BTS discussion thread

Beholden to Paramatma

May 15, 2021
They are tru;y without class or decency. But it’s eerie how it almost seems like they are monitoring this thread & doing things with an intention to spite us.I hope they don’t track our IP Address or anything as such. But even if they do what’s going to happen,right?
I feel invincible right now.


Sep 21, 2021
Enoch I don’t know if this could be of interest to you, but I know that you are religious, so I thought it might.

It is difficult for me to read because of how religious it is, so I did not get far into the text. Therefore, I really can’t say if it is useful or not.

I came upon the side when I tried to find more information about Springmeier. There is a lot here.

Hi. Thanks for these source materials. I will check them out when time allows me soon...

The "evangelistic crusades" somewhat already give me an idea, though...

The thing is, false ministers/prophets abound the so-called "religious" arena... They are "wolves in sheeps' clothing..." The Bible has warned us against deceivers...

1 John 4:1-6

1 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world. 4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. 5 They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. 6 We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.

Matthew 7:15-20

15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.


Sep 21, 2021
Guys I have a question...did happened to you that a kpop mv,or bt* mv was difficult to understand?Did you felt like the song was not easy to understand, or that something was wrong?If yes which bt* song,and which kpop song gave you this kind of feeling?
They do deliberately hide the true messages in their songs...It's part of the "subliminal programming" that they do...

That makes music as a dangerous tool, albeit effective instrument, for mind control of the masses...

Music is a spiritual instrument.

We can reasonably assume that betees music generally relay satanic-inspired messages...


Jun 2, 2021
They do deliberately hide the true messages in their songs...It's part of the "subliminal programming" that they do...

That makes music as a dangerous tool, albeit effective instrument, for mind control of the masses...

Music is a spiritual instrument.

We can reasonably assume that betees music generally relay satanic-inspired messages...
Its all anti-religious you can become your own God shit their music has been promoting anti-religious themes since BST which was their initiation


Oct 3, 2021
The monster spell didnt do it work then, since it doesnt work on us.
They just need to clean their ears and focus a bit to see that his voice is plain, but u already know, they're far gone.
But i guess the bad boy with golden heart that runway out of wattpad story, did the work too.
You had killing me girl. Bad boy with golden heart xD


Oct 3, 2021
judging from his experience with bt5 seems like Bang pedo scouts for idols based on who can provide the best material for writing fanfictions about lol
And which fanfictions ? When it's about people imagining stories and plots about kpop world, I never say something, but when you have the craziest ideas you thought you will never see in your life, it's totally different. And do you know what actually gives me chills ? It's that you can see more of 1k or 2k LIKES on these contents.
I can totally imagine BP reunit their guys, and say :" We've got news ideas for you guys. Come here to listen. We are going to start with you Jimin"

Who can be the best material creature? They are two. And we already know who they are. Okay, rectification. They are three pardon ! I hope they never read fanfictions. And not on wattpad. Worst plateform ever. Really. And for all fandoms reunite I don't care, Wattpad is horrible in itself.
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Sep 21, 2021
Its all anti-religious you can become your own God shit their music has been promoting anti-religious themes since BST which was their initiation
At the core of their music is a spirit of rebellion, which is distinctly lucifer's trait...

...The betees have been strongly instrumental in promoting ungodly beliefs and philosophies, anchored on satanic worship... The ultimate source of the illuminati's agenda...


Oct 3, 2021
they are showing their true colors now if BH staff doesn't keep them under control we might get a dating or baby scandal soon
I wrote that some of us are waiting Tae become crazy about his account xD dude don't play with his community. You are right, baby scandal is near. Dating too. In two years we will learn that they all have babies mamas hidding in places when Armys and Sasaengs can't find them for their securities


Dec 6, 2021
he 'accidentally' followed jenn!e... when we already seen shes friends with chun, like idk, first his supposed private account, now doing this? like im not interested in ships or dating rumors, im genuinely curious and intrigued how it may be really true that theyre all secretly connected to each other. i still feel bad though how he needs to panic just for that, knowing how fans will get, or the unnecessary trends.
LOL was he drunk or sth?


Dec 6, 2021
Not b*s related or it might be since bang pedo is obviously a child trafficker himself. Anyway look at this so called artist, her name is lindsay, she found a refuge homeless familly and tried to take away their kid, claiming she'll let em see him the next day, she asked them all to get in her car after they rejected her first offer. she seemed very drunk or on drugs, then when the family rejected both offers she started accusing them of child trafficking. The worse is she was on a live a her sick fans were congratulating her, life wtf. This is what really happens behind close doors, alot of celebrities from different races are involved in sick shit like this. This is just a small piece of truth, whats hidden its much more worse i swear.
Actually the worst side businesses are common. But we need some credibility that that's really happening. About bangpd, I'm not sure about child trafficking , but prostitution is a given , probably from the trainees too.
is there any way to know that? they are real people and we are too. there must be some way to Do that.


Oct 3, 2021
Well i guess his humiliation ritual "pigtails" with red string, gived him the number 1 spot this time congratulation Sir Kim Seokjin, you're an official puppet now.
I just woke up. And I read this. I wasn't ready. What the hell Forbes? XD omg. With super tuna ? I told you. I am waiting the next song with wouaf wouaf and some rap lines, plus the mafia or bad boy outfits. Just choose one member of your choice, I don't care. I want to see if even after this, Armys would come with titles like " best talented member of the year"


Oct 3, 2021
Bangpids is also a writer...very likely, he must've read some of these already... :)
Oh shit.. Imagine you have some people who actually imagining you having sexual relationship with someone or others people... and after you are able to read of these contents. Will you be ashamed or just laughing your ass, because it's too much crazy to be real ?


Jun 2, 2021
At the core of their music is a spirit of rebellion, which is distinctly lucifer's trait...

...The betees have been strongly instrumental in promoting ungodly beliefs and philosophies, anchored on satanic worship... The ultimate source of the illuminati's agenda...
True them and BB the so called kings of kpop have always made music promoting rebellion against the norms and rules of traditional society the essence of the illuminati Agenda