' brew) that attack the human body, thereby invoking the body's natural defensive response to expel the foreign substance, for as long as it can withstand the poison.

There is no simpler way to murder people than through pharmacy, and specifically through vaccines, where poisons are injected directly into the bloodstream, thereby circumventing all of the body's primary defensive systems (the skin, digestive system and filtering organs).

Those who place their trust in the chemical-pharmaceutical-medical industrial complex and its witch doctors and government-controlled propaganda machine (the mainstream media) will fall for anything they are told, as evidenced by the magic virus scam commonly known as "Covid-19" and "coronavirus". Those who refuse to study and learn from HIStory are doomed to repeat it (smallpox, 1918 "Spanish flu", polio, Hong Kong flu, etc., etc.).

The insanity of mankind to continue to fall for this satanic nonsense, even after millions have died from the jab, is breathtaking. Soon enough BILLIONS more will be dead from the Covid-19 injections (jabs), which will of course have convenient scapegoats soon enough in the next chapter of this medical tyranny/viral scam and in WW3.
pharmacy (n.)
late 14c., farmacie, "a medicine that rids the body of an excess of humors (except blood);" also "treatment with medicine; theory of treatment with medicine," from Old French farmacie "a purgative" (13c.) and directly from Medieval Latin pharmacia, from Greek pharmakeia "a healing or harmful medicine, a healing or poisonous herb; a drug, poisonous potion; magic (potion), dye, raw material for physical or chemical processing."

sorcery (n.)

c. 1300, sorcerie, "witchcraft, magic, enchantment; act or instance of sorcery; supernatural state of affairs; seemingly magical works," from Old French sorcerie, from sorcier "sorcerer, wizard," from Medieval Latin sortiarius "teller of fortunes by lot; sorcerer," literally "one who influences fate or fortune," from Latin sors (genitive sortis) "lot, fate, fortune" (see sort (n.)).

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Excerpt below from: -

5331. pharmakeia

Strong's Concordance
pharmakeia: the use of medicine, drugs or spells
Original Word: φαρμακεία, ας, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: pharmakeia
Phonetic Spelling: (far-mak-i'-ah)
Definition: the use of medicine, drugs or spells
Usage: magic, sorcery, enchantment.

HELPS Word-studies
pharmakeía (from pharmakeuō, "administer drugs") – properly, drug-related sorcery, like the practice of magical-arts, etc. (A. T. Robertson).

NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
from pharmakeuó (to administer drugs)
the use of medicine, drugs or spells
NASB Translation
sorceries (1), sorcery (2).

Thayer's Greek Lexicon
STRONGS NT 5331: φαρμακεία

φαρμακεία (WH κια, so T (except in Galatians 5:20; cf. the Proleg., p. 88); see Iota), φαρμακείας, ἡ (φαρμακεύω);
a. the use or the administering of drugs (Xenophon, mem. 4, 2, 17).
b. poisoning (Plato, Polybius, others): Revelation 9:21 (here WH text Tr marginal reading φαρμακῶν; many interpretations refer the passage to the next entry).
c. sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it: Galatians 5:20 (where see Lightfoot) (Wis. 12:4 Wis. 18:13; for כְּשָׁפִים, Isaiah 47:9; for לָטִים, Exodus 7:22; Exodus 8:18; for לְהָטִים, Exodus 7:11); tropically, of the deceptions and seductions of idolatry, Revelation 18:23.
STRONGS NT 5331: φάρμακον [φάρμακον, φαρμάκου, τό, from Homer down, a drug; an enchantment: Tr marginal reading WH text in Revelation 9:21 (R. V. sorceries), for φαρμακεία, which see (in b.).]

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
sorcery, witchcraft.
From pharmakeus; medication ("pharmacy"), i.e. (by extension) magic (literally or figuratively) -- sorcery, witchcraft.
see GREEK pharmakeus

Forms and Transliterations
φαρμακεία φαρμακείᾳ φαρμακείαις φαρμακειων φαρμακια φαρμακία φαρμακίᾳ pharmakeia pharmakeía pharmakeíāi
Interlinear GreekInterlinear HebrewStrong's NumbersEnglishman's Greek ConcordanceEnglishman's Hebrew ConcordanceParallel Texts

Englishman's Concordance

Galatians 5:20 N-NFS

GRK: εἰδωλολατρία φαρμακεία ἔχθραι ἔρις
NAS: idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife,
KJV: Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred,
INT:idolatry sorcery enmities strife

Revelation 18:23 N-DFS
GRK: ἐν τῇ φαρμακείᾳ σου ἐπλανήθησαν
NAS: were deceived by your sorcery.
KJV: by thy sorceries were all
INT: by the sorcery of you were misled

pharmakeia = pharmacy = witchcraft = sorcery = a form of idolatry (placing doctors, etc. above God, our Healer)
Jun 26, 2022
Why is that the only option?
Because "alternative" treatments cost money which these poor people don't have...?

Can you tell us then please what the specific list of ingredients are in any pill or injection you may feel is "safe and effective" or is "saving lives"? This isn't meant to put you on the spot (it's more of a rhetorical question, knowing you cannot answer it); it's only to illustrate that taking ANY pharmaceutical "medicines" requires one to place their trust in others and in organizations that profit from sick people, that the ingredients are allegedly not harmful.

Any honest research into the litigation that has transpired over "side-effects" up to and including death, should cure anyone who mistakenly believes that pharmacy is somehow helping people, when it is the historical leading cause of death.
You are correct, i can't tell you what are the exact ingredients in any of the allopathic medicines i have rarely taken in life.

You know what else i wouldn't be able to tell you what the ingredients are? Any store bought mass produced teas, oils or homeopathic remedies or anything alternative or marketed as natural. I would have to TRUST that they were really grown organically or with no pesticides, that the manufacturer is not sneaking in a cheaper substance to increase profits, etc.

That's why i asked you many posts ago if the only "natural" remedies were those you grow or distill yourself.

(And even then, there is a natural variation in potency between herbs grown in different types of conditions. In the end, there is a lot of trust involved there too)

As for litigation, "alternative" providers are often not sued because they are not required by law to carry any form of malpractice insurance (unlike allopath doctors), so the lawyers don't see a pay day at the end and dont take on the cases. This is in the rare case of someone actually wanting to pursue litigation, because many people who see alternative providers are so gaslit by them that they don't even blame the provider for their negligence. But now we're going completely off topic.

(Or not. The amount of brainwashing and mind games that some of these "alternative" industries (and believe me, they ARE industries, with political lobby groups and everything, just like the allopaths) use on clients could almost amount to cult-like status, shall we say "sorcery"?)

Why not? How is surgery equivalent to sorcery, mixing potions and witches brew?

What would be the difference between, say, cutting off a gangrenous limb (surgery) and suturing a cut (allowed, according to the way home or fire book)?

Nothing is being presumed. IF a child reaches full term and is born deaf or blind, then that is God's Will, to teach the Soul/spirit-Being that He places inside of that body the humility it wouldn't learn any other way.

IF, on the other hand, the pregnancy ends in a miscarriage, then that is likewise God's Plan, as there was something about that particular fetus that made it not suitable for a spirit-Being to inhabit/incarnate. So when humans rush in to try to save that which is God is naturally trying to expel for His (GOOD) reasons, we make the situation worse rather than better, even though humans consider it "saving lives". All part of the inverted vision (seeing things through human eyes rather than spiritual ones) that we are all suffering from in varying degrees.
Are you saying that a fetus does not have a soul (spirit being, if you will) until it sucessfully survives birth? How does that then equate to abortion (of an unborn fetus) being murder? Aren't you then saying that it is a possibility, not a real person?

Also, regarding the Lord opening the womb, i believe that is true. But where does scripture indicate that a "closed womb" is not a referrence to infertility, as opposed to abortions and miscarriages?

See also Hebrews 11:5. Enoch was "translated". What do you think that term means please?
That he has a glorified, incorruptible body.
As we will someday.
51Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

Galatians 5:19-21
5:19 NOW THE WORKS OF THE FLESH ARE MANIFEST, which are [these]; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
5:20 Idolatry, pharmacy, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
5:21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told [you] in time past, that they which do such things shall NOT inherit The Kingdom of God.
Galatians 5:20 says "sorcery" not "pharmacy"

Regarding the works of the flesh, i thought his was an interesting perspective

That list of works of the flesh (Galatians 5:19–21) does not appear to be random. The references are collected into groups of similar offenses. Paul begins by mentioning sexual sin, then idolatry, then “sorcery”—pharmakeia—and then division, before moving on to drunkenness and debauchery. His reference to pharmakeia is grouped closer to idolatry and sexuality than it is to drunkenness, which hints at the use of illicit drugs in ungodly spiritual practices.

John’s references might also be connected to pagan worship; Revelation 9:21 comes immediately after a condemnation of idolatry. Yet this reference also sits between mentions of murder and sexual sin. Revelation 18:23 is part of a condemnation of Babylon, referring to its “deception.” The phrasing closely echoes the statement of Nahum 3:4, which refers to “charms.” The Hebrew root word used in Nahum is kesheph. That is used in reference to idolatry and often translated as “sorcery,” and is seen in 2 Kings 9:22, Isaiah 47:9, 12, and Micah 5:12.

Combining these contexts, the exact meaning of pharmakeia isn’t crystal clear, but neither is it completely obscure. There’s no sense that Scripture uses terms such as pharmakeia in reference to supernatural powers. Instead, biblical “sorcery” seems to be about abusing drugs for idolatry, recreation, and/or oppression of others.
Interestingly, if biblical sorcery is about abusing drugs for the oppresion of others, it would point to v@x mandates being a form of sorcery. But lumping in all medicines is illogical.

And with regard to Israel, it was Israel's sons who Israel sat down to tell what would befall them personally in the latter days. How could the sons of Israel, who lived almost 4000 years ago, experience anything during the latter days unless they were reincarnated (God placing them into a human body) many times?
We've discussed this previously on a different thread. It has dual application and refers to the tribes of Israel not just the literal sons of Jacob, and is remarkably prophetic and accurate.

How would you read 2 Chronicles 16:12-13 then please?
That Asa died after a long reign from a disease of his feet?

What people seem to be confused by is that they expect to have Father's Protection while doing Satan's will instead of Father's Will. It simply doesn't work that way, because that is tempting Father, which none of us should be doing.

With a little faith, if people were genuinely striving to do Father's Will at all times, do they really believe Father would place them in a situation like the one you've described above IF they already passed that test (by trusting in Father instead of in men)? The fact that it isn't seen as either a lesson or a test is why we aren't learning and have to repeat the lessons and tests, until we do learn from and pass them or until we run out of time.
Prior to being placed in that situation/"test" some people may in fact have been doing satan's work, unwittingly or not. And repentance after that point is possible (unless they are dead, but then that goes back to your reincarnation doctrine). No need for an innocent (healthy, not premature, etc) baby to die when modern medicine can help.

I've mentioned in a different post that my faith has grown tremendously aftsr God saved my child (and myself) from our experience. It also did lead me to reexamine some of my beliefs/attitudes, actions and addictions/weaknesses which i was trying to rationalize even as a Christian. So i would say some lessons were learned...

If modern medicine really was from satan and it had the effect of drawing me closer to God it does not appear this tactic is working out for satan...

Not sure about "freebirthing", but natural could involve having someone with experience there to assist, just not with pharmacy or surgery in mind.
I hope you do realize that you have just promoted using the services of an "alternative" provider, even though earlier you said that by condemning allopath medicine you were not promoting alternative...

Also, not to go off topic, but the vast majority of methods that assist that are not "pharmacy " or surgery based have pagan undertones. It is just not discussed because it's an inconvenient truth for those who want to avoid allopathic medicine.

And who decides which women cannot go through labor without artificial hormone help? Can you really not see how God would reward someone in any of those situations for placing their trust in Him instead of in others? God can and does send people to help us, at just the right moment, but Satan also sends people too, and they come not to help, but to do evil and/or to destroy.
When my water was broken for several days with no labor contractions whatsoever, that was a good indication that i could not enter labor without artificial hormone help...

Or when i researched the hormone involved (oxytocin) and read that it synergizes with melatonin (which regulates sleep rhythms) to produce the smooth muscle contraction involved in contracting the uterus in labor, and realized that as a lifelong insomniac i probably have an inadequate output of melatonin as well, that was another indication.

Or when i looked up ways to "naturally" increase oxytocin and realized that practically all the methods are things that i cannot stand or do, or have pagan ties.

None of these things were told to me by allopaths trying to brainwash me, by the way. All my independent research.

I absolutely agree with you that satan sends people too. I would say the "holistic" midwife who lied to me that it was safe for me to have the baby outside the hospital and continue waiting for labor to begin indefinitely and partake in her witchcraft and cannibalism was sent from satan.

And as i mentioned earlier, upon finally going to the hospital i placed my trust in God, and i believe God's plan was to get us safely away from that wicked woman. I believe God did reward my faith in Him, my child being alive and healthy after such stupidity and negligence on my part would be proof of that. My faith in God has grown since, and i'm still skeptical of allopaths as well and take each situation on a case by case basis.

That may be your opinion, but when we decide to exercise our free-will to choose to do something against God's Commands, then we are taking God's Will out of it so that we can continue to have our own selfish will, mistakenly believing that we know better than God what is best for all concerned
How is it an "opinion" that allopath medicine doesn't save EVERYONE? Wouldn't people just be immortal against God's will then?
(For the record, i do think anything that would cause artificial immortality (temporarily, as the Bible tells us how that would end) would be a "mark of the beast", a way of defying God and swearing allegiance to satan)
Nursing homes ARE state-sponsored euthanasia.
You know i meant killing these people immediately by state-sponsored euthanasia. The laws that different countries are passing to kill off people. Not them living in assisted living facilities where the quality of care varies from facility to facility, and even patient to patient.

Satan has a mimic for everything that Father does, only Satan's (beast) system is based on evil and selfishness, where Father's Perfect system is based on Goodness and Love. A few examples:

Father sees all, to Love and Protect us. Satan sets up a surveillance state, where the state monitors people for nefarious purposes.
Yes, occasionally you say some truths.

Satan cons his minions into murderous war profiteering and a lethal injection program designed to murder upward of 90% of the global population, which itself is actually a lie.

Satan's depopulation program is to destroy 100% of the population (see Matt. 24:21-22 for proof of this) because that way, in his twisted mind, he can "win" his continued war against Father. In other words, if Satan could destroy the entire population, then there wouldn't be 144,000 to be redeemed from the Earth, and the prophecies would then fail (which is impossible), so that he (Lucifer/Satan) could claim to be the truth-teller, and Father would somehow be the liar (Isa. 5:20-21). THAT is how sick and insane Satan really is, and should explain why we have just experienced 3 years of the magic virus scam and are on the verge of the final phase of WW3.
Are you saying it is a lie because the goal is 100% depopulation, not 90%?
Basically, that satan's minions (the elites) are being lied to as well that they will be somehow spared (by satan, not by God)? But satan wants to depopulate all as he can't take the chance that the 144,000 are among the elites?


Mar 23, 2021
Sorcery is what would be considered modern monarch mk-ultra programming....

Pharmakia which @A Freeman doesn't understand and thinks where ignorant because he only goes with the first part of it the medicine type things that came from it heres the thing if thats the case just like i said he should be using anything that isn't made from nature no computers no metal forks cars etc. It's base is chemistry - metallurgy - pharma so in essence no man mad items are usable by his standards.

"Pharmakeia" is specifically about witchcraft and certain substances to get high during pagan rituals this would lead to the lsd trips for spirit guides
ayahuasca would be another example with the spirit trips your undertaking with it its about intent, idolatry & being outside of GOD's will see a pattern?

I thank GOD every day for rick simpson oil it cured skin cancer guess should have let it eat my face or cut it out myself with no numbing agent according to @A Freeman

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Because "alternative" treatments cost money which these poor people don't have...?

You are correct, i can't tell you what are the exact ingredients in any of the allopathic medicines i have rarely taken in life.

You know what else i wouldn't be able to tell you what the ingredients are? Any store bought mass produced teas, oils or homeopathic remedies or anything alternative or marketed as natural. I would have to TRUST that they were really grown organically or with no pesticides, that the manufacturer is not sneaking in a cheaper substance to increase profits, etc.

That's why i asked you many posts ago if the only "natural" remedies were those you grow or distill yourself.

(And even then, there is a natural variation in potency between herbs grown in different types of conditions. In the end, there is a lot of trust involved there too)

As for litigation, "alternative" providers are often not sued because they are not required by law to carry any form of malpractice insurance (unlike allopath doctors), so the lawyers don't see a pay day at the end and dont take on the cases. This is in the rare case of someone actually wanting to pursue litigation, because many people who see alternative providers are so gaslit by them that they don't even blame the provider for their negligence. But now we're going completely off topic.

(Or not. The amount of brainwashing and mind games that some of these "alternative" industries (and believe me, they ARE industries, with political lobby groups and everything, just like the allopaths) use on clients could almost amount to cult-like status, shall we say "sorcery"?)

Why not? How is surgery equivalent to sorcery, mixing potions and witches brew?

What would be the difference between, say, cutting off a gangrenous limb (surgery) and suturing a cut (allowed, according to the way home or fire book)?

Are you saying that a fetus does not have a soul (spirit being, if you will) until it sucessfully survives birth? How does that then equate to abortion (of an unborn fetus) being murder? Aren't you then saying that it is a possibility, not a real person?

Also, regarding the Lord opening the womb, i believe that is true. But where does scripture indicate that a "closed womb" is not a referrence to infertility, as opposed to abortions and miscarriages?

That he has a glorified, incorruptible body.
As we will someday.
51Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

Galatians 5:20 says "sorcery" not "pharmacy"

Regarding the works of the flesh, i thought his was an interesting perspective

Interestingly, if biblical sorcery is about abusing drugs for the oppresion of others, it would point to v@x mandates being a form of sorcery. But lumping in all medicines is illogical.

We've discussed this previously on a different thread. It has dual application and refers to the tribes of Israel not just the literal sons of Jacob, and is remarkably prophetic and accurate.

That Asa died after a long reign from a disease of his feet?

Prior to being placed in that situation/"test" some people may in fact have been doing satan's work, unwittingly or not. And repentance after that point is possible (unless they are dead, but then that goes back to your reincarnation doctrine). No need for an innocent (healthy, not premature, etc) baby to die when modern medicine can help.

I've mentioned in a different post that my faith has grown tremendously aftsr God saved my child (and myself) from our experience. It also did lead me to reexamine some of my beliefs/attitudes, actions and addictions/weaknesses which i was trying to rationalize even as a Christian. So i would say some lessons were learned...

If modern medicine really was from satan and it had the effect of drawing me closer to God it does not appear this tactic is working out for satan...

I hope you do realize that you have just promoted using the services of an "alternative" provider, even though earlier you said that by condemning allopath medicine you were not promoting alternative...

Also, not to go off topic, but the vast majority of methods that assist that are not "pharmacy " or surgery based have pagan undertones. It is just not discussed because it's an inconvenient truth for those who want to avoid allopathic medicine.

When my water was broken for several days with no labor contractions whatsoever, that was a good indication that i could not enter labor without artificial hormone help...

Or when i researched the hormone involved (oxytocin) and read that it synergizes with melatonin (which regulates sleep rhythms) to produce the smooth muscle contraction involved in contracting the uterus in labor, and realized that as a lifelong insomniac i probably have an inadequate output of melatonin as well, that was another indication.

Or when i looked up ways to "naturally" increase oxytocin and realized that practically all the methods are things that i cannot stand or do, or have pagan ties.

None of these things were told to me by allopaths trying to brainwash me, by the way. All my independent research.

I absolutely agree with you that satan sends people too. I would say the "holistic" midwife who lied to me that it was safe for me to have the baby outside the hospital and continue waiting for labor to begin indefinitely and partake in her witchcraft and cannibalism was sent from satan.

And as i mentioned earlier, upon finally going to the hospital i placed my trust in God, and i believe God's plan was to get us safely away from that wicked woman. I believe God did reward my faith in Him, my child being alive and healthy after such stupidity and negligence on my part would be proof of that. My faith in God has grown since, and i'm still skeptical of allopaths as well and take each situation on a case by case basis.

How is it an "opinion" that allopath medicine doesn't save EVERYONE? Wouldn't people just be immortal against God's will then?
(For the record, i do think anything that would cause artificial immortality (temporarily, as the Bible tells us how that would end) would be a "mark of the beast", a way of defying God and swearing allegiance to satan)

You know i meant killing these people immediately by state-sponsored euthanasia. The laws that different countries are passing to kill off people. Not them living in assisted living facilities where the quality of care varies from facility to facility, and even patient to patient.

Yes, occasionally you say some truths.

Are you saying it is a lie because the goal is 100% depopulation, not 90%?
Basically, that satan's minions (the elites) are being lied to as well that they will be somehow spared (by satan, not by God)? But satan wants to depopulate all as he can't take the chance that the 144,000 are among the elites?