Entertainment x BTS x Politics x EXPOSED

first member to leave BTS (not military or health related)

  • Taehyung

  • Yoongi

  • Jin

  • Hoseok

  • Jimin

  • Namjoon

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Dec 14, 2018
Hahaha. “Piece of art”. :D
Yeah, the lyrics are getting worse and worse.
Song was written by David Stewart and Jessica Agombar. They did work for Jonas Brothers who had some songs copying the Disco style.

Now. LeBron.

It’s been in some of the political news that I’m following how LeBron made a fool out of himself with a political agenda of the terrorist group BLM and the horrific SJW- politic, claiming that as a black man he cannot go outside of the door without fearing that he’s going to be shot in the back.

Of course he’s also big on going after Trump.

He’s been vocal many many times in a hypocritical way, talking about being afraid..A billionaire whose only job is to jump and throw a ball.

When it came to HongKong he took China’s side.

Not a problem for him. What’s going on in China..
My opinion about Dynamite:

I couldn’t understand a word of what they’re saying, if it wouldn’t have been for the fact that I knew before the title being dynamite, I wouldn’t have understood even that. I am not a native English speaker, this might feel differently for someone who is a native speaker, but as a foreigner I had no chance understanding any words.
They’ve spent more time in English speaking countries for the past 7 years and still cannot speak English. ?!?

It’s the worse autotune and production from all of their songs, based on my - as some of you already know - professional background, auto-tune is used for two reasons, the main one being correcting the singing mistakes.

Since all of their singing got up to a point where they cannot sing anymore, with the exception of JK, it has been noticeable with the last releases that the amount of auto-tune has increased and they cannot sing anymore.

Truth Untold is the only song they sing with some live-vocals and background track, and they’re all botching it every time (last tour).
It seems to be more of a a solo JK song feat Jimin and using TH as a bait.

I laughed seeing JK at the beginning imitating Suga with his side-corner of the mouth raising.
By the way - Suga releasing his album last month was a one-week thing.

BigShit only interested in promoting JK mainly. And Jimin as a Sidekick+TH as a gender dysphoric gay.

All I see and hear in this song are JK and Jimin sounding as if they’re being ...pinched..in the ass.

And their dancing?? Hahahahaha. Oh my God. Bringing back again the Bulletproof song+video.

What is Suga even doing in the band anymore? Still dreaming he’s a rapper?

The 60’s-70’s gay look of that period is really bad when you’re already acting super gay. And yes, they used again a combination of earlier choreography + copy cat moves from various singers.

I don’t find the song that bad, better than BWL (same style and even melody) but the singing, JK’s & Jimin high pitched voices are impossible.

The promotion of the song (I think it was yesterday) - TH either holding hands with Jimin or putting his arms constantly on JK.

I mean...ok. Promoting gay agenda. But up to what point. C’mon. You’re so old now.
It was simply cringe and embarrassing.

Unsurprisingly, they broke yet another YT record. With music, dancing or artistry - no connection.

Yeah. I’ve mentioned it a few times...you will find multiple similar situations. Unfortunately.
The video is trending on youtube with god knows how many bot views. They were desperate to break Bl@ckpink’s fake record. I can’t imagine grown ass men no matter how gay liking or being proud of the kind of music that they are putting out. This is aimed at children. They wanted to make it viral and didn’t dance properly so it would become a tiktok hit with fanmade choreo.

I will say one thing I particularly found disturbing about the video apart from the obvious gay agenda was the “milk” reference. The first time I saw this in a music video was Shinee’s Ring Ding Dong where an underage member was seductively drinking milk. It was before I was old enough to know about all this stuff, but found it weird and disturbing. Fast forward, now Jonghyun is dead and Taemin looks like an Asi@n male h00ker in every MV. Surprised? No
Here one-eyed even mentions the milk thing, asks if he ”liked the milk” and calls it sexy (vomit)
I don’t think it requires more explanation.

You know who else used a lot of milk in his MV? Tekashi69. Despite all the $trippers he uses in his videos I think his handlers are trying to tell people that he is available for special services. No way this dude is straight. Not to mention the background colors (blue and pink- a bisexuality reference)
Now all those rainbows mean something different.


Sep 28, 2018
The video is trending on youtube with god knows how many bot views. They were desperate to break Bl@ckpink’s fake record. I can’t imagine grown ass men no matter how gay liking or being proud of the kind of music that they are putting out. This is aimed at children. They wanted to make it viral and didn’t dance properly so it would become a tiktok hit with fanmade choreo.

I will say one thing I particularly found disturbing about the video apart from the obvious gay agenda was the “milk” reference. The first time I saw this in a music video was Shinee’s Ring Ding Dong where an underage member was seductively drinking milk. It was before I was old enough to know about all this stuff, but found it weird and disturbing. Fast forward, now Jonghyun is dead and Taemin looks like an Asi@n male h00ker in every MV. Surprised? No
Here one-eyed even mentions the milk thing, asks if he ”liked the milk” and calls it sexy (vomit)
I don’t think it requires more explanation.

You know who else used a lot of milk in his MV? Tekashi69. Despite all the $trippers he uses in his videos I think his handlers are trying to tell people that he is available for special services. No way this dude is straight. Not to mention the background colors (blue and pink- a bisexuality reference)
Now all those rainbows mean something different.
they are trying everything to make it viral
Selling bundles and doing other music videos and other versions of the song.

I've never seen a group so desperate to chart on billboard.
By they way, that clip you posted of RM saying to JK: "you almost look American" ....it just shows how desperate they are to fit in to the US. they even want to look american and see it as a compliment.


Apr 6, 2018
Pour moi c'est du sperme... Mais, je suis allé chercher dans mon dico, pour voir. Et même si cela peut allé avec le sperme, si il figure d'une manière alchimique, en tout cela est très intérressant:
For me it's sperm ... But, I went to look in my dictionary, to see. And even if it can go with the sperm, if it appears in an alchemical way, in all of this is very interesting:
Le Ramâyâma fait naître l'amrita, breuvage de vie, barattage de la mer de lait. Premier breuvage et première nourriture en laquelle toutes les autres existent à l'état potentiel, le lait est naturellement symbole d'abondance, de fertilité, et aussi de connaissance, le mot entendu dans un sens ésotérique, et, comme chemin d'initiation, symbole enfin d'immortalité. Nulle littérature sacrée ne l'a d'avantage célébré que celle de l'Inde. Dans l'Agnihotra, prière du matin, il est chanté chaque jour depuis l'origine du Veda:
Indra et Agni vivifient
ce lait au chant joyeux:
qu'il donne l'immortalité
à l'homme pieux qui sacrifie
(VEDV, 284)
Le même accent retentit dans les textes orphiques; le lait est non seulement la boisson, mais le lieu de l'immortalité:
- Heureux et bienheureux, tu seras dieu, au lieu d'être mortel.
- Chevreau, je suis tombé dans le lait (frag. 32 c., traduction J. Defradas, BEAG, 189).
De même que Héraclès suce le lait de l'immortalité au sein d'Héra, le pharaon allaité par une déesse accède par ce rite à une nouvelle existence, toute divine, où il puisera la force d'assurer, sur cette terre, sa mission souveraine. C'est également du lait que l'on versait sur les 365 tables d'offrandes qui entouraient le tombeau d'Osiris, autant de tables que de jours dans l'année, et ces aspersions aidaient le dieu à ressusciter chaque matin.
Chez les Celtes, également, le lait est un équivalent de la boisson d'immortalité, quand la transe de l'ivresse n'est pas nécessaire. En outre, le lait possède des vertus curatives: un druide picte, Drostan, recommande au roi d'Irlande. pour guérir des soldats blessés par des flèches empoisonnées des Bretons, de recueillir le lait de cent quarante vaches blanches.et de le verser dans un trou au milieu du champ de bataille. Ceux qui y seront plongés guériront (LERD, 66-67).
Pour Denys le Pseudo-Aérographie, les enseignements de Dieu sont comparés au lait, en raison de leur énergie de nature à procurer l'accroissement spirituel: les paroles intelligibles de Dieu sont comparées à la rosée, à l'eau; au lait, au vin et au miel, parce qu'elles ont, comme l'eau, le pouvoir de faire naître la vie; comme le lait, celui de faire comme le vin; comme le miel, celui tout à la fois de les guérir et de les conserver. (PSEO, 37).
La vie, principielle et donc éternelle, et la Connaissance, suprême donc potentielle, sont toujours des aspects symboliques associés sinon mêlés. C'est bien ce qui ressort des innombrables citations ou références que l'on pourrait rassembler touchant le lait.
L'allaitement par la Mère divine est le signe de l'adoption et en conséquence de la connaissance suprême. Héraclès est allaité par Héra, saint Bernard par la Vierge: il devient de ce fait le frère adoptif du Christ. La Pierre philosophale est parfois nommée le Lait de la Vierge: le lait est ici une nourriture d'immortalité.
Et nombreuses sont les interprétations islamique qui donnent au lait un sens initiatique. Ainsi selon un hadit rapporté par Ibn Omar, Mohammed aurait déclaré que rêver de lait c'est rêver de science ou de la Connaissance (BOKT, 4, 458).
En langage tantrique, le lait est le boddhicitta (à la fois la pensée et le semen) s'élevant vers le centre ombilical, le manipûrachakra.
Ajoutons enfin que, comme tous les vecteurs symboliques de la Vie et de la Connaissance prises en temps que valeurs absolues, le lait est un symbole lunaire, féminin par excellence, et lié au renouveau printanier. C'est ce qui fait la valeur des libations de lait, et des offrandes sacrificielles d'une blancheur laiteuse, telle cette vache que les Yakoutes aspergent le lait en mai, pour la fête du renouveau, ce qui signifie porter en quelque sorte au carré la puissance du symbole (HARA, 161, 177).
Ramâyâma gives birth to amrita, drink of life, churning of the sea of milk. The first drink and the first food in which all others exist in a potential state, milk is naturally a symbol of abundance, fertility, and also of knowledge, the word understood in an esoteric sense, and, as a path of initiation, finally symbol of immortality. No sacred literature has celebrated it more than that of India. In the Agnihotra, morning prayer, it is sung every day since the origin of the Veda:
Indra and Agni vivify
this milk with a happy song:
let him give immortality
to the pious man who sacrifices
(VEDV, 284)
The same accent resounds in the Orphic texts; milk is not only the drink, but the place of immortality:
- Happy and blessed, you will be god, instead of being mortal.
- Kid, I fell in the milk (frag. 32 c., Translation J. Defradas, BEAG, 189).
Just as Heracles sucks the milk of immortality within Hera, the pharaoh, breastfed by a goddess, accesses through this rite a new existence, completely divine, from which he will draw the strength to ensure, on this earth, his mission. sovereign. It is also milk that was poured on the 365 offering tables which surrounded the tomb of Osiris, as many tables as there were days in the year, and these sprinkles helped the god to resuscitate each morning.
Among the Celts, also, milk is an equivalent of the drink of immortality, when the trance of drunkenness is not necessary. In addition, milk has healing properties: a Picte druid, Drostan, recommended to the King of Ireland. to heal soldiers wounded by poisoned arrows of the Britons, to collect the milk of one hundred and forty white cows. and pour it into a hole in the middle of the battlefield. Those who are immersed in it will heal (LERD, 66-67).
For Dionysius the Pseudo-Airbrush, the teachings of God are compared to milk, because of their energy likely to provide spiritual growth: the intelligible words of God are compared to dew, to water; with milk, wine and honey, because they have, like water, the power to give birth to life; like milk, that of doing like wine; like honey, both healing and preserving them. (PSEO, 37).
Life, principial and therefore eternal, and Knowledge, supreme and therefore potential, are always associated symbolic aspects if not mixed. This is what emerges from the innumerable quotes or references that we could collect concerning milk.
Breastfeeding by the Divine Mother is the sign of adoption and consequently of supreme knowledge. Heracles is breastfed by Hera, Saint Bernard by the Virgin: he thus becomes the adoptive brother of Christ. The Philosopher's Stone is sometimes called the Milk of the Virgin: milk is here a food of immortality.
And there are many Islamic interpretations that give milk an initiatory meaning. Thus according to a hadit reported by Ibn Omar, Mohammed would have declared that to dream of milk is to dream of science or Knowledge (BOKT, 4, 458).
In tantric language, milk is boddhicitta (both thought and semen) rising towards the umbilical center, the manipûrachakra.
Finally, let us add that, like all the symbolic vectors of Life and Knowledge taken as absolute values, milk is a lunar symbol, feminine par excellence, and linked to spring revival. This is what makes the libations of milk, and the sacrificial offerings of a milky whiteness, such as this cow that the Yakuts sprinkle on the milk in May, for the feast of renewal, which means to square the power of the symbol (HARA, 161, 177).
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Aug 27, 2018
Pour moi c'est du sperme... Mais, je suis allé chercher dans mon dico, pour voir. Et même si cela peut allé avec le sperme, si il figure d'une manière alchimique, en tout cela est très intérressant:
For me it's sperm ... But, I went to look in my dictionary, to see. And even if it can go with the sperm, if it appears in an alchemical way, in all of this is very interesting:
Le Ramâyâma fait naître l'amrita, breuvage de vie, barattage de la mer, de lait. Premier breuvage et première nourriture, un laquelle toutes les autres existent à l'état potentiel, le lait est naturellement symbole d'abondance, de fertilité, et aussi de connaissance, le mot entendu dans un sens ésotérique, et comme chemin d'initiation, symbole enfin d'immortalité. Nulle littérature sacrée ne l'a d'avantage célébré que celle de l'Inde. Dans l'Agnihotra, prière du matin, il est chanté chaque jour depuis l'origine du Veda:
Indra et Agni vivifient
ce lait au chant joyeux:
qu'il donne l'immortalité
à l'homme pieux qui sacrifie
(VEDV, 284)
Le même accent retentit dans les textes orphiques; le lait est non seulement la boisson, mais le lieu de l'immortalité
- Heureux et bienheureux
- Chevreau, je suis tombé dans le lait (frag. 32 c., traduction J. Defradas, BEAG, 189).
De même que Héraclès suce le lait de l'immortalité au sein d'Héra, le pharaon allaité par une déesse accède par ce rite à une nouvelle existence, toute divine, où il puisera la force d'assurer, sur cette terre, sa mission souveraine. C'est également du lait que l'on versait sur les 365 tables d'offrandes qui entouraient le tombeaux d'Osiris, autant de tables que de jours dans l'année, et ces aspersions aidaient le dieu à ressusciter chaque matin.
Chez les Celtes, également, le lait est un équivalent de la boisson d'immortalité, quand la transe de l'ivresse n'est pas nécessaire. En outre, le lait possède des vertus ouratives: un druide picte, Drostan, recommande au roi d'Irlande. pour guérir des soldats blessés par des flèches empoisonnées des Bretons, de recueillir le lait de quarante vaches blanches.et de le verser dans un trou au milieu du champ de bataille. Ceux qui y seront plongés guériront (LERD, 66-67).
Pour Denys le Pseudo-Aérographie, les enseignements de Dieu sont comparés au lait, en raison de leur énergie de nature, à procurer l'accroissement spirituel: les paroles intelligibles de Dieu sont comparées intelligibles de Dieu sont comparées à la rosée, à l'eau; au lait, au vin et au miel, parce qu'elles ont, comme l'eau, le pouvoir de faire naître la vie; l'eau, le pouvoir de faire naître la vie; comme le lait, celui de faire naître la vie; comme le lait, celui de faire naître la vie; comme le vin; celui de les ranimer; comme le vin; celui de les réanimer; comme le miel, celui tout à la fois de les guérir et de les conserver. (PSEO, 37).
La vie, principielle et donc éternelle, et la Connaissance, suprême donc potentielle, sont toujours des aspects symboliques associés sinon mêlés. C'est bien ce qui ressort des innombrables citations ou références que l'on pouvait rassembler touchant le lait.
L'allaitement par la Mère divine est le signe de l'adoption et en conséquence de la connaissance suprême. Héraclès est allaité par Héta, saint Bernard par la Vierge: il devient de ce fait le frère adoptif du Christ. La Pierre philosophale est parfois nommée le Lait de la Vierge: le lait est ici une nourriture d'immortalité.
Et nombreuses sont les interprétations islamique qui donnent au lait un sens initiatique. Ainsi selon un hadit rapporté par Ibn Omar. Mohammed aurait déclaré que rêver de lait c'est rêver de science ou de la Connaissance (BOKT, 4, 458).
En langage tantrique, le lait est le boddicitta (à la fois la pensée et le semen) s'élevant vers le centre ombilical, le manipûrachakra.
Ajoutons enfin que, comme tous les vecteurs symboliques de la Vie et de la Connaissance prises en temps que valeurs absolues, le lait est un symbole lunaire, féminin par excellence, et lié au renouveau printanier. C'est ce qui fait la valeur des libations de lait, et des offrandes sacrificielles d'une blancheur laiteuse, telle cette vache que les Yakoutes aspergent le lait en mai, pour la faite du renouveau, ce qui signifie porter en quelque sorte au carré la puissance du symbole (HARA, 161, 177).
Ramâyâma gives birth to amrita, drink of life, churning of the sea, of milk. First drink and first food, one of which all others exist in a potential state, milk is naturally a symbol of abundance, fertility, and also of knowledge, the word understood in an esoteric sense, and as a path of initiation, finally symbol of immortality. No sacred literature has celebrated it more than that of India. In the Agnihotra, morning prayer, it is sung every day since the origin of the Veda:
Indra and Agni vivify
this milk with a happy song:
let him give immortality
to the pious man who sacrifices
(VEDV, 284)
The same accent resounds in the Orphic texts; milk is not only the drink, but the place of immortality:
- Happy and blissful
- Kid, I fell in the milk (frag. 32 c., translation J. Defradas, BEAG, 189).
Just as Heracles sucks the milk of immortality within Hera, the pharaoh, breastfed by a goddess, accesses through this rite a new existence, completely divine, from which he will draw the strength to ensure, on this earth, his mission. sovereign. It is also milk that was poured on the 365 offering tables that surrounded the tomb of Osiris, as many tables as there were days in the year, and these sprinkles helped the god to resuscitate each morning.
Among the Celts, also, milk is an equivalent of the drink of immortality, when the trance of drunkenness is not necessary. In addition, the milk has urative virtues: a picte druid, Drostan, recommends to the king of Ireland. to heal soldiers wounded by poison arrows from the Britons, to collect the milk of forty white cows. and pour it into a hole in the middle of the battlefield. Those who are immersed in it will heal (LERD, 66-67).
For Dionysius the Pseudo-Airbrush, the teachings of God are compared to milk, because of their energy of nature, to provide spiritual growth: the intelligible words of God are compared to the intelligible words of God are compared to the dew, to the water; with milk, wine and honey, because they have, like water, the power to give birth to life; water, the power to give birth to life; like milk, that of giving birth to life; like milk, that of giving birth to life; like wine; that of reviving them; like wine; that of resuscitating them; like honey, both healing and preserving them. (PSEO, 37).
Life, principial and therefore eternal, and Knowledge, supreme and therefore potential, are always associated symbolic aspects if not mixed. This is what emerges from the innumerable quotes or references that we could collect concerning milk.
Breastfeeding by the Divine Mother is the sign of adoption and consequently of supreme knowledge. Heracles was breastfed by Héta, Saint Bernard by the Virgin: he thus became the adoptive brother of Christ. The Philosopher's Stone is sometimes called the Milk of the Virgin: milk is here a food of immortality.
And there are many Islamic interpretations that give milk an initiatory meaning. So according to a hadit reported by Ibn Omar. Mohammed would have declared that to dream of milk is to dream of science or Knowledge (BOKT, 4, 458).
In tantric language, milk is bodhichitta (both thought and semen) rising towards the umbilical center, the manipûrachakra.
Finally, let us add that, like all the symbolic vectors of Life and Knowledge taken as absolute values, milk is a lunar symbol, feminine par excellence, and linked to spring revival. This is what makes the libations of milk, and the sacrificial offerings of a milky whiteness, such as this cow that the Yakuts sprinkle on the milk in May, for the making of the renewal, which means to square the power of the symbol (HARA, 161, 177).
What does this comment mean

We know milk does have beneficial nutrition for our bodies. Breastfeeding is so prominent in for both mothers and child. For babies, it can protect against infections and reduce the rates of later health problems including diabetes, obesity, and asthma. For mothers breastfeeding helps the uterus to contract and bleeding to cease more quickly after delivery. Breastfeeding can reduce the risk of breast and ovarian cancer and also provides a great way for mothers to bond with their babies.

It's clear they make something holy and good to be something degrading.

They invert everything. I mean EVERY THING. Good appears to be bad and bad appears to be good. So please, don't blurry the lines.


Dec 14, 2018
What does this comment mean

We know milk does have beneficial nutrition for our bodies. Breastfeeding is so prominent in for both mothers and child. For babies, it can protect against infections and reduce the rates of later health problems including diabetes, obesity, and asthma. For mothers breastfeeding helps the uterus to contract and bleeding to cease more quickly after delivery. Breastfeeding can reduce the risk of breast and ovarian cancer and also provides a great way for mothers to bond with their babies.

It's clear they make something holy and good to be something degrading.

They invert everything. I mean EVERY THING. Good appears to be bad and bad appears to be good. So please, don't blurry the lines.
Depending on the context milk in popular culture is a sex**l reference and code for male se**n. It is not even something occult. Especially when they make someone wipe it off their lips seductively. Just google it.
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Mar 23, 2018
I doubt that 100 million different people jumped to listen to the song/watch the video.
I also suspect foul play by YouTube this time who, until BigShit decided to partner up with them, quickly deleted some of the fake views. They actually only had about 20 mil in the first 24 hours for ON? Or something like that. It appeared near to 80 mil but then YT deleted fake views.
Really suspicious. Something similar happens with Blackpink. Yes, they have a big fanbase, but zillions views in few hours/days, it's strange to say the least.

Random gender dysphoria lawsuit about a person regretting doing all the things the elite is pushing because it’s simply a billion dollar industry where everyone cashes in - doctors, hospitals, Pharma Industry, media, TV/Radio station, news papers, etc.
The trans agenda it's just a way of sterilizing people.


Sep 28, 2018
It was quite noticeable since they’ve announced the tour cancellation, that they started pushing TH with his constant weverse engagements and half(?) naked pictures as well as TH+JK “shipping” because it’s what generates the most traffic/money.
They added up some Jimin/TH/JK interactions as well.
They’re basically pushing all the cards in to make up for the loss.
Spotify deleted about 40% of the streams.
I wonder how many fake views YouTube still allows them.
as expected Spotify has to delete fake streams.
Media is saying they will debut number one on Billboard and the reaction I saw from people on twitter were all: "they use bots, chart manipulation, they will fall the following week". Nobody is believing their numbers are real.

but BT$ don't care, they just want to brag about topping the billlboard and their fans will say everything is "organic".


Nov 13, 2019
Paulo Coelho is a writer known for his book - The Alchemist. A book that I found to be great read. That’s kinda his only book written but he got very famous and very rich because of it.

I’ve seen it a few times that he suddenly mentioned BTS which is kinda weird for someone old and supposedly intellectual.

Obviously the gay vibe was the first thing coming into my mind so I looked up a bit - while he’s married to a woman (same as Dave Matthews and Bruce Springsteen - both totally gay and totally funded by the gay perverts Geffen, Katzenberg as well as Spielberg and most importantly- SOROS), rumors about Coelho being gay have been circulated quite abundantly.

His often wooing of BTS kinda seals the deal.

BTS hitting 250 mil views on the internet? That’s the biggest scam I’ve heard of. YouTube - you could be less obvious that you termed up with Pedo Bang and Pedo Lenzo.


Remember when BTS tried to get out of the embarrassment of bragging how they would never sing in English and now are also selling out on that?

Namjoon claimed they weren’t looking to do a song in English but when they’ve heared the song it sounded good so they thought to give it a try...?

Well....the writer of the song, David Stewart, gave an interview about the collaboration and mentioned that he heared BTS were “looking for an English single”.

wtf ? why Paulo Coelho talks about bts ? thank you for the info can i share this in other thread?


Nov 13, 2019

Found the other tweet.

Sorry to say, but his tweets are pathetic. He sounds like the typical 14 y old army girl.




Like I’ve mentioned before, there is no proof about him being gay, only a lot of rumors and what is known of him, is that he distrust religion and has lived a quite promiscuous life.

In 1992, Paulo Coelho revealed in the magazine "Playboy" that he was in love with a Japanese woman named Keiko and even proposed to Cissa, his wife, that the three live together. The writer said that for a year he had relations with the two, but that the girls did not do the same between them, despite being treated with great affection.
Either way - he is an old sack following 7 suspiciously gay men in their mid 20s to 30s.

Thanks to the alchemist and the elite praising him, he is now worth half of billion. For someone who only wrote one book that was promoted everywhere, probably due to the resemblance of the Freemasonry, even though in his defense - I did not got any vibe from the alchemist having anything to do with the Illuminati Club.
It’s simply a book which has nothing in common with any religious beliefs. On the opposite.

It’s simply a good book. Something different to read.

lol he is indeed act like 14 year old. thank you for sharing.


Mar 23, 2018
They are reading answers written in advance from the promoter and I used to say about JK being obviously less ...intellectual, but it’s been a while know that it has become obvious - it’s now TH that sounds like a mentally challenged adult.
The interview is embarrassing to watch and it looks ridiculous. Plus, like you've said, they look retarded.

For all creepy BTS fans. Gay or not - being an obsessed fan isn’t something meaningful for normal people.
The writer of the article pushes the victim-agenda by already perpetuating this stupidity- is the writer a dumb child?
Not related, but it's tiring to see everyday these sort of fake scandals like "x wore braids....", "x wore a durag.....it's ca". Everyday, kpop stans see something to complain about and being offended about.
BTS using NY as a background is to cater for the leftist lunatic elite, diverting from the chaos and the crimes caused by the worse and most corrupt mayor in the history of NY - Bill de Blasio.
Nowadays, if they don't cater to them, kpop stans would crucify them.


Mar 23, 2018
Why is it today that the media only hires gay interviewers? Every guy interviewing BTS so far is gay. And I’m talking about US’s and UK’s top shows and magazines. Not a single normal male interviewer. All acting like girls.
Not related to BTS, but, in the media (at least in the West) it's full of gays. A lot TV mc's are gay. And, there's an agenda going on of keeping away white heterosexual males.


Mar 23, 2018
Yoongi and TH crying on weverse for reaching Billboard Hot100. Something that means like everything else they do and “achieve” - absolutely NOTHING
Seems like they're fixated on breaking records.
Young girls and some boys streaming continuously every single content of theirs.
I find this obsession of kpop stans of streaming hard, worrying.


Sep 28, 2018
To create for the general public and ALL age categories, the male stereotype as being this gay effeminate weird person. In the end probably alienating the real man type, making girls being attracted to non-men and young boys growing up thinking this is how they should behave.

What a sham!
Yoongi and TH crying on weverse for reaching Billboard Hot100. Something that means like everything else they do and “achieve” - absolutely NOTHING.
Young girls and some boys streaming continuously every single content of theirs.
Young men desperately running for fake fame and awards.
The only one really profiting from it are Bang Pedo, Lenzo and the rest of the investors.
I have a feeling this was all planned in order to boost their IPO.

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Sugar wants to be the "most influencial artist"
But with lyrics like theirs they are not influencing anyone. "Wake up and playing ping pong" that's the lyrics of their song.

It was expected they will top billboard, doing multiple versions of the song so obsessed fans will buy it several times.
Their fans only care about breaking records, using cheating tactics.

But lets see 10 years from now who is going to remember their songs. and if any of them will become classics.
Mar 24, 2018
Leaving this gay propaganda here - one is almost 25 the other almost 27? If they would have been 14 y old, their parents should have send them to a psychiatrist for this behavior. But at least TH’s parents are encouraging him to have boys sleeping with him in his house. That he bought for them.

Edit: I couldn’t find the original posting because I haven’t saved it but this isn’t exactly what the tweets were saying. Apparently TH was supposed to sleep with Jimin in his room (...) but he was too lazy to go there (are they still living/sleeping together?!?) so he told him to come over and sleep in his room but then Jimin called and they started crying because of their stupid Billboard chart.

Your commentary on them is just too funny... I’m literally sat here trying not to laugh lmao


Sep 28, 2018
It was quite obvious that they will try find ways to make it seem as if it was the government’s decision, especially due to Yoongi’s weird and Jin’s vague statement as well as the fact that 3 months before the very last day he should report to duty, they haven’t release any statement.
Nevertheless- charting on Billboard still isn’t a professional achievement in arts and makes it a mockery towards sports and arts(classical music), people who devote their entire life for something that simply doesn’t get the same amount of trending.
Them shooting reality shows for kids for the past 10 years, getting drunk on live streams, trying to dance the same choreography they’ve done since the beginning and doing playback on stage while jumping on air towers for children doesn’t equate the life of gymnasts or classical musicians.
They should be the ones out of respect opposing to this.
But when it comes to real life - they’re silent showing their true characters which are nothing and their pink lipstick+eyeshadow.

This Billboard thing was planned since months ago to give a fake reason to the public as to why neither Jin nor the rest should go to military.
It’s not set yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they manage to get them some sort of special exemption. Either totally or partially.
If not for Jin, for sure the rest.
They have been trying to avoid military since the beggining.
Now they are going to use #1 on Billboard to escape from it.

But even if they escape the military the truth is they are getting old and their music sucks.
Sure Army will buy the same song a bunch of times, but soon or later they will get tired of BTS doing the same fanservice, the same trash music, and the same movies with the "sad" plot.

Jinn close to 30 years old..They can escape military but they can't escape time and they are not looking any younger.
Mar 24, 2018
A while ago, I’ve posted a theory about Bang Pedo giving members shares in BigHit prior to the IPO in order to make them liable with their own flesh and blood about everything they do.

The analysis was lengthy, short version - BigHit’s entire operation and billions they hope to raise, can only exist with BTS.

If any scandal happens - they’re out, facing bankruptcy.

By scandal, only a dating exposure involving TH is plausible (as explained in my previous posting), since nobody had a problem with them being alcohol, pills, cigarettes and most likely drug addicted.

The only way for the CEO’s to ensure at maximum that this won’t be the case and the members, especially TH, won’t even dare to live normally or think about relationships, I assumed they will come up with the idea of tying them legally to face liability for their private lives, in case they want to have one. The only way was to give them shares into the company, and make them very clear, they they will bring the entire “family” and “army” under, if they ever dare to do something romantically.

Today my theory has been confirmed and I am somehow terrified about my prediction being confirmed.

I recommend reading the entire article. It all sounds so majestic and incredible, but if you’ve read some of my postings involving BigHit’s IPO and revenue, you’ll know how false it is the way they are portraying it and how it’s all about BigHit.


I don’t understand this though... I’m not really educated on shares and stuff but If a scandal breaks out won’t that make Bighit more involved now that the members are legally involved with the company .... honestly how is Bang PD giving them these shares if he doesn’t even let them eat what they want. Is this some sort of tactic to make him look like a good ceo... I’m really confused lol
Mar 24, 2018
He gave them shares to ensure no scandal will take place. If they own shares and are tied up to the IPO/company, any scandal will cause them loosing everything AND are financially liable for damages.
It must already be sick insane to live like in a incubator for the past 10 years, with a squeaky clean image.
It would have been unavoidable - and still is - to assume they will last like this. A scandal is bound to happen at some point. No matter how much they’re controlled.
This way, it is also the members responsibility to make sure it won’t come to it.
Before IPO they weren’t legally liable for their own personal decisions. Now, they will have to think before dating or even writing to a girl or going out.
It was a smart decision of Bang’s.

I hope I managed somehow to explain it.
They’re legally trading their own lives with these shares.

Also something I have mentioned a few months ago when I came up with this theory of Bang giving them shares - they’re most likely not allowed to sell them in a higher percentage and probably have received the shares rather than a higher percentage of income. Equally to Bang’s advantage +

as part owner they must have signed an agreement covering damage to the company and investors in case their behavior will cause the stock price to go under.
Wow thank you... I understand now... I really like your analysis... I’m impressed you already was suspecting he would do something like this! He is truly evil and his little 7 minions are stupid as hell


Sep 28, 2018
As long as we’re not all gay dudes, I am trying to act as if this is all a joke. Otherwise I’d had to count how many times I lost a job because a dude with no experience was hired in my place, solely because he claims being a woman, and I’d loose my mind completely.
This year, between January and March it happened twice.

Last year a gay director replaced two female roles in Shakespeare with his (gay?) 18-20 something boys that he was constantly touching during rehearsals.
I’m not even sure they were gay, actually. But really confused about the touching part.
This is how you turn confused boys into gays. Abusing them.

You know that I am totally sharing the same thoughts, but seeing that despite some outrageous things that happened in the past years, they still thrive, giving the fact that their fans, even the oldest ones are somewhere in their mid 20s, but they still do the same shit for 10 y olds, in addition to acting like “babies” in front of the camera, I could see this abomination going on for at least 5 more years , if not more.
After which, Bang Pedo will always find ways to make money individually out of them by providing something like “learning with...” , “producer ...” (like they did with TXT when some of the members, of course TH, were listed as producers only to make fans buy their shit)

They already look weird now with so much colorful makeup.

The only thing I still believe is the entire operation going down if TH has a girlfriend and wants to spend time with her. I don’t see this one happening because he’s so desperate to stay in the band+his solo album coming+the hope to go on tour next year.

But at some point something will kick in and if it kicks with TH, the rest will go sooner or later down.

Nothing happened when JK was caught with that girl and as per @Anthony's call posting - he allegedly could have actually dated her girlfriend (as well).

It’s very suspicious that nothing, absolutely nothing is out there regarding TH. Not just dating. Anything. That’s a sign for me that Bang knows - if anything comes out regarding TH, he’s over.

I don’t think they will fade with time that easily.
so many Instagram accounts that I am following are mothers in their 20s-30s with children posting non-stop stuff about BTS or the usual “shipping” . Their children are now already obsessed with BTS. At only 4-5.
for sure some fans will stay.
But I think the group lost whatever made them special.
Like I said, their last comeback with ON was a big flop, this time with Dynamite they had to do a bunch of remix, and a song in all English using radio payola to get better results.

Most fans buy this song in massive numbers because they saw it as "the last chance to give BTS #1 and a grammy". (because they believed Jinn was going to enlist soon).
But when fans realize BTS are probably not even going to enlist and will keep doing a new song every month for them to buy, I see them eventually getting tired.

Of course this could only be my wishful thinking, but I don't see BTS as talented or interesting enough to keep their fame going for so long. Only time will tell.