Is Religion A Form Of Mind Control?


Jan 22, 2018
Now I'm not being flippant when asking this question but I am of exactly the same opinion as this man, this was posted on another well known forum. It certainly made perfect sense to me...

Quoted from skippytjc on Feb 7th 2005.

More humans have died in the name of God, or a god, than any other cause in the history of mankind. Why is this? Isn’t the belief in a supreme power enlightening and wholesome? How could people, who have dedicated their beliefs and ideals to a power that is the definition of love and kindness, kill each other by the millions and millions?

Its simple: Humans aren’t perfect and humans created God. Thus “God” isn’t perfect.

God is a belief created by man to answer questions that cannot be answered. God IS the answer (at least for now). God is a tool people use to feel comfortable with things or events out of their control. Or seemingly out of their control. God is like divine super glue. God sticks all the pieces together that people seem to have trouble doing themselves.

Is this a horrible thing that people have this belief? Not at all. If it works for you then go with it. The problem with God is, the people who believe in him think that everybody else MUST believe in him. And not just believe in him, but believe EXACTLY what you believe. This is such a strong feeling among believers, they actually think that 100% of people who do not share their belief will go to a horrible place called Hell when they die. Its not even good enough that you believe in God, you must believe in their God.

Some people, will even KILL you for not sharing their exact belief. This has caused more deaths than any other single cause in the history of man. “God” is the worlds #1 terrorist recruiter.

Disturbing isn’t it? But its all true. Or so I think anyways. But that’s part of my point. I am “going to hell” because I don’t believe in a God. But am I really? Does a mans actions determine his fate? Or his beliefs?

For example: I am a nice guy. I am kind and polite and I have no criminal record. I dont drink or smoke and I walk old ladies across the street and I say things like “please” and “thank you”. I smile and do what I can to be pleasant. I have a wonderful wife and son. But I don’t “believe” so I am going to hell. Am I getting it right so far?

Now get this: A man of the cloth, or representative of God can r*pe young boys by the dozens. The whole hierarchy above him can cover it up and make it go away but they all believe. But these people, because they believe, will be forgiven and will go to heaven. A man can brutally murder an old women in her home to steal $10 from her. And so long as he finds God before he dies he will be saved. This makes sense?

Do you know why all this is like it is? Its because people are terrified of not knowing answers to big scary questions. People have developed things like religions to help cope with these questions. And people are so scared of these things, they have programmed themselves into a frenzy of believing. Everybody must believe this, as it justifies their own beliefs. To the point of murder in some cases. It gets to the point that everything that they cannot easily explain in their life is “Gods will”. BAH!!!

Gods will, kills.

Do you know in some ancient cultures they had many gods? They had a god for everything that they couldn’t answer. The Greeks, Incans, Egyptians all had many gods. There was even a Sun god. They believed in their gods as heartily as you believe in yours. If an ancient Incan was in front of you debating their belief in the Sun god, they would be as passionate as you are about your god. But any modern believer knows there is no Sun god, that’s just silly right? But is it?

Incans had no explanation for the Sun. The Sun was everything and all important. A very powerful influence in their lives. But they didn’t know why, so it must be a supreme being. It was the only answer, believe it or die!!! But guess what? They were wrong and religions that worshiped the Sun are no more. Because today we all know what the Sun is and we understand how it effects our lives. No more Sun god.

See where I am going with this? Today there is only one god in all the main stream large scale religions. Why? Because all the “silly” stuff has been explained away. But why is there still any belief at all? Two major reasons:

#1 People are scared to believe anything else. People kill people who don’t believe.
#2 There is still 1 huge scary question that has not been answered. The biggest of all.
-What happens to me when I die?

Because there is no proven answer for this question, the biggest, scariest question of all, people still need something to help their psyche’s cope. As long as this is still up in the air, God will always “exist”.

I know I will get flamed for this next remark, but some weaker people even think that God controls things like passion and desire. Hate and love and emotions in general. This is all bunk. They blame crimes on the Devil and their successes on God. God and the devil are just easy solutions to their weak wills and lack of control over their very HUMAN desires.

One day, when our mothers and fathers stop forcing their kids to believe one thing or another based on their own fears, humans will shed themselves of the plague known as religion. It’s a psychological virus that is the scourge of all mankind. Someday it is quite possible that belief in a God will end humans existence. Not by “Gods” hand, but by our own fears of the unknown. People kill people who don’t believe. Period.

How many people reading my dissertation here will “pray” for me? How many people reading this will wish me to hell for my sacrilege? How many will reply with an attempt at “saving” me? How many will plot to kill me as a heathen?

Well everybody, I don’t need saving. I am content in my own beliefs and I sleep well at night believing them. My failures and successes are my own and I am a very nice, good person with many loving friends and relatives. When I die I am dead and that’s Ok. I also don’t have an issue with people believing in religion per say. After all, if something you believe in makes you feel good then wonderful! But please, please don’t try to infect me with your beliefs, as mine are just fine.

Remember: People that don’t believe in God, rarely care about your belief IN God. You don’t see non believers killing people of religion in an attempt to convert you to non belief. Its because we aren’t scared anymore. Wait, scratch that, we ARE scared. Of YOU! As God has killed more people over belief than any other cause of death in history…
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Now I'm not being flippant when asking this question but I am of exactly the same opinion as this man, this was posted on another well known forum. It certainly made sense to me...

Quoted from skippytjc on Feb 7th 2005.

More humans have died in the name of God, or a god, than any other cause in the history of mankind. Why is this? Isn’t the belief in a supreme power enlightening and wholesome? How could people, who have dedicated their beliefs and ideals to a power that is the definition of love and kindness, kill each other by the millions and millions?

Its simple: Humans aren’t perfect and humans created God. Thus “God” isn’t perfect.

God is a belief created by man to answer questions that cannot be answered. God IS the answer (at least for now). God is a tool people use to feel comfortable with things or events out of their control. Or seemingly out of their control. God is like divine super glue. God sticks all the pieces together that people seem to have trouble doing themselves.

Is this a horrible thing that people have this belief? Not at all. If it works for you then go with it. The problem with God is, the people who believe in him think that everybody else MUST believe in him. And not just believe in him, but believe EXACTLY what you believe. This is such a strong feeling among believers, they actually think that 100% of people who do not share their belief will go to a horrible place called Hell when they die. Its not even good enough that you believe in God, you must believe in their God.

Some people, will even KILL you for not sharing their exact belief. This has caused more deaths than any other single cause in the history of man. “God” is the worlds #1 terrorist recruiter.

Disturbing isn’t it? But its all true. Or so I think anyways. But that’s part of my point. I am “going to hell” because I don’t believe in a God. But am I really? Does a mans actions determine his fate? Or his beliefs?

For example: I am a nice guy. I am kind and polite and I have no criminal record. I dont drink or smoke and I walk old ladies across the street and I say things like “please” and “thank you”. I smile and do what I can to be pleasant. I have a wonderful wife and son. But I don’t “believe” so I am going to hell. Am I getting it right so far?

Now get this: A man of the cloth, or representative of God can r*pe young boys by the dozens. The whole hierarchy above him can cover it up and make it go away but they all believe. But these people, because they believe, will be forgiven and will go to heaven. A man can brutally murder an old women in her home to steal $10 from her. And so long as he finds God before he dies he will be saved. This makes sense?

Do you know why all this is like it is? Its because people are terrified of not knowing answers to big scary questions. People have developed things like religions to help cope with these questions. And people are so scared of these things, they have programmed themselves into a frenzy of believing. Everybody must believe this, as it justifies their own beliefs. To the point of murder in some cases. It gets to the point that everything that they cannot easily explain in their life is “Gods will”. BAH!!!

Gods will, kills.

Do you know in some ancient cultures they had many gods? They had a god for everything that they couldn’t answer. The Greeks, Incans, Egyptians all had many gods. There was even a Sun god. They believed in their gods as heartily as you believe in yours. If an ancient Incan was in front of you debating their belief in the Sun god, they would be as passionate as you are about your god. But any modern believer knows there is no Sun god, that’s just silly right? But is it?

Incans had no explanation for the Sun. The Sun was everything and all important. A very powerful influence in their lives. But they didn’t know why, so it must be a supreme being. It was the only answer, believe it or die!!! But guess what? They were wrong and religions that worshiped the Sun are no more. Because today we all know what the Sun is and we understand how it effects our lives. No more Sun god.

See where I am going with this? Today there is only one god in all the main stream large scale religions. Why? Because all the “silly” stuff has been explained away. But why is there still any belief at all? Two major reasons:

#1 People are scared to believe anything else. People kill people who don’t believe.
#2 There is still 1 huge scary question that has not been answered. The biggest of all.
-What happens to me when I die?

Because there is no proven answer for this question, the biggest, scariest question of all, people still need something to help their psyche’s cope. As long as this is still up in the air, God will always “exist”.

I know I will get flamed for this next remark, but some weaker people even think that God controls things like passion and desire. Hate and love and emotions in general. This is all bunk. They blame crimes on the Devil and their successes on God. God and the devil are just easy solutions to their weak wills and lack of control over their very HUMAN desires.

One day, when our mothers and fathers stop forcing their kids to believe one thing or another based on their own fears, humans will shed themselves of the plague known as religion. It’s a psychological virus that is the scourge of all mankind. Someday it is quite possible that belief in a God will end humans existence. Not by “Gods” hand, but by our own fears of the unknown. People kill people who don’t believe. Period.

How many people reading my dissertation here will “pray” for me? How many people reading this will wish me to hell for my sacrilege? How many will reply with an attempt at “saving” me? How many will plot to kill me as a heathen?

Well everybody, I don’t need saving. I am content in my own beliefs and I sleep well at night believing them. My failures and successes are my own and I am a very nice, good person with many loving friends and relatives. When I die I am dead and that’s Ok. I also don’t have an issue with people believing in religion per say. After all, if something you believe in makes you feel good then wonderful! But please, please don’t try to infect me with your beliefs, as mine are just fine.

Remember: People that don’t believe in God, rarely care about your belief IN God. You don’t see non believers killing people of religion in an attempt to convert you to non belief. Its because we aren’t scared anymore. Wait, scratch that, we ARE scared. Of YOU! As God has killed more people over belief than any other cause of death in history…

I read your post, I understand your perspective (I think), like your writing style but disagree with your conclusion (but for reasons of dropping eyelids and an early start tomorrow cannot go into "why" this evening).


May 20, 2017
Some People kill unfortunately.
I see that the vast majority of people through time have practiced their faiths peacefully. Moreover, in modern history it has been Godless ideologies that have killed heavily.

Quran 2:256

Sahih International

There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut (Falsehood)and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.


Jan 22, 2018
I just cannot rationalise a belief system that allows you to kill people in the name of peace. It doesn't matter which way you spin it, it's wrong.

I don't need no God to teach me right from wrong. It's that simple really.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I just cannot rationalise a belief system that allows you to kill people in the name of peace. It doesn't matter which way you spin it, it's wrong.

I don't need no God to teach me right from wrong. It's that simple really.
Ok - before I go to sleep...

In the UK we went to war against Hitler in the name of peace. Were we wrong?


Oct 2, 2017
Religion has its purpose. Several millenia ago humans have been created and this interaction with higher beings was the best way to inculcate morality in us so that we do not destroy ourselves. Seems like we don't learn much from history because we are about to do just that, again. I think hell is a real place (center of the Earth) but we will be sent to rehab before we are sent there. The movie The Matrix was about the rehab world I believe. A kind of limbo with several steps down or up depending on how we behave. Think Dante's Inferno and you will have an idea.

Now we know that certain forces of nature (such as the Sun) are not Gods but elements of a system that creates biospheres and the opportunity for life in the universe. Still need a creator to make this all happen though -- so Atheism isn't really accurate either.


May 20, 2017
I just cannot rationalise a belief system that allows you to kill people in the name of peace. It doesn't matter which way you spin it, it's wrong.
Agreed, that is wrong no spin.
Islam is a peaceful religion with those who are peaceful.
Here are a few Malcolm X quotes:)
After his conversion to mainstream Islam.

Malcolm X Quotes on Religion
Since I learned the truth in Mecca, my dearest friends have come to include all kinds — some Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, agnostics, and even atheists! I have friends who are called capitalists, Socialists, and Communists! Some of my friends are moderates, conservatives, extremists — some are even Uncle Toms! My friends today are black, brown, red, yellow, and white!

I believe in a religion that believes in freedom. Any time I have to accept a religion that won’t let me fight a battle for my people, I say to hell with that religion.

I believe in Islam. I am a Muslim and there is nothing wrong with being a Muslim, nothing wrong with the religion of Islam. It just teaches us to believe in Allah as the God.
True Islam taught me that it takes all of the religious, political, economic, psychological, and racial ingredients, or characteristics, to make the Human Family and the Human Society complete.

This religion (Islam) recognizes all men as brothers. It accepts all human beings as equals before God, and as equal members in the Human Family of Mankind.

Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery.


Mar 15, 2017
Now I'm not being flippant when asking this question but I am of exactly the same opinion as this man, this was posted on another well known forum. It certainly made sense to me...

Quoted from skippytjc on Feb 7th 2005.

More humans have died in the name of God, or a god, than any other cause in the history of mankind. Why is this? Isn’t the belief in a supreme power enlightening and wholesome? How could people, who have dedicated their beliefs and ideals to a power that is the definition of love and kindness, kill each other by the millions and millions?

Its simple: Humans aren’t perfect and humans created God. Thus “God” isn’t perfect.

God is a belief created by man to answer questions that cannot be answered. God IS the answer (at least for now). God is a tool people use to feel comfortable with things or events out of their control. Or seemingly out of their control. God is like divine super glue. God sticks all the pieces together that people seem to have trouble doing themselves.

Is this a horrible thing that people have this belief? Not at all. If it works for you then go with it. The problem with God is, the people who believe in him think that everybody else MUST believe in him. And not just believe in him, but believe EXACTLY what you believe. This is such a strong feeling among believers, they actually think that 100% of people who do not share their belief will go to a horrible place called Hell when they die. Its not even good enough that you believe in God, you must believe in their God.

Some people, will even KILL you for not sharing their exact belief. This has caused more deaths than any other single cause in the history of man. “God” is the worlds #1 terrorist recruiter.

Disturbing isn’t it? But its all true. Or so I think anyways. But that’s part of my point. I am “going to hell” because I don’t believe in a God. But am I really? Does a mans actions determine his fate? Or his beliefs?

For example: I am a nice guy. I am kind and polite and I have no criminal record. I dont drink or smoke and I walk old ladies across the street and I say things like “please” and “thank you”. I smile and do what I can to be pleasant. I have a wonderful wife and son. But I don’t “believe” so I am going to hell. Am I getting it right so far?

Now get this: A man of the cloth, or representative of God can r*pe young boys by the dozens. The whole hierarchy above him can cover it up and make it go away but they all believe. But these people, because they believe, will be forgiven and will go to heaven. A man can brutally murder an old women in her home to steal $10 from her. And so long as he finds God before he dies he will be saved. This makes sense?

Do you know why all this is like it is? Its because people are terrified of not knowing answers to big scary questions. People have developed things like religions to help cope with these questions. And people are so scared of these things, they have programmed themselves into a frenzy of believing. Everybody must believe this, as it justifies their own beliefs. To the point of murder in some cases. It gets to the point that everything that they cannot easily explain in their life is “Gods will”. BAH!!!

Gods will, kills.

Do you know in some ancient cultures they had many gods? They had a god for everything that they couldn’t answer. The Greeks, Incans, Egyptians all had many gods. There was even a Sun god. They believed in their gods as heartily as you believe in yours. If an ancient Incan was in front of you debating their belief in the Sun god, they would be as passionate as you are about your god. But any modern believer knows there is no Sun god, that’s just silly right? But is it?

Incans had no explanation for the Sun. The Sun was everything and all important. A very powerful influence in their lives. But they didn’t know why, so it must be a supreme being. It was the only answer, believe it or die!!! But guess what? They were wrong and religions that worshiped the Sun are no more. Because today we all know what the Sun is and we understand how it effects our lives. No more Sun god.

See where I am going with this? Today there is only one god in all the main stream large scale religions. Why? Because all the “silly” stuff has been explained away. But why is there still any belief at all? Two major reasons:

#1 People are scared to believe anything else. People kill people who don’t believe.
#2 There is still 1 huge scary question that has not been answered. The biggest of all.
-What happens to me when I die?

Because there is no proven answer for this question, the biggest, scariest question of all, people still need something to help their psyche’s cope. As long as this is still up in the air, God will always “exist”.

I know I will get flamed for this next remark, but some weaker people even think that God controls things like passion and desire. Hate and love and emotions in general. This is all bunk. They blame crimes on the Devil and their successes on God. God and the devil are just easy solutions to their weak wills and lack of control over their very HUMAN desires.

One day, when our mothers and fathers stop forcing their kids to believe one thing or another based on their own fears, humans will shed themselves of the plague known as religion. It’s a psychological virus that is the scourge of all mankind. Someday it is quite possible that belief in a God will end humans existence. Not by “Gods” hand, but by our own fears of the unknown. People kill people who don’t believe. Period.

How many people reading my dissertation here will “pray” for me? How many people reading this will wish me to hell for my sacrilege? How many will reply with an attempt at “saving” me? How many will plot to kill me as a heathen?

Well everybody, I don’t need saving. I am content in my own beliefs and I sleep well at night believing them. My failures and successes are my own and I am a very nice, good person with many loving friends and relatives. When I die I am dead and that’s Ok. I also don’t have an issue with people believing in religion per say. After all, if something you believe in makes you feel good then wonderful! But please, please don’t try to infect me with your beliefs, as mine are just fine.

Remember: People that don’t believe in God, rarely care about your belief IN God. You don’t see non believers killing people of religion in an attempt to convert you to non belief. Its because we aren’t scared anymore. Wait, scratch that, we ARE scared. Of YOU! As God has killed more people over belief than any other cause of death in history…
Oversimplified viewpoint of what is called "New Atheism".
*Throws mud at all religions
* makes no attempt to make allowances for religious beliefs versus ruler/s' misuse of writings (e.g. political invasions)
* assumes all faith is from ignorance
* makes no effort to keep in context

Basically, "I don't understand it (religion), therefore it is stupid."


Jan 22, 2018
Religion has its purpose. Several millenia ago humans have been created and this interaction with higher beings was the best way to inculcate morality in us so that we do not destroy ourselves. Seems like we don't learn much from history because we are about to do just that, again. I think hell is a real place (center of the Earth) but we will be sent to rehab before we are sent there. The movie The Matrix was about the rehab world I believe. A kind of limbo with several steps down or up depending on how we behave. Think Dante's Inferno and you will have an idea.

Now we know that certain forces of nature (such as the Sun) are not Gods but elements of a system that creates biospheres and the opportunity for life in the universe. Still need a creator to make this all happen though -- so Atheism isn't really accurate either.
I see what you're saying. But as far as I can see every religion has it's own version of "end times"So all these religious types will accept whatever befalls them. It appears that religion has got all angles covered.

But those Georgia Guidestones were not put there by God... that much I do know.


Jan 22, 2018
Basically, "I don't understand it (religion), therefore it is stupid."
You've just basically said I'm making a sweeping generalisation then ended with a bigger sweeping generalisation.

I don't want to understand it, follow it or believe in it. It's that simple really. But as you are now trying to allude to, I am not a bad person either.


Oct 2, 2017
I see what you're saying. But as far as I can see every religion has it's own version of "end times"So all these religious types will accept whatever befalls them. It appears that religion has got all angles covered.

But those Georgia Guidestones were not put there by God... that much I do know.
Well I have found that religions tend to become similar when it comes to signs of the end times. The Kali Yuga of the Hindus for example talks about various signs that people can identify such as rampant immorality (anger, selfishness, lust, idleness etc.) that is similar to other religions such as Christianity, Islam and Judaism. The only discernable difference is that they do not agree on wether the Earth will still be there after this era or it will be destroyed...but I think that depends on wether or not we are able to stop an assured destruction.

The Guidestones were put there by New Agers (Lucis Trust for example) who think the Earth cannot sustain more than 500 million people. That is obviously a false belief. But these New Agers are in control of the UN and other organizations so they might have a bigger influence concerning this. Maybe they plan on ruling the rest of the population after they have done their (silent) genocide.


Jan 22, 2018
Well I have found that religions tend to become similar when it comes to signs of the end times. The Kali Yuga of the Hindus for example talks about various signs that people can identify such as rampant immorality (anger, selfishness, lust, idleness etc.) that is similar to other religions such as Christianity, Islam and Judaism. The only discernable difference is that they do not agree on wether the Earth will still be there after this era or it will be destroyed...but I think that depends on wether or not we are able to stop an assured destruction.

The Guidestones were put there by New Agers (Lucis Trust for example) who think the Earth cannot sustain more than 500 million people. That is obviously a false belief. But these New Agers are in control of the UN and other organizations so they might have a bigger influence concerning this. Maybe they plan on ruling the rest of the population after they have done their (silent) genocide.
So how are New Agers linked to Freemasonry? There are too many links to Freemasonry on those stones.

You are one of the few people on here who I do learn new things from.

Mar 14, 2017
More humans have died in the name of God, or a god, than any other cause in the history of mankind. Why is this? Isn’t the belief in a supreme power enlightening and wholesome? How could people, who have dedicated their beliefs and ideals to a power that is the definition of love and kindness, kill each other by the millions and millions?

the Bolshevik revolution for the sake of Allah
Mao's great leap forward for the sake of Allah
the Nazi regime for the sake of Allah
Two world wars for the sake of Allah
the Colonial era for the sake of Allah


Apr 18, 2017
You don’t need a bible or Quran to control people, only a cause and motivation. Religion answers questions science can’t prove. There is no scientific method to prove why r*pe is wrong, you just know it is. There’s a lot of things about the human experience that clearly comes from something higher than us. People did not create God. We’ve just spent a lot of time trying to explain him. Death from religious motivation is a fraction of all deaths. In America you’ll probably die from a heart related disease than a terrorist or murderer in general. There will be an end to this earth, it is finite after all and we certainly don’t respect it. If any “god” has motivated millions of deaths it’s the god of greed. The deeper I go down the truth rabbit hole the more I’m convinced God is real. Our common enemy, the evil people causing all the chaos, aren’t atheists. These people constantly go out of their way to use symbols associated with evil to produce evil. They go to mock cannibal dinners for fun. They wouldnt keep using these symbols and pushing certain ideologies if they didn’t believe in it and received some sort of benefit from it.
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Oct 2, 2017
So how are New Agers linked to Freemasonry? There are too many links to Freemasonry on those stones.

You are one of the few people on here who I do learn new things from.

Well Alice Bailey was the founder of Lucis Trust (formerly Lucifer's Trust) and she wrote extensively about Freemasonry's role in the NWO. Her husband was a 33rd degree mason also.

The beliefs of these New Agers are identical to the beliefs of the highest levels of Freemasonry. They teach things like astral travel/projection, remote viewing, reincarnation cycles etc. They don't see genocide as a bad thing because they believe we are just sent to the astral plane and we reincarnate only if there is an basically they don't give a shit about people but pretend they do.

Thanks for the video I'll look at it.


Jun 17, 2017
It is not wrong to defend yourself no. I'm referring to the here and now. Syria, Iraq, Iran...millions of innocent people slaughtered....all in the name of peace.

Do you get what I'm saying here?
i get it. but...
have you considered that these new wars are foisted upon us by the architects of control, and that the masses are fed the propaganda that these wars are necessary for our liberty and safety? the NWO is getting around the religious concept of non-violence by making it a safety and security issue.
i cant answer your other questions, but look forward to the responses.


Mar 15, 2017
You've just basically said I'm making a sweeping generalisation then ended with a bigger sweeping generalisation.

I don't want to understand it, follow it or believe in it. It's that simple really. But as you are now trying to allude to, I am not a bad person either.
I thought you quoting someone directly?
A short answer was given because I think the argument is shallow.

My atheist relatives are good people from the human perspective too. From the Christian perspective no person is good enough, because God's standards are too perfect.

Edit: found link that says it much better.
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Jul 8, 2018
I thought you quoting someone directly?
A short answer was given because I think the argument is shallow.

My atheist relatives are good people from the human perspective too. From the Christian perspective no person is good enough, because God's standards are too perfect.
Thats because your God is the taskmaster.