The Threat of an Alien/ET-Invasion Is Real

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
and this is what you NEED to know about it...
(original article here)

They’ve been with us all along protecting us. For thousands of years our destinies have been intertwined. We’ve been carefully guarded and guided toward one inevitable conclusion, with most never realizing who was really behind it, at least until recently. Their influence cannot be underestimated. We wouldn’t be here without them. If they weren’t intervening and keeping the air breathable, despite humans’ best efforts at polluting and poisoning it, we would all be dead already.

ufo-pictThe ancient historical records in every culture speak about them. Aliens. Extra-terrestrials. Off-Worlders. Angels. And there are numerous references to them and their flying machines. All through the ages.

Their purposes? Primarily peaceful observation thus far. Not only to observe us and monitor our progress (or lack thereof), but also, and perhaps more importantly, so that we may observe them. They’ve sent us many signs and wonders, and revealed themselves to us—more so in the last 70 years than ever before—to get our attention and leave NO DOUBT of their existence. We are definitely NOT ALONE.

They’ve provided us with VITAL information and a little bit of technology, in their own way, and left the rest to us. They’ve done this very carefully to preserve our free-will, and to see how we would react to what we’ve been given, and what we would do with it. The hope was that we would learn to use these gifts wisely for our collective benefit, NOT shroud them in secrecy and/or confusion, so that a handful of selfish, evil people could personally enrich themselves and oppress everyone else.

But that’s exactly what’s happened, despite all of the precautions taken to prevent it. And perhaps not surprisingly so, since most people on this planet tend to be self-centered, and actually believe we invented all of this tech on our own, because we are so smart and wonderful. It’s the exact same arrogance the ETs have spent thousands of years warning us is detrimental to our existence. The reason why it’s so dangerous is because arrogance not only blinds us to our own ignorance, but also from its very existence. That’s why the arrogance, which is really ignorance, MUST be destroyed before it destroys everything.

Why did they choose to reveal themselves to us? Is it not obvious that, when a people think they are the center of the universe—just because they’ve been temporarily granted custody of a relatively minute, controlled environment, for a set period of time—that learning there’s something and someone out there MUCH more advanced than they are should HUMBLE them? Humility is the cure for human ignorance, which is the cause of ALL of our problems. Ignorance, for example, of our own extra-terrestrial origin.

We were sent simple, easy-to-follow directions from the ETs, to guard against their information and technology being exploited in this way. These basic instructions warned us that if we didn’t follow them to the letter, we would be oppressed, impoverished and enslaved. That selfish, power-hungry despots would seize the chance to monopolize and manipulate others. And that these same WICKED people in positions of worldly authority would then set up institutions (corporations), and integrate them into society, to mask their criminal activities and enterprises. These institutions may appear, on the surface, to be lawful, but under careful scrutiny they are quickly exposed as the fraudulent corporate rackets they really are.

singled-outA corporation is a corporate fiction. It is a figment of someone’s imagination, and doesn’t exist except on paper, and in the minds of those who think it’s real. A corporation doesn’t have a corporeal human body, or corpse, it doesn’t have feelings, it doesn’t take responsibility for the actions of its owners, and it has no body or soul. A corporation produces NOTHING. It is the people, who trade their life-energy to the corporate cause, that make the products and provide the services that enrich and empower their corporate owners/masters.

Government is a corporation (i.e. a corporate fiction). Organized religions are corporations. And these two institutions are two heads of the same beast-system used to control the masses, and steal from us under false pretenses, while at the same time working together to conceal the existence of ETs and UFOs, in a massive cover-up. The truth is out there, IF one looks in the right place.

The last thing the government and religious leaders of this world want you to know is that not only are ETs and UFOs REAL, but the ETs have sent stern warnings condemning these very same institutions and the people who run them, along with specific instructions on how to get rid of them once and for all, for the benefit of everyone. Governments and organized religions would very quickly be out of business, if this information was clearly understood, so they go to great lengths to keep the masses in the dark.

rosewellIn mid-1947 it was reported that an UFO “crash-landed” near Roswell, New Mexico. Is it just mere coincidence that this 1947 “sign from the heavens” immediately preceded the 1948 formation of the counterfeit-Jewish state in Israel? The ETs have been warning us for at least two thousand years, that this particular event in the Middle East would set in motion a chain of events that will bring about the end of the world as we know it. Fortunately, for the few who survive, it will simultaneously usher in a new age of wisdom; a millennium of freedom and peace under direct benevolent ET rule.

If you were among a group of Extra-Terrestrials, Who had sent information CRITICAL to the survival of human+Beings, over thousands of Earth years, in exact and minute detail, to the primitive inhabitants of planet Earth, and they had turned your detailed instructions into nonsensical, ritualistic religious “rites and ceremonies”, so that no-one read and studied the actual information with an open mind, and without applying incorrect preconceived notions, how would you get the attention of those who deserved to SURVIVE?

Roswell was only the beginning. There has been an amazing and unprecedented explosion of technology (as well as UFO sightings) over the past 70 years, since Roswell. Coincidence?

chip-technologyTransistors (1953). Microchips (1958). Integrated Circuits (1959). Carbon-fiber composites (1961). Communication satellites (1962). LEDs (1962). Kevlar (1965). Cellphones (1973). Personal computers (1977). And GPS (1978), to name a few. The basic building blocks for all modern-day electronics, conveniences and the “space-aged” materials we take for granted today, NONE of which existed prior to the Roswell UFO incident.

We often forget how things were before the Internet. Before information was literally at our fingertips. Before the World Wide Web.

But even that is just a preview of what’s possible. Instant communication and instant access to information is possible. We have only scratched the surface. Literally.

dnaWe’ve discovered through the human genome project that there is far more to these organic, biological computing machines that we’re temporarily inhabiting, than previously thought. DNA is actually a highly-sophisticated programming language, written in advanced quaternary rather than binary code by the ETs. And DNA is by far the most efficient means of storing data known to man. In just one gram of DNA, which when dry would occupy a volume of approximately one cubic centimeter, it would be possible to store approximately 250 billion DVDs worth of information.

To help put that number into perspective, consider that a stack of 250 billion DVDs would stretch more than 3/4 of the way to the moon. And all of that information could be stored in a single gram of DNA the size of a sugar-cube.

Put another way, the DNA information is so densely organized that a single teaspoonful could carry the instructions for building the entire population of planet Earth…hundreds of times over. So we may think we’ve done well packing information densely onto chips, computer hard-drives and DVDs, etc., but all of these devices store information on the surface only. DNA stores information in three dimensions and is by far the densest information storage mechanism known to man. And DNA also has the ability to self-replicate, fix errors, read and copy itself through a process known as transcription.

It should be self-evident that we didn’t make these extremely sophisticated human biological machines ourselves, nor did we put them here. That was done for us, for a very specific reason, as explained in great detail by the ETs, beginning on the very first page of their instruction manual. It’s truly a pity so few have taken the time to actually read what they’ve sent us for our own good, but, as the human saying goes, the instructions are routinely only read when all else fails. Humans always think they know better, even in the face of an unquestionably superior intelligence.

So why have the ETs done all this? They have a job to do. And that specific job is nearing completion.

knowing-etThey’ve basically been baby-sitting this planet for 6000 years, in the hopes of teaching a select few—the VERY small percentage who actually want to learn—what they’ll need to survive once they’re ready to leave Earth. They would like to teach everyone, but most people don’t want to learn from them.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Think of this place as a prison-reform school for the criminally-insane, and the ETs as the prison guards and instructors. It shouldn’t be too difficult to understand this is a lunatic asylum, given the lengthy track-record of repeat errors and the human capacity for life-threatening destruction.

There will of course be those who disagree, despite the incontrovertible evidence in almost everything humans do. Perhaps the following has escaped the myopic, “blissfully” ignorant:-

Thousands of nuclear weapons have been “tested” in the past 70 years. ALL of that radiation is STILL here and its effects are CUMULATIVE.

Hundreds of nuclear power facilities have been built, many on or near known fault-line earthquake zones, KNOWING beforehand there is NO SAFE WAY to dispose of the thousands of tons of nuclear waste they produce ANNUALLY. And again, the effects of ALL of that nuclear waste, regardless of whether it is buried somewhere on land, or sunk to the depths of the sea, are CUMULATIVE.
oil-spillsThe oil industry has spilled MILLIONS of tons of crude oil worldwide. The sea floor has been ruptured, rivers and streams polluted, and entire ecosystems wiped out, in arguably the most destructive of all industries. And that’s before considering the Kuwaiti oilfield fires during the first Gulf War in 1990-1991, the environmental effects of which, although dispersed, are likewise CUMULATIVE.

Advance ET Warnings About the Invasion of Kuwait

Global, large fish stocks have fallen over 90% since 1950.

Worldwide Decline in Fish Stocks

There is talk about reducing the “carbon footprint” of humans while simultaneously removing one of nature’s most efficient natural means of CO2 filtration: trees. Deforestation has already claimed more than half of the world’s rainforests, which are the lungs of this planet, that provide us with oxygen. And increased flooding, erosion and mudslides are also directly attributable to deforestation.

Deforestation Facts

ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE: Why it Happens and How to Stop it

Humans manipulate genetic codes they likewise don’t fully understand, with devastating results. Crops, animals, water and air are intentionally poisoned with chemicals that are KNOWN to be harmful to all human, plant and animal life. And this crazy, irresponsible behavior is increasing at an exponential rate. How much longer do YOU think the ETs will put up with this destructive treatment of their planet?
fire-and-smokeThe Environmental Risks of GMOs


Water-Fluoridation Facts

The Reason Why

These are but a few of the numerous signs of the insanity of this place, before considering such obvious indications like the human penchant for war and destruction, or their insatiable greed.

Just look at how humans treat each other. It is routine for people to lie, cheat and steal from each other on a daily basis, and the “elected” leaders are usually the most proficient at these sadistic, evil practices. Sexual perversions of every kind, including the molestation and trafficking of children, are not only tolerated, but encouraged. Violence is rampant. Wars are never-ending. That’s what humans have made of this world.

perpetual-warAs difficult as it may be, try for just a moment to envision what it would be like to be sane, and look in on a savage, maniacal race hell-bent on their own destruction, while seemingly convinced they are an advanced “civilization”. NONE of these things happen in a truly normal and civilized society, as the ETs have been telling us for millennia. And make no mistake, this type of behavior is NOT TOLERATED anywhere else in the Universe.

This isn’t easy for them. Especially after all of their patient and painstaking efforts to rehabilitate human+Beings, and return some measure of sanity to this place. And yes they are fully aware this world is now on the brink of the final, most destructive phase of WW3, just as the ETs already know who will win and lose.

Straight from the ETs: Who Will Win and Lose WW3

WW3 is being allowed, to provide us with irrefutable proof of our individual and collective insanity. Why? In the hope we will finally come to our senses and listen to them (the ETs), and ONLY them. The ETs knew it would come to this. We would have too, if we weren’t so self-absorbed. They warned us. They are warning us NOW.

WW3. Armageddon. Then the Alien/ET intervention. It’s not a matter of if; it’s a matter of when.

Their intervention force is at least twice our global population and their “mother-ship” is of sufficient size that no one will miss it, as it enters Earth’s atmosphere. And the Alien/ET surveillance and tracking capabilities are so far beyond ours, that they will have no difficulty hunting down every single evil human+Being on Earth. So when they arrive there will be absolutely nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide. And that includes the underground facilities that the parasitic criminal class have been building for themselves, for decades.

ufo-sightings-increasingWhat we’ve been looking at for the past 70 years are their scout-ships. A few small reconnaissance vessels, just to give us a glimpse of what the ETs are capable of, to get our attention, and to prompt us to start doing some soul-searching. Does anyone really believe that these small ships could get this far into space without being part of a convoy? The Alien fleet is coming. In fact the fleet is already here, stationed very near-by and making the final preparations for their ground invasion as this is written, to commence after WW3 and Armageddon have played themselves out.

This isn’t what the ETs wanted, but we’ve left them no choice. Contrary to popular belief this is NOT our planet; it is on loan, as is everything on it and in it. And the owners are not going to sit by for much longer while we destroy it, each other, and the rest of the life here that they, the ETs, created.

Again, and very predictably, there will be mockers and naysayers. Even now, at the very end, most people will choose to believe their state and religious indoctrination…that we can keep repeating past mistakes and destroying things, including our own life-support system, and everything will be okay…rather than the obvious truth that we are headed in the wrong direction, and need to do an immediate about-face.

The classic definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. THINK about it.

The truth is this way of “life”, where humans plunder this world’s natural resources for temporary monetary gain and a few creature comforts, is clearly unsustainable. We ARE destroying this planet. And WE ARE ALREADY IN THE MIDDLE OF WW3, which the ETs warned us would start in Iraq.

Secular Proof that there Is Indeed an Infinitely Higher Intelligence in The Universe

ET Confirmation that WW3 Begins in Syria

According to the ETs, BILLIONS of human-lives are about to be lost during WW3. Millions have already been killed or displaced. If you don’t think you will be among the casualties, because your government or organized religion will save you, think again. This will be so brutal, and the devastation so thorough and widespread, that the ONLY thing that will save us from TOTAL ANNIHILATION is an Extra-Terrestrial intervention, as prophesied.

THAT is how bad the situation really is. And that’s why the threat of an Alien-Extra Terrestrial invasion is inevitably REAL and IMMINENT and should be welcomed, not feared.

For the very few who see the truth in what’s been shared, and recognize Who this message is really from, the next logical step is to finally take the time to read and study the basic instructions our progenitors sent, BEFORE all else fails. Those instructions, which MUST be read with an open-mind, and without ANYpreconceived notions, to be properly understood, may be found at the following link:-

Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

look-to-the-heavensTo keep the evil leaders of church and state from censoring the instruction-manual, parts of it have been written in code and time-locked, awaiting this final Earth time-period. So you’ll need THE KEY to be able to decipher it. Fortunately the ETs have sent that too, as promised, and at just the right time, when it’s needed most.

The Survival Plan – Key

The rest, as always, is up to YOU.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
And also, is "project blue beam" cover up of this truth?
Definitely. It's also central though to satanic NWO/one-world government agenda of the parasitic criminal class.

Christ, while He was here in the body of Jesus, made it crystal clear that He is "NOT OF THIS WORLD" (John 8:14, John 17:5, John 18:36), i.e. He's an EXTRATERRESTRIAL.

Lucifer/Satan/Iblis (the liar), who Christ banished to the earth after the original Star War (Rev. 12:7-9), has used his counterfeit Jews to finance military forces worldwide and to make loads of Hollyweird films depicting aliens coming to attack Earth for all kinds of stupid reasons. Both are designed to get people to fear an alien/ET intervention (to save us from destroying this planet and from ourselves), and to actually fight against them when they arrive.

That should hopefully help make sense of the recent (September 2019) founding of the U.S. "Space Force", as well as why everything on this planet seems to be about war and deception.

The ET's are coming. In fact, they're already here, awaiting final instructions for their intervention.


Jun 17, 2020
Yeah, "Space Force" could be used for this purpose and not as they say it is to humiliate Russia.

What I have heard about those ET:s is that they are perhaps hive mind insectoids, like ants. And ET minions are not the main problem here, their leader is. They have hive mind and can't think for themselves. This why the ET:s are so very organized and are making no mistakes.

Just a speculation.
Last edited:


Jun 17, 2020
Physical aliens do most likely exist, so does perhaps the non-physical ones, like archons. But I have no arguments to support the later.

I think the ET:s are bad because they hide and there is a lot of suffering in this world which they could be responsible to. Like I said, they cut down trees and were mining the earth. Earth is a farm.


Mar 13, 2017
I think the argument that aliens = demonology has some merit. But I'm not trying to get into that one right now.

Last night I was watching a documentary on aliens that brought up JFK. The documentary theorized that JFK was collaborating with the Russians in relation to the "Ufo phenomenons". I thought that was interesting and worth sharing. Either way, the alien issue goes back a long time.

Ufo sightings used to be reported all the time, even Ronald Reagan evidently saw a U.F.O sitting on the side of the road. It made me wonder if the government is literally just gaslighting everyone. Like it doesn't matter who you are, you are going to get the gas.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Our Creator, His Christ and the entire heavenly host are all aliens/extraterrestrials. They most certainly are NOT demons.

The demons are right here on Earth, inside people's heads, filling their minds with fear, to con them into seeing everything upside down and backwards, as anyone who mistakenly believes The Extraterrestrial King Ruler of the Universe is a demon is obviously doing.


Apr 23, 2018
Think of this place as a prison-reform school for the criminally-insane, and the ETs as the prison guards and instructors. It shouldn’t be too difficult to understand this is a lunatic asylum, given the lengthy track-record of repeat errors and the human capacity for life-threatening destruction.

There will of course be those who disagree, despite the incontrovertible evidence in almost everything humans do. Perhaps the following has escaped the myopic, “blissfully” ignorant:-

Thousands of nuclear weapons have been “tested” in the past 70 years. ALL of that radiation is STILL here and its effects are CUMULATIVE.

Hundreds of nuclear power facilities have been built, many on or near known fault-line earthquake zones, KNOWING beforehand there is NO SAFE WAY to dispose of the thousands of tons of nuclear waste they produce ANNUALLY. And again, the effects of ALL of that nuclear waste, regardless of whether it is buried somewhere on land, or sunk to the depths of the sea, are CUMULATIVE.
oil-spillsThe oil industry has spilled MILLIONS of tons of crude oil worldwide. The sea floor has been ruptured, rivers and streams polluted, and entire ecosystems wiped out, in arguably the most destructive of all industries. And that’s before considering the Kuwaiti oilfield fires during the first Gulf War in 1990-1991, the environmental effects of which, although dispersed, are likewise CUMULATIVE.

Advance ET Warnings About the Invasion of Kuwait

Global, large fish stocks have fallen over 90% since 1950.

Worldwide Decline in Fish Stocks

There is talk about reducing the “carbon footprint” of humans while simultaneously removing one of nature’s most efficient natural means of CO2 filtration: trees. Deforestation has already claimed more than half of the world’s rainforests, which are the lungs of this planet, that provide us with oxygen. And increased flooding, erosion and mudslides are also directly attributable to deforestation.

Deforestation Facts

ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE: Why it Happens and How to Stop it

Humans manipulate genetic codes they likewise don’t fully understand, with devastating results. Crops, animals, water and air are intentionally poisoned with chemicals that are KNOWN to be harmful to all human, plant and animal life. And this crazy, irresponsible behavior is increasing at an exponential rate. How much longer do YOU think the ETs will put up with this destructive treatment of their planet?
fire-and-smokeThe Environmental Risks of GMOs


Water-Fluoridation Facts

The Reason Why

These are but a few of the numerous signs of the insanity of this place, before considering such obvious indications like the human penchant for war and destruction, or their insatiable greed.

Just look at how humans treat each other. It is routine for people to lie, cheat and steal from each other on a daily basis, and the “elected” leaders are usually the most proficient at these sadistic, evil practices. Sexual perversions of every kind, including the molestation and trafficking of children, are not only tolerated, but encouraged. Violence is rampant. Wars are never-ending. That’s what humans have made of this world.

perpetual-warAs difficult as it may be, try for just a moment to envision what it would be like to be sane, and look in on a savage, maniacal race hell-bent on their own destruction, while seemingly convinced they are an advanced “civilization”. NONE of these things happen in a truly normal and civilized society, as the ETs have been telling us for millennia. And make no mistake, this type of behavior is NOT TOLERATED anywhere else in the Universe.

This isn’t easy for them. Especially after all of their patient and painstaking efforts to rehabilitate human+Beings, and return some measure of sanity to this place. And yes they are fully aware this world is now on the brink of the final, most destructive phase of WW3, just as the ETs already know who will win and lose.

Straight from the ETs: Who Will Win and Lose WW3

WW3 is being allowed, to provide us with irrefutable proof of our individual and collective insanity. Why? In the hope we will finally come to our senses and listen to them (the ETs), and ONLY them. The ETs knew it would come to this. We would have too, if we weren’t so self-absorbed. They warned us. They are warning us NOW.

WW3. Armageddon. Then the Alien/ET intervention. It’s not a matter of if; it’s a matter of when.

Their intervention force is at least twice our global population and their “mother-ship” is of sufficient size that no one will miss it, as it enters Earth’s atmosphere. And the Alien/ET surveillance and tracking capabilities are so far beyond ours, that they will have no difficulty hunting down every single evil human+Being on Earth. So when they arrive there will be absolutely nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide. And that includes the underground facilities that the parasitic criminal class have been building for themselves, for decades.

ufo-sightings-increasingWhat we’ve been looking at for the past 70 years are their scout-ships. A few small reconnaissance vessels, just to give us a glimpse of what the ETs are capable of, to get our attention, and to prompt us to start doing some soul-searching. Does anyone really believe that these small ships could get this far into space without being part of a convoy? The Alien fleet is coming. In fact the fleet is already here, stationed very near-by and making the final preparations for their ground invasion as this is written, to commence after WW3 and Armageddon have played themselves out.

This isn’t what the ETs wanted, but we’ve left them no choice. Contrary to popular belief this is NOT our planet; it is on loan, as is everything on it and in it. And the owners are not going to sit by for much longer while we destroy it, each other, and the rest of the life here that they, the ETs, created.

Again, and very predictably, there will be mockers and naysayers. Even now, at the very end, most people will choose to believe their state and religious indoctrination…that we can keep repeating past mistakes and destroying things, including our own life-support system, and everything will be okay…rather than the obvious truth that we are headed in the wrong direction, and need to do an immediate about-face.

The classic definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. THINK about it.

The truth is this way of “life”, where humans plunder this world’s natural resources for temporary monetary gain and a few creature comforts, is clearly unsustainable. We ARE destroying this planet. And WE ARE ALREADY IN THE MIDDLE OF WW3, which the ETs warned us would start in Iraq.

Secular Proof that there Is Indeed an Infinitely Higher Intelligence in The Universe

ET Confirmation that WW3 Begins in Syria

According to the ETs, BILLIONS of human-lives are about to be lost during WW3. Millions have already been killed or displaced. If you don’t think you will be among the casualties, because your government or organized religion will save you, think again. This will be so brutal, and the devastation so thorough and widespread, that the ONLY thing that will save us from TOTAL ANNIHILATION is an Extra-Terrestrial intervention, as prophesied.

THAT is how bad the situation really is. And that’s why the threat of an Alien-Extra Terrestrial invasion is inevitably REAL and IMMINENT and should be welcomed, not feared.

For the very few who see the truth in what’s been shared, and recognize Who this message is really from, the next logical step is to finally take the time to read and study the basic instructions our progenitors sent, BEFORE all else fails. Those instructions, which MUST be read with an open-mind, and without ANYpreconceived notions, to be properly understood, may be found at the following link:-

Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

look-to-the-heavensTo keep the evil leaders of church and state from censoring the instruction-manual, parts of it have been written in code and time-locked, awaiting this final Earth time-period. So you’ll need THE KEY to be able to decipher it. Fortunately the ETs have sent that too, as promised, and at just the right time, when it’s needed most.

The Survival Plan – Key

The rest, as always, is up to YOU.
Have you read Gurdjieff's "Beelzebub's Tales To His Grandson"? Highly recommend it.


Mar 13, 2017
and this is what you NEED to know about it...
(original article here)

They’ve been with us all along protecting us. For thousands of years our destinies have been intertwined. We’ve been carefully guarded and guided toward one inevitable conclusion, with most never realizing who was really behind it, at least until recently. Their influence cannot be underestimated. We wouldn’t be here without them. If they weren’t intervening and keeping the air breathable, despite humans’ best efforts at polluting and poisoning it, we would all be dead already.

ufo-pictThe ancient historical records in every culture speak about them. Aliens. Extra-terrestrials. Off-Worlders. Angels. And there are numerous references to them and their flying machines. All through the ages.

Their purposes? Primarily peaceful observation thus far. Not only to observe us and monitor our progress (or lack thereof), but also, and perhaps more importantly, so that we may observe them. They’ve sent us many signs and wonders, and revealed themselves to us—more so in the last 70 years than ever before—to get our attention and leave NO DOUBT of their existence. We are definitely NOT ALONE.

They’ve provided us with VITAL information and a little bit of technology, in their own way, and left the rest to us. They’ve done this very carefully to preserve our free-will, and to see how we would react to what we’ve been given, and what we would do with it. The hope was that we would learn to use these gifts wisely for our collective benefit, NOT shroud them in secrecy and/or confusion, so that a handful of selfish, evil people could personally enrich themselves and oppress everyone else.

But that’s exactly what’s happened, despite all of the precautions taken to prevent it. And perhaps not surprisingly so, since most people on this planet tend to be self-centered, and actually believe we invented all of this tech on our own, because we are so smart and wonderful. It’s the exact same arrogance the ETs have spent thousands of years warning us is detrimental to our existence. The reason why it’s so dangerous is because arrogance not only blinds us to our own ignorance, but also from its very existence. That’s why the arrogance, which is really ignorance, MUST be destroyed before it destroys everything.

Why did they choose to reveal themselves to us? Is it not obvious that, when a people think they are the center of the universe—just because they’ve been temporarily granted custody of a relatively minute, controlled environment, for a set period of time—that learning there’s something and someone out there MUCH more advanced than they are should HUMBLE them? Humility is the cure for human ignorance, which is the cause of ALL of our problems. Ignorance, for example, of our own extra-terrestrial origin.

We were sent simple, easy-to-follow directions from the ETs, to guard against their information and technology being exploited in this way. These basic instructions warned us that if we didn’t follow them to the letter, we would be oppressed, impoverished and enslaved. That selfish, power-hungry despots would seize the chance to monopolize and manipulate others. And that these same WICKED people in positions of worldly authority would then set up institutions (corporations), and integrate them into society, to mask their criminal activities and enterprises. These institutions may appear, on the surface, to be lawful, but under careful scrutiny they are quickly exposed as the fraudulent corporate rackets they really are.

singled-outA corporation is a corporate fiction. It is a figment of someone’s imagination, and doesn’t exist except on paper, and in the minds of those who think it’s real. A corporation doesn’t have a corporeal human body, or corpse, it doesn’t have feelings, it doesn’t take responsibility for the actions of its owners, and it has no body or soul. A corporation produces NOTHING. It is the people, who trade their life-energy to the corporate cause, that make the products and provide the services that enrich and empower their corporate owners/masters.

Government is a corporation (i.e. a corporate fiction). Organized religions are corporations. And these two institutions are two heads of the same beast-system used to control the masses, and steal from us under false pretenses, while at the same time working together to conceal the existence of ETs and UFOs, in a massive cover-up. The truth is out there, IF one looks in the right place.

The last thing the government and religious leaders of this world want you to know is that not only are ETs and UFOs REAL, but the ETs have sent stern warnings condemning these very same institutions and the people who run them, along with specific instructions on how to get rid of them once and for all, for the benefit of everyone. Governments and organized religions would very quickly be out of business, if this information was clearly understood, so they go to great lengths to keep the masses in the dark.

rosewellIn mid-1947 it was reported that an UFO “crash-landed” near Roswell, New Mexico. Is it just mere coincidence that this 1947 “sign from the heavens” immediately preceded the 1948 formation of the counterfeit-Jewish state in Israel? The ETs have been warning us for at least two thousand years, that this particular event in the Middle East would set in motion a chain of events that will bring about the end of the world as we know it. Fortunately, for the few who survive, it will simultaneously usher in a new age of wisdom; a millennium of freedom and peace under direct benevolent ET rule.

If you were among a group of Extra-Terrestrials, Who had sent information CRITICAL to the survival of human+Beings, over thousands of Earth years, in exact and minute detail, to the primitive inhabitants of planet Earth, and they had turned your detailed instructions into nonsensical, ritualistic religious “rites and ceremonies”, so that no-one read and studied the actual information with an open mind, and without applying incorrect preconceived notions, how would you get the attention of those who deserved to SURVIVE?

Roswell was only the beginning. There has been an amazing and unprecedented explosion of technology (as well as UFO sightings) over the past 70 years, since Roswell. Coincidence?

chip-technologyTransistors (1953). Microchips (1958). Integrated Circuits (1959). Carbon-fiber composites (1961). Communication satellites (1962). LEDs (1962). Kevlar (1965). Cellphones (1973). Personal computers (1977). And GPS (1978), to name a few. The basic building blocks for all modern-day electronics, conveniences and the “space-aged” materials we take for granted today, NONE of which existed prior to the Roswell UFO incident.

We often forget how things were before the Internet. Before information was literally at our fingertips. Before the World Wide Web.

But even that is just a preview of what’s possible. Instant communication and instant access to information is possible. We have only scratched the surface. Literally.

dnaWe’ve discovered through the human genome project that there is far more to these organic, biological computing machines that we’re temporarily inhabiting, than previously thought. DNA is actually a highly-sophisticated programming language, written in advanced quaternary rather than binary code by the ETs. And DNA is by far the most efficient means of storing data known to man. In just one gram of DNA, which when dry would occupy a volume of approximately one cubic centimeter, it would be possible to store approximately 250 billion DVDs worth of information.

To help put that number into perspective, consider that a stack of 250 billion DVDs would stretch more than 3/4 of the way to the moon. And all of that information could be stored in a single gram of DNA the size of a sugar-cube.

Put another way, the DNA information is so densely organized that a single teaspoonful could carry the instructions for building the entire population of planet Earth…hundreds of times over. So we may think we’ve done well packing information densely onto chips, computer hard-drives and DVDs, etc., but all of these devices store information on the surface only. DNA stores information in three dimensions and is by far the densest information storage mechanism known to man. And DNA also has the ability to self-replicate, fix errors, read and copy itself through a process known as transcription.

It should be self-evident that we didn’t make these extremely sophisticated human biological machines ourselves, nor did we put them here. That was done for us, for a very specific reason, as explained in great detail by the ETs, beginning on the very first page of their instruction manual. It’s truly a pity so few have taken the time to actually read what they’ve sent us for our own good, but, as the human saying goes, the instructions are routinely only read when all else fails. Humans always think they know better, even in the face of an unquestionably superior intelligence.

So why have the ETs done all this? They have a job to do. And that specific job is nearing completion.

knowing-etThey’ve basically been baby-sitting this planet for 6000 years, in the hopes of teaching a select few—the VERY small percentage who actually want to learn—what they’ll need to survive once they’re ready to leave Earth. They would like to teach everyone, but most people don’t want to learn from them.
You believe a lot of strange stuff free..but of course when you follow lies...its hard to tell the truth from a lie.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Have you read Gurdjieff's "Beelzebub's Tales To His Grandson"? Highly recommend it.

You believe a lot of strange stuff free..but of course when you follow lies...its hard to tell the truth from a lie.
Which is probably why the truth that's shared seems so strange to you.

Of course, if there's anything specific you feel isn't perfectly true, please feel free to discuss it.


Mar 13, 2017

Which is probably why the truth that's shared seems so strange to you.

Of course, if there's anything specific you feel isn't perfectly true, please feel free to discuss it.
You don’t share truth ever..


Jun 4, 2017
Watching this Right Now... I like Gonz. :)
I have watched this before @seekinheart
It's been a while, but there is a lot of good information, in there.

I'm not really into the hollow earth theory, beyond what is in the bible (e.g. Tartarus, Hades)-- but those two are mentioned. And there is a connection there, to this topic, imo...

2 PETER 2:4
For if God did not spare the angels having sinned, but having cast them down to Tartarus, in chains of gloomy darkness, delivered them, being kept for judgment...​

And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church--​
... UN Outpost, atop that rock, now​
... above the temple ruins, below-- specifically, Pan's temple--> aka the Gates of Hades​
... and the gates of Hades not will prevail against it...​

But it is not exclusive to the middle east.
Look closely...

These relics are found the world over.
I also agree--> they've been here before. Interesting stuff, for sure.


Dec 21, 2018
I saw 3 strange star-like lights this week. It was a bright White star that sprouted 2 more stars, one traveling left and the other to the right. then they all dissapeared. It was right beside the Southern cross, I tought it would be sirius but the location was wrong.

I'm leaning towards aliens-are-demons-angle, tho.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Who predicted that aliens would be demons? Hollyweird.

And what does it say in the Extraterrestrial King Rule of the Universe, known here on Earth as "God" say about who the aliens are?

John 17:14-19
17:14 I have given them Thy Word; and the world hath hated them, because THEY ARE NOT OF THE WORLD, EVEN AS I AM NOT OF THE WORLD (i.e. ALIEN/EXTRATERRESTRIAL).
17:15 I pray not that Thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that Thou shouldest keep them from the evil (one - Lucifer) [in the world].
17:17 Sanctify them through Thy Truth: Thy Word is Truth.
17:18 As Thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.
17:19 And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the Truth.

That's THE TRUTH of the matter, straight from the source.