With the world’s eyes on Afghanistan, how does the Taliban represent Islam?

May 18, 2018
The people they are trying to evacuate are the ones they employed - the ones that worked for the Americans in this hot mess of a situation
Traitors who helped an invading force occupy their lands. Taliban already said they weren’t going to seek retribution against them though


Mar 4, 2020
When Obama stupidly said this 5 years ago it must have made the Taliban do high fives all round and gave them a tremendous morale boost and added impetus-

May 12, 2019
I saw a Taliban leader saying on the TV news yesterday that as long as Afghans respect Sharia law they've nothing to fear from the Taliban.

Top- Sharia Law
Bottom- not Sharia law..:)

"The veiled woman frustrates the coloniser. She looks, but is not looked upon."

I am glad that it is so, I wouldn't want you ogling my mothers and sisters from behind cans of spam and spaghetti hoops.


Mar 4, 2020
So he should have lied instead?

No, Obama should simply have kept his trap shut instead of admitting the Tali couln't be beat..:)
He said it while he was still President, so if he knew the Tali couldn't be beat, why diidn't he simply pull all US troops out instead of letting them go on being killed?
And imagine how US troops morale must have plummeted, knowing he'd said they couldn't win!
They must have thought "In that case what the hell are we doing here?"


Mar 4, 2020
..I wouldn't want you ogling my mothers and sisters from behind cans of spam and spaghetti hoops.

Mate, I'm a red-blooded straight hetero Christian male, so of course I take an interest in women.. :p
Jesus said- "at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,'and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh' So they are no longer two, but one." (Matt 19:4)
right Mr. B?

"Right kid"


Nov 30, 2017
The people they are trying to evacuate are the ones they employed - the ones that worked for the Americans in this hot mess of a situation
Again I question those peoples motives and character. And again, the Taliban seems to be acting reasonably with those people. They declared an amnesty for people working with Americans. They need to stay.
May 12, 2019
No, Obama should simply have kept his trap shut instead of admitting the Tali couln't be beat..:)
They can't.

And imagine how US troops morale must have plummeted, knowing he'd said they couldn't win!
Let it plummet. Its time someone brought them back down to reality.

That's in fact precisely why they lost. Because they couldn't comprehend the reality. That their godlessness will always fail, and that the victory will always go to the believers.

An apt metaphor for this is that the US military spent $20 billion a year on air conditioning in Afghanistan. They wanted to change the environment to conform with them, but in the end, the environment changed them, and they suffered a humiliating defeat. They admitted, going into Afghanistan, we know nothing about Afghanistan or Afghanis.

Its like Khabib Nurmagomedov vs Conor McGregor. Khabib said, in the face of the boos, "tomorrow night, I'm ganna smesh your boy." And he did. And now he's the undefeated, undisputed UFC lightweight champion.

The ultimate victory will always go to the believers.

I'm a red-blooded straight hetero Christian male, so of course I take an interest in women.
That's precisely what worries me. Keep your godlessness away from us.


Mar 4, 2020
..they [America] couldn't comprehend the reality. That their godlessness will always fail, and that the victory will always go to the believers.

Oil industry experts predict the world's oil will finally run out "sometime this century", so western politicians are in a tizzy because they know when that happens they won't have any fuel to make their planes, tanks, warships and limos go, and they'll have to resort to fighting with sticks and stones, right General?


So the politicos were obsessed with getting a cut of Afgh's oil, but now it ain't never gonna happen..:)
Wiki- "The Afghan Ministry of Mines and Petroleum estimated that northern Afghanistan has about 1.95 billion barrels of undiscovered technically recoverable crude oil reserves and 16.2 trillion cubic feet of discovered natural gas reserves"
Mar 15, 2019
Do the whiskey factories close because of alcoholics?
It always surprises me to see someone advocating drugs. Alcohol and drugs are not addictive at the same level. You cannot use heroin as a "social drinker" and the harms of heroin cannot be compared with the alcohol use of a social drinker. You use heroin until your body rots and dies.
A social drinker wouldn't be like that.


Jan 11, 2020
It always surprises me to see someone advocating drugs. Alcohol and drugs are not addictive at the same level. You cannot use heroin as a "social drinker" and the harms of heroin cannot be compared with the alcohol use of a social drinker. You use heroin until your body rots and dies.
A social drinker wouldn't be like that.
Having known plenty of both, I would rather know the junkie than the alcoholic.

I don't like alcohol. I don't like what it does to people and how it makes them act. (including me)

Makes everything from codine to heroin.

I would rather take heroin than a synthetic nazi mind control drug like methadone.

When I get old and in pain I want the morphine drugs. So someone better be growing them.

Junkies usually just gouch out in weird positions until they die.
Alkies are dangerous.

If junkies coukd get heroin legally they would just go away quietly and take it.
The problems mostly arise because it is illegal and the junkie has to go out, in agony, and sick as a dog, and try to find enough money and a dealer.

Just my opinion and observation.


Mar 4, 2020
Drugs are fine for medical purposes, it's only the habitual abusers who get them a bad name, same with habitual drunks and booze..:)


Mar 4, 2020
Incidentally, Obama (like most Democrats and lefties the world over) has always hated the military,
Here's Commander-in-Chief Obama insulting the military with his sloppy coffee cup "salute"-

This C-in-C showed how to do it right..:)
