Mr. Anderson there is a difference between domestic policies and foreign relations.
I find it interesting that Pompeo went to Brazil.
Pompeo is a warmonger who advocates regime changes, is against climate change, reversed human rights and support wars past, present and future.
It's one thing to accept for other people to starve but it's another thing to accept it for yourself.
If the Venezuelans, The Cubans or whatever group decide they are willing to starve for extreme-leftist causes- it's their decision. But it's also their decision if they would rather not starve for the sake of some Godless, foreign ideologies made up by Jews.
If the Brazilians end up starving- we're not going to be the ones starving. They're going to be the ones living with the results so they're the ones who should decide. It's their lives and it's their country. If this was Muslims versus non-Muslims, of course I'd support the Muslims. But this is one set of kuffar against another set of kuffar.
You let the leftists have power and they'll push all kinds of degenerate filth and destroy the local culture, religious values and family structure. And you look behind the scenes and you'll see a bunch of Jews on either side, what difference does it make if one side is openly Zionist when the other side is crypto-Zionist.
The whole dialectic is controlled and the whole Iran-Russia bloc, US-Is bloc conflict is a charade- so the Shia-Russia bloc gets no sort of moral authority. And plus they're
Shia. They're over there in Yemen killing Sunnis. I go to a Yemeni mosque and I go to a whole mosque full of Yemeni immigrants who can't stand what the Houthis are doing. Those people are fighting for
Shia interests and for
Shia power. Saudi isn't perfect but even a Yemeni who I know who had some gripes with Saudi wouldn't support the Houthis over Saudi. Aisha is the mother of the believers. How can we support people who hate Aisha? I don't wish harm on the Shia but if the Shia start a war with Sunnis (which is what happened)- it's a no-brainer I'm going to support the Sunnis. How can we side with people waging a war against Sunni Islam? That would be like a chicken supporting KFC.
And then what are they (and I'm talking about the bloc) doing in China?
They are throwing Muslims in concentration camps. So.... you cite wrong-doing done by the US side.... but you want Brazil to side with the people throwing Muslims in concentration camps?
I'm not even saying your position isn't valid. But even if I say it's reasonable... this is a choice between one side that's killing Muslims and throwing Muslims in concentration camps.... and another Muslim-killing side.
So it's one set of Muslim-killers or another set of Muslim-killers.
So there is not any sort of moral authority on either side.... there's no super clear-cut pro-Muslim choice.
So honestly it's a choice between two bad options..... hmmm.... do I want to support overt Zionists or crypto-Zionists and Raafidis........
personally.... Saudi might not be perfect and Iran might not be perfect..... but Iran is Shia, so.....
personally I am with Henry Makow in the opinion that the conservative side is the lesser of the two evils..... anyways, I think it's up to Brazilians and deciding whether or not you want to starve for the sake of Godless, foreign, extreme left degenerate ideologies that are alien to the Brazilians and that I doubt the average Brazilian cares about- I think that is a personal choice... we're not the ones who will be starving... and I seriously doubt anyone is going to care about far left ideology when they're hungry and all they can think about is food.... I'm not pro-Israel but I don't think I can ask other people to starve.... and the Iran-Russian bloc and the US-Israel bloc are both tentacles of the same NWO Zionist beast so it doesn't make a huge difference either way.... people might as well have something to eat and people might as well not end up murdered due to violence... if you were in Brazil and it was you facing violence and starvation, I don't think you'd have the same position.... and the same for Valerio
and DR I respect you and I support you.... and I mean zero disrespect..... but I do differ on this issue