I feel like this is the underlying problem I see occurring time and time again in the Vigilant Citizen forums.
There are these misogynistic or at least sexist ideologies that comes out of nowhere.
It's like you religious folks, mostly the men here, not naming names, like for example, his name rhymes with Peeham, who posts sexist "biblical ideologies" on how women and men are supposed to behave and how they are "actually" wired in this damn earth. And the women, it's sad because you guys are influenced by the misogyny. But back to my comment, first, you refer all women to "females" then name "men" after us, first there's a sense of disrespect when you refer women to just mere "females". And two, I love how your logic is that if most women manipulate men for their wealth, then it applies to a majority of other women then dumbass dude has the audacity to say the crime statistics "prove this". Sorry pal, crime statistics are not by your side. According to the science and ACTUAL statistics, it's mostly the men who commit the sexual crimes. FFS, the predators that lurk our children, other men and women are mostly men. The men
LMFAO, alright buddy. Meanwhile the people that commit the majority of violent crimes are men.
Holy sh*t where is this coming from? Do you lack common sense? Why do you think the show is called "Wednesday"?!! Because it's focused on the daughter of the Addams Family. No body worships her like she's some god. She's the main character and focal point. The character is being overhyped because of the show's success.
Are you a p***phile or some sh!t?? Because where are you getting the implication that Wednesday is a sexual object and that she's being sexualised?? That is f!cking weird. She's a child. She's 15/16 in the series.
... man you are just f!cking weird.
Don't linger in the forums any more please.