Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Technocrat Tools: Fabricated Stories, Blatant Propaganda And Outright Lies

Screenshot 2021-09-14 at 07-30-42 Technocrat Tools Fabricated Stories, Blatant Propaganda And ...png

> KFOR news ran a fake story in which a doctor claimed emergency rooms in Oklahoma were inundated with people who used horse ivermectin paste as a treatment for COVID-19 and overdosed
> The story turned out to be pure fiction, as no such cases have occurred. Still, KFOR has not retracted the story or issued a correction
> The idea that ivermectin is a horse dewormer that poses a lethal risk to humans is a deceptive narrative aimed at dissuading people from using a safe and effective drug against COVID-19
> While ivermectin is used as a dewormer in animals, it is also a human drug, approved by the FDA since the mid-1990s. It’s on the World Health Organization’s list of essential medicines for several parasitic diseases and, like many other drugs, ivermectin is used off-label for other diseases and conditions
> In addition to being antiparasitic, ivermectin also has potent antiviral properties and has even been shown to protect against SARS-CoV-2 spike protein damage

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Technocrats Are Determined To Reduce Every Human To A QR Code
Screenshot 2021-09-14 at 07-53-00 Technocrats Are Determined To Reduce Every Human To A QR Code.png


Mar 18, 2017
Dr. Fauci calls for unvaccinated Americans to not fly or go to school

@Karlysymon remember the 4chan rumor you posted? well, we are one step closer to it. the bidAn administration will take his word as gospel and implement this air travel ban very soon. this might break the camels back.
It’s obvious Fauci is protected so he is reading from a script/told to say these things. Just like the people calling for “no fly lists”. The fact that the “prediction” ended up on the Economist cover twice means there is something planned that has the potential to threaten the Union, which ofcourse, feeds into the 2050 plan for creating the 10 mega regions.


Mar 18, 2017
Prostitutes of Big Pharma

Doctors are a protected class.
We are hearing a lot about nurses quitting en masse because of mandates in the media, but we hear nothing about doctors quitting. There has always been a double standard for “the moneymakers“ of hospitals and the rest of the staff when it comes to vaccines. This double standard is crucial for this scam to work.
You might think, “But outside the hospitals they are civilians like us, subject to the same rules.” You can bet if/when the passport is enacted they and their families will have special privileges just like select government workers. Call them out.
Whenever I see the stories about mandating vaccines for health care workers, the one thing that always comes to mind is the 2019 NSCAI document. It called for overhauling the US economy (by extension, we can conclude the Western world) with AI and getting rid of “legacy systems” such as the ability to see a doctor in-person. So I believe that by doing this, beginning with the lower rungs, you get people to transition to tele-medicine…..after the nurses have walked off their jobs ofcourse. It’s all calculated, otherwise how else would the transition happen?

"Chief among the troublesome “structural factors” highlighted in this presentation are so-called “legacy systems” that are common in the U.S. but much less so in China. The NSCAI document states that examples of “legacy systems” include a financial system that still utilizes cash and card payments, individual car ownership and even receiving medical attention from a human doctor. It states that, while these “legacy systems” in the US are “good enough,” too many “good enough” systems “hinder the adoption of new things,” specifically AI-driven systems.


Aug 21, 2017
Teens 50X More Likely to Have Heart Disease After COVID Shots than All Other FDA Approved Vaccines in 2021 Combined – CDC Admits True but Still Recommends It
Of course they will because this is about depopulation...


Aug 21, 2017
Technocrat Tools: Fabricated Stories, Blatant Propaganda And Outright Lies

View attachment 62436

> KFOR news ran a fake story in which a doctor claimed emergency rooms in Oklahoma were inundated with people who used horse ivermectin paste as a treatment for COVID-19 and overdosed
> The story turned out to be pure fiction, as no such cases have occurred. Still, KFOR has not retracted the story or issued a correction
> The idea that ivermectin is a horse dewormer that poses a lethal risk to humans is a deceptive narrative aimed at dissuading people from using a safe and effective drug against COVID-19
> While ivermectin is used as a dewormer in animals, it is also a human drug, approved by the FDA since the mid-1990s. It’s on the World Health Organization’s list of essential medicines for several parasitic diseases and, like many other drugs, ivermectin is used off-label for other diseases and conditions
> In addition to being antiparasitic, ivermectin also has potent antiviral properties and has even been shown to protect against SARS-CoV-2 spike protein damage
We have taken much science from the Nazi playbook through Operation Paperclip. As far as propoganda goes, much of that was taken from the Minister of Propoganda during the Third Reich, Joseph Goebbels.


Mar 18, 2017

From the very beginning, the flip-flopping on policy & contradictory information given to the public is all intentional (no masks - yes masks, no mandates - yes mandates, virus isn't deadly - yes its deadly etc). A calculated psychological tactic to get us confused and tripping over this & that. I’ve noticed the same in regard to stories on climate change. Thinking this over, iam afraid as to what this state of mind being created, on both an individual & collective basis, is setting us up for.

This is UK Column’s Brian Gerrish’s testimony to Reiner Fuellmich on the psychological tactics employed for the Covid game. It’s a transcript but for those who prefer the visual over text, feel free to find the video.

"Now, in the SAGE document, aside from saying that they were going to ramp up fear, there was something very interesting. It said [UK Column note: in paras. 6–8 on p. 2] that inside [local] communities, community members were going to be used to effectively police each other. So people were going to be used to put pressure on their neighbours, for example, to wear a mask; to adhere to social distancing.

So it was very clear in what they were talking about that they were going to use this covert applied psychology to pressurise citizens to act against one another. And, significantly, they also said that this had to be done with some care, because they believed that it was possible that this situation could get out of control. Clearly, what they meant by that is that instead of having somebody saying to somebody else, “You should wear a mask!”, that requirement could be translated into violence.

Having told you about that document—very clear-cut, very specific—I now come back again to Bianca talking [just before Brian Gerrish], because I could understand a little bit of what she was talking about: she talked about angst, she was talking about stress.

Now, of course, the techniques that are being used on adults—these psychological techniques to induce stress and fear—are also being used on the children. I could only understand a tiny bit of what she was talking about, but I understood enough to grasp—correct me if I’m wrong—that the rules change, so she doesn’t know what the rules are from time to time.

Reiner Füllmich: Exactly, yes. Every week, they changed the rules [for schools], so that she had to sit at her desk over the weekend in order to figure out how to make these things work.

Brian Gerrish: Right. And what that is, the uncertainty and the change in the rules: that is part of the psychological attack. Because the uncertainty immediately is putting people in a position of stress and anxiety and confusion. And if we go back into the professional world of applied psychology, people who are in a distressed, confused state are very susceptible to further messages and instructions. If there’s a fire in a building and people are starting to panic, the first person that starts to give clear commands to the people, those commands will be followed. And that is due to the psychological state."

Could it be that it is MKultra on mass scale and our belief systems are being shaken up only to be remolded? Or shaken up and left adfrift on a sea of confusion because a man who questions and ceases to believe in anything will ultimately fall for something.This is from the Cultural Terrorist manifesto

"Tomorrow belongs to us.Confusion as a weapon / Confusion the key word.

Healthy confusion, some call it "evil". Confusion that sparks the need to question. Confusion calling fear, the adrenalin to flow, the blood rush and the life force to sit up and take notice. Confusion making us question everything in search of some (un)sense. "
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May 11, 2020
We have taken much science from the Nazi playbook through Operation Paperclip. As far as propoganda goes, much of that was taken from the Minister of Propoganda during the Third Reich, Joseph Goebbels.
One of the first books I read after being red pilled was called Rise of the Fourth Reich by Jim Mars, America being the fourth reich. He did a good job of showing that ever since thousands of nazis entered into our country we have basically become a massive ongoing eugenics experiment as well as the military bully over the world through endless interventions and conflicts.


May 11, 2020

From the very beginning, the flip-flopping on policy & contradictory information given to the public is all intentional (no masks - yes masks, no mandates - yes mandates, virus isn't deadly - yes its deadly etc). A calculated psychological tactic to get us confused and tripping over this & that. I’ve noticed the same in regard to stories on climate change. Thinking this over, iam afraid as to what this state of mind being created, on both an individual & collective basis, is setting us up for.

This is UK Column’s Brian Gerrish’s testimony to Reiner Fuellmich on the psychological tactics employed for the Covid game. It’s a transcript but for those who prefer the visual over text, feel free to find the video.

"Now, in the SAGE document, aside from saying that they were going to ramp up fear, there was something very interesting. It said [UK Column note: in paras. 6–8 on p. 2] that inside [local] communities, community members were going to be used to effectively police each other. So people were going to be used to put pressure on their neighbours, for example, to wear a mask; to adhere to social distancing.

So it was very clear in what they were talking about that they were going to use this covert applied psychology to pressurise citizens to act against one another. And, significantly, they also said that this had to be done with some care, because they believed that it was possible that this situation could get out of control. Clearly, what they meant by that is that instead of having somebody saying to somebody else, “You should wear a mask!”, that requirement could be translated into violence.

Having told you about that document—very clear-cut, very specific—I now come back again to Bianca talking [just before Brian Gerrish], because I could understand a little bit of what she was talking about: she talked about angst, she was talking about stress.

Now, of course, the techniques that are being used on adults—these psychological techniques to induce stress and fear—are also being used on the children. I could only understand a tiny bit of what she was talking about, but I understood enough to grasp—correct me if I’m wrong—that the rules change, so she doesn’t know what the rules are from time to time.

Reiner Füllmich: Exactly, yes. Every week, they changed the rules [for schools], so that she had to sit at her desk over the weekend in order to figure out how to make these things work.

Brian Gerrish: Right. And what that is, the uncertainty and the change in the rules: that is part of the psychological attack. Because the uncertainty immediately is putting people in a position of stress and anxiety and confusion. And if we go back into the professional world of applied psychology, people who are in a distressed, confused state are very susceptible to further messages and instructions. If there’s a fire in a building and people are starting to panic, the first person that starts to give clear commands to the people, those commands will be followed. And that is due to the psychological state."

Could it be that it is MKultra on mass scale and our belief systems are being shaken up only to be remolded? Or shaken up and left adfrift on a sea of confusion because a man who questions and ceases to believe in anything will ultimately fall for something.This is from the Cultural Terrorist manifesto

"Tomorrow belongs to us.Confusion as a weapon / Confusion the key word.

Healthy confusion, some call it "evil". Confusion that sparks the need to question. Confusion calling fear, the adrenalin to flow, the blood rush and the life force to sit up and take notice. Confusion making us question everything in search of some (un)sense. "
Germany and Russia were both snitch communities that is how fascism worked.

All they have to do is start saying kids and babies can now get covid and people would be snitching and policing eachother left and right for fear over their kids getting ill.