Flat Earth Info


Mar 26, 2017
Two ends of the spectrum:

1. Government/globalists are always wrong.
2. Conspiracy theorists are always right.

Neither of the above is correct.
Its appeared to me the shape of the Earth is part of a package deal. Can you tell me which of the following applied to your belief?
- Big Bang
- Infinite Space
- Evolution
- Age of Earth 4.5b year old
- Dinosaurs


Mar 19, 2018
Its appeared to me the shape of the Earth is part of a package deal. Can you tell me which of the following applied to your belief?
- Big Bang
- Infinite Space
- Evolution
- Age of Earth 4.5b year old
- Dinosaurs
NONE of the above are a package deal when it comes to the shape of the earth, and NONE of the above prove the earth is flat, i.e. "I believe these things are wrong therefore the earth is flat". Evolution can be wrong while a spherical earth can be right. These are separate issues and do nothing to forward your argument.

I believe 100% in God's creation of the universe and everything in it, so maybe don't assume someone's belief.
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Mar 19, 2018
"Government and global entities lie and deceive, therefore... "​

... it warrants investigation-- not the adoption of another blind belief.

I agree... it's no different than believing its round just because government & global entities said it was so.

That's my perspective, anyway.

And it is perfectly reasonable to question them; especially when we are unable to verify the information they have provided, to the same measure.

Hindu concept!
I vote for the turtle because who wouldn't want a giant turtle supporting the earth??


Mar 26, 2017
NONE of the above are a package deal when it comes to the shape of the earth, and NONE of the above prove the earth is flat, i.e. "I believe these things are wrong therefore the earth is flat". Evolution can be wrong while a spherical earth can be right. These are separate issues and do nothing to forward your argument.

I believe 100% in God's creation of the universe and everything in it, so maybe don't assume someone's belief.
Spherical earth is a prerequisite for the biggest end time psyops. I take it you don’t believe in Aliens. Do you think Alien Invasion (Christ second coming) can occur on Flat Earth?


Jun 4, 2017
As someone who holds multiple engineering degrees, and has thoroughly examined the claims made by FE, it can be accurately said that every one of their claims has a catch, and falls flat on its face upon further investigation.
You've thoroughly examined the non-satirical claims?

I look forward to reading your rebuttals!
Please link if you've posted the ones based on the ancient Hebrew model, already... I must have missed them.

And I'm especially interested in your response to the source I listed in the previous post... thanks!


Mar 19, 2018
Spherical earth is a prerequisite for the biggest end time psyops. I take it you don’t believe in Aliens. Do you think Alien Invasion (Christ second coming) can occur on Flat Earth?
Wrong again. I believe some people have witnessed 'aliens', but I believe those 'aliens' are demons just like any other visitation experienced by mediums and necromancers, for example. The Second Coming will happen in His time and according to His will, and it is definitely not dependent on a belief in a flat earth or alien conspiracy theories. People are not condemned for belief in a sphere or saved for belief in a flat earth. They are condemned for their lack of God-given faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Let's try this: "Floss has been wrong on every assumption about me in this thread. Floss deceives so the opposite must be true, and therefore earth is a sphere.". Wow, see how simple that is? And this is exactly why these lines of false reasoning are dangerous.

Instead of alien invasion theories, here's what the Bible actually says about the Second Coming:

Luke 17:20 Now having been questioned by the Pharisees as to when the kingdom of God was coming, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; 21 nor will they say, ‘Look here it is!’ or, ‘There it is! For behold, the kindgom of God is in your midst.” 22 And He said to the disciples, “The days shall come when you will long to see one of the days of the Son of Man, and you will not see it. 23 And they will say to you, ‘Look there! Look here!’ Do not go away, and do not run after them. 24 For just as the lightning, when it flashes out of one part of the sky, shines to the other part of the sky, so will the Son of Man be in His day. 25 But first He must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.”

2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up. 11 Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, on account of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat!
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
You've thoroughly examined the non-satirical claims?
Yes, including the ill-informed albeit non-satirical claims made by Brian Mullin.

I look forward to reading your rebuttals!
Please link if you've posted the ones based on the ancient Hebrew model, already... I must have missed them.
The burden of proof lies with anyone claiming that what is being called "the ancient Hebrew model" was ever actually the ancient Hebrew model, and not something drawn up by someone in the relatively recent past and pawned off as something ancient.

There is absolutely nothing in Scripture that would remotely resemble what is being called "the ancient Hebrew model" of the Earth, so if you have any further information as to the origin of that particular sketch, please provide it, along with a detailed explanation of who drew it and when they drew it, for everyone's edification.

Even in the relatively few posts that have been made, the idea that the Bible allegedly teaches the Earth is flat has been shown to be false.

And I'm especially interested in your response to the source I listed in the previous post... thanks!
You're welcome. Please see the link below to "Episode 1" of Brian Mullin's "Balls Out Physics".

Within the first several minutes of the video, there are already several hopelessly fatal flaws in engineering physics made, regardless of whether he can hold up a book about relativity and pass himself off as someone knowledgeable in this subject matter.

One of these fatal flaws has already been addressed in the posts previously made concerning the difference between rotational speed and tangential velocity. Please refer back to them if you're interested (on the previous page of this thread). Rotational speed doesn't care about the diameter of the rotating object, so the merry-go-round at the local playground rotating at less than 0.0007 rpm (i.e. 1 revolution every 24 hours) is rotating just as fast as the Earth is rotating (and not very much fun for the kids).

Please feel free to experiment with this yourself if you're in doubt. If you don't feel like going to the local playground, and happen to have an old record player available, you could see how much music you can hear at a speed of almost 0.0007 rpm. If you don't have a grasp for how slow that would be, the 33 speed setting (33 rpm rate) on an old record player would be 47,520 times faster than the Earth's rotational rate by comparison.

Another of these fatal flaws is the false pretense of what speeds would actually be felt from inside a moving vehicle.

The Earth is, in fact, a moving vehicle. it is enclosed (in an atmosphere) and moving through space at a fixed (constant) rate of speed, on a fixed course through the heavens (exactly as God has told us). No one on Earth would ever feel the speed of anything that is going on outside of the vehicle at any time, which would have no impact on any travel within the vehicle we call Earth.

If you are driving 70 mph in your car, with the windows rolled up, you cannot feel the wind in your hair or that you are traveling at 70 mph. You can only feel the vented air or air-conditioning, if you have it on inside. Otherwise your wind speed inside the car is zero.

Similarly, the only sensation of speed felt inside the car is when the car accelerates. At a fixed, constant speed, there is no feeling of movement other than imperfections in the road surface, or hearing the noise of the tires/tyres against the pavement.

Only when you open the window (or door if one is that crazy) while the vehicle is moving is it possible to feel the speed of the wind rushing by on the outside. So unless you've found a way to stick your head up, through the firmament (defined in Scripture as the heavens, NOT as some solid surface), no one on Earth will EVER feel the speed that the Earth is moving which, again, is a fixed (constant) rate of speed, on a fixed course through the heavens (aka Earth's fixed orbit around the sun).

The next fatal flaw Brian promotes is how we experience the curvature of the Earth, and this total nonsense about how aircraft would need to constantly keep nosing down to account for this allegedly huge curvature, or risk flying off into outer space.

Just like the rotational speed of the Earth is actually very, very small (<0.0007 rpm), the curvature of the Earth is likewise very, very gradual because of its relative size. So the idea that airplanes would need to continually make noticeable adjustments while trying to maintain altitude, to keep the nose down, just to keep from flying off into outer space, is again leaving out key information, either out of ignorance or intentionally to deceive others. And part of that key information that's been left out is how difficult it is to keep the nose of the airplane UP.

The instant the engines stall on a jet aircraft, the nose of the airplane will head downward, as it can only glide as long as it has lift (the difference in pressure created by airflow over the cross-sectional shape of the wing structure as it moves through the air). So the only way to keep the airplane aloft is to maintain enough speed to create enough lift to maintain altitude. Otherwise it will nosedive due to the force we refer to as "gravity".

Another part of the key information that's being very deceitfully left out is that pilots DO adjust for curvature. Maintaining a constant altitude on a curved surface requires adjusting for that surface's curvature.

And finally, if we take an honest look at those adjustments to pitch on an aircraft, we find that they are again, very, very slight. Example?

If we use 25,000 miles for the Earth's circumference (rounding up from the reported 24,901 miles) and a constant speed of 500 mph for a commercial jet aircraft, what kind of adjustments should be expected?

Covering 500 miles in one hour, relative to the Earth's circumference of 25,000 miles is traveling 1/50th of the circumference (25,000 mi./500 mi.). 1/50th of 360 degrees (the full circle/circumference) is 7.2 degrees. If we take that 7.2 degree adjustment over one hour of time, the incremental change required to maintain constant altitude would be an almost imperceptible 0.002 degrees/second (7.2 degrees per hour/3600 sec./hr).

And no, airplanes don't have to fight against 850-900 mph winds when flying from East to West, because currently no such winds exist inside the vehicle we call Earth.

Further, and to illustrate how easy it is to deceive people with scale, let's look at the 8" of drop per mile curvature number.

One mile = 5280 ft. x 12 in./ft. = 63,360 inches. So the curvature we see from the surface of the Earth, expressed as a percentage is 8 in./63360 in. x 100% = 0.0126 %.

Even by themselves, these facts should bring an end to any notion of a fantasy flat earth.
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Feb 2, 2019
Are you growing wild mushrooms on you're farm?
You’re farm means “you are” farm.
You meant “your.”
No, I have never once in my life eaten any mushrooms that were not button or portobello.
I do know that the hallucinogenic mushrooms are grown under literal cow plops.

Much more importantly, should we be eating any mushrooms at all? Are they “clean?”
I don’t think they are.


Jun 17, 2017
If you are driving 70 mph in your car, with the windows rolled up, you cannot feel the wind in your hair or that you are traveling at 70 mph. You can only feel the vented air or air-conditioning, if you have it on inside. Otherwise your wind speed inside the car is zero.
discussion question for you: where does the earths "window" end? in other words, where does space vaccum begin and the earths atmosphere end?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
discussion question for you: where does the earths "window" end? in other words, where does space vaccum begin and the earths atmosphere end?
Haven't been there yet in this body's lifetime. And there's no need to speculate. :)


Jun 17, 2017
Haven't been there yet in this body's lifetime. And there's no need to speculate. :)
oh no, my friend-- i cant let you off that easily! there has to be a boundary between our atmosphere and the vaccum of space. the atmospheric gases must be contained.


May 15, 2017
I like all the different perspectives and just
questioning tptb's narrative of what is/isn't as
We can all agree on the Known fact they lie always
whenever it suits them for w/e purposes are in their
minds mostly it's to get Us doing what usually happens
arguing with each other and staying divided

it's extremely interesting when it's someone thats been
a cog in the machine speaking on topics for me anyways
I like that inside Knowledge that may give Us a piece that
We've been missing of course Ya have to take it with
some doubt as anyone can be anyone they wanna be online

here is someone who says they're ex naval
personal speaking on the fe topic again I don't
understand using a fe stationary model for a
global spinning world Ya would think the answers
would not be as accurate as they would be on a direct
model of the thing Your doing the testing w/e for

he makes the same point,whether Ya choose to believe
what he's saying is of course up to Ya

I ask questions because We cannot Know the answers
without asking the questions

well no I suppose We could if We could do the testing



May 15, 2017
another video with a few Good points in it

I did wonder the same thing if these things We
discuss on site are all just conspiracy theories
why feed into them then why mention them in the
media/movies/tv/music why not make it all taboo
to even speak on and feed into the so called delusional
Peoples belief of these ct's


Jun 4, 2017
@A Freeman said
Only when you open the window (or door if one is that crazy) while the vehicle is moving is it possible to feel the speed of the wind rushing by on the outside. So unless you've found a way to stick your head up, through the firmament (defined in Scripture as the heavens, NOT as some solid surface), no one on Earth will EVER feel the speed that the Earth is moving which, again, is a fixed (constant) rate of speed, on a fixed course through the heavens (aka Earth's fixed orbit around the sun).
oh no, my friend-- i cant let you off that easily! there has to be a boundary between our atmosphere and the vaccum of space. the atmospheric gases must be contained.
^. .^
I may be wrong, but I did wonder...
...if the "atmosphere" is the only thing between us and space, then a solid enclosure like a car really doesn't seem like an accurate analogy, here.

I think a convertible with no windshield would be a better comparison. ☆

@A Freeman said
"... the firmament (defined in Scripture as the heavens, NOT as some solid surface)"
The firmament is described as a solid surface throughout the bible-- like cast metal or molten glass.
Job 37:18.

Also Genesis 1:6 -- and there are eight more references, between raqa and raqia.
Can you, like him, spread out the​
skies, hard as a cast metal mirror?​
vault of heaven, or 'firmament'​
... regarded by Hebrews as solid, and supporting 'waters' above it--
Genesis 1:6,7 (3 t. in verse); Genesis 1:8 (called שָׁמַיַם; all P), Psalm 19:2 ("" הַשָּׁמַיַם), ׳זֹהַר הָר Daniel 12:3; also ׳ר הַשָּׁמִיִם Genesis 1:14,15,17, ׳הַשּׁ ׳עַלמְּֿנֵי ר Genesis 1:20 (all P). **רְקִיעַ עֻזּוֺ Psalm 150:1.​
The burden of proof lies with anyone claiming... "the ancient Hebrew model"... [was not]... drawn...in the relatively recent past and pawned off as something ancient.
More importantly-- why does it matter?

Either the drawing conforms to the (authentic) biblical description... or it doesn't.

The Ancient Hebrew conception of earth IS the bible, in this case--> the earliest rendering I've seen was created in 1909, by ("professor") Ralph V. Chamberlin; he based the drawing on the biblical text, itself.

Chamberlin was not an advocate. He was a mormon who believed the Hebrews were "primitives" who didn't know any better.

There is absolutely nothing in Scripture that would remotely resemble what is being called "the ancient Hebrew model" of the Earth...
Freeman... no offense, but you read a different and heavily edited version of the bible.

I imagine it would not include the original biblical description, due to the changes John Hall has made to support his Alien eschatology (end times scenario)--> the solid firmament wouldn't be compatible with the extraterrestrial return he has proposed. The bible doesn't support John Anthony (JAH-Truth) Hall's relatively recent return to earth, either, as the (non-divine) avatar of Christ.

So you're already at odds, here.

Even in the relatively few posts that have been made, the idea that the Bible allegedly teaches the Earth is flat has been shown to be false.
Again... "flat" is a misnomer, perpetuated no doubt by the satirical Flat Earth Society™.

The bible describes a sphere of sorts... it's just arranged differently. :)

You've spent a lot of time and energy, so far, defending the possibility of a globular earth...
- on its axis (> MACH 1) as it
- orbits the sun (67,000 MPH), which
- orbits the center of the Milky Way galaxy (approx. 500,000 mph), which is
- hurtling through space at a staggering 1.3 million mph...

- in theory.
... which is meaningless in this context if you refuse to address the proposed biblical model.

To say there is no evidence of a such a thing is absolute nonsense; it has been a point of contention, both within the church and without, for over 400 years.

Just saying.


May 21, 2021
I never thought I was going to believe the earth was flat but here we are.

Well. Technically it's both round AND flat. The earth itself is flat, but the firmament around it is round. So that would be the answer to people asking, "If earth was flat, why can't we fall of the edges-" because there's a firmament.

It's funny because a great majority of us missed what Genesis said. It said God separated the waters from the heavens and moved it inside the firmament to create the ocean. And when it rains, the "heavens" or sky, opens up and let's the water come through the firmament.

And when there's a rainbow, why do you think it's round and colorful? Because it's reflecting off the firmament and the waters above.


Earth isn't spinning, the sun and moon are. They're spinning around from above signaling day and night. In the book of Enoch, it says the sun is masculine while the moon is feminine.

Maybe that's why girls and women refer to their monthly cycles as the "moon cycle". Just maybe.


^ Rainbow explanation.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
@A Freeman said

^. .^
I may be wrong, but I did wonder...
...if the "atmosphere" is the only thing between us and space, then a solid enclosure like a car really doesn't seem like an accurate analogy, here.

I think a convertible with no windshield would be a better comparison. ☆

@A Freeman said

The firmament is described as a solid surface throughout the bible-- like cast metal or molten glass.
Job 37:18.
The key word in the description above is "like" or, as it is in the KJV "as" molten glass (which obviously is not the same as "cast metal").

Job 37:18 Hast thou with Him spread out the sky, [which is] strong, [and] AS a molten looking glass?

The word "as" does NOT mean the same as the word "is". Someone can say of another human+Being, they are like or as a rock, indicating that they are of rock-solid character, etc. It certainly does NOT mean that their flesh and blood body is actually made of rock.

Further, exactly how solid is MOLTEN looking glass? When glass is molten it is soft and can easily be shaped, but still viscous and difficult to move a solid object through, which is a much more accurate description of the current understanding and model of our atmosphere.

Even with human technology, it's possible to use air curtains to prevent any outside air from entering a clean room.

What's amazing is that's exactly how an atmosphere would work with a tangential velocity of roughly 1000mph relative to the space immediately outside of it. This is where tangential velocity would be correctly applied. Of course on the surface of Earth, one would only feel the rotational speed of the Earth, which is imperceptible, at less than >0.0007 rpm.

So again we have people who don't know what they are talking about, and too careless to properly read exactly what the Bible actually says, trying to apply concepts and rock-solid physical principles that they clearly do NOT understand, which explains why they have things exactly backwards.

Also, in the same book of Job, we find the following description of the Earth, that God tells us He hangeth on NOTHING.

26:7 He stretcheth out the North over the empty place, [and] HANGETH the earth upon NOTHING.

So yes, you're very obviously wrong. Thinking of the Earth as a convertible with no windshield is an absolutely ridiculous analogy, which any calm day (or even in the midst of a 100 mph storm -- or the fact we can experience BOTH of those circumstances in the exact same spot at different times) puts to rest immediately (literally and figuratively). Hopefully you can now see why that analogy is so desperate and ridiculous.

Also Genesis 1:6 -- and there are eight more references, between raqa and raqia.

Can you, like him, spread out the​
skies, hard as a cast metal mirror?​
vault of heaven, or 'firmament'​
... regarded by Hebrews as solid, and supporting 'waters' above it--
Genesis 1:6,7 (3 t. in verse); Genesis 1:8 (called שָׁמַיַם; all P), Psalm 19:2 ("" הַשָּׁמַיַם), ׳זֹהַר הָר Daniel 12:3; also ׳ר הַשָּׁמִיִם Genesis 1:14,15,17, ׳הַשּׁ ׳עַלמְּֿנֵי ר Genesis 1:20 (all P). **רְקִיעַ עֻזּוֺ Psalm 150:1.​
Job 37:18 was just quoted from the KJV. IT DOES NOT SAY ANYWHERE IN IT ANYTHING ABOUT CAST METAL IF PROPERLY TRANSLATED IN CONTEXT. Please find that verse again below (KJV) and note well that "cast metal" is not found in that particular verse NOR ANYWHERE ELSE IN ALL OF SCRIPTURE.

Job 37:18 Hast thou with Him spread out the sky, [which is] strong, [and] AS a molten looking glass?

God Himself defines the word "firmament" as HEAVEN, where God lives (Matt. 6:9), and so do the Angels, so why are humans (including yours) attempting to redefine it as something else? More on Genesis 1:6 in a subsequent post.

More importantly-- why does it matter?

Either the drawing conforms to the (authentic) biblical description... or it doesn't.
As above please. The drawing clearly does NOT conform to the authentic Biblical description. Not even close.

The Ancient Hebrew conception of earth IS the bible,
Why? Because you want it to be and say so? Clearly the Bible says absolutely NOTHING about "cast metal" nor does it indicate in ANY way that the their is a solid metal or solid glass barrier between the world and what lies outside of it. So the "ancient Hebrew conception" is neither "ancient", nor "Hebrew", nor is it Biblical in any way. In other words, that drawing is of man-made (satanic) origin.

Recognizing that FACT, i.e. being able to properly discern truth from lies, DOES matter.

in this case--> the earliest rendering I've seen was created in 1909, by ("professor") Ralph V. Chamberlin; he based the drawing on the biblical text, itself.

Chamberlin was not an advocate. He was a mormon who believed the Hebrews were "primitives" who didn't know any better.
Thank-you for your admission that this drawing is not ancient at all, nor Hebrew in origin. And as we should be able to see for ourselves, the drawing is NOT based on the Biblical text, but rather on one man's IMAGINATION of what that text actually says (Gen. 6:5).

Freeman... no offense, but you read a different and heavily edited version of the bible.
The King of kings' Bible is based on the AKJV 1611, and is exactly verbatim for the verses you've cited which you (mistakenly) believe allegedly support the idea that the Earth is flat (or under a solid dome, like a dinner served on a silver platter, with a domed lid on it) and built like humans build their buildings, with pillars, etc. So please don't try to use such strawman arguments, which are a logical fallacy as you should know.

I imagine it would not include the original biblical description, due to the changes John Hall has made to support his Alien eschatology (end times scenario)--> the solid firmament wouldn't be compatible with the extraterrestrial return he has proposed. The bible doesn't support John Anthony (JAH-Truth) Hall's relatively recent return to earth, either, as the (non-divine) avatar of Christ.
For reference, it's John Anthony HILL (JAH - see Psalm 68:4, Malachi 4:5).

And you would be wrong, yet again, whilst attempting to use yet another logical fallacy (ad hominem/shoot the messenger). The KJV does NOT include any reference to "cast metal", which is NOT what the original Hebrew text actually says, if logically read and translated in context.

The Hebrew word מוּצָֽק׃ (mū-ṣāq) is an adjective which means MOLTEN. Molten metal can be cast into cast metal (noun), but "cast metal" is clearly NOT an adjective for a "looking glass" or even a "mirror".

So you're already at odds, here.
The evidence that's been shared is truthful and supported by all of the available evidence. Stop making it an illogical personal attack and learn to look at the evidence logically, free of preconceived notions.

Again... "flat" is a misnomer, perpetuated no doubt by the satirical Flat Earth Society™.
And by those promoting anything other than a spherically-shaped Earth, which appears as a circle from every direction, exactly as we see in our night sky of all of the heavenly bodies (a night sky which differs from one hemisphere to the other). The spherical shape is the most logical shape, because it is the strongest. All of these attributes are shared by our Creator, are they not?

The bible describes a sphere of sorts... it's just arranged differently. :)
As above please. The Bible irrefutably describes a spherical Earth, but again...what does the shape of this prison planet actually matter? The goal of everyone here should be to learn how to be good (sane) LIKE God, instead of continuing to be evil/sinful (illogical), like Satan, the latter of whom trains everyone to see things upside down and backwards.

You've spent a lot of time and energy, so far, defending the possibility of a globular earth...

- on its axis (> MACH 1) as it
- orbits the sun (67,000 MPH), which
- orbits the center of the Milky Way galaxy (approx. 500,000 mph), which is
- hurtling through space at a staggering 1.3 million mph...

- in theory. [/SPOILER]
It's not a "possibility" though, is it? What has been shared is truth, reason and common-sense, all of which is from our Creator. He doesn't need defending, nor is the shape of the Earth actually in question (nor does it really matter what shape our prison is).

... which is meaningless in this context if you refuse to address the proposed biblical model.
As above please. You've offered nothing but conjecture, based on the mistaken impression of a single Bible verse, which IS meaningless.

Or, put in context, you have provided absolutely no solid evidence of any of your assumptions, either about the Bible or about how the world in which we currently live.

John 3:12 If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you [of] heavenly (spirit) things?

To say there is no evidence of a such a thing is absolute nonsense; it has been a point of contention, both within the church and without, for over 400 years.

Just saying.
Yes, you keep repeating absolute nonsense, without any evidence whatsoever. So who are you trying to convince of these lies? Yourself perhaps?
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
The “Firmament” and the “Waters”

The firmament is NOT some solid object or see-through glass (even though we can see through it AS we see through glass). The firmament, according to God, is Heaven (where God and the Angels live). "...our Father, which art IN Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name" -- Matt. 6:9).

Genesis 1:8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the Second Day.

The "waters" are the people, as defined in Scripture.

Isaiah 17:12-13
17:12 Woe to the multitude of many people, [which] make a noise like the noise of the "seas"; and to the rushing of nations, [that] make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters!
17:13 The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters: but [God] shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off, and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind.

Revelation 17:15 And he saith unto me, The "waters" which thou sawest, where the "Whore" sitteth (which is on Earth), are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

In Revelation we are also told there WAS a war in Heaven (proving Heaven isn't a solid object), between one-third of the angels/people (Rev. 12:3-4), led by Lucifer/Satan, and the other two-thirds, who were with and led by Michael (the Great Prince/Messiah – see Dan. 9:25, 10:21, 12:1).

Revelation 12:7-9
12:7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon (Lucifer); and the dragon fought and his angels,
12:8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.
12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out TO THE EARTH, and his angels (you – Luke 9:55) were cast out with him (Matthew 25:41).

This separation, between the angels/people above the firmament/heaven (Michael and his angels/people) and those cast out to the earth (under the firmament/heaven) is confirmation of the historical narrative shared in the opening verses in Genesis.

Genesis 1:6-8
1:6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the “waters” from the “waters”.
1:7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which [were] under the firmament from the waters which [were] above the firmament: and it was so.
1:8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the Second Day.

Both of these passages are telling us the same thing: the reason why we're here, separated from the rest of our true family and friends, in Heaven. Of course Satan wishes to distract everyone from this very obvious fact, so that he can continue to deceive the whole world, which is under the firmament for good reason – to learn how to be good (Gen. 1:26).

If you can "see" the truth in what's been shared, then you will want to learn how to most wisely use the precious time you have remaining, instead of wasting what precious time you have left by endlessly arguing over the shape of this prison-planet reform school for the criminally insane.

The Survival Plan
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Jun 17, 2017
World-Renowned Astrophysicist Exposed by Mark Knight - waykiwayki


6 minute mark: mark asks this professor what separates the vaccum of space from our atmosphere. basically, she admits there is no barrier and that gases fly off into space. so... wheres the vacuum barrier?

by the beginning of the 13 minute point, the physicist is a bit stumped with the fact that humans should feel the rotation of the earth. "hmm... that is a good question..."
Jul 31, 2021
I never thought I was going to believe the earth was flat but here we are.

Well. Technically it's both round AND flat. The earth itself is flat, but the firmament around it is round. So that would be the answer to people asking, "If earth was flat, why can't we fall of the edges-" because there's a firmament.

It's funny because a great majority of us missed what Genesis said. It said God separated the waters from the heavens and moved it inside the firmament to create the ocean. And when it rains, the "heavens" or sky, opens up and let's the water come through the firmament.

And when there's a rainbow, why do you think it's round and colorful? Because it's reflecting off the firmament and the waters above.

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Earth isn't spinning, the sun and moon are. They're spinning around from above signaling day and night. In the book of Enoch, it says the sun is masculine while the moon is feminine.

Maybe that's why girls and women refer to their monthly cycles as the "moon cycle". Just maybe.

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^ Rainbow explanation.
Those pictures show camera lens flares, not rainbows. And rainbows are round because water droplets are curved, so they diffract the light that way.