Entertainment x BTS x Politics x EXPOSED

first member to leave BTS (not military or health related)

  • Taehyung

  • Yoongi

  • Jin

  • Hoseok

  • Jimin

  • Namjoon

  • Jungkook

Results are only viewable after voting.


Mar 11, 2021
So what i've gotten from this info is that TAEHYUNG's the best of them. Yes people, the dumbass that only knows how to follow people is the most humble out of them. THAT'S bts for ya. Jungkook is so stubborn, acting cocky about bighit making money off of him as if they can't easily ruin his whole career. and for jimin, not surprised he's a fuckboy, someone that was just sobbing over being insecure and his eating disorder turns around and makes people insecure by breaking their hearts. "He especially visited clubs at a young age and it was wild" At a young age? it better be at 18 or above because if he visited when he was truly underage, thats sick asf.

Lmao jungkook is fake asf. I thought he'd at least be decent, (not perfect) but DECENT, But nah, his personality turns out to be dogwater, from what this info says. I wish bighit would give up on him since he always disobeys them and acts like a cocky brat, he must have developed some kind of ego because at debut he wasn't as cocky as he is now (or maybe cuz he'd shut up lolz)

Anyways, sorry for writing a lot, i just have a LOT to unpack from this.
Last edited:


Sep 9, 2020
So what i've gotten from this info is that TAEHYUNG's the best of them. Yes people, the dumbass that only knows how to follow people is the most humble out of them. THAT'S bts for ya. Jungkook is so stubborn, acting cocky about bighit making money off of him as if they can't easily ruin his whole career. and for jimin, not surprised he's a fuckboy, someone that was just sobbing over being insecure and his eating disorder turns around and makes people insecure by breaking their hearts. "He especially visited clubs at a young age and it was wild" At a young age? it better be at 18 or above because if he visited when he was truly underage, thats sick asf.

Lmao jungkook is fake asf. I thought he'd at least be decent, (not perfect) but DECENT, But nah, he's personality turns out to be dogwater, from what this info says. I wish bighit would give up on him since he always disobeys them and acts like a cocky brat, he must have developed some kind of ego because at debut he wasn't as cocky as he is now (or maybe cuz he'd shut up lolz)

Anyways, sorry for writing a lot, i just have a LOT to unpack from this.
it makes me angry that by those infos Jungkook treat women like shit and as object
Mar 1, 2021
i have a talk with one of them that deny that Hoseok have a nose job and she reply that some things got smaller etc , wtf
Army is blind haha.
I tend to believe the general idea in those postings because he already proven some.
I can imagine him avoiding popular girls because they’re all cowards. They think they are Gods and afraid someone would actually figure it out how useless they are.
They have zero grasp over who they are as people.

Dynamite was obvious and I’ve exposed some lies when it came out how they specifically asked for an English song.
After Namjoon said they will never sing an English song..

Jungkook was drunk and who knows, maybe high, rubbing his d*** in public against a girl covered up by tattoos, posing almost naked on her Instagram feed and being a “good girl” to other men.
He wasn’t afraid that it will come out despite this being in public.
He went to a night bar to party, he gets drunk on his v-lives, has a dubious car accident, then his weird injury during their touring. Which they claimed to have been a mistake from a stretch with his feet falling from the table before performance.
And Jimin at the same time...

How come they film them non-stop, when they apparently faint or loose consciousness but this one isn’t on tape.
Who knows what stupid shit they both did.
The Korean fans are more protective over btees than international fans. When they know things, they don't reveal it to the IArmy. It's not the first time I've heard that Jk and Jm we're problematic. The info about the porn addiction is for Namjoon.
So what i've gotten from this info is that TAEHYUNG's the best of them. Yes people, the dumbass that only knows how to follow people is the most humble out of them. THAT'S bts for ya. Jungkook is so stubborn, acting cocky about bighit making money off of him as if they can't easily ruin his whole career. and for jimin, not surprised he's a fuckboy, someone that was just sobbing over being insecure and his eating disorder turns around and makes people insecure by breaking their hearts. "He especially visited clubs at a young age and it was wild" At a young age? it better be at 18 or above because if he visited when he was truly underage, thats sick asf.

Lmao jungkook is fake asf. I thought he'd at least be decent, (not perfect) but DECENT, But nah, his personality turns out to be dogwater, from what this info says. I wish bighit would give up on him since he always disobeys them and acts like a cocky brat, he must have developed some kind of ego because at debut he wasn't as cocky as he is now (or maybe cuz he'd shut up lolz)

Anyways, sorry for writing a lot, i just have a LOT to unpack from this.
I thought Jn would be the most unproblematic but slowly I lost all delusions about their personalities. When I stopped being a fan, I looked for similar people and ended up here. Their fandom protects their image and calls anyone who says otherwise a sasaeng, anti or a liar. It's common knowledge about Jh and Jk being fboys. It's also come out of Jn's own mouth that he's conservative and only wants a Korean girl. Korean men see foreign women as sex objects and barely are able to respect their own women. It's like a hell on earth for women.

Tae only wants to live better than he was used to. Gucci, iPhones, the finest women and food. He's always wanted that. The rest are excessive and sex addicts. Rm also exposed his porn addiction on a couple variety shows. He said they all watch porn when he was accused of it. A couple of years ago, Han Seo Hee revealed that Tae was in clubs with her and other people. The singer Baekhyun went to clubs as a kid, so I think it's common but kept a secret.
if this true they're really assholes , i hope someone exposing for they really is
I found worse rumors but didn't want to make this a gossip thread. They have no regard for the women they sleep with. Some of them are mean to staff and just really nasty men.


Mar 11, 2021
Army is blind haha.

The Korean fans are more protective over btees than international fans. When they know things, they don't reveal it to the IArmy. It's not the first time I've heard that Jk and Jm we're problematic. The info about the porn addiction is for Namjoon.

I thought Jn would be the most unproblematic but slowly I lost all delusions about their personalities. When I stopped being a fan, I looked for similar people and ended up here. Their fandom protects their image and calls anyone who says otherwise a sasaeng, anti or a liar. It's common knowledge about Jh and Jk being fboys. It's also come out of Jn's own mouth that he's conservative and only wants a Korean girl. Korean men see foreign women as sex objects and barely are able to respect their own women. It's like a hell on earth for women.

Tae only wants to live better than he was used to. Gucci, iPhones, the finest women and food. He's always wanted that. The rest are excessive and sex addicts. Rm also exposed his porn addiction on a couple variety shows. He said they all watch porn when he was accused of it. A couple of years ago, Han Seo Hee revealed that Tae was in clubs with her and other people. The singer Baekhyun went to clubs as a kid, so I think it's common but kept a secret.

I found worse rumors but didn't want to make this a gossip thread. They have no regard for the women they sleep with. Some of them are mean to staff and just really nasty men.
atleast taehyung isnt some drunk-sex addict that has no respect for women. props to him for being the best one, id rather have him using his wealth on what he wants and flexing his hard work then act like jikook. Honestly jikook can both rot. I cannot STAND misogynic men.

i heard that they were fuckboys but i just brushed it off cuz of the lack of info. how can jh be a fuckboy looking like THAT? i don't mean to slam him but he needs humble himself asap. Even i look better than him and i'm younger. If you gon be an asshole, atleast look good while doing it :)

do you have some more info if i may ask? if so can you dm me or spill?
Mar 1, 2021
atleast taehyung isnt some drunk-sex addict that has no respect for women. props to him for being the best one, id rather have him using his wealth on what he wants and flexing his hard work then act like jikook. Honestly jikook can both rot. I cannot STAND misogynic men.

i heard that they were fuckboys but i just brushed it off cuz of the lack of info. how can jh be a fuckboy looking like THAT? i don't mean to slam him but he needs humble himself asap. Even i look better than him and i'm younger. If you gon be an asshole, atleast look good while doing it :)

do you have some more info if i may ask? if so can you dm me or spill?
The most I heard about Tae is he slept with a sasaeng fan back in their early years. It seemed questionable. All of them except for Tae and Yg are misogynists. Any popular group with less attractive members still have someone willing to sleep them with. Some Instagram celebrity said she wanted Rm in her guts. The more I learn about them, and their changing appearances, the less they turn me on. They're the opposite of sexy. I'll try to find some more info.


Apr 6, 2018
Article finit: La fin de l'article comporte les infos du prochain (ce ne sera normalement pas le prochain article publier, je vais me concentrer sur le programme MK-Ultra et ce qui l'accompagne) qui permet de développer, cette article répertoriant les cycles. J'espère que l'article est bien compréhensible, malgré le manque d'infos qui seront visibles dans le prochain article:
End of article: The end of the article includes the info of the next one (this will not normally be the next article to be published, I will focus on the MK-Ultra program and what comes with it) which allows us to develop, this article listing cycles. I hope the article is understandable, despite the lack of information that will be visible in the next article:


1. L'univers a la structure d'un solide. Elle donne pourtant naissance à la lumière, une matière active et source de toutes les énergies vivantes et conscientes. Créer par la projection d'ondes et dont chaque fréquence est ralliée à un goût, une odeur, une couleur; donnant à l'ensemble de la lumière la couleur blanche alors que l'univers inactif est noir...
2. La lumière: le soleil, éclaire le jour. La nuit tout en continuant a éclairé la lune, disparait dès le soir venue, en passant l'horizon, et réapparait à l'aube. Séparant horizontalement, le ciel et la terre, le jour et la nuit, comme verticalement, les dieux solaire du premier et second quart contre le troisième et quatrième quart des dieux de la lune.
3. Le temps est lui même répartie en quatre quart d'une durée de six heures: Le premier démarre a minuit et se termine à six heure du matin le second commence à six heure et finit à midi A partir de midi le soleil redescend jusqu'à six heure du soir ou le soir venu il finira son quart à minuit.
4. L'Homme a un cycle de vie dont la forme est c'elle d'une devinette: "Qu'est-ce qui marche à quatre pattes le matin à deux pattes à midi et à trois pattes le soir?" Réponse: "L'Homme". A minuit l'âme étant au paradis pendant que le corps est resté sur terre.
5. Les parents conçoivent leur fils au dernier quart de leur premier cercle. La mère passe ensuite sa période de grossesse sur le premier quart du premier cercle du fils. Allant de sa naissance jusqu'à l'adolescence, le fils passera le second quart sous la protection et l'éducation de sa mère.; Au troisième quart devenue adolescent, il prendra petit à petit son indépendance, tout en restant sous la tutelle de sa mère. Au quatrième quart, il rencontra sa petite amie. Ils finiront par couchés ensembles, comme leurs parents. Jusqu'à qu'à son tour elle tombe enceinte commence alors le premier cycle de l'enfant et le dernier cycle des parents. Au troisième quart le temps pèse sur le corps. Au second et troisième les parents peuvent prendre le rôle de grand-parents, arrière grand-parents, arrière arrière grand-parents... Atteignant à la fin du troisième et début du quatrième quart, l'Homme meurt et l'âme part au paradis. Pendant que le corps se dégrade, l'âme prend tout de suite où plus tard un nouveau corps et ainsi recommencer le cycle.
6. L'année est un quatre quarts de saisons, qui selon les pays: démarre au centre de l'hiver comme au "Cycles 4", qui couper en deux, comme l'âme est séparée du corps. Mais il peut aussi commencer comme au "Cycles 3", allant pile poile au début du printemps et donc à minuit.

7. La forme du Yin comme du Yang est c'elle du nombre d'or: L'un démarre au début de l'équinoxe du printemps, et finit à la fin du solstice d'été. L'autre démarre au début de l'équinoxe d'automne et finit à la fin du solstice d'hiver. Le cycle la position des étoiles est divisible en deux par le Yin et Yang, voir en quatre par les quatre saisons.
Le Yin est lié à la féminité, à la matière. Et le Yang qui est lié à la masculinité, et donc à l'énergie. Même si en décrivant le corps physique, le Yin remplacerait le Yang: La femme a un physique léger Mais porte l'ovule, et a le mental le plus solide. Inversement l'homme est physiquement fort, il porte les spermatozoïdes, mais est mentalement faible.

1. L'opposition des deux matières se retrouvent dans la conception lorsque l'ovule de la femme rencontre, le plus fort des spermatozoïdes, celui qui après la sélection travaillera comme un sculpteur sur le matériau qu'il a choisis. De la même manière que la lumière travail sur la matière.
2. Le corps se compose principalement d'eau, avec le reste des autres éléments représentés par la terre, la structure fonctionne grâce à la lumière, de la même manière que la machine à vapeur fonctionne avec le feu.
3. Le soleil brûle la terre jusqu'à prendre feu créant de la fumée, comme l'eau s'évapore. Le côté solaire, est représenté pour le corps, par la terre et, l'esprit par le feu. Le côté lunaire, est représenté, par. le, vent et le corps par l'eau. Inversement la vapeur redeviens de l'eau jusqu'à redevenir de la glace.

Pour représenter le cycle, chaque quart s'associe à un dieu. Grâce à leurs capacités, chaque dieu représente un des quatre éléments principaux. Qui compose le corps humain:
- Premier quart: Dans le quart précédent, le cadavre est devenue de l'engrais. La déesse de la terre va grâce à cette terre construire un nouveau corps.
Lier à la terre, elle est aussi le quart de l'Homme.
- Second quart: Donnant, naissance à la vie comme au "Cycles 1" et "Eléments 1". Le soleil s'élève de l'aurore au zénith. Projetant de plus en plus, comme le feu, ,sa lumière et chaleur, se qui donne vie expliquer au "Eléments 1".
- Jusqu'au point culminant, il masque la matière pendant une courte durée.
- Troisième quart: La lumière a une durée de vie limitée. Elle s'épuise en revenant vers la matière. Le soleil descend pour finir caché sous l'horizon. vif L'ordre s'inverse et la lumière finit par dominée second au troisième quart ses quarts suivent le pique du triangle le point dominant au centre Représente Le fils mais aussi le père fils de la matière il est aussi le père étant la lumière qui créer la vie, et la réaction suivant: est c'elle du, fils. Le soleil est accompagné de sa mère, Venus Venus est la plus brillante des étoiles de la voie lactée, et comme le soleil, elle parcours le même chemin que le soleil, au point de disparaitre derrière lui lorsque le soleil domine le ciel.
- Le quatrième quart se compose de deux quarts différents:
- Le premier quart est représenté par la déesse de l'eau. La lune agit sur l'eau.
C'est aussi la période où la mère tombe enceinte.
- Le second quart est, représenté par la même déesse. La pure matière noir, mais aussi à la dégradation du corps, revenue à la terre. L'âme représentée soit comme séparer du corps. Soit la lumière est revenue au corps. Dominant la nuit, comme la lune.


1. The universe has the structure of a solid. However, it gives birth to light, an active material and source of all living and conscious energies. Create by the projection of waves and each frequency of which is linked to a taste, an odor, a color; giving all of the light the color white while the inactive universe is black...
2. Light: the sun, lights up the day. The night, while continuing, lit the moon, disappears as soon as evening comes, passing the horizon, and reappears at dawn. Separating horizontally, the sky and the earth, day and night, as vertically, the solar gods of the first and second quarter against the third and fourth quarter of the gods of the moon.
3. The time itself is divided into four quarters lasting six hours: The first starts at midnight and ends at six in the morning the second begins at six o'clock and ends at noon From noon the sun goes down until six o'clock in the evening or in the evening he will finish his shift at midnight.
4. Man has a life cycle in the form of a riddle: "What walks on all fours in the morning on two legs at noon and on three legs in the evening?" Answer: "The Man". At midnight the soul being in paradise while the body remained on earth.
5. Parents conceive their son in the last quarter of their first circle. The mother then spends her pregnancy period on the first quarter of the son's first circle. From birth to adolescence, the son will spend the second quarter under the protection and education of his mother .; In the third quarter, having become a teenager, he will gradually gain his independence, while remaining under the tutelage of his mother. In the fourth quarter he met his girlfriend. They will end up lying together, like their parents. Until she in turn becomes pregnant, the first cycle of the child and the last cycle of the parents begin. In the third quarter time weighs on the body. In the second and third, parents can take on the role of grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great-grandparents ... Reaching at the end of the third and beginning of the fourth quarter, the Man dies and the soul goes to the paradise. As the body degrades, the soul immediately or later takes on a new body and thus begins the cycle again.
6. The year is a four-quarter season, which depending on the country: starts in the middle of winter as in "Cycles 4", which cut in two, as the soul is separated from the body. But it can also start like in "Cycles 3", going right on in early spring and therefore at midnight.

7. The form of Yin as of Yang is that of the golden ratio: One starts at the beginning of the spring equinox, and ends at the end of the summer solstice. The other starts at the start of the fall equinox and ends at the end of the winter solstice. The cycle the position of the stars is divisible in two by the Yin and Yang, see in four by the four seasons.
The Yin is linked to femininity, to matter. And the Yang which is linked to masculinity, and therefore to energy. Even if by describing the physical body, the Yin would replace the Yang: The woman has a light physique But carries the ovum, and has the most solid mind. Conversely, the man is physically strong, he carries the sperm, but is mentally weak.

1. The opposition of the two materials is found in the conception when the woman's ovum meets the strongest sperm, the one who after the selection will work like a sculptor on the material he has chosen. In the same way that light works on matter.
2. The body consists mainly of water, with the rest of the other elements represented by the earth, the structure works with light, in the same way that the steam engine works with fire.
3. The sun burns the earth until it catches fire creating smoke, as water evaporates. The solar side, is represented for the body, by the earth and, the spirit by the fire. The lunar side, is represented, by. the wind and the body by water. Conversely, the vapor becomes water again until it becomes ice again.

To represent the cycle, each quarter is associated with a god. Thanks to their abilities, each god represents one of the four main elements. Who makes up the human body:
- First shift: In the previous shift, the corpse has become fertilizer. The goddess of the earth is going to build a new body thanks to this earth.
Tied to the earth, it is also the quarter of the Man.
- Second quarter: Giving, birth to life as in "Cycles 1" and "Elements 1". The sun rises from dawn to the zenith. Projecting more and more, like fire, its light and heat, which gives life to explain to "Elements 1".
- Until the climax, it hides the material for a short time.
- Third quarter: The light has a limited lifespan. It is exhausted by returning to matter. The sun goes down and ends up hidden under the horizon. The order is reversed and the light ends up dominated second to the third quarter its quarters follow the spike of the triangle the dominant point in the center Represents the son but also the father son of the material he is also the father being the light who create life, and the following reaction: is that of, son. The sun is accompanied by its mother, Venus Venus is the brightest star in the Milky Way, and like the sun, she follows the same path as the sun, to the point of disappearing behind it when the sun dominates the sky.
- The fourth quarter consists of two different quarters.
- The first quarter is represented by the goddess of water. The moon acts on the water.
This is also the period when the mother becomes pregnant.
- The second quarter is, represented by the same goddess. Pure black matter, but also to the degradation of the body, returned to the earth. The soul represented either as separate from the body. Either the light has returned to the body. Dominating the night, like the moon.


Sep 28, 2018
The most I heard about Tae is he slept with a sasaeng fan back in their early years. It seemed questionable. All of them except for Tae and Yg are misogynists. Any popular group with less attractive members still have someone willing to sleep them with. Some Instagram celebrity said she wanted Rm in her guts. The more I learn about them, and their changing appearances, the less they turn me on. They're the opposite of sexy. I'll try to find some more info.
I have to disagree.
TH has made shady comments about women. for example saying on fansigns that the clothes the fans were wearing were too revealing or saying he wanted a wife that didn't spend his money

There is also a video of him being too klafull with a fan, pulling her hair, koreas didn't like that

you can see from Jin and JM reaction, they were a bit alarmed

Sadly, a lot of these things were deleted from the internet. but here I found a tumbr post of a fan making excuses for TH comment



Sep 28, 2018
for people who are new bts and don't know much about their past here is a very long tumblr post that talk about all the things they have done (good or bad) it's very long but also has good information that armys didn't delete yet

the most interesting is their pre debut tweets and songs, the way they talked about women before they changed their image completely


Sep 28, 2018
about TH what I will say is that he acts like a guy with no class

in the past he was criticized for going barefoot in the middle of a fansign


while some fans find him funny, others see his complete lack of class. I think the incident with the fan and her hair is the same
his education seems to be poor or he just doesn't care
you can see the other members looking at him in an awkward way


Aug 24, 2020
I have to disagree.
TH has made shady comments about women. for example saying on fansigns that the clothes the fans were wearing were too revealing or saying he wanted a wife that didn't spend his money

There is also a video of him being too klafull with a fan, pulling her hair, koreas didn't like that

you can see from Jin and JM reaction, they were a bit alarmed

Sadly, a lot of these things were deleted from the internet. but here I found a tumbr post of a fan making excuses for TH comment

I remember about that fanmeet, TH fans said that the girl is 1 of fansite manager who often meet TH so they're already close its ok that TH doing smtgh like that to her
But if i see the video the girl even uncomfortable,,
too many lies, I really hope they finish, it mybe sounds evil but I'm really looking forward to the news that TH / JK/ JM having a dating scandal


Jan 19, 2021
The blow job lip fillers are popular. Who put it in his head that he needed to do this. Maybe his masculine look turns off fans? I thought it was popular. What did you find about Glam and Gfriend? SinB used to be a BH trainee.
blow job lip fillers lollll. Bang p3do definitely has a specific taste on how he likes them done
about TH what I will say is that he acts like a guy with no class

in the past he was criticized for going barefoot in the middle of a fansign


while some fans find him funny, others see his complete lack of class. I think the incident with the fan and her hair is the same
his education seems to be poor or he just doesn't care
you can see the other members looking at him in an awkward way
Mar 1, 2021
I have to disagree.
TH has made shady comments about women. for example saying on fansigns that the clothes the fans were wearing were too revealing or saying he wanted a wife that didn't spend his money

There is also a video of him being too klafull with a fan, pulling her hair, koreas didn't like that

you can see from Jin and JM reaction, they were a bit alarmed

Sadly, a lot of these things were deleted from the internet. but here I found a tumbr post of a fan making excuses for TH comment

It can be so hard for women who don't behave within a limited set of restrictions in Korea. Female idols have been bullied to death and it's very conservative. He's made comments about women's clothes, told them to cover up, doesn't seem to have a high opinion of women. Delusional fans think it means he's a gentleman. The hair pulling video is very odd. This is one of the videos that causes fights among Armys. Some think it's rude and others say the girl was ok with it. Of course she's ok with it. Calling a member a liar or saying they're wrong is dangerous. Way easier to go along and get the hell away from their crazy fans.
for people who are new bts and don't know much about their past here is a very long tumblr post that talk about all the things they have done (good or bad) it's very long but also has good information that armys didn't delete yet

the most interesting is their pre debut tweets and songs, the way they talked about women before they changed their image completely
The Boy in Luv video is horrible. The girl interest is pushed around, treated like trash and yet that's romance. In their culture, a man can stalk a woman until she says yes to a date or a relationship. It's seen as romantic.
Mar 1, 2021
blow job lip fillers lollll. Bang p3do definitely has a specific taste on how he likes them done

Hope you're not eating. His feet thing is partly background and part foot fetish. A magazine gave him a whole paragraph to talk about what type of feet and hands he likes. Young Armys were sending him feet pics because he asked for them. He posted his and asked for fans to post their feet. That's so nasty to put his feet on the table. He wants to be Gucci but is very country. I would've barfed so much. Supposedly he had athlete's foot, according to a girl. Imagine that stench in a packed room.


Sep 9, 2020
about TH what I will say is that he acts like a guy with no class

in the past he was criticized for going barefoot in the middle of a fansign


while some fans find him funny, others see his complete lack of class. I think the incident with the fan and her hair is the same
his education seems to be poor or he just doesn't care
you can see the other members looking at him in an awkward way
that's gross, watch Hoseok face , he looks disgusted , or maybe he doing that for some army foot feticist


Jan 19, 2021
Hope you're not eating. His feet thing is partly background and part foot fetish. A magazine gave him a whole paragraph to talk about what type of feet and hands he likes. Young Armys were sending him feet pics because he asked for them. He posted his and asked for fans to post their feet. That's so nasty to put his feet on the table. He wants to be Gucci but is very country. I would've barfed so much. Supposedly he had athlete's foot, according to a girl. Imagine that stench in a packed room.
what?! he asked fans for feet pics? when??


Mar 11, 2021
Hope you're not eating. His feet thing is partly background and part foot fetish. A magazine gave him a whole paragraph to talk about what type of feet and hands he likes. Young Armys were sending him feet pics because he asked for them. He posted his and asked for fans to post their feet. That's so nasty to put his feet on the table. He wants to be Gucci but is very country. I would've barfed so much. Supposedly he had athlete's foot, according to a girl. Imagine that stench in a packed room.
Nasty. if he has this disease why not stay at home altogether? imagine how uncomfortable all the other members are?
With some exceptions regarding quotes to newspapers, and Namjoon's dreadlocks, everything in the tumblr post was posted in here, with the difference being that it wasn't done chronological.

The problem with postings like the ones you quoted, is the premise that BTS is racist, a premise fuelled by the utterly destructive leftist propaganda, the cancel culture, victimhood, the everything is "racist" - theory and ignorance towards reason, reality and facts.
Even though I've wrote about it already in the past, I am going to put it up again:
I know asian people. It's not against BLACK people, or people of colour for them to have a very white skin as a standard for beauty. That's their history, their right, their culture. The stupid ignorance towards this issue, makes it a trap for anyone saying anything because everything is wrong.
No, it's not wrong for them to consider a south korean, or japanese with darker skin than in their culture, UGLY.
It is stupid, but not everything is about false made-up racism against people of colour.
In my life I've seen concrete attacks, discrimination, bullying, and racist behaviour coming from people of colour towards whites. Not the other way around, as projected in the media.

The top of exaggeration in the media is to consider racist the fact that they laughed at Jungkook for looking as if he's covered in dirt.
Madness. Pure madness to consider this being racist against a person of colour. And a lack of respect towards one's ethnicity.
Has anyone considered the killings and abuse against white people in South Africa? It doesn't matter because it's white people.

What's the problem if someone's wearing dreads? No problem at all. Aren't black, or mixed blacks doing brazilian hair straightening to look more non-black-styled? Like the average white european, or white american ? aha. So that's ok. That's not cultural appropriation.
Aren't black people copying white french hair style? yes, they do.
Aren't black people copying eastern european hair style and clothing? yes they do.
But if a white person, even asian, is wearing dreads, that's a crime.
It's a thing. not a black thing. if you don't comb your hair, you get dreads. many homeless children in romania or other poor country who don't get the luxury of combing their hair, get dreads, this is what happens when you don't comb your hair. that doesn't make it racist against a black person.

Their disgusting sex-filled lyrics and denigration of women - they don't write those lyrics. it's their p***phile band and pgodd, both people of low level obviously hating women. Namjoon is a desperate for attention looser, who imitated as a child gangsta lyrics, copied a lot and thought he's gonna come over as "cool" if he writes some songs bashing women.

the nazi hat - I didn't even knew that it was actually photoshoped and there was no swastika on the hat. by the way, swastika isn't a nazi-symbol in the first place. it's an ancient religious symbol in euroasia meaning peace. It's too bad that the nazis took this symbol, same as gay perverts took the "god's promise" symbol, the rainbow, and made it their own.
Same as what I wrote back then, I am paraphrasing in here - even IF he would have wore a nazi costume, it would have been the fault of their stylists, proving that being a stylist isn't and shouldn't be what it is. all sorts of prostitutes sleeping around so that they can get a gig as a "stylist".
Then, the fault of their stupidity and lack of knowledge, paired with the insanity of being protected to such an extend, that they can be and do stupid things as much as they want, as long as they play according to the agenda. From month to month they say and do the most stupidest things, yet they aren't criticised, they suffer no backlash, they aren't ashamed. Of course they don't want this peter pan stupid insanity to end. They've never faced one single bad reaction towards something bad they did. the only bad thing they did was to not listen to Bang who is only interested in his money. That's it.

The jewish holocaust place who isn't a cemetery- you let people play pokemon there, but BTS jumping on the blocks is racist. Why?? the zionist agenda. to protect those jewish rich people controlling the world.

Taehyung shouldn't have done that hair pulling, he wasn't aggressive or so, the others didn't looked because of that, they looked because of the touching. Even though, even there you have hypocrisy - they touch and are being touched behind the scene by multiple stalkers on a daily basis, Taehyung was hitting and sticking his tongue out to one of them, dancing and doing lascivious moves.
But then in public you act, or try to act according to the etiquette?? Give me a break.

The "pro Palestine" thing. Like I've said a few days ago. What does he know about the situation there? Nothing. But mumbling out "Palestine" or like their fans do "free Palestine". He was told to say it, because of the leftists interest in that area. Trump supported Israel and at least he managed to keep it out of trouble during his time, now Biden intervenes and people die. Typical democrats.
Both sides are wrong. It's a complicated story and Hamas isn't helping. Now Turkey and Russia get involved from both sides, and as always videos out of context are filmed each blaming the other side.
NOOOOOOWWWWw, as per the usual hypocrisy, NOOOOOWWWWW it isn't nazi anymore for BTS to go against Israel. no. That's not racist. Only when it suits.

The thing is, they, the generation with no knowledge but screaming out racism, nazi, or palestine, homophobia, feminism, misogynism, etc, the generation talking without knowing, they aren't even willing to sit down and listen to some facts, or truth.

Almost forgot - the person mentions BTS having started with a broke company. BigHit was never broke. Bang had millions, he was simply investing in something else. Which is why he fooled the members, tricked them and placed them in "poor dorms", which look better than the one I had. Still poor for Bang's money, because he didn't want it to spend it on them. While he was grooming many other young boys.
I am re-quoting myself : the fact that none of them is from Seoul, shows that he specifically choose people from the outside, far away from their parents, easy to fool , easy to manipulate, easy to be told to their parents that they have no idea and shouldn't intervene if they want their children (and as we've seen, automatically them) to become rich. It was done on purpose. It isn't a coincidence.
I know it because the circumstances are similar to Romania and eastern european country where the main capitals and cities are filled with gays and pedophiles, as to people from other cities far from the main ones, are easily fooled and manipulated.
you don't understand, dreadlocks don't even suit namjoon's type of hair, dreadlocks is a black hairstyle used to cover our natural hair cuz of discrimination. and those "white people" getting killed in africa are albino people, witches and wizards collect their body parts for witchcraft.

And black people can wear "european" hair cuz its not culture lol. Black people can come in all hairtypes, even straight hair. black people aren't imitating anything from whites lmao. if anything american whites are mainly the ones who steal from us, they use mainly black features as a trend, they use black clothing, even black music. Kpop is already profiting off black culture as it is.

I don't think you get a say if its cultural appropriation or not, because you seem to not understand the history of the hairstyle nor why its cultural appropriation.



Jan 19, 2021
Nasty. if he has this disease why not stay at home altogether? imagine how uncomfortable all the other members are?

you don't understand, dreadlocks don't even suit namjoon's type of hair, dreadlocks is a black hairstyle used to cover our natural hair cuz of discrimination. and those "white people" getting killed in africa are albino people, witches and wizards collect their body parts for witchcraft.

And black people can wear "european" hair cuz its not culture lol. Black people can come in all hairtypes, even straight hair. black people aren't imitating anything from whites lmao. if anything american whites are mainly the ones who steal from us, they use mainly black features as a trend, they use black clothing, even black music. Kpop is already profiting off black culture as it is.

I don't think you get a say if its cultural appropriation or not, because you seem to not understand the history of the hairstyle nor why its cultural appropriation.

i also remembered seeing one video where namjoon said to one of the members that they would look like the korean black caricature michol if they didnt put on sunscreen or something like that :confused:also @cadiz i remembered you talking earlier in this thread about the suga/ jim jones issue. please correct me if im wrong, but i believe you showed dispatch released something related to the issue, and people also found that he copied post malone album cover and one of the songs jonestown (i think you said it was also related to jim jones), so he knew about it and bigshit had to change their statement or something like that because they said before that he didnt know... but i noticed that the tumblr account didnt really add that part...
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Sep 28, 2018
i also remembered seeing one video where namjoon said to one of the members that they would look like the korean black caricature michol if they didnt put on sunscreen or something like that :confused:also @cadiz i remembered you talking earlier in this thread about the suga/ jim jones issue. please correct me if im wrong, but i believe you showed dispatch released something related to the issue, and people also found that he copied post malone album cover and one of the songs jonestown (i think you said it was also related to jim jones), so he knew about it and bigshit had to change their statement or something like that because they said before that he didnt know... but i noticed that the tumblr account didnt really add that part...
I think the tumblr post is biased and "too nice" to BTS, I posted it here because is the only place where I find some negative things they did in the past (armys worked very hard to delete everthing)

about Sugar, yes he copied Post Malone several times, he was accused of plagiarism for his mixtape (bts in general were accused of plagiarism too many times)

For me the most important thing about that tumblr posts. are the lyrics RM used to write
He shows agreesion towards women, yes he was try hard. But shows time and time again he likes books and songs that treat women as objects, I think back then he showed his real personality
The RM you see now, the clumsy vanilla guy is not him.

the tumblr also doesn't mention certain comments like JM telling Jhope men are not supposed to kiss on the lips. Because back then being heterosexual was part of bts concept( not like right now)

I'm just trying to show the big difference beween bts back then and bts now.
Because armys hide a lot of information I think is important for new fans to know what happened back then and the different personalities they show