Putin officially threatens Nuclear War

Feb 22, 2020
They aren't crisis actors, it was the guy with the megaphone, he just managed to film a quick intro just before a very nasty event frightened a very large group of people into running for their lives thus making it look like they were being directed.

....Ain't that right @vancityeagle ?

some clown on bitchute shows a clip of people filming a movie and tries to insinuate WITH NO EVIDENCE, that this is taking place currently in Ukraine. Even the guys in the comments section are calling out this nonsense.

and losers like you just fall for it. YOutube, bitchute, rumble is literally rotting your brain.

You fall for any ubstantiated BS that follows your narrative.

Do you get off on this crisis actor thing ? Its really a sick perversion tbh.
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Jan 22, 2018
...I bet you laugh just like Joe pesci in Goodfellas.

some clown on bitchute shows a clip of people filming a movie and tries to insinuate WITH NO EVIDENCE, that this is taking place currently in Ukraine.
And how would the clown benefit from doing this? Do you think his video would drum up enough revenue to possibly buy him a new putt putt car and maybe some new clown shoes?

and losers like you just fall for it. YOutube, bitchute, rumble is literally rotting your brain
Losers like me, with my rotted brain,just loves talking to plantpots like you. That's why I haven't put you on ignore.

Do you get off on this crisis actor thing
Yes I do. So for the benefit of everyone who never read your original response, which you subsequently deleted, from my Disaster Thespians thread, why don't you explain exactly what a crisis actor is?

C'mon....what is a crisis actor?


May 15, 2017
I do agree 100%
in the sense that many do not see
til someone awakens you to it
your blind,however once awake
you see it everywhere in every lvl of society

I don't know of being a believer
as myself do not believe in a set religion
I just think ya need to be open to accepting
that everything you thought you knew as solid
truths of our world,existence
has all been lies and from there start searching
for the truth


Aug 19, 2019
I do agree 100%
in the sense that many do not see
til someone awakens you to it
your blind,however once awake
you see it everywhere in every lvl of society

I don't know of being a believer
as myself do not believe in a set religion
I just think ya need to be open to accepting
that everything you thought you knew as solid
truths of our world,existence
has all been lies and from there start searching
for the truth
Well fuck.


May 15, 2017
In the land of the blind the 1 eyed man is king.

1 eye is anti-christ imagery. But in this world of deception, most will not recognize it. Only a beleiver will be able to read ك ف ر
sorry thought I did quote Daze in the above


Jun 28, 2020
sorry thought I did quote Daze in the above
I don't know of being a believer
as myself do not believe in a set religion
It is an Islamic prophecy. A one eyed man will appear (literally, in the flesh) and he will have kafir written between his eyes, كفر. Only a believer in pure monotheism will be able to read it. I mean pure as in God the father alone, without partners.

While we see 1 eye imagery absolutely everywhere today the man himself has not appeared. To my knowledge anyway.

It is said the Almighty will order the earth to reduce a 1/3 of its produce. Then the following year another 1/3. The 3rd year will be one of famine and the dajjal will appear calling people to him when they are destitute. All of the con-vid chaos wreaking the supply chain could be the start of this and God knows best.


Jan 22, 2018
I guess vancityseagull has flew off to another thread without responding....again! :rolleyes:
Feb 22, 2020
I guess vancityseagull has flew off to another thread without responding....again! :rolleyes:
We are staring WW3 in the face, and all you can do is post stupid bitchute videos claiming everything is fake.

Seriously dude you offer nothing but a clownshow.

You are literally a plant to discredit the entire anti establishment movement.
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Sep 8, 2018

“Mr. Schwab, dear Klaus, Colleagues,
I have been to Davos many times, attending the events organized by Mr. Schwab, even back in the 1990s. Klaus just recalled that we met in 1992. Indeed, during my time in St Petersburg, I visited this important forum many times..." https://www.russia-briefing.com/news/russian-president-putin-s-speech-at-the-world-economic-forum-complete-english-translation.html/

All Masons playing with the “dumb people”.


Jan 22, 2018
We are staring WW3 in the face
No, you are staring more bullshit in the face and don't even recognise it.

How on earth can you seriously make the claim that the msn makes up the news but then at the same time trot out their exact narrative?

Are you of the position that some times they lie and sometimes they tell the truth? And if so are you the sole arbiter on what is truth and what is propaganda?

and all you can do is post stupid bitchute videos claiming everything is fake.
I didn't post the video somebody else did.

Seriously dude you offer nothing but a clownshow.
Just looking at the stats on this forum, my clownshow appears to get a greater reaction than your clown show.

You're gonna have to up your game...for credibilities sake.


May 15, 2017
This is exactly what they wanted
to make them fear each other enough
they will start killing each other
how do we stop them
besides each side choosing
they will no longer participate

As the guy said he doesn't want to
they have no other choice
as he says it all with the line
they won't stop til they take my country
of course ya have one woman
saying how it is her responsibility
as a healthy,able,good citizen to do her part

now I am not gonna say every single one
are crisis actors however I do keep it in mind
I listen to wording,the narrative

then I put myself in both sides and outside

If I were trying to achieve the out come
of the peoples I rule
to kill each other n stop
coming together in defiance

I would do exactly what they are
showing devastation to them
showing children,women,and old fleeing
for their lives, dead innocents all around
crying,sobbing just tugging at the moral
compass and just out human in all of us
show all able body peoples
standing,fighting and dying for their country
all the while showing
the enemy doing horrible,terrorizing things
To keep their mind state proper where I want it

I think
if I was not awake to the system
seeing the images,videos
hearing the sirens,w/e going off for bombings
seeing smoke,fire disaster
everyone panicking for their lives
the actual innocent bodies all around
so while I am inside the system still
I am sure my sleeping self
would easily bring up arms
to defend me and mine

however I am not in it
I'm outside looking in

what I see from here
is a government slaughtering
their peoples
so their peoples will forget
they were angry with them
so they will do what TPTB
never will
shed their blood,their loved ones blood
friends,neighbors w/e
just kill each other for them n their country

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Jun 28, 2020
More fakery. Media trying to pass off the same images used in previous events.


I am not saying the event itself is fake. But its certainly surrounded by lies and alot of the narratives from it have been scripted.

I still think all of this has something to do with the WEF.


Mar 30, 2017
More fakery. Media trying to pass off the same images used in previous events.

View attachment 72200

I am not saying the event itself is fake. But its certainly surrounded by lies and alot of the narratives from it have been scripted.

I still think all of this has something to do with the WEF.

View attachment 72201

View attachment 72202
Yes, @shoshomadi785 posted about the report of the bombings actually being from Gaza here. Given it's CJPME, I'll believe them more than anything that comes from MSM:

But there only seem to be a handful of people on here who are interested in knowing what's happening in Palestine.
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Jun 28, 2020
Yes, @shoshomadi785 posted about the report of the bombings actually being from Gaza here. Given it's CJPME, I'll believe them more than anything that comes from MSM:

But there only seem to be a handful of people on here who are interested in knowing what's happening in Palestine on here.
I see. I have instagram blocked. To be honest i hate twitter. I'd block it too if the majority of posters here didn't constantly source it.

Sure, big tech will get all my data anyway, but I still say they should work for it. Long gone are the days of privacy while your data is just another commodity.

Thanks for the notice all the same.


Jul 28, 2021
"On 2 March 2014, amidst the 2014 pro-Russian conflict in Ukraine, acting President Oleksandr Turchynov appointed Kolomoyskyi Governor of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.[41] Two days later, Russian President Vladimir Putin described Kolomoyskyi as a "unique crook," and said that the citizens of Dnipropetrovsk were not happy with his appointment as Governor of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.[9] According to Putin, Roman Abramovich has been cheated by Igor Kolomoyskyi. Putin claimed that Kolomoyskyi had reneged on a contract with Abramovich, saying "He [Kolomoyskyi] even managed to cheat our Roman Abramovich two or three years ago. Scammed him, as our intellectuals like to say. They signed some deal, Abramovich transferred several billion dollars, while this guy never delivered and pocketed the money. When I asked him [Abramovich]: "Why did you do it?" he said: "I never thought this was possible."[42] In contrast, The Daily Beast, a US publication, wrote in mid-June 2014 that Kolomoyskyi enjoyed the local population's strong support. "I don't care if he's like Hitler, as long as he prevents war coming here," says a local restaurateur.[43]

In April 2014 Kolomoyskyi offered a bounty for the capture of Russian-backed militants and incentives for the turning in of weapons.[44] He also is believed to have spent $10 million to create the Dnipro Battalion,[43][45] and also funded the Aidar, Azov, Dnepr 1, Dnepr 2, and Donbas volunteer battalions.[46]

Russia is asking for Kolomoyskyi to be put on Interpol's wanted list.[47] On 2 July 2014 a Russian District Court authorized his arrest in absentia for "organizing the killing of civilians".

Kolomoyski owns 70% of the 1+1 Media Group whose TV channel 1+1 aired "Servant of the People", the comedy series in which Volodymyr Zelensky played the role of president of Ukraine.

Kolomoyski is a prominent supporter of Ukraine's Jewish community[53] and the president of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine.[54] In 2010, he was appointed as the president of the European Council of Jewish Communities (ECJC)[55] after promising the outgoing president he would donate $14 million,[56] with his appointment being described as a "putsch"[54][55] and a "Soviet-style takeover"[57] by other ECJC board members. After several ECJC board members resigned in protest, Kolomyski quit the ECJC and, together with fellow Ukrainian oligarch Vadim Rabinovich, founded the European Jewish Union.[56]

Good read from 2014,more about Kolomoyskyi

Also good to know -

Ever wondered where that rainbow flag came from ?
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Apr 26, 2017
Russian collusion was not proven FALSE.
Yeah, it was.

The Steele dossier is not "fake"
Yeah, it is.

I assume people know the history of Taiwan.
If you are referring to how the Republic of China (the REAL Chinese government — the R.O.C.), in 1949, were forced by Mao’s cadre of psychotic socialists to the island of Taiwan from mainland China; who await the day their geopolitical presence is strong enough to threaten the CCP—with the aim of taking back China from Communist Party control and ending the system of slavery (built by socialism) that is crushing the Chinese people today—I think most people are clueless about the history of Taiwan.