Covid-19 Vaccines Deaths & Side Effects


Mar 18, 2017
I thought it was interesting that all the stories proliferating online about vaxxed people affecting the unvaxxed, there is little to none anectodes from males (except regarding the sexual aspect). Either males aren’t reporting fatigue, bruises headaches etc just from being around vaxxed people or somehow, it’s simply not affecting them and females are more susceptible
Not sure about this

Again, it's possible women are doing more reporting (of side effects) than men or the intention of the article is to get men to take the shots since they are supposedly less affected. As for inflamed lymphnodes
Vaccina caoused breast cancer.

Hopefully, it is stories such as these that are going to effectively end this fake pandemic and the lunacy that is has brought with it.


Jan 1, 2021
Sure. I'm open to watching it

I know chicken pox and strepthroat aren't deadly, I got chicken pox as a kid too.

In this/his situation, he specifically stated, completely unprompted and repeatedly, that he wouldn't be able to handle chicken pox as an adult because he never got them as a kid and he wasn't vaccinated for it.

That's also why he has to go to the emergency room for strep throat and why he gets really bad mono. His combination of lack of vaccines + a sheltered upbringing wasn't good for his immune system.

I completely believe that some people have bad reactions to vaccines, there's no reason not to believe that since there's a 15 minute period of waiting afterwards to see if there's any allergic reactions.

I also don't particularly care if people don't want to get it. Whether because of bad reactions or straight up hesitancy, someone else's medical record is none of my business.

I just feel like it's something that has more pros than cons in my personal life; I don't want to be hindered by private institutions requiring it and me not having it. I also don't mind the immunity boost, because I saw firsthand the issues that a person without those immunities has to repeatedly go through.
I've never had any vaccines and have a stronger immune system than most. Your friend just has a weak immune system in general. That's definitely NOT the norm for people who are vaxx free.


Dec 11, 2017
NAC Being Studied for Use Against Covid-19, So Of Course Amazon Just Banned It
It's been on the market for 57 years without an issue. But suddenly the FDA is making threats and Amazon pulled it from their virtual shelves.
  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is suddenly cracking down on N-acetylcysteine (NAC), claiming it is excluded from the definition of a dietary supplement. As a result, Amazon has removed all listings featuring NAC-containing supplements
  • The trade group for the supplement industry, the Council for Responsible Nutrition, is challenging the FDA’s position, calling it “legally invalid,” and is urging its members to continue selling NAC supplements
  • NAC supplements have been sold for 57 years, and the FDA has never taken action against it — until now, when 16 clinical trials are investigating its usefulness against COVID-19
  • NAC is a precursor to reduced glutathione, which appears to play a crucial role in COVID-19. There’s evidence glutathione deficiency may worsen COVID-19 severity
  • NAC inhibits expression of proinflammatory cytokines that can trigger a cytokine storm, improves T cell response, benefits a variety of lung problems, and inhibits the hypercoagulation that can result in stroke and/or blood clots that impair the ability to exchange oxygen in the lungs

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Report Vaccine Reactions. It's the Law!

This webpage provides the public with the ability to search and analyze data on vaccine reactions and links for reporting vaccine adverse events.

NVIC worked with Congress to pass the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 and was responsible for urging the creation of safety provisions in that historic law. This included a centralized vaccine reaction reporting system, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), that is jointly operated by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Although this law requires doctors and other vaccine providers to report hospitalizations, injuries, deaths and serious health problems following vaccination to VAERS, it is estimated that between less than one to ten percent, of all vaccine-related health problems are ever reported to VAERS. If you are unsure about whether or not you or your child has experienced a vaccine reaction, visit our webpage here to learn more.