The Democratic Primaries


Aug 18, 2017
If Wages Kept Pace with Productivity Since 1968 Minimum Wage Would Be $24/HR

I agree with the Sanders campaign that we've got to dream bigger. As others have pointed out, the supposed strength of the economy is a mirage. We don't have accurate numbers of who is unemployed, and many of the newly created jobs are gig/part time positions. Sanders will keep chipping away at the lie that the economy is working for the majority of Americans.
24 wow - it is unreal its 7.25 considering inflation and high housing costs.


Mar 13, 2017
Ad hominem attacks (shoot the messenger) are a logical fallacy, where people resort to name-calling because their argument is so weak and pathetic that it's indefensible otherwise.

You have no proof of what you claim, and in truth it's exactly backwards, because the land itself was named after the people that took it over, in this case the Ashkenazis (the descendants of Ashkenaz) exactly as the ancient maps depict in the Jewish libraries (which were also included in the linked article about the counterfeit Jews). Just like the land of Canaan became the land of Israel once the Israelites took it over.

You would do better to admit you don't know what you're talking about, which is why you never provide evidence for your claims, rather than to keep making such a fool of yourself. Please, for your sake, take the time to review the information that's already been shared, which itself is a study that should take you a considerable amount of time.

Peace be upon you.
Shoot the messenger? I’m not saying the idea that Ashekenazi Jews are descended from Ashkenaz is a stupid idea because you’re saying it. I’m saying that anyone who says such a stupid thing is a retard. Read a history book.


Mar 16, 2017

Ehh... there’s also nationwide reports of target simultaneously cutting full time staffs hours back and engaging in a part time worker hiring frenzy. Higher wages, but no more benefits. I was referencing this in an earlier post actually.

If the system had any tendency to self correct - whether on an individual basis or otherwise - we wouldn’t have needed the labor movement and we wouldn’t be sitting here in our present situation. I’d love to see a natural popular backlash that forced their hands due to risk of lost profit but that isn’t likely either.. as a whole we have become complacent. The internet is the only place people are willing to protest anymore it seems.

I asked because I think some sort of mandated profit sharing for large companies that reach a certain threshhold might be a viable alternative as well. If companies are forced to share their profits directly rather than as business expenses they can write off it might force them to invest in their employees with things such as higher wages, health insurance and retirement accounts (which are tax write offs).

I am not familiar with the JOBS act. I will give it a look.


Aug 18, 2017
bern won - now what? vp ideas??
still think dem vp will be woman no matter what
maybe Amy to get moderates??


Mar 18, 2017

Ehh... there’s also nationwide reports of target simultaneously cutting full time staffs hours back and engaging in a part time worker hiring frenzy. Higher wages, but no more benefits. I was referencing this in an earlier post actually.

If the system had any tendency to self correct - whether on an individual basis or otherwise - we wouldn’t have needed the labor movement and we wouldn’t be sitting here in our present situation. I’d love to see a natural popular backlash that forced their hands due to risk of lost profit but that isn’t likely either.. as a whole we have become complacent. The internet is the only place people are willing to protest anymore it seems.

I asked because I think some sort of mandated profit sharing for large companies that reach a certain threshhold might be a viable alternative as well. If companies are forced to share their profits directly rather than as business expenses they can write off it might force them to invest in their employees with things such as higher wages, health insurance and retirement accounts (which are tax write offs).

I am not familiar with the JOBS act. I will give it a look.
I don’t know that things like this are always as straightforward as they seem. In reality, there is nothing wrong with having more part time workers than full time from an employer’s perspective. It is important to defend labor rights, but it is also important to realize that these workers are human. My guess is that no one is going to put out an article on the sick calls that Target gets or whether people are more likely to call in sick with full time status than part time essentially meaning that an employee works part time hours but gets full time benefits.

I don’t know how many large service orientated jobs you have worked in, but I have found that this is something of a trend in my experience. People who work full time are sometimes more likely to call in sick. Personally, I think this issue should be solved by switching to a shorter work week as a long term solution. I am totally in favor of a four day full time status work week. In reality, people are happier with a shorter work week or what we call a part time status.

I missed the article you posted about target in particular, but from what I can see they stopped providing health benefits for part time employees because there were not a lot of people opting in. I would imagine this could be because many of their employees are still under their parents insurance. When I go to target, most of the employees look like they are under 25.

they say they give part time employees 500 dollars to buy an insurance plan. I can’t find more details on this, but in general I prefer employee spending accounts as a healthcare option. That’s not what this is, but it has a cash value so it reminds me of this.

I consider the labor movement an example of self correction. The problem today is that people seem to think we should repeat the same process rather than create a new one. We just don’t need to reinvent the wheel. We need to build an engine metaphorically. I really think the profit sharing idea would be much more beneficial to where we are in the present. Minimum wage, child labor laws, and overtime protections are great things to have, but after almost a hundred years since these things were implemented, we still have several companies that for one reason or another have almost monopolized the market.

Employees should benefit when profits exceed a certain point and this would deal with the root issue we are struggling with now too. Changing the minimum wage isn’t really going to force these huge companies to consider their profits in a different way. It is very possible that they could just raise their prices to accommodate a change like this in order to maintain the same profit level. There has to be something that directly points to the real issue which is the profit level of major companies like Walmart. They are making an obscene amount of money that exceeds what a person is capable of spending in a single lifetime. So I would definitely think some kind of profit sharing would be a much more effective way to continue the labor movement.


Mar 16, 2017
bern won - now what? vp ideas??
still think dem vp will be woman no matter what
maybe Amy to get moderates??
If he picks any of these nominees as a VP it will. Be warren. He won’t choose someone he is so ideologically different from. If he did he’d be a sell out and lose his base


Mar 16, 2017
I don’t know that things like this are always as straightforward as they seem. In reality, there is nothing wrong with having more part time workers than full time from an employer’s perspective. It is important to defend labor rights, but it is also important to realize that these workers are human. My guess is that no one is going to put out an article on the sick calls that Target gets or whether people are more likely to call in sick with full time status than part time essentially meaning that an employee works part time hours but gets full time benefits.

I don’t know how many large service orientated jobs you have worked in, but I have found that this is something of a trend in my experience. People who work full time are sometimes more likely to call in sick. Personally, I think this issue should be solved by switching to a shorter work week as a long term solution. I am totally in favor of a four day full time status work week. In reality, people are happier with a shorter work week or what we call a part time status.

I missed the article you posted about target in particular, but from what I can see they stopped providing health benefits for part time employees because there were not a lot of people opting in. I would imagine this could be because many of their employees are still under their parents insurance. When I go to target, most of the employees look like they are under 25.

they say they give part time employees 500 dollars to buy an insurance plan. I can’t find more details on this, but in general I prefer employee spending accounts as a healthcare option. That’s not what this is, but it has a cash value so it reminds me of this.

I consider the labor movement an example of self correction. The problem today is that people seem to think we should repeat the same process rather than create a new one. We just don’t need to reinvent the wheel. We need to build an engine metaphorically. I really think the profit sharing idea would be much more beneficial to where we are in the present. Minimum wage, child labor laws, and overtime protections are great things to have, but after almost a hundred years since these things were implemented, we still have several companies that for one reason or another have almost monopolized the market.

Employees should benefit when profits exceed a certain point and this would deal with the root issue we are struggling with now too. Changing the minimum wage isn’t really going to force these huge companies to consider their profits in a different way. It is very possible that they could just raise their prices to accommodate a change like this in order to maintain the same profit level. There has to be something that directly points to the real issue which is the profit level of major companies like Walmart. They are making an obscene amount of money that exceeds what a person is capable of spending in a single lifetime. So I would definitely think some kind of profit sharing would be a much more effective way to continue the labor movement.
I’m actually truly ok with a profit sharing plan. I think companies would be more inclined to treat their workers better on the front end - with wages and health insurance etc, that they can write off - then be faced with paying out of their post tax profits. But that would mean these corporations actually have to be paying taxes to begin with and the way things are right now they usually aren’t.

It’s just a big huge mess and the easiest solution is mandating a living wage and basic benefits. Being easiest doesn’t mean it’s best, and I can agree with you there. But coming up with a more complicated plan, even if it’s better in the long run doesn’t help the millions and milllions of people who are struggling right now. So I don’t know what the right answer is, all I do know is that something needs to be done like ASAP.

As for health insurance.. I do not think employers should be able to not give health insurance or give crap insurance plans. Obamacare was supposed to help this but in many ways it made it worse. I feel like the only two provisions that actually helped were for preexisting conditions and allowing children to stay on parents plans until they are 26. The rest of it just encouraged backlash shitty labor practices. I remember interviewing for a job a while back and it offered health insurance which for myself was reasonable but once I added my family to it cost more than 1/2 my monthly pay.

I feel like HRA’s and similar plans are just ways to pass off the cost - again - to employees. If you participate in them you lose the ability to get tax credits through Obamacare, I’m pretty sure if your offered one and refuse you also lose this ability. I am really 100% convinced healthcare needs to be considered a basic human right. I really don’t care about the cost implications anymore, if I ever did at all. If we have money to kill people and wage wars that last decades all over the world we can find the money to make sure people have health care. It’s priorities.


Aug 18, 2017
If he picks any of these nominees as a VP it will. Be warren. He won’t choose someone he is so ideologically different from. If he did he’d be a sell out and lose his base
warren made sense but they have been arguing


Nov 30, 2017
Welcome to open borders. Think Bernie is going to win and I'm fine with that because Trump has been pretty shitty. Let's really get America fractured so we can start over with something new.


Mar 18, 2017
@justjess have you heard of subscription medical plans? I am shopping for a new doctor and found a couple that has something like this recently. This was an interesting article explaining the process. I think this would be an interesting way to break up the cost of healthcare. It looks like there is a subscription fee for doctor visits and insurance cover tests that are external to the doctor's office. This lowers the cost of insurance and provides services with a primary doctor at a much lower cost than this would be when it is combined with an insurance premium.

Healthcare is a much more complicated subject than we ever see discussed in the political sphere. There are just not enough people with a background in healthcare working as advisors in some capacity, to these presidential candidates. Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement is currently responsible for a significant decline in the quality of care that the healthcare industry is able to provide.

Most people don't know anything about the incentives and penalties that these programs issue to the facilities and physicians that accept these forms of payment, but these programs have a list of do's and don'ts for providers if they expect to reimbursed for their services that is a lot like walking through a minefield. People use these services thinking their providers are being compensated when they are not because they missed some little something. Most people know little to nothing about healthcare billing in general, but I think if they really knew, a lot of them would want nothing to do with the headache that is medicaid/medicare, which already is a form of universal healthcare.

A lot of the time, people just hear universal healthcare and it seems like something that they should support because they want to be someone who tries to defend someone experiencing injustice. But, yeah, Obamacare was a failure waiting to happen because it was like putting bubble gum on a leaking pipe. Traditional insurance are also not really an option either because they suck for different reasons too, but politicians often demonstrate very little understanding of healthcare billing and this is a big problem when it comes to political discussions regarding healthcare.

Obviously I agree that in theory, we have the money to pay for healthcare and I think military funding should be cut regardless because it is obscene. However, I think it is always important to look at the long term. Sometimes an easier short term solution can create new long term problems. I also don't see how legislation for a profit-sharing limit is something that is more complicated than changing the minimum wage at the federal level either. I think the main problem is that politics is a lot of smoke and mirrors. It is buzz words and celebrity status rather than a sincere profession.



Mar 13, 2017
Bernie wins Nevada. He is on track for the nomination, but nothing’s ever certain.

How crazy is this? What is going on? What will the DNC do? They can’t let Bernie be the Democratic nominee. He won’t be able to beat Trump.

Welfare and health care for illegals is not a platform that’s going to win an election. Socialism is a big loser, and the DNC knows it.


Nov 30, 2017
Bernie wins Nevada. He is on track for the nomination, but nothing’s ever certain.

How crazy is this? What is going on? What will the DNC do? They can’t let Bernie be the Democratic nominee. He won’t be able to beat Trump.

Welfare and health care for illegals is not a platform that’s going to win an election. Socialism is a big loser, and the DNC knows it.
Every Democratic Presidential candidate supports that.


Dec 14, 2018
Bernie Sanders is the most sensible candidate, trying to bring America closer to the rest of the modern world and reduce the influence of the ultra corporate system which is destroying the country.
Communism and capitalist corporatism are two sides of the same coin, although a lot of Americans have been brainwashed and do not realize this. Both systems are highly corruptible and give power to a lucky few by giving unlimited access to the wealth, resources, media and politics of a country.
In communism these select individuals are top ranks of the party while in corporatism it is the multi billionaires who greatly influence all sphere of politics behind the scenes under a facade of democracy. Now it has come to a point where many want to be/ are presidents. They don’t pay tax, control the media, have made everything about short term profit including basic rights such as education and healthcare, and along the way destroyed many small businesses by monopolizing the market. You wouldn’t be surprised to find that many CEOs are selfish psycopaths, traits needed to become a multi billionaire without a patent or innovation (Jeff Bezos comes to mind).

Yeah it is essntially like living under a feudal system, mastered by the 0.01%. The masses are essentially worker ants carrying the society on their backs.
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Shoot the messenger? I’m not saying the idea that Ashekenazi Jews are descended from Ashkenaz is a stupid idea because you’re saying it. I’m saying that anyone who says such a stupid thing is a retard. Read a history book.
So you're now calling God a retard? And you think that's smart?
Feb 22, 2020

So we are underway with the Democratic primaries and the road to the 2020 election.

Already we are seeing the Democratic establishment try and cheat Bernie Sanders, we have pro Zionist outfits putting out anti-Bernie ads, we had an app in the Iowa caucuses which was funded by Zionists which cheated Sanders of victory and helped out Buttigieg, and now we have the right wing mega billionaire Bloomberg, who was a Republican most of his life, trying to buy his way into the process.

Here is my opinion of how this will go down in 2020.

Much of the Democratic establishment who are behind candidates like Biden, Buttigieg, and now Bloomberg would rather Trump wins than a candidate like Bernie Sanders. Bloomberg apparently is the biggest financier of the Democratic Party.

Much of the elite opposition to Trump is simply over the "optics" of a crass, rude, and racist guy who takes the clothes off of the emperor and shows himself to be what these elites pretend not to be. Many of these democratic elites like his tax cuts, like his support for Israel (to an extent), like his foreign policy (for the most part). They just want a candidate with a better mask on to conceal all of this.

The Hard core Zionists in Israel, Russia, and the USA WANT Trump, and they will pull all manner of cheating and dirty tricks to get him re-elected, and we will likely see war with Iran once this happens.

In an a fair election if there is high voter turnout, TRUMP WILL LOSE.

Trump's only hope is if there is LOW voter turnout, which is how he won in 2016.

The Zionist deep state will employ a 3 pronged strategy in order to re-elect Trump

1) Election rigging in key swing states- We have already seen election rigging in the first 2 states of the Democratic primaries, with apps funded by Zionists employed to cheat Sanders. Similar things will be done in the election proper.

2) Voter Suppression - It has always been a Republican strategy to suppress votes of minorities by having fewer polling stations in minority neighbourhoods, open during work hours, open during fewer hours, voter ID laws. Of course this takes place in states, and cities run by Republicans.

3) Convince Democratic voters to stay at home - This is the big one, its a big part of how Trump won last time.

I have noticed that Fox News, and guys like Tucker Carlson have been giving Bernie Sanders decent coverage of late, and I think this exposes what their strategy will be to get Trump re-elected.

What they are going to do is this. I am pretty sure of this.

The Democratic establishment is going to cheat Bernie Sanders out of victory. They are going to do it in such a blatant and obvious way that it will turn off a large segment of Democratic voters, and they will not come out to vote for the Democratic nominee and thus give Trump the advantage of turnout of the base. Fox News and especially Tucker Carlson and left wing Trump shills like Jimmy Dore and Tulsi Gabbard are going to be so "outraged" by this and are going to convince Democratic voters to not support their party because of this outrage, and there we have it, we've got a second Trump term.

I also believe that the media has primed us for the fact that Bernie Sanders is Old, and has had heart issues, so also do not be surprised if he dies of a heart attack. This is another option, but I dont think they will necessarily go this route.

I think the elites best shot is to stop Sanders from being the Democratic candidate because if they can do that especially in a blatant manner, that will drive down Democratic voter turnout.

If they cannot manage to cheat Sanders, then they will have to employ more dirty tactics and cheating in the election proper, and I think they want to avoid that.

these are my predictions, I am very confident that Trump will win again, because there are too many elites who are invested in this Trump project, and they want another 4 years and possibly more from it. It is possible that Trump may even end "democracy" as we know it due to some sort of false flag event.

We have already seen election rigging in the first 2 states of the Democratic primaries, with apps funded by Zionists employed to cheat Sanders. Similar things will be done in the election proper.



Apr 23, 2018
So you're now calling God a retard? And you think that's smart?
Just because words sound like other words it doesn't mean that they come from or signify the same thing as those other words. The way in which languages and words evolve is more complex than that. It doesn't take a great deal of intelligence to grasp that similarities in the way things are labelled may not in fact signify that things which are being labelled are the same or even similar things (I'm not saying you are lacking intelligence, but you are caught up in something).

These kind of projections you are making are not dissimilar to the kind of processes of thought found in psychosis. Intellect is not all, but try to exercise a little bit of critical thinking, it may help you to develop some clarity.


Mar 16, 2017
@justjess have you heard of subscription medical plans? I am shopping for a new doctor and found a couple that has something like this recently. This was an interesting article explaining the process. I think this would be an interesting way to break up the cost of healthcare. It looks like there is a subscription fee for doctor visits and insurance cover tests that are external to the doctor's office. This lowers the cost of insurance and provides services with a primary doctor at a much lower cost than this would be when it is combined with an insurance premium.

Healthcare is a much more complicated subject than we ever see discussed in the political sphere. There are just not enough people with a background in healthcare working as advisors in some capacity, to these presidential candidates. Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement is currently responsible for a significant decline in the quality of care that the healthcare industry is able to provide.

Most people don't know anything about the incentives and penalties that these programs issue to the facilities and physicians that accept these forms of payment, but these programs have a list of do's and don'ts for providers if they expect to reimbursed for their services that is a lot like walking through a minefield. People use these services thinking their providers are being compensated when they are not because they missed some little something. Most people know little to nothing about healthcare billing in general, but I think if they really knew, a lot of them would want nothing to do with the headache that is medicaid/medicare, which already is a form of universal healthcare.

A lot of the time, people just hear universal healthcare and it seems like something that they should support because they want to be someone who tries to defend someone experiencing injustice. But, yeah, Obamacare was a failure waiting to happen because it was like putting bubble gum on a leaking pipe. Traditional insurance are also not really an option either because they suck for different reasons too, but politicians often demonstrate very little understanding of healthcare billing and this is a big problem when it comes to political discussions regarding healthcare.

Obviously I agree that in theory, we have the money to pay for healthcare and I think military funding should be cut regardless because it is obscene. However, I think it is always important to look at the long term. Sometimes an easier short term solution can create new long term problems. I also don't see how legislation for a profit-sharing limit is something that is more complicated than changing the minimum wage at the federal level either. I think the main problem is that politics is a lot of smoke and mirrors. It is buzz words and celebrity status rather than a sincere profession.

If you give corporations and businesses a choice between increasing wages and profit sharing my guess is that most are going to want to increase wages. I think profit sharing would be a longer more brutal fight to have implemented. And while we fight for it people continue to suffer.

I’m well aware of medical billing and Medicaid/Medicare reimbursement issues. My wages are determined by Medicaid reimbursement - which I think I’ve explained elsewhere. I’ve seen how often the companies I work for get audited. My paperwork that I submit to support the Medicaid claims has to be exact, include certain phrases, be in black ink etc. I’ve had to go back and redo paperwork enough times to know that Medicaid will find any reason to deny a service claim in order not to pay. The same as the private insurance. Medicaid in my state is run by private insurance companies so I’m not sure how much of this issue falls to the fault of either one.

Part of the argument for universal healthcare is that it should decrease all of these issues. The need for medical billing would decrease, the part of costs written in to support profit margins and health insurance companies operating expenses will decrease etc.

In my own industry I see middle men siphoning off the providers reimbursement as the biggest issue. Medicaid reimbursed $32/hr for my services. The company I work for right now takes half, Ive worked for companies in the past that took more than half. The workers in my industry are not provided any benefits or guarantee of hours. We are not paid for any work we need to do that is not billable, if clients cancel we aren’t paid, we have no medical, pto, or retirement etc. Now that’s in Pennsylvania.. I have seen better working conditions for the same industry elsewhere in the country - on industry specific reddit boards and in indeed job searches. But even with all these problems I’d be living quite comfortable on the $32/hour my labor actually produces. My company can say they siphon off that much money because of expenses but this current company has only two people in the office that’s salaries need to be supported off 50 peoples reimbursement rates. That includes office administration, client recruitment and billing.Those two people handle all of that.

The demand for our services is really high so this isn’t an industry that needs to spend much for marketing or outreach. Clients come organically. Rents in my geographic location are very low so the cost of maintaining the office itself is minimal. The biggest expense is liability insurance. Which, yes is expensive but I’ve priced getting my own and I’d gladly trade carrying my own liability insurance for higher wages because it doesn’t cost that much on an individual basis. I’d still be way ahead of the game.

This is what I see to be the problem with for profit health care systems. A whole lot of middle men at every corner siphoning off absurd portions of money to line their own pockets. This shouldn’t be happening. It hurts the patients through inflated costs and it hurts the provider through lower wages then they deserve. Universal health care should eliminate this. Clearly, your going to have a lot of pushback because none of those middle men want to lose their meal ticket.

I looked at the doctor subscription service you provided. Seems a bit like what a hmo is supposed to be in theory but on a smaller scale. I could see that working well if your generally healthy, not if you have medical conditions since most of the care you’d need would still require insurance - diagnostics, testing, prescriptions. It’s also rather expensive - $1600/person for a family of 4 is $6400 per year and only your PCP visits would be covered. I don’t think that’s financially accessible to the vast majority of people. It isn’t for me, even if I was making three times as much as I do it wouldn’t make financial sense when I can go to the urgent care when I’m sick or a regular doctor for a physical for $150/visit. We would have to collectively go to 42 PCP visits per year to break even on the cost. I’ve never gone to the dr 10+ times per year unless I was really sick, which wouldn’t be entirely covered since part of those 10 visits would need to be with neurologists/specialists. If that included my diagnostics and medications it would be different, but it doesn’t. One of my sons medications without insurance is almost $1000/month. If I have an ms attack the hospital stay costs 10s of thousands of dollars. Costs aren’t this high, even uninsured, anywhere else on earth.

Again, I don’t know the exact correct answer but even as someone who relies on Medicaid reimbursements to support my family.. universal health care is the best seeming solution to most of this. And the most morally acceptable.

Edit: I’m supposed to be getting a raise by the end of the year and possibly benefits. This happened because the autistic community lobbied my state legislature to bring the state up to par with the standards for autism care seen in most of the rest of the country. The owner of my current company told me that we will be getting a $4/hr raise and benefits because the Medicaid reimbursement rate for our position is increasing by $20-30/hr. Many other companies in my area are not giving a raise in conjunction with this increase at all and the vast majority of my peers in this field aren’t even aware that this is happening, just that they need to take new trainings and fill out paperwork a little differently. The addition of medical benefits isn’t because of the increased reimbursement rate, it is due to my company being acquired by a larger for profit company that is required to provide medical under Obamacare (more than 50 employees, not eligible for the nonprofit loophole). I do not know what percentage of my medical benefits will be covered by the company - this is still a transition and none of that has been figured out yet. But if it is the minimum amount that Obamacare requires just to comply with the law it will possibly be an improvement for me (hopefully if it is a huge portion of my pay I’d be better off keeping my kids on chip) but either way most of this is only happening because the company that is taking over is one that is subjected to federal regulations whereas the ones I worked for previously weren’t.
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Aug 18, 2017
5 Women Bernie Sanders Might Pick for V.P. if He’s Nominated in 2020
"5. Michelle Obama

This would be a real wild card veep pick. But it might be the trump card the eventual nominee will need to beat Donald Trump in 2020."

hmmm interesting!!!