Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Can We Trust America’s COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Statistics?
VAERS has served as a highly successful propaganda tool to mask and hide actual vaccine risks instead of a reliable monitoring system. Anyone can access the database, and it is the most common resource for those who follow and report adverse vaccine reaction trends.

Yet, the CDC also relies upon other monitoring sources, notably the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD), a database controlled in a collaboration between the CDC and nine large managed healthcare organizations. In fact, the CDC states that it relies upon VSD “to evaluate vaccine safety issues.”

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Lawyer for Yellowknife pub charged with COVID-19 violation vows to 'fight the fine'

Screenshot_2021-03-31 News Headlines - Yahoo News Canada.png


Jan 14, 2021
COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease ISSN 2639-9458 read the study paper

Now reports of brain disease in Canada, Mysterious brain disease that resembles deadly 'Mad Cow Disease' kills FIVE and is reported in 43 people in Canada



Jan 14, 2021
This is craaazy article

The number of people who died in the past two months is at least as high almost everywhere as it was in the previous 12 months together. In 51 counties, mortality is more than four times higher, and in 22 of them, it is more than six times higher.”


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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Another obvious part of the script to use the magic virus to start WW3 between China (+Russia) v. the U.S. (+U.K.), to kill off the "useless eaters" who survive the toxic vaccine and engineered famine.

A leak from a Wuhan lab or a US military one? As the US and China trade barbs over Covid’s origin, the world waits for answers


A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease ISSN 2639-9458 read the study paper

Now reports of brain disease in Canada, Mysterious brain disease that resembles deadly 'Mad Cow Disease' kills FIVE and is reported in 43 people in Canada

Who knows how many different diseases these vaccines may cause or what exactly is in their concoctions?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
If people stopped listening to, trusting in and obeying all of the politicians and witch doctors, there would be no "global pandemic". An interesting study done over 15 years ago, chronicled in "Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About" by Kevin Trudeau, makes it crystal clear that all of the money spent on cancer research over the past 70 years has accomplished nothing, other than to serve as propaganda for the pharmaceutical companies. Please see the brief excerpt below, from a letter sent out to at least 180 medical facilities in the United States back in 2005, which quotes those statistics:

"Today Americans spend over $2 trillion per year on healthcare so that they may enjoy lifespans that are shorter than 30 other countries around the world and infant mortality rates higher than 20 other developed countries. We consume over half of all the drugs manufactured in the world, picking from over 200,000 non-prescription and over 30,000 prescription drugs that are available. Doctors (like you) facilitate this process by writing over 3 billion prescriptions annually. In addition, despite all of these efforts and all of the research money that has gone into fighting cancer, our chances of dying from cancer are no better than they were in 1950. Please research this for yourself if you are skeptical—but conduct your research outside the reach of the “doctored” AMA results and studies.

You have helped make the pharmaceutical companies very wealthy as a result of your allegiance to them. In return, they have lied to you and enslaved you in their system."

The standard regiment for many cancers is surgery, followed by radiation and chemotherapy. Radiation is a known carcinogen, i.e. radiation is known to cause cancer.

How can something that causes cancer help cure someone of it?

Similarly, does anyone know what is in many of the chemotherapy drugs, or why the nurses who administer them have to report any event where they come in contact with even one drop of these toxic fluids? Many chemotherapy drugs are refined toxic waste, a byproduct from processing aluminum. So instead of having to pay huge sums of money to have their chemical waste products hauled off, the aluminum industry instead sends it to be turned into "medical grade" chemotherapy drugs.

It is very difficult for most people to wrap their minds around the FACT that we are, and have been for many years, poisoned for profit by the medical industry, because the most believe they are receiving some sort of magic pill or cure.

It is exactly this lack of knowledge (Hos. 4:6) that has built such an unfounded trust in doctors and the medical industrial complex, pushing the drugs that their pharmaceutical company drug dealers send them. This is NOT meant as an attack against the doctors and nurses, who have been very well indoctrinated/indoctornated in the medical arts via med school and nursing school textbooks, most of which have absolutely nothing to do with health. It is intended to help and warn them too.

Never before in human history has it been made more obvious than it is now, with the magic virus scam and the planned poisoning of any foolish enough to take the vaccine, as evidenced by the overt execution of the weak and elderly. It's been allowed to get to this point to help awaken people to these FACTS, while there is still time to do something about it.

T.h.e.y. will not be satisfied until they have poisoned everyone and achieved their >90% reduction in the world's population through wars and vaccines (the latter of which will eventually bring about the former).


Jan 14, 2021
Incase you missed it AstraZeneca "vaccine" has changed name to Vaxzevria.. Along with the packaging.. No reason has been given, so we can only speculate it's intended to confuse people even more..


Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Greece: 65-year-old woman dead 30 minutes after AstraZeneca shot

ILION, WEST ATHENS — AstraZeneca crimes against humanity continue as another victim dies in Europe shortly after the shot.

A 65-year-old woman received the first dose of the AstraZeneca viral vector shot at the Ilion Health Centre on or around March 29, according to Skai News in Piraeus, Greece. She waited the customary 20 minutes to ensure there were no immediate side effects.

The woman, who was not identified by Skai, walked out of the building to go about her day. She was found unresponsive in the parking lot ten minutes later. Medical personnel took her back into the health centre for first aid. But she was pronounced dead shortly thereafter.

Skai News deflected attention from the experimental shot by pointing out the woman had diabetes. Meanwhile, the Greek National Vaccination Committee said it is “too early to draw any conclusions” as to the cause of death.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Florida: 38 “fully vaccinated” people test positive for COVID-19

ORLANDO — Every “trusted” voice in the COVID-19 marketing campaign has conceded that the experimental shots do not stop the spread of COVID-19. Meanwhile the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) utilizes word salads to continually promote their stakeholders’ products. The CDC says experimental mRNA and viral vector shots “prevent you from getting sick” from COVID-19. But the shots won’t make you immune. Thus, what is the point of getting these shots? Several Florida residents are asking themselves this very question.