NONE is "deserving" of God's love - we have all sinned against Him, and therefore based on the very idea of "deserving" something, we don't. I think where our thinking gets clouded is because we look at it like it's a "scale of sin" my lie isn't as bad as your stealing....or at least I have never raped, or murdered, etc. But imagine if you will, God greets you at Heaven's gate, and not only is He wearing pure white, you can see that all of Heaven is pure and white carpets in a living room. Suddenly you realize that not only are your feet covered in mud, but your hands are dirty too and even your clothes are nasty and full of dirt and grime (which of course represents sin).... and all this time, you thought you were "pretty clean"!!!! God looks at you and says "I love you deeply, my child, but you cannot come in to My Kingdom full of the dirt of your sin". Then you look around and Jesus is there, saying, "Hey I have a gift for, you can't pay me for it (prayers and deeds)....I gave all I had to purchase it for you; it is priceless - and besides -your spiritual bank account is too small to ever be able to buy this. Because I and the Father love you so much, We don't want you to spend eternity outside of Heaven....what's in this box is free and is My gift to you, all you have to do is believe I bought it and accept it." Wow, that's way too simple you think, but you decide to accept the box, and in it is a perfect white robe and clean sandals. NOW you can enter God's Kingdom, exchanging what you "thought" were clean clothes for what is ACTUALLY clean, according to God's standards, not yours.
So, in your example above - Christians aren't saved simply because we believe that the Judge is now our King (He is, and always was)...... we are saved because as we stand convicted before the perfect Judge/King, we realize the penalty for conviction is so great that we have no way to pay it (the wages of sin is death, even you can agree to this, it's in the OT)....when suddenly the Judge, after pronouncing sentence stands up and says "Because I love you, I MYSELF will pay the penalty you cannot hope to pay, and I MYSELF will spare you from death."[/QUOTE]
Wow...this is just beautiful and explains clearly how Jesus loves us so much to put upon Himself the sin of the world (my sin) to save me eternally should I believe and accept Him as my personal Saviour. He is our defence lawyer and Judge but doesn't want a single soul to be lost eternally.