
Mar 20, 2017
Frank is right we all just need to walk away from all media. The phones TV movies all of it. you don't need it it poisons you. i did an old thread about movies literally being a form of MK for the masses. Through trauma we are more suggestible. The shit starts for most with your old friends at Disney with Bambi movie...I wont digress here but check out my threads about movies, and disney...

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
I'll start here. By making this statement you have quite openly put yourself into the category of controlled opposition.
Who told you that? Your "self"?

I'm going to be quite blunt in saying to you that the Jahtruth cult isn't going to save the world, or give it's members any salvation from all...because it's a cult.
Who told you that? Your "self" again?

The TRUTH is that is a WEBSITE. A repository of TRUTHFUL information that does not have ANY government or religious affiliation of any kind. It isn't a "group" or a "cult", which are words your "self" uses to do its job as the gate-keeper of your mind. And it sure as this is hell isn't "controlled opposition".

The information on that website is to help people come out of the cults (organized religions, etc.) and the system, so they can regain their SANITY and their FREEDOM.

The thing is with cults there is only ever going to be a very small percentage of society who would be prepared to have their minds wiped and reset to such a degree that what then subsequently falls out of their mouths makes most ordinary.people run in the opposite direction, that's just human nature I'm afraid.
Human nature is to see everything upside down and backwards (e.g. seeing good as evil and evil as good) instead of spiritually seeing things as they really are.

So everything you've just said is from a decidedly egotistical human perspective, which is why it is exactly backwards (i.e. WRONG).

In truth, there are BILLIONS of people in cults today, all of their own choosing. In fact, there are very, very few who are not in cults; their minds have simply been conditioned to make them see everything upside down and backwards, through the eyes of their ego/"self".

There are reportedly over 2 billion people in the cult known as "Christianity" in all of its various denominations and sects.

There are reportedly over 1.5 billion people in the cult known as "Islam", in all of its various denominations and sects.

There are reportedly over 0.75 billion people in the cult known as "Hinduism", and another close to 0.4 billion in Buddhism. And another 0.5 billion of other religious cults/sects, including Talmudic Judaism. Even those who claim to be atheists are in a cult, because atheism is itself a cult.

Then there are the various other cultural differences that people ascribe to, which they feel makes them different from the other cults. Including the medical and pharmaceutical (scientific) cults that often times have very little if anything to do with scientific methodology because they are likewise based upon money, AS ALL CULTS ARE WHEN YOU GET TO THEIR CORE.

Which means, in truth, >99% of the world's population is in a cult of one form or another, with many if not most in more than one cult. So your "self" couldn't be any further from the truth (which is why you should stop listening to it and doing what it tells you to do).

If you went out into your local community and surveyed 10,000 people asking them if they would be prepared to join a cult for a life of eternal whatever then you aren't going to get many takers...because you mentioned the world cult, it has negative connotations for the majority of sane people.
Which is exactly why your "self" tries to use that label to describe a website that's striving to help free people from cults. The last thing your "self" wants you to do is find the truth, which would expose it's been lying to you its entire life. Including the truth that this planet is a lunatic asylum prison reform school for the criminally insane.

Need proof of that? Just look at what's going on right now with this lockdown. Only in a lunatic asylum could the majority of the world consent to being locked inside of their own homes, while their livelihoods and futures are being destroyed, over the alleged threat of a "virus" no one has ever seen, nor can prove has killed anyone. In fact, there is no reason believe such a thing as a "contagious virus" even exists.

Again, you don't need to join a cult to be able to discern truth from lies, this is just a ridiculous fallacy.
Agreed. In fact the more one removes themselves from cults, the more it becomes possible to discern the truth from lies, which is the only way to arrive at the ultimate truth: the truth about the "self".

Isn't it amazing how the "self" can talk about ridiculous fallacies, while promoting them? Just like your "self" did when it launched its ad hominem attack, to divert attention away from itself and to keep you away from the truth.

So our hidden rulers are using and utilizing the principle all is mind? I already know this.
Then why do you allow your "self" to so easily manipulate your mind into doing its bidding? Do you know who owns and controls the minds of the hidden rulers? Lucifer/Satan/Iblis. Do you know what mechanism Satan uses to control their minds? The same one he uses with everyone: their "self".

I don't need to join a cult to learn this...nobody does, you can learn this stuff just by looking into the 7 Hermetic principles on the internet...without handing your mind over to anybody.
Agreed. And yet that's exactly what >99% of the world has unwittingly(?) done. All because they refuse to exercise "self" control.

I think it's irrational to put faith into an imaginary charachter to stop the machinations of psycopaths. I must have faith in something because I don't feel conscious fear over our current situation at all.
And yet your "self" is so terrified of the truth getting through to you that it felt the need to launch this totally unsolicited ad hominem attack, even though you recognized the truth in what was personally being shared.

Yes I agree, the public have been programmed to be scared. But if you are in a cult this means quite simply that you have been programmed too...just with different stuff.
Agreed. Which is the reason for personally striving to free others from all cults, including (and most importantly) the cult of the "self".

....will try and respond to the rest of your post later, got a busy day today.
Please strive to keep your "self" out of it, for the good of everyone concerned.
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Jan 22, 2018
Mar 30, 2017
Frank is right we all just need to walk away from all media. The phones TV movies all of it. you don't need it it poisons you. i did an old thread about movies literally being a form of MK for the masses. Through trauma we are more suggestible. The shit starts for most with your old friends at Disney with Bambi movie...I wont digress here but check out my threads about movies, and disney...
I agree. It's a bit like this meme I came across:



Jan 10, 2019
The latest governmental advice to UK citizens..... STAY ALERT.......TO THE INVISIBLE ENEMY.

......gee, thanks......thanks a lot
:D I saw the UK changed its stay at home policy and Boris is facing criticism. Any thoughts on society opening back up?

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
The latest governmental advice to UK citizens..... STAY ALERT.......TO THE INVISIBLE ENEMY.

......gee, thanks......thanks a lot
Being healthy and having a strong immune system is no longer valid, as they now consider us all potential carriers or spreaders. That's how the game is played. It's all based on lies. We are all potentially the invisible enemy.


Jan 22, 2018
:D I saw the UK changed its stay at home policy and Boris is facing criticism. Any thoughts on society opening back up?
The long awaited announcement from Bojo on what has to happen next resulted in him proclaiming it was strongly suggested you go back to work tomorrow if your place.of work has made adequate operational changes to keep their workers safe from something they can't see.

Anybody who doesn't live at their place of work is advised not to use public transport to get there so should either drive or cycle or walk.....(bit dangerous if their is a motorway inbetween work and yourself)

School children aged 6, 11 and 15 will start school on June 1st....everyone else can wait until September.

From Wednesday you have unlimited time to do outdoor exercise.....(handy if you have to walk to f@*@ing work)

All of the above is dependent on the manipulated figures we are giving you taking a noticable and continuous decline....otherwise you bitches are staying locked down.

Stay at home and save lives and protect our NHS.

....My own personal view on releasing lockdown is it needs to be done as soon as possible but I'm afraid that the constant barrage of media propaganda on this one has most people either too scared to go out....or too confused.

I think the whole thing has been a test on how complient society can be if given the right programming.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Worthwhile documentary that proves HIV does not cause AIDS. Dr. Peter Duesberg - molecular biologist and a professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California, Berkeley calls out Robert Gallo who's boss was Anthony Fauci, for their bogus AIDS scam. Billions of dollars of research money invested on a lie. Millions died because of AZT drug - the real AIDS killer.


Before Dr.Fauci become a household name in charge of the COVID-19 psy-op, he was well known during the time of AIDS.

This video was recorded in 1994, here Dr. Robert Willner M.D. scolded the controlled MSM for not doing their job and called out Dr. Fauci, Dr.Robert Gallo and other so called researcher/virologists as criminals with their AIDS Hoax.

He lists the real causes of AIDS (at that time)as malnutrition and starvation, medical and street drugs, chemotherapy and radiation. Dr. Willner said HIV is a harmless retrovirus and the AIDS drug AZT was the real killer targeting blacks, Hispanics and gays and discussed in great detail the bogus AZT drug trials. The movie Dallas Buyers Club was about this.

Dr.Willner proves that AIDS is a fraud by pricking his finger in numerous press conferences with HIV positive blood -- to demonstrate that the "deadly virus" is NOT transferred through blood, or fluids, as was pushed on a panicked public of then - AND TODAY.

Dr.Willner published the book, "Deadly Deception - The History of the AIDS Epidemic" in 1994. He did the above speech in October 1994 and died of a heart attack in April 1995.
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