Why so negative on Korean media?


Jan 29, 2018
What about good Korean media? Im all about Korean Granny here.... shes so cute and also is wise and classy. I really enjoy her videos!
I like at the beginnings when Granny waves hello and says "Hye Keeeys!"
Oct 13, 2019
Honestly, as soon as this satanic k-pop trash started coming out, that's when America (mainly) was getting more Korean type recommendations on the media. I don't have a thing against every Korean ever because of this, but it really started irritating me.

Most dances K-pop does, they get it from african culture, like you can find them, and basically almost any other race ever dancing extremely similar to how black people dance in their culture. Now, everything in hip-hop isn't from our culture, some things are unnecessarily created, ex: saying the N word in rapping.

If only America loved black people as much as black culture. We were first, we're genesis anyways...

Sorry to be all emotional btw, I just had to rant.


Jan 29, 2018
Honestly, as soon as this satanic k-pop trash started coming out, that's when America (mainly) was getting more Korean type recommendations on the media. I don't have a thing against every Korean ever because of this, but it really started irritating me.

Most dances K-pop does, they get it from african culture, like you can find them, and basically almost any other race ever dancing extremely similar to how black people dance in their culture. Now, everything in hip-hop isn't from our culture, some things are unnecessarily created, ex: saying the N word in rapping.

If only America loved black people as much as black culture. We were first, we're genesis anyways...

Sorry to be all emotional btw, I just had to rant.
"If only America loved black people as much as black culture."
Very eloquently, and honestly put..... respect.