It’s time to fight for our Freedom, I’m scared...

May 18, 2018
fine 761 million is the current level of food insecurity for 76 countries.

83 million is still a 2.2% increase from this level. Opening Disneyland is not going to fix the problem, but keep trying To use it for your own agenda.

unlike you, I don’t think your sensationalism of data makes you a psycho. I don’t feel the need to continue making childish comments like this. I think it means you’re not so good with numbers.

these numbers in the quote basically create a map That tells a larger story. The problem is that when I try to show this story extends beyond the agenda that you are trying to promote that is based on taking a position concerning the pandemic, and needing to continue to feed into the presumption that you were right about your initial assumptions.

however, it is selfish motivations like this that make the reality of food insecurity a problem that continues to exist and creates risk of increase when a hardship like a new virus is introduced.
So youre saying we need a..... “Great Reset”? Yeah that does make sense doesn’t it


Mar 18, 2017
This is such a classic waste of time argument with a liberal
i make a statement
i provide sources proving that one small aspect of my point
you fixate on it for pages by over analyzing it and find nothing of value that disproves what I meant
and instead of talking what inwas talking about you try to prove that either the data is wrong in that source or that it doesn’t matter

there is such a strange psychology behind the disease of leftism.
you made a sensational claim in order to make something seem more alarming that you made without any source for support. Then you went looking for a way to prove this after the fact, and weren’t able to because you do not seemed to be able to read data very well.

the articles you posted told a larger story. I tried to show the whole picture. You’re just mad that I was able to do this because otherwise, many people might not have noticed that you were doing such a bad job and thought you were making a better point than you actually have been able to do.

I’m sorry you have difficulty facing reality, but there is no way I should be required to go along with what you are saying to make you feel better. You are not very good at using multiple numbers to create a complex picture that would be useful to creating solutions.


Mar 18, 2017
I did support my claims so that’s a worthless thing to say
I have steered you in finding and using your sources. After a couple of pages, you finally found one that said tens of millions. However, this was still relevant to the an overall total of hundreds of millions, which you were not careful to catch before I did. In reality, you should have been the one to catch what I did before I was able to. They were your sources that should have been able to work in your favor if you were able to see the complexity of more than one number. You fixated on one number, and this has created most of the problem from the beginning.

you were also not prepared to support tens of millions from the beginning and we’ve talked before. I know you know I’m American. It’s not my fault that I thought your comment was more directly relevant to this. It was easy for me to assume you were saying something along the lines of, look what this is doing to your country.

since you were not prepared to source your claim, it would seem like you initially set out to prove something along the lines of look at what this is doing to your country. Until that didn’t work out for you because you were careless in reading the articles you were posting, so you tried to look beyond this and see if it worked.

it did to an extent, but you made the same error of isolating a number in order to make something appear more alarming rather than truly trying to understand what the numbers were actually saying in the article you were posting.

in the end, you still seem to think that you have offered something that should make me take a second look at the opinion I have already formed towards the subject, which is a joke. It is entirely funny to me that you seem to think you should be taken seriously at this point.
May 18, 2018
you made a sensational claim in order to make something seem more alarming that you made without any source for support. Then you went looking for a way to prove this after the fact, and weren’t able to because you do not seemed to be able to read data very well.
Nope I supported the claim entirely. you think if you do this long we can forget the original point? Sorry no. The tyranny you advocate for is based on lies and has caused catastrophe in millions of people’s lives, do what you need to to rationalize or deal with that for yourself, that’s all this is, hope it’s therapeutic.
It was easy for me to assume you were saying something along the lines of, look what this is doing to your country.
classic American, you think a worldwide phenomenon is only centred around you.


Mar 18, 2017
Nope I supported the claim entirely. you think if you do this long we can forget the original point? Sorry no. The tyranny you advocate for is based on lies and has caused catastrophe in millions of people’s lives, do what you need to to rationalize or deal with that for yourself, that’s all this is, hope it’s therapeutic.

classic American, you think a worldwide phenomenon is only centred around you.
face it light seeker. You like talking to me. ;)
May 15, 2017
The nurses in North Dakota are not even required to quarantine when they test positive.

How are covid restrictions in North Dakota creating depression era poverty again? More than likely, it is the actual pandemic itself that would be responsible for this. Open your eyes.
there is no pandemic, are u retarded? seriously thats been proved countless times.


Oct 21, 2019
Hello from the UK.

Lockdown Sceptics is a great website over here which you might want to refer to in regards the C19 bollocks. We're a couple of weeks ahead of you here with a second lockdown, and people are pushing back because the data simply doesn't support it. The politicians are really showing their true colours. People are gathering in cities in droves to protest, not observing any sort of distancing guidelines.

Also, look up Dolores Cahill on YouTube. She speaks a lot of sense.

Question everything you're being told by the media, because generally speaking, if they say black, the truth is actually white. They will never be able to form your opinion for you, so long as you look at both sides of a story.

I don't wear a mask when I go out (the symbolism in doing so is obvious). I visit and hug my friends and family. I refuse to be told what I can do - because this cold/flu virus (which was over by spring, BTW) has been hikacked by Big Pharma to make them money. A lot of our politicians here have shares in the companies they're employing to develop vaccines or supply PPE. The corruption is blatant.

My brother doesn't hold the same opinions as me and he asked me what they should have done instead of closing businesses and giving cash handouts. My answer was they should have instead thrown that money at the Health Service and protected the vulnerable, not decimated the economy and ruined everyone's lives.

Because of your election there (which is simply failing to hit the MSM here - imagine my shock), you are literally either going to kickstart the Great Awakening, or the Great Reset.

Either way, don't be scared. You control your thoughts and emotions. Maybe do something (if not online, in person via straight-talking) which makes you feel empowered again. Talk to each other. Be kind to each other. A divided society is what they're pushing for. Don't give them what they want. Simply refuse.
I'm in Southern California, Los Angeles county - the epicenter of BS. I can't even believe what is going on - now they just started a mandatory 10pm-5am curfew. Gavin Newsom (CA Governor) is telling people not to visit family on Thanksgiving, but was literally just out at a restaurant with like a dozen people not wearing masks, sitting very close at the same table (no social distancing) - the hypocrisy is disgusting. I'm honestly afraid that we will have to fight for our freedom - and not by using some hashtag or whatever. I mean like physically overthrowing the government because I feel like we are dangerously close to the point of no return.... (draining the swamp ourselves)

....that or I go live in the woods somewhere... I don't know what to do anymore & it honestly scares me. I'm so jealous of your freedom - I'm losing my sanity being locked in my apartment... I just don't know what to do & am wondering if anyone else is ready to fight...


Oct 21, 2019
Hello from the UK.

Lockdown Sceptics is a great website over here which you might want to refer to in regards the C19 bollocks. We're a couple of weeks ahead of you here with a second lockdown, and people are pushing back because the data simply doesn't support it. The politicians are really showing their true colours. People are gathering in cities in droves to protest, not observing any sort of distancing guidelines.

Also, look up Dolores Cahill on YouTube. She speaks a lot of sense.

Question everything you're being told by the media, because generally speaking, if they say black, the truth is actually white. They will never be able to form your opinion for you, so long as you look at both sides of a story.

I don't wear a mask when I go out (the symbolism in doing so is obvious). I visit and hug my friends and family. I refuse to be told what I can do - because this cold/flu virus (which was over by spring, BTW) has been hikacked by Big Pharma to make them money. A lot of our politicians here have shares in the companies they're employing to develop vaccines or supply PPE. The corruption is blatant.

My brother doesn't hold the same opinions as me and he asked me what they should have done instead of closing businesses and giving cash handouts. My answer was they should have instead thrown that money at the Health Service and protected the vulnerable, not decimated the economy and ruined everyone's lives.

Because of your election there (which is simply failing to hit the MSM here - imagine my shock), you are literally either going to kickstart the Great Awakening, or the Great Reset.

Either way, don't be scared. You control your thoughts and emotions. Maybe do something (if not online, in person via straight-talking) which makes you feel empowered again. Talk to each other. Be kind to each other. A divided society is what they're pushing for. Don't give them what they want. Simply refuse.
LOL I tried online - I created a petition for Freedom of Speech on Social Media... and was blocked from Twitter for a day. Then my petition was deleted as "inappropriate content". Pretty sure that just proves my point.... meaning it has to be done physically, not online. I dont know, I feel like everyone is so complacent & I don't get it! Yet, I honestly don't even know where to start - I tried a petition, that was blocked. I'm writing my congressperson/representative, but I know that won't do anything... so how do I fight? And who is with me? I guess that's my question.. :/

(Oh & MSM doesn't report anything on the recount or anything - like I honestly can never find out what is really going on. As a side note, Ballots should be handled just like evidence for a trial - there needs to be a chain of custody & systematic controls set in place. Not just throw a ballot in a mailbox.... come on. People steal mail/packages everyday, so what's to stop me from stealing all the mail-in ballots out of people's mailboxes & completing them as I see fit? Not saying I would do that, but just giving an example... ugh what happened to the "Land of the Free & the Home of the Brave"??? )

John K

Oct 10, 2020
I’m depressed & have to say something... it’s like one day they told us to stay home, and we did. And now my once thriving neighborhood of small businesses has been reduced to a sea of “For Lease” signs in just a matter of months. How much longer will we sit back & take it? I feel like the Stimulus Check was hush money to keep us distracted... and it worked. Seriously at what point do we say “enough is enough?!”

And I’m just as guilty - I took the money & believed the lies that we were just going to “flatten the curve”. I justified staying home by saying it was to protect the cancer patients being treated at the hospital I work at, since they have such compromised immune systems.

But then the talk of reopening just stopped. The whole summer flew by, and despite living in California I stayed pale, relegated to staying indoors, handcuffed to my computer working from home. And now it’s getting to be winter, the time of year everyone gets sick. So now every sneeze, every cough, ever sore throat will be treated as a possible death sentence.

You know that we will be indoors now at least through the end of March 2021, making it one full year of this lockdown. Do you honestly think that we will ever get our freedom back?

And now, regardless of your politics, the Democratic Party promotes big government- honestly I am afraid to have even more government in my daily life because my daily life has already ceased to exist. I’m on & reading their platform preamble which says “Democrats will forge a new social & economic contract with the American people - a contract that promotes shared prosperity” = what the hell does that mean?! “A new contract” & “shared prosperity” sounds like socialism & like we will definitely be giving up the right to free business.
I know what I’m saying is unpopular & I’ll probably be hit with a barrage of hate speech, but the truth is I just want us all to have the freedom to live our daily life as we desire. If you wish to stay indoors, that should be your choice. But we should also have the choice to NOT stay inside. Private businesses should be allowed to choose whether or not they can serve citizens, just as you can decide to patronage business. Yes, we need to protect the elderly & infirm, so those private hospitals & facilities can enforce the rules they deem appropriate. But if a coffee shop wants to reopen & not require social distancing or a mask, that should be their choice too. Then just don’t go if you don’t feel comfortable.

People are still getting sick despite these unprecedented measures (maybe because we’ve prevented herd immunity by not allowing the virus to take its natural course) but regardless, at what point do we say “enough is enough”? I mean, am I the only one that is deeply saddened & anxious that we are fine sitting home while small business dies? Until our only choice is Amazon? I feel complicit because I’m one of the lucky few to have a job & work from home, so I can pay bills & keep a roof over my head. But what about everyone else?
I’m sorry for ranting, and I know I’ll probably get a ton of nasty comments but the truth is, I love this country, I love its citizens, and I hate watching it be destroyed. Instead of coming together, our frustration is being exploited into making us hate one another. Local police are highlighted as being the problem, so that the federal government can step in- I’m just waiting for martial law... (and please don’t misread or misinterpret what I’m saying- there are some horrible things that were done by some horrible people, but just like all priests aren’t pedophiles, not all police are murderers). I am honestly just truly worried about the future & afraid of what life will be like a year from now, two years from now.... how much worse will it get??

... I mean, not only did I get blocked on Twitter for creating a petition to preserve Freedom of Speech on Social Media, my petition has now been deleted. Isn’t that exactly like Orwellian’s Big Brother & committing a thought-crime? My dumb petition that had maybe a dozen or so signatures was deemed too much dissent & removed. This post is a thought-crime because it goes against the narrative of mainstream media. This post will likely be deleted as well. And if you don’t find that troubling, well that scares me. We have fought for civil rights- for equality, LGBT rights, human rights, and now all humans are losing all rights. The pursuit of freedom is guaranteed to us, and I think every consenting adult should be allowed to do whatever that means (obviously not to hurt someone, please don’t misconstrue what I’m saying). But right now, we have lost all those rights generations before us fought so hard for, yet we sit home. And instead of fighting for our freedom, we fight each other.
It’s no wonder that the elite’s favorite slogan is “order out of chaos”. While we are busy fighting each other, they will establish a new order of life, one where we have no more freedom. THAT is what scares me. And it really scares me that no one else seems to care.

... I’m sorry for the long post & I’m sure I didn’t say it properly because I haven’t been sleeping & have been working crazy hours so I’m pretty zapped, but I just wanted to say something before this gets deleted too. I just want us to stop fighting against each other & start fighting for the same freedom this country was founded on. I love each & every one of you (even if you disagree with me) - I just don’t want to lose any more freedom.
First, I recommend you to calm down.. and see all the good things on your life. Don't fear. Don't give to the establishment the pleasure of achieve their objetive.
If we don't feel fear, they can't hurt us .

Second, I completly agree with you. The citizens of all countries must protest in order to recover their rights.
We're are going to lose all rights that we achieved in just 1 year. It's crazy.

You know, the virus is not so mortal.. and not so bad. They lie about the numbers of death and people infected with covid19.

The virus is just an excuse, the establishment want to treat us like chinese citizens. They want to cut our freedom. Take all our rights. And , then, they want to make a mass sterilization of the population with vaccines.

We just need to spread the truth and start protest. Then, we must vote again and change our leaders.
But OTHERS LEADERS, from OTHER party. Not another person from the bloody establisment.

It's not easy. We're in war with our owns leaders. This is the 4th world war.
Last edited:


Apr 11, 2017
right, suggesting that people wash their hands and pay attention to how they can learn to prevent the spread of disease in order to truly protect their freedoms that they want to keep, is just so arrogant.

but comparing hand washing to clipping toe nails is an insightful way to respond to the situation.

you’re a perfect example of the ignorance that has made this whole situation possible.
There is a huge difference between instilling the drive to wash one's hands and forcing people to stay indoors indefinitely.

Businesses are failing, the economy is tanking, people are drowning in debt and despair and depression. An entire generation of kids can't go to school or to playgrounds or to birthday parties. No one even dares to discuss the long-term psychological effects this is going to have on these children, all around the world. At the very least, I would bet there will be an uptick in anxiety, depression, hypochondria, and OCDs both minor and major.

All 16 paragraphs of your nursey mumbo-jumbo does is prove that you think you know better than the rest of us, and bequeath upon yourself the right to dictate to everyone else how they should live their lives. As Lightseeker suggested above, that makes YOU a part of the problem. You're almost as bad as the pelosi-creature screeching in the Capitol about how everyone needs to stay home and make do with whatever, while she slurps down her $20 pints of ice cream and books a damn hair appointment.

And BTW, you don't have to go to Bangladesh or wherever, bc there is already an epidemic of homelessness in CA. (Due to three previous decades of sh*tty economic policies, it's already its own third world country. No passport required!) Which is only going to get WORSE due to the shutdowns, which will in turn exacerbate the spread of pretty much every virus and bacteria, not just your precious Covid. Enjoy the hepatitis, the HIV, the H3N2, and the H1N1 (never went away).


Oct 21, 2019
First, I recommend you to calm down.. and see all the good things on your life. Don't fear. Don't give to the establishment the pleasure of achieve their objetive.
If we don't feel fear, they can't hurt us .

Second, I completly agree with you. The citizens of all countries must protest in order to recover their rights.
We're are going to lose all rights that we achieve, in just 1 year. It's crazy.

You know, the virus is not so mortal.. and not so bad. They lie about the numbers of death and people infected with covid19.

The virus is just an excuse, the establishment want to treat us like chinise citizens. They want to cut our freedom. Take all our rights. And they want to make a mass sterilization of the population.

We just need to spread the truth and start protest. Then, we must vote again and change our leaders.
But OTHERS LEADERS, from OTHER party. Not another person from the bloody establisment.

It's not easy. We're in war with our owns leaders. This is the 4th world war.
Haha I know I am sorry, I just really feel such anxiety about the future because I mean, we have lost all freedom in a year - just like you said. And the fear-mongering is so obnoxious - just now I was in a web meeting (these damn web meetings are becoming my daily existence) and I merely mentioned that it was hypocritical of our Governor to go out to a restaurant with his buddies, without masks or social distancing, while telling us citizens not to share the Thanksgiving holiday with our loved ones. And WHY do we need a 10pm curfew?! Like does the virus only come out after 10pm or something? It's so ridiculous!

And depressing - I can only speak for myself, but this isolation is really depressing. I had a lot of personal goals I wanted to accomplish in 2020.... but did nothing. I'm very blessed & grateful for my job, so 4/5 days (sometimes 5/5 days) I work from home. And they just extended us through March 2021 - that is one year I have been home, with barely any human interaction (thankfully I adopted my lil rescue puppy, because I would have already lost my mind by now. So, I know I may sound a little overdramatic, but I just wish you could see how much it has changed here - it is so drastically different in Los Angeles/Orange County. I loved my area - a thriving, eclectic neighborhood (no two houses look the same & though it's not like NY, it's by far the most diverse area in Southern California. But it's been decimated. It's a ghost town by 8pm... everything is out of business - I STILL CAN'T EVEN GO TO THE GYM!!! They reopened for maybe 3 weeks at some point, then was forced to close again. Before this official curfew was set, even Walmart had to close by 8pm (there are no more 24-hour stores). OH GET THIS - VEGAS IS NO LONGER 24 HOURS!! The nicer casinos actually close & kick you out of the parking lot.... Since when have you heard of a casino in Las Vegas closing?! I'm telling you it's bad (I don't think every place has had such radical regulations imposed, so I think because it is so dramatic, my feelings are dramatic.

....the elite have used COVID to stop everything... I mean, I can't go to the gym, but I can still go to the pot shops & buy booze, so I guess the elite just want us dumb, lazy, & docile.... and I'm rambling again because I've lost communication skills being isolated for so long... this is why I think it's time to fight - people are already getting used to this super-controlled, limited-freedom lifestyle I can't imagine what will happen after another 6 months (since I know it's been extended through March 31, 2021)... it just scares me = I've read too many post-apocalyptic books & articles on this site to see where this is going...

**sorry if this post didnt make a lot of sense LOL - I wrote it in pieces while working, so it's likely a nonsensical stream-of-consciousness, but basically = I am looking for who's ready to fight & what we can do to get our freedom back!

John K

Oct 10, 2020
Haha I know I am sorry, I just really feel such anxiety about the future because I mean, we have lost all freedom in a year - just like you said. And the fear-mongering is so obnoxious - just now I was in a web meeting (these damn web meetings are becoming my daily existence) and I merely mentioned that it was hypocritical of our Governor to go out to a restaurant with his buddies, without masks or social distancing, while telling us citizens not to share the Thanksgiving holiday with our loved ones. And WHY do we need a 10pm curfew?! Like does the virus only come out after 10pm or something? It's so ridiculous!

And depressing - I can only speak for myself, but this isolation is really depressing. I had a lot of personal goals I wanted to accomplish in 2020.... but did nothing. I'm very blessed & grateful for my job, so 4/5 days (sometimes 5/5 days) I work from home. And they just extended us through March 2021 - that is one year I have been home, with barely any human interaction (thankfully I adopted my lil rescue puppy, because I would have already lost my mind by now. So, I know I may sound a little overdramatic, but I just wish you could see how much it has changed here - it is so drastically different in Los Angeles/Orange County. I loved my area - a thriving, eclectic neighborhood (no two houses look the same & though it's not like NY, it's by far the most diverse area in Southern California. But it's been decimated. It's a ghost town by 8pm... everything is out of business - I STILL CAN'T EVEN GO TO THE GYM!!! They reopened for maybe 3 weeks at some point, then was forced to close again. Before this official curfew was set, even Walmart had to close by 8pm (there are no more 24-hour stores). OH GET THIS - VEGAS IS NO LONGER 24 HOURS!! The nicer casinos actually close & kick you out of the parking lot.... Since when have you heard of a casino in Las Vegas closing?! I'm telling you it's bad (I don't think every place has had such radical regulations imposed, so I think because it is so dramatic, my feelings are dramatic.

....the elite have used COVID to stop everything... I mean, I can't go to the gym, but I can still go to the pot shops & buy booze, so I guess the elite just want us dumb, lazy, & docile.... and I'm rambling again because I've lost communication skills being isolated for so long... this is why I think it's time to fight - people are already getting used to this super-controlled, limited-freedom lifestyle I can't imagine what will happen after another 6 months (since I know it's been extended through March 31, 2021)... it just scares me = I've read too many post-apocalyptic books & articles on this site to see where this is going...

**sorry if this post didnt make a lot of sense LOL - I wrote it in pieces while working, so it's likely a nonsensical stream-of-consciousness, but basically = I am looking for who's ready to fight & what we can do to get our freedom back!
I understand you, the lockdown is very hard for all of us. And I know there are lot of videos, websites, news etc with the worst scenarios for the future. But If we think negative , we're going to be in panic. That's what the establishment want, to be in panic and don't protest. We must live without fear and think positive.

We can fight in diferents ways, the communication is esencial, I'm always tell to my family and friends to not get the vaccine and try to explain about the NWO, and all the things that we already know.
Another type of fight involves organization. In this case, you can connect with somes groups against this HOAX, like:
Or you can create your own group with specialist in differents areas, like docteurs, lawyers, scientifics, etc.

I have this view: "All empires fall, and the NWO is going to fall, sooner or later".
Stay positive :)


Jan 10, 2019
...We can fight in diferents ways, the communication is esencial, I'm always tell to my family and friends to not get the vaccine and try to explain about the NWO, and all the things that we already know.
Another type of fight involves organization. In this case, you can connect with somes groups against this HOAX, like:
Or you can create your own group with specialist in differents areas, like docteurs, lawyers, scientifics, etc.
Excellent point brother.

There's no hope in fighting physically... that talk has to end. It's like bringing a knife to a gun fight- not a smart strategy. Sharing information, peaceful protests, civil disobedience... those are proven methods to impose the will of unified citizens.


Nov 24, 2020
I’m depressed & have to say something... it’s like one day they told us to stay home, and we did. And now my once thriving neighborhood of small businesses has been reduced to a sea of “For Lease” signs in just a matter of months. How much longer will we sit back & take it? I feel like the Stimulus Check was hush money to keep us distracted... and it worked. Seriously at what point do we say “enough is enough?!”

And I’m just as guilty - I took the money & believed the lies that we were just going to “flatten the curve”. I justified staying home by saying it was to protect the cancer patients being treated at the hospital I work at, since they have such compromised immune systems.

But then the talk of reopening just stopped. The whole summer flew by, and despite living in California I stayed pale, relegated to staying indoors, handcuffed to my computer working from home. And now it’s getting to be winter, the time of year everyone gets sick. So now every sneeze, every cough, ever sore throat will be treated as a possible death sentence.

You know that we will be indoors now at least through the end of March 2021, making it one full year of this lockdown. Do you honestly think that we will ever get our freedom back?

And now, regardless of your politics, the Democratic Party promotes big government- honestly I am afraid to have even more government in my daily life because my daily life has already ceased to exist. I’m on & reading their platform preamble which says “Democrats will forge a new social & economic contract with the American people - a contract that promotes shared prosperity” = what the hell does that mean?! “A new contract” & “shared prosperity” sounds like socialism & like we will definitely be giving up the right to free business.
I know what I’m saying is unpopular & I’ll probably be hit with a barrage of hate speech, but the truth is I just want us all to have the freedom to live our daily life as we desire. If you wish to stay indoors, that should be your choice. But we should also have the choice to NOT stay inside. Private businesses should be allowed to choose whether or not they can serve citizens, just as you can decide to patronage business. Yes, we need to protect the elderly & infirm, so those private hospitals & facilities can enforce the rules they deem appropriate. But if a coffee shop wants to reopen & not require social distancing or a mask, that should be their choice too. Then just don’t go if you don’t feel comfortable.

People are still getting sick despite these unprecedented measures (maybe because we’ve prevented herd immunity by not allowing the virus to take its natural course) but regardless, at what point do we say “enough is enough”? I mean, am I the only one that is deeply saddened & anxious that we are fine sitting home while small business dies? Until our only choice is Amazon? I feel complicit because I’m one of the lucky few to have a job & work from home, so I can pay bills & keep a roof over my head. But what about everyone else?
I’m sorry for ranting, and I know I’ll probably get a ton of nasty comments but the truth is, I love this country, I love its citizens, and I hate watching it be destroyed. Instead of coming together, our frustration is being exploited into making us hate one another. Local police are highlighted as being the problem, so that the federal government can step in- I’m just waiting for martial law... (and please don’t misread or misinterpret what I’m saying- there are some horrible things that were done by some horrible people, but just like all priests aren’t pedophiles, not all police are murderers). I am honestly just truly worried about the future & afraid of what life will be like a year from now, two years from now.... how much worse will it get??

... I mean, not only did I get blocked on Twitter for creating a petition to preserve Freedom of Speech on Social Media, my petition has now been deleted. Isn’t that exactly like Orwellian’s Big Brother & committing a thought-crime? My dumb petition that had maybe a dozen or so signatures was deemed too much dissent & removed. This post is a thought-crime because it goes against the narrative of mainstream media. This post will likely be deleted as well. And if you don’t find that troubling, well that scares me. We have fought for civil rights- for equality, LGBT rights, human rights, and now all humans are losing all rights. The pursuit of freedom is guaranteed to us, and I think every consenting adult should be allowed to do whatever that means (obviously not to hurt someone, please don’t misconstrue what I’m saying). But right now, we have lost all those rights generations before us fought so hard for, yet we sit home. And instead of fighting for our freedom, we fight each other.
It’s no wonder that the elite’s favorite slogan is “order out of chaos”. While we are busy fighting each other, they will establish a new order of life, one where we have no more freedom. THAT is what scares me. And it really scares me that no one else seems to care.

... I’m sorry for the long post & I’m sure I didn’t say it properly because I haven’t been sleeping & have been working crazy hours so I’m pretty zapped, but I just wanted to say something before this gets deleted too. I just want us to stop fighting against each other & start fighting for the same freedom this country was founded on. I love each & every one of you (even if you disagree with me) - I just don’t want to lose any more freedom.
I think they want you, me and others to be scared, they've broadcast nothing but fear for months on end now.

Reject it! Have no part of it! You are a sovereign being, don't give them what they want.

Things appear to be moving towards a critical point. Maybe we're all going to be asked to choose, because some form of consent seems to be important to them, even if it's based on lies and disinformation. So be vigilant but also be strong in the knowledge that you're not seeking to exert unwarranted authority over others as they are, you're not lying, you're not living a life of deceit and dishonesty. Somewhere, at some point, maybe in this life, maybe in one to come, that's going to catch up with them.