LGBT+ movement starting to backfire (part 2)


May 3, 2017
I actually believe that the rise in all these unnatural affections and perversions come from generational curses and witchcraft. Practices that ones parents or someone in their family line engaged in. That's how witchcraft works. Witches can perform spells where they can get men to think they are a woman trapped in a man's body and vice versa. Someone can get freed and delivered in Jesus name, but they still need to renew their mind so those strongholds(thought patterns) come down. The root is all spiritual. Allot of these trans people were abused as a child and all trauma like this opens a massive doorway for unclean spirits.
I believe so aswell. I've been looking into spiritual warfare for awhile now and alot of these trans and gay people come from narcissistic (Jezebellic) childhoods. There is so much that comes from the spirit of jezebel alone. Perversion and lust is a big one. Also pride (ring a bell)? Man all this stuff is so connected. I really look at things differently now

Also wanted to mention where jezebelle is there is witchcraft somewhere

If one was to take a look at the sub raisedbynarcissists there is alot of survivors who ID as lgbt


Sep 21, 2021
I believe so aswell. I've been looking into spiritual warfare for awhile now and alot of these trans and gay people come from narcissistic (Jezebellic) childhoods. There is so much that comes from the spirit of jezebel alone. Perversion and lust is a big one. Also pride (ring a bell)? Man all this stuff is so connected. I really look at things differently now

Also wanted to mention where jezebelle is there is witchcraft somewhere

If one was to take a look at the sub raisedbynarcissists there is alot of survivors who ID as lgbt
In most, if not all cases, lgbtq+ is a result of childhood trauma... of various kinds and degrees...including a narcissistic, jezebel spirit from parents, carers, teachers, etc...


May 11, 2020
I believe so aswell. I've been looking into spiritual warfare for awhile now and alot of these trans and gay people come from narcissistic (Jezebellic) childhoods. There is so much that comes from the spirit of jezebel alone. Perversion and lust is a big one. Also pride (ring a bell)? Man all this stuff is so connected. I really look at things differently now

If one was to take a look at the sub raisedbynarcissists there is alot of survivors who ID as lgbt
Yes we live in a spiritual war. The entire new world order agenda is being orchestrated by the antichrist forces. If you study ancient cultures their governments were dictated and influenced by the gods. The spiritual and physical were intermeshed and people lived according to the otherworldly constructs and principles imposed upon them. The gods of the ancient world were really fallen angels and demons. They control the cultures behind the scenes. Ephesians 6


Jul 24, 2022
Keep telling yourself that when men have used women as broodmares/sex dolls for a large chunk of history lol.
Did you learn that in your ABCDEFGroomer class? Two wrongs make a right! Don't weep for them, Aristotle, they are lost in their dark wood and the straight way is lost.


Mar 15, 2017
In most, if not all cases, lgbtq+ is a result of childhood trauma... of various kinds and degrees...including a narcissistic, jezebel spirit from parents, carers, teachers, etc...
Please repost your entries on the new thread, you deserve the credit after all. :)


Dec 9, 2022
Keep telling yourself that when men have used women as broodmares/sex dolls for a large chunk of history lol.
ime most men are intimidated by women who are independant and have strong opinions which is probably why they need to coerce them into fulfilling those roles. i've never wanted kids nor marriage, and would rather die than be a broodmare or sex doll for a man.