BTS discussion thread


Jan 18, 2018
Okay, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. What else can you give info about BT$? Who is the most in danger? J1n sufferer from depression/sucidal? But he's so happy/joking? Is this about B*urn the St*age? Also JayK being weak soul please say more? J1min almost about to break (like in a dangerous way or mentally/physically break?) Y00ngi evil how? And how is he worse than R*m? What is BT$ cult? You said they were part of the biggest one...
Also, what do you think about their F*L performance? Any theories on their songs? Since you're here, might as well spill all the tea.... And give more concrete stuff. Thank you.

My apologies if you are telling the truth and really are in danger, but you're like cornering/shading another poster in this thread and that creates animosity... Why don't you address them directly and have a proper conversation so you can clear things up?

Also, you said:

Do you think/saw BT$$ do any of these in Dubai? Which specifically?

This thread may be unimportant to you, but not for very specific people. And it's not about what you write, but about yourself. What do you mean by this? Do the !lluminati read this or BT$? I honestly doubt it.

Why if you're capricorn? You're evil suddenly? I don't believe that. How about that code name you talked what does it mean?

Please answer concretely, as this helps with credibility like what you said about what cult you belonged to please answer concretely about BT$.
Also what about B!gH1t?

You call yourself Christians in public but how about privately how do you call your members? and how do you recognize each other ?

Also who is at the top 1%? Who is your leader? Who is part of your cult? Expose these if you really are in danger.

Also, please reconsider repenting. Never too late.
IKR! My husband is a Capricorn but also one of the best people I've ever met, he's SO selfless. He bought a house and took someone in from an abusive situation, he took out a mortgage to rescue someone else, I've never known anyone be so selfless as my husband is.


Jan 16, 2018
IKR! My husband is a Capricorn but also one of the best people I've ever met, he's SO selfless. He bought a house and took someone in from an abusive situation, he took out a mortgage to rescue someone else, I've never known anyone be so selfless as my husband is.

These kind of reports give me a spark of hope in mankind. So much wickedness in the world tends to drown out the good.


Feb 14, 2018
I saw this and thought I'd share. B+S snubbing Shawn perhaps? He seems frustrated.

They're probably too busy right now. They're not popular enough in that industry to be turning down collabs with relevant artists like him. He gets a lot of radio play. That question's probably becoming the centre of his interviews for his new album why he looks low key annoyed.

He also mentioned at the BBMA's that he was too busy and couldn't find the time either.


Jan 18, 2018
These kind of reports give me a spark of hope in mankind. So much wickedness in the world tends to drown out the good.
Thank you, he gives me hope too. Any good person does. There are wonderful people out there, we should remember that, people here are all lovely from what I've seen so far. There are bad people but there are such kind souls too.


May 20, 2018
A mess!

I'm glad you quoted that cos I didn't think to do so before it was deleted. Did the account self-destruct?

I don't know what to believe as far as B+S goes. Still not sure what the point is for coming here to expose things. Seems like they would create a thread of their own instead of coming into a thread about them (is this really the most popular??). Something's not right and whatever it is, I feel the mission/task/assignment whatever you want to tag it as, accomplished its goal.
Now more posters will probably be too afraid to post now or continue to delete previous posts.

OAN: Today sure is summer solstice! Makes me even more concerned for those kids in the detention centers here in the US. How convenient the day before the POTUS signed an executive order to reverse it.

Back on topic.. I cannot get that image of the Japanese girl who eerily resembles J!n out of my head. :( I ain't been right since, lol!
The kids at orphanage all around the world are treated as bad...
I can't watch those videos without getting tears and being depressed for a few days.. They hurt and punish kids like they're adults without thinking that they're fragile.. They have those punishments in camera .. But still no one out there to save them and remove the cruel people on top of them..

And that pic.. I tried to get it off from my mind too thinking that the nose was different .. But then i tried to watch some videos of the boys and i was creeped out to not help but feeling that the nose also matched when he smiled the same way as the girl was smiling :/


May 20, 2018
Ok you guys i screenshot everything idk if this will work (never done it before lmao XD) : (the first screenshoot was the end of the message so go from 10-1 to read it in the right order i'm sorry lmao XD)
I can only say that.. The children part is so painful for me to digest ... Why the innocent children .. Nothing makes me more weak than a child's screams and cries and i start getting the type of fitz and i feel like this should be the end...

Yes el1tes have been b4by eating.. For energy or immortality.. But then end they still die..
And how this person mentioned she is never satisfied .. Of course why would she be.. She knows you are mortal.. She wants to take the most amount of humans to hell with her... Why would she become satisfied .. Deception .. She makes her followers live a life of deception .. Don't get deceived pls...


May 20, 2018
And turning this thread into a "who is it?" with the accusations of certain members. It's too much! I say we carry on. They came and did their part, whatever that was supposed to be.

If no one here knows about big brother watching them by any means necessary, then they must really be living under a rock.
I got a vibe of k00ks line in FL here.. WHO ARE YOUUUU :D


Dec 23, 2017
You guys should watch this...

He even pointed out that Namjoon wore a similar ring to his which is the Masonic ring in fake love, the comment section is surprisingly
free from armys but just you watch as they band together to attack the poor guy when this spreads


May 20, 2018
You guys should watch this...

He even pointed out that Namjoon wore a similar ring to his which is the Masonic ring in fake love, the comment section is surprisingly
free from armys but just you watch as they band together to attack the poor guy when this spreads
I'm loving this video already.. I have only seen 2 minutes of it yet :D.. Now going to continue it..

I watched it all.. It's a great video..
And the thing about hiring kids at very young age.. I immediately thought about k00k ... And then j1m and V are only 2 years older than him.. They were all kids.. And way before debut they were alread backup dancers in the industry.. So yes they can easily push the agenda the company wants them to.. It's like a nornal thing for them now... Except if someone's conscience blames him for wrong doings
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