Dr. William Campbell destroyed by Dr. Zakir Naik on scientific errors in the Bible MUST WATCH!!

Jan 9, 2018
According to her, the vast majority of mankind will end up in Hell forever. Why? Just because we don't deserve anything else?! What kind of twisted masochist would believe in a God that sends the largest part of humanity to eternal torture just because Adam and Eve bit in a freaking apple? It boggles my mind. This is largely the reason why I dropped out of Christianity a while ago but still view the Bible as a good book, when you don't take it all as the unique "Word of God".

Jesus was a very good philosopher but he just was not God. The Bible contradicts itself many times on his alleged divinity. I'd rather form my opinion on who God is by reading more than just a single religious book.

Works based salvation is the only logical theory that can be accepted. I give that to Islam because they have the right idea. It's just sad that they are also caught in the religious fundamentalism that prevents them from accepting other beliefs as valid. But they usually look at scientific theories in a more open manner than Christians usually, that I have observed.
You don’t get it.

God does not send us to Hell because of Adam & Eve. I have never said that. The Bible never says that.

You have earned a place in Hell because of YOUR OWN SINS.

You have no one to blame but yourself for the lying, stealing, envy, covetousness, lust, and all the other sins you’ve committed.

No one forced you to commit sin. You CHOSE to do it.

If you reject the payment Jesus made for your sins, then God will allow it; He will not force you to believe.

But without it, you must pay the sin debt yourself. The payment is Hell.

It doesn’t matter if you “leave” Christianity. All that proves is that you didn’t truly believe it anyway, or you’d be saved.

“They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.”.....1 John 2:19

And rejecting God doesn’t make you exempt from His judgment. If you believe it does, you are sorely mistaken & will be shocked when it comes time to pay your tab.

That reminds me of my daughter, my youngest. She loves to play hide n’ seek. Sometimes she’ll run out of time & scurry into a corner facing the walls with her hands covering her eyes.
She thinks that because she can’t see me, that I must not be able to see her.

That is a lot like people who think becoming an atheist will make them be overlooked by God. You can cover your eyes all you want, but He can still see you.
Jan 9, 2018
Fine i'll take it as i love Bible quotes.

I am an uneducated former bedwetter who used to stamp on ants for fun... but truly i am a human. And so are you whatever you call yourselves... you are all humans 24/7 ... except those who aren't exactly so (but the serpent seed is for another topic).

You believe what saves you is believing in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

So lucky you who was born in a time and place with the opportunity to hear read and choose to believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There was a man who was born in the Americas about a thousand years before the Gospel of Jesus Christ came his way... so unlucky him i guess. He never had a shot at salvation accordng to your belief.

This applies to those who have heard about Him for how do you figure somebody can believe in someone they never heard about ?

All those born before Jesus Christ and also in the early centuries after in remote places of the world could not possibly know about Him... so they never stood a chance at redemption according to your belief.

Well that might be your belief... but in factuality that was decided since the beginning from before the foundation of the world.

He owes us nothing.

NONE of us are worthy of Heaven....not you, not me, not ANYBODY except Jesus.

Are you trying to tell me (an uneducated former bedwetter who used to stamp on ants for fun...) that God who created me are completly justified in throwing me into Hell as He owes me nothing ? Misses I don't think you know who you're talking to lol... and i won't repeat.

Sincerely my Maker owes me a shot at salvation. And that's all i ask for... just one long shot.

[QUOTE="Claire Rousseau, post: 146268, member: 1894"]And you really think people have NEVER heard of Jesus? Wrong....the VAST MAJORITY have. [/QUOTE]

Not wrong as no more than a handful heard about Jesus in the four millennia before Him and also after in the Americas for example not a single soul knew who He is for over a thousand years.

[QUOTE="Claire Rousseau, post: 146268, member: 1894"]He is, over 2,000yrs after His resurrection & ascension, THE MOST FAMOUS/WELL KNOWN figure EVER to tread this earth. And He always will be.[/QUOTE]

Sure but He got some competition... as there are a handful of famous/well known figures vying for attention and/or worship. We just happened to pick the right God or perhaps He picked us...to preach the Gospel.

The Good News.. that Christ died for our sins was buried and raised to life on the third day.

Now atheists for example don't believe it nor those of the reincarnation religion nor Muslims not even Jews.

Only a peculiar people commonly known as Christians believe it.

So do we got a problem Houston ? Sure but since God is universal at all times and is just and fair and all that... everybody got a shot at salvation.

No matter the color creed or tounge Christ paid for the sins of all humans past present and future.

So the well known secret to salvation is to repent of what is wrong and begin to do what is right.

For if you don't... you crucify Christ afresh and put Him to an open shame. Not my words but you know where to find them.[/QUOTE]

Indeed, Jesus did pay for the sins of all, no matter the color or creed. EVERYONE past, present & future.


So then, why do you think the believers in the OT are not saved by faith?

Because they ARE. Every believer before the first coming of Christ was saved by faith, exactly as we are.

They were NEVER saved by works.

Anyone who was ever saved, or will be saved, gets saved the same way....by grace through faith.

God told Abraham that his FAITH was counted as righteousness.

Jesus has always existed....He even made a couple of bodily appearances in the OT , and His earthly life was prophesied from Genesis until His earthly birth.

The OT believers had faith....they looked FORWARD to the coming Messiah, Jesus, to take away their sins. They had not seen Him, but had FAITH that He WOULD come.

We look BACK, in FAITH, at the sinless life, death, burial & third day resurrection of our Saviour Jesus. We did not see it, but we have FAITH that He DID come.

Salvation has remained the same for all throughout time.

We are simply on the other side of the Cross.

God Bless.
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Mar 18, 2017
Furthermore, and I am just being logical here and am cutting to the chase, not being glib, and it's an open question to all Christians, if all of this running about trying to "soul win" and get people saved is thought to be a remedy, or solution to the problem of "original sin," the sin we either commit or inherit by being born, wouldn't it be as or more effective to distribute contraceptive devices and encourage people to stop giving birth to original sinners in the first place?
Eating from the tree of knowledge created a sort of dualism that there is evidence for and many people throughout history have commented on their observations of this phenomenon. Therefore, there is essentially no way to remove it at all either through contraception or soul winning because it exists by the will of God who has not officiated a final judgment towards this in order to remove its presence. There is no real remedy for this evidenced by the failure of the Eugenics movement as one example. So Christ revealed to us that there is an authority in Heaven that has the power to remove the presence of dualism created by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil with his death and resurrection and that there is no other remedy to this phenomenon without Christ.

This is what we share with others, and when a person believes this, it is the same as being saved because salvation is not a sort of conformity. It is not a script that has to be repeated in a certain way to make a sale. It is freedom from conforming to a law as a method of controlling the presence of sin even if we are not entirely transformed in this life to a state of perfection. I guess this would also be the same as saying we are sealed with a promise (Ephesians 1:13).

Christ is this revelation, which is the better way to describe the Gospel using the English language, and the way to answer your question and others like it. It is better to say that the Gospel is a revelation, because the word revelation implies growth, increase, expanding horizons, seeing beyond what is visible. In English, "the Gospel" defines the life of Christ, which imposes a different definition that leads to a different method of investigation.

It almost implies something that could be considered legalistic because "Gospel" is categorized as religious material, but the revelation of Christ is alive and is not constrained by a book. I don't know if that would make a difference to you when you are investigating this subject, but I thought I would suggest it anyway. Try approaching verses like the one that you quoted as a revelation that is alive and is supposed to have a unique meaning for you that you might not be able to reference with another source.

It may seem silly to compare it this way, but it is the best way to visualize this that I can think of at the moment. It is like the revelation of Christ is the way to help you grow into a flower with orange and white petals even though there is no other flower that has the same appearance. When you read these verses, this is what is supposed to become possible. The revelation is supposed to increase possibilities so that we are not dependent on the presence of dualism, which even King Solomon mentions before Christ.

"So don’t be too good or too wise! Why destroy yourself? On the other hand, don’t be too wicked either. Don’t be a fool! Why die before your time? Pay attention to these instructions, for anyone who fears God will avoid both extremes." (Ecclesiastes 7: 16-18).

This could be considered the same thing as saying that it is better to be an orange daisy or the color that exists between the two poles of red and white. This is very similar to most of the historic teaching on dualism and it is what the revelation of Christ removes, but people are often turned off by the term "gospel," so they never read this in order to see the difference between something like this and dualism.

The presence of dualism is reflected in every legal system that exists in the modern world and throughout history, and the revelation of Christ delivers us from this experience which turns every person into a sort of puppet trying to follow a system of law that has only been capable of creating a sort of middle ground between good and evil in the very best examples. So you could say you find the narrow road when the strings are cut that create obligations to finding a middle ground between good and evil. This would also describe the experience of salvation. I hope this makes some sense. I know it is a very strange way to approach the subject.

Maybe it would be good to compare this with dimensions as well. It is more like existing in a different dimension because all dimensions are essentially accessible by what you choose to believe. Salvation exists in a different dimension that we access by the revelation of Christ through His death and resurrection.


Dec 27, 2017
I'm not sure, though I have been reading a lot of the discussions on the topic both here and in other threads, and while I moreover appreciated your post in total if here I quote it only in part, I think you might, just might, have triggered a few resident, participating Christians into thinking "works based" and thus false gospel.


@Serveto its good I didn't write that point in isolation.


Dec 13, 2017
What about these words from 1 John 1

5 This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. 6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. 7 But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.

8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.
John says it is the blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses us from all sin.

So if somebody hear this Gospel and say that they did not sin... they are deceiving themselves.

And John does not say that we continue in sin after coming to Jesus Christ. On the contrary...

1 John 3 6 Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.

8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.

10 In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.

11 For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.


Dec 13, 2017
I see your point, that repentance is a common factor to both the Old and New Testaments, but how does this following verse tie in to the overall, and I must say complicated, "plan" of salvation?

"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."

I rather like this one, when taken in isolation, "out of context," that is, because it says nothing about having to believe in, or accept, the idea of the atoning properties of blood: be it animal, human or perfect human. .
Salvation is not so complicated but it is a walk where we will eventually come at a crossroad where we must choose wrong or right.

Repentance confession commitment charity compassion baptism are all signs on the righteous road.

And we all ought to know it. And i think we do...


Jul 26, 2018
Hey brother, would you consider ped0phile a reprobate?

Romans 1:28-32 King James Version (KJV)
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Yes, excellent question and choice of Bible verse!!! Funny, but after I wrote my response above ^^ to Haich (at 2:45 am no less I really hope he appreciates my lost beauty sleep sacrificed to sincerely answer his question!).....I went to bed and this exact verse from Romans was running through my mind. I pondered it for a while....

Here’s where I ended up:

I still believe no sin is unforgivable. Notice the list in this verse ^ is pretty comprehensive. But yes, there ARE some sins which warp a human being more than others. Going back to my previous analogy where we could picture God’s Heaven like a pure white living room and God and Jesus are in pure white garments, the situation is that we can’t bring any filth into his presence. So then, if my sin of being a liar would equal a small pile of poop on the white rug of heaven, then the sins of murder, r*pe, or p***philia equal gigantic piles of poop. People have a tendency to think “well I’m a good person, if I have committed any sins, they have been small” but again, if we all brought in small piles of poop and left them on the white rug, in short order that rug wouldn’t be too white anymore. (Ha ha, my analogies may be ridiculous/oversimplified, but let’s just go with it for now!) What I’m trying to say here is that yes there are indeed different levels of seriousness/heinousness associated with different sins; that being said, no kind of filth - big or small - can come into the presence of a pure and holy God. Therefore, God had to set out a plan for all sins to be forgiven....And since we are constantly sinning, we are certainly not capable of executing any permanent plan of forgiveness for ourselves. That is why Jesus, as the only perfect human who never sinned could in fact lay his life down and pay the penalty once and for all, for each and every person, for each and every sin. The Bible makes that pretty clear - that he laid his life down for every. Single. Sin. Again, no “exceptions list” is given.

So, back to the verses you listed above. I believe what God is saying here is that there are some who are so thoroughly entrenched in their evil and wicked ways that they lose all sight of grasping God’s love and forgiveness. That is why God “gives them over to their depraved natures”... they are so committed to their sinful nature that they don’t want to change and God knows and sees that they will not change so he gives them over to whatever it is they want to pursue. That is the truth behind sins, (especially occult and sexual sins). The more filth we immerse ourselves in, the more difficult it is for us to look up and see any other way. Our hearts can become so full of darkness that we literally can no longer see the Light of the World. (It should be noted here, though, the person would have to be thoroughly committed to rejecting God, since He is long suffering with us and pursues us over and over.).

Hitler and the rock star Marilyn Manson are two individuals who come to mind that exemplify what it would look like to be so completely committed to evil that God will give you over to your desires and stop his pursuit of you.

Speaking specifically of p***philia, a “hot button” transgression due to its extremely revolting nature: I personally believe that a large percentage of people who commit p***phile acts do so because they themselves were children sexually abused by an adult. Again, sexual sin is one that is pervasive and extremely damaging. I think these people then go on to do what was done to them. In their conscience, they know it’s wrong and they feel horrible and guilty about it, yet find themselves unable to stop doing it. Do I see a person like that crying out to God and saying that they know what they’re doing is wrong, but they are under compulsion and cannot stop? Yes, I could see that scenario and I also could see them repenting, being forgiven, and through the power of Christ being able to stop committing those acts (it would be extremely difficult, but nothing is impossible for us with God’s help). On the other end of this particular sin’s spectrum would be people who choose to engage in that behavior. I would say that those people fall under the category of “so evil and reprobate” that they probably would never admit what they’re doing is wrong and therefore could never be forgiven because they want to immerse themselves in that lifestyle and they’re unwilling to repent.

I hope this makes sense. Honestly, I am trying to answer you thoroughly but also I am at work right now.

Lastly, I want to say that those who are reading this thread who are not Christians and are still weighing the claims of Christ: please do not seize on the argument about who gets forgiven and who doesn’t as your excuse to not consider whether YOU should be forgiven! I have noticed that many non-Christians like to talk about how God can forgive some of the more heinous sins that exist in the world.... they will argue this topic for hours, but don’t really want to talk about how they themselves need to be forgiven. Yes, those are valid questions, but not more important than how God can forgive your sins! It is not for us to focus on other people’s sins as an excuse to not deal with our own. We will each stand in judgment before a pure and holy God on Judgment Day. If you do not have a spiritual voucher slip stamped “PAID IN FULL” and signed by Jesus Christ to show that your sins have been completely forgiven, it will do you no good to present an argument about how somebody like Jeffrey Dahmer could be forgiven.
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Dec 13, 2017
Indeed, Jesus did pay for the sins of all, no matter the color or creed. EVERYONE past, present & future.


So then, why do you think the believers in the OT are not saved by faith?

Because they ARE. Every believer before the first coming of Christ was saved by faith, exactly as we are.

They were NEVER saved by works.
The only reason anybody is saved is because of the Blood of Jesus Christ.

So the apostles are right... it's not by works but by His blood.

And that is grace.

Anyone who was ever saved, or will be saved, gets saved the same way....by grace through faith.
God told Abraham that his FAITH was counted as righteousness.
There simply is no salvation if the Blood of God is not spilt.

And that is grace.

I notice you constantly refuse to consider repentance. But this is what the LORD God says...

Ezekiel 18 21 "But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die.

22 All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him: in his righteousness that he hath done he shall live.

23 Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord God: and not that he should return from his ways, and live?

24 But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die."

Jesus has always existed....He even made a couple of bodily appearances in the OT , and His earthly life was prophesied from Genesis until His earthly birth.
Yes i know that Claire... you don't have to tell me.

The OT believers had faith....they looked FORWARD to the coming Messiah, Jesus, to take away their sins. They had not seen Him, but had FAITH that He WOULD come.
We look BACK, in FAITH, at the sinless life, death, burial & third day resurrection of our Saviour Jesus. We did not see it, but we have FAITH that He DID come.

Salvation has remained the same for all throughout time.

That is true as salvation was always the Blood of God spilt and covered for our sins.

Luke 24 46And Jesus told them, “This is what is written: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, 47and in His name repentance and forgiveness of sins will be proclaimed to all nations, beginning in Jerusalem.

We are simply on the other side of the Cross.
God Bless.
God Bless right back at ya.

There was one who repented on the cross... and i hope we will all do likewise before the end.


Aug 1, 2018
Yes, excellent question and choice of Bible verse!!! Funny, but after I wrote my response above ^^ to Haich (at 2:45 am no less I really hope he appreciates my lost beauty sleep sacrificed to sincerely answer his question!).....I went to bed and this exact verse from Romans was running through my mind. I pondered it for a while....

Here’s where I ended up:

I still believe no sin is unforgivable. Notice the list in this verse ^ is pretty comprehensive. But yes, there ARE some sins which warp a human being more than others. Going back to my previous analogy where we could picture God’s Heaven like a pure white living room and God and Jesus are in pure white garments, the situation is that we can’t bring any filth into his presence. So then, if my sin of being a liar would equal a small pile of poop on the white rug of heaven, then the sins of murder, r*pe, or p***philia equal gigantic piles of poop. People have a tendency to think “well I’m a good person, if I have committed any sins, they have been small” but again, if we all brought in small piles of poop and left them on the white rug, in short order that rug wouldn’t be too white anymore. (Ha ha, my analogies may be ridiculous/oversimplified, but let’s just go with it for now!) What I’m trying to say here is that yes there are indeed different levels of seriousness/heinousness associated with different sins; that being said, no kind of filth - big or small - can come into the presence of a pure and holy God. Therefore, God had to set out a plan for all sins to be forgiven....And since we are constantly sinning, we are certainly not capable of executing any permanent plan of forgiveness for ourselves. That is why Jesus, as the only perfect human who never sinned could in fact lay his life down and pay the penalty once and for all, for each and every person, for each and every sin. The Bible makes that pretty clear - that he laid his life down for every. Single. Sin. Again, no “exceptions list” is given.

So, back to the verses you listed above. I believe what God is saying here is that there are some who are so thoroughly entrenched in their evil and wicked ways that they lose all sight of grasping God’s love and forgiveness. That is why God “gives them over to their depraved natures”... they are so committed to their sinful nature that they don’t want to change and God knows and sees that they will not change so he gives them over to whatever it is they want to pursue. That is the truth behind sins, (especially occult and sexual sins). The more filth we immerse ourselves in, the more difficult it is for us to look up and see any other way. Our hearts can become so full of darkness that we literally can no longer see the Light of the World. (It should be noted here, though, the person would have to be thoroughly committed to rejecting God, since He is long suffering with us and pursues us over and over.).

Hitler and the rock star Marilyn Manson are two individuals who come to mind that exemplify what it would look like to be so completely committed to evil that God will give you over to your desires and stop his pursuit of you.

Speaking specifically of p***philia, a “hot button” transgression due to its extremely revolting nature: I personally believe that a large percentage of people who commit p***phile acts do so because they themselves were children sexually abused by an adult. Again, sexual sin is one that is pervasive and extremely damaging. I think these people then go on to do what was done to them. In their conscience, they know it’s wrong and they feel horrible and guilty about it, yet find themselves unable to stop doing it. Do I see a person like that crying out to God and saying that they know what they’re doing is wrong, but they are under compulsion and cannot stop? Yes, I could see that scenario and I also could see them repenting, being forgiven, and through the power of Christ being able to stop committing those acts (it would be extremely difficult, but nothing is impossible for us with God’s help). On the other end of this particular sin’s spectrum would be people who choose to engage in that behavior. I would say that those people fall under the category of “so evil and reprobate” that they probably would never admit what they’re doing is wrong and therefore could never be forgiven because they want to immerse themselves in that lifestyle and they’re unwilling to repent.

I hope this makes sense. Honestly, I am trying to answer you thoroughly but also I am at work right now.

Lastly, I want to say that those who are reading this thread who are not Christians and are still weighing the claims of Christ: please do not seize on the argument about who gets forgiven and who doesn’t as your excuse to not consider whether YOU should be forgiven! I have noticed that many non-Christians like to talk about how God can forgive some of the more heinous sins that exist in the world.... they will argue this topic for hours, but don’t really want to talk about how they themselves need to be forgiven. Yes, those are valid questions, but not more important than how God can forgive your sins! It is not for us to focus on other people’s sins as an excuse to not deal with our own. We will each stand in judgment before a pure and holy God on Judgment Day. If you do not have a spiritual voucher slip stamped “PAID IN FULL” and signed by Jesus Christ to show that your sins have been completely forgiven, it will do you no good to present an argument about how somebody like Jeffrey Dahmer could be forgiven.
How in the hell can you compare a man who murdered 10 to 15 million people to a guy who writes offensive songs?

Maybe instead of believing all the sensationalism surrounding MM you listen to some of his interviews and see what a thoughtful guy he actually is.

Je$u$ Cri$i$
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017

I wonder if you know much about quantum physics? Things get perculiar at that level and you have things that can be in two states at the same time etc.

Separating out grace, faith, repentance and holiness is a bit like what CERN is trying to do with the atom. We often talk as though these things can be divided and examined whereas in the lives of genuine Christians these things are linked.

Stephen Bancarz came out of the New Age movement and his story of conversion and change, along with his subsequent actions all testify to a real change in him. Perhaps we all need to stop telling each other how to relate to Jesus and spend some time with Him instead? (I say this as much to me as anyone else!)

Mar 14, 2017
That's it. It's not about religion but relationship with Jesus Christ who after all is God.
Firstly the last thing you wrote that is religion.

"God is the gardener and I am the true vine."
Think about it.


Mar 26, 2017
My username is Etagloc and I forgive this forum for being weaksauce.

Take these waffles.



Mar 18, 2017
Red Sky at Morning said:
Iam sure there were perhaps spiritual and physical aspects to Jacobs struggle with God
Most definitely.

Jacob's experience during that night of wrestling and anguish represents the trial through which the people of God must pass just before Christ's second coming. The prophet Jeremiah, in holy vision looking down to this time, said, "We have heard a voice of trembling, of fear, and
not of peace. . . . All faces are turned into paleness. Alas! for
that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it." Jeremiah
30:5-7./Hosea 12:4

God is not the author of confusion. Some of you say faith alone is enough, some of you say faith and works. People ask questions about the trinity, we're told to just believe. Now we have someone claiming God wrestled with Jacob!

The fact that you guys can't unanimously agree on what your faith is about validates the revelation of the Qur'an and the final messenger to the world. I mean you guys are even shy to state which church or denomination you belong to, because there are numerous variations in belief.

Really? Men wrestling God...your religion is most definitely man-made and that just proved it!
"....where an angel wrestled with him all night till the breaking of the day. While wrestling, the angel touched the hollow of Jacob's thigh, causing him to limp; but the angel was overpowered by Jacob, who would not let him go until blessed by him. The angel then changed Jacob's name to "Israel" ( , apparently shortened from = "he over powered Elohim"). Jacob gave to the place at which this event occurred the name "Peniel" ("for I have seen Elohim face to face"). The Israelites commemorate the event to this day by not eating "the sinew which shrank which is upon the hollow of the thigh"


So, of the 3 Abrahamic faiths, only two acknowledge this event as having taken place. Would you actually call 'rubbish' to his face, the orthodox jew who keeps the tradition that commemorates that event?

And this is huge, because its this event that holds the origins of the name "Israel". To discount the event, is to discount not just the name but its origins aswell because how else does one explain the use of it? Does the Quran mention (i doubt it) that name by any chance: Israel/Israelites? So, as its obvious, there is no way that a blood descendant or spiritual israelite is going to scoff at that event. Its central to both faiths.

To add, apparently the events of that night helped diffuse tensions between the brothers. Since there was to be a fight the next day, Jacob showed up whimpering, elicitng sympathy from his twin brother, who was there to get revenge for the stolen birthright (another narrative that Islam doesn't acknowledge).


Mar 18, 2017
Revelation 20:12
Is everybody ultimately judged by their acts, works and behaviours?
Deleted #640,but I'll give it a go, nevertheless...

Salvation is a free gift from God. Just as it is in our lives, when you are given a gift you are free to take it or reject it. Christ gave/bought the gift so our actions demonstrate our response to his gift (how else would it happen without actions?). Only he, who recognizes and accepts the Cross and its meaning will be able to get off the road to perdition. How do you demonstrate your love/respect for the Sovereign of the Universe? (Micah 6:8), meaning that lip service just doesn't cut it. Its not enough to say "i love my God". How do you love Him? That love is demonstrated through actions. Now, this doesn't translate into "iam saving my soul" because what happened at the Fall, heck sin began in heaven, is of a magnitude beyond us. The question of sin is bigger than us, we cannot save ourselves by being good. We can only accept the redemption of our souls that's been bought us, by acknowledging and accepting it. Simply put, we are incapable of meeting the demands of justice, of the Law that we daily transgress, without dying.

The fact that people are judged according to their works proves that the Moral Law was never abrogated. Sin finds its definition in the Law. How can i possibly be condemned of murder if there is no law against it? Without the law there is no sin. We all will be judged by it. God can't force us to accept His gift which He lovingly accorded us, but the decision to take it or leave it rests with us and our actions will demonstrate our decision, sealing our fate for eternal life/eternal death.

If we all could get right with God by being good, saving our souls by keeping the commandments, Christ need not have come. That's also the argument the atheist advances, that we all are capable of good without God. (Un)fortunately, man is a spiritual being and healing (problems caused by the Fall) for his spiritual-self can only come outside of himself.

The fact that Christ came and the sanctuary rituals were solemnized by God, shows that there's more to the problem of sin and its solution, both in this age and the age to come.
Jan 9, 2018
Salvation is not so complicated but it is a walk where we will eventually come at a crossroad where we must choose wrong or right.

Repentance confession commitment charity compassion baptism are all signs on the righteous road.

And we all ought to know it. And i think we do...
Salvation is easy.

At least for us.

Jesus did the hard part. All we have to do is believe it to be saved.

Salvation is not a road to walk or a series of tests & trials to overcome.

Salvation is a free gift. It does not require one to repent of all their sins (Who can turn from ALL sins?) because if it did, no one would be saved, because we ALL sin.