Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Sep 9, 2020
En faisant des recherches pour mon article, où je reconstitue le système Illuminati, je suis retombée sur mon post sur les victimes sexuels. Dans le premier lien, qui va sur une page de Vigilant Citizen, je suis retombée sur les images de la "Key": La première représente l'arbre Kabbalistique et l'autre les rituels effectuer sur la victime, effectuer par mois.
Parmi les autres images, il a la description, il a des images de personnalités multiples, où à certain moment, j'ai repensé à certains deux dieux Indiens, l'un est Shiva (la couleur de Loki, dans Marvel, l'esprit dans le culte Nordique (le culte, d'Odin, est qu'il sacrifie son corps (représenter par son oeil droit (ou il débute sa vie, en temps que Thor), il devient Odin, il sacrifie son oeil en le jetant dans le puit de la connaissance (le trou, la flaque, (représentatif de l'âme humaine) représenter à droite, de l'arbre de vie (à certains moment, le corps humain, le corps de la victime))).
Parmi, les représentations trouvées, je suis tombée sur un lien, qui montre les différentes référence au dieu Shiva, dont l'une d'elle est le Linga:

Dans "Le Seigneur des Anneaux" (livre qui serait, une étude théologique de la Bible), il serait aussi, une étude de l'astronomie' la cité de Midas Tirith. A la même forme:
Minas Tirith — Wikipédia

Au centre, de la citée (c'est une fontaine, juste en face, l'arbre de vie, qui refleurie à la fin de la trilogie (qui comporte, pleins d'autre livre).

Une forme aussi utilisée par le Vatican, une forme qui aussi une clef, la clef de Saint Pierre, la clef du Royaume des Cieux:
Le Vatican fait expulser une famille précaire d'un appartement qu'il  possède -'un appartement qu'il  possède -

Le Vatican en chiffres: entre PME et multinationale - Bilan

Dans le damier Franc-Maçon, des apprenties, il montre l'apprentissage, démarrant, par rapport à la citée, par la montagne:

C'est du maître (surement mis à l'envers, représente à mon avis, des tombes):

Dans le clip "Drunk-Dazed" du groupe "ENHYPEN", on voit une fontaine devenir rouge. Le sang, est remplacé par de la peinture, poudre rouge ou encore des pétales:

Ce qui ma fait pensée à une des représentation, où la victime attend avec la rose, et lorsque, je suppose être finit. Elle sait dessinée avec une rose ou sa rose, sous sa jupe, du à la violence sexuel.

La poudre, ma fait pensée à une drogue, utilisée au temps de Moïse, utilisée dans un ancien rite,non Egyptien, utiliser pour appeler les esprits, et était jeté, chaque année dans l'eau, rendant l'eau, à une couleur de sang. J'ai vu ça dans un reportage, une analyse de la Bible, par des Juifs. D'ailleurs dans le clip "Electric Kiss" du groupe "EXO", il a à côté de la voiture, la poudre rouge. Et je me demande, même si d'apparence, elle ferait référence, à la réelle épice, elle ferait référence à cette drogue, le personnage de Dune ayant des hallucinations, et pouvant utiliser, plus facilement son troisième oeil à cause de l'épice. Les vers étants retrouvables, dans le film 'Le Hobbit', où celui-ci renouvellement, en mangeant ce que l'Homme à laisser, pour le rejeter en forme de terre (vu que le vers, mange et rejette, la terre).
While doing research for my post, where I reconstruct the Illuminati system, I stumbled upon my article on sexual victims. In the first link, which goes on a page of Vigilant Citizen, I came across the images of the "Key": The first represents the Kabbalistic tree and the other the rituals performed on the victim, performed per month. Among other pictures he has description he has pictures of multiple personalities where at some point I thought back to some two Indian gods, one is Shiva (the color of Loki, in Marvel, the spirit in the Nordic cult (the cult, of Odin, is that he sacrifices his body (represented by his right eye (where he begins his life, as Thor), he becomes Odin, he sacrifices his eye by throwing it into the well of knowledge (the hole, the puddle, (representative of the human soul) represent on the right, of the tree of life (at certain times, the human body, the body of the victim))). Among the representations found, I came across a link, which shows the different references to the god Shiva, one of which is Linga:

In 'Lord of The Rings' (which would be a theological study of the Bible) there would also be a study of astronomy in the city of Midas Tirith. Has the same shape:
Minas Tirith — Wikipédia

In the center, of the city (it's a fountain, just opposite, the tree of life, which blooms again at the end of the trilogy (which includes many other books).

A form also used by the Vatican, a form which also a key, the key of Saint Peter, the key of the Kingdom of Heaven:
Le Vatican fait expulser une famille précaire d'un appartement qu'il  possède -'un appartement qu'il  possède -
Le Vatican en chiffres: entre PME et multinationale - Bilan

In the Freemason checkerboard, apprentices, it shows the apprenticeship, starting, in relation to the city, by the mountain:

It is from the master (surely put upside down, represents in my opinion, graves):

In the music video 'Drunk-Dazed' by the band "ENHYPEN", we see a fountain turn red. The blood is replaced by paint, red powder or even petals: Which made me think of one of the performances, where the victim waits with the rose, and when, I suppose is finished. She knows how to draw with a rose or her rose, under her skirt, due to sexual violence. The powder, made me think of a drug, used in the time of Moses, used in an ancient rite, not Egyptian, used to call the spirits, and was thrown, every year into the water, making the water, to a color. of blood. I saw that in a report, an analysis of the Bible, by Jews. Moreover in the clip 'Electric Kiss' of the group "EXO", it has next to the car, the red powder. And I wonder, even if apparently, she would refer to the real spice, she would refer to this drug, the character of Dune having hallucinations, and being able to use, more easily his third eye because of the spice. The worms being found, in the film "The Hobbit", where this one renews, by eating what the Man to leave, to reject it in the form of earth (seen that the worm, eats and rejects, the earth).
really interesting


Sep 6, 2020
Aespa savage lyrics

Oh my gosh!
Don’t you know I’m a Savage?
I’m a Killa who will break you, ae
You’re still hiding and hallucinating

Beat you up, We Holler
I’m not afraid of you, you, Hit you harder
Push me in, Deep fake on me
To the unprepared stage
Corner me in, Fake on me
Got everybody mock up to me
You shake me up so that I feel ashamed
Cold spectators are collapsed,
I can’t stand you anymore, Say No!

Wait and see, I’m a little Savage
Your Dirty Play
I can’t stand it any longer
You want to break me
Your hallucinations are becoming
the reasons to construct you

I’m a Savage
I’ll break you into pieces Oh
I’m a Savage
I’ll crush you Oh
Get me get me now
Get me get me now
(Zu Zu Zu Zu)
Get me now
Or I’ll become more Savage
Get me get me now
Get me get me now
(Zu Zu Zu Zu)
Now I’m going to get you
Now I’m a Savage
Gimme gimme now
Gimme gimme now
(Zu Zu Zu Zu)
I can see your words
Your weakness Algorithm
Steaming, it’s steaming
Steaming, it’s steaming
(Zu Zu Zu Zu)
Don’t bother me and bog off, Savage
Mmmh Everybody looks at me
I’m used to it
I should take a step back, I have to endure it like an adult
I’m locked up in the glass
I want to play
Such a horrible expectation
I’m locked up in that hallucination frame

I’m going to KWANGYA, Game in
Defeating a subtle alienation
And making me drift apart from my ae
Your satisfying Trick
We gone KWANGYA, Game in
Cut it down, my sword of light
To you who is damaged
It’s a merciless punch
See? I’m a little Savage
I block your regenerative power
I distract you, I leave you out
Don’t forget, this is KWANGYA
I control your time and space
Make It break it

I’m a Savage
I’ll break you into pieces Oh
I’m a Savage
I’ll crush you Oh
Get me get me now
Get me get me now
(Zu Zu Zu Zu)
Get me now
Or I’ll become more Savage
Get me get me now
Get me get me now
(Zu Zu Zu Zu)
Now I’m going to get you
Now I’m a Savage
Gimme gimme now
Gimme gimme now
(Zu Zu Zu Zu)
I can see your words
Your weakness Algorithm
Steaming, it’s steaming
Steaming, it’s steaming
(Zu Zu Zu Zu)
Don’t bother me and bog off, Savage
You are the one who protected me when I was in trouble
My naevis we love U
My victory, one SYNK DIVE
All the opportunities you’ve created
I know your sacrifices Oh

My naevis we love U
I know, we’ll make sure to find your memories
Let’s meet surely after the resurrection

Get me get me now
Get me get me now
(Zu Zu Zu Zu)
Get me now
Or I’ll become more Savage
Get me get me now
Get me get me now
(Zu Zu Zu Zu)
Now I’m going to get you
Now I’m a Savage
Gimme gimme now
Gimme gimme now
(Zu Zu Zu Zu)
I can see your words
Your weakness Algorithm
Steaming, it’s steaming
Steaming, it’s steaming
(Zu Zu Zu Zu)
Don’t bother me and bog off, Savage
Ha ha, What?


Jun 2, 2021
Found this on twitter people are starting to wake up I saw some reports from k-media that he used his artists' hard earned money for his personal luxuries I wonder if that kpop prediction account was talking about this it's a big deal to get caught up in these scandals and this is probably just the surface of everything maybe jjong and sulli were punished bcz they learned about l5m's criminal background?


Sep 28, 2018
those new SM groups:; Aespa and NCT

i know their songs are supposed to be "experimental" but it just sounds like pure noise to me
with the cringe rap lyrics

it's a shame because SM always had good singers, but it feels like they are wasting them by doing this "noise" type of music


Jan 19, 2021
i think they all look like robots on that video, and I see no charm in them tbh

maybe I'm just too old to get kpop anymore
to me their song just sounds like "noise" for children
im on the same boat with you lol its all just noise. I decided to give it a listen and i regretted it. Especially the "my naevis we love you" part. Absolute cringe. Nothing even flowed together in the song, it just sounded all choppy.


Oct 22, 2020
those new SM groups:; Aespa and NCT

i know their songs are supposed to be "experimental" but it just sounds like pure noise to me
with the cringe rap lyrics

it's a shame because SM always had good singers, but it feels like they are wasting them by doing this "noise" type of music
Trying to one up YG with terrible rap and music composition I see


Oct 22, 2020
Random thought about Kpop fandoms. I think I'm finally able to properly articulate why so many fans tend to be lefty "progressive" types. I'll try to keep this short and concise but it plays into their collective group think in the way they consume the medium with the voting, streaming etc.
They feel it's a moral imperative to do so and anybody who doesn't follow along is a scumbag. Extremely tribalistic.
Anyway this came up because I saw a video saying certain artists worked hard so we should support them. :rolleyes:
Lastly this video is my reaction whenever I see "We must support/work hard for them because they work hard for us."


Sep 9, 2020
blackpink clones thats why. the same move devil horns they use when they say "savage" was the same thing blackpink did for their pretty savage song.
don't know why SM kept promoting this group , all of their songs are similar to each others etc, at least one of them , i think the one with red hair have a good voice, didn't remember her name , she wasted her talent in this group