BTS discussion thread

Mar 24, 2018
Hello Everyone!
I’ve been a long time lurker here and I’ve read the entire thread.
The thing is even before becoming an ARMY I knew how addicting the fandom could get. And when my sister introduced me to them I said “I do t want to fall down that rabbit hole”
But after their performance at the AMAs I felt so proud of them for making it and wanted to find out more about them. Their personalities were so intriguing and I couldn’t believe that people that famous could be so kind, funny, and lovable.
Fast forward to this may, after a lot of hours lost watching their material ( although I was never listened to their music as much- I called myself a personality stan) I started feeling a little suspicious.
Once in a while I would get suspicious about their exponential fame but would dismiss it. And although I saw that they always did the “V” sign, I just dismissed it as Korean culture.
But after their Korea comeback shows where they put on the hoods, I felt like I really couldn’t ignore the signs anymore. It was even more weird how in the comments everyone just embraced “ being in a cult”.
No one was disturbed. Except for one comment which said that even tho they’re army they can see how the boys are having a ritual right in front of their eyes.
And they put a link to this forum.
I’m so grateful to that person. ( it was probably one of you guys) and since that day I’ve been reading this thread.
All of you are very smart and notice things that I would’ve never thought of.
I might not agree with everything that’s said on here, but it’s undeniable that the boys are involved in something.
All of you have so many amazing contributions. I don’t know how much I’ll be able to add, as I try to not watch their videos anymore, but I’m excited to see what theories you guys come up with.
I’m a very shy person so it took me a lot of courage to finally speak on the thread
And if guys do decide to move to another forum, I know this is my first time commenting so I may seem untrustworthy, but I hope you guys can PM me (however that works) and let me know
Ok! Before I get to nervous and delete this comment I’ll just post it!
Hi all. I'm already a lurker here from around January or february and onwards. I'm a college student. I never was a big fan from beetee* because i didn't know why they were special. i asked some people and they told me how hard working they were but actually everyone is hardworking especially people who don't let it see in public. I felt wierd whenever i saw something related to bee tee $ And eventually i got used to it but found it awkward when i saw their popularity. so. After the incident with sh*ne*, after i finished my exam, i got in shock and found it wierd, i wanted to know more information then what we got from the media, I wanted to know more, i just wanted to know more. I went to youtube and found a person in the comments saying something related to this , I don't know why but i think deep i knew something was going on, i felt like like, "woa! finally someone who says something different! i knew i wasnt the only one!" , i somehow got to this site and hesitated to trust the site because i was a reaaaal scaredy cat back then to even see wierd pictures. I searched a lot on the internet about mk ultra and all of these stuff but obviously imo i still think i know almost nothing about it. I was a scaredy cat, inthe dark and i was scared for every sound i heard, i basically got jumpscares when i hear small sounds, so me, reading what was written here, made me more scared than i was and that i even had hardships to go peacefully to sleep. I made a new rule to take some breaks from the forum once in a while and woa... before i knew it after a few months... i overcame the scaredness and finally I'm not scared anymore. I think i even became more brave because of it. I also became more confident and slowly was more and more grateful about me, who i was, where i lived, my family. I'm happy i found out about this, I'm not scared, I won't allow myself to be scared. I wont allow music to play with my feelings and to let me think what they want. I won't allow myself to depend on music to be happy. I want to learn to be happy with the stuff i have, not with what i don't have. Sorry that it's so long. lol

Also, Just want to mention, a few years ago, at high school, my history teacher would tell me that i wasn't critical enough, i wrote about my opinion and what i found wierd, still i got no points for it. And now I'm here. I guess we had different perspectives.

I wanted to tell you my opinion as why this forum isn't closed. I could be wrong. If it gets deleted it would mean that we were being watched and it would be basically a confirmation that what we said, some of the stuff, could be right. Then we basically have prove already imo. Also we aren't big compared to the arm* itself, If they would give attention to us, it actually already means that some aspects that is written could be true. You know, without digging we can't find prove because we only leearn stuff that the goverment wants us, in school and media. I could be wrong because I'm pretty naive imo. we should not neglect the truth, even if it's something you don't like.

Sometimes it's for me also awkward to know what is a lie or not so i try to stay away from media. i do know something, music and entertainment industry is messed up. Media is messed up.

I respect everyone's opinion.This is my first comment so I'm sorry if i write weird because my english isn't that good.

I want to tell one thing more, whatever evil and dark stuff we learn, don't let it affect your happiness. Take a walk in the nature and remember that good will win in the end. Let's try stay awake and not follow masses blindly. Nothing is impossible. Our intention is what matters.
Hi and Welcome both of you I’m so glad we’ve got more woke people to join you should feel so proud for being able to see past them and accept who they are it’s hard but you were able to do it
Same I hope I get a PM too if any of you guys find a way to share theories differently I’d really appreciate if you’d let me know
I feel you I’m a shy person too but everyone is really welcoming and nice and you’ll feel comfortable I’m sure of it
You are right @HowAreYou many of the things here are a lie but we have to stay strong and lead happy lives I hope that for all of you


Jun 11, 2018
I think I will attend BTS's concert in London on 10th of Octomber because I have already spent my money on that ticket. This happened before finding out they did so many terrible things.
So if you want me to notice something please tell me. I stay next to the scene but not very close.
Well just tell us how many times you saw symbolism or anything wierd (when you go )
I'll hope you be careful abt yourself (don't fall for their magixk :()


May 20, 2018
It's good that we will be moving once this thread starts to get congested with the die hard armies...
But since i found this as a runaway place from all the other blind social medias... I will miss this place the most ... :D ..
And if i didn't find this.. I would have been drawn in to the whirlpool of B*tees madness ... And still i am seeing new people interested in reading the thoughts we all shared here.. And that is a good thing for us
Dec 26, 2017
Guys.. I've just showed my friend this old post and she told me the cut scene when Suga disappear from the photo might mean that Jin and Suga will be sacrificed.. I think you already know that theory ab Jin dying in 2020.. and also the next one entering the army after Jin is Suga
can you please said which source says jin will die in 2020? I know about Jin planned sacrifice but I didn't know it was in 2020, this year seems to be so big as ww3 would said to be started in this year
May 24, 2018
They always wear somethibg like this.
By the way, what your first impression was when you so kpop boys bands? For example I thought they look extremely feminine and couldn't understand how girls can love it. But then, when you into it, you look at this like it is absolutely fine and even find people who say they look gay very rude and blind lol
This is how it works, you just start accept it. Anyway, I find them 100 times more attractive when they wear just t-shirt and pants, not those lady jackets and weird necklaces
Jayk style was good when he wore just simple white and the jeans not the harnesses and just plain stuff I agree... my first impression was they were good dancers and can do acrobatic stunts like tumbling... and abt the look they do look more feminine as time goes but when compared to debut it’s different (just based on people / groups I observe)
May 24, 2018
Hello Everyone!
I’ve been a long time lurker here and I’ve read the entire thread.
The thing is even before becoming an ARMY I knew how addicting the fandom could get. And when my sister introduced me to them I said “I do t want to fall down that rabbit hole”
But after their performance at the AMAs I felt so proud of them for making it and wanted to find out more about them. Their personalities were so intriguing and I couldn’t believe that people that famous could be so kind, funny, and lovable.
Fast forward to this may, after a lot of hours lost watching their material ( although I was never listened to their music as much- I called myself a personality stan) I started feeling a little suspicious.
Once in a while I would get suspicious about their exponential fame but would dismiss it. And although I saw that they always did the “V” sign, I just dismissed it as Korean culture.
But after their Korea comeback shows where they put on the hoods, I felt like I really couldn’t ignore the signs anymore. It was even more weird how in the comments everyone just embraced “ being in a cult”.
No one was disturbed. Except for one comment which said that even tho they’re army they can see how the boys are having a ritual right in front of their eyes.
And they put a link to this forum.
I’m so grateful to that person. ( it was probably one of you guys) and since that day I’ve been reading this thread.
All of you are very smart and notice things that I would’ve never thought of.
I might not agree with everything that’s said on here, but it’s undeniable that the boys are involved in something.
All of you have so many amazing contributions. I don’t know how much I’ll be able to add, as I try to not watch their videos anymore, but I’m excited to see what theories you guys come up with.
I’m a very shy person so it took me a lot of courage to finally speak on the thread
And if guys do decide to move to another forum, I know this is my first time commenting so I may seem untrustworthy, but I hope you guys can PM me (however that works) and let me know
Ok! Before I get to nervous and delete this comment I’ll just post it!
Welcome ~ glad you could join in and happy to see more mature people here ... thanks for your thoughts and appreciate that you view these things with an open mind :) the topics in the thread are far from ideal but that mustn’t hinder one from discussion and seeking what’s the truth and what’s going on in the state of things
May 24, 2018
can you please said which source says jin will die in 2020? I know about Jin planned sacrifice but I didn't know it was in 2020, this year seems to be so big as ww3 would said to be started in this year
Ww3 really, wow..... has it been shown in predictive programming? I’d thought not ww3 because sk and nk are uniting now? How did you find out about this if you don’t mind? And which country are possibly involved ?
May 24, 2018
It's good that we will be moving once this thread starts to get congested with the die hard armies...
But since i found this as a runaway place from all the other blind social medias... I will miss this place the most ... :D ..
And if i didn't find this.. I would have been drawn in to the whirlpool of B*tees madness ... And still i am seeing new people interested in reading the thoughts we all shared here.. And that is a good thing for us
Same but the place sadly has no mods and trolls can easily derail making it hard to read.... maybe we can still use it though if people who will go to the concert want to share their observations. Happy too about more woke people finding the thread but not so enthusiastic about the lazy trolls who create chaos without even bothering to read it they just want it handed to them on a silver platter and I say: “no troll go read the whole’ll get your answer you’ve been pestering everyone about.”
Dear trolls/oppalogists,
Go use your time to read the whole thread instead of pestering people with your inane comments I won’t hand anything to you on a silver platter anymore go do your own reading and research and common sense tells that: don’t bother visiting a conspiracy theory thread if you just want to Worship your “idols” there’s Stan tweet and other social medias for that. This is not the place for that have some common sense ffs.

I repeat it’s a CONSPIRACY theory thread and website. Do you even know what conspiracy means?

Now I better understand why the world is in the state it is — slaves protect the elite. Elite get a free pass. Cycle continues. Rinse repeat.
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May 24, 2018
You mean '03 liner means 2003 ?!?
They are like 15 year olds what the actual f*ck ?!?
(I was born in 99 and i'm younger than him what the Heck is wrong with him ?!?)
Interesting so people have found this side of him to be quite unusual and I’ve found other threads about it with people questioning the incident too you’re not alone there’s a thread in AKP if I remember correctly, with a poll and even an ask on quora and some aminos that talk about it. I think @blissfate noticed it from Instagram .. idk about stan Twitter though. But it’s funny how people from all over question this and not just people in this thread. Makes a person think.. hm
May 24, 2018
I thought it was weird how they wore such feminine clothing, applied more makeup, and how they used girly filters to take their selfies. Nowadays most kpop fans always defend their groups when a nonkpop fan says they look gay/like girls etc. Some idols still look manly to me but not most tbh
Another “idol” that looked manly to me before was JB form got7 idk how he is nowadays. And Jamal before did those flips made him seem manly/athletic. Yeah idk if it’s culture they do like to do the girly filters more today like the one with blushes, cat ears, rabbit, etc.. Nothing wrong with that at face value but in the grand scheme, just noticing the trajectory of the way things are going this androgynous thing is going as planned it seems...
May 24, 2018
The only thing that makes sense to me is the second line
I think it says "vêtements" meaning clothes (it's a french word )
The other thing i have no idea
(Hope it's not too dangerous to try and read)
Thanks for the translation. This makes me think again about the landmark you have there with the name Abraxas seems like France is one of the elite capitals or a place where some elite reside because it’s where most name brand designs are and the elite are also involved in fashion industry (Paris is a fashion capital for instance). Just see the name brands btz are wearing and I can bet at least one designer is French. And also I think France has a rich ancient history that are tied to the elite it being a country that is developed. Interested to see what you guys have on there if you notice anything fishy and what propaganda is being pushed to the locals..


Jun 4, 2018
They always wear somethibg like this.
By the way, what your first impression was when you so kpop boys bands? For example I thought they look extremely feminine and couldn't understand how girls can love it. But then, when you into it, you look at this like it is absolutely fine and even find people who say they look gay very rude and blind lol
This is how it works, you just start accept it. Anyway, I find them 100 times more attractive when they wear just t-shirt and pants, not those lady jackets and weird necklaces
First time I saw boy kpop idols was back in 2011 (Super Junior) when boys were a lot more masculine. I've fallen totally in love with them. After I found out ab Iluminatti I had a 3 years break of listening to music. When I came back to the new kpop I disliked the new style and music so much (maybe also bc I was not as used with music as before). However, when I got into ARMY, I just hated when they were wearing lipstick.. I still remember the feeling.. Now B*TS make up a lot less strident comparing to their past (dark eyeliner lol) and that's a relief to me.
May 24, 2018
Oh my first expression was that they're beautiful .. And since first impression is the last impression .. I still find them beautiful ...

But i always found some of their wardrobes and sexualizing them to be odd.. And honestly i didn't care because i thought it was their choice of clothes and dances.. But later i found out that it depends on the company.. All of it.. Even the dance moves.. So.. The concern started.. when they started reaching the newspapers and news channels around the world and people saying suga predicted all these..

So obviously he is no Nostra damus to predict .. Predictions mostly end up wrong.. But in this case the targets were achieved on point which i found fishy obviously .. So... That lead me here .
Nostradamus in the making lmao... sugar probably into some predictive programming. My cousin also said when she saw them they looked like girls and I was like maybe in denial idk how they looked to others maybe it’s all different...they can wear the harnesses if they want that’s their choice but yeah it’s concerning what it really represents and normalize to the young who watch it...
May 24, 2018
Guys I have an idea since I followed g0t7 and saw their mvs even before btz I was thinking of doing analysis also and you guys can compare it to what btz has done...Cuz I saw g0t7 mvs multiple times before and I’m more aware now so I don’t think I’ll be that affected. Tell me what you think. If I should do analysis and post here for some diversity to compare with btz otherwise I won’t do it...
Also thinking that jypee was involved in a cult scandal it would be interesting to see their group mvs...if it has the same and how severe it is and why btz blew up instead and not g0t7 if jypee was indeed involved in a cult.