Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Apr 23, 2018
I try to avoid them and Kpop as much as I can, I didn't look up their current comeback (second after Eclipse), but I have seen some nice analysis of the comeback next after Eclipse - ?You Calling my Name? , it said something about that green light around them symbolizing pride/arrogance/envy or something... maybe you can find it in this thread, have a look (no pun intended) :)))))))
And about Jackson's 'work' with that Indonesian artist ?I love you 3000?, you can also see some posts here, just have to search them
Sorry that I don't remember much...
Ok, I'll have a look, thanks.


Sep 20, 2019
Omg yeah...the shipping part of Kpop is strange. The members keep it going and play into it for the that I think about it, it's probably not as genuine as I thought. They must do it because they know it keeps fans addicted because they like seeing members close to each other. It's the same with every group. I have to admit that's what I liked, it's nice how they treat each other like family...but is it even real? Or they're just playing with people's emotions? We just trust their word and what they tell/show us but it's probably a way to keep us hooked.
It's fake, how come you randomly take people for their looks/'talent' (more like status or potential for the occult related to their astrology or something) and EVERY SINGLE TIME they come to get along so well
For example, in Shinee (if you are familiar with them) Key and Minho didn't get along at all when they were trainees, and they fought so much... they just had to move over in order to debut together and if I remember well, Key said that he didn't want to debut at all with Minho and even ?cried? (someone please correct me if you know)
Another example, with BTS, they 'tease' each other, maybe this is the hate/spite coming out of them, yet the fans laugh and call them 'savage', same with GOT7. I think it is so rude of Taehyung to always tell Jungkook to 'use his head', like he is brainless or something, and he knows this is his insecurity... maybe his feelings of light-headedness could be related to MK-Ultra?
There seems to be competition between them
Maybe we can relate to our daily life also? Even if we fight with someone, because our personalities are different, maybe we can get along for necessary things but we can't be super-close like they are portraying...
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Apr 23, 2018
It's fake, how come you randomly take people for their looks/'talent' (more like status or potential for the occult related to their astrology or something) and EVERY SINGLE TIME they come to get along so well
For example, in Shinee (if you are familiar with them) Key and Minho didn't get along at all when they were trainees, and they fought so much... they just had to move over in order to debut together and if I remember well, Key said that he didn't want to debut at all with Minho and even ?cried? (someone please correct me if you know)
Another example, with BTS, they 'tease' each other, maybe this is the hate/spite coming out of them, yet the fans laugh and call them 'savage', same with GOT7. I think it is so rude of Taehyung to always tell Jungkook to 'use his head', like he is brainless or something, and he knows this is his insecurity... maybe his feelings of light-headedness could be related to MK-Ultra?
There seems to be competition between them
Maybe we can relate to our daily life also? Even if we fight with someone, because our personalities are different, maybe we can get along for necessary things but we can't be super-close like they are portraying...
Hmmm yeah...It's their job to act as members who are close and love each other. I never thought about it. Or they really only hang out for work and their companies make them live together and bond etc It's all to keep fans fantasies alive. I only really know about Got7 and Exo, thankfully I tried hard to ignore other groups because I didn't want to fall even deeper. But from what I've seen all groups are the it's most definitely a scheme. Maybe some of them are close but not all of them are like they want us to believe.

I noticed that with the teasing. To fans it's playful, to them it's probably annoying coz they don't get along as much as we think. I don't know...maybe they're thrown together and making the best of it lol Sometimes though when you're close to someone you say hurtful things like that coz you know they won't leave since you care about each other. That's like what some siblings do with each other. Toxic but there's love behind it lol
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Jan 5, 2020
Have any of you lived together with a group of friends at Uni or anything?
I trained as a nurse for 3 years. During that time there was a group of 8 of us who lived together, studied together and quite often worked together too. I was the oldest of the group. I was 20 when the course started but some girls were only 17.
Over the course of that 3 years we loved each other and we hated each other. We had really fun times together and we had really sad times together. Sometimes we were really close to one person and other tones we were really close to others. When we needed each other though, we always stuck together.
I’d imagine it’s a bit like that for these guys in the groups together. They have grown up together and they’ve shared amazing experiences with each other. They’ll always love each other but there will be times when they really annoy each other too. They will always share a special bond but eventually this period of their life will end and they will have to move on. For the boy groups things will change when they go for their military service and things will inevitably change when they come back from that.
South Korea is really different to a lot of other cultures. Friendships between rooks of the same sex seem to hold more value in the teens and twenties. I was married when I was 24 and my husband was 26. That’s not the culture in SK. That’s part of the reason why the intensity of friendships between members of the same sex seem much more deeper there.


Apr 23, 2018
Have any of you lived together with a group of friends at Uni or anything?
I trained as a nurse for 3 years. During that time there was a group of 8 of us who lived together, studied together and quite often worked together too. I was the oldest of the group. I was 20 when the course started but some girls were only 17.
Over the course of that 3 years we loved each other and we hated each other. We had really fun times together and we had really sad times together. Sometimes we were really close to one person and other tones we were really close to others. When we needed each other though, we always stuck together.
I’d imagine it’s a bit like that for these guys in the groups together. They have grown up together and they’ve shared amazing experiences with each other. They’ll always love each other but there will be times when they really annoy each other too. They will always share a special bond but eventually this period of their life will end and they will have to move on. For the boy groups things will change when they go for their military service and things will inevitably change when they come back from that.
South Korea is really different to a lot of other cultures. Friendships between rooks of the same sex seem to hold more value in the teens and twenties. I was married when I was 24 and my husband was 26. That’s not the culture in SK. That’s part of the reason why the intensity of friendships between members of the same sex seem much more deeper there.
That's what I thought. Korean culture is different, looks like they're alot more affectionate with each other. The group's have lived together and seen each other everyday for years, they've been through alot together, so there's ought to be a close bond between them. But I wouldn't be surprised if they're using it to their advantage to keep fans hooked. It's a pretty big part of Kpop. Fans can't handle it when they don't see members together.


Oct 12, 2019
Thank you for taking the time to engage with me. Firstly, let me say, I most certainly dint everything in the world is perfect. I definitely don’t think that conspiracies don’t exist and Governments don’t do wrong things. They absolutely do.
I live in a country - a western country - where a lot of things have happened that I wouldn’t have believe could have happened, but real evidence exists that it did happen. I know that not every one who should be good is good and not everyone who is supposed to protecting a country’s people, does.
Music is like anything else, there are positive aspects of it and there are negative aspects of it. It is very difficult as an older person to see sone of the views people hold here because they are so very extreme. It is very upsetting toread some of the things that are written here because they are so extreme.
For young people to live with such anxiety about the world and such a negative outlook on so many things must be very difficult. It makes me very sad.
I have read here at length and what disturbs me the most is that you believe the things you are presenting to be the truth. In reality, what you present is evidence is nothing more than rumour and speculation. Your culture or religion may tell you it’s wrong but that doesn’t mean it is.
To read things like people suggesting certain Kpop idols have allowed parents for example, to be sacrificed is offensive. Whether you like Kpop or not, these people are real people and when someone they love dies it is as terrible for them as it is for anyone, without people saying they are involved in their loved ones death. Can you imagine how you would feel if that was you being accused of that?
Just because they are celebrities doesn’t give anyone the right to say that awful stuff.
I’m not here to defend celebrities, I’m trying to make you understand that it doesn’t matter what people here believe to be true. You cannot go around saying harmful and hurtful things about people.
What actually worries me more however is, the negative impact you are having on each other. Your views are very mainstream and you might be allowed to have them but they can be very dangerous.
At the moment, coronavirus has killed thousands of people all around the world. There all kinds of weird conspiracy theories about how it was caused and how it’s spread etc. Believing those theories puts people’s lives at risk. When you take the time to understand the science you realise exactly how it happened and what has to be done to stop it. There is no great mystery behind it - just nature itself.
I can honestly tell you that I post here out of concern. I have volunteered most of my adult life for an organisation for girls and young women. I want you to listen and understand that sometimes the simplest explanation is the right one. I want you to be able to listen to the views of other people and go away and think about what they have said and be open to learning new things.
I can honestly tell you that I do listen to what you’re all saying. I do read the links etc. I search for the evidence of what you are saying in other places. I’m not finding it and thats what concerns me.
Please don’t take this offensively. It comes from a place of concern.
Do you have any idea how many times YOU start a sentence with I ? I think.. I am.. I can..I want...I have.. it goes on and on.. just about everything worries YOU and disturbs YOU about what people think and share on this forum.. since YOU like to refer to YOUrself constantly maybe YOU should start YOUr own forum and be able to read all about YOU and solve everything about YOUrself....that’s just MY opinion btw..
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Jan 5, 2020
That's what I thought. Korean culture is different, looks like they're alot more affectionate with each other. The group's have lived together and seen each other everyday for years, they've been through alot together, so there's ought to be a close bond between them. But I wouldn't be surprised if they're using it to their advantage to keep fans hooked. It's a pretty big part of Kpop. Fans can't handle it when they don't see members together.
Yes, fans often comment on how they miss their favourite groups and their biases when they haven’t had any content from them in a while.
There is no doubt that the companies give so much content, in order to maintain interest in their groups’ music and merchandise etc. They are first and foremost a business, so making money is always going to be top of their list of priorities.
However, I don’t doubt that there are genuine friendships between members. They have grown up together, essentially - they will have grown very close.
Apr 16, 2020
true. i looked it up and sometimes Alice is at the end of the table sometimes its the mad hatter.
If they're portraying Jin an Alice, it could mean he's a.. mk ultra victim. Alice was a character made after a little girl being molested by the author and the rabbit is the abuser, and her different sizes are her fragmenting selves. If Jin is the "alice" of the group then yeah... it's not good news.

ps. the word fragment just reminded of BST Jin in the end of the video literally fractures...
I just want to say thank u for sharing this. When I found bts and kpop I experienced intense shit. Ur analysis on each member is interesting . I pray for Jimin the most


Jan 5, 2020
Do you have any idea how many times YOU start a sentence with I ? I think.. I am.. I can..I want...I have.. it goes on and on.. just about everything worries YOU and disturbs YOU about what people think and share on this forum.. since YOU like to refer to YOUrself constantly maybe YOU should start YOUr own forum and be able to read all about YOU and solve everything about YOUrself....that’s just MY opinion btw..
When someone asks you what you think or you are are responding to what someone said about you, you tend to refer to yourself as “I”.
Apr 16, 2020
i thought jungkook was the victim and that jin was the one who groomed him
there was a post about it in bts discussion thread
Hmmm many different theories. We will never know the truth because its certainly never going to come from BTS themselves lol. All this is speculation. From the information we gather. Like I feel Namjoon lead everyone down the satanic path because he definitely knew all about this stuff prior


Oct 12, 2019
So sad... yet if we show this to someone they will come again with 'conspiracy', 'this site is not trustworthy', 'you also get info from the internet just like me' blah blah
Like what can we even do to wake up the people? I think it could be the same for all of us, it's so hard to wake up even our own family...
It seems that if people have a good life, they just don't care about all this...
On another note... if Trump is absolutely right and never wrong, as Liz said in those articles, how did he become president? Isn't it that they all must be initiated and yada yada...? There was some article (I hope to find the link) that Justin Bieber said that Trump also participated in those rituals but he never harmed children... but still maybe he is not completely innocent?
Actually the article you’re referring to (I’m trying to find is again as well) that some people actually did seeTrump there a few times but also said that more than once that he never participated in any of the rituals including sacrifice or of raping the children.. he never participated In those things by eye witness accounts.. how do you think he would be able to know let alone do anything about it if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes first ? Trump most surely isn’t squeaky clean and personally I wouldn’t have any trust in him with these types of issues if he claimed he was.. I have a feeling that you may be reading more into this than there really is.. just my opinion..


Jan 5, 2020
Given that so many here are so critical of South Korea in general, does anyone have thoughts on how efficiently they have dealt with the whole Covid-19 issue?
Many of the idols are also doing a great job on live-streams etc of reminding people to stay home to stay safe. SuperM is joining an online concert at the weekend in the US organised by Lady Gaga to bring people together at this time. I’m surprised that hasn’t been mentioned here, actually. I would have thought that would have been something many of you would have a lot to say about?


Apr 23, 2018
Given that so many here are so critical of South Korea in general, does anyone have thoughts on how efficiently they have dealt with the whole Covid-19 issue?
Many of the idols are also doing a great job on live-streams etc of reminding people to stay home to stay safe. SuperM is joining an online concert at the weekend in the US organised by Lady Gaga to bring people together at this time. I’m surprised that hasn’t been mentioned here, actually. I would have thought that would have been something many of you would have a lot to say about?
It's not surprising that's why. The elite all work together. I don't think they'll be going to the U.S though...It's an online concert because of the lock down so I think everyone will be in their own country.


Jan 5, 2020
It's not surprising that's why. The elite all work together. I don't think they'll be going to the U.S though...It's an online concert because of the lock down so I think everyone will be in their own country.
Yes, it’s online, obviously.


Sep 20, 2019
Actually the article you’re referring to (I’m trying to find is again as well) that some people actually did seeTrump there a few times but also said that more than once that he never participated in any of the rituals including sacrifice or of raping the children.. he never participated In those things by eye witness accounts.. how do you think he would be able to know let alone do anything about it if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes first ? Trump most surely isn’t squeaky clean and personally I wouldn’t have any trust in him with these types of issues if he claimed he was.. I have a feeling that you may be reading more into this than there really is.. just my opinion..
Hey, I see your point :)
The article I am trying to find is not that one of Liz Crokin (I hope I haven't misspelt it), she says that Trump is 'God's anointed' and that 'he's never wrong' etc. I personally think it's a bit exaggerated, there were some videos (Hacking the headlines maybe?) where it talked about how Trump is a false Christian (he doesn't repent and other instances), but maybe God is using him to do something good... he definitely helped Christians and I think he's better than Hillary, Nancy etc.

The article I was talking about was on a site in my country, it was some interview with Justin Bieber where he also talked about Trump, he said Trump didn't harm children in any way (but maybe he partook in other things), the commenters also started speculating that Trump can't be different because he is in a top position (so he's still a puppet)
Of course, maybe I'm exaggerating or the article was fake, I just said what I've heard...

On another note, have you seen the obelisk symbols in kpop MVs? I'm talking about SuJu's 'Sexy, Free and Single', TVXQ 'The chance of love' and especially Yunho's 'Drop'
I know it's a phallic symbol and could be related to that picture of baphomet (that scepter with 2 snakes), but what's the purpose of singing in front of it? It gives energy to the artists? Does it have a special meaning? Have you seen other videos similar in this aspect?
When do you think kpop started being infiltrated by the occult? Or it has always been?