Have you run into Whitney Webb in your tumbles down the rabbit hole? She also noted the COG protocols enacted this year.Sanders: America must be prepared for when Trump refuses to leave office
‘We need to alert the American people about what that nightmarish scenario might look like,’ the Vermont senator said.www.politico.com
A crazy movie already.
I personally don’t think the election will happen. From TPTB point of view, what Sanders is talking about is way too “neat”….that being to let the election happen and then followed by a long drawn out contestation. It is “better” that (a) disaster(s) transpires between now and November so that it’s virtually impossible to hold an election. As such, Trump would remain president but ofcourse, the other side will contest that he was going to lose anyway because the polls said so. As such, I believe the polls showing a Biden lead are manipulated to feed this narrative later on.
***All the agitators and agent provocateurs (on both sides) that were activated for the summer riots will be called to action again. I’ve come to the realization recently that while watching the aforementioned riots, I was probably watching a dress rehearsal for what’s coming up ahead.
And I’ll say it again….there is a reason the Pentagon activated its CONPLAN 3500 earlier in the year.
I laughed at the thought that it is at this point that he’ll finally realize that the Deep state that he has always railed against will gut America’s democracy (or whatever is left of it) just to keep him on the throne. And there won’t be a shortage of Trump supporters who won’t have a problem with the state of things since he’s better than Biden.
part of the agitators and provocateurs on both sides of the political spectrum
New Campaign Prepares Mass Mobilization Should Trump Refuse to 'Leave Willingly' If Defeated in November | Common Dreams
"Preparing for the possibility of Trump refusing to concede isn't just reasonable, it's the responsible thing to do."www.commondreams.orgARMY FOR TRUMP “Enlists” Citizens to “FIGHT” for Donald Trump 2020
A terrifying new website recently opened up: ArmyForTrump.com The website is recruiting “soldiers” to “enlist” and “fight” in the “Trump Army” in “the front lines” of the 2020 election war. This...www.filmsforaction.org
Why would Politico run with an article based entirely on Sanders' opinion when a 100 member, bipartisan committee has been drafting scenarios for election chaos since last year? There's many articles on the Transition Integrity Project (TIP) yet it's not talked about in the mainstream. Webb gave an interesting analysis:
Washington Insiders Reveal their Plan for Chaos if Trump Wins the Election
To summarize, a coalition of "never Trump" neocons and Obama era officials are proposing legal measures and a possible military response to oppose Trump even if he wins by a landslide.
The list of powerful individuals collaborating on this project is impressive. The (co)founder Rosa Brooks is a liaison between George Soros's OSF, West Point's Modern War Institute, and the New America think tank (composed of silicon valley billionaires). The second founder Nils Gilman (Berggruen Institute) is a link to a faction of tech giants that want cooperation with China- Eric Schmidt, Blackstone's Steve Schwartzman, Kissinger, etc. The "never Trumpers" include Colin Powell, Michael Chertoff, Lawrence Wilkerson, etc. I hate to agree with Q but talk about deep state!
The question then becomes, who benefits from complete chaos on and following the 2020 election? As the TIP suggested in several of their simulations, the post-election role of the military in terms of domestic policing, incidentally the exact expertise of the TIP’s co-founder Rosa Brooks, looms large, as most of the aforementioned doomsday election simulations ended with the imposition of martial law or the military “stepping in” to resolve order and oversee the transition.
The domestic framework for imposing martial law in the U.S., via “continuity of government” protocols, was activated earlier this year under the guise of the coronavirus crisis and it remains in effect. Now, a series of groups deeply tied to the Washington establishment and domestic and foreign intelligence agencies have predicted the exact ways in which to engineer a failed election and manipulate its aftermath.
Who would stand to benefit the most from the imposition of martial law in the United States? I would argue that one need look no further than the battle within Washington power factions over the future of AI, which has been deemed of critical importance to national security by the public sector, the private sector and prominent think tanks. The Schmidt-led NSCAI and other bodies determining the country’s AI policy plan to implement a series of policies that will be deeply resisted by most Americans – from the elimination of individual car ownership to the elimination of cash as well as the imposition of an Orwellian surveillance system, among other things.
All of these agendas have advanced under the guise of combatting coronavirus, but their advance can only continue to use that justification for so long. For groups like the NSCAI, Americans must welcome these AI-driven advances or else, even if it means Americans face losing their jobs or their civil liberties. Otherwise, these groups and their billionaire backers argue, the U.S. will be “left out” and “left behind” when it comes time to set the new global standards for AI technology, as the U.S. will then be left in the dust by China’s growing AI industry, which is fed by its own implementation of these technologies.
By keeping Americans angry and distracted by the partisan divide through pre-planned election chaos, a “New America” waits in the wings – one that is coming regardless of what happens on election day. That is, of course, unless Americans quickly wake up to the ruse.