Oct 31, 2021
[Apologies, offtopic, but can't help it, sorry]

Commentary on images :

This is walking the 'path'.
Going 'within'.
Digging 'within'.
Only till alive-ness (prior to mortality) a human being can do this.

But, the elites have taken (have swiftly moulded the entire setup on Earth / living / livelihood / etc. as such that) the 5 senses and the mind of almost entire humanity remains jacked-in to the outside/outward/without/matrix/existence only.

How many of we human beings can rightly and truthfully say that, we, sort of almost daily replicate, what is happening in these images, in our individual lives too.
I'd reckon nobody. =)
Oct 31, 2021
Let's not forget that the Matrix was a Hollywood Production and is not real? We should invent a new title so not to credit Hollywood with anything because they enjoy it. Maybe just "What The Hell Is This"? Or maybe "Satanic Torture Chamber". Anything but letting Hollywood control us with their crappy Matrix concept.
In Hindi language (originating from Sanskrit) the term/word is mãyã. In English, they translated the same word to be read as 'matrix'. Lol.
The meaning won't change. Language, word, script, are mere semantics. =p

Elites have merely exacerbated and made a good use of the already established design i.e. mãyã / matrix.

Should they had not exacerbated and used nefariously this already present design of/by TheSource, the matrix still would have remained as is. But yes, the sufferings of the humanity and planet might not have been to the proportions they have reached rn (due to the deliberate exacerbation of the design of TheSource, by the elites). They wish to remain elite, to rule.. hence they will deliberately exacerbate anyway. Won't miss an opportunity, to miss an opportunity of living a dream of a life in the lie and letting the commoners/peasants suffer.

Edit(Add):- And Hollywood's real use of matrix is mostly inclining to the future predicament of the abominable Meta (by Face Zucker Suck) and NeuraLink (by Melon Musk) :D
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May 18, 2018
Huh? You must be saying he insulted you by saying you come from a wild man. How is it an insult for me to point out what he claimed to find about YOUR (not my) origins?
His claim didn't exclude you from his origin theory
Yup. Ruins of cities were found here that you’re not told about. World fairs that for “some reason” had incubator babies happened that you weren’t told about. Your people had soooo many orphans running around that you’re not told about. Your people lie and hide what happened in the past so they can keep power..
The world fair wasn't "ruins". Do you know what that word means? Or not I guess. That would make sense why you're arguing something so illogical.

So now the orphans and baby incubators again. I'll ask for the 5th time what your point is with that, you always avoid answering
May 18, 2018
The man power needed to build that alone would be immense. Not to mention a fully fleshed out city in 60 years. You can say whatever you want but construction wise nah not happening..
So all the photos of it being constructed year by year
the detailed accounts of its construction

were all fabricated to trick the black man into not believing that black people made the Mormon temple in salt lake. Along with everything else in the world. That’s your theory. So i need to ask, among your black Hebrew Israelite friends, are you considered the craziest, cookiest, schizoid one or do they all believe this?

how about these, were they all made by sun Saharan Africans too, even though they never discovered how to build 2 story buildings in their own land?


May 21, 2021
I still believe we live in a storyline of some sort and the author is God. He has a will right? So that means everything would happen according to it, which means we don't have as much free will as we think we do but I already have another thread dedicated to that. The point is, everyone has a role on this earth and you're just going to have to hope you have a fortune one because if you don't, then you're hopeless.

Oh and when I say "you're" I'm not talking about you specifically -- I'm talking about everyone including me. Yes, we could see eye to eye with the matrix thing that was created by the elite, but WHO gave them that power? Satan? Well then, who gave Satan temporary power?

If you know, you know.

Judith 9:5: "It is you who were the author of those events and of what preceded and followed them. The present and the future you have also planned. Whatever you devise comes into being. The things you decide come forward and say, ‘Here we are!’ All your ways are in readiness, and your judgment is made with foreknowledge."

And this is why I said before that some knowledge is overbearing. I really wish I didn't know that I was a mere character in a story that God wanted to create for his own personal reasons. Granted, I have a sort of fortune role seeing as I come from a blessed bloodline, but nonetheless, this revelation is far too much to handle. Now that I know of this fact, it makes me ponder on exactly how much freedom I actually have.

It's like I want to keep trying to deal with everything, but at the same time I wish I had a say in being born on this earth. I also wonder if God has created other earths in different galaxies that we're just not aware of. And if so, are they going through the same thing -- just in a bit of an alternate way?

We don't know. And to be honest, I don't know want to know.
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Aug 11, 2021
Black people created everything?

Afrocentrism is like “therapeutic mythology”, a way to promote the self-esteem of African Americans “by creating a past that never was.” The origins of Afrocentrism lay in black nationalism and is NOT factual history. Were Afrocentrism a means of creating African American community and thus empowering a minority, it would be comparable to such mythologies used by other minorities. Such mythologies, however, have been grounded in historical thought, while Afrocentrism is factually errant and theoretically flawed.

By urging black Americans to seek empowerment in a misconstructed Egyptian history, Afrocentrists not only mislead, opening their students to ridicule, but they also assert that culture is “transhistoric”–that is, it can be transferred through time and space intact. Culture is always changing and will be different as a result of any transfer, willing or unwilling, on the part of those living it. African Americans have created a culture of their own – a culture of which to be proud, but not an Egyptian or African culture. Afrocentrism turns African Americans into helpless victims whose ancestors created a glorious culture and then for thousands of years accomplished little. They became the dupes and victims of Europeans, enslaved and exploited, and now their descendants must look to a mythical African past for purpose and meaning.

Afrocentrism in a nutshell: The ancient Egyptians were black, Cleopatra was black, the ancient Greeks stole Africa’s culture (philosophy, medicine) and claimed it as their own, Africans invented writing, had many architectural achievements, developed electricity and “early planes.” They believe that Africa is one homogeneous culture, despite the fact that many cultures exist on the continent, and that all ancient civilizations were either black or stole ideas from blacks.

Here’s the kicker: Jesus was black. Yes, despite the fact he was born in the Middle East of a Jewish mother, he was in fact a black man. Therefore, Jews and Christians hijacked Judaism and Christianity from Africans.

This bogus history (which “scholars” say was destroyed by whites to downplay Africa’s greatness) is apparently designed to raise the self-esteem of black kids, which some surmise is the reason for their poor performances in school. Again, at first glance, it’s obvious that lack of parental involvement and home environments not conducive to learning (no books, too much TV viewing), coupled with unqualified teachers and the indoctrination of politically correct tripe like afrocentrism, are major reasons black children underperform in school. Why black parents allow their precious gifts from God to be experimented on by quacks is beyond me.

For more on the absurdity of afrocentrism, check out scholar Mary Lefkowitz, who wrote an excellent book, Not Out of Africa. Dinesh D’Souza wrote a good article about afrocentrism.

Additionally, University of California history professor Clarence Walker has written extensively on the subject. He says, “Afrocentrism is a mythology that is racist, reactionary, and essentially therapeutic. If blacks want to study myth, legend and outright lies, they should do so on their own time with their own money. But they cross the clear line of rationality when they want to poison young black minds with this garbage and make you pay for it.

While the grown-ups are puffing themselves up about so-called African accomplishments, these poor children are taught distortions and lies in the name of “ethic pride.” The result? White students, who study real accomplishments by Western cultures, including the black American sub-culture, will continue to outperform black students. Afrocentrism is just another way to divert the blame for black failures to someone or something else. As usual, it’s the kids who suffer. But at least they’ll feel good about themselves.

Mary Lefkowitz author of "Not out of Africa" on Afrocentrism
She sees the Afrocentrists as living in a sealed off intellectual ghetto, impervious to outside information, where they pay no attention to the truth of their propositions but are purely concerned with the “feel good” factor and boosting the low self-esteem of African-Americans.

Book Review Not Out of Africa How Afrocentrism Became an Excuse to Teach Myth as History
What is offensive about Afrocentrism is not that its advocates assert such things as that Socrates and Cleopatra were black Africans or that Aristotle stole his ideas from the library at Alexandria when he visited Egypt. What is offensive is not that they claim that the ancient Greeks took everything they are known for from the Egyptians, and that those Egyptians were black Africans. What is offensive is that these claims are put forth as articles of faith. Any challenge to them is seen as racist. What is offensive is that these claims are not based on scholarly research, evidence and argument from evidence. Nor are they based on a sincere desire to discover historical truth. They are based on unsubstantiated opinions of mythmakers and fiction writers. They are based on the possibility they are true. They are based on a desire for them to be true. They are based on a preconceived notion that white scholars have conspired from time immemorial to repress the truth that everything good about Western civilization came out of black Africa. They are based on the desire to give African-American children self-esteem and pride.

To an Afrocentrist the fact that we do not know who Cleopatra's paternal grandmother was is sufficient evidence to justify believing that Cleopatra was a black African. The fact that she was a member of the Ptolemaic line, recognized by all as Macedonian, which for generations had practiced incestual marriages to keep the bloodline pure, is of little importance. It is politically important that young African-American children believe that they descend from Queens like Cleopatra.

"All history was a palimpset, scraped clean and reinscribed exactly as often as was necessary"
- George Orwell, 1984
Aug 12, 2020
Black people created everything?

Afrocentrism is like “therapeutic mythology”, a way to promote the self-esteem of African Americans “by creating a past that never was.” The origins of Afrocentrism lay in black nationalism and is NOT factual history. Were Afrocentrism a means of creating African American community and thus empowering a minority, it would be comparable to such mythologies used by other minorities. Such mythologies, however, have been grounded in historical thought, while Afrocentrism is factually errant and theoretically flawed.

By urging black Americans to seek empowerment in a misconstructed Egyptian history, Afrocentrists not only mislead, opening their students to ridicule, but they also assert that culture is “transhistoric”–that is, it can be transferred through time and space intact. Culture is always changing and will be different as a result of any transfer, willing or unwilling, on the part of those living it. African Americans have created a culture of their own – a culture of which to be proud, but not an Egyptian or African culture. Afrocentrism turns African Americans into helpless victims whose ancestors created a glorious culture and then for thousands of years accomplished little. They became the dupes and victims of Europeans, enslaved and exploited, and now their descendants must look to a mythical African past for purpose and meaning.

Afrocentrism in a nutshell: The ancient Egyptians were black, Cleopatra was black, the ancient Greeks stole Africa’s culture (philosophy, medicine) and claimed it as their own, Africans invented writing, had many architectural achievements, developed electricity and “early planes.” They believe that Africa is one homogeneous culture, despite the fact that many cultures exist on the continent, and that all ancient civilizations were either black or stole ideas from blacks.

Here’s the kicker: Jesus was black. Yes, despite the fact he was born in the Middle East of a Jewish mother, he was in fact a black man. Therefore, Jews and Christians hijacked Judaism and Christianity from Africans.

This bogus history (which “scholars” say was destroyed by whites to downplay Africa’s greatness) is apparently designed to raise the self-esteem of black kids, which some surmise is the reason for their poor performances in school. Again, at first glance, it’s obvious that lack of parental involvement and home environments not conducive to learning (no books, too much TV viewing), coupled with unqualified teachers and the indoctrination of politically correct tripe like afrocentrism, are major reasons black children underperform in school. Why black parents allow their precious gifts from God to be experimented on by quacks is beyond me.

For more on the absurdity of afrocentrism, check out scholar Mary Lefkowitz, who wrote an excellent book, Not Out of Africa. Dinesh D’Souza wrote a good article about afrocentrism.

Additionally, University of California history professor Clarence Walker has written extensively on the subject. He says, “Afrocentrism is a mythology that is racist, reactionary, and essentially therapeutic. If blacks want to study myth, legend and outright lies, they should do so on their own time with their own money. But they cross the clear line of rationality when they want to poison young black minds with this garbage and make you pay for it.

While the grown-ups are puffing themselves up about so-called African accomplishments, these poor children are taught distortions and lies in the name of “ethic pride.” The result? White students, who study real accomplishments by Western cultures, including the black American sub-culture, will continue to outperform black students. Afrocentrism is just another way to divert the blame for black failures to someone or something else. As usual, it’s the kids who suffer. But at least they’ll feel good about themselves.

Mary Lefkowitz author of "Not out of Africa" on Afrocentrism
She sees the Afrocentrists as living in a sealed off intellectual ghetto, impervious to outside information, where they pay no attention to the truth of their propositions but are purely concerned with the “feel good” factor and boosting the low self-esteem of African-Americans.

Book Review Not Out of Africa How Afrocentrism Became an Excuse to Teach Myth as History
What is offensive about Afrocentrism is not that its advocates assert such things as that Socrates and Cleopatra were black Africans or that Aristotle stole his ideas from the library at Alexandria when he visited Egypt. What is offensive is not that they claim that the ancient Greeks took everything they are known for from the Egyptians, and that those Egyptians were black Africans. What is offensive is that these claims are put forth as articles of faith. Any challenge to them is seen as racist. What is offensive is that these claims are not based on scholarly research, evidence and argument from evidence. Nor are they based on a sincere desire to discover historical truth. They are based on unsubstantiated opinions of mythmakers and fiction writers. They are based on the possibility they are true. They are based on a desire for them to be true. They are based on a preconceived notion that white scholars have conspired from time immemorial to repress the truth that everything good about Western civilization came out of black Africa. They are based on the desire to give African-American children self-esteem and pride.

To an Afrocentrist the fact that we do not know who Cleopatra's paternal grandmother was is sufficient evidence to justify believing that Cleopatra was a black African. The fact that she was a member of the Ptolemaic line, recognized by all as Macedonian, which for generations had practiced incestual marriages to keep the bloodline pure, is of little importance. It is politically important that young African-American children believe that they descend from Queens like Cleopatra.

"All history was a palimpset, scraped clean and reinscribed exactly as often as was necessary"
- George Orwell, 1984
In a nutshell Afrocentrism is another way to say Black Lies Matter? Once again I thank you for you're research and knowledge.


May 21, 2021
Black people created everything?

Afrocentrism is like “therapeutic mythology”, a way to promote the self-esteem of African Americans “by creating a past that never was.” The origins of Afrocentrism lay in black nationalism and is NOT factual history. Were Afrocentrism a means of creating African American community and thus empowering a minority, it would be comparable to such mythologies used by other minorities. Such mythologies, however, have been grounded in historical thought, while Afrocentrism is factually errant and theoretically flawed.

By urging black Americans to seek empowerment in a misconstructed Egyptian history, Afrocentrists not only mislead, opening their students to ridicule, but they also assert that culture is “transhistoric”–that is, it can be transferred through time and space intact. Culture is always changing and will be different as a result of any transfer, willing or unwilling, on the part of those living it. African Americans have created a culture of their own – a culture of which to be proud, but not an Egyptian or African culture. Afrocentrism turns African Americans into helpless victims whose ancestors created a glorious culture and then for thousands of years accomplished little. They became the dupes and victims of Europeans, enslaved and exploited, and now their descendants must look to a mythical African past for purpose and meaning.

Afrocentrism in a nutshell: The ancient Egyptians were black, Cleopatra was black, the ancient Greeks stole Africa’s culture (philosophy, medicine) and claimed it as their own, Africans invented writing, had many architectural achievements, developed electricity and “early planes.” They believe that Africa is one homogeneous culture, despite the fact that many cultures exist on the continent, and that all ancient civilizations were either black or stole ideas from blacks.

Here’s the kicker: Jesus was black. Yes, despite the fact he was born in the Middle East of a Jewish mother, he was in fact a black man. Therefore, Jews and Christians hijacked Judaism and Christianity from Africans.

This bogus history (which “scholars” say was destroyed by whites to downplay Africa’s greatness) is apparently designed to raise the self-esteem of black kids, which some surmise is the reason for their poor performances in school. Again, at first glance, it’s obvious that lack of parental involvement and home environments not conducive to learning (no books, too much TV viewing), coupled with unqualified teachers and the indoctrination of politically correct tripe like afrocentrism, are major reasons black children underperform in school. Why black parents allow their precious gifts from God to be experimented on by quacks is beyond me.

For more on the absurdity of afrocentrism, check out scholar Mary Lefkowitz, who wrote an excellent book, Not Out of Africa. Dinesh D’Souza wrote a good article about afrocentrism.

Additionally, University of California history professor Clarence Walker has written extensively on the subject. He says, “Afrocentrism is a mythology that is racist, reactionary, and essentially therapeutic. If blacks want to study myth, legend and outright lies, they should do so on their own time with their own money. But they cross the clear line of rationality when they want to poison young black minds with this garbage and make you pay for it.

While the grown-ups are puffing themselves up about so-called African accomplishments, these poor children are taught distortions and lies in the name of “ethic pride.” The result? White students, who study real accomplishments by Western cultures, including the black American sub-culture, will continue to outperform black students. Afrocentrism is just another way to divert the blame for black failures to someone or something else. As usual, it’s the kids who suffer. But at least they’ll feel good about themselves.

Mary Lefkowitz author of "Not out of Africa" on Afrocentrism
She sees the Afrocentrists as living in a sealed off intellectual ghetto, impervious to outside information, where they pay no attention to the truth of their propositions but are purely concerned with the “feel good” factor and boosting the low self-esteem of African-Americans.

Book Review Not Out of Africa How Afrocentrism Became an Excuse to Teach Myth as History
What is offensive about Afrocentrism is not that its advocates assert such things as that Socrates and Cleopatra were black Africans or that Aristotle stole his ideas from the library at Alexandria when he visited Egypt. What is offensive is not that they claim that the ancient Greeks took everything they are known for from the Egyptians, and that those Egyptians were black Africans. What is offensive is that these claims are put forth as articles of faith. Any challenge to them is seen as racist. What is offensive is that these claims are not based on scholarly research, evidence and argument from evidence. Nor are they based on a sincere desire to discover historical truth. They are based on unsubstantiated opinions of mythmakers and fiction writers. They are based on the possibility they are true. They are based on a desire for them to be true. They are based on a preconceived notion that white scholars have conspired from time immemorial to repress the truth that everything good about Western civilization came out of black Africa. They are based on the desire to give African-American children self-esteem and pride.

To an Afrocentrist the fact that we do not know who Cleopatra's paternal grandmother was is sufficient evidence to justify believing that Cleopatra was a black African. The fact that she was a member of the Ptolemaic line, recognized by all as Macedonian, which for generations had practiced incestual marriages to keep the bloodline pure, is of little importance. It is politically important that young African-American children believe that they descend from Queens like Cleopatra.

"All history was a palimpset, scraped clean and reinscribed exactly as often as was necessary"
- George Orwell, 1984
Black people are the original owners of the earth. You guys are just a genetic mutation. Genesis is there to prove it. As a matter of fact, everything came from darkness. Look at the universe, it's black. Close your eyes, it's black. Open them, then you see light. Inside of your body is dark until it's cut open. A room would be dark until you turn the light switch on. The universe itself is dark with stars to light it up but that's only seen in the observable universe. Other than that, everything is jet black. God created black people first, out of the soil of the ground. While they were not jet black, they were of very dark skin. So yes, black people did invent everything first, and were invented first.

If you simply studied your history, you would see white people originate from the caves, hidden from the sun. Black people were able to form different civilizations all over the world with the sun shining bright and they had no issue. Then your people came over and destroyed everything. Your people whitewashed everything, and reconstructed history into nothing but lies.

I have to say, white people did a damn good job on giving everyone a white mentality mindset, because your people had the audacity or should I say the caucasity to strip black people away from their heritage and replace their last names with YOUR last names. Do you not understand how fucked up that is? Slavery goes so much more deeper than what they teach you in school about slaves simply getting whipped for not collecting enough cotton. They were full on TORMENTED.

I'm talking their babies were used as alligator bait, slave masters would put sticky sweetness on slaves, then plant their bodies in the dirt so bugs could feed off of them which is essentially them getting eaten alive. Slave masters would hang pregnant women on trees, CUT OPEN THEIR WOMB, AND ALLOW THEIR BABY TO FALL OUT AND CRASH IT'S HEAD RESULTING IN DEATH.

Slave masters would throw so many slaves out into the ocean that sharks did not have to search for food, they were able to find slaves anywhere and everywhere in the ocean.

Slave masters would use the skin and hair of black people to make furniture. They would even kill some of the slaves only to feed their cooked corpses to other slaves without them knowing --- hell, sometimes slaves were force fed it.


Do you have any idea how traumatizing that is, and how utterly DEMONIC AND BEASTLY it is? I bet you gasp when you see a murder report on the news, but somehow centuries worth of slavery is nothing to react to?

And now that you know black people are the salt of the earth, somehow that means it's racist?

All this is doing is showing me that spirits can regenerate. And I don't think I should bother with you anymore.

If y'all want to believe slavery never happened, BLM is a criminal group, white supremacy doesn't exist, and that everyone is equal, be my guest. I really can't continue arguing with people so full of pride that they can't accept history if it has to do with their own people because they know how deplorable everything was, but refuse to admit it.
Mar 17, 2017
So all the photos of it being constructed year by year
the detailed accounts of its construction

were all fabricated
Yup. Because that would make them master builders. Look at the whole city behind it. The temple started construction in 1872 according to their story. So between 1847 when they first arrived and 1872 they had a full city up? All using horse and buggy? Why are we doing it the slow way when these master builders had techniques down that even with less manpower andtechnology they could build more? You see a picture of a guy next to a rock and say “yup that’s proof” but don’t ask how they even transported a rock that big with horse and buggy? That’s without mentioning the foundation of the temple

There’s even more under the foundation. So what’s the story there? They built the foundation, buried it, then built on top of it? And half the window is buried underground too? All while have a teeming city already built around this temple? I’m being told a story and am logically observing it to be true or false. You won’t do that because then you have to examine your own people and the story you were given about them.

That’s your theory.
No it’s not. That’s how you try to dismiss what’s being said. All to avoid addressing your orphan heritage that has no clue of his own history but wants to tell other people about theirs. And the one man that looked into it (he wasn’t looking into mine) said you came from a wild man.

how about these, were they all made by sun Saharan Africans too, even though they never discovered how to build 2 story buildings in their own land?
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I haven’t said anything about anyone building it. I said your people didn’t. Which is why they haven’t built anything close to the castles or cathedrals you say they were able to build with horse and wagons lol
May 18, 2018
Yup. Because that would make them master builders. Look at the whole city behind it. The temple started construction in 1872 according to their story. So between 1847 when they first arrived and 1872 they had a full city up? All using horse and buggy? Why are we doing it the slow way when these master builders had techniques down that even with less manpower andtechnology they could build more? You see a picture of a guy next to a rock and say “yup that’s proof” but don’t ask how they even transported a rock that big with horse and buggy? That’s without mentioning the foundation of the temple

There’s even more under the foundation. So what’s the story there? They built the foundation, buried it, then built on top of it? And half the window is buried underground too? All while have a teeming city already built around this temple? I’m being told a story and am logically observing it to be true or false. You won’t do that because then you have to examine your own people and the story you were given about them.

No it’s not. That’s how you try to dismiss what’s being said. All to avoid addressing your orphan heritage that has no clue of his own history but wants to tell other people about theirs. And the one man that looked into it (he wasn’t looking into mine) said you came from a wild man.

I haven’t said anything about anyone building it. I said your people didn’t. Which is why they haven’t built anything close to the castles or cathedrals you say they were able to build with horse and wagons lol
They weren't using horse and buggy when they built the Mormon temple. If you'd done 1 minute of research you'd know they had electric motors. Just more testament to your non sense beliefs based on fantasy


Jan 29, 2018
But didn't aliens direct the building of the pyramids while using slaves to do the actual grunt work kind of like today except now slaves have to pay high rent and eat gmo and other crappy food and get vaccinated?
Shoot, if you have figured out how the Egyptian Pyramids were built what are you doing on this site? You should be out spending the millions from your discovery while living in tropical environs... or wherever you want to spend the loot :)
Mar 17, 2017
They weren't using horse and buggy when they built the Mormon temple. If you'd done 1 minute of research you'd know they had electric motors. Just more testament to your non sense beliefs based on fantasy
No proof of them using motors. None in the pictures you brought. No source given . And it only took you 17 posts to pull this excuse out your a....

And none of that answers why or how it got buried. So they built the temple and buried the foundation, WITH WINDOWS? And before you start making more made up excuses, here’s some other “buried” that have no explanation as to how they got that way:

Instead of continuing to come back to attempt to one up me, why not take a look into what I brought for your own benefit? You’re not one upping me by deflecting, avoiding and coming up with excuses. The facts are they lied to you about history. Even your own. So before going to other people and telling them they’re wrong about their history, why not look up your own first OUTSIDE the lens of what those in power told you? Oh that’s right because that’s a blow to the self esteem that whites didn’t do everything lol. But It’s on you to either search out the truth to or remain in the dark...
May 18, 2018
No proof of them using motors. None in the pictures you brought. No source given . And it only took you 17 posts to pull this excuse out your a....

And none of that answers why or how it got buried. So they built the temple and buried the foundation, WITH WINDOWS? And before you start making more made up excuses, here’s some other “buried” that have no explanation as to how they got that way:

Instead of continuing to come back to attempt to one up me, why not take a look into what I brought for your own benefit? You’re not one upping me by deflecting, avoiding and coming up with excuses. The facts are they lied to you about history. Even your own. So before going to other people and telling them they’re wrong about their history, why not look up your own first OUTSIDE the lens of what those in power told you? Oh that’s right because that’s a blow to the self esteem that whites didn’t do everything lol. But It’s on you to either search out the truth to or remain in the dark...
The foundation was buried during the Utah War. In just that 1 year that it was buried it was found many of the sandstones had cracked and had to be replaced. Obviously if it was buried for thousands of years it would've been a lot worse off. You can read about the electric motor they used here as well as the Utah war. Acting like these are insoluble and impenetrable mysteries while refusing to do 1 minute of research evidence is just ridiculous. If you feel like I'm "one upping you" it's only because all your so called impenetrable mysteries have obvious and documentable answers.
40,000 people witnessed the capstone being laid. I guess they were all lying to keep da black man from finding out that they built it?
Mar 17, 2017
The foundation was buried during the Utah War.
That same buried building phenomenon is found world wide. Running to an official narrative and saying “see here’s the answer for why it’s buried !” does nothing when this is something seen worldwide.

You can read about the electric motor they used here as well as the Utah war. Acting like these are insoluble and impenetrable mysteries
Your pics don’t even show a foundation that eventually got buried though. It shows construction starting from the very point we see today. There’s also no motors anywhere. They don’t show any type of technology but somehow show oxen. In fact each photo is a like photo op of people standing around doing nothing. But because Mormons say “this is how we did it” that’s means they’re telling the truth?

40,000 people witnessed the capstone
You’re so desperate that you quoted the Mormon church on what happened? not once but TWICE? Lol pitiful...
May 18, 2018
You’re so desperate that you quoted the Mormon church on what happened? not once but TWICE? Lol pitiful...
Those are newspaper articles from the time. So far that is the only piece of evidence you’ve come up with so I wouldn’t be so quick to “lol pitiful” if I were you
Your pics don’t even show a foundation that eventually got buried though. It shows construction starting from the very point we see today. There’s also no motors anywhere. They don’t show any type of technology but somehow show oxen. In fact each photo is a like photo op of people standing around doing nothing. But because Mormons say “this is how we did it” that’s means they’re telling the truth?
Oxen transported the quarried rock initially, but as the Transcontinental Railroad neared completion in 1869 the remaining stones were carried by rail at a much faster rate”

again.......1 minute of research you could’ve found this. Instead of just looking at a picture and saying DUR THERES NO EXPLANATION FOR THIS
That same buried building phenomenon is found world wide. Running to an official narrative and saying “see here’s the answer for why it’s buried !” does nothing when this is something seen worldwide.
oh really? Where else did people dig up a partially built foundation, replace the cracked stones, and then build the rest of the building? A phenomena found world wide, you must have a lot of examples of this exact thing happening
May 18, 2018
“The capstone—the granite sphere that holds the statue of the Angel Moroni—was laid on April 6, 1892, by means of an electric motor and switch operated by Wilford Woodruff, the church's fourth president, thus completing work on the temple's exterior. The Angel Moroni statue, standing 12.5 feet (3.8 m) tall, was placed on top of the capstone later the same day.[21]

And why would they bury the foundation? The mormons were at war with the federal government. A lot of mormons left the United States for Mexico at that time. Does it make sense that they’d be hiding the fact from the government that they were planning on building a massive temple? Obviously it does. But not if you’re concrete brain. They were obviously hiding the temple made by blacks and made that up. Citations: dude trust me
Mar 17, 2017
Those are newspaper articles from the time. So far that is the only piece of evidence you’ve come up with so I wouldn’t be so quick to “lol pitiful” if I were you

Oxen transported the quarried rock initially, but as the Transcontinental Railroad neared completion in 1869 the remaining stones were carried by rail at a much faster rate”

again.......1 minute of research you could’ve found this. Instead of just looking at a picture and saying DUR THERES NO EXPLANATION FOR THIS
Another Mormon source. People who have a reason to lie aren’t credible sources. Doesn’t matter many times you ignore it. So the railroad is 1869 what allowed Mormons to not only build that temple but end up like this in 1900?

In 60 years they built all this? Oh yea and all of a sudden they have cars? So throughout history there was no technology, y’all show up in the 1800s and there’s a random technological boom? You still won’t understand they stumbled onto something in America lol

oh really? Where else did people dig up a partially built foundation, replace the cracked stones, and then build the rest of the building? A phenomena found world wide, you must have a lot of examples of this exact thing happening

You’ll still have excuses. They came/were brought/were sent to America and found a civilization already here. They found technology. The elite kept the technology to themselves and sent you to the fields to herd blacks.. They destroy the old structures through wars so they don’t have to explain why they can’t do it. And you’re fighting to defend that same delusion. It’s sad to see but you deserve it. You talk tough against blacks but look at your history. You’re an orphan. They set you up with a completely false sense of bravado and you won’t get it till it’s too late because you’re not humble.

The colonial/Roman Greek look is from people before you.Your people destroyed a lot of it, kept some of it and claimed to do it all. Look at the capital buildings and the dates they were built

Texas 1882-1888

Connecticut 1872-1878

Both beautiful buildings built in 6 years by people with less technology than today, who today with “more” technology cant build in this style anymore? Lol only the humble of you will make it. The rest of you will go down with the delusion the elite of your people set you up with.

You can talk tough on the net about “blacks” all you want but look at the debt your country is in. You’re a debt slave. If you’re the average person you’ll have to work 1/3 of your life away for things that used to be free. Life sucks under your people for everybody. But you rather go down with that delusion than bow to a bla err... lol, oh well.


May 18, 2018
Another Mormon source. People who have a reason to lie aren’t credible sources. Doesn’t matter many times you ignore it. So the railroad is 1869 what allowed Mormons to not only build that temple but end up like this in 1900?

In 60 years they built all this? Oh yea and all of a sudden they have cars? So throughout history there was no technology, y’all show up in the 1800s and there’s a random technological boom? You still won’t understand they stumbled onto something in America lol


You’ll still have excuses. They came/were brought/were sent to America and found a civilization already here. They found technology. The elite kept the technology to themselves and sent you to the fields to herd blacks.. They destroy the old structures through wars so they don’t have to explain why they can’t do it. And you’re fighting to defend that same delusion. It’s sad to see but you deserve it. You talk tough against blacks but look at your history. You’re an orphan. They set you up with a completely false sense of bravado and you won’t get it till it’s too late because you’re not humble.

The colonial/Roman Greek look is from people before you.Your people destroyed a lot of it, kept some of it and claimed to do it all. Look at the capital buildings and the dates they were built

Texas 1882-1888

Connecticut 1872-1878

Both beautiful buildings built in 6 years by people with less technology than today, who today with “more” technology cant build in this style anymore? Lol only the humble of you will make it. The rest of you will go down with the delusion the elite of your people set you up with.

You can talk tough on the net about “blacks” all you want but look at the debt your country is in. You’re a debt slave. If you’re the average person you’ll have to work 1/3 of your life away for things that used to be free. Life sucks under your people for everybody. But you rather go down with that delusion than bow to a bla err... lol, oh well.
Just showing buildings and saying people didn’t know how to build in the 19th century isn’t doing it for me.

and if you scroll to the bottom of the article there’s a cool thing called a bibliography, you can look up what that means. Here it is

Anderson, James H. "The Salt Lake Temple." Contributor 14 (Apr. 1893):243–303.
Gates, Susa Young. The Life Story of Brigham Young. New York, 1931.
McAllister, D. M. The Great Temple (pamphlet). Salt Lake City, 1935.

i noticed that you didn’t have any examples of a foundation being dug up, the stones being replaced and a building being built on top of it, even though you said it happened all over the world, so I guess you just cap out of that one. Makes sense as we both know youre just making it up as you go along