The Illuminati and The Council on Foreign Relations One-World-Government Conspiracy
and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
In 1492, Chemor, Chief
Rabbi of Spain received the following reply from the Grand Sanhedrin (Elders of Zion) to his plea for advice on how to deal with their threatened expulsion under Spanish Law; it illustrates well how the same ancient agenda was still being adhered to by the elect at this time:
'Beloved brethren in Moses (another lie), we have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great a pain to hear it as yourselves.
The advice of the Grand Satraps and the Rabbis is the following:
1. As for what you say that the king of Spain obliges you to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise.
2. As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your property: make your sons merchants that they may despoil, little by little, the Christians of theirs.
3. As for what you say about making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries (pharmacists/chemists), that they may take away Christian's lives.
4. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches.
5. As for the other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix in affairs of State, that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.
6. Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power.
(Signed) Prince of the Jews of Constantinople'
(Julio-Inigrez de Medrano - 'La Silva Curiosa' 1608 my emphasis)
The above could almost be read as a prophecy of what was to come in Europe. Many Jews did exactly as above and became intimate with the established aristocratic order; becoming doctors, advisors, private occultists and most significantly bankers to the aristocracy and royal houses. The most famous example of this being the House of Rothschild. This then gives us a very clear idea of the methods which the Elders were prepared to employ to fulfil their ancient manifesto. Again, there is clearly a direct correlation between the beliefs and methods of the 14th century Elders and those who originated the plan in c. 600 BC.
The above has been shared to illustrate how this plan has been tirelessly followed by the
counterfeit Jews over the centuries, and how close they are to completing their evil plans with this plandemic, designed to collapse the economy, start WW3 and usher in their
planned one-world government.
To further tie this into the "
COVID-1984 From A Two Week Lockdown To Mandatory Vaccination & Life In Prison" video @FrankBadfinger shared above, which mentions Last Pope Francis' call for a universal vaccination progam under the guise of humanitarianism to make sure the poor aren't overlooked, please consider how the above letter has been carried out through the Jesuits.
The Jesuits are crypto-counterfeit Jews, pretending to be so-called Christians, who control the Vatican finances and run the Vatican
from behind the scenes (led by the Jesuit General/"black pope"), at least until the arrival of Last Pope Francis, the first openly (visible) Jesuit pope.
So if you've ever wondered why the Jesuits, Mossad, CIA, MI6, etc. all seem to follow the same playbook, it's because the same counterfeit Jews have infiltrated and run those agencies too, all modeled upon the same no-holes barred "war by deception" tactics. It was a Jesuit who wrote "Sun Tzu: The Art of War", and then passed it off as ancient Chinese military philosophy, to accomplish the goals of deception described within the very same book.
This should hopefully remove any doubt that the real reason for this Plandemic is to kill off as many of the "useless eaters" (consumers/goyim) as possible
through wars and vaccines, exactly as these extremely evil people announced to everyone over 40 years ago
Their NWO #1 man-made edict:
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
They only need to pretend there's a virus and a pandemic, to instill enough fear to get people to beg them for a vaccine they've been designing in their BSL-4 facilities for years to murder people. The ignorance of the general public will do the rest.