Trust me, I really understand where are you coming from. When Jj0ng died, I cried for days and I still miss him to this day. But I can't help but feel sorry for every idol bc they are all trapped souls and they are God's creation who went astray. Priests in my country say that they themselves will be judged much harder by God than people who never truly had the chance to join Him, and I actually believe them, since those idols had never been given the opportunity to live differently. I know that I tend to be hypersensitive in general, but I sincerely get why you are feeling like that, I think there is no thing such as right or wrong in this case.
I totally agree, I really love K@i and if anything happens to him I couldn't handle it
Could you please notify me when you upload the video? I'd really like to know more about his situation but emotionally, I can't bring myself to search more about this heart-wrenching subject.
And omg, thank you for your thorough answer about J1n, that explains everything and I could have never thought that by myself. Also would Bigshit do a survey for this kind of matter? This sounds so shady! They so want to exploit and capitalize on the fans' mental illnesses by writing "relatable" songs. Not to mention most of these fans are teenagers who got self-diagnosed with a mental illness. Of course mental illnesses are a very important matter and should be taken very seriously but this whole movement going on that considers it cool to have one (see Tumblr) is what gets me on my nerves and it's insulting for the people who actually suffer. I believe this agenda serves spiritual purposes too, as it lows your heart Chakra/vibrating energy and it is easier for the elites to feed off it, plus it makes them more vulnerable to demon attacks. Unfortunately the ongoing motto "do what you want, it's your body" etc, will be the passage to normalize su*icide , I think.