I will never understand nationalism. Unique races extinct? What is that? I thought Christians believed we all come from one man?
This is a main reason Muslims suffer across the world, even though we are nearly 2 billion. Its because we are not united. We are not united because of ideologies like these have been fed to the masses. Had the Muslims been united the world would be a better place. There would be no interest and rich constantly hoarding more for themselves for starters.
What race was Adam, the first man?
Knowing every single one of us will die when Armageddon comes, every white man, every black man, every single race will taste death.. What is the point? What kind of legacy do you expect to have? What are you fighting for knowing all of this will come to an end, perhaps within our own lifetimes.
I don't know why people chose this kind of division when end of the day, we are all human and want essentially the same things. Food, shelter and safety.
Nationalism in all of its forms is satanic and until people realize it, we will forever be divided. Other then acts of piety, you are not better then your neighbor. Regardless of what color of skin he has.