Are medicines permitted by God (according the REAL bible)


Mar 15, 2017
And here is the first reason A Freeman won't answer my skin clinic question:
If he admits Anthony John Hill wouldn't let him get a skin mole checked (a change in size, colour and shape is a sign of a skin cancer)...
It proves A Freeman does not make his followers follow TO THE LETTER the Commandments of God that were given to the Israelites only in the Old Testament.
Theology of Work - the clean and the unclean
The biblical commandments are only what JAHtruth decrees after all.


Mar 23, 2021
Except it's NOT subjective, is it?

What EVIDENCE has been offered that God EVER permitted the use of "medicine" (pharmakeia)? When did ANY of God's Prophets, or any of Jesus' disciples or the Apostles EVER use pharmacy/"medicine" of any kind?

Objectively speaking, the burden of proof at this point is on anyone claiming God ever permitted pharmacy or medicine of any kind. Proof, according to The Law, would require providing multiple verses where pharmacy/sorcery/witchcraft/"medicine" is used to heal anyone by those God sent.

So where are the verses where God permitted or encouraged pharmacy/sorcery/witchcraft/"medicine" of any kind? If you are so certain that the Truth that's been personally shared has been countered, then it should be an easy matter for you to produce the actual evidence. So where are the verses where God permitted us to use "medicine"?

Also, it isn't "my truth"; the Truth is the Truth, and always will be, regardless of who delivers it. If you actually understood that, then you would stop attacking the messenger and provide everyone with actual evidence of ANY of your claims, instead of your worthless opinion.
Well yeah it is actually others have shown go back reread thread your wrong analysis of the words in question seem to be a prevalent stream of "YOUR WORTHLESS" opinions...

We say no show you evidence but nope because & here is the crux no matter how RIGHT we are showing evidence to the contrary of what your espousing if aj says then by gosh freeman is such a slaveman that he can't think for self. See i have gone through cult type like yours why i see alot of your BS is nothing but repackaged cultic control with different cut paste almost think the playbook is base for all of them you just change by jot & tital the word of GOD to fit square peg round hole just doesn't work no matter how much cut paste text you try to slam at it.

If you weren't following a false christ i would actually and can agree with some of what your saying but as the saying goes a broken clock gets it right twice a day doesn't mean its right all the time.


Mar 15, 2017
Except it's NOT subjective, is it?

What EVIDENCE has been offered that God EVER permitted the use of "medicine" (pharmakeia)? When did ANY of God's Prophets, or any of Jesus' disciples or the Apostles EVER use pharmacy/"medicine" of any kind?

Objectively speaking, the burden of proof at this point is on anyone claiming God ever permitted pharmacy or medicine of any kind. Proof, according to The Law, would require providing multiple verses where pharmacy/sorcery/witchcraft/"medicine" is used to heal anyone by those God sent.

So where are the verses where God permitted or encouraged pharmacy/sorcery/witchcraft/"medicine" of any kind? If you are so certain that the Truth that's been personally shared has been countered, then it should be an easy matter for you to produce the actual evidence. So where are the verses where God permitted us to use "medicine"?

Also, it isn't "my truth"; the Truth is the Truth, and always will be, regardless of who delivers it. If you actually understood that, then you would stop attacking the messenger and provide everyone with actual evidence of ANY of your claims, instead of your worthless opinion.
If a thing/ action is not clearly permitted by naming it exactly in the bible, it is automatically forbidden according to AJH:

YES or NO?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
As far as I can tell, people have long been discovering that plants and other things from the natural world have therapeutic as well as nutritional value. This ability to learn about and have dominion in the world is not forbidden by God, it is encouraged.

The therapeutic benefits of certain plants may be hygienic, cosmetic, ease pain etc etc. Early applications could be as wide as skincare, cleaning teeth, lessening fever etc etc. Biblical uses appear to include ‘balm’ to treat sores, Fig as a cure for a boil and Mandrake as a fertility remedy. These uses are not condemned.

Of course, when delving into plants people would also discover that they could get strange psychological results from certain mushrooms etc. to actively seek out plants that would induce altered mental states would certainly count as “sorcery”, as would their use to gain those experiences.

A failure to see this rather obvious distinction would indicate a lack of reading comprehension.


Mar 15, 2017
Antidepressants. I haven't been able to quit for 15 years. It ruins brain functions, the withdrawal effect is HELL. I've never used it but I know it worse than many illegal drugs. I've heard doctors say this. The devil designed the legal ones more cautiously.
I had great difficulty coming off mine. If I hadn't stopped working at a place which was the main cause of my depression, I would have taken it for a lot longer.
If you do ever decide to go off an antidepressant WITH a doctor's permission, make sure it is done as slowly as possible and at a time when you have your life as calm as possible.


Mar 15, 2017
The second reason A Freeman won't answer my skin clinic question:
If AJH said don't go to the doctor (that doesn't, he does the opposite to what Jesus said to the lepers.
Luke 17:11-19
Jesus sent them to the high priests, the ones who did the health checks as well as the religious duties for the Jews.

Yet another sign that AJH cannot be Jesus (who in the Second Coming will descend from heaven, not born in Sheffield UK 1948).
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Mar 15, 2017
The third reason A Freeman won't answer my question RE skin clinic:
If getting treatment is forbidden, then he is going against what a prophet in the OT said as well.
2 Kings chapter 5
Elisha got Naaman (the captain of the hosts of the Syrian King) who had leprosy to dip in the river Jordan 7 times. He didn't tell him to believe in God only. Naaman didn't have much faith at all in fact, but decided to do it as he had no other option. God rewarded his obedience in doing that unique treatment.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Well yeah it is actually others have shown go back reread thread your wrong analysis of the words in question seem to be a prevalent stream of "YOUR WORTHLESS" opinions...

We say no show you evidence but nope because & here is the crux no matter how RIGHT we are showing evidence to the contrary of what your espousing if aj says then by gosh freeman is such a slaveman that he can't think for self. See i have gone through cult type like yours why i see alot of your BS is nothing but repackaged cultic control with different cut paste almost think the playbook is base for all of them you just change by jot & tital the word of GOD to fit square peg round hole just doesn't work no matter how much cut paste text you try to slam at it.

If you weren't following a false christ i would actually and can agree with some of what your saying but as the saying goes a broken clock gets it right twice a day doesn't mean its right all the time.
Again, nothing but your worthless opinions. Not one piece of evidence, passage, etc. to back up any of your false claims.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
The third reason A Freeman won't answer my question RE skin clinic:
If getting treatment is forbidden, then he is going against what a prophet in the OT said as well.
2 Kings chapter 5
Elisha got Naaman (the captain of the hosts of the Syrian King) who had leprosy to dip in the river Jordan 7 times. He didn't tell him to believe in God only. Naaman didn't have much faith at all in fact, but decided to do it as he had no other option. God rewarded his obedience in doing that unique treatment.
Who made the River Jordan? GOD.
How is Elisha referred to in 2 kings 5? As "the man of God".
Who healed Naaman in the River Jordan? GOD. Elisha wasn't even there.
Did God use any pharmaceutical drugs/sorcery/witchcraft/potions/poisons/"medicines" to cure Naaman in the River Jordan? NO.
Who did Naaman credit with healing him? GOD.

2 kings 5:15 And he returned to the man of God, he and all his company, and came, and stood before him: and he said, Behold, now I know that [there is] no God in all the earth, but in Israel: now therefore, I pray thee, take a blessing of thy servant.

Did Elisha accept some sort of payment from Naaman for being healed by God? NO.

2 kings 5:16 But he said, [As] the "I AM" Liveth, before whom I stand, I will receive none. And he urged him to take [it]; but he refused.

What did God do to Elisha's servant Gehazi when Gehazi chased after Naaman to con a payment out of him, and then lied to Elisha about doing it? God put the leprosy of Naaman onto Gehazi and his seed forever.

Please note well that God's Healing only required faith in God. Although Naaman questioned at first how the water in the Jordan differed from any other water (e.g. the rivers of Damascus), Naaman did eventually go down to the Jordan believing that God would heal him there IF he did as God had instructed him through Elisha. If Naaman had lacked faith, he would NOT have been healed. Even Jesus couldn't heal where people lacked faith (Matt. 13:57-58).

Matthew 13:57-58
13:57 And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house.
13:58 And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.

How much money do the witch-doctors that you idolize charge for their so-called cures? Have any of those skin treatment facilities you're so fond of ever cured anyone of any skin ailment? Or did they merely suppress the symptoms temporarily with chemical poisons. How much money do you think those clinics would make if all they did was advise their clients over the phone to bathe themselves? And how many of those doctors or clinic staff are referred to as "the man of God"?

And you wonder why your endless barrage of deceitful, hypothetical questions aren't answered. My faith is in Father (God) NOT in (witch) doctors and the lucrative pharmaceutical industry.

IF you are telling the truth about anything in this thread, then please provide us with passages where God permitted any of His Messengers, Prophets, Jesus or Jesus' Disciples, or any of the Apostles to use ANY pharmacy/"medicines" of any kind, or receive payment for their services. If you cannot provide any passages where medicine was used, and payment was received, then please admit you are unable to do so.

Acts 8:18-22
8:18 And when Simon (the sorcerer/pharmacist) saw that through laying on of the Apostles' hands the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money,
8:19 Saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Spirit.
8:20 But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money.
8:21 Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God.
8:22 Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee.

The chemical industry used to poison the soil and crops, as well as the water we drink and air that we breathe is estimated to be roughly a $4.5-5 trillion/year industry. The pharmaceutical industry is roughly a $1.5 trillion/year industry. Over $6 trillion in annual sales between the two of them.

Here is what Christ said about anyone trying to serve God and mammon/materialism:-

Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and materialism.

It is, and always will be, the power of God that heals. That's why He (God) can heal those with faith in Him with nothing more than water, and do it free of charge.

Please answer this polite request for evidence and don't try one of your diversionary tactics, e.g. another personal attack on JAH. Stay focused on providing the evidence, or humbly admitting that you are unable to do so.
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
IF you are telling the truth about anything in this thread, then please provide us with passages where God permitted any of His Messengers, Prophets, Jesus or Jesus' Disciples, or any of the Apostles to use ANY pharmacy/"medicines" of any kind, or receive payment for their services. If you cannot provide any passages where medicine was used, and payment was received, then please admit you are unable to do so.
“If you are telling the truth, please provide passages where God permitted his messengers to use computers or mobile phone technology?”

That line won’t work because modern medicine is simply later than the Biblical record. All we can find are plant based remedies used for their active properties. The ability to chemically isolate active ingredients came much later but that process is not automatically an evil one.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
“If you are telling the truth, please provide passages where God permitted his messengers to use computers or mobile phone technology?”
Did I actually ask that question? NO.
Is it deceitful for you to pretend that I did? YES.
Is it also yet another strawman argument? YES.
Are there not historical records showing hundreds of drugs/concoctions/mixtures dating back into ancient Egypt? YES.

Here's a source looking strictly at the use of opium for thousands of years:-

You do know that gall was a painkiller/poison considered to be a "comfort drug" for those close to death during the time of Jesus, don't you please?

That line won’t work because modern medicine is simply later than the Biblical record.
Are you attempting to claim that God had no idea that we would be developing new technology that would allow us to more efficiently mix up multiple ingredients? Or that we didn't mix up ingredients already thousands of years ago, albeit perhaps less efficiently?

All we can find are plant based remedies used for their active properties.
How many of those plant-based remedies were used by any of God's Messengers/Prophets or by Jesus, His Disciples and/or the Apostles? How many of those remedies had multiple plant-based ingredients?

The ability to chemically isolate active ingredients came much later but that process is not automatically an evil one.
So you know of synthesized chemicals that aren't harmful to the soil or water or air or crops, or animals or humans?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Did I actually ask that question? NO.
Is it deceitful for you to pretend that I did? YES.
Is it also yet another strawman argument? YES.
Are there not historical records showing hundreds of drugs/concoctions/mixtures dating back into ancient Egypt? YES.

Here's a source looking strictly at the use of opium for thousands of years:-

You do know that gall was a painkiller/poison considered to be a "comfort drug" for those close to death during the time of Jesus, don't you please?

Are you attempting to claim that God had no idea that we would be developing new technology that would allow us to more efficiently mix up multiple ingredients? Or that we didn't mix up ingredients already thousands of years ago, albeit perhaps less efficiently?

How many of those plant-based remedies were used by any of God's Messengers/Prophets or by Jesus, His Disciples and/or the Apostles? How many of those remedies had multiple plant-based ingredients?

So you know of synthesized chemicals that aren't harmful to the soil or water or air or crops, or animals or humans?
Do you brush your teeth with toothpaste?

Y / N
May 18, 2018
“If you are telling the truth, please provide passages where God permitted his messengers to use computers or mobile phone technology?”

That line won’t work because modern medicine is simply later than the Biblical record. All we can find are plant based remedies used for their active properties. The ability to chemically isolate active ingredients came much later but that process is not automatically an evil one.
Powerful refutation of Anthony's false doctrine here


Mar 15, 2017
I am putting this entry first: A Freeman, finally you answered me. I thought once I brought the back to the Bible you would attempt to re-use AJH's rhetoric yet again. You have become very predictable.

Your lack of courage to give any personal disclosure of what you will do when sickness eventually does happen to you has been noted by everyone.

I bet you won't reveal who will take the role of leader when AJH dies either. He will be 75 years old soon.
It will be interesting to see if your JAHtruth religion dissolves after his death or it if will continue to muddle on like Scientology has.
L. Ron. Hubbard claimed he would be reincarnated as well.

How will you know the next JAHtruth is the real one?


Mar 15, 2017
Who made the River Jordan? GOD.

How is Elisha referred to in 2 kings 5? As "the man of God".

Who healed Naaman in the River Jordan? GOD.
Where is your mention of Elisha being inspired by God to prescribe the correct treatment for Naaman?

Elisha wasn't even there.
You do realise that medicines/ medical treatments are usually taken/done by the person with the illness all by themself don't you?

Did God use any pharmaceutical drugs/sorcery/witchcraft/potions/poisons/"medicines" to cure Naaman in the River Jordan? NO.....''
How do you know God did not miraculously change the water into a special wound treatment, complete with medicinal solutions and everything, COMPLETE WITH ANTIBIOTICS during the process?

You do realise that wounds are washed with more than just pure water don't you? No of course not. You haven't ever done intensive pressure sore care or post-surgical care like I did.
Trigger warning: for queasy people.
Here are the type of wounds I dealt with in nursing homes.
All the chemical solutions are MEDICINAL in nature.
For Naaman to go to the prophet, his leprosy would have already be waaaayyyy worse than the photos seen on Google images.

Who did Naaman credit with healing him? GOD.
As he should have.

Please note well that God's Healing only required faith in God. Although Naaman questioned at first how the water in the Jordan differed from any other water (e.g. the rivers of Damascus), Naaman did eventually go down to the Jordan believing that God would heal him there IF he did as God had instructed him through Elisha. If Naaman had lacked faith, he would NOT have been healed. Even Jesus couldn't heal where people lacked faith (Matt. 13:57-58).
The account is in the bible BECAUSE it was a miracle. It was not standard treatment.
MIRACLES prove it is God intervening, not human intervention as usual.

What are you going to type next: we should only eat what God provides, like God provided manna in the desert to the Israelites and Jesus feeding the thousands with only a little bread and fishes?

Matthew 13:57-58
13:57 And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house.
13:58 And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.
Provide proof that AJH has done ANY works or made ANY TRUE predictions at all.
Just him saying he is a prophet doesn't make him one.

Have any of those skin treatment facilities you're so fond of ever cured anyone of any skin ailment? Or did they merely suppress the symptoms temporarily with chemical poisons. How much money do you think those clinics would make if all they did was advise their clients over the phone to bathe themselves? And how many of those doctors or clinic staff are referred to as "the man of God"?
It is horrifying at how poorly informed you are about everything medical. Did you pay any attention in health and biology classes in high school?

Yes, there are many cures for skin conditions of all varieties.
e.g. What are skin antifungal ointments for? They cure tinea.
Many skin cancers can be cured if diagnosed in time via surgery AND the correct chemotherapy - that "evil sorcery" does cure people!
I personally treated severe pressure ulcers SUCCESSFULLY, using the correct procedures, dressings and ointments.

And you wonder why your endless barrage of deceitful, hypothetical questions aren't answered. My faith is in Father (God) NOT in (witch) doctors and the lucrative pharmaceutical industry.
OK, you have just shown everyone you would rather die than use medical treatment that modern society is blessed to have.
Don't you try and blame the REAL God when you become irreversibly sick because of what AJH told you.

IF you are telling the truth about anything in this thread, then please provide us with passages where God permitted any of His Messengers, Prophets, Jesus or Jesus' Disciples, or any of the Apostles to use ANY pharmacy/"medicines" of any kind, or receive payment for their services. If you cannot provide any passages where medicine was used, and payment was received, then please admit you are unable to do so.
You conveniently "forgot" Paul's direction to Timothy to use weakened wine for his stomach yet again.
Now YOU admit you got it wrong.

1Timothy 5:23 Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities.

Stop using the distraction tactic RE money. It may work on Muslims, it doesn't work on Christians.
The prophets, Jesus and the apostles did miracles to prove they were sent from God.
I along with the other Christians have shown repeatedly that herbs and salves of all varieties were used in the bible.

Acts 8:18-22
8:18 And when Simon (the sorcerer/pharmacist) saw that through laying on of the Apostles' hands the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money,
8:19 Saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Spirit.
8:20 But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money.
8:21 Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God.
8:22 Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee.
Quit adding pharmacy in the bible verses.
NO bible version contains the word except the JAH truth PERversion.

YOU CALLED the apostles' laying on the hands so people received the HOLY SPIRIT SORCERY.
You had better repent of that wickedness.

Here is what Christ said about anyone trying to serve God and mammon/materialism:-

Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and materialism.
For heaven's sake, what has love of money got to do with alleged sorcery? Do you read what you type?!!!

Please answer this polite request for evidence and don't try one of your diversionary tactics, e.g. another personal attack on JAH. Stay focused on providing the evidence, or humbly admitting that you are unable to do so.
EVERYONE who has read this far knows who does the diversionary tactics. I actually bother to answer the questions, what a pity you are determined to be obtuse and then have the hide to play the victim card. You have as much shame as your false teacher.

Anthony John Hill deserves to be attacked. He is incredibly deceived and you are trying to spread his propaganda.
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
I am putting this entry first: A Freeman, finally you answered me. I thought once I brought the back to the Bible you would attempt to re-use AJH's rhetoric yet again. You have become very predictable.
You are off-topic again, and refusing to provide any evidence of your stated position.

Your lack of courage to give any personal disclosure of what you will do when sickness eventually does happen to you has been noted by everyone.

You were already told from the outset that there are absolutely no circumstances under which I would personally visit a doctor. The reason for it is simple: Father has prohibited all forms of pharmacy/sorcery/witchcraft/potions/drugs/poisons/"medicines". For 18 years Father has taken very careful and good care of me, and of this body (and yes there have been lessons and tests along The Way), as He does with those striving to do His Will, which begins with keeping His Law. So what is shared here is backed up with personal experience.

If you wish to categorize someone refusing to let you waste everyone's time with your repeated, loaded hypothetical scenarios, when they've all already been answered, that's your prerogative.

And what about you? Will you answer the request for any scriptural evidence of your position? Or are you too afraid you will find none?

I bet you won't reveal who will take the role of leader when AJH dies either. He will be 75 years old soon.
This has already been answered too, so there's no need to bet. When the body that JAH is currently using dies, the heavenly host (aka "the eagles") will be gathered and The Reaping will begin, exactly as it says in Scripture (Matt. 24:27-31).

It will be interesting to see if your JAHtruth religion dissolves after his death or it if will continue to muddle on like Scientology has.
L. Ron. Hubbard claimed he would be reincarnated as well.
Every single organized religion on Earth, including "Christianity" and "Scientology", will be permanently dissolved at that moment, at which time everyone will face Judgment.

How will you know the next JAHtruth is the real one?
There is no "next one", as everyone on Earth will find out soon. We would be very fortunate if there are even five years left (Ps. 90:10).

Please provide the requested evidence that makes you believe from Scripture that God gave permission to anyone to use pharmakeia/medicines and/or doctors/physicians.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Where is your mention of Elisha being inspired by God to prescribe the correct treatment for Naaman?

You do realise that medicines/ medical treatments are usually taken/done by the person with the illness all by themself don't you?

How do you know God did not miraculously change the water into a special wound treatment, complete with medicinal solutions and everything, COMPLETE WITH ANTIBIOTICS during the process?

You do realise that wounds are washed with more than just pure water don't you? No of course not. You haven't ever done intensive pressure sore care or post-surgical care like I did.
Trigger warning: for queasy people.
Here are the type of wounds I dealt with in nursing homes.
All the chemical solutions are MEDICINAL in nature.
For Naaman to go to the prophet, his leprosy would have already be waaaayyyy worse than the photos seen on Google images.

As he should have.

The account is in the bible BECAUSE it was a miracle. It was not standard treatment.
MIRACLES prove it is God intervening, not human intervention as usual.

What are you going to type next: we should only eat what God provides, like God provided manna in the desert to the Israelites and Jesus feeding the thousands with only a little bread and fishes?

Provide proof that AJH has done ANY works or made ANY TRUE predictions at all.
Just him saying he is a prophet doesn't make him one.

It is horrifying at how poorly informed you are about everything medical. Did you pay any attention in health and biology classes in high school?

Yes, there are many cures for skin conditions of all varieties.
e.g. What are skin antifungal ointments for? They cure tinea.
Many skin cancers can be cured if diagnosed in time via surgery AND the correct chemotherapy - that "evil sorcery" does cure people!
I personally treated severe pressure ulcers SUCCESSFULLY, using the correct procedures, dressings and ointments.

OK, you have just shown everyone you would rather die than use medical treatment that modern society is blessed to have.
Don't you try and blame the REAL God when you become irreversibly sick because of what AJH told you.

You conveniently "forgot" Paul's direction to Timothy to use weakened wine for his stomach yet again.
Now YOU admit you got it wrong.

1Timothy 5:23 Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities.

Stop using the distraction tactic RE money. It may work on Muslims, it doesn't work on Christians.
The prophets, Jesus and the apostles did miracles to prove they were sent from God.
I along with the other Christians have shown repeatedly that herbs and salves of all varieties were used in the bible.

Quit adding pharmacy in the bible verses.
NO bible version contains the word except the JAH truth PERversion.

YOU CALLED the apostles' laying on the hands so people received the HOLY SPIRIT SORCERY.
You had better repent of that wickedness.

For heaven's sake, what has love of money got to do with alleged sorcery? Do you read what you type?!!!

EVERYONE who has read this far knows who does the diversionary tactics. I actually bother to answer the questions, what a pity you are determined to be obtuse and then have the hide to play the victim card. You have as much shame as your false teacher.

Anthony John Hill deserves to be attacked. He is incredibly deceived and you are trying to spread his propaganda.
Total nonsense. Shame on you for all of the lies you tell and promote. You should know better.

The "Simon" being referred to is Simon the Sorcerer, NOT Peter, to whom Simon the Sorcerer asked if he could somehow BUY the Holy Spirit. And you pretending that money has nothing to do with it shows just how clueless you really are, or how intentionally deceptive you are choosing to be.

Which is it?


Mar 15, 2017
Total nonsense. Shame on you.
You have just made it clear you are determined to believe your god AJH no matter what.
So be it.
You must be relatively young still to have had no health problems for 18 years. It will change from 50 years onwards that is for sure.
If you are determined to be so incredibly legalistic that you will not take any potentially life saving chemical substance then it is on your head.
When you face God on Judgement Day you cannot say you were not warned about AJH.

I spent enough time on my previous entry . I used scripture throughout it too. I have a clear conscience.
I am going to leave you in the true God's hands RE medicines now.
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Mar 15, 2017
Total nonsense. Shame on you for all of the lies you tell and promote. You should know better.

The "Simon" being referred to is Simon the Sorcerer, NOT Peter, to whom Simon the Sorcerer asked if he could somehow BUY the Holy Spirit. And you pretending that money has nothing to do with it shows just how clueless you really are, or how intentionally deceptive you are choosing to be.

Which is it?
I never suggested that. Read a real bible commentary.