Do the “elites” believe the Rapture is imminent?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
With the whole world apparently on lock down, with various degrees of soft or hard martial law and with public gatherings restricted, I had been wondering if this present crisis might not have been orchestrated to minimize the impact of another global “Black Swan” event the elites may well have been planning for...

The prophesied Rapture of the Church.

I absolutely know how crazy that statement sounds, but as is evident to anyone turning on the television, we live in crazy times. If I were Satan, at the end of the 70 year generation that was promised "not to pass away", I might have done the same thing.

This post may not win me any friends, but having thought about this possibility myself, and then hearing the same thing yesterday from someone else, it is only right that I share it...

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Feb 7, 2020
Plague is the first part of the "Four Horseman" of the apocalypse. It can be seen as the "Elites" imposing a prelude to the Rapture to atheists and non-believers, or the first seal being broken to believers of God. Either way, life as we know it is changing. I pray the global society will change for the good. Thanks for the new thread, it's a very good discussion point!

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Plague is the first part of the "Four Horseman" of the apocalypse. It can be seen as the "Elites" imposing a prelude to the Rapture to atheists and non-believers, or the first seal being broken to believers of God. Either way, life as we know it is changing. I pray the global society will change for the good. Thanks for the new thread, it's a very good discussion point!
Joining the dots with ID2020 it doesn’t take a genius to connect up to an anticipated Revelation 13 scenario:-



Jan 22, 2018
With the whole world apparently on lock down, with various degrees of soft or hard martial law and with public gatherings restricted, I had been wondering if this present crisis might not have been orchestrated to minimize the impact of another global “Black Swan” event the elites may well have been planning for...

The prophesied Rapture of the Church.

I absolutely know how crazy that statement sounds, but as is evident to anyone turning on the television, we live in crazy times. If I were Satan, at the end of the 70 year generation that was promised "not to pass away", I might have done the same thing.

This post may not win me any friends, but having thought about this possibility myself, and then hearing the same thing yesterday from someone else, it is only right that I share it...

Yet again this throws up the same question that I have asked many times before. As of yet it remains unanswered by anybody on this forum.

If you are of a religious persuasion I will have to frame the question in a hypothetical way but if there was no Satan, no devils, no demons or fallen Angel's and there was no bible to retroactively cross reference these "end times events" that now seem to be happening who would you now be blaming for current events?

The reason why I have asked you the question here Red is because you now appear to be blaming "the elites" for engineering end times prophecy. Or have I misunderstood you?

Elites are people aren't they Red?, human people, not Gods, not Devils.... people. Which means their plans can be stopped.

Or have I got something wrong?


Mar 13, 2017
Possibly...but they probably believe destruction is more imminent...they are always making movies about the destruction of the earth and they have made themselves homes in the ‘caves and among the rocks of the mountains.’

Revelation‬ ‭6:15‬ ‭‬ ‭
Then the kings of the earth and the great men and the commanders and the rich and the strong and every slave and free man hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains.​


Mar 13, 2017
I think the Rapture of the Church is something the elite are prepared to take advantage of, just as they were prepared to take advantage of terror attacks and pandemic.
If you don’t believe in God can you believe that there is going to be a rapture of the church?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Yet again this throws up the same question that I have asked many times before. As of yet it remains unanswered by anybody on this forum.

If you are of a religious persuasion I will have to frame the question in a hypothetical way but if there was no Satan, no devils, no demons or fallen Angel's and there was no bible to retroactively cross reference these "end times events" that now seem to be happening who would you now be blaming for current events?

The reason why I have asked you the question here Red is because you now appear to be blaming "the elites" for engineering end times prophecy. Or have I misunderstood you?

Elites are people aren't they Red?, human people, not Gods, not Devils.... people. Which means their plans can be stopped.

Or have I got something wrong?
Not at all - the elites re in service to Satan. Satan is spiritually unwise but he is no fool.

Imagine two chess players - the elites are the pawns of the enemy and he is trying to anticipate every move of his opponent.

A good player attempts to identify an end game and plays his pieces accordingly. Sometimes an opponent can show his hand too early, and for the sake of those undecided, I hope our enemy has.


Jan 22, 2018
Not at all - the elites re in service to Satan. Satan is spiritually unwise but he is no fool.
But in a world where Satan doesn't exist who would be motivating these people?

It looks to me that if they wouldn't have read a bible and developed a belief that Satan existed then they would have nobody to serve would they?

Help me out here without a confusing chess analogy.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
But in a world where Satan doesn't exist who would be motivating these people?

It looks to me that if they wouldn't have read a bible and developed a belief that Satan existed then they would have nobody to serve would they?

Help me out here without a confusing chess analogy.
I guess you might take the view that the “satanic elites” believe Satan is a metaphor. At the top, I don’t think the do.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Hmmm.....this is a weird but fascinating view. Do you think they are in 'personal contact' with "Satan"? in that you think they have a list of things "Satan" has told them to do?
That is conjecture from me. I believe Satan is very real and I have seen the reality of the occult and the victory I have over it by the blood of Jesus. To try to persuade me otherwise would be like telling an eight year old that the green skinned crunchy thing he just ate was not a literal apple.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
They may not believe in God, but Satan sure does. He’ll direct them.
That was my feeling exactly. It’s strange that there is a lot of channeled material talking about an alternative “rapture” scenario, where those elements not useful to society (I.e. Christians) plus the kids (for their safekeeping) are taken away from the earth so we can embark on the next step in our evolution and ascension to “higher vibratory planes” etc etc.
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Jun 1, 2018
This post may not win me any friends, but having thought about this possibility myself, and then hearing the same thing yesterday from someone else, it is only right that I share it...
Hi Red, If they do not believe the doctrines of Christ and teach otherwise, they are not your friends...nor are they friends of Christ. There is going to be a rapture, Christ is our ARK. We are not condemned to the wrath of God, for God did not create HIS BODY to suffer wrath. We are IN Christ. Christ said His Church would be spared from the Tribulation in the last days. Christ sent the Holy Spirit that we would have a comforter who shall never leave us and reveal us the things of Christ. Born again has become a slang phrase for the visible church who many have never received the Holy Spirit. If you are like me, It always grieves me and astonishes me that people do not believe what the Lord has given us to teach....To everyone, There is a Hell. God did not make hell for man but for the Devil and the fallen angels, God gave man Jesus Christ, But all sin is to be judged (Lazarus and the Rich man) I was listening to Billy Gram today on one of his old sermons. He said an Atheist said to him if there is a God, I'm going to ask Him to kill me in one minute. So he looked at his watch, and after a minute he said, see I'm still alive. Billy Gram told him that Gods patience is much, much longer than a minute. So I say to those unbelievers and self willed, self righteous, take a hold of Christ and be shut in the Ark....The flood IS coming. Praise His Holy name. BTW, The elites are to busy lusting after the world to worry about the Truth, They drop Gods name like they know Him...…they don't!