A Solar Returns is a yearly chart that shows what transits(planets) are activating for that person/group. BTS's Solar Returns since debuthave been easy. Reading their past Solar Returns I could interpret why theywere successful. I remember telling my sister one evening “When transit Jupiter enters Scorpio in Oct 2017, BTS will change forever”. And the DNA era happenedand I was shocked and scared how accurate it was. So transits effect a chart,they give energy, whether good or bad. I believe it’s all karmic in the end ofthe day.
3 months before June 12, 2019, you’ll see a shift of this group. Especially after they finish the world tour in parts of Asia. The2019/2020 chart shows a lot of affliction. A T-square which I deemed a VERYstressful energy. According to some astrology sites, “It’s where the native seeks to solve or resolve the conflict set up by the opposition.” The energy ofBTS’s T-square is CARDINAL (Libra, Cancer, Capricorn) so the keywords arechanges/beginning/starts. 2019 will be a year of a start of something. They need to do something practical, start considering the viewpoints of each other;project an honest emotion in regards to work/health/routine (6thhouse), 12th house (mental health, depression, isolation, fears) and 8th house (secrets, finances, taxes, death, etc. Because something is very wrong in those areas, there is imbalance and I think the end of a VERYstressful world tour will finally trigger them all. Some members will prioritizemental health so expect to see a member being hospitalized from a mental breakdown. I do. Because Neptune will be in their 1st house they may APPEAR ok but they are not. Neptune clouds, Neptune lies and gives off anillusion so don’t be fooled.
Jupiter in 11th house (hopes and wishes; groups,organizations, etc.) square Neptune in the 1st of self, the mask,persona, etc.
“…The problem is that often your dreams remain just dreams,an inner world into which you retreat, a world that you invest much energy inmaintaining. Dreaming becomes too addictive for you, and your life becomes justan un-realized dream….”
The group may realize that their dream to be together for a long time or forever is flawed and deceitful. It’s an illusion. It will hurt them. They will realize the “friends” that surround them lack faith in them or vice versa.
The MOON represents how a person will emotionally respond to their Solar Return or year. Because the moon is in the 8th house there will be a strong intensity and drama. In the sign of Libra (a sign of relationships, harmony and balance) they’ll feel a strong imbalance and injustice.
Moon square Saturn (depression, suicide as Saturn is in the12th house of MENTAL INSTUTITION, jail, imprisonment, mental health,hidden enemies, etc.)
Moon in 8th square Pluto in 12th (suicidal ideation, control/power issues, sexual abuse)
Moon square Mars (aggression, physical abuse (from females’ maybe as the Moon is a feminine sign), self-centeredness, compulsiveness, and quarrels)
Moon square Mercury (internal debate between thoughts and feelings)
Saturn and Pluto in the 12th is powerful. So that year I don’t know. Really they may have a feeling of persecution and limitation.