Black people in the Bible

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Nov 23, 2019
I feel as though many black people are recently being influenced that the bible was brought to everyone by white people specifically. This has caused a huge ruckus in the black christian community especially when it comes to young adults who believe that we as black people have been brainwashed for decades into slavery and that the Bible was used to convince black people that we were meant to be slaves by God. Which is a lie.

The Bible isn't a random book, which needs to be said since you can't pick a short quote out of the entire bible and judge it as a whole just to push your own narrative.

And due to our young generation being spoon fed useless unreliable information by their favorite influencers. They begin to believe that the bible was made to oppress black people which therefore creates very close-mindedness in this entire situation. Since the one thing you can do to lead a majority of black people away from is "racism"

So I wanted to mention here a few things I've picked up(I haven't read the bible entirely soooo don't expect much) about us as black people.

So the only popular reference of an African person in the bible is of Moses's wife who was Ethopian. We all know that story and if not feel free to search it online and you will get a few bible references.

The unpopular one was that Jesus was black this is due to the fact that on Revelation 1:12-14

"12.And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks, 13.And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot ,and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.14. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were as a flame of fire 15. And his feet like unto fine brass as if they burned in a furnace, and his voice as the sound of many waters"

Now reflecting in the statement that his feet were like unto fine brass(which is known for being a bronze, browner colour) that burned in a furnace which further exclaims that he was darker in complexion.

Secondly his hair was as white as wool. Now black people in general are known for having very thick natural coily hair which represent the pattern if wool. The reason I'm talking of this statement was the fact that his hair was further said to be as white as "wool" at first then "as white as snow" further showcasing that this was his hair pattern.

Now as you've seen its clearly written how Jesus looks like yet there is no verse I'm familiar with in the bible which speaks on him having pale white skin, long blonde hair and blue eyes and.

(If so please reference it)

And to further that, long hair for a man isnt and wasnt a good but due to the amount of influence the catholic church has in the world, even christians began indoctrinating these things in church.

Which brings me to my last point which is, why does racism exist?

The devil of course, but he had sooo many options on which race would be most oppressed and the oppressers.

He chose white individuals specifically to be oppressers and left the mark of colorism in each ethnicity whilst making sure that even though all races would experience racism. Black people specifically would be the bottom barrel of everything.


Those are the stereotypes.

We experience the bitter end of the stick since we are generally darker in complexion.

Beauty standards were created to be opposite of everything we are. Pale skinned, straight hair, thin nose.

Even now if I were to ask you how the devil looked like, you would immedietly refer to the color black while Jesus on the other hand will be referred to as a pale man.

This is what made me consider this statement of his appearance in the bible to be even more true.

But this is just a theory I had....feel free to discuss with me more stuff here.
I love Jesus and could care less his color. If I go to heaven and Jesus had very dark skin I would just be so happy to see him probably would never think twice. I have felt gods love and to me it is color blind.


Apr 11, 2017
Jesus was a Semite, therefore He was brown. Not white, not black, but in between, like the Arab and Egyptian people we see today. It has long irritated me that the images we see of Him, His mother Mary, the Disciples, etc. are depicted in historically innacurate fashion.

Blame that on the fact that the artist of any given image is likely to make Him look like themselves and their neighbors, either out of ignorance or an effort to make themselves feel a closer relationship to Him. Medieval artists depicted holy figures wearing contemporary, medieval clothing, in the fashions of the day, or in a medieval interpretation of what ancient clothing looked like.

I long for the day when I can see representations of religious figures that are accurate to the historical evidence of what people in those specific parts of the world, or even they themselves, when we have access to personal descriptions by contemporary authors or artists, actually looked like. I have seen the above posted depiction of Jesus, which is based on an anthropological review of portraits of His contemporaries. They made him look more unattractive than I would expect, (I think He would have had a physically attractive appearance as well as a huge amount of personal magnetism, as a result of His high degree of spiritual development.) But other than that, it is does accord with the skin tone, hair texture and style, and eye color of the majority of Jewish people living in and around Isreal at the time.

They did have a range of phenotypes in the area, but different tribes had different characteristics. Any blond/fair-skinned people would have been of Greek, Roman or Pheonician ancestry. It is likely that, due to occasional intermarriage, light skin/hair/eyes popped up from time to time amongst the Jews, but since none of this is mentioned in His geneology, we are left to assume he was wholly of Jewish, and thus, Semitic ancestry. If He did have any fair characteristics, I am sure it would have been an anomaly and remarked upon by His followers, and noted by those who wrote the Gospels. Which, as far as we know, is not the case.

I feel it may be a mistake to take as the sole description of His appearance that one in Revelations. A prophet's vision is open to many interpretations, and who is to say what is or isn't accurate in a realm whose existence we barely understand? I have a friend who died and came back, and she said she was in a place that was empty but not empty, with Jesus and her deceased mother. When I asked her what He looked like, she said she felt Him more than saw Him. Which makes sense, if we are freed from corporeal form. Does it really matter what a soul looks like?

Kung Fu

Mar 24, 2017
I'm not people?

What I do know is that white names simply came from colonization.
You're right it did come from colonization but if you go down deeper into the rabbit hole you'll also, find that they used Christianity to rationalize their enslavement of black people. They forced their white version of Christianity onto black people both in Africa and the ones they stole and brought back to America.

When it comes to white names, its mostly African Americans or British Americans or mixed people who have English names. When it comes to Africans , majority of us have names which correspond with our cultures. Ndebele, Zulu, Igbo and etc.

The bible has also been translated from Hebrew to English therefore I can't specify that its white. I'm not sure of how Hebrews looked like.I just know that they are Jews. I did hear from somewhere that Hebrews were from a country rich in minerals...leading me to Africa again. But I'm not sure therefore I can't clearly specify.
Consider those Africans the lucky ones that they didn't have have their identities stolen from them. However, they might not have had their identities stolen completely they were still forced to speak a language they didn't want too and they were given a religion they had no say in. Look into what the French did in Algeria in 1945.

Exactly they took what was non white and whitewashed it as much as they could. They read it in a white language and pay no attention to its roots in most likely Aramaic or possibly Hebrew, they turned Jesus into a white man with blue eyes and blonde hair, and enslaved Africans based on white people being this civilization race which needed to bring white Christianity to the rest of the world whether by deceit or force.

Kung Fu

Mar 24, 2017
I don't know why such topic should be problematic. I'll be glad to address some points.

They were in majority that's why it stopped.
They stopped because secularists stole power away from the Christians. If Christians still had the power they did in the past they would be doing the exact same thing they did back then, which is going around colonizing lands and stealing from others all in the name of Jesus Christ, your Lord.

Kung Fu

Mar 24, 2017
Drag them out of the inner cities where they push and hustle... bring back the plantations and put them to work.
Finally someone who is honest. I applaud you for your honesty and for showing the true colours of your faith. White Jesus would be proud. Then we have people like Lisa who spout nonsense such as people shouldn't be paid a livable wage. That's code talk for her wishing she could enslave black people and pay them nothing. But hey she would probably rationalize in a way where it would look like she's doing you the favour.

OP if Christians still had the power this is what would be happening to black people in America.


Dec 13, 2017
OP if Christians still had the power this is what would be happening to black people in America.
Black people and white and yellow and red and tan... equal opportunity for all fuk ups to work on the plantation.

Yellowbunzz tasty

Dec 30, 2019
Im not being funny but all this black, white stuff, black pride, and all that. Is all just operating in the flesh. Gods kingdom is spirit. This is where the whole Black hebrew movement has come from. Its all just idolatry and pride of your own race. And I know alot of injustices have happened to black people over many years, but the truth is, its no different to the same ideologies as the Nazis, in how they have been opressed and need to take this and this back. Its crazy how wicked the world is that it how us convinced just like it has us convinced of many other things, that if you are black, its all well and good to call someone a whiteboy, or cracker, or grey tings, or have this attitude of my brother, your brother is your brother in Christ. And there wont be any of that, in the kingdom, im pretty sure of it.
I didn't make this page specifically for "black pride" whatsoever. Simply speculation of History in the bible. How we should question why particular things are shown as they aren't in media.

Now this encouraged me to write about this threw since during Apartheid in my country. White people taught their children that black people were the devils children, that we were destined for hell and that they were pure.

This thing drawing many black people away from christianity. Which is why I made this page, to make them s

I'm sure there are threads that discuss those kinds of topics. And slavery is nothing to take lightly if I may mention since it still to this day, even after years of it has passed. It still left long lasting effects with black people.

I do agree that its a very twisted mindset for black people to say offensive things to white people and its seen as okay. But that's how the devil works, what is wrong is right for him.
Im not being funny but all this black, white stuff, black pride, and all that. Is all just operating in the flesh. Gods kingdom is spirit. This is where the whole Black hebrew movement has come from. Its all just idolatry and pride of your own race. And I know alot of injustices have happened to black people over many years, but the truth is, its no different to the same ideologies as the Nazis, in how they have been opressed and need to take this and this back. Its crazy how wicked the world is that it how us convinced just like it has us convinced of many other things, that if you are black, its all well and good to call someone a whiteboy, or cracker, or grey tings, or have this attitude of my brother, your brother is your brother in Christ. And there wont be any of that, in the kingdom, im pretty sure of it.
I don't remember myself having mentioned anything about black pride or whatsoever and this thread isn't about that. As you can see by the title "Black people in the bible"

Now the reason why I made this thread was simply to place something thought provoking for people and to state mere facts from the bible as to why this is portrayed as such and etc. I've discussed that in my previous replies.

Although slavery may have ended years back. It left long lasting effects of emotional damages in the black community.

During Apartheid in South Africa it was actually quite different from the way slave masters taught slaves. Intact they taught people that black people were actually from the devil and that white people were pure and belonged to God.

Now you can't tell me that this can't affect one and their generation in any particular way whatsoever. Many of my friends have questioned the bible even walking away from God due to white people having used it to enslave our parents and grandparents. Then portraying everyone from the bible as pale despite bible verses contradicting that.

When it comes to black people saying wrong things to white people and not being called out for it is wrong as well. Although I don't understand the weight behind the words "white boy"(isnt a slur, when white people say black boy its not offensive) and "cracker" (which literally means the master whip cracked.......I don't understand how thats offensive)

Now Pride.

Being black and happy about it since thats how God made me....there is absolutely nothing wrong in that. It shouldn't offend anyone in fact.

Being black and feeling as though you are above all.Is wrong. Same as white people who think they are above all.

Yellowbunzz tasty

Dec 30, 2019
I never thought to think of satan as black honestly...nor Jesus as white. I think that some people just think of things in the world as only black and white and think other people see it that way too. I think of satan as that evil fallen angel and Jesus as the savior of the world.

I don’t think of Jesus as white..knowing that the picture that he looks a certain way is probably wrong. He wasn’t anything to look at according to Isaiah 53...nothing that would draw us to Him. So I take it that He was probably homely here on earth.

Still, I’m not following Him because He might look like me..but that He is God who came and saved me...its not the outward appearance..but what He’s done for me. Perhaps the black community should look to Jesus as their savior rather than trying to figure out whether or not He looks like them? Because His being someones savior is more important than that.

But why is he portrayed opposite many black people in the US have been slaves recently? How many black people in the US are held back by white people? Are the black people in the US holding themselves back instead with their victim status? Seems like laws have been changed to help the black man..but they are still in their own mental prisons bitter against the white man but don’t realize that they aren’t slaves anymore?

I’ve seen all black churches..not sure what you’re talking about where the church supports the destruction of the black person. Even if there aren’t all black churches..not everyone is racist or sees black v white.
I wrote a whole paragraph before but I feel it doesn't hold much depth so I'll recommend a few movies for you to watch just to see if you could see what youre holding on lightly.

Winnie Mandela
Kaloshi (Personally recommend it tops)
Cry freedom(recommend it secondly)
Long walk to freedom

I hope you find time to watch them, I'm not that familiar with slavery in America but Km sure you know 12 years a slave.


Jun 4, 2017

Who has believed our message?​
And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?​
He grew up before Him like a tender shoot,​
and like a root out of dry ground.​
He had no stately form or majesty to attract us, no beauty that we should desire Him.
He was despised and rejected by men,​
a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief.​
Like one from whom men hide their faces,​
He was despised, and we esteemed Him not.​

4Surely He took on our infirmities

and carried our sorrows;b

yet we considered Him stricken by God,

struck down and afflicted.

5But He was pierced for our transgressions,

He was crushed for our iniquities;

the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,

and by His stripes we are healed.c

6We all like sheep have gone astray,d

each one has turned to his own way;

and the LORD has laid upon Him

the iniquity of us all.

7He was oppressed and afflicted,

yet He did not open His mouth.

He was led like a lamb to the slaughter,

and as a sheep before her shearers is silent,

so He did not open His mouth.

8By oppression and judgment He was taken away,

and who can recount His descendants?

For He was cut off from the land of the living;e

He was stricken for the transgression of My people.

A Grave Assigned
(Matthew 27:57-61; Mark 15:42-47; Luke 23:50-56; John 19:38-42)

9He was assigned a grave with the wicked,

and with a rich man in His death,

although He had done no violence,

nor was any deceit in His mouth.f

10Yet it was the LORD’s will to crush Him

and to cause Him to suffer;

and when His soul is made a guilt offering,g

He will see His offspring, He will prolong His days,

and the good pleasure of the LORD will prosper in His hand.

11After the anguish of His soul,

He will see the light of lifehand be satisfied.

By His knowledge My righteous Servant will justify many,

and He will bear their iniquities.

12Therefore I will allot Him a portion with the great,i

and He will divide the spoils with the strong,j

because He has poured out His life unto death,

and He was numbered with the transgressors.k

Yet He bore the sin of many

and made intercession for the transgressors.


Mar 14, 2017
Why is Racism and Slavery always contrasted with Christianity?

Why is Christianity associated solely with white people?

I’m white, and I think it does Christianity a great disservice to make it some white man’s religion. First generation Christians were not white to my knowledge.

Don’t buy into any of these Marxist associations. It’s all bs. propaganda.

When Constantine came to power, Christianity became a majority in Ancient Rome, how many legit Christians became so overnight? What good is Christianity if it becomes oppressive - it becomes any other power movement. Then you got the Catholics, Orthodox, various sects of Protestantism. Various forms of liberal Christianity where Christ as savior is deemphasized so much it may as well be a social club and probably is.

In the Church of Intersectionality everything becomes a category.

Very many Christians identify as Christian and are only so in name only. We can’t scapegoat Christ for the evil and depravities of fallen man and fake opportunistic ‘christians’
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Dec 13, 2017
Muslims and liberals are very angry because christians put up a fight against the muslim conquests and conquered headhunters in America Africa and Asia.

Are we christians sorry ? No.
Mar 17, 2017
I feel as though many black people are recently being influenced that the bible was brought to everyone by white people specifically. This has caused a huge ruckus in the black christian community especially when it comes to young adults who believe that we as black people have been brainwashed for decades into slavery and that the Bible was used to convince black people that we were meant to be slaves by God. Which is a lie.

The Bible isn't a random book, which needs to be said since you can't pick a short quote out of the entire bible and judge it as a whole just to push your own narrative.

And due to our young generation being spoon fed useless unreliable information by their favorite influencers. They begin to believe that the bible was made to oppress black people which therefore creates very close-mindedness in this entire situation. Since the one thing you can do to lead a majority of black people away from is "racism"

So I wanted to mention here a few things I've picked up(I haven't read the bible entirely soooo don't expect much) about us as black people.

So the only popular reference of an African person in the bible is of Moses's wife who was Ethopian. We all know that story and if not feel free to search it online and you will get a few bible references.

The unpopular one was that Jesus was black this is due to the fact that on Revelation 1:12-14

"12.And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks, 13.And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot ,and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.14. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were as a flame of fire 15. And his feet like unto fine brass as if they burned in a furnace, and his voice as the sound of many waters"

Now reflecting in the statement that his feet were like unto fine brass(which is known for being a bronze, browner colour) that burned in a furnace which further exclaims that he was darker in complexion.

Secondly his hair was as white as wool. Now black people in general are known for having very thick natural coily hair which represent the pattern if wool. The reason I'm talking of this statement was the fact that his hair was further said to be as white as "wool" at first then "as white as snow" further showcasing that this was his hair pattern.

Now as you've seen its clearly written how Jesus looks like yet there is no verse I'm familiar with in the bible which speaks on him having pale white skin, long blonde hair and blue eyes and.

(If so please reference it)

And to further that, long hair for a man isnt and wasnt a good but due to the amount of influence the catholic church has in the world, even christians began indoctrinating these things in church.

Which brings me to my last point which is, why does racism exist?

The devil of course, but he had sooo many options on which race would be most oppressed and the oppressers.

He chose white individuals specifically to be oppressers and left the mark of colorism in each ethnicity whilst making sure that even though all races would experience racism. Black people specifically would be the bottom barrel of everything.


Those are the stereotypes.

We experience the bitter end of the stick since we are generally darker in complexion.

Beauty standards were created to be opposite of everything we are
. Pale skinned, straight hair, thin nose.

Even now if I were to ask you how the devil looked like, you would immedietly refer to the color black while Jesus on the other hand will be referred to as a pale man.

This is what made me consider this statement of his appearance in the bible to be even more true.

But this is just a theory I had....feel free to discuss with me more stuff here.
I think when you a deeper look into history beyond what you were taught in public schools, it will give a much more clearer picture of the bible and who its talking about. Its not as simple as "black vs white". Before Abe Lincoln was president he defended a "moor" named William Dungey from the accusation of being a negro. And before that theres the 1790 "Sundry Act" Which showed that the "moor" had (and most likely has) a better status than those dubbed "negro" or "black" though they themselves (as in moors) look(ed) to be black. So to me it gives a much more clearer picture into who the black people are who are in certain George Washington photos:

And then theres an Incan kings list in Peru showing a European king (Charles V) who is supposed to be white as a man of color

And this same kings list shows his descendants eventually become white:

So imo, things are more nuanced than "black vs white." Right now it seems to be the end of the 4th kingdom written about in the book of the kingdom. Afterwards?

Daniel 7
26 “‘But the court will sit, and his power will be taken away and completely destroyed forever. 27 Then the sovereignty, power and greatness of all the kingdoms under heaven will be handed over to the holy people of the Most High. His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will worship and obey him.’

People think whats next is the "NWO" but it isnt. Verse 27 is whats next. Once this coronavirus runs its course, along with other plagues most likely on the way, there will be the "birth of a nation" and that nation essentially becomes the new "elite." Look at how no christians can answer why your people went thru what they did or how they'll be recompensated for what they went thru and lost. Theres a reason for that. Jesus hasnt saved your people for the last 400 years so why would he going forward? Its the Most High(not Jesus) who you have to turn to to be saved.


Dec 13, 2017
Look at how no christians can answer why your people went thru what they did or how they'll be recompensated for what they went thru and lost.
Her people were headhunting each other in Africa and that's why they went through what they did... and they have been recompensated with the knowledge of the Lord God Jesus Christ and His salvation.


Mar 13, 2017

But why is he portrayed opposite

I wrote a whole paragraph before but I feel it doesn't hold much depth so I'll recommend a few movies for you to watch just to see if you could see what youre holding on lightly.

Winnie Mandela
Kaloshi (Personally recommend it tops)
Cry freedom(recommend it secondly)
Long walk to freedom

I hope you find time to watch them, I'm not that familiar with slavery in America but Km sure you know 12 years a slave.
Why is He portrayed opposite? I think that the painters of the age that really started painting him were all about looks and things being beautiful. Were they actual Christians..perhaps they would have taken Isaiah 53 into account? Perhaps that’s the way the catholics wanted Him to look to attract people? I really don’t know..what I do know is that its the wrong interpretation of Jesus.

The problem with movies is that they have their own biases...Hollywood has been trying to shape narratives and their narratives aren’t always true. What do you think those movies could teach me about the black experience?

When I was in elementary school..I read a book called The Slave was a sad book about slavery and I will never forget watching Kunta Kinte being trapped and sold into slavery..I think the whole of the US watched that series. We mourned with him as he left freedom in Africa for slavery in America. America we fought a war that saw the slaves freed...don’t we remember that? Is it always going to be that the blacks were enslaved...will it never be they were freed? The people enslaving the black Africans are long well as the people that owned them and exploited them for their own gains. White people no longer own black people in America and black people are no longer slaves..yet som navy black people in America won’t ever forget or forgive to lead a life of their own. They will always be a slave to the past...and I think that’s the worst thing. We have a political system that wants black people to always be slaves to their past and never move forward..I think that’s a hard way to could you not be bitter or racist yourselves then?

I think about the Indians who lost the war against the white settlers and were moved to the reservations..I used to always feel bad about them..until I realized that all through history, peoples have conquered other peoples..and I think that in modern culture, they could come off the reservations and make a life for themselves here in the world..but I think they are also trapped by the past..they aren’t allowed to let that part of their history die..and have to always have it as part of them..and they too seem to be a victim to the past and can’t move forward.

I think that’s the worst thing about remembering the keeps you from living your life...having a future. Especially when what is the point of remembering it? It seems to me that the racist people are the ones who live in the past..unable to forget or forgive things that didn’t even happen to them and for what? Their own victimization at their own hands?

The God of the Bible says...
John‬ ‭10:10‬ ‭
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.
He wants people..all people..He’s not have life and not just life but have it abundantly...its the devil who wants people to live in their pasts that can’t be changed. One must ask themselves..if they are Christians..what life are you living..the one that destroys..or the one that lives.
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