Narcissism And Satanism


Apr 21, 2017
I have been looking at LOTS of videos on narcissism lately because I allowed myself to get sucked into a real war wiith a malignant narcissistic predator.

Among the many videos that cover this topic there is one long one that really stood out. I'm not linking it here because the speaker in it is the most deeply anti-Black racist I have ever encountered (and I have had encounters wiith Aryan Brotherhood types!) but outside of the gratuitous remarks she made about racial groups she had some very interesting things to say about Narcissistic Personality Disorder. She used the term Diabolical Narcissist instead of Severe or Malignant Narcissist.

This got me to thinking about not only the narcissistic character of Satan that is presented in the Bible, but also the process or dynamics of how the Narcissist "creates reality".

And how our culture, in fostering narcissistic traits the way it does, is conjuring Satan.

Most of the psychological literature is secular and if it mentions religion it is only to discuss the tendency of narcissists to gravitate to elaborate liturgies and authoritarian cults, but not to discuss the rise of full-blown Satanism as a recognized mainstream religion.

Then there's the whole idolatry and Jungian archetypal emergence thing...

I am beginning to sense Narcissism as the wind or force that is driving our civilization to the edge of Armaggeddon, the evil force that is like a supercell storm blowing through the world.

What do you think?


Mar 15, 2017
One of the clearest passages RE Satan in Old Testament:

Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

Now that is self-worship. That is self-obsession. That is the worst Narcissism imaginable. A created being thinking he can be better than his Creator.


Mar 27, 2017
I have been looking at LOTS of videos on narcissism lately because I allowed myself to get sucked into a real war wiith a malignant narcissistic predator.

Among the many videos that cover this topic there is one long one that really stood out. I'm not linking it here because the speaker in it is the most deeply anti-Black racist I have ever encountered (and I have had encounters wiith Aryan Brotherhood types!) but outside of the gratuitous remarks she made about racial groups she had some very interesting things to say about Narcissistic Personality Disorder. She used the term Diabolical Narcissist instead of Severe or Malignant Narcissist.

This got me to thinking about not only the narcissistic character of Satan that is presented in the Bible, but also the process or dynamics of how the Narcissist "creates reality".

And how our culture, in fostering narcissistic traits the way it does, is conjuring Satan.

Most of the psychological literature is secular and if it mentions religion it is only to discuss the tendency of narcissists to gravitate to elaborate liturgies and authoritarian cults, but not to discuss the rise of full-blown Satanism as a recognized mainstream religion.

Then there's the whole idolatry and Jungian archetypal emergence thing...

I am beginning to sense Narcissism as the wind or force that is driving our civilization to the edge of Armaggeddon, the evil force that is like a supercell storm blowing through the world.

What do you think?
Jezebel Spirit-Google it...mostly, it's the root cause, mostly...Screenshot_1.png
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Apr 21, 2017
Dr. Sam Vaknin gives the best and most exhaustive description of narcissism and it's behavioral dynamics from a secular point of view. His work is used by most clinicians. But he doesn't acknowledge the spiritual dimension, not only because he is an atheist but because he suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder himself and so he doesn't have any direct experience of spiritual life. (I think that narcissists do experience spiritual life if it is part of their childhood environment, but an adult narcissist really lacks what you might call emotive imagination, similar to empathy but not involving another person)

Dr. Vaknin does not include the Diabolical label and he does not discuss involvment with the occult.

But he certainly captures the image of evil here in a way that we've all seen in action in church bust-ups:

Some other narcissism youtubers call these proxies "flying monkeys".


Apr 20, 2017
... Then there's the whole idolatry and Jungian archetypal emergence thing... I am beginning to sense Narcissism as the wind or force that is driving our civilization to the edge of Armaggeddon, the evil force that is like a supercell storm blowing through the world. What do you think?
This, I think, is a fascinating insight, and well worth considering. It seems to me that, in addition to Narcissus, who might be the sort of deus ex machina, or "demigod" behind the machine of especially mass, popular culture (along with cults of youth and beauty, represented by Adonis and Aphrodite), there is also a predominant, unmistakable Promethean aspect to the scientific and power elites. I think that Narcissus and Prometheus, even if only in an archetypal sense, as Jung and others would have it, are working together.

Consider, for instance, the scientist par excellence, J. Robert Oppenheimer. Two of his biographers, working jointly, entitled their book "American Prometheus." After he and his colleagues at the Manhattan Project had, following Prometheus's example, "stolen fire from heaven" and detonated the atom bomb, Oppenheimer went on public television and described, in somewhat oblique, certainly literary terms, what it was he had done. Although he uses the English word, "death," when translating the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita from which he quotes, I think the original word is actually Shiva, the "god" of destruction. Note, as well, that the CERN project in Switzerland has since placed a statue of Shiva at its location in Geneva. Thus it seems to me that Oppenheimer, while exoterically working on a purely, ostensibly materialistic scientific project, had, in his own Promethean way and according to his own admission, esoterically channeled Shiva, the "destroyer of worlds."



Apr 21, 2017
That's really off topic and we don't need to be ambushed wiith demonic images like that.

Narcissism is a psychological/sociological description of certain aspects of human nature completely independent of what kind of cultural or religious structure the narcissists are in.

And if you are Hindu you might well object to my use of the term "demonic" but in this setting and the way they are being used here, the effect is demonic. Their actual meaning is waay off topic.


Mar 27, 2017
Demonic images? Those are actual images of Kali. Goddess of death and violence. I'll move it to the Miley thread, but as I've told you there's nothing human about this condition. Do narcissists act human to you? If you don't have any empathy for anything or anybody then you're not human. That is what makes us human. Every one of them is at least 2 people, and one of those "people" ain't people. It's inhuman, thus the callousness and disregard for others. Only interested in their schemes and corrupting other people. Spreading the disease, as it were. But, as Lestat told Louie in Interview With The Vampire, "You go your own way then, and I'll watch you come around." ;) peace
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Apr 21, 2017
Thank you.

This thread is intended to be about the dynamics of this kind of psychology. When people identify a behavior wiith a demon at the individual level, person-to-person, then there is no room for discussion. The one identified as the demon faces violence. The others become violent. That is the only result.

But being able to rest in Christian teachings to consider flawed human nature and how best to love as Christ would have us love, we can discuss these traits and maybe we can stop their spread.


Mar 13, 2017
Well I think the theory is interesting. Since the boom of modern Satanism in the 1960s, I think that people are tempting the real Satan. Idk if it is all pathological or if our consciousness has been tricked. Obviously I give people the benefit of the doubt, and try not to assume they have a pathological disorder.

If you think of all the greed and selfishness it's not a stretch to say our cultures are turning Satanic. More and more with each passing day. And most people just see it all as business as usual. It's like their minds are so clouded with stuff that doesn't matter, or is half the truth. I blame those damn rationalists again, who don't have any interest in the unconscious. Or spiritual world for that matter. You know, if millions of people don't know about, than it must not be true.

This is something I worry about a lot. Because there is only one outcome to living in a Satanic civilization. That civilization will fall.


Apr 21, 2017
It might be a fulfillment of the prophecy that the restraints will be removed. I remember some of my traditional Catholic teachers in the 1960's saying that Vatican II, by removing the right rules of the liturgy and loosening up the sacraments, had removed the restraints. We were taught that the Sacraments were the restraint and the Catholic Church was the guardian of the Sacraments.

Now that I am looking back on the past fifty years since then, I think there was a much deeper element of truth there than anyone realized.


Mar 27, 2017
Thank you.

This thread is intended to be about the dynamics of this kind of psychology. When people identify a behavior wiith a demon at the individual level, person-to-person, then there is no room for discussion. The one identified as the demon faces violence. The others become violent. That is the only result.

But being able to rest in Christian teachings to consider flawed human nature and how best to love as Christ would have us love, we can discuss these traits and maybe we can stop their spread.
Psychology doesn't seem to work for this problem very well. To even get help, ya gotta tell the truth and more importantly accept a truth. Narcissists, being in a state of constant denial and subterfuge, really wouldn't take well to this type of treatment, no? They don't think anythings wrong with them because it's all "hidden" from everybody (not). Of course, they still believe they're smarter than everybody else (not). More cunning than smart. Kinda dumb but cunning-you gotta watch out for that. Cunning is rarely equated with anything good. Dumb is dumb, but that's why it's all a slew of "dumb" moves creating problems for them. They violate too many boundaries-a dumb move. It really starts to look pathetic when it breaks down and still they fight to stay that way. Or something inside them fights to stay, period. Seem natural to you? (it's supernatural). Here's how I sum up a lot of their behavior: They don't know what they're doing, but they're really good at it...

Christ cast demons into pigs and then ran them over a cliff. If Christ is real for people, then so are demons I'm afraid. Everybody wanna believe in Angels (miracles DO happen) but nobody wanna believe in devils. Everybody wanna go to heaven but nobody wanna die :D. As for the Catholics, well it's my opinion that while being warriors of the church in confronting these things directly, it also puts them in a much more direct battle with The Darkside. I also think that contributes to the more ritualized religion; because the other side got rituals too.

When I approached the church and talked to one of the older lead priests about this stuff, one of the first things he said to me was, "You're not Catholic are you?" And I said no sir, I'm just a Christian. I don't think Christ ever chose a denomination." Then he said, "Well one of the differences is that our Bible has 9 more books dealing with this very subject than the Bible you're carrying does." Then he looked at me with kinda spooked but serious eyes and asked, "You know there's a fierce battle going on right now. We're in a war" And I answered, "Yessir, I've been keeping my eye (no pun intended) on things going on in society for a number of years now and I know it's true. The dark's attempting to drown out the light. It has a bit to do with the reason I'm here to talk to you..." Ahhhh, funtimes man. Funtimes...

My theory is: that's why they get attacked more by the Darkside i.e. priests and kids etc. It's a direct battle and this is how demons attack. By taking over the flesh and the soul. How else would they attack. They have no corporeal bodies and that is the top thing they seek to acquire. Flesh to move around in to commit diabolical machinations...

BTW I already knew about the doctor who discovered he was a narcissist himself. Read about it awhile back in my studies. But I would submit that his narcissism could be just as easily Asperger's syndrome. That is a real condition-not demonic. It seems to fit better with his experience, and I think the Aspergers diagnosis could've been overlooked. Both conditions could resemble each other. In that case, you wouldn't need an exorcist. In the case I'm working on, an exorcist was prescribed by the Catholic church. That's the difference.

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Apr 21, 2017
Well, that priest said something interesting. I did not know the Apocrypha were dealing wiith NPD. I'll have to reread those books with that in mind.

You might want to go over to the Narcissism Self-Help Thread and check out the first video, where Sam Vaknin talks about how he ended up writing the whole body of psychiatric literature after his own Narcissistic Personality Disorder landed him in Federal prison for securities fraud and he had no choice but to examine himself.
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Apr 21, 2017
Reading about the doctor is not the same as watching him talk about his experience. I read him very early, when a family therapist have me his book to explain my exhusband's illness, but I'm getting a lot more from the videos than I did from the books.

I think there is indeed a level of NPD that is Diabolical where the NPD is willfully embracing the destructive side and inviting demons, unlike the NPD who is just making life difficult.

The Catholic concept of mortal sin comes into play. Most sin is venial and really due to human weakness and probably won't land you in Hell but mortal sin is an act that crosses the line from "bad" into "evil". It doesn't have to be a serious act like murder. It can be something as mild as choosing to decorate something with images of evil, especially evil tattoos, or choosing to spend time wiith violent and satanic music, for example.


Mar 13, 2017
I don't pay attention to Catholic doctrine at all. If they want to open up all the secret libraries of the Vatican, than maybe I would. Institutions like that are part of the problem, and I'm not saying they don't do good things. My theory is a church of the people wouldn't have a Castle. Unless a "spiritual temple" counts.

And I like the theory of an internal war going on inside our brains. Or maybe soul is a better term. I've definitely felt the pull of dark forces, but for me it was more like a collision course. But I try not to get too deep into these things, because the actual reality is too frightening for people. The idea that one wrong move, or one demon can put you six feet under is too much. Nobody wants to play the game of either you win, or die.


Mar 27, 2017
This is how the whole thing works. This is what happened in the case I'm on to the T. But all Jezebel cases ALWAYS LOOK THE SAME. That's why it's so easy to spot. Always the same behavior. It is mind techniques paired with occultism and that's what I discovered in the case I'm in. It's not just trauma, it's all blended together into Satanic Ritual Abuse. Mind + Occultism all in one-no waiting! It was literally done that way. They start on them as children. 6 years old, around there from what I can gather. What a horrible discovery to make. Now we still can't get the person back yet. Pure Jezebel which presents as narcissism. The real truth is taking advantage of and hiding under layers, man. Psychology is trying to put forth a physical sciences explanation for a supernatural phenomena. And it's being used to disguise the real truth. Russ Dizdar knows his sh*t. When I found him, I found a man who had documented the exact same things that I had seen. I had formed the same opinions before I ever found Russ Dizdar. At least it was a bit of affirmation that I had it figured pretty right. Give it a listen. He's got it pretty doped out from what I've seen with my own eyes...(<>..<>)

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Apr 21, 2017
This is how the whole thing works. This is what happened in the case I'm on to the T. But all Jezebel cases ALWAYS LOOK THE SAME. That's why it's so easy to spot. Always the same behavior. It is mind techniques paired with occultism and that's what I discovered in the case I'm in. It's not just trauma, it's all blended together into Satanic Ritual Abuse. Mind + Occultism all in one-no waiting! It was literally done that way. What a horrible discovery to make. Now we still can't get the person back yet. Pure Jezebel which presents as narcissism. The real truth is taking advantage of and hiding under layers, man. Psychology is trying to put forth a physical sciences explanation for a supernatural phenomena. And it's being used to disguise the real truth. Russ Dizdar knows his sh*t. When I found him, I found a man who had documented the exact same things that I had seen. I had formed the same opinions before I ever found Russ Dizdar. At least it was a bit of affirmation that I had it figured pretty right. Give it a listen. He's got it pretty doped out from what I've seen with my own eyes...(<>..<>)
I'll take some time to look at those, Under.
Very interesting stuff you're saying.


Mar 27, 2017
Thanks, but I'm not just saying it, I'm living it for 3 years. A lot of time to observe and report. To figure out how this whole thing really works. Had to peel the onion though, and when you peel an onion there's always some tears. But, I always said that I wanted to know how this whole world, hell this whole universe works and I think I've got a relatively clear understanding of HOW SH*T WORKS here now. You can't get there though without staring into the abyss, and like Nietzsche said, when you do the abyss stares back at you. BTW, the Catholics don't treat NPD so much, they treat demons. That's why I was there. NPD is just a symptom. Possession is the disease...
Mar 30, 2017
Who in their right minds thinks a reply is censorship?
Perhaps this thread might shine a light on your question. Below is an article listing some traits:

"Differences in Behavior
Characteristics of Narcissists:

  • Shun introspection
  • Lack empathy
  • Become hypersensitive to slights
  • Act impulsively
  • Spoil others’ good moods
  • Deny or hide mistakes
  • Are driven by fear
  • Blame others
  • Stonewall or withdraw when upset
  • Get enraged when criticized
  • Pursue win-lose strategies
  • Hold grudges
  • Have one-way relationships

Characteristics of Non-Narcissists:

  • Value introspection
  • Care about the feelings of others
  • Don’t personalize others’ actions
  • Seek spontaneity
  • Celebrate others’ good moods
  • Seek to learn from mistakes
  • Cultivate hope
  • Take responsibility
  • Communicate when upset
  • Accept constructive criticism
  • Seek win-win solutions
  • Seek resolution
  • Have reciprocal relationships"