BBC pushing anti conspiracy theories/think for yourself


Jan 10, 2019
Donald Trump's entire re election plan was to scare his base that Radical Communism was going to take over the country via Joe "I dont even believe in Medicare 4 All" Biden. It was Vote Trump or let radical Antifa and BLM take over. This is such a comical take, but its amazing how often you see it repeated on Conspiracy forums.

This is the script the radical right has been operating on for almost 100 years.

The Communist threat.
I'm repeating myself but have to comment again that Bitchute is full to the gills with channels repeating the same tripe. 80% are patriots theorizing about the deep state's agenda against him, also obsessing over progressive fails.

It hurts me because good people I work with or know- military, ex-military, and ex-law enforcement are infatuated with Dump. They're prepared to go to any length to defend him against the "communist takeover". I hate that some of our most humble people have been so deeply brainwashed.

It's a waste of energy and designed to be that. There's many things conservatives can do: form your own schools prioritizing your values, form worker co-operatives and barter systems as alternatives to globalism. Both left and right need to realize the bankers are the predatory class and we could work together to break free. No one's forcing us to put our money in the bank or take their loans.


Mar 16, 2017
I'm repeating myself but have to comment again that Bitchute is full to the gills with channels repeating the same tripe. 80% are patriots theorizing about the deep state's agenda against him, also obsessing over progressive fails.

It hurts me because good people I work with or know- military, ex-military, and ex-law enforcement are infatuated with Dump. They're prepared to go to any length to defend him against the "communist takeover". I hate that some of our most humble people have been so deeply brainwashed.

It's a waste of energy and designed to be that. There's many things conservatives can do: form your own schools prioritizing your values, form worker co-operatives and barter systems as alternatives to globalism. Both left and right need to realize the bankers are the predatory class and we could work together to break free. No one's forcing us to put our money in the bank or take their loans.
I have a similar situation to paragraph two. It’s heartbreaking infuriating and nauseating at the same time.

paragraph three I agree with 100%. I don’t know why we need a president that “speaks to us” to put things in motion to live the way we want regardless of the government. This works for most things, not all. But it’s like people on both sides can’t even be bothered to try.


Jul 31, 2017
I typically hate the BBC, and I generally find the UK in general to be quite a cesspool in terms of their media and surveillance. I can't imagine living in a place where your every move outdoors is blatantly monitored by CCTV.


Jul 27, 2017
I'm repeating myself but have to comment again that Bitchute is full to the gills with channels repeating the same tripe. 80% are patriots theorizing about the deep state's agenda against him, also obsessing over progressive fails.

It hurts me because good people I work with or know- military, ex-military, and ex-law enforcement are infatuated with Dump. They're prepared to go to any length to defend him against the "communist takeover". I hate that some of our most humble people have been so deeply brainwashed.

It's a waste of energy and designed to be that. There's many things conservatives can do: form your own schools prioritizing your values, form worker co-operatives and barter systems as alternatives to globalism. Both left and right need to realize the bankers are the predatory class and we could work together to break free. No one's forcing us to put our money in the bank or take their loans.
There’s a lot of progress people can do. I agree with your post.

People are too set in their beliefs to make that leap though


Jan 10, 2019


Mar 18, 2017
In the 90s they just mocked anyone who did not follow the official story, same in the 2000s, but ive noticed a different method happening lately, the dangerous conspiracy theorist. First they ignored David Icke, love him or hate him, he was either ignored or ridiculed, but now ive seen articles about how dangerous he is, and the latest anti conspiracy theory rhetoric is the Nashville bombing.

However it seems like the BBC is really pushing the idea that anyone who questions the official story or government is dangerous. here are two of their latest articles

the casualties of conspiracy
how to talk to the VICTIMS of conspiracy theories

Remember kids people who question the official narrative are victims of brainwashing, mentally ill, entranced by fantasy
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but i do find the title of the reporter from both of these articles quite interesting 'specialist disinformation reporter''

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Marianna Spring twitter

maybe its worth doing a thread showing all the anti conspiracy theory attempts by the mainstream media, i know we all touch on it in other threads but it would be worth having all of them together, to see if there is a pattern emerging
Oct 2, 2017

Its funny how 20 years ago conspiracy theorists where just crazy weirdos, living in basements, now they are super dangerous and are destroying society. Just switched the tv on for the first time in months and find this on the history channel



Jan 22, 2018
Its funny how 20 years ago conspiracy theorists where just crazy weirdos, living in basements, now they are super dangerous and are destroying society. Just switched the tv on for the first time in months and find this on the history channel

View attachment 50202
Incredible isn’t it? In such a swift amount of time the conspiracy theorist transitions from a basement dwelling tin foil hat wearing mental health patient into a democracy threatening domestic terrorist?

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
Okay, I cringed at some comments here where people think they have all the answers and others who disagree are dumb. But getting past that having spent time in the UK I certainly saw then the seeds of what is happening now. And it should be noted that the UK in some ways is much further along than the US with the wanted agenda.

But what we are seeing on talks of censorship was predestined to lead to more censorship. As the new year arrived this came to the forefront and we haven't seen anything yet IMHO with concern to how bad this is getting ready to get. The future of the internet is for people to agree to self imposed restrictions or to sell out their morals and thoughts to be able to use it.

It is also worth noting that CBS 60 minutes, a Sunday tradition started the new year off with talks of the issues on social media platforms and lies. But who tells whom what are lies. This all will eventually come for your freedom of speech and for us to argue with one another here. We will be funneled together if they have their way killing imagination and thought.

I can't see forums like this surviving down the road if the current agendas are passed. We are living in a time when many people are complicit zombies. Jess brought up here or somewhere that she wants to feel safe, have a home and medical care. Well, they know that and will in time dangle a carrot on a stick or the ability to somewhat have the perception of safety or standard needs met in front of us as long as we comply.

In the future, everything will be taxed to use it with the main currency being selling out and becoming Stepford people to survive. We can change the path but getting past divides will be difficult. Science is their new God and it is imperfect and subject to bull shitery.
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Jan 11, 2020
Science is their new God and it is imperfect and subject to bull shitery.

btw, the uk doesn't surveil everyone all the time.
Alexa does that.

Also, our gov surveillance, like our heath care, is free at the point of delivery.

Alexas and iphones make people pay for their surveillance, and love and cherish it.

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
A tad off subject, but yes, we have been heavily surveilled the second we agreed to use G-Mail or google, purchased a smartphone or pretty much any appliance coming off the assembly lines made to know when cook, sleep etc. And yes, we opt into letting them know what makes us tick just to peruse the web. Back to the UK, it was still quite docile when I was there, but now, at least from across the pond, it seems to be taking the lead with countries like New Zealand and Australia in over the top restrictions. The US follows closely, but the size of this country and the populace will be a little harder to control. Back to science, it is constantly proven wrong. Science is the liquid ever-changing God for many.


Mar 16, 2017
Okay, I cringed at some comments here where people think they have all the answers and others who disagree are dumb. But getting past that having spent time in the UK I certainly saw then the seeds of what is happening now. And it should be noted that the UK in some ways is much further along than the US with the wanted agenda.

But what we are seeing on talks of censorship was predestined to lead to more censorship. As the new year arrived this came to the forefront and we haven't seen anything yet IMHO with concern to how bad this is getting ready to get. The future of the internet is for people to agree to self imposed restrictions or to sell out their morals and thoughts to be able to use it.

It is also worth noting that CBS 60 minutes, a Sunday tradition started the new year off with talks of the issues on social media platforms and lies. But who tells whom what are lies. This all will eventually come for your freedom of speech and for us to argue with one another here. We will be funneled together if they have their way killing imagination and thought.

I can't see forums like this surviving down the road if the current agendas are passed. We are living in a time when many people are complicit zombies. Jess brought up here or somewhere that she wants to feel safe, have a home and medical care. Well, they know that and will in time dangle a carrot on a stick or the ability to somewhat have the perception of safety or standard needs met in front of us as long as we comply.

In the future, everything will be taxed to use it with the main currency being selling out and becoming Stepford people to survive. We can change the path but getting past divides will be difficult. Science is their new God and it is imperfect and subject to bull shitery.
Where the fuck did I say that? Liar. What I DID say was that I believe people deserve to be paid enough for their labor to afford basic necessities like shelter, food, and medical care. Never anything about safe. And never anything about wanting the government to be my daddy.


Jan 11, 2020
A tad off subject, but yes, we have been heavily surveilled the second we agreed to use G-Mail or google, purchased a smartphone or pretty much any appliance coming off the assembly lines made to know when cook, sleep etc. And yes, we opt into letting them know what makes us tick just to peruse the web. Back to the UK, it was still quite docile when I was there, but now, at least from across the pond, it seems to be taking the lead with countries like New Zealand and Australia in over the top restrictions. The US follows closely, but the size of this country and the populace will be a little harder to control. Back to science, it is constantly proven wrong. Science is the liquid ever-changing God for many.
I dont know. I just live here, and mostly I do what I want and no one stops me.
I look at other countries and say 'I am glad I don't live there'.

But back to the actual topic of the thread, I have noticed a recent sea change in the way the BBC reports stuff.
They are increasingly using loaded words and hyperbole to force the interpretation of their 'facts'.
They are most definitely pushing the agenda, but (in my opinion) pushing it really obviously and really badly.

This all means something very significant. but I haven't yet decided what.
If I figure it out, I will let you all know.

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
Where the fuck did I say that? Liar. What I DID say was that I believe people deserve to be paid enough for their labor to afford basic necessities like shelter, food, and medical care. Never anything about safe. And never anything about wanting the government to be my daddy.
Wow. Tense much? I was in no way implying that you want a Government Daddy. Perhaps I did not word what I said perfectly but wouldn't safety be the inevitable goal of wanting health care, a place to live, and what you said? You sort of just lost it there when I was using you as an example of what most of us want. You read way too much into my words which were IMHO clearly pointing to we all want basic needs.

In a sense, that is what controllers are dependent on. They want us to get down to what we see as basic needs and give us nothing more than that, if that.
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Oct 2, 2017
another channel to watch is the history channel. one minute they are touting Ancient aliens and secret files, showing how 'crazy conspiracy theorist are, how they think out the box and how deluded they are for it. then they have programmes hinting at the insanity and danger of conspiracy theory.

I work in the heritage sector and we all know if you go on the history channel its career suicide, hence all their 'experts' are not from that area. the ancient alien guy hasnt even studied history but sports science, yet hes promoted as a historical expert.

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
I dont know. I just live here, and mostly I do what I want and no one stops me.
I look at other countries and say 'I am glad I don't live there'.

But back to the actual topic of the thread, I have noticed a recent sea change in the way the BBC reports stuff.
They are increasingly using loaded words and hyperbole to force the interpretation of their 'facts'.
They are most definitely pushing the agenda, but (in my opinion) pushing it really obviously and really badly.

This all means something very significant. but I haven't yet decided what.
If I figure it out, I will let you all know.
I think the reason we see other countries as being worse than our own is the media we're faced with. We see only the worst parts of countries on television or the internet via media propaganda. And propaganda lives with conspiracists as much as the MSM in some ways, which is sad. It just comes down to waking up and it is hard to do since we are bombarded from birth to the present with too much information designed to makes one's brain or head spin.

Anyhow, good luck over there and everywhere else. The next few years will be interesting but scary as well. I mean, we are kind of in a war for the way we live and how we will be allowed to do so moving forward.


Jan 11, 2020
another channel to watch is the history channel. one minute they are touting Ancient aliens and secret files, showing how 'crazy conspiracy theorist are, how they think out the box and how deluded they are for it. then they have programmes hinting at the insanity and danger of conspiracy theory.

I work in the heritage sector and we all know if you go on the history channel its career suicide, hence all their 'experts' are not from that area. the ancient alien guy hasnt even studied history but sports science, yet hes promoted as a historical expert.
I love those programs though, so much fun!
If anyone asks me what I am going to be when I grow up, I am going to say "An Ancient Alien Theorist".

I notice the same things, especially when it involves british history/pre-history. Like they mention stone circles and medieval castles in the same breath, as though there wasn't 4 thousand years between them.

I knew a guy who was a shamanic channeller, he got asked to be on Most Haunted.
He never watched it, so he asked me if he should do it.
I said it depended on wether he wanted to be mocked in the tabloids or not.
Oct 2, 2017
I love those programs though, so much fun!
If anyone asks me what I am going to be when I grow up, I am going to say "An Ancient Alien Theorist".

I notice the same things, especially when it involves british history/pre-history. Like they mention stone circles and medieval castles in the same breath, as though there wasn't 4 thousand years between them.

I knew a guy who was a shamanic channeller, he got asked to be on Most Haunted.
He never watched it, so he asked me if he should do it.
I said it depended on wether he wanted to be mocked in the tabloids or not.
yeah i do love American channels and their idea of British history, the way they pronounce certain names or towns is fun for me. liechester instead of Leicester, things like that. I do admit i watch ancient aliens for a laugh.

did he do most haunted, my mum used to watch it and its so funny how can you take it seriously. only show that beats that is ghost adventurers, the guys who thinks everything is demonic


Mar 18, 2017
Its funny how 20 years ago conspiracy theorists where just crazy weirdos, living in basements, now they are super dangerous and are destroying society. Just switched the tv on for the first time in months and find this on the history channel

View attachment 50202
'They've been running with the "dangerous" theme for quite a while, maybe the last 5yrs. Of more interest to me will be the reaction from people who once prided themselves in not believing "those kooky conspiracies" only to wake up now and find that any dissenting opinion from that of the "elected authorities" is classified as a conspiracy THEORY and also is deemed illegal and dangerous.
Incredible isn’t it? In such a swift amount of time the conspiracy theorist transitions from a basement dwelling tin foil hat wearing mental health patient into a democracy threatening domestic terrorist?
....a domestic terrorist who will then end up in an actual Bedlam**, if the "therapeutic state" gets its way.
**see Psikhushka


Jan 11, 2020
yeah i do love American channels and their idea of British history, the way they pronounce certain names or towns is fun for me. liechester instead of Leicester, things like that. I do admit i watch ancient aliens for a laugh.

did he do most haunted, my mum used to watch it and its so funny how can you take it seriously. only show that beats that is ghost adventurers, the guys who thinks everything is demonic
No, I think everyone else said the same as me, and they decided not to.
Yeah! those progs are for 'entertaiment only'.