BTS discussion thread


Apr 6, 2020
Just random. I hope everyone is doing well in these uncertain and evil times. Especially to those who regularly visit the thread and do analysis. This shit feels heavy sometimes and it seems wrong to enjoy anything because it might just be evil. I just wish everyone well and stay safe and healthy
Jul 22, 2020
Just random. I hope everyone is doing well in these uncertain and evil times. Especially to those who regularly visit the thread and do analysis. This shit feels heavy sometimes and it seems wrong to enjoy anything because it might just be evil. I just wish everyone well and stay safe and healthy
Yay, welcome back! I hope you do well too. Everyone please know that people do love and care about you. Stay hydrated and safe!


Apr 6, 2018
Je n'avais pas prévu de le publier en avance, mais finalement, voici, l'article: il manque beaucoup d'informations (surtout à la fin). ainsi que quelques noms:
I had not planned to publish it in advance, but finally, here is the article: a lot of information is missing (especially at the end). as well as some names:
Le clip commence par l'apparition des 6 membres. Sous un ciel à la colorimétrie du drapeau des pédophiles. Chacun part d'un côté, laissant Jimin, et faisant le geste de la main. Ce geste ouvre le clip.
Coupure, et plan sur la chambre de Jungkook, s'habillant sur son lit, il enfile, une chaussure. Et prend un verre de lait.
Le verre de lait à différentes signification. La première et la plus évidente, elle représente le sperme. Mais l'autre signification viendrait, et cela est souligné par la couleur de la pièce, serait un signe d'immortalité. Jungkook serait un membre au 33ème degrés. La planche de surf, souligne cela. La planche comporte un O (qui à cause de la typo. peut aussi représenté un 8 (chiffre magique), le O lui même, est positionné dans l'espace à droite, l'autre est à gauche). Le surf, permet de passer les vagues, les obstacles. Avant, d'atteindre l'or, le membre doit passé par Satan, l'hiver (que l'on voit dans Spring Day, le train représente le chemin). Le lait est aussi un symbole de connaissance.
Il se lève finalement et commence à danser, sur un sol de fond rouge, au motifs de lumières (des losanges rentrés), en cerclé par des amendes. Il a donc atteint l'or. Symbole de résurrection. A ce niveau, il faut un sacrifice. Il faut savoir qu'il a en tout cinq Beatle. Le 5ème étant mort très tôt. Il en à en tout deux même affiches. Une au dessus d'un quadrillage, l'équivalent du damier, les deux représentent l'univers. Le sol de sa chambre est aussi un symbole de sacrifice. La seul lumière au plafond, représentant l'étoile de la Franc-Maçonnerie. Et les trois lumières au sol, c'elle des trois colonne (le feu étant invisible).
Après une chorégraphie, par un mouvement du bras droit, Jungkook lance RAP Monster. Le sol de lumière est composé de la couleur rouge (c'elle du feu), et la couleur bleu marine (couleur de 2020, couleur de Marie), couleur de l'eau, c'elle de Satan. Derrière lui, une porte décalé.
Suivit de J-Hope, poster dans un bar à soda. Le soda est lié à la sexualité. Il porte aussi un tee-shirt (OBEY). Derrière chaque lettre, porte une couleur.
- Le O, le rouge, le soleil, l'été.
- Le B, le bleu, l'eau, l'hiver.
- Le E, le vert, le vent, l'automne.
- Le Y, le jaune, la terre, le printemps.
Les quatre éléments représentent la lumière.
Derrière lui, il a aussi des sauces et une liste de face food. Un face food, se trouve sur le haut d'un immeuble (l'immeuble représente un phallus).
Jungkook est donc allé, se procuré, un repas. Il sort avec un Donut, il sort avec Jimin. Le panneau Donut, montre Jimin. En sortant, il est surpris de rencontré, d'autres pédophile. Il trinque alors, en soulevant son Donut, ou le présente, disant, qu'il fait partit de l'un des leurs (intéressant, qu'une victime, si elle ne signe pas, peut par chance, partir). Mais sous le choc, beaucoup accepte de continuer.
V est très haut, il est Franc-Maçon, Maître de coeur (symbole très important chez les Franc-Maçons, il est aussi habillé de bleu (le bleu marine est symbole Franc-Maçon) et tacheté de jaune (tacheté, d'or). Il est l'extraterrestre d'une famille de magicien. Il conduit un Van. Le Van de la vidéo, porte une glace géante. Comme un marchant de glace. Mais là c'est pas un glacier. Comme dans Monster ou dans _, cette fois-ci par une calèche. Les glaces, les membres sont donc de la marchandise sexuel. V porte d'ailleurs un collier de haut niveau, collier comportant une pierre rouge.
Suga dance sur un terrain de basquette, la balle représente le phallus, le panier, le vagin. Au sol, en relief, apparait la glace au cornet.
Un oiseau survole à côté de lui. L'ombre survole, le mur, recouvert de sperme. L'acte sexuel est aussi utilisé par les magicien, voir les alchimistes, qui l'utilisent pour augmenter leurs pouvoir, l'énergie corporel. D'où les différentes couleurs sur le murs, en plus de représenter différent spermes, venant de différentes personnes. Comme le cinéma dans _, le Disco représente le centre.
C'est dans Fire, qu'on voit l'arrière, là où l'avion (BTS), crache Jin, en route. Avant de se suicidé, Jin dance derrière, lorsque Suga, sortant par la porte, demande à Jin de venir. Jin se dépêche. Jin porte alors la chemise, qui apparait à la place du feu (symbole de sacrifice). Fait un _, vers la mort, accompagné par son ombre, l'ombre de J-Hope (l'espoir de devenir une Idole). Jin recule, vers la ouverture, de cette prise. V (membre au 33ème degré), et Jungkook, nouveau membre, passe la ligne du 32ème degré. Les membres commencent a dansé ensemble. V avec Jungkook, qui accepte sa corruption. Jin danse lui avec son démon, le suicide (Suga) et Satan (RAP Monster). Jin salue Satan cette année, année du Corona Virus. Plan plus loin, de Jungkook dansant avec V. Qui accepte sa mort, qui représente l'arrivé au 33ème degré de Jungkook. Les membres, les différentes personnalités sont surexcité, jusqu'à que Suga, face le mouvement _ de Michael Jackson.
Jin lui apparait directement sur la scène en forme d'hexagone. A la différence de Jonghyun, la forme des traits, vont vers le milieu. Autour, des trait. Qui représente aussi un oeil. Autour des chaises, puisque trouver dans un temple électronique (comme si, ils étaient dans une tablette), ou Jin devient un hologramme.
Jungkook est à côté, d'un conteur étant futurement comme V, conduiseur de Van. Puis enchaine, sur Jin, puis revenant sur Jungkook. La chose, qui a corrompue Jungkook. Jungkook va alors, abandonné, son costume de prostituer.
Plan sur les deux maîtres, Jungkook et V.
Puis sur le plan de tout les membres.
Il est suivit de l'apparition de Jimin. Qui saute, après l'apparition de Jungkook. Il lui saute sur le dos. Jungkook accepte maintenant très facilement ses actes.
Sur le gazon, derrière les membres, exploses, sur la terre du secret. A la fois, l'explosion au Liban, les couleurs les toxines.
Suivit par une autre, grande explosion, comportant, trois couleur de la lumière, le sol étant le quatrième.
Suga (Jin) applaudit alors l'acte, les autres fonts la fête.
Jungkook accepte alors, ses tortures. Jimin pour tout les actes sexuel, imposé; Suga pour l'acceptation, à l'acte de suicide (par son meurtre).
Suivit de J-Hope, qui accepte de travaillé, avec Lucifer (Satan). Mais aussi le rêve qui s'effondre, puisqu'il est à côté de la porte. Jungkook, devenue Maître.
Suivit de Jin, qui accepte sa mort.
The clip begins with the appearance of the 6 members. Under a sky with the colorimetry of the flag of pedophiles. Everyone goes to one side, leaving Jimin, and waving their hands. This gesture opens the clip.
Cut, and shot of Jungkook's bedroom, getting dressed on his bed, he puts on a shoe. And take a glass of milk.
The glass of milk has different meanings. The first and most obvious, it represents sperm. But the other meaning would come, and this is emphasized by the color of the coin, would be a sign of immortality. Jungkook is said to be a 33rd degree member. The surfboard emphasizes this. The board has an O (which because of the typo. Can also represent an 8 (magic number), the O itself, is positioned in space on the right, the other is on the left). Surfing allows you to pass waves and obstacles. Before reaching gold, the member must have passed through Satan, the winter (which we see in Spring Day, the train represents the path). Milk is also a symbol of knowledge.
He finally gets up and begins to dance, on a red ground, with the patterns of lights (diamonds returned), surrounded by fines. So he reached gold. Symbol of resurrection. At this level, there has to be a sacrifice. You should know that he has a total of five Beatles. The 5th having died very early. He has in all two the same posters. One above a grid, the equivalent of the checkerboard, both represent the universe. The floor of his bedroom is also a symbol of sacrifice. The only light on the ceiling, representing the star of Freemasonry. And the three lights on the ground, that of the three columns (the fire being invisible).
After a choreography, with a movement of the right arm, Jungkook launches RAP Monster. The ground of light is composed of the color red (that of fire), and the color navy blue (color of 2020, color of Mary), color of water, that of Satan. Behind him, a staggered door.
Followed by J-Hope, posting in a soda bar. Soda is linked to sexuality. He also wears a t-shirt (OBEY). Behind each letter is a color.
- The O, the red, the sun, the summer.
- The B, the blue, the water, the winter.
- The E, the green, the wind, the autumn.
- Y, yellow, earth, spring.
The four elements represent light.
Behind him, he also has sauces and a list of face food. A side food, is on the top of a building (the building represents a phallus).
So Jungkook went, got himself, a meal. He's dating a Donut, he's dating Jimin. The Donut panel, shows Jimin. On leaving, he is surprised to meet other pedophiles. He toasts then, lifting his Donut, or presents it, saying, that he is part of one of theirs (interesting, that a victim, if she does not sign, can luckily leave). But in shock, many agreed to continue.
V is very high, he is a Freemason, Master of the heart (a very important symbol among the Freemasons, he is also dressed in blue (navy blue is a Freemason symbol) and spotted with yellow (spotted, gold ). He is the extraterrestrial from a wizarding family. He drives a Van. The Van in the video, carries a giant ice cream. Like an ice market. But this is not a glacier. Like in Monster or in "This time in a horse-drawn carriage. Ice cream and limbs are therefore sex commodities. V wears a high-level necklace, a necklace with a red stone."
Suga dance on a basketball court, the ball represents the phallus, the basket, the vagina. On the ground, in relief, appears the ice cream cone.
A bird flies over beside him. The shadow hovers over the wall, covered with sperm. The sexual act is also used by magicians, see alchemists, who use it to increase their power, body energy. Hence the different colors on the walls, in addition to representing different sperms, coming from different people. Like the cinema in _, the Disco represents the center.
It is in Fire, that we see the back, where the plane (BTS), Jin spits, on the way. Before committing suicide, Jin dances behind, when Suga, coming out the door, asks Jin to come. Jin hurries up. Jin then wears the shirt, which appears in place of the fire (symbol of sacrifice). Make a _, towards death, accompanied by its shadow, the shadow of J-Hope (the hope of becoming an Idol). Jin steps back, towards the opening, from this hold. V (33rd degree member), and Jungkook, new member, crosses the 32nd degree line. The members begin to dance together. V with Jungkook, who accepts his corruption. Jin dances him with his demon, Suicide (Suga) and Satan (RAP Monster). Jin salutes Satan this year, the year of the Corona Virus. Cut away, of Jungkook dancing with V. Who accepts his death, which represents Jungkook's 33rd degree arrival. The members, the different personalities are overexcited, until Suga, facing the movement _ of Michael Jackson.
Jin appears to him directly on the stage in the shape of a hexagon. Unlike Jonghyun, the shape of the lines go towards the middle. Around, lines. Which also represents an eye. Around the chairs, since find in an electronic temple (as if, they were in a tablet), or Jin becomes a hologram.
Jungkook is next, a storyteller being futurely like V, Van driver. Then continues, on Jin, then returning to Jungkook. The thing, which corrupted Jungkook. Jungkook then goes, abandoned, his prostitute costume.
Cut to the two masters, Jungkook and V.
Then in terms of all the members.
It is followed by the appearance of Jimin. Who jumps, after Jungkook appears. He jumps onto her back. Jungkook now very easily accepts his actions.
On the grass, behind the limbs, explode, on the land of secrecy. At the same time, the explosion in Lebanon, the colors and the toxins. Followed by another, large explosion, comprising, three color of light, the ground being the fourth. Suga (Jin) then applauds the deed, the others celebrate.
Jungkook then accepts his tortures. Jimin for all sexual acts, imposed; Suga for acceptance, to the act of suicide (by his murder). Followed by J-Hope, who agrees to work, with Lucifer (Satan). But also the dream which collapses, since it is next to the door. Jungkook, now a Master.
Jin follows, who accepts his death.


Jun 27, 2020
There are lots of controversial/scandals about her. But 2 biggest scandals are

Eun_hyuk & I_U Scandal: "in 2012, She accidentally uploaded a photo together with Super_Juni0r member Eun_hyuk. She was wearing pajamas. People claimed Eun-hyuk seemed like half naked on the photo. They were bashed even more after the given explanation when they said Eun_hyuk just came to visit I_U who was sick that time ."

promoting "Lolita concept" scandal : she take the biggest damage from this scandal.

After lolit@ scandal, she waited 2 years and returned with "palette" song collaborating with G_D (one of the most famous rapper in korea). Then she continue collaborating with famous rappers (zic0 and later sug@).


J@ng Woo_young scandal aka rip_eye incident:

On April 11th, 2_PM's Woo_young guested on SBS's "Night by Night" and shared some stories about himself and his "Dream High" co-star, I_U.
"Wooyoung began, "At the time of 'Dream High', I worked really hard to get closer with IU. People said that she was shy, so before the drama began, I asked Seulong, who's close with IU, to send a text message to her for me. However, IU sent a text back to Seulong saying, 'I probably won't get close with Wooyoung even until the last episode.'I was really hurt at the time." Afterwards, the two eventually met away from the film set in order to get closer.
Wooyoung revealed, "For our first meal, we sat at separate tables and just concentrated on eating because we weren't that close at the time.
For our second meal, we went to eat rib eye, which as you know, is very expensive. I suggested that we go eat something else like samgyupsal, but IU insisted on buying."
Unfortunately, including the staff members, the total bill came out to $600 USD. "IU told me, 'If oppa pays for this while I go to the bathroom, you'll be an amazing person to me.' I felt that I had finally gotten close with her, and maybe this was my chance to be that 'amazing person.'I was a bit worried, though, because it was so expensive." While IU went to the bathroom, Wooyoung continued, "My manager poked me and said that this was too much for her to foot, and for us to just pay for her.I said no, let's just let her pay. I said, 'Hyung, you should respect the person's decision if they want to pay!' Eventually, we ended up splitting the bill between the agency and me, which IU had no idea about. IU later told me that she was actually joking about that statement and that she hadn't meant it. Wooyoung concluded, "I later received 10 texts from IU after that, all of which said, 'Unfair, unfair, unfair, unfair, unfair! I was going to pay the bill!'" With a laugh, he added, "I felt like I had been played! But through that, we became a lot closer and were able to conclude the drama on a friendly note."

comment about incident:
[+698, -26] What actually happened during the Jang Wooyoung scandal: 1. Wooyoung bought IU a meal at a family restaurant. He tried to get close to her by buying her a meal but they ended up awkwardly eating at separate tables. 2. IU offered to treat him and ordered rib eyes, which are expensive. Jang Wooyoung was taken aback. IU then texted him saying, 'If oppa buys this for me while I'm in the bathroom, I'll consider you ar eally cool person'. Jang Wooyoung's taken aback again. His manager suggests that they should buy it, but Wooyoung refuses. Manager succeeds in persuading him so JYP paid half and Wooyoung paid off. 3. At the Dream High concert, rumor got out that Wooyoung and IU shared a meal together. Wooyoung explained exactly what happened in #1 but IU went around saying, 'Wooyoung oppa voluntarily bought me expensive rib eye' making it sound like he liked her. 4. IU talked about that all over radio and broadcast, in all her interviews. Jang Wooyoung's image turned into some sleazy guy who tried to hit on a high schooler. 5. Jang Wooyoung had to clarify what actually happened on all of his TV shows.

I think I_U's case is very good example for that images or concepts of idols can be very deceptive.
Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to respond with such a detailed answer and information! I really appreciate it <3


Apr 6, 2020
Lmao u made me laugh. So true. Thats the part I was meaning when I said his eyes look soulless and he looks actually very evil. Also weird how he sort of 'toasts' the doughnut. Very weird vibes there
This video is honestly nothing like they've done before. It doesn't even look like they put an effort into it. And it was released so randomly. In English. It's so weird