"Soy Boys", "Toxic Masculinity" - what does it even mean to be a "Real Man"?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
A few months ago I was using a piece of file sharing software. On the upload screen they had a picture of a guy that bothered me. I just didn't take to him. I'm usually pretty easy going as well so I tried to understand what it was about him I wasn't liking...


Perhaps it was the fake smile, the waxed moustache or the deliberate pink laptop? I think it was the contrast between him and another guy he reminded me of - Hamish from Braveheart (below right).


I got to thinking - what if Hamish had been transported to the 21st Century as a child, and instead of his Highland childhood growing up on the croft, he was instead brought in our society, watching "Modern Family", taught to shun "micro-aggressions", encouraged to sit nicely and avoid "manspreading". In short what if he grew up thinking that being a man was something he should apologise for, and feeling he needed to sign up for a lecture course in Gender theory to compensate for his existence! Would he be simpering clutching a pink laptop rather than a battleaxe?

My friend @Vixy mentioned that the elites want "Soy Boyz and Butch Broads". I couldn't agree more as gender identity is under attack from all directions!

I had to look up "soyboys" as I am too old to be in touch with these kind of memes, but Urban Dictionary helped...

https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Soy Boy

^ ***I edited the OP here in case anyone thought that simply attacking these guys was my intention.

It seemed pretty harsh but I could understand how our soyboy got there.

Now - the reason for my thread -

Is there a positive vision of real masculinity (film, music, words or books) that we can offer the to our poor apologetic millennial to help him recapture what it used to mean to be a man?
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Jean-Luc Picard and Fox Mulder, but tbh Red, 'Soyboy' is just a way for the right to say 'fag', since it's not polite anymore, and you are better than this thread.
This is not a homophobic thread, @Colonel Valerio - I have observed that many young guys seem completely lost in terms of positive male role models. It's not about beating up on gay guys, this it about identifying a positive view of what masculinity means.

Put another way - when I grew up I wanted to look like this:-


Our "new approved" man looks more like this:-

Sep 5, 2018
This is not a homophobic thread, @Colonel Valerio - I have observed that many young guys seem completely lost in terms of positive male role models. It's not about beating up on gay guys, this it about identifying a positive view of what masculinity means.
Well it sure isn't 13th century Scotsmen.

I gave good examples of positive masculinity with Picard and Mulder, for real people I would say David Lynch or Chris Hedges, and the late Anthony Bourdain.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Well it sure isn't 13th century Scotsmen.

I gave good examples of positive masculinity with Picard and Mulder, for real people I would say David Lynch or Chris Hedges, and the late Anthony Bourdain.
Thank you! I'm actually not about getting people to become axe wielding Scotsman, embrace macho man ideals or watch sport and drink beer...

I just want to ask the question - what does it mean to be a man? What should I aspire to? Who are my role models? Why?
Sep 5, 2018
Thank you! I'm actually not about getting people to become axe wielding Scotsman, embrace macho man ideals or watch sport and drink beer...

I just want to ask the question - what does it mean to be a man? What should I aspire to? Who are my role models? Why?

I think Phil gave a good answer to your questions.


I think it boils down to integrity, a love of the truth, your willingness to help and support others (those you love and those you don't), working and providing without complaining, understanding and devotion to your wife, girlfriend etc, complimenting her own personality and weaknesses with your personality and strengths etc.

"You always bear North Mulder"
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Mar 16, 2017
And this is why I love ya, Red! You tell it like it is!

I had to look it up myself as I hadnt heard the expression until just recently but oh boy was this the subject I had been complaining about for so long!

I've seen normal manly guys go to weaklings and a shell of their former self! My grandfather was a real mans-man who refused to let anyone put him in place. He saw already back then the new generation of men and he was appalled. (This was back in the 90's)

Just take my country as an example. The old badass vikings are gone, think we have one or two of them left with the physique and the looks of the old vikings and they are so admired they turned famous.

SOY BOYZ is the reason for european women choosing immigrants since there's unfortunally more manhood in them. They are also laughing at the european men, saying somethings wrong with them and asking what it is? Guess its more clear to them coming from countries where men have higher testosterone so they see this problem instantly and think its ridiculess. If its bc of soy..I doubt it, sure its contributed but this is so world spread that something else is behind it. Something is lowering mens testosterone and raising it in women. Im not sure if its the GMO foods, the chemtrails, the vaccines or all together but they have turned our men feminine and I dont like it! :mad:

SOY BOY comp, just for you guys. (Remember I warned ya)


John Paul Watson also has soemthing to say about it. Gotta love the guy!

Ask yourselves the question why is it so wrong to be a man today? Where is this coming from? let men be friggin MEN like in the old days when women felt protected by them. But ofc, the elite wants our male population weak and unable to protect their women so everyone's an easy target for the coming depop.


Oct 2, 2017
A few months ago I was using a piece of file sharing software. On the upload screen they had a picture of a guy that bothered me. I just didn't take to him. I'm usually pretty easy going as well so I tried to understand what it was about him I wasn't liking...

View attachment 16486

Perhaps it was the fake smile, the waxed moustache or the pink laptop? I think it was the contrast between him and another guy he reminded me of - Hamish from Braveheart (below right).

View attachment 16487

I got to thinking - what if Hamish had been transported to the 21st Century as a child, and instead of his Highland childhood growing up on the croft, he was instead brought in our society, watching "Modern Family", taught to shun "micro-aggressions", encouraged to sit nicely and avoid "manspreading". In short what if he grew up thinking that being a man was something he should apologise for, and feeling he needed to sign up for a lecture course in Gender theory to compensate for his existence! Would he be simpering clutching a pink laptop rather than a battleaxe?

My friend @Vixy mentioned that the elites want "Soy Boyz and Butch Broads". I couldn't agree more as gender identity is under attack from all directions!

I had to look up "soyboys" as I am too old to be in touch with these kind of memes, but Urban Dictionary helped...

"Soy Boy

A modern effeminate male, typically a millennial. A self-described feminist-leftist who majored in Social Justice Studies, Gender Studies, Ethnic Studies, Theater, Dance or any other range of useless college degree fields. Shows fear and revulsion at the sight of masculine men. Usually appears in public wearing flannel, skinny jeans often of a short length to resemble Capri pants. May have dyed hair and a beard that he spends at least a half hour each morning grooming. Urinates standing up in a stall in the men's room rather than at the urinal. Has a penchant for expensive Starbucks flavored drinks with soy milk and flavored craft beer. Likely a vegan or vegetarian. Raised by dominant man-hating feminist mother either without a father or with a cuckold henpecked man for a father. May own a car, likely a Toyota Prius or Nissan Cube, but has no concept of how to open the hood or change a tire. More likely rides a fixed gear bike. Completely lacking in any mechanical skills and proud of that fact. May spends hours or days gaming in his mother's basement. Offers nothing to society."

It seemed pretty harsh but I could understand how our soyboy got there.

Now - the reason for my thread -

Is there a positive vision of real masculinity (film, music, words or books) that we can offer the to our poor apologetic soyboy millennial to help him recapture what it used to mean to be a man?
Mechanical skills? Pffft. This is the 21st century, if you can't build a PC by yourself, you're not a man!

Kidding of course. :)

But I also complained about those useless degrees such as "Gender Studies", I mean they are REALLY useless. I never understood how millennials got to be such pussies and interested in things such as feminism. Must be the weakest generation ever in the history of mankind.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
And this is why I love ya, Red! You tell it like it is!

I had to look it up myself as I hadnt heard the expression until just recently but oh boy was this the subject I had been complaining about for so long!

I've seen normal manly guys go to weaklings and a shell of their former self! My grandfather was a real mans-man who refused to let anyone put him in place. He saw already back then the new generation of men and he was appalled. (This was back in the 90's)

Just take my country as an example. The old badass vikings are gone, think we have one or two of them left with the physique and the looks of the old vikings and they are so admired they turned famous.

SOY BOYZ is the reason for european women choosing immigrants since there's unfortunally more manhood in them. They are also laughing at the european men, saying somethings wrong with them and asking what it is? Guess its more clear to them coming from countries where men have higher testosterone so they see this problem instantly and think its ridiculess. If its bc of soy..I doubt it, sure its contributed but this is so world spread that something else is behind it. Something is lowering mens testosterone and raising it in women. Im not sure if its the GMO foods, the chemtrails, the vaccines or all together but they have turned our men feminine and I dont like it! :mad:

SOY BOY comp, just for you guys. (Remember I warned ya)

View attachment 16493View attachment 16494

John Paul Watson also has soemthing to say about it. Gotta love the guy!

Ask yourselves the question why is it so wrong to be a man today? Where is this coming from? let men be friggin MEN like in the old days when women felt protected by them. But ofc, the elite wants our male population weak and unable to protect their women so everyone's an easy target for the coming depop.
This movie scene, perhaps more than any other resonated with me a sense of "real masculinity"

Even this was just a mere shadow of Jesus, whose bravery and sacrifice in the face of cruel death on our behalf makes even Stallone and Wallace look like soyboys.


Jan 29, 2018
If anyone cared to noticed, the alt-right wannabe tough guys dress almost exactly the same way, style themselves the same and are metro-sexualed out-the-game.... straight up, the people who use terms like "soyboy" "cuckservative" and etc. are often among the whiniest snowflakes of them all.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
If anyone cared to noticed, the alt-right wannabe tough guys dress almost exactly the same way, style themselves the same and are metro-sexualed out-the-game.... straight up, the people who use terms like "soyboy" "cuckservative" and etc. are often among the whiniest snowflakes of them all.
I agree - defining yourself "against" someone is entirely different from knowing who you are.

The spirit in which I posted this up was recognising that many of us have grown up in, and embraced to some extent, the anti masculine messages of our culture.

This is about taking back who we were created to be, not insulting those who have been more injured in their identity than us.


Mar 13, 2017
People have been majoring in stuff like political science since the 1990s at least. Plus guys in the 1980's were super gay. They literally grew their hair long and conditioned it like girls. Don't even get me started on the 70s. Free Love? What that really meant was free love for man on man. They were so drugged up they didn't know the difference anyway.

Just saying. Don't believe all the trends like it's some new thing. I think this all boils down to men not needing to be masculine anymore. I mean very few people in America go to work and kick ass and takes names. They kiss ass and that's about it. So my theory is that corporate America is straight up neutering these dudes.

The average American male goes to work and their balls shrivel up. But more importantly, what's with so many of the soy boys in that picture having beards? I always knew beards were lame/gross but nobody ever confirms my thinking there.


Jan 29, 2018
People have been majoring in stuff like political science since the 1990s at least. Plus guys in the 1980's were super gay. They literally grew their hair long and conditioned it like girls. Don't even get me started on the 70s. Free Love? What that really meant was free love for man on man. They were so drugged up they didn't know the difference anyway.

Just saying. Don't believe all the trends like it's some new thing. I think this all boils down to men not needing to be masculine anymore. I mean very few people in America go to work and kick ass and takes names. They kiss ass and that's about it. So my theory is that corporate America is straight up neutering these dudes.

The average American male goes to work and their balls shrivel up. But more importantly, what's with so many of the soy boys in that picture having beards? I always knew beards were lame/gross but nobody ever confirms my thinking there.
"Plus guys in the 1980's were super gay. They literally grew their hair long and conditioned it like girls."
Except they dressed that way to attract females back then lol
Everyone had a prep buddy back in the day..... you know, the kind of fellow who still styled his hair even with a ballcap on...... Frosted jeans & Generra hypercolor shirts...... Z Cavvaricci silk shirts & dress pants, Giorgio Brutini G-Rox on the feets....... It was a different era then lol


Mar 13, 2017
"Plus guys in the 1980's were super gay. They literally grew their hair long and conditioned it like girls."
Except they dressed that way to attract females back then lol
Everyone had a prep buddy back in the day..... you know, the kind of fellow who still styled his hair even with a ballcap on...... Frosted jeans & Generra hypercolor shirts...... Z Cavvaricci silk shirts & dress pants, Giorgio Brutini G-Rox on the feets....... It was a different era then lol
Lol everyone at my school tried to be preppy in the 90s. Little did we know people call us Stowbillies for a reason. We were all just a bunch of scrubs.


Jan 29, 2018
Lol everyone at my school tried to be preppy in the 90s. Little did we know people call us Stowbillies for a reason. We were all just a bunch of scrubs.
The true preps... at least the girl ones, were rockin esprit and Bennetton joints..... Polo & La Coste....... I was all about (and still am) Dickies and fresh white/black Ts. Keep the kicks clean and call it gravy w/a pair of Chucks. I think I had a Le Tigre and "Colours, by Alexander Julian" shirt back then tho lol that was about as much as Moms was willing to break a shorty off for the back-to-school extravaganza.
Mainly it was all about those crazy "Frankenstein" Hawaiian-style shirts that the big dude on Miami Vice would wear lol

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
If you think a what makes a man is how he looks or how he's dressed, than you know nothing.

What makes a "man" a "man" is his character. I dont give a rat's ass if he wears a pink shirt. Stop lowering your own IQ with these types of threads
I quite agree - character is everything, but what makes a man wish to diminish his masculinity or apologise for it? Choice of cloths is completely trivial, and wondering what it is about culture that makes men feel ashamed is not automatically about low IQ ;-)

Btw - I wrote this expecting a backlash as to suggest there could be anything positive about masculinity goes against the grain these days!
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